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Conservatives welcome. Libs & RINOs go away. It's all of you destroying the society and conservatives must no longer appease you!
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Graham posted his call to Facebook, asking for Americans to respond to his post:
President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.
This is a critical time for America. We’re on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President.
We know that God hears and answers prayer. He can soften hearts and change minds. He is all-powerful, and He rules over the affairs of nations. The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:2–3).
Graham is asking all pastors to lead their congregations on June 2 in praying for the president, and that Sunday schools and other groups would also join in the special day of prayer. The Christian leader also asks that “individuals and families across the country would have a special focus on praying for the President that day.”
“Would you let me know in the comments below if you commit to pray with us?” Graham asked. “And will you share this on your social media platforms so that we can have as many people as possible praying?”
via Breitbart News
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A Utah judge has been suspended for six months without pay by that state’s supreme court for intemperate comments about Trump online and even from the bench. Utah judges are appointees based on “merit,” so there will be no electoral consequences, but such a drastic rebuke to a person in a position dependent on high regard from the public is potentially devastating. personally and professionally.
This incident seems to be an example of the human tragedies that result from the media-fed obsession with demonizing President Trump that has gripped so many Americans.
What is remarkable and tragic in this incident of TDS is that a judge – a person who entrusted with great powers on the premise of an ability to remain detached and impartial in official duties – has betrayed himself and his responsibilities. Judge Michael Kwan of Taylorsville, UT seems to have been driven by TDS to disregard these issues.
Dennis Romboy of the Deseret News reports:
During an exchange with a defendant during a January 2017 hearing, [Kwan launched into a commentary about Trump’s immigration and tax policies. Apparently behind in his fine payments, the defendant told Kwan he would pay after he received his tax refund.
Kwan questioned whether the defendant would get any money back.
“I pray and cross my fingers,” the man said.
Kwan replied, “OK. Prayer might be the answer. ‘Cause he just signed an order to start building the wall and he has no money to do that, and so if you think you are going to get taxes back this year, uh-yeah, maybe, maybe not. But don’t worry, there is a tax cut for the wealthy so if you make over $500,000 you’re getting a tax cut. You’re right there, right? Pretty close? All right, so do you have a plan? Other than just get the tax cut and pay it off?”
There is absolutely no professional reason for such comments from the bench. Could anyone who supports President Trump feel secure if facing a proceeding in Judge Kwan’s courtroom?
The expression “sober as a judge” reflects the notion that judges must not allow themselves even the minor vices that the rest of us are permitted, in order to remain clear-headed and in control at all times, not just on the bench.
In 2016 and early 2017, Kwan repeatedly posted comments and shared articles on Facebook and LinkedIn about Trump.
“With respect to Donald Trump, Judge Kwan’s postings were laden with blunt, and sometimes indelicate, criticism,” Pearce wrote.
Kwan posted a Washington Post article titled, “Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice,” in July 2016. Above the article’s headline, he added, “Checkmate.”
In November 2016, three days after the presidential election, “Judge Kwan remarked, ‘Think I’ll go to the shelter to adopt a cat before the President-Elect grabs them all …,” the court’s opinion states.
On the day Trump was inaugurated in January 2017, Kwan posted, “Welcome to governing. Will you dig your heels in and spend the next four years undermining our country’s reputation and standing in the world? … Will you continue to demonstrate your inability to govern and political incompetence?”
In February 2017, Kwan wrote, “Welcome to the beginning of the fascist takeover,” and “We need to … be diligent in questioning Congressional Republicans if they are going to be the American Reichstag and refuse to stand up for the Constitution, refuse to uphold their oath of office and enable the tyrants to consolidate their power.”
How is it possible that a respected, veteran jurist – Judge Kwan has 21 years on the bench – go so far over the edge and disgrace his years of service?
I blame the media that constantly fan the flames of hatred and resentment of those members of the public that were surprised and disappointed that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost an election. With such continual support from the media, in many social circles, voicing disgust and anger at President Trump has become a signal of solidarity with their friends, who – let’s be frank here – regard themselves as intellectually and morally superior to the unwashed masses who inflicted Trump upon them.
They do not see how self-destructive this is. That is why TDS is derangement. Deranged people lose their normal amities to perceive reality and reason from it.
It is a tragedy, I maintain, one that victimizes not only Trump and his supporters (as objects of hate) but the TDS sufferers themselves, who are ed toward self-destructive behavior.
A Utah judge has been suspended for six months without pay by that state’s supreme court for intemperate comments about Trump online and even from the bench. Utah judges are appointees based on “merit,” so there will be no electoral consequences, but such a drastic rebuke to a person in a position dependent on high regard from the public is potentially devastating. personally and professionally.
This incident seems to be an example of the human tragedies that result from the media-fed obsession with demonizing President Trump that has gripped so many Americans.
Judge Michael Kwan
Photo courtesy of the Utah Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission
What is remarkable and tragic in this incident of TDS is that a judge – a person who entrusted with great powers on the premise of an ability to remain detached and impartial in official duties – has betrayed himself and his responsibilities. Judge Michael Kwan of Taylorsville, UT seems to have been driven by TDS to disregard these issues.
Dennis Romboy of the Deseret News reports:
During an exchange with a defendant during a January 2017 hearing, [Kwan launched into a commentary about Trump’s immigration and tax policies. Apparently behind in his fine payments, the defendant told Kwan he would pay after he received his tax refund.
Kwan questioned whether the defendant would get any money back.
“I pray and cross my fingers,” the man said.
Kwan replied, “OK. Prayer might be the answer. ‘Cause he just signed an order to start building the wall and he has no money to do that, and so if you think you are going to get taxes back this year, uh-yeah, maybe, maybe not. But don’t worry, there is a tax cut for the wealthy so if you make over $500,000 you’re getting a tax cut. You’re right there, right? Pretty close? All right, so do you have a plan? Other than just get the tax cut and pay it off?”
There is absolutely no professional reason for such comments from the bench. Could anyone who supports President Trump feel secure if facing a proceeding in Judge Kwan’s courtroom?
The expression “sober as a judge” reflects the notion that judges must not allow themselves even the minor vices that the rest of us are permitted, in order to remain clear-headed and in control at all times, not just on the bench.
In 2016 and early 2017, Kwan repeatedly posted comments and shared articles on Facebook and LinkedIn about Trump.
“With respect to Donald Trump, Judge Kwan’s postings were laden with blunt, and sometimes indelicate, criticism,” Pearce wrote.
Kwan posted a Washington Post article titled, “Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice,” in July 2016. Above the article’s headline, he added, “Checkmate.”
In November 2016, three days after the presidential election, “Judge Kwan remarked, ‘Think I’ll go to the shelter to adopt a cat before the President-Elect grabs them all …,” the court’s opinion states.
On the day Trump was inaugurated in January 2017, Kwan posted, “Welcome to governing. Will you dig your heels in and spend the next four years undermining our country’s reputation and standing in the world? … Will you continue to demonstrate your inability to govern and political incompetence?”
In February 2017, Kwan wrote, “Welcome to the beginning of the fascist takeover,” and “We need to … be diligent in questioning Congressional Republicans if they are going to be the American Reichstag and refuse to stand up for the Constitution, refuse to uphold their oath of office and enable the tyrants to consolidate their power.”
How is it possible that a respected, veteran jurist – Judge Kwan has 21 years on the bench – go so far over the edge and disgrace his years of service?
I blame the media that constantly fan the flames of hatred and resentment of those members of the public that were surprised and disappointed that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost an election. With such continual support from the media, in many social circles, voicing disgust and anger at President Trump has become a signal of solidarity with their friends, who – let’s be frank here – regard themselves as intellectually and morally superior to the unwashed masses who inflicted Trump upon them.
They do not see how self-destructive this is. That is why TDS is derangement. Deranged people lose their normal amities to perceive reality and reason from it.
It is a tragedy, I maintain, one that victimizes not only Trump and his supporters (as objects of hate) but the TDS sufferers themselves, who are ed toward self-destructive behavior.
via American Thinker Blog
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The intolerant left’s war on Christianity and the hugely popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A has run into headwinds after a spate of efforts to ban the eatery from airports.
Chick-fil-A has been targeted by boycotts and smear campaigns by LGBT activist groups and local politicians who have recently escalated their battle against the chain by falsely accusing the corporation of being intolerant in order to justify their own intolerance with the bans.
Their efforts have led to both San Antonio International and Buffalo Niagara International airports capitulating to the mob and in doing so, dictating to travelers what they are allowed to eat, once again showing that “diversity” has become an excuse for authoritarianism.
Chick-fil-A loses two airport deals in less than two weeks https://t.co/GXt1Mbn4Ed
— CNBC (@CNBC) April 2, 2019
Fanatics on the left have experienced great success on college campuses in banning the chain and are now actively engaged kicking it out of airports before expanding their efforts to malls and cities which is inevitable.
Make no mistake, the cultural jihad against Chick-fil-A is rooted in a much larger attack on traditional American values when it comes to the freedom of religion and if the bad guys have any say about it, Christians will one day be deprived of their freedom to worship as they are in classic totalitarian and communist nations including China which serves as a role model for the growing wave of social shaming and censorship.
But the attacks on Chick-fil-A have may have now backfired.
On Friday, the Department of Transportation which includes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it was launching an investigation into the airport bans over what is clearly religious discrimination.
The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating two airports — San Antonio International and Buffalo Niagara International — for religious discrimination after the kicked Chick-fil-A from the premiseshttps://t.co/Bnl3Jqo7oC
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 25, 2019
Via Fox News:
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating two airports — San Antonio International and Buffalo Niagara International — over religious discrimination complaints, following the exclusion of Chick-fil-a from the premises, Fox News confirmed on Friday.
“The Department of Transportation has received complaints alleging discrimination by two airport operators against a private company due to the expression of the owner’s religious beliefs,” the agency said in a statement provided to Fox News.
According to the agency, federally funded airports cannot discriminate on the basis of religion. “The FAA notes that federal requirements prohibit airport operators from excluding persons on the basis of religious creed from participating in airport activities that receive or benefit from FAA grant funding,” it said.
The popular chain has been ensconced atop the left’s massive hate list ever since they determined that it was a threat to gay marriage and the promotion of the larger agenda of forcibly imposing their ideology on all who disagree with them by smearing them as bigots and engaging in organized bullying campaigns.
Despite giving back to communities by supporting a number of charitable causes, Chick-fil-A continues to be demonized by extremists including House Democrats who last year made a big show of banning the “ideological food” from their traditional pre-Thanksgiving meal last year.
The pushback from the Trump administration is great news and is long overdue. Americans who value their constitutional freedoms including the right to freedom from discrimination based on their religious beliefs should pay close attention to the results of the investigation.
What would really be justice is if the probe expands into where the funding for the war on Chick-fil-A is coming from, these organized campaigns of what can only be described as economic terrorism have become far too commonplace in the nation since the election of President Trump and one would suspect that certain far-left billionaires are involved.
via Downtrend.com
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Outspoken Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Washington chapter of the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Saturday, May 25th. Yes, Memorial Day weekend. Despite the rain that persisted into the evening, a group of pro Trump patriots organized a protest out front of the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, just across the street from Microsoft headquarters, across a lake from Seattle. Their protest was countered by a small group of low energy, burned out hippies, who were mostly all white, screaming “RACIST” and all of the other usual rhetoric at the pro Trump side, which featured several Jews, blacks, Asians, young and old, straight and gay.
The event was titled “Un-Apologetically US: Building MUSLIM POWER For 2020 & Beyond”
Can you imagine the liberal heads exploding if Trump supporters put on an event called “Building White Christian Power For 2020”?
Portland based journalist Andy Ngo took the trip northward to cover the dueling protests.
Protesters demonstrate against Ilhan Omar in Seattle. pic.twitter.com/kASiEVICyD
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) May 26, 2019
One of the Patriots describes himself as a queer Jew, and was somehow called a nazi by the Ilhan Omar supporters, while a Jewish woman who had escaped Communism explains why she’s standing up to Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism.
Queer Jewish man says he was called a “Nazi” by pro-Ilhan Omar protesters: pic.twitter.com/r0OtQPHlLr
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) May 26, 2019
An Asian patriot says he’s there to defend America and that he won’t back down.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, the supporters of Ilhan Omar’s hateful, anti American rhetoric were not very appreciative of non pre approved media covering their side of the protest.
Pro-Ilhan Omar socialist counter-protesters repeat chant against neo-Nazis. One of them started blocking me with her sign after she found out I wasn’t with a pre-approved media outlet. pic.twitter.com/JnZasSuPDe
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) May 26, 2019
Radio show host Jason Rantz was also on hand and captured these nuggets:
Ilhan Omar supporters escorted out. I think it’s over but I said that 20 minutes ago. pic.twitter.com/Vc4Psrms0W
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) May 26, 2019
Pro Ilhan folks are chanting. https://t.co/IgppfqHrya pic.twitter.com/ex1E0L2LIl
— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) May 26, 2019
Meanwhile, inside the event, Omar spoke to the hijab clad crowd. Only certain media was allowed in. Pictures by Washington CAIR chapter:
Here is video of the Muslim crowd’s reception for the anti-American lawmaker.
The post Hundreds of Patriots Protest Ilhan Omar at CAIR Fundraiser In Bellevue, Washington (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
via The Gateway Pundit
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Similarly, every American owes a debt of gratitude to the generations of warriors who preserved our nation’s freedom against the evils of Colonialism, Imperialism, Nazism, and Socialism/Communism. If Americans expect to maintain that freedom, we must match our gratitude with a commitment to defeat the threats that, today, could turn our Republic and our freedom into a memory. These types of threats are referred to as “existential” — they hold at risk the very existence of America as we know it.
Today’s “existential threats” are embodied in the “Red-Green Axis” and the methods by which those adversaries are currently working to bring an end to America. The Red-Green Axis is an ideological and political combination of Marxism-Leninism and Sharia. The “Red” part of this Axis consists of threats ranging from the Socialist and Communist states of Russia and China to the Socialist movement in the United States, part of which is firmly entrenched in American society and even within the American government.
The “Green” part of the Axis includes the Global Jihad Movement, a diverse array of Sharia supremacists who don’t necessarily align with each other but are united in their hatred of the principles of liberty by which America was founded. This movement ranges from the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Islamic State (ISIS) — and the hundreds of jihadi organizations worldwide — to the most effective and dangerous wellspring from which all these organizations emerge: the Muslim Brotherhood.
Americans are relatively familiar with the violent “terrorism” taking place globally at the hands of Islamic jihadis, including the genocidal persecution of Christians, non-Muslims, and non-Sharia-adherent Muslims. Unfortunately, most Americans are completely blind to the aggressive and effective “Civilization Jihad” being executed here at home by the Muslim Brotherhood.
While the Axis is working to fundamentally transform America, there is no faster way to end our sovereignty and snuff out the bright shining light of freedom than by “turning off the lights” through a successful attack on our most critical national infrastructure: the electric grid. Numerous government-sponsored and independent studies over nearly two decades confirm that a widespread nationwide blackout lasting a year or more would result in the loss of 90 percent of our population.
The fastest and most effective method to take down America’s electric grid is through employing a nuclear weapon in a high-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. All our enemies know this and are working very hard to exploit the nation’s critical vulnerability to EMP. In fact, there are powerful members of the Red-Green Axis directly collaborating on everything from weapons development to the leasing of American ports of entry to seize key terrain necessary to both threaten our nuclear deterrent and smuggle nuclear-capable ballistic missiles into the United States.
Fortunately, the Trump administration is working tirelessly to counter all these threats. But this is not enough. For our nation to weather the storm of the Red-Green Axis, everyone must wake up to these threats and commit to defeating them. The first and most urgent step is to take away our enemies’ opportunity for a “kill shot.”
If we fail, we risk a future where American freedom itself becomes a memory. We must Secure the Grid now!
Tommy Waller serves as Vice President, Special Projects at the Center for Security Policy. He manages the Secure the Grid Coalition, a group of policymakers, defense professionals and activists working diligently to secure America’s most critical infrastructure—the U.S. Electric Grid. Prior to joining the Center, Waller served in the U.S. Marine Corps as an Infantry and Recon Officer with combat service overseas in numerous theaters. His full bio can be found here.
via Breitbart News
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Being pushed by the chancellor, Richard Carranza. Via NY Post: In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts. A consultant hired by the […]
via Weasel Zippers
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Former High Court judge Dr Bryan McMahon made the revelation while giving evidence to the Oireachtas (legislature of Ireland) Committee on Justice and Equality this week, as the United Nations ordered politicians to improve the quality of life for asylum seekers in the country.
Dr McMahon, whose eponymous 2015 report predicted an “upward trend in the number of new applications” for asylum in Ireland, described how efforts to regularise the migration status of 4,000 people were set back by politicians’ fears that “the word ‘amnesty’ … is not a prospect that would go down well with the public”.
He said: “With regard to an amnesty for those who have been in the system for more than five years, we tried very much in our discussions to introduce something that was like an amnesty but we did not dare call it an amnesty.
“To some extent, the word is taboo in the discussion because it will not fly [so] the administrators tried to do it in another way,” Dr McMahon added, stressing that the move “had to be done without using the word ‘amnesty’.”
‘Put an Empty Space to Better Use’: Irish Urged to House Migrants in Spare Beds https://t.co/jdK2OtYA2a
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 16, 2018
The head of the Irish branch of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Enda O’Neill, had complained to the committee over the length of time migrants were having to wait to have their applications processed.
Other issues raised included that newcomers, who are now allowed to work while seeking asylum thanks to rule changes supported by big business, were being placed in taxpayer-funded accommodation which was considered too far away from urban areas to be considered convenient for finding employment.
In September, Ireland announced an amnesty to regularise the status of an estimated 3,500 to 5,500 illegal immigrants who arrived in the country as international students between 2005 and 2010 — a move hailed by open borders groups such as Right to Remain.
The Britain-based NGO, which works to dismantle immigration restrictions in Britain, lauded the decision, alleging that “support for amnesty schemes is mainstream in Ireland”.
“Major Irish political parties have advocated regularisation schemes, including in election manifestos, and the main opposition party welcomed the move,” the group said on its website.
Exclusive: Tiny Irish Town Taking Hundreds of Migrants Had No Say, Locals Fear Being Called Racist https://t.co/CzJMCsp8dn
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 7, 2018
But a number of factors suggest there is far less consensus on the topic than the Irish establishment claims, including that politicians and the country’s almost uniformly left-liberal mainstream media enforces a tough line against anyone who would discuss mass migration or its consequences in less than glowingly positive terms.
At recent elections, discourse around immigration has been controlled by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), an NGO funded by Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros and EU taxpayers, while a centrist politician was smeared as a “dog-whistling” extremist for commenting that “there needs to be sustainable levels of immigration in this country, it needs to be managed”.
The gap in attitudes between Ireland’s elite and the people who they are supposed to represent was exposed in a survey earlier this year, which found that not one of the country’s TDs (the equivalent of British MPs) wanted to reduce immigration.
Despite half the respondents admitting that mass migration was regularly brought up on the doorstep as a topic of concern, 65 per cent said they were happy to see immigration remain at its current level while 35 per cent stated they would like to see it increased further.
Guinness Sorry for ‘Racist’ Ad Linking Ancestry to National Pride https://t.co/5xY4L67uip
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 4, 2019
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In total, around 32 per cent of French in 2018 identify as being members of the Roman Catholic church, but the majority, 19 per cent, say that they do not practise, and only seven per cent say that they attend mass once a month — down from an already low nine per cent in 2008, French political magazine Le Point reports.
The research comes from sociologists Claude Dargent and Olivier Galland who compared the numbers to 1981 when 70 per cent of French identified as being Roman Catholics and 17 per cent regularly practised.
Archbishop of Vienna: ‘Many Muslims’ Want European Conquest https://t.co/RVWxaV9pKW pic.twitter.com/Jed6QMJMXB
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 13, 2016
One of the largest trends in the data is the huge difference between those of different generations in terms of active religious practice. Among the 18 to 29-year-olds, a mere three per cent of Catholics say they practise, compared to 16 per cent of those over the age of 70.
As Catholicism has declined, other religions have grown in France, with Islam being the fastest. Around 14 per cent of French identify as being Muslim, and among the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket there are just as many practising Muslims in France as practising Roman Catholics.
The rise of Islam in France was addressed by Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, who tied the trend to the shifting population demographics, claiming, “Muslim believers know very well that their birthrate is such that today, they call it … the Great Replacement, they tell you in a very calm, very positive way that, ‘one day all this, it will be ours’.”
A Quarter of French Believe ‘Elites’ Using Mass Migration to ‘Replace’ Native Europeans https://t.co/dr2IQVqPQf
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 7, 2019
The idea of population replacement, conceived as the “Great Replacement” by French writer Renaud Camus, is considered a conspiracy theory by many in the mainstream media.
According to a survey by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, at least a quarter of French believe “elites” are using mass migration policies to replace them.
via Breitbart News
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“Pregnancy Kills. Abortion Saves Lives.”
That was the headline on an absurd opinion article in The New York Times, deploying Orwellian language to turn the abortion debate on pro-lifers and comfort those who support abortion on demand.
While the conversation over Alabama’s new abortion law has drawn out some wild arguments from the left, it’s easy to miss the less obvious ways the media reinforce the pro-abortion side.
The media, cleverly and often subtly, use rhetorical adjustments to reinforce left-wing ideas under the guise of objectivity.
It’s not just on the abortion issue that the media kowtow to the left in the terminology they use in charged public debates.
For instance, The Guardian, a British outlet, recently updated its style guide to reinforce the idea that challenging prevailing left-wing ideas about man-made climate change is fundamentally illegitimate.
Few topics, however, draw out media bias like abortion, where the concerns of pro-life Americans are left on the back page or uncovered, and a magnifying glass is put on anyone who challenges pro-abortion orthodoxy.
Ultimately, media bias regarding abortion is nothing new.
Ross Douthat, a conservative New York Times columnist, wrote in 2012:
Conservative complaints about media bias are sometimes overdrawn. But on the abortion issue, the press’s prejudices are often absolute, its biases blatant, and its blinders impenetrable. In many newsrooms and television studios across the country, Planned Parenthood is regarded as the equivalent of, well, the Komen foundation: an apolitical, high-minded and humanitarian institution whose work no rational person—and certainly no self-respecting woman—could possibly question or oppose.
This is certainly the case today.
Not only is coverage of abortion highly skewed, but it’s clear that the language used to describe it is made to soften the reality of what the practice is, while diminishing the concerns of those who believe fundamental rights are being violated.
NPR, which is of course publicly funded, recently updated its language guidelines for reporters.
Here are some of the terms now off-limits for NPR journalists: pro-life, late-term abortion, fetal heartbeat, partial birth.
Instead they are to use terms such as “intact dilation and extraction” (to describe a partial-birth abortion) and “medical or health clinics that perform abortions” (instead of simply “abortion clinics”).
The phrase “abortion doctor” also would drop off the list of acceptable phrases. Instead, NPR reporters are instructed to list the doctor’s name and write that he “operated a clinic where abortions are performed.”
If anything, the attempt to use more scientific language to describe abortions, such as “intact dilation and extraction” in the place of “partial birth abortion,” at best merely confuses readers as to what actually is being performed.
This point was well made by National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis, who wrote in a thread on Twitter:
Of course, NPR has also set strict guidelines about how to treat the words “unborn” and “baby,” making sure that reporters never describe, well, unborn babies in anything other than technical language to remove thorny debates about personhood or humanity. NPR instructs its reporters:
The term ‘unborn’ implies that there is a baby inside a pregnant woman, not a fetus. Babies are not babies until they are born. They’re fetuses. Incorrectly calling a fetus a ‘baby’ or ‘the unborn’ is part of the strategy used by antiabortion groups to shift language/legality/public opinion.
Media bias on this issue will become only more pronounced as the “positive good” school of thought about abortion becomes more pronounced on the left than the “safe, legal, and rare” camp.
Regardless of where one stands on the issue of abortion, attempts to dance around prickly questions about life and humanity are unlikely to solve the division.
The media, as is so common today, distinctly reveals its biases and lets slip the mask of objectivity that’s becoming increasingly difficult for Americans to believe.
The post Abortion Debate Shows How Media Deploys Language Gymnastics to Serve Left-Wing Goals appeared first on The Daily Signal.
via The Daily Signal
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