Media’s Covington Obsessives Skip Disturbing Video of Muslim Kids Reading Death Poetry

Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire did a little Internet searching to reveal the differing "news judgment" on Catholic kids vs. Muslim kids. He tweeted on Saturday: "CNN wrote 23 articles on Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann…CNN has *not* reported on the kids in Philadelphia who were allegedly singing about chopping people’s heads off." But it’s not just CNN. Almost everyone skipped Muslim girls reading hate poetry.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Donald Trump Revives National Program to Exclude Illegals from Jobs

President Donald Trump’s administration has quietly reactivated a computer check that warns employers when their new employees are likely to be illegal immigrants.

Democrats, however, are protesting the new push to protect American families from illegal immigrants in the nation’s job market.

The so-called “no-match” letter warns employers that their employees’ claimed Social Security Numbers are suspect — and so allows the employers to minimize their legal risks by quietly firing the employees who do not have a right to work. The program was stopped by President Barack Obama mainly because it was so effective at warning employers.

“It is a very good thing,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. She continued:

Our government knows the name, address, and place of employment of millions of illegal workers … These jobs should be for Americans and legal workers … the market would bring wages up to $15 an hour for more workers if we didn’t have so much illegal employment.

The policy should also identify the Social Security Numbers that have been stolen by illegals from Americans, she said. The government, she said:

knows that millions of Americans have had their identity stolen by these workers … They know the scale of Social Security Number misuse is massive — but they certainly don’t want to have to deal with the millions of irate Americans who have to resolve misuse of their SSN.

Many — but not all — employers will cooperate and fire the illegals, she predicted. “A lot of employers want to do the right thing, and they have been duped by false documents, and they want to get into compliance with the law.” However, the new policy will not deter the many employers who pay their illegal immigrants under the table, she said.

But pro-migration Democrats are denouncing Trump’s pro-employee reform. On May 2, a group of more than 40 Democrats touted likely flaws in the wage-boosting process. In a letter to the Social Security Administration, they wrote:

We are writing to strongly oppose the directive to impose Employer Correction Request Notices also referred [to] as “No-Match Letters.” This action will cause numerous problems by diverting resources away from frontline workers whose primary mission is administering benefits. Additionally, this rule can result in increased discrimination and abuses against U.S. workers, particularly women.

The estimated cost of roughly $1.3 million would be better spent delivering government benefits to people and hiring more government workers, said the letter.

The Hill reported:

“This is one more tool in their arsenal, I think, to drive the community into the shadows of society, to create more anti-immigrant sentiment in the country and just to create fear and instability in communities with large immigrant populations,” said Rep. Jesús García (D-Ill.), the lead signatory of the Democratic letter.

Garcia’s mention of the “community” likely includes the population of illegal immigrants in his Chicago district and the districts of other cosigners of the letter. The other cosigners include Somali immigrant Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Indian immigrant Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), who represents a Los Angeles district that is almost entirely Latino and likely includes many illegals.

The Democrats’ top leadership did not sign the letter.

The letter was also endorsed by a large group of pro-migration groups, including the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the NAACP, the Service Employees International Union, and the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. Immigration lawyers also objected to the American protection program:

Each year, roughly four million young Americans join the workforce after graduating from high school or university.

But the federal government then imports about 1.1 million legal immigrants and refreshes a resident population of roughly 1.5 million white-collar visa workers — including approximately 1 million H-1B workers — and approximately 500,000 blue-collar visa workers. The government also prints out more than 1 million work permits for foreigners and rarely punishes companies for employing the population of at least 8 million illegal migrants who sneak across the border or overstay their legal visas.

This policy of inflating the labor supply boosts economic growth for investors because it ensures that employers do not have to compete for American workers by offering higher wages and better working conditions.

This policy of flooding the market with cheap foreign white-collar graduates and blue-collar labor shifts enormous wealth from young employees towards older investors even as it also widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, and hurts children’s schools and college educations. It also pushes Americans away from high-tech careers and sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with fentanyl addictions. The labor policy also moves business investment from the heartland to the coasts, explodes rents,  shrivels real estate values in the Midwest, and rewards investors for creating low-tech, labor-intensive workplaces.

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Censoring Conservative Media: The Unreliable Poynter Institute

Fox News headlined the story this way: “Poynter forced to scrap ‘unreliable news’ list targeting conservative outlets after outcry.” That would be “Poynter” as in the “Poynter Institute”, which self-describes this way, bold print supplied for emphasis: “Mission & Vision. The Poynter Institute has grown from a storefront in sunny St. Petersburg, Florida, to the world’s most influential school for journalists. Poynter is an instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens…

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PRAGER: Why Most Jews Aren’t Bothered By The Times’ Anti-Semitic Cartoon

Last week, The New York Times published a cartoon so anti-Semitic that Bret Stephens wrote in his Times column that it was “an image that, in another age, might have been published in the pages of Der Sturmer.” Der Sturmer was the Nazis’ major anti-Semitic newspaper.

A Times columnist charging the Times with publishing a Nazi-like cartoon is quite a moment in American publishing history.

For those who haven’t seen the cartoon, here is Stephens’ description:

“The Jew in the form of a dog. The small but wily Jew leading the dumb and trusting American. The hated Trump being Judaized with a skullcap. The nominal servant acting as the true master. The cartoon checked so many anti-Semitic boxes that the only thing missing was a dollar sign.”

The dog leading Trump had the face of Benjamin Netanyahu and was wearing a Star of David necklace. Trump was wearing a back yarmulke.

For those naifs and Israel-haters who dismiss such depictions as merely “anti-Zionist” or “anti-Israel” but not anti-Semitic, the yarmulke on Trump’s head should be the giveaway, as should the theme itself — the Jew leading the Gentile astray, one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards.

Of course, the cartoon is not just about Israel or Jews. It is about Trump, whom the left so hates. It depicts him as the stooge of both Vladimir Putin and Netanyahu. There is no truth to either depiction, but if truth mattered to the left, there would be no left. Truth is a liberal value, and it is a conservative value, but it is not a leftist value. Truth to the left is pravda. Pravda, the Russian word for “truth,” was also the name of the Soviet Communist Party newspaper.

So, the question is: Why would The New York Times, published in the city where more Jews live than any other city in the world outside of Israel, whose publisher is a Jew and whose editors are disproportionately Jewish, publish a Nazi-like anti-Semitic cartoon?

Here is Stephens’ answer:

“For some Times readers — or, as often, former readers — the answer is clear: The Times has a longstanding Jewish problem, dating back to World War II, when it mostly buried news about the Holocaust, and continuing into the present day in the form of intensely adversarial coverage of Israel. The criticism goes double when it comes to the editorial pages, whose overall approach toward the Jewish state tends to range, with some notable exceptions, from tut-tutting disappointment to thunderous condemnation.

“For these readers, the cartoon would have come like the slip of the tongue that reveals the deeper institutional prejudice. What was long suspected is, at last, revealed.”

Stephens continues:

“How have even the most blatant expressions of anti-Semitism become almost undetectable to editors who think it’s part of their job to stand up to bigotry?

“The reason is the almost torrential criticism of Israel and the mainstreaming of anti-Zionism, including by this paper, which has become so common that people have been desensitized to its inherent bigotry. So long as anti-Semitic arguments or images are framed, however speciously, as commentary about Israel, there will be a tendency to view them as a form of political opinion, not ethnic prejudice. But as I noted in a Sunday Review essay in February, anti-Zionism is all but indistinguishable from anti-Semitism in practice and often in intent, however much progressives try to deny this.”

Exactly right. As I wrote in “Why the Jews? The Reason for Anti-Semitism” 40 years before Stephens wrote his column, there is no difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Of course, one can criticize Israel, just as one can criticize any country, but that is not anti-Zionism. Anti-Zionism is not criticism of Israel. It is a hatred of Israel — a hatred greater than that of any other country and a delegitimization of Zionism, the movement to reestablish the Jewish national home. Imagine someone who argued that the establishment of the Italian state — Italy — was illegitimate and who hated Italy more than any other country in the world yet claimed that he was in no way anti-Italian, as he had Italian friends and loved Italian culture. No one would believe such an absurdity.

Why aren’t most American Jews troubled by the Times’ cartoon? Why were all American Jews horrified by the anti-Semitic shootings at the California synagogue this past weekend, while most barely had their feathers ruffled by the anti-Semitic cartoon in one of the most influential media in America?

The answer is most American Jews, while ethnically Jewish, are ethically leftist. And ethics trump ethnicity — as they should. For most American Jews, therefore, the Times is far more consonant with their ethical values than are Jewish values (if, by Jewish values, we are talking about the Torah and traditional Jewish religious/moral teachings). So, then, when you combine hatred of the right-wing prime minister of Israel and reverence for the left-wing Times, even a Nazi-like cartoon — if it negatively depicts Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump and is published in The New York Times — is no big deal.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in April 2018, is “The Rational Bible,” a commentary on the book of Exodus. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

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‘Unbelievably Disgraceful’: Lefty Activist Lectures Anti-Maduro Venezuelan About Why He Shouldn’t Want Trump’s Help

Perfect. Code Pink is outside the embassy lecturing Venezuelans that the actual bad guys are the people supporting them trying to remove the illegitimate brutal dictator that has starved, robbed, murdered, and imprisoned them. — (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) May 4, 2019 These folks have no shame. Anything for the revolution. Via Twitchy: As the crisis […]

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Muslim American Society Statement on Anti-Israel ‘Chop Their Heads’ Off Video by Muslim Children in Philadelphia: Songs Not “Properly Vetted”

The Muslim American Society issued a statement late Friday on controversial videos from an April 17 Ummah Day celebration posted to Facebook by the MAS Philadelphia chapter that feature children in Palestinian scarves singing and reciting poetry in Arabic that calls for liberating Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa mosque from the “Zionists” and chopping their heads off. Video clips with English translations were released this week by the Investigative Project and MEMRI. MAS says the songs were not “properly vetted” and that the children are “remorseful”–but then attacks Israel and blames white supremacists and neo-Nazis for the current “era” of hate and violence.

Full statement by MAS.

MAS Statement on Philadelphia Video

(Washington, D.C.) May 3rd, 2019 – The Muslim American Society rejects a statement made at an event held in April at a local community center in Philadelphia. The center celebrated “Ummah Day” where children sang songs from their cultural traditions. While we celebrate the coming together of different cultures and languages, not all songs were properly vetted. This was an unintended mistake and an oversight in which the center and the students are remorseful. MAS will conduct an internal investigation to ensure this does not occur again.

As a faith-based organization dedicated to moving people to strive for God-consciousness and a just and virtuous society, we affirm our long standing position on our shared values of humanity. We stand resolutely in our condemnation of hate, bigotry, Islamophobia, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism and all the illnesses of hate that plague our society.

While there are legitimate criticisms of the occupation of Palestine and we must hold the Israeli government accountable for the human rights violations of Palestinians, we urge all people to do so in a constructive manner.

In an era where hate has been emboldened by continuous acts of violence by white supremacists and neo-Nazis, it is our responsibility to combat that hate with education and community building. MAS is a national organization with many autonomous chapters. MAS is dedicated to continuous community engagement and education that will bring us closer to a more just and virtuous society.

The mission of the Muslim American Society is to move people to strive for God consciousness, liberty, and justice, and to convey Islam with utmost clarity. We organize, advocate and build leadership in community to build a just and equitable world.

TGP report from Friday in the videos:

Video released Friday by the non-partisan research group MEMRI, which translated the Arabic into English, taken from a Facebook posting by the Muslim American Society Philadelphia chapter last month shows a group of Muslim children in Palestinian scarves performing at a Ummah Day celebration where they sang a pro-Palestine and recited a poem calling for the liberation of Jerusalem and its Al Aqsa mosque that says “We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque… We will subject them to eternal torture.”

(UPDATE: A different video clip mentions “Zionists”) Jerusalem is Israel’s capital, so the heads they would be chopping off would belong to Jews.

Screen images with translations. In one image, children in the back row are seen lifting Korans high over their heads during the song.

MEMRI’s description of the video with translation:

On April 22, 2019, the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS Philly) uploaded a video of an “Ummah Day” celebration to its Facebook page in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang: “Glorious steeds call us and lead us [to] the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us… Take us, oh ships… until we reach our shores and crush the treacherous ones… Flow, oh rivers of martyrs!” A young girl read a poem praising martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Palestine, and she asked: “Will [Jerusalem] be a hotbed for cowards?” Another young girl read: “We will defend [Palestine] with our bodies… We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque… We will subject them to eternal torture.”

MAS Philly belongs to the Muslim American Society (MAS), which has 42 chapters in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. MAS’ website says that its mission is to “move people to strive for God-consciousness, liberty and justice, and to convey Islam with utmost clarity,” and that its vision is “a virtuous and just American society.”

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Study Finds Christians Are the Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World

Commentary Culture

Study Finds Christians Are the Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World

Sri Lanka ChurchStringer / Getty ImagesIn this file photo, Sri Lankan officials inspect St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo, north of Colombo, after multiple explosions targeting churches and hotels across Sri Lanka on April 21, 2019, in Negombo, Sri Lanka. (Stringer / Getty Images)

When you think of the most persecuted religious group in the world, you might think of Muslims or Jews. And you’d be wrong: It’s Christians.

The media may not be willing to talk about it, but that can’t erase a British report that found persecution of Christians is “at near genocide levels.”

“The review, led by the Bishop of Truro the Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen, estimated that one in three people suffer from religious persecution,” according to the BBC.

“Christians were the most persecuted religious group,” the report found.

“[Foreign Secretary Jeremy] Hunt said he felt that ‘political correctness’ had played a part in the issue not being confronted.”

TRENDING: Watch Joe Biden’s Innocuous Comment About Dick Cheney That Has Triggered the Left

The idea that Christians are being persecuted is indeed a difficult one for the media to comprehend. The party line is that Christians are the dominant group in Western society and that there’s no way they could possibly be oppressed.

And yet, they are — particularly outside of Western culture, in places like the Middle East.

“The interim report said the main impact of ‘genocidal acts against Christians is exodus’ and that Christianity faced being ‘wiped out’ from parts of the Middle East,” Mounstephen said.”

According to the BBC, Christianity “‘is at risk of disappearing’ in some parts of the world,” with the report “pointing to figures which claimed Christians in Palestine represent less than 1.5 percent of the population, while in Iraq they had fallen from 1.5 million before 2003 to less than 120,000.”

Do you think governments should be doing more to stop the persecution of Christians?

100% (1 Votes)

0% (0 Votes)

“Evidence shows not only the geographic spread of anti-Christian persecution, but also its increasing severity.”

Now, does this minimize the persecution felt by members of other religions? Of course not. However, the BBC’s study makes it clear that the leftist narrative that Christians aren’t persecuted is absolutely rubbish.

In fact, according to the U.K. Guardian, “The level and nature of persecution is arguably coming close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the U.N.”

And you know what’s really responsible for all of this borderline genocide, according to the the Guardian? The current world order and/or other Christians.

Commentator Andrew Brown notes that the conservative government in the United Kingdom “has done almost nothing to support Christians abroad. It did not offer asylum to Asia Bibi, the Pakistani woman convicted under that country’s monstrous blasphemy law. It has sucked up to Saudi Arabia, a country where public Christianity is illegal, Christian migrant workers are treated abominably and where the corpses of executed criminals are still crucified.”

RELATED: Knife Registration: After UK Successfully Implemented Gun Control, Now They’re Targeting Knives

And then Brown strays into profoundly controversial criticism, connecting the faith of British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt with what the author feels are the worst excesses of modern Christianity: “In England today, Christianity is associated with extremes of both nationalism and with internationalism: bishops and archbishops preach and pray about foreign aid and the persecuted church, but self-identified Anglicans have much more rightwing views.”

Well, thanks for that rant, but that literally has nothing to do with the persecution of Christians abroad; apparently he feels better about himself and he doesn’t have to look at the persecution of Christians abroad in such an awful light given the fact that “Christianity is associated with extremes of both nationalism and with internationalism.”

In other words, even as a report found that persecution of Christians was at an alarming level, it still found a way to blame Christians. Again, what a shocker.

If you don’t think that Christian persecution is real, this report should be an eye-opener.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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Florida Legislature Trashes Sanctuary Cities with Brilliant New Ban

Commentary Politics

Florida Legislature Trashes Sanctuary Cities with Brilliant New Ban

Ron DeSantis surrounded by legislators clappingSteve Cannon / APIn this file photo, Gov. Ron DeSantis, center, is applauded by Senate president Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, left, House speaker Jose Oliva R-Miami Lakes, center right, and Lt Gov. Jeanette Nunez, far right, at the end of session Saturday May 4, 2019, in Tallahassee, Fla. (Steve Cannon / AP)

If you’re a city executive in Florida and you want to start a sanctuary city, the state government has got some bad news for you.

On Thursday, both houses of the state legislature passed a bill that banned sanctuary cities from the Sunshine State, according to the Washington Examiner.

The bill, which passed the state House 68-45 and the Senate 22-18, now lands on the desk of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has promised to put a quick stop to any potential sanctuary cities.

The legislation forces “state entities, local governmental entities, and law enforcement agencies to use best efforts to support the enforcement of federal immigration law.”

The legislation also prohibits “restrictions by the entities and agencies on taking certain actions with respect to information regarding a person’s immigration status.”

TRENDING: Watch Joe Biden’s Innocuous Comment About Dick Cheney That Has Triggered the Left

Furthermore, the bill authorizes “a law enforcement agency to transport an alien unlawfully present in the United States under certain circumstances.”

“I thank the Florida Legislature for presenting me with a bill that upholds the rule of law and addresses sanctuary cities and counties in Florida,” DeSantis said in a tweet.

“We are a stronger state when we protect our residents, foster safe communities and respect the work of law enforcement.”

Do you think sanctuary cities in other states should be banned?

0% (0 Votes)

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During the 2018 gubernatorial campaign, DeSantis promised to outlaw sanctuary cities and locales in the state.

“If there’s a local official and it falls in the category where the governor can do this, any official engaging in that sanctuary behavior, I will remove them from their position if I’m allowed to,” DeSantis said.

RELATED: Americans Hand Pro-Sanctuary Dems Big Defeat: Support Sending Illegals to Sanctuary Cities

This is unsurprisingly problematic to the opposition party:

“Our state was once a place that welcomed immigrants looking for a better future. Under #SB168, Florida would become the Republicans’ deportation and family separation machine,” the Florida Democrats tweeted.

Unmentioned in that tweet? Those immigrants are here illegally. They’re only in the country because they’ve broken the law.

This apparently is something that nobody on the left wants to discuss. Even the mere act of putting the word “illegal” before “immigrant” is somehow an act of bigotry.

And yet, that’s what these individuals are: They are people who have immigrated here illegally. There’s no way to wallpaper over this fact.

They cannot be made legal citizens merely through progressive etymology; that’s not how it works.

Furthermore, creating cities where they won’t get deported if they get in legal trouble also doesn’t make these individuals legal residents, nor does it make them any less dangerous.

We don’t need sanctuary cities, period. It’s time that states took a stand against them. We applaud Gov. DeSantis for taking the necessary steps to enforce immigration law in Florida.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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Chickin’ Lickin Democrat Threatens to Use Sergeant at Arms to Drag AG Bill Barr in to Testify before Liberal Attorneys

The last time we saw Cohen he brought a snack lunch of KFC into to munch on during the Democrat presser.
He was hungry.

That was Thursday.

On Friday Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) threatened to use the sergeant at arms to drag Attorney General Bill Barr in to testify before a liberal panel.

Democrats voted last week to use attorneys and staffers to interrogate Bill Barr in the House Judiciary Committee.
Th Attorney General declined.

Now they are threatening to drag him in by force. reported:

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” House Judiciary Committee member Steve Cohen (D-TN) stated that if Attorney General William Barr doesn’t comply with the committee’s subpoenas, the committee has “no other alternative” but to use the sergeant at arms to bring Barr to the House.

Cohen said, “I hope it would be inherent contempt. Because in inherent contempt, we’d go out, take him, and bring him in, and have him personally brought to the House.”

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