Condi Rice schools ignorant NBC lefty reporter about real racism

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took NBC to the woodshed after its reporter attempted to egg her into claiming that race relations now are worse than they’ve ever been under President Trump. The reporter’s aim was to Get Trump and she knew that Rice was no Trumpster, so on that logic she thought Rice would be an easy mark.

There was just one problem with the plan: She didn’t know Rice very well.


 ”Look, it sure doesn’t feel worse than what I grew up with in Jim Crow Alabama,” Rice told the NBC interviewer. “So let’s drop this notion that we’re in worse race relations today than we were in the past. Really? That means we’ve made no progress. Really? And so, I think the hyperbole about how much worse it is, isn’t doing us any good.” 

Rice didn’t point out to the woman the details of how bad it truly was, or if she did, the embarrassing-to-NBC details didn’t make the camera shot, but here’s the synopsis: Rice was there back when things were extremely bad, in 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama. That was when Klansmen blew up a black Baptist church to protest school desegregation, murdering four young schoolgirls and injuring 20 other parishioners. That was Rice’s church and the girls killed were her childhood friends. Not only did the Klan killers nearly get away with it as the Democrat-led state dropped all charges (we return to the next detail about why Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rice, were lifelong Republicans), those Democrats running the show then refused to hunt the entire group of Klan conspirators and collaborators down even though everyone knew who they were, leaving the murdered girls without significant justice until the late 1990s (although one of the killers died of old age before getting what he deserved). That’s what’s meant by bad race relations – widespread racism and a vile system that did all it could to keep race-motivated killers out of the electric chair.

Any question she’s right? To compare that to President Trump is complete nonsense for someone who’s lived through real racism.

In a way, NBC thesis, which they tried to suck Condi into, about Trump being the pinnacle of racism, parallels the junk thought about death camps spouted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was just schooled by a Polish lawmaker into not cheapening the Holocaust by comparing that horror to U.S. illegal migrant detention centers for political purposes. Rice shut the reporter down because she knew the real story from her own life and she didn’t want her experience cheapened, any more than the Polish legislator wanted Nazi history glossed over, just to fling darts at President Trump.

She may not be a big fan of President Trump’s but she sure as heck wasn’t going to allow her steely integrity to be compromised by any today’s-politics comparison to her experience in the Jim Crow South, either. She’s always been a bit of a schoolmarm (this was my impression from traveling with her as part of the press in 2008). It’s to her credit that she put that talent to work.

Oh, and didn’t she look good doing it? It’s been ten years since she’s been Secretary of State and, man, she still looks awesome.   

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took NBC to the woodshed after its reporter attempted to egg her into claiming that race relations now are worse than they’ve ever been under President Trump. The reporter’s aim was to Get Trump and she knew that Rice was no Trumpster, so on that logic she thought Rice would be an easy mark.

There was just one problem with the plan: She didn’t know Rice very well.


 ”Look, it sure doesn’t feel worse than what I grew up with in Jim Crow Alabama,” Rice told the NBC interviewer. “So let’s drop this notion that we’re in worse race relations today than we were in the past. Really? That means we’ve made no progress. Really? And so, I think the hyperbole about how much worse it is, isn’t doing us any good.” 

Rice didn’t point out to the woman the details of how bad it truly was, or if she did, the embarrassing-to-NBC details didn’t make the camera shot, but here’s the synopsis: Rice was there back when things were extremely bad, in 1963, in Birmingham, Alabama. That was when Klansmen blew up a black Baptist church to protest school desegregation, murdering four young schoolgirls and injuring 20 other parishioners. That was Rice’s church and the girls killed were her childhood friends. Not only did the Klan killers nearly get away with it as the Democrat-led state dropped all charges (we return to the next detail about why Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rice, were lifelong Republicans), those Democrats running the show then refused to hunt the entire group of Klan conspirators and collaborators down even though everyone knew who they were, leaving the murdered girls without significant justice until the late 1990s (although one of the killers died of old age before getting what he deserved). That’s what’s meant by bad race relations – widespread racism and a vile system that did all it could to keep race-motivated killers out of the electric chair.

Any question she’s right? To compare that to President Trump is complete nonsense for someone who’s lived through real racism.

In a way, NBC thesis, which they tried to suck Condi into, about Trump being the pinnacle of racism, parallels the junk thought about death camps spouted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was just schooled by a Polish lawmaker into not cheapening the Holocaust by comparing that horror to U.S. illegal migrant detention centers for political purposes. Rice shut the reporter down because she knew the real story from her own life and she didn’t want her experience cheapened, any more than the Polish legislator wanted Nazi history glossed over, just to fling darts at President Trump.

She may not be a big fan of President Trump’s but she sure as heck wasn’t going to allow her steely integrity to be compromised by any today’s-politics comparison to her experience in the Jim Crow South, either. She’s always been a bit of a schoolmarm (this was my impression from traveling with her as part of the press in 2008). It’s to her credit that she put that talent to work.

Oh, and didn’t she look good doing it? It’s been ten years since she’s been Secretary of State and, man, she still looks awesome.   

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

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EXCLUSIVE: Former Mysterious Clinton Foundation Official Amitabh Desai Linked to Bribery Scandal Involving Saudi Prince

A major corrupt player at the Clinton Foundation player has vanished.

He used an alias or shared communications with another Clinton Foundation employee.  This employee is tied to Joseph Mifsud and a ‘Never Trump’ Saudi Prince.

Over the past decade the Clinton Foundation’s Amitabh Desai was very active capturing money for the Foundation. The far left New York Times even commented on this when Desai was involved in a transaction with Russia:

Wednesday we reported numerous examples of Desai’s involvement in possibly corrupt and lucrative activities related to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2011 it was reported that Desai worked with the Clintons to obtain $6 million from Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-‘Amoud.

Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-Amoudi

This was still just the beginning for Desai pictured below:

The government of Qatar got in the act for a quick million dollars with Desai in 2012. Desai met with Qatar’s ambassador to the US Mohammed Bin Abdullah Bin Mutib Al Rumaihi.

MOHAMED EL-SHAHED (Photo credit should read MOHAMED EL-SHAHED/AFP/Getty Images)

In 2012 Desai was involved with Hillary Clinton’s brother, the recently deceased Tony Rodham, and North Korea. It was family time for the Clintons and Desai as they attempted to obtain $650,000 from the Korean regime.

Bill Clinton delivered 215 speeches for $48 million in the four years Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and this was one of a very few that anyone in the State Department told him he shouldn’t do. (ABCNews, 8/28/2015)

Amitabh Desai was involved in many more illicit transactions related to the Clinton Foundation.

Desai worked with Bill Clinton trying to reach agreement with the State Department to give a speech in Congo, to the poorest country in the world, for $650,000.

Desai received emails from Cheryl Mills that contained classified information. He worked with Libya’s President who sought to meet with Bill Clinton just two days after the Benghazi terror attack. (Desai must have done his job because the Libyan President did meet with both Hillary and Bill Clinton later that month.)

Finally, Citizens United, the conservative watchdog group, requested emails from the Clinton Foundation and in particular those of Amitabh Desai. Of course this was delayed and delayed with only 17 emails provided in the first two months out of an estimated 4,000 emails requested.

On Thursday we provided more information on the former Clinton Foundation Foreign Policy Director.

For some reason, Amitabh Desai was erased from the annals of the Clinton Foundation.

It looks like he had a fallout with the Foundation because they purged him and everything he wrote out of their system.

For example, his About page has been removed – when you attempt to read about Desai you find nothing.

The URL about Africa 2012: Day 4 used to be linked to a blog post that he wrote (see below).

“…Amitabh Desai, director of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation, reflects on our blog about the significance of the center and President Clinton’s unique form of public service….

Clicking on the link now provides no such reference to Desai who now appears to be missing from the Clinton Foundation’s records.

In addition, a search of records related to Amitabh Desai on the Internet shows that ‘Ami’ has numerous aliases!?!

Desai and Cashion appear not to be the same person, but for some unknown reason, Desai used Cashion’s email address and name in a number of applications even after leaving the Clinton Foundation.

As you can see from the records above, both names were associated with the Clinton Foundation.

Now this…

Swiss prosecutors and the FBI are looking into bribes from a Saudi company, PetroSaudi.  Clinton Foundation linked Joe Cashion is reportedly being investigated for bribery of foreign public officials and other charges:

According to the Wall Street Journal, PetroSaudi was founded in 2005 by a Saudi citizen, Tarek Obaid, and a member of the Saudi royal family, Turki Bin Abdullah Al Saud.

According to another report from a year ago, the FBI are looking into Joe Cashion for bribery related crimes.

So what was going on at the Clinton Foundation? Was anything legal or above board? Will the real Joe Cashion, er Amitabh Desai stand up?  How many millions in money laundering and bribes was he or they accountable for?

Hat tips Yaacov Apelbaum and D Manny

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Dems Should Pay Reparations for What They’ve Done to Us, Says Ex-NFL Star Burgess Owens

When former NFL star Burgess Owens took the microphone this week at a congressional panel on reparations for slavery, he turned a quick lesson in American history into a political tour de force. For Democrats, it had to be tough to listen to. But it’s what the party needs to hear. Owens was speaking Wednesday…

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WATCH: Video Shows Man Rushing Through TSA Checkpoint At Phoenix Airport, Assaulting Agents

Earlier this week, a man broke through the Transportation Security Administration checkpoint at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and attacked several agents.

Thursday evening, authorities released surveillance footage showing the incident. The man, who has since been identified as Tyrese Garner, 19, of Texas, runs through the metal detector, knocks over a TSA agent, attempts to punch another agent (who dodges), before punching another agent twice. Finally, a group of agents and members of the Phoenix Police Department tackle the man.

ABC News reported the man “had to be subdued and was arrested.”

“He was charged with one felony count each of criminal trespassing and resisting arrest, as well as five counts of misdemeanor assault,” the outlet reported.


One agent had to go to the hospital due to his injuries, while four others went to urgent care. They have since been released, ABC reported.

CNN reported the attack took place around 9:45 a.m. Tuesday. In a statement to news outlets, TSA spokeswoman Lorie Dankers called the attack “unprovoked and brazen.”

“This unprovoked and brazen physical attack against our employees is unacceptable,” she said. “We are grateful for our committed workforce and for the role they play in protecting the traveling public every day. We continue to monitor the safety and health of the TSOs involved in this incident and will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation.”

Garner is due in court Tuesday. It is still unknown why he attacked the agents.

While the video is disturbing, it shows TSA agents handling a security threat, something the agency is regularly criticized for failing to do.

Americans typically think of TSA as the most annoying part of going to the airport. In March, President Donald Trump reacted to a video of a TSA agent aggressively patting down a disabled boy. In January, the agency admitted a passenger carrying a firearm at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.

In September 2016, left-wing outlet Vox wrote about two studies from the same authors that showed TSA’s onerous screening procedures not only failed to identify firearms and bombs (sent through the scanners as part of a Department of Homeland Security study) but also led to more people eschewing airports and driving, which purportedly has led to more vehicle deaths.

Of course, once Trump became president, Vox changed its tune, now claiming TSA is the only thing standing between America and another terrorist attack.

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Mark Levin: Trump Isn’t ‘Provoking a Damn Thing’ with Iran

MARK LEVIN: We’re starting to get propaganda, it sounds like Iranian propaganda coming from the mouths of Americans — Americans who should know better. They ask you, ” Can you point to one example where Iran committed a terrorist act?” I can point to many, but let me start with 1984. Beirut, Lebanon, Hezbollah, which is the terror militia wing of Iran blew up our Marine barracks. Two truck bombs killed over 250 Americans, most of whom were Marines. That was Iran. Iran was behind that. Stop apologizing for Iran.

What I hear tonight, and what I’m hearing throughout the day, is a bunch of people who are embracing Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy of appeasement, of distraction, of excuses, of spin. You can embrace Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy a wild failure, or you can embrace Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy, a wild success. I’m also hearing, maybe it’s coming from Iran, China, Russia, or North Korea, a clear campaign against John Bolton. John Bolton hasn’t done anything, he is a national security advisor and advises the president of the United States. I’m sure China and Russia and North Korea and Iran love it when they hear hosts and others trashing John Bolton part of a massive propaganda effort. The president of the United States is a strong leader, he will listen to advice from many people, he will make the decision. These attacks on Bolton, including leaks coming out of the White House are a disgrace, absolute disgrace.

SEAN HANNITY: It’s not about that, Mark, you and I have discussed this at length. You were chief of staff for a great attorney general, he worked in Reagan administration, a man by the name of Ed Meese. The point here that I’m making is, peace through strength is our only option. But you and I have both watched now wars started, then politicized and then we say “nevermind.” I’d personally like to see the next generation of sophisticated technology and weaponry where we don’t have to send kids there to fight and to do what’s necessary from here.

LEVIN: Let me tell everybody a secret. It’s a very big world and their are very many genocidal maniacs out there. From the head of red China to the head of Russia to the head of North Korea, to the head of Iran. And I just got started. We’re not the problem, we’re not the ones who instigate wars and I’m sick and tired of hearing people on cable TV and other words suggest the president of the United States is provoking anything. We’re not provoking a damn thing.

In fact, we never provoke anything. You know why we went into Afghanistan? Because that’s where 9/11 was hatched. That’s where we were attacked. And don’t tell me Iraq is the reason not to deal with Iran. One has nothing to do with the other. And the world’s always going to be evil. Sometimes their will be war, sometimes their won’t. Sometimes their will be military action, sometimes their won’t. The word here to keep in mind is prudence, not ideology from the Code Pink Republicans and the hard-left who sound alike. Not the radical interventionists — prudence.

via Breitbart News

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Satanic Temple Member Opens Government Meeting in Alaska with “Hail Satan” – Prompting Officials to Walk Out

A member of the Satanic Temple opened a government meeting in Soldotna, Alaska by declaring “Hail Satan” which prompted over a dozen officials to walk out.

Thanks to policy changes forced by the anti-American ACLU, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that Satanists are now able to offer ‘prayers’ before government meetings.

Fox News reported:

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly’s previous policy stated that those delivering the invocation must be a member of a recognized church, but the rules were changed last October when Alaska’s Supreme Court decided in favor of the ACLU that the policy was unconstitutional, according to Alaskan Public Media.

Iris Fontana, the Satanic Temple member, was one of the plaintiffs in the case. An atheist and a Jewish woman were also involved in the lawsuit.

“Let’s cast aside our differences, to use reason, logic, science and compassion to create solutions for the greater good of our community,” Fontana said at the end of the invocation. “It is done. Hail Satan. Thank you.”

Several people walked out of the meeting, according to a local reporter for the Peninsula Clarion.

“God will be pleased with our public prayers of reparation,” a man who flew from Pennsylvania for the event told KSRM radio. “We want God’s blessings on America, not Satan’s curses. Lucifer is the eternal loser. Let’s keep him out.”

Recall, Obama’s IRS expedited granting tax-exempt status to The Reason Alliance which is a Massachusetts group that worships Satan and created an after school Satanic club for elementary schools. They received their tax-exempt status by the IRS within 10 days of applying while Tea Party and Christian groups waited years.

The IRS also recently gave the Satanic Temple tax-exempt status, identifying it as a “church.” This is why Satanists are now able to invoke “Satan” at government meetings.

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How Dangerous is Fake News?

How Dangerous is Fake News?When President Trump declares that much of the news coverage regarding him and his administration is “fake news” or that the media ignores negative stories regarding Democrats, the evidence suggests he’s correct. But is it all that important?

Did you know that last week two hundred illegal immigrants originating from the Congo, that were picked up by border patrol agents, have tested positive for the deadly and highly contagious Ebola virus or that a company whistleblower announced that YouTube has been placing millions of subliminal anti-Trump messages in a variety of videos?  You most certainly did not.  But nearly every American has heard of President Donald Trump colluding with Russia and calling all Mexicans rapists or of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulting women even though these events never took place and were concocted out of thin air.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Are Democrats Coming Full Circle Regarding Their Crimes of Slavery?

Are Democrats Coming Full Circle Regarding Their Crimes of SlaveryDemocrat Party contenders vying for their Party’s acceptance to be the nominee to run against President Trump in 2020 are making as much noise as possible in clamoring for attention to become the “chosen one.” Arguably, the “Democratic” National Committee may have a different game plan from 2016 when they anointed Hillary Clinton as “the one” to win, and stiffed good old Bernie Sanders. At least, this year there appears to be a new game plan that is comparable to a free-for-all among the twenty-odd contenders. But, with all the campaign promises being offered to a gullible public, it must be hard for the contestants to formulate their own brand in a way to stand out from the rest of the pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

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Levin: ‘Stop apologizing for Iran’ because ‘we’re not provoking a damn thing’

LevinTV host Mark Levin appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” show Thursday night and went on a impassioned diatribe against the idea that President Donald Trump and his advisers are somehow trying to kick off a war with Iran.

“We’re starting to get, now, propaganda,” Levin began. “It sounds like Iranian propaganda coming out of the mouths of Americans — Americans who should know better.”

Levin reminded viewers of Iran’s long and bloody history of state-sponsored terrorism, including the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon.

“Stop apologizing for Iran,” Levin said. “What I hear tonight and what I’m hearing throughout the day is a bunch of people who are embracing Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy of appeasement, of distraction, of excuses, of spin.”

“You can embrace Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy, a wild failure,” Levin continued, “or you can embrace Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy, a wild success.”

Levin also took issue with what he called a “concerted” and “clear campaign against” national security adviser John Bolton and its efforts to paint the adviser as a warmonger on the issue, calling the accusations an “absolute disgrace.”

“John Bolton hasn’t done anything,” Levin said. “He’s the national security adviser. He advises the president of the United States. I’m sure China and Russia and North Korea and Iran love it when they hear hosts and others trashing John Bolton.”

Later in the show, Levin also tore into the idea that President Trump is somehow trying to provoke armed conflict with Iran amid the escalating tensions.

“We’re not the problem. We’re not the ones who instigate wars, and I’m sick and tired of hearing people on cable TV and other words suggest the president of the United States is provoking anything,” Levin said. “We’re not provoking a damn thing. In fact, we never provoke anything.”

“The world’s always going to be evil,” Levin concluded. “Sometimes there will be war; sometimes there won’t. Sometimes there will be military action; sometimes there won’t. The word here to keep in mind is prudence, not ideology from the ‘Code Pink Republicans‘ and the hard Left, who sound alike, not the radical interventionists. Prudence.”

President Trump tweeted Friday morning that he actually called off a planned retaliation strike against the Islamist country the night before.

You can watch Levin’s whole appearance here:

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BREAKING: Special Prosecutor Approved In Smollett Case, Can Reinstate Charges

A Cook County, Illinois judge has ruled that a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the alleged hate crime hoax case involving actor Jussie Smollett, which would allow charges to be reinstated against Smollett.

CBS News Chicago reported that the judge made the ruling because “Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx had no authority to hand [the case] off to her top deputy after announcing she recused herself.”

TMZ noted that the judge “used a nautical metaphor to describe the screw-ups” made by Foxx’s office, saying, “There was no master on the bridge to guide the ship as it floundered through unchartered waters. And it ultimately lost its bearings.”

“Smollett’s case in many ways was truly unique,” Judge Michael Toomin said, according to reporter Megan Crepeau. “A case that purported to have been brought and supervised by a prosecutor authorized to serve in the stead of the duly elected state’s attorney but in fact who was appointed to a fictitious office.”

Crepeau added: “The special prosecutor may further prosecute Smollett, and if they have ‘reasonable grounds to believe that any other criminal offense was committed … special prosecutor may commence the prosecution of any crime as may be suspected.'”

Anthony Guglielmi, Chief Communications Officer for the Chicago Police Department, tweeted: “We stand firmly behind the work of detectives in investigating the fabricated incident reported by Jussie Smollett & #ChicagoPolice will fully cooperate with the court appointed special prosecutor.”

This is a breaking news story, refresh the page for updates.

via Daily Wire

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