The Democrats and liberal media insist that Russia wanted Trump to win over Crooked Hillary.
The entire premise is ridiculous. The Russians had enough dirt on Hillary to fill the White House.
The TRUTH is that the entire DC establishment including the Obama White House, the liberal media and the Obama Deep State wanted Hillary Clinton to win… and they worked tirelessly and illegitimately to make it happen.
And still failed.
On Sunday former prosecutory and Rep. Trey Gowdy joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.
During their discussion Trey Gowdy told Maria that the deep state FBI was giving candidate Donald Trump different intel briefings than candidate Hillary Clinton.
Trey Gowdy: Here’s one, Maria, have you seen the disparate defensive briefings they gave candidate Clinton versus Candidate Trump? And has anyone asked the FBI to explain why they took entirely different tracks to those two debriefings? There’s a lot left to be seen by you and your viewers.
AFP Mexico reports that the Mexican National Guard deployed in Chihuahua stopped a group of Central American migrants from crossing the border into the U.S.
A tweeted message from AFP Mexico shows a pair of what is reported to be members of the Mexican National guard stopping a Central American migrant family from crossing the border at Rio Bravo in Ciudad Juarez.
“Mexican National Guard members prevent Central American migrants from crossing the Rio Bravo, in Ciudad Juarez, State of Chihuahua,” AFP Mexico tweeted.
Mexican National Guard members prevent Central American migrants from crossing the Rio Bravo, in Ciudad Juarez, State of Chihuahua, #Mexico. #AFP Herika Martinez
The tweet comes on the same day that the Washington Post reported that the Mexican government announced the completion of its deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops. These troops are deployed in southern Mexico to attempt to disrupt the human smuggling caravans entering Mexico from Central America.
On Friday, National Guard troops in Mexico stopped more than 20 migrants from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh on the outskirts of Tapachula, the newspaper reported.
A Mexican Marine orders a group of migrants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan to step back, at an immigration checkpoint known as Viva Mexico, near Tapachula, Mexico, Friday, June 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Oliver de Ros)
Breitbart News reported on June 19 that Mexico would deploy 6,500 National Guard troops to its southern region and an additional 2,000 guardsmen to the U.S.-Mexico border. It appears the troops in Chihuahua could be part of that deployment.
National Institute of Migration (INM) Commissioner Francisco Garduño Yáñez said the guardsmen will “invite the migrants to return to their countries of origin with assistance from the government.”
If the tweet above is accurate, it appears the guardsmen will also help stop the flow of migrants into the U.S. at Mexico’s northern border.
For those who do not wish to return home, the commissioner said, “We will see what conditions they are in and see if the law allows them to stay. Otherwise, they will be deported.”
Breitbart News reached out to El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials for comment about the Mexican National Guard assisting on the U.S.-Mexico border. An immediate response was not available.
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for the Breitbart Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.
Esther Choo is an emergency medicine physician and associate professor at the Oregon Health & Science University. She also has a blue check on Twitter, has written for a few publications and is a speaker on racism and sexism in healthcare. She’s also the president of the Academy of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine. She’s […]
How crazy has the left gotten? They’re even forbidding speech on knitting sites. We are banning support of Donald Trump and his administration on Ravelry. We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy. More details: — Ravelry (@ravelry) June 23, 2019 While they got […]
Leftists are threatening to dox incoming freshmen students at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin), claiming they will release the students’ personal information if they are caught joining conservative groups on campus, namely the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) and Turning Point USA (TPUSA).
“Hey UT23! Do you wanna be famous?” tweeted an account allegedly operated by leftist students, “If you join YCT or Turning Point USA, you just might be. Your name and more could end up on an article like one of these. So be sure to make smart choices at #UTOrientation.”
The tweet also contained two links from an anarchist blog called “Austin Autonomedia.” The blog posts include personal information — such as the names, phone numbers, and emails —belonging to the school’s YCT and TPUSA members.
The term “dox” refers to the disclosure of personal, private information — such as a phone number or home address — belonging to a specific individual, which is typically posted to the Internet or in a public area for others to use with malicious intent.
“Over the past months, we’ve gathered lots of data connecting various parties within the YCT and telling us more about their activities,” reads one blog post published last October, “So far, we have 4 articles published on this site about the YCT — we’re putting out this compilation of all of the information on all of the YCT members we currently know of.”
“Two weeks ago, the new chapter of Turning Point USA at UT hosted their first meeting,” states a second blog post published a week later, “It was interrupted for a while by a fire alarm, forcing the meeting to move outside — where it was easy to see and overhear their conversation.”
“We’ve gathered intelligence about what exactly happened at this meeting, who is involved in TPUSA, and what TPUSA’s emergence on campus means,” continues the blog, “We encourage you to share this article with your professors, TAs, classmates, and other networks.”
The blog goes on to actively encourage the harassment of conservative students, stating that it is “extremely important to get organized early, while this [TPUSA] group is in its infancy.”
“Building connections and sharing information between students and professors will be essential to solidarity campaigns in case of targeted harassment,” reads the blog, “Disrupting their organizing, slowing down their recruitment, and shutting down their larger events will make their efforts both uncomfortable, infeasible, and unprofitable.”
“They should be organized against accordingly,” affirms the Austin Autonomedia blog.
The following month, when the school’s TPUSA group held an event on campus, leftist students attempted to shut down the event. One of the groups involved in organizing the protests was the “Autonomous Student Network.” Two leftists were arrested as a result of the protests.
Moreover, the same group had also harassed and doxed pro-Kavanaugh students on campus. In the fall 2018 semester, leftists at UT Austin surrounded conservative students during a pro-Kavanaugh demonstration, where they shouted obscenities and destroyed signs expressing support of the judge.
The next day, the pro-Kavanaugh students were doxed in yet another blog post by the same “Austin Autonomedia” website.
According to the recent tweet, it appears the leftists are preparing to dox incoming freshmen who dare to join conservative groups on campus — and given their track record, it doesn’t seem as though it is simply an empty threat.
“Students should never be targeted or face harassment for their affiliations, political beliefs or any other reason,” said UT Austin spokesperson Shilpa Bakre to Breitbart News, “The anonymous group behind this doxxing is not affiliated with the university, is not a registered student group and should not present itself in that way.”
“As they did last fall, University Police are continuing to work to ensure the safety of any targeted students and monitor for any potential criminal acts,” added Bakre.
June 2019 is an “especially menacing time” for Christians both on the domestic and international fronts, writes Christian persecution expert John L. Allen in a report Sunday.
The U.S. Catholic Church is facing “one of the most serious potential violations of religious freedom in its history in the form of SB 360 in California,” writes Allen, author of the 2013 bestsellerThe Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution, since the bill would compel priests to reveal information learned while hearing confessions as evidence against possible sex offenders.
“The bill passed the California senate in late May by a 30-2 vote and is expected to be considered by the State Assembly in September,” Allen notes.
On the international scene, “the scope of anti-Christian hostility is staggering,” Allen continues, with the number of Christians facing “harassment, physical assault, arrest and imprisonment, torture, and even death” on a daily basis estimated at around 200 million.
Christians in North Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria and a host of other countries live under a constant threat of active persecution, as documented by Open Doors, a Christian persecution watchdog group.
Even in Latin America, the world’s largest “Catholic” region, the number of Catholic clergy and personnel killed each year frequently tops the list of continents.
While the defense of religious freedom should apply equally to all creeds, Allen asserts, anti-Christian persecution deserves particular focus “given the wall of silence that still too often surrounds the subject.”
“Just as one didn’t have to be Jewish to sympathize with the plight of dissident Jews in the Soviet Union, and didn’t have to be black to be outraged by apartheid in South Africa, similarly today one shouldn’t have to be Christian to recognize anti-Christian persecution as a human rights scourge of mammoth proportions,” Allen writes.
Saturday marked the beginning of the U.S. bishops’ yearly “Religious Freedom Week,” which runs this year from June 22-29.
The bishops have assigned a particular focus to each day of the campaign, urging the faithful to pray for their brothers and sisters who face persecution and to inform themselves as to the depth and breadth of the problem:
Saturday: Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, martyred under King Henry VIII
Sunday: Middle East Christians
Monday: Faithful Public Servants
Tuesday: Persecution of the Rohingya
Wednesday: Foster Care and Adoption
Thursday: Persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Friday: Religion: A Public Good
Saturday: Religious Freedom for Incarcerated Persons
America’s most beloved (and hated) fast-food chain, Chick-fil-A, will be going straight into the lion’s den this week by opening its first ever restaurant in the ultra-left-wing haven of Seattle, Washington.
According to Eater, the restaurant will be operating within the Seattle city limits in Bitter Lake and it already has customers camping overnight to get themselves that first bite of a juicy chicken sandwich when it opens on June 27.
“In the past, opening events have included parking lot campouts of fans hoping to win a year’s worth of free meals. They’ve also caused traffic jams for weeks,” reports KIRO. “In 2015, the opening of the Bellevue location had police officers directing traffic to keep cars moving and the crowds continued for several weeks. The city had to implement a new traffic plan to accommodate the massive lines of cars traveling around the restaurant.”
Despite the restaurant’s clear popularity, some leftists have expressed hope that Seattle-ites will mount a sandwich-killing boycott of the new location. Writing for The Stranger, Katie Herzog wrote a cruelly mean-spirited piece in which she suggested that Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s “biblical definition of the family unit” means he wants “a mob to rape his daughters instead of the angels they’d rather rape instead.”
“Will there be protests when Chick-fil-A opens its doors?” wrote Herzog of the new Seattle location. “It’s certainly possible—Seattle loves a good picket … The president of Chick-fil-A has some crazy and clearly bigoted beliefs, to be sure, but tons of other corporations have donated to anti-gay politicians and no one pitches a fit about it on Twitter, much less starts a boycott. Even worse, some of these companies do it while promoting themselves as pro-gay.”
Despite the obvious hatred for Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A, Herzog ultimately concluded that dozens of companies who wave the rainbow flag and pronounce themselves as being pro-gay have a ton of hypocrisy in how they practice.
“This doesn’t mean I’ll be frequenting Chick-fil-A, and I fully support anyone who chooses to wage some kind of protest against this company coming to Seattle,” said Herzog. “But at the same time, if you’re going to boycott Chick-fil-A for being anti-gay, you may want to consider boycotting companies that wave Pride flags while donating to politicians who harm actual queer people.”
The fact Seattle actually allowed a Chick-fil-A to stand without some serious governmental pushback is a nothing short of a miracle in light of the discrimination the restaurant has faced in recent months, with universities and airports seeking to ban the fast-food chain from doing business over to the founder’s biblical worldview on human sexuality. In 2019 alone, the chain has been banned from two major airports — San Antonio and Buffalo — and several universities.
Most recently, a dean at Rider University resigned from his post when the school banned the fast food restaurant on campus. Officials in San Mateo, California, also tried (and failed) to prevent the restaurant from obtaining an architectural permit.
To prevent further discrimination, the Texas House recently passed a “Save Chick-fil-A” bill to prevent the San Antonio Airport and other venues in the state from banning the restaurant. As noted by The Daily Wire, however, the chicken giant just continues to thrive, becoming the third biggest fast-food chain in the United States with $10.2 billion in sales.
Gaffe machine strikes again. Via Mediaite: Former Vice President and current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden compared the election and administration of President Donald Trump with the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. On Saturday, Biden sat for his first cable news interview since launching his campaign, speaking at length with […]
President Trump sat down for an interview with MSNBC host Chuck Todd and told him his biggest regrets of his first term as US president.
The President told Chuck Todd that if he could have one do-over it would be personnel.
“I would say if I had one do-over, it would be, I would not have appointed Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.”
“That’s your, in your mind, that’s your worst mistake?” Chuck Todd asked.
“Yeah, that was the biggest mistake.” Trump replied.
.@realDonaldTrump: "I would say if I had one do-over, it would be, I would not have appointed Jeff Sessions to be attorney general."@ChuckTodd: "That’s your, in your mind, that’s your worst mistake?"
His appointment of Jeff Sessions proved to be a disaster for his first two years because the Justice Department got hijacked by Deep State criminals.
After recusing himself like a coward and allowing Rosenstein and Mueller to hijack the Justice Department for two years – which ended in a bloodbath of Trump associates, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions had the gall to say in April it’s time to move past the Mueller probe.
Thankfully Trump fired Jeff Sessions in November and brought on Bill Barr to be his new Attorney General. Barr took control of Mueller’s witch hunt and immediately shut it down.
Sessions cited the wrong law when he recused himself from the Russia investigation and all things Hillary Clinton the first day on the job.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein became the de facto Attorney General and quickly appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller and gave him permission (with THREE scope memos) to rove around unchecked in a massive, $35 million witch hunt.
Mueller, Rosenstein, Weissmann and over a dozen angry, crooked Democrat donors on the special counsel’s team ruined many lives and reputations over the past two years with perjury traps and damaging leaks to the media.
General Mike Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Carter Page were targeted for ruin — Manafort ended up in solitary confinement and sentenced to over 10 years in prison.
Flynn, a three-star General, was forced to sell a home after being buried in legal fees thanks to Mueller’s corrupt witch hunt.