The raped girl then got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Cops matched Molina’s DNA to that of the infant, and that secured his conviction.
Having skipped his court dates, he became a fugitive, and now he’s out leading caravans these days, undoubtedly with women and children to head into the U.S. Putting him in with women and children anywhere is revolting in the extreme, but here he was, expecting to get away with it because it was the media-untouchable caravan. Some of caravaners he led may have valid asylum claims, but it’s a hard fact that he was running from his crimes and ready to file an asylum claim for free entry into the U.S.
Sound like the kind of people we should be letting in, for even two seconds? These are the very people whose sob stories the media lap up as they report on caravaners as merely asylum-seekers running from crime. Nobody ever mentions that some of them are the crime, other than angry Mexican residents who experience it firsthand and who are lashing out now. According to the open borders crowd, and according to our laws, it’s all good if a guy like Molina gets in, because, well, he has a “right” to file an asylum case, and if he sneaks in to do it, he has a “right” to stay here for the duration.
Good luck to all the little 12-year-olds in whatever vicinity he planned to wait out his asylum claim in.
Fortunately, the Honduran cops got him.
The whole sickening spectacle highlights that migrant caravans really are loaded with criminals, and if the leader is a criminal, criminals have a “safe space.”
U.S. Homeland Security surveillance identified about 600 criminals from the last caravan as the media pooh-poohed the reports, and those were the ones the U.S. knew about. The ones they didn’t know about are people who would have been let in, or else would have broken in (something that comes natural to criminals) and then been allowed to stay by legal default.
It defies belief to think there are no criminals in this group hell-bent on getting into the States by extra-legal means. And for every criminal, you can bet there were quite a few female enablers from that single-mom-with-kids community the press is so anxious to promote as the harmless face of the caravan.
Now the Mexican government is warning that the caravans have become magnets for criminals, because they’re now a money-making opportunity.
In a jaw-dropping news item utterly ignored by the mainstream press here, a top Mexican migration official told La Razón, a left-leaning Mexican newspaper, that criminals were coming to dominate the caravans now, with open borders activists agreeing.
Via Google Translate (which came out pretty good this time), La Razón reported:
The Undersecretary of Human Rights, Migration and Population of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), Alejandro Encinas, said he did not doubt that some organizations profit economically from migrant caravans, but also said that there are some criminal groups that want to get involved in the Exodus.
“I do not doubt it, and not only that (profit), there are some criminal groups that want to get involved unduly in these marches,” he said.
The official told La Razón that the Mexican government is following up on the new caravan that left early yesterday morning in Honduras. “Already left today (yesterday) in the early morning a contingent of slightly more than 500 people, right now (noon yesterday) amount to just over a thousand and we are monitoring,” he said.
In this regard, Jorge Andrade, founder of the migrant group You Are Us, said that what the official said “is an open secret”.
“What Alejandro Encinas says is an open secret, because these groups have been identified for seven years; Even the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) has conducted studies on migrant violence, “he said.
In an interview with this newspaper, the anthropologist also said that for organized crime the Central American migrant represents large amounts of money.
Somewhere, somehow, this truth has got to eventually get out. The press isn’t reporting it. But the fact remains: the caravan problem is becoming a criminal enterprise, and criminals, extremely violent ones, are among its leaders.
If that, and this arrest, is not a case for a wall, what is it going to take?
The optics for the latest caravan don’t get much worse than this: Honduran border police arrested a 26-year-old fugitive they said was leading it and hauled him off to prison to serve the 15-year term that came of his 2015 conviction.
Caravan leader Juan Carlos Molina’s crime? Raping a younger than 12-year-old, his own little cousin, sneaking into her home as she awaited her mother’s return from a late-working job with the door to her home ajar to let her back in, according to Honduras’s Diario La Tribuna (story in Spanish). If she had to leave the door open, it’s quite likely it’s because she had to go to sleep, meaning the rape was a bedroom invasion rape of a young girl, which is every girl’s (and woman’s) worst nightmare.
The raped girl then got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Cops matched Molina’s DNA to that of the infant, and that secured his conviction.
Having skipped his court dates, he became a fugitive, and now he’s out leading caravans these days, undoubtedly with women and children to head into the U.S. Putting him in with women and children anywhere is revolting in the extreme, but here he was, expecting to get away with it because it was the media-untouchable caravan. Some of caravaners he led may have valid asylum claims, but it’s a hard fact that he was running from his crimes and ready to file an asylum claim for free entry into the U.S.
Sound like the kind of people we should be letting in, for even two seconds? These are the very people whose sob stories the media lap up as they report on caravaners as merely asylum-seekers running from crime. Nobody ever mentions that some of them are the crime, other than angry Mexican residents who experience it firsthand and who are lashing out now. According to the open borders crowd, and according to our laws, it’s all good if a guy like Molina gets in, because, well, he has a “right” to file an asylum case, and if he sneaks in to do it, he has a “right” to stay here for the duration.
Good luck to all the little 12-year-olds in whatever vicinity he planned to wait out his asylum claim in.
Fortunately, the Honduran cops got him.
The whole sickening spectacle highlights that migrant caravans really are loaded with criminals, and if the leader is a criminal, criminals have a “safe space.”
U.S. Homeland Security surveillance identified about 600 criminals from the last caravan as the media pooh-poohed the reports, and those were the ones the U.S. knew about. The ones they didn’t know about are people who would have been let in, or else would have broken in (something that comes natural to criminals) and then been allowed to stay by legal default.
It defies belief to think there are no criminals in this group hell-bent on getting into the States by extra-legal means. And for every criminal, you can bet there were quite a few female enablers from that single-mom-with-kids community the press is so anxious to promote as the harmless face of the caravan.
Now the Mexican government is warning that the caravans have become magnets for criminals, because they’re now a money-making opportunity.
In a jaw-dropping news item utterly ignored by the mainstream press here, a top Mexican migration official told La Razón, a left-leaning Mexican newspaper, that criminals were coming to dominate the caravans now, with open borders activists agreeing.
Via Google Translate (which came out pretty good this time), La Razón reported:
The Undersecretary of Human Rights, Migration and Population of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), Alejandro Encinas, said he did not doubt that some organizations profit economically from migrant caravans, but also said that there are some criminal groups that want to get involved in the Exodus.
“I do not doubt it, and not only that (profit), there are some criminal groups that want to get involved unduly in these marches,” he said.
The official told La Razón that the Mexican government is following up on the new caravan that left early yesterday morning in Honduras. “Already left today (yesterday) in the early morning a contingent of slightly more than 500 people, right now (noon yesterday) amount to just over a thousand and we are monitoring,” he said.
In this regard, Jorge Andrade, founder of the migrant group You Are Us, said that what the official said “is an open secret”.
“What Alejandro Encinas says is an open secret, because these groups have been identified for seven years; Even the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) has conducted studies on migrant violence, “he said.
In an interview with this newspaper, the anthropologist also said that for organized crime the Central American migrant represents large amounts of money.
Somewhere, somehow, this truth has got to eventually get out. The press isn’t reporting it. But the fact remains: the caravan problem is becoming a criminal enterprise, and criminals, extremely violent ones, are among its leaders.
If that, and this arrest, is not a case for a wall, what is it going to take?