Results From This Grinnell College Poll Devastate Lie That Trumpers Are Racist

It doesn’t take much effort to find a leftist or a Democrat raging about President Donald Trump and his supporters all being racists. It doesn’t matter how much of a stretch it has to be. If Trump and his supporters can be painted as racist, it shall be done.

It’s a common accusation among the anti-Trump crowd, especially in light of the border wall fight that has ground some parts of the government to a stop. Apparently, it’s racist to want secure borders and improved national security.

Here’s the problem: There’s overwhelming data that suggests otherwise.

The latest bit of data that disproves that Trump supporters are racist comes from Grinell College.

A fascinating November poll conducted by the liberal arts college in Iowa showed that people who want improved immigration measures and security are hardly the racist stereotype being peddled by the left.

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As Alan Tonelson, an American Research Fellow at the U.S. Business and Industry Council Educational Foundation, astutely points out, a Grinell poll should hardly be accepted as the final verdict. But Tonelson also notes that allegations of racism against “immigration realists looks weaker than ever.”

To be fair, an immigration realist may not necessarily support Trump, as there are the rarest of Democrats who actually believe in border security. But Trump’s stunning 2016 election win was carried in no small part by massive promises of immigration reform and border security. Not every immigration realist may be a Trump supporter, but an overwhelming majority of Trump supporters are immigration realists.

Given that, the Grinnell College poll may not obliterate the narrative that Trump supporters are racist, but it certainly takes a mighty big hatchet to it.

Starting at page 80 of the poll, the raw data paints a telling picture.

Take, for example, the responses of Trump voters and Hillary Clinton voters when asked if they would like to see increased, decreased or the same amount of immigration from Mexico.

Eleven percent of Trump voters wanted an increase compared to 36 percent for Clinton voters. Comparatively, 40 percent of Trump voters and 8 percent of Clinton voters wanted a decrease. Forty-six percent of Trump voters compared to 54 percent of Clinton voters wanted Mexican immigration to remain the same.

Compare those numbers to how Trump and Clinton voters felt about immigrants from a predominantly white Europe. Thirteen percent of Trump voters want more European immigrants, 18 percent of them wanted fewer European immigrants and 64 percent wanted the same. Meanwhile, 23 percent of Clinton voters wanted an increase, 5 percent wanted a decrease and 66 percent wanted the same.

A glance at the numbers in regards to Africa paints a familiar picture. Ten percent of Trump supporters want an increase of African immigrants, 24 percent want a decrease and 60 percent want the same. Thirty-five percent of Clinton voters want an increase, 3 percent want a decrease and 58 percent want the same.

Those numbers generally carry across all regions and countries that are part of the poll. Overall, most Trump voters seem fine with the same amount of immigration, fewer of them want immigration decreases, and even fewer of them want immigration increases.

RELATED: Flashback: When the Wall at De Blasio’s Home Wasn’t Enough, He Built a Massive Fence Behind It

Color of skin and the region people hail from has nothing to do with it.

If Trump voters were motivated by racism, they would be in favor of higher immigration from white areas of the world and demanding cuts in immigration from other regions. The poll shows that’s not happening. What is happening is that Trump voters simply want less rampant immigration, or at the very least, want immigration to stay where it is.

Most of all — and Americans don’t need any polls to tell them this by now — Trump voters want immigration that’s operated in accordance with the rule of law.

That’s something Democrats spent the eight years of the Obama administration flouting, and the two years of the Trump administration actively fighting.

Leftists will likely find some way to twist that into allegations of racism, but the truth of the matter is that using immigrant acceptance as a proxy for racism is inherently absurd.

It’s possible to believe that all people, regardless of skin color or religion, are created equal and deserve to be treated as such, while still wanting improved border security and immigration reform.

Unfortunately, we’re dealing with facts and not feelings, so that will probably be lost on leftists.

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via Conservative Tribune

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BYU Buckles To Free ‘Taco Tuesday’ Criticism: ‘We Are Very Sorry’

White guilters were the leading critics.

Bigham Young University apologized and deleted an Instagram post that depicted two students dressed in sombreros and taco costumes amid cultural appropriation criticism.

The Melvin J. Ballard Center for Economic Self-Reliance at BYU removed an Instagram post of students dressed in Latin American attire and issued its “sincere apologies” on the website.

Two students in the original photo wore sombreros, dressed as tacos, and held flags from Bolivia, the United States, and Argentina to promote “Taco Tuesday.” The post advertised free tacos for students.

However, comments deemed the display to be “insensitive” to Latin American culture.

BYU’s Ballard Center deleted the photo and posted an apology stating “earlier today, the Ballard Center shared a social media post that was insensitive. We are very sorry and regret creating the post. Thank you to all who have taken the time to reach out. Your comments highlight the compassion you have for others. We appreciate your insights, feedback, and the learning opportunity.”

“They don’t eat tacos in Argentina or Bolivia,” one Twitter user said. “Hispanic/Latino cultures aren’t interchangeable. Y’all should know better than to be this insensitive and dumb.”

Another comment read “I hope Ballard Center and BYU will examine their actions and issue an apology for being culturally insensitive”, and after it was deleted, more remarks were made such as “thank you for taking accountability and apologizing.”

Despite some students and other individuals deeming the incident insensitive, there were others who thought it was “funny” and did not see it as offensive.

On these threads, there were also people from several Latin American countries who commented that they were not offended by the actions of the students. BYU alumnus Elias Flores, a Mexican, said that it was not “demeaning or threatening in any way.”

“In the words of Brigham Young, the person from which our beloved university gets [its name], ‘He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool,’” a BYU student who asked to remain anonymous told Campus Reform.

The student believes that no offense was intended and that the photo was a fun, lighthearted way to celebrate Taco Tuesday. The student added that BYU respects all people and cultures, and stands firmly against discrimination, but this is not one of those cases.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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Men Don’t like Being Told Manliness Is a Malady. WashPost Doesn’t Get Why

Here’s an outside-the-box — not to say crazy (are you allowed to say crazy anymore?) — suggestion for the gang at the American Psychology Association: If you’re going to issue what Washington Post columnist Monica Hess calls an “an indictment … of rigid, traditional masculinity,” you might want to talk to some “traditional” men first.

That way, you won’t be blindsided when some folks think your research belongs under the scientific classification of “crap.”

The APA’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Men and Boys says that men have all kinds of problems at rates women don’t have. Why? “One cause,” Hess explains, is “‘Traditional masculinity’ itself — the term refers to a Western concept of manliness that relies — and sometimes over-relies — on stoicism, dominance, aggression and competitiveness.”

“Traditional masculinity?” That’s kinda general. You want to lay suicide and bad grades on men behaving like men, as men have behaved for thousands or tens of thousands of years? Might get some pushback there …

But, according to Hess, former APA president Ronald Levant is “shocked” that the Guidelines have drawn criticism. Hess also cites Matt Englar-Carlson, director of something called the Center for Boys and Men at California State University at Fullerton. Englar-Carlson worked on the Guidelines too, and he’s mystified that people think the point is “that men were bad, or even that many forms of masculinity were.” He tells Hess:

“The guidelines are about, how do we help men live healthier lives?” he says. “How do we help men live lives that aren’t trapped in straitjackets of gender expectations?”

Well, try not saying things like “straitjackets of gender expectations.” It’ll likely put off any man with more testosterone than PajamaBoy.

Englar-Carlson tells Hess he’s being accused of “not liking” traditional men. His answer is “I do like them! That’s why I don’t want them to suffer!” But it seems a lot of old fashioned guys don’t feel like parsing the APA Guidelines to figure out which part of our personalities need to be medicated or chatted away.

Silly men. There’s nothing really controversial about the APA’s assertions, but Hess deigns to explain what the mouth-breathers are on about:

What’s difficult about the APA’s guidelines is that they ask us to wrestle with a complicated idea: that in a society in which gender roles have historically been rigid — and that rigidity has placed the lion’s share of power in the hands of one of the genders — it’s possible for the rulers to be harmed right along with the ruled. But that’s what bad systems do. They mess up everyone.

Rulers and the ruled. Hess thinks social organization and the relationship between the sexes is a zero-sum power game. And if you’ve spent your time at Bryn Mawr and the Washington Post, who could blame you? (One recent Hess column was titled, I swear, “Take your sons to see the new Ruth Bader Ginsburg movie — to show them how a powerful man can be a partner.”) Heck, she doesn’t even write for a serious part of the paper (stop laughing!). Her piece on the Guidelines appears in the Post’s “Style” section, which is obviously hurting for content these days without Michelle Obama’s arms around to worship.

But like the APA guys, Hess might want to get out and meet an actual traditional male. It seems she had a grandfather who was a “soldier, then a bait-shop owner, then a garbage collector,” and in her telling an admirable bad*ass who never complained. But the only living, breathing guys she mentions she encountered at a “men’s rights activist conference.” They “had flown to a Detroit suburb to talk about how they felt men were under attack. Worse, they said, nobody was paying attention to their suffering.”

So that’s a representative sample right there.

“These able-bodied straight white men were, as a group, the most privileged class in America — the Founding Fathers demographic — but they were convinced they were oppressed.” They also were “desperate, begging, for someone to pay attention and find a solution.”

They don’t sound very “stoic” or “dominant” or even “competitive.” Quite the opposite. It’s not that they don’t have a point. Think about the reaction to the APA Guidelines: Single mothers raising sons is one of the biggest contributors to violence and lawlessness in huge swaths of society, but we’re not allowed to stigmatize out-of-wedlock birth or suggest boys need fathers. Meanwhile the elites eschew the religion that has traditionally tempered and helped tame masculinity, while they celebrate homosexuality and the other 31derful flavors of sexuality popular this week.

But griping about the world and feeling sorry for yourself isn’t on anyone’s list of prototypical male characteristics. So here’s a question: does Hess include these whiners because she’s confused about actual traditional male traits, or does she mean to equate them with everyone who’s not ready to roll over and allow the APA to classify 5,000 years of civilizational order as a malady? Probably both.

As for that cool old grandfather of hers, Hess says she “wanted everyone in the world to be like my grandfather. But I also wanted everyone to know they have the option not to be.” Mission accomplished. She loves him, but she shows that she’s incapable of understanding him: “[O]ur family stories centered on him being a good provider and a good man. But … I couldn’t remember anyone asking my grandfather how he felt about that.”


via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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For Shame! Atlantic Council to Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Khomeiniist Regime in Washington DC With Iranian FM Javad Zarif

For Shame! Atlantic Council to Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Khomeiniist Regime in Washington DC With Iranian FM Javad Zarif

Jim Hoft
by Jim Hoft
January 14, 2019

Guest post by human rights activist Banafsheh Zand

Javad Zarif has come to be one of the most recognizable faces of the Khomeiniist regime. His swagger exhibits his aspiration to high office. Having also lived abroad for several decades, Zarif is regarded by many Westerners, as a more sensible and worldlier personage; he certainly comes across as more relatable to Westerners, than the musty old Mullahs and their IRGC goons. Over the years, Zarif has mingled in major international settings and has made plenty of power contacts, many of whom have eventually become collaborators.

Zarif’s veneer however is reserved only for allies such as John Kerry and Frederica Mogherini to name a couple. A majority of Iranians actually regard him as an ambitious ‘captain’ of the regime that has peddled big lies, the world over and threatened one and all, in order to stay in power. The mantra of the Kerrys and Mogherinis is, for all intents and purposes, forget what the Iranian people want and allow the Khomeinist regime to run rampant around the globe, because “America…or any other outside force for that matter does not do regime change very well.” As if the Iranian people asked the international jet-set politicos who make huge messes in their wake in their own countries, to get involved.  Iranians have stood up to this regime decade after decade, making it crystal clear through relentless and courageous protests, that they want nothing more than to be (and can be) the architects of a progressive Iran.

Like everything else, Tehran’s overall approach to leaders of other countries, international bodies, etc. has been either one extreme or another; if the charm offensive does not have the desired effect, throw a tantrum and adopt the intimidator stance. These days with the ever escalating and relentless demonstrations against a regime that has run its course, Zarif is not hesitating to threaten and intimidate; he either meddles in other countries or accuse their leaders. Slowly however, he and the rest of Tehran’s chain of command, are being called out by world leaders who finally recognize their behavior as unconcerned with international laws and the sovereignty of nations around the world.

To illustrate, last week, while in India he told the NDTV reporter: “I think it would be impossible to have a future Afghanistan without any role for the Taliban…”

The day after his interveiw, Waheed Omer, Afghanistan’s ambassador to Italy tweeted: “Our Iranian friends; we may or may not bring in Taliban. But thank you for your advice. To reciprocate, the neighborly goodwill, I call on you to share power with the Mujaheddin Khalq and NCRI, release Karobi and Musavi and make peace with Saudi. Because we believe it is good for you.”

Zarif’s comment is quite consistent with the agenda of a regime that clearly backed the Soviet-installed regime in Afghanistan. Iran under the Khomeinist regime was the only Muslim country to allow them to have an embassy in their capital. The Khomeinist regime’s authorities, and certainly Zarif being no exception, have always relied on – and have never been disappointed by – ir international amnesia.

Then on Friday, Secretary Pompeo announced that on February 13th and 14th, an international summit to promote stability and freedom in the Middle East, focusing on Iran’s regional influence, will take place in Poland.

In a matter of hours, Tehran had conveyed its protest message to the Polish Chargé d’Affaires, Wojciech Unolt, calling Poland’s willingness to host the event as a “hostile move”.  Zarif then followed the accusation with a tweet that partly read: “Poland Govt can’t wash the shame: while Iran saved Poles in WWII, it now hosts desperate anti-Iran circus.”

This time, Zarif was confronted by Iranians who deftly took him to task, for taking credit for the mandates of the Pahlavi dynasty’s Shahs, the very same kings whom he and his masters overthrew and claimed as “spreading corruption on earth.”

Zarif, who has been invited to join the Atlantic Council’s bizarre February 12th event that commemorates the 40th anniversary of the tyrannical regime, via Skype, is facing other serious problems inside Iran, as one of his advisors (who is also a member of the Islamic Parliament) is exposed for raping and then intimidating girl into suicide, to keep it all covered up.

Finally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland issued a response to Zarif’s office on Sunday, January 13th that read: “In our view, the international community has the right to discuss various regional and global issues and Poland – to co-organize a conference, whose goal is to develop a platform for actions promoting stability and prosperity in the Middle East region.

We now live in a world where a regime which indiscriminately imprisons, tortures and executes its own citizens, takes any foreigner who’s unlucky enough to somehow cross its path hostage, invades, terrorizes, manipulates and brazenly meddles in other countries (around the world), dares to lecture world leaders on how to conduct themselves.


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EYEROLL: Now Gillette Razors Are Talking About ‘Toxic Masculinity’

As if we needed another thing in our lives to be politicized, now men can’t even get a cheap razor without being told their gender sucks and they’re to blame for other men’s actions.
In a new commercial for Procter & Gamble’s Gillette razor brand, images of men are shown as audio from news clips about the “#MeToo movement” and “toxic masculinity” can be heard.
A narrator asks: “Is this the best a man can get?”

via Daily Wire

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Flashback: Never Forget – Democrats BOOED American Victims of Illegal Immigrant Criminals (Video)

As the government shutdown for border security continues…
Never Forget–

Democrats booed the American victims of illegal alien criminals.

President Trump invited Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas to his 2018 State of the Union Address. They are the parents of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas, two girls and close friends who were chased down and brutally murdered by MS-13.

In January 2018 when President Trump honored the parents of Kayla and Nisa and the victims of illegal immigrant violence, the Democrats groaned and booed.

This was a shocking display – even for today’s Democrats.

Just awful.

Via Michelle Malkin:

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LAURA LOOMER and Illegal Aliens From Mexico Storm Pelosi’s Yard – Set Up Sanctuary Camp (LIVE STREAM VIDEO)

Laura Loomer and ‘Illegal Alien’ Actors Storm Pelosi’s Yard – Set Up Sanctuary Camp (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila
by Cristina Laila
January 14, 2019

Welcome to Casa de Nancy!

Laura Loomer and ‘illegal alien’ actors showed up to Nancy Pelosi’s lawn and set up a sanctuary camp on Monday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants open borders so certainly she will welcome the new squatters!

This is hilarious.

Loomer and gang set up a canopy on Pelosi’s lawn with the word “Immorality” emblazoned in red letters.

Pelosi regularly says walls are ‘immoral’ when arguing against President Trump’s proposals for stronger border security which includes a wall.

The government shutdown has entered week three, the longest in US history because Schumer and Pelosi refuse to compromise on border wall funding.

Loomer and her friends were chanting “Everyone is welcome here!”

VIDEO via Unite America First:


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