HAMMER: BLOWN OPPORTUNITY: Justice Kavanaugh Is Quickly Becoming An Ally To The Left On The Court

Well, Justice Brett Kavanaugh has done it once again.

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court’s junior-most justice, the lifelong inside-the-Beltway D.C. swamp creature who Daniel Horowitz once perfectly described as “Karl Rove in a robe,” sided with the Court’s four liberals in an egregious endorsement of a dubious antitrust legal theory that eschews traditional judicial norms and prostrates the Court before the ever-zealous plaintiff’s bar. Some overeager anti-Silicon Valley “conservatives” seem to be praising Kavanaugh for “taking on” Big Tech, but the reality is that there is nothing even remotely conservative about unduly expanding the inherently flawed corpus of antitrust law so as to incentivize unhinged litigiousness and enrich plaintiff’s attorneys. And, as Justice Neil Gorsuch’s excellent dissent carefully notes, it is even more non-conservative to incentivize that litigiousness by means of undermining rudimentary legal theories of “proximate causation” that every first-year law student is taught.

This is hardly the first time that Kavanaugh has disappointed the Right since joining the nation’s highest court. Indeed, since joining the Court, the jurist who wrote the legal roadmap to save Obamacare has consistently lived up to his milquetoast establishment Republican pedigree. In February, he joined the Court’s liberals and the new swing vote, Chief Justice John Roberts, to summarily reverse the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in a procedurally arcane death penalty case that should never have come close to receiving expeditious summary reversal treatment. The normally reliable conservative triumvirate of Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito dissented.

Indeed, Kavanaugh has fairly consistently joined the liberal bloc on death penalty-related cases: In March, Kavanaugh joined the liberals in staying an execution of a Buddhist man in Texas — a stay that Justice Alito today eviscerated as “seriously wrong.” Perhaps even more troublingly, Kavanaugh in December joined Roberts and the liberals to deny the Court from hearing contentious appeals about various state governments defunding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest prenatal infanticide mill, from Medicaid programs — denials regarding which Justice Thomas acerbically mused: “What explains the court’s refusal to do its job here? I suspect it has something to do with the fact that some respondents in these cases are named ‘Planned Parenthood.'” Finally, Kavanaugh has even flexed his moderate, non-conservative “bona fides” when it comes to less hot-button, more strictly procedural issues: In February, he once again joined Roberts and the liberals, over a Thomas/Gorsuch/Alito dissent, to hold that lawyers may not disregard their clients’ instructions to file appeals even in instances wherein the clients had voluntarily waived their right to appeal in their plea agreements.

To be sure, Kavanaugh’s warming up to the D.C. legal swamp has already paid him social capital dividends. Yesterday, leftist Adam Liptak of The New York Times had a tendentious juxtaposition piece wherein he amusingly compared Kavanaugh’s “more cautious and workmanlike” demeanor to fellow Trump nominee Gorsuch’s “impatient” dismissiveness with respect to the Court’s oral advocates. And a USA Today profile last month went so far as to characterize Kavanaugh as swing vote Roberts’ “wingman.”

The reality is that we are not looking right now at a 5-4 “conservative” majority on the Court. Instead, we are looking at three (usually) solid conservatives, four liberals who usually vote in lockstep with one another to further the progressive project of incrementally unmooring the nation from its constitutional strictures, and two vaguely right-of-center swing votes who seem to care a lot about the Court’s “institutional integrity” and public optics. It is not a 5-4 Court, but a 4-3-2 Court.

So what gives?

Many conservatives, including Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, were publicly skeptical of Kavanaugh during the brief nomination sweepstakes last summer that followed Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. Ben and others were absolutely right to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination, at that time. There were a myriad of better options, including but hardly limited to the publicly considered alternatives of Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). I am a longtime member of the Federalist Society and a close follower of the “legal conservative” movement, and it is unclear to me, to this day, whether Brett Kavanaugh has ever identified — or will ever identify — as a constitutional originalist. A principled constitutionalist Brett “country club Republican” Kavanaugh is not.

The reality is that, for a host of reasons, conservatives will likely never win the “long game” on winning back the judiciary. Conservatives are structurally disadvantaged for reasons having to do with variegated reasons of intellectual modesty vis-à-vis the originalist project itself, the one-way ratchet that is the anti-republican travesty known as judicial supremacy, rigged rules of standing for activist leftist interest groups, conservative judicial capture via the “Greenhouse Effect,” leftist lower court judges willfully defying Supreme Court precedent whilst conservative lower court judges view themselves as bound, and the blunt reality that the faux-intellectual ruse of leftist “living constitutionalism” views itself as inherently outcome-oriented in a way that originalism simply is not.

Conservatives should recalibrate and focus more intellectual and policy attention not on the monolithic “confirm judges!” legislative agenda cartel, but upon encouraging efforts by the two political branches to openly push back upon and resist our runaway, self-aggrandizing black-robed masters. To the extent they continue to focus on judicial nominations — and Supreme Court nominations, in particular — I have identified three broad criteria for which we ought to carefully vet prospective nominees: (1) full-spectrum conservatism, (2) stiff resistance to the “Greenhouse Effect,” and (3) eagerness to aggressively correct course. I laid out the argument here in late February.

Hopefully, conservatives correct course and do so soon. Because the very last thing we need is more Brett Kavanaughs.

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Report: Amazon Rolls Out Box Packing Robots to Replace Workers

According to a recently published report, tech giant Amazon has unveiled new machines to automate a job that employs thousands — boxing up Amazon orders.

A new report from Reuters alleges that Amazon has begun including new technology in a number of warehouses in recent years. These new robots scan goods along a conveyor belt and moments later places and seals these goods in a box, ready to ship to an Amazon customer. Amazon is reportedly considering installing these systems at dozens of warehouses, removing at least 24 jobs at each warehouse.

Reuters reports that these warehouses usually employ up to 2,000 people, with the implementation of this new system Amazon could cut as many as 1,300 jobs across 55 U.S. fulfillment centers. The system reportedly costs around $1 million and has added operational expenses, but this cost could be recouped within two years of installing the system. Amazon is reportedly pushing to reduce labor and boost profits at its firm via automation of many warehouse tasks.

Reuters reports:

Amazon is famous for its drive to automate as many parts of its business as possible, whether pricing goods or transporting items in its warehouses. But the company is in a precarious position as it considers replacing jobs that have won it subsidies and public goodwill.

“We are piloting this new technology with the goal of increasing safety, speeding up delivery times and adding efficiency across our network,” an Amazon spokeswoman said in a statement. “We expect the efficiency savings will be re-invested in new services for customers, where new jobs will continue to be created.”

Amazon last month downplayed its automation efforts to press visiting its Baltimore fulfillment center, saying a fully robotic future was far off. Its employee base has grown to become one of the largest in the United States, as the company opened new warehouses and raised wages to attract staff in a tight labor market.

A key to its goal of a leaner workforce is attrition, one of the sources said. Rather than lay off workers, the person said, the world’s largest online retailer will one day refrain from refilling packing roles. Those have high turnover because boxing multiple orders per minute over 10 hours is taxing work. At the same time, employees that stay with the company can be trained to take up more technical roles.

The new machines, known as the CartonWrap from Italian firm CMC Srl, pack much faster than humans. They crank out 600 to 700 boxes per hour, or four to five times the rate of a human packer, the sources said. The machines require one person to load customer orders, another to stock cardboard and glue and a technician to fix jams on occasion.

While Amazon seeks to remove workers from its warehouses, it is reportedly attempting to incentivize contracted delivery drivers to quit their jobs and work at Amazon full time. Amazon is reportedly promising to help part-time delivery drivers start their own business delivering Amazon packages if they choose to work with the firm on a full-time basis. This new offer is being rolled out as the firm attempts to speed up its shipping service to Prime customers, hoping to introduce one-day shipping.

Amazon promises to cover up to $10,000 in startup costs for employees that are accepted into its new program and promise to start an Amazon delivery service; Amazon is also offering these employees three months worth of their salary up front. This offer has been made available to both part-time and full-time Amazon employees including the warehouse workers who may soon become obsolete with the introduction of Amazon’s new packing system.

This program is part of Amazon’s plans to bring more deliveries in-house rather than relying on delivery services such as UPS and the US Post Office. Contractors that participate in this new program can lease vans from Amazon with blue Amazon branding displayed across them. 200 Amazon delivery businesses have reportedly been created since the program launched last June according to Amazon’s vice president of global delivery services, John Felton.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com

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Viktor Orban Promotes Protection of World’s Christians in Trump Meeting

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban offered a preview of his meeting with President Donald Trump as the two sat together at the White House Monday, including the protection of Christians around the world.

“We are proud that so many Hungarians contributed to the tremendous progress of United States,” said Orban, who expressed that he was very happy to be back at the White House. He said he was there for the first time 20 years ago. 

Orban added that he had some expectations for meetings with President Trump over the course of the afternoon:

First of all to strengthen our strategic alliance, then to discuss global political issues because so many changes are going on and we have some similar approaches. And I would like to express that we are proud to stand together with United States on fighting against illegal migration, on terrorism, and to protect and help the Christian communities all around the world.

Trump responded with praise for Orban’s work to protect Christian communitie: “You have put a block up and we appreciate that very much.” Earlier in his remarks, the president said that the two would be discussing NATO, trade, and other subjects. He added that they would be meeting with representatives of Hungary after their bilateral meeting.

President Trump later added that Orban is a respected ma as the two addressed reporters ahead of their meeting.

“From the people, by the people, for the people,” Orban said in regards to the aim of the Hungarian people.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook

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World War II Veteran Dies on ‘Honor Flight’ Return from D.C. Trip

Frank Manchel, 95, passed suddenly on his flight home from an all-expenses-paid trip for veterans to the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

Surrounded by fellow patriots and accompanied by his son, Manchel was happy and laughing in the last moments of his life. “It was almost instantaneous,” said Dave Smith, founder of Honor Flight San Diego. “He was laughing, chatting, having a good time — and then he collapsed.” His son is a physician, and he and another on board attempted to revive Manchel with no success.

“My father’s passing was the ending to the most amazing weekend, surrounded by his newest best friends,” Dr. Bruce Manchel said in a statement on Monday. “We thank all of you — Honor Flight San Diego, American Airlines, San Diego International Airport, friends, and supporters for your concern and for allowing the weekend to be so special for all of us to share together.”

San Diego Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman, daughter of another veteran on board, led the entire plane in a chorus of “God Bless America” in remembrance. Frank Manchel was shrouded in an American flag, and his fellow heroes saluted him as they disembarked.

Manchel is the seventh veteran to have died on the trips provided by the Honor Flight organization. “We know this is a potential situation,” said Smith. “We want to honor these veterans, but this is one of our worst fears that this might happen. We do everything we can to make sure these veterans are safe.”

Zimmerman had nothing but praise for Manchel and the way he was treated. “He was 100 percent engaged, proud, humble — as these veterans are,” she said. “You could just tell how proud they all were of him. It was just wonderful, a loving, loving family.”

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Viktor Orban Praises President Trump in White House: We Stand Together to Fight Illegal Immigration, Terrorism and to Protect Christians (VIDEO)

Outspoken Hungarian President Viktor Orban met with US President Donald Trump on Monday in the White House.

Orban is an outspoken critic of the Islamization of Europe and uncontrolled illegal immigration.
Because of his highly successful policies and defense of the West Orban is universally hated by the global leftist establishment.

In 2015 Hungary erected a border fence. By October officials said no migrants had breached the fence Hungary built on its border with Croatia on the first day of operation.
hungary fence dog
The fence includes razor wire to deter migrants from entering.

No migrants have breached the fence since the border was closed.

During the month of September 2015 there was a total number of 138,396 migrant entries, and by the first two weeks of November the average daily number of intercepted migrants decreased to only 15, which is a daily reduction of more than 4,500. (Rendorseg)

President Trump wants to build a wall on the US southern border but Democrats and Republican lawmakers won’t let him. They support the uncontrolled stream of illegals flooding into the United States each month.

Viktor Orban praised President Trump during the meeting saying, “I would like to express that we are proud to stand together with the United States on fighting against illegal migration, on terrorism, and to protect and help the Christian communities all around the world.”

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Democrats Flip the Health Care Script: If You Like Your Plan, You Can’t Keep It

The House is putting to a vote this week a bill that would threaten the health coverage of 1.5 million people.

H.R. 987 would overturn a Trump administration regulatory-relief policy, while wastefully allocating new taxpayer money to programs proven to fail.

The bill would block the Trump administration’s relief efforts that help consumers access “short-term, limited-duration” insurance.

While these
plans were unnecessarily restricted by the Obama administration, the Trump administration
has eased regulations to make incremental progress toward expanded affordable
health coverage choices.

The House
bill would reverse this progress, capping duration of the plans at 90 days, and
stripping consumers of the right to renew their coverage.

The Congressional Budget Office finds the bill would result in 1.5 million people going without the insurance coverage they chose and estimates that one-third of those would remain uninsured. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office found that the bill would only negligibly affect premiums for Affordable Care Act-compliant insurance (a 1% reduction in premiums).

The bill
would allocate an additional $100 million annually for outreach and educational
activities in healthcare.gov states. The premise: More people would enroll in
exchange-based insurance if they were better informed.

That theory
is belied by the fact that enrollment has been falling in exchange-based plans
since 2016, despite efforts by governments at all levels to boost sales. One
state alone (California) spent $110 million last year in such efforts, only to
see enrollment fall by 5 percent.

Affordable Care Act-mandated policies can be an unattractive product at an unattractive price. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually won’t induce consumers to sign up for coverage.

Moreover, it’s
not clear why the federal government, which already pays tens of millions of
dollars annually to insurance companies to subsidize the cost of their product,
should also take on the burden of marketing those products on behalf of
well-heeled private corporations.

The bill
would also increase funding for health care “navigators,” government-funded
organizations designed to help consumers muddle their way through the Affordable
Care Act maze.

This program has consistently fallen short of expectations. One grantee, for example, received $200,000 in federal money, only to sign up a total of exactly one person. Nationally, the $62.5 million the government spent on navigators resulted in 81,426 signups, accounting for just 0.7% of enrollees.

The Trump administration reduced navigator funding in light of this poor performance. The administration also notes that with the Affordable Care Act about to enter its sixth open season, public awareness of the availability of coverage is high, and the need for one-on-one counseling is both unnecessary and duplicative of what private brokers and agents do.

In spite of
this, the House bill would increase funding for the program.

But that’s not all: The bill also would give states $200 million to create their own exchanges, if they have not already done so. This limited-time offer, expiring in 2023, would only give a state its piece of the money for the first two years its exchange is in place.   

After that “free trial” period, states would be back in the same position they are now—making it unclear why the federal government would spend this money, since most states have long since made up their minds on whether to establish exchanges and are free to do so at any time.

It appears to be a solution in search of a problem.

Last week, House Democrats voted to undercut innovation that’s led to lower premiums and higher enrollment, while protecting people with pre-existing conditions. And about half of House Democrats are signed onto a bill that outlaws all private coverage options, in order to put everyone on a government-run plan.

Instead of undermining access to health coverage options—and superfluously spending taxpayer money on ineffective programs—Congress should focus on increasing access to a broad range of health carechoices and lowering costs for consumers.

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Report: FBI Finds Child Remains, ‘Obstacle Course’ at Suspected Jihad Camp in Alabama

The FBI reportedly discovered a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” and the remains of a child on a plot of land in Alabama that Sinclair media described this weekend as an “abandoned dump” owned by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, who was arrested for establishing a similar site in New Mexico.

Law enforcement agents arrested Wahhaj two sisters, and several others in August after searching the New Mexico compound, where they found three-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj dead and evidence of a plot to stage jihadist attacks in the area. In March, authorities charged Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, believed to own the compound; sisters Hujrah and Subhanah Wahhaj; Jany Leveille; and Lucas Morton with conspiracy to provide material support for terrorist attacks. A judge dropped charges against some in the group in the case of the younger Wahhaj’s death for child abuse in August.

Authorities believe the adults in the New Mexico compound were training children to commit terrorist attacks and tried to “exorcise” Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj to cure his hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, a severe neurological condition requiring advanced medical treatment.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and his two sisters are the children of prominent Brooklyn imam Siraj Wahhaj. Authorities believe 9 of the 11 children found in the New Mexico compound are the imam’s grandchildren.

Sinclair Media revealed Friday that Siraj Ibh Wahhaj owned a property near Tuskegee, Alabama, found to contain what an FBI search warrant described as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” and a dead child “believed to belong to Wahhaj,” prompting a child kidnapping charge following the dismissal of the child abuse charges in the New Mexico case. Police reportedly believe the terrorist training camp was designed for children’s use, not the adults in the compound.

Local news station WPMI visited the compound in early May, broadcasting footage of the scene that showed gas masks, children’s toys, and makeshift shacks built and tossed around the area. Before Sinclair’s report this weekend, police had apparently not yet revealed discovering child remains at the site, but the FBI’s search warrant provided significant detail on the area, describing it as “surrounded with hundreds of vehicle tires, assorted trash,” and adding that “both structures have wooden pallets with clear plastic tarps draped over them.”

The WMPI team reported:

Neighbors tell us they saw agents in white forensic suits walking the property last year. And while we saw lots of tires there, they were not stacked up acting as a wall, as we saw with their compound in New Mexico. It’s unclear if the FBI had dismantled a tire wall to search the property. We also did not see any evidence of target practice, as was discovered in New Mexico. But again, we were there after the FBI conducted its search.

We did see evidence small children lived at the Alabama compound. There were lots of old toys, dolls, and a girl’s bike. There was furniture inside the makeshift structure. A dresser and dining table all piled up, outside there were mattresses stacked up against it. And we noted a minivan with Georgia tags on-site. We know from an accident report there were at least nine people, seven of them children with Wahhaj at the Alabama compound.

The group was also reportedly trying to use solar power to create a home that did not rely on electricity from the federal power grid, making it easier to find:

NBC 15 reported this month that, in the process of investigating the Alabama compound, police found that they had stopped Wahhaj and his late son in Alabama three days after the child’s mother reported him missing in Georgia and eight months before the raid on the New Mexico compound. Wahhaj had reportedly told police he was going to New Mexico for a camping trip with his son. Police found five guns, a bulletproof vest, and several other items in the car but let Wahhaj go, according to a report of the incident.

The legal drama in New Mexico unfolded in August as the five suspects demanded the government drop charges against them for terrorism and child abuse. Authorities revealed at the time that Jany Leveille described herself as Wahhaj’s “Muslim wife,” while Lucas Morten was identified as the husband of sister Subhannah Wahhaj. Leveille is not the mother of Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, identified as Georgia resident Hakima Ramzi.

Prosecutors accused the group of suffering from “dangerous delusions” and planning to attack a hospital in Georgia because they considered it “corrupt.” They also claimed the group trained children in firearms use to prepare them to attack schools. In August, a New Mexico judge dismissed child abuse charges against Subhannah Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, and Lucas Morten because prosecutors failed to follow procedure and bring them to a preliminary hearing within ten days. Siraj Wahhaj and Jany Leveille still face those charges.

Imam Wahhaj denied any links to the group in August, claiming that his children disengaged from him and that, once alerted to the state of their compound, alerted police and helped them find it.

“To me there is something obviously happening, some mental disorder to me this doesn’t seem like them,” he said at the time.

The elder Wahhaj was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and served as a character witness in the case of “the Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, believed to have plotted the attack.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.

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President Trump SLAMS Radical Democrat Rashida Tlaib Over Her Outrageous Holocaust Remarks

Democrat darling Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told the podcast “Skullduggery” that when she thinks of the Holocaust she gets a calming feeling knowing her ancestors helped create a safe haven for Jews.

Rashida Tlaib: “There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports. And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.”

During World War II the ‘Palestinian’ Grand Mufti met with Adolf Hitler and allied himself with the Nazis.

So the ‘Palestinian’ Muslim leader at the time was supporting the elimination of Jews — this is just the opposite as Rashida Tlaib sees it.

It should be clear by now that between Tlaib and fellow Democrat Ilhan Omar the Democrat Party is no longer the party that supports Jews or Israel.

On Monday President Trump blasted the controversial Democrat over her disgusting comments.

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Democrats don’t realize most Americans want visa overstays deported

We could talk all day about illegal aliens coming into the country over the Mexican border (and we frequently do), but as we’ve discussed here before, that’s not the largest source of illegals in the United States. Larger numbers arrive here legally, at least initially, using various types of visas for students, tourists or seasonal workers. But when the Visas expire, they fail to leave and disappear into the interior. Oddly, that’s not the illegal immigrant population that draws the most public attention, but that doesn’t mean that voters don’t want the situation to be dealt with. Our Townhall colleague Timothy Meads reports on a new survey showing that Americans would like these visa overstays deported also.

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll finds that 62% of Likely US Voters want the United States government to deport individuals who overstay their visas and most believe the United States is too lenient on these issues.

According to the poll, which took place on April 30-May 1, 2019 via telephone and online survey of 1,000 US Likely Voters, found that “just 21% disagree, while 17% are not sure” with the idea that vias overstayers should be deported.

The same poll also found that, “51% say the government is not aggressive enough in finding those who have overstayed their visas and sending them home.”

This is yet more evidence of how badly most Democrats have overplayed their hands when it comes to illegal immigration and how out of step they are with the majority of voters. They do manage to get some traction when they talk about the challenges faced by “immigrants” (without getting specific) and focusing on the dreamers, but as soon as the conversation drifts away from that one small subset of illegal aliens, voters tune them out.

The wording of this poll is fairly straightforward also, leaving little room to fudge on the issue. They want the people overstaying their visas deported and they don’t think the government is “aggressive” enough in deporting them. Those numbers have to be music in Donald Trump’s ears.

Still, Democrats in blue states continue to swerve much further to the left. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is backing a new bill currently making its way through the legislature that would allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers licenses. But a Siena poll that was taken in March showed that 61% of New Yorkers are opposed to the plan. That’s not just conservatives, either. 45% of Democrats registered their opposition, along with a staggering 71% of independents. And remember… we’re talking about New York here, not Alabama or Mississippi.

Going into the next election cycle, the GOP needs to pick this ball up and run with it rather than being afraid to confront it. If they want to cut a deal for the Dreamers, sure… keep that on the table. But it’s clear that the Democrats have veered way too far to the left on issues of deportation, enforcement and special privileges for illegal aliens. And the left is vulnerable on this subject.

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