Man Screams At Hasidic Jew In NYC: ‘Hitler Did Not Kill Enough’ ‘Rat Jews’

On Sunday evening, a man in New York City hurled vile anti-Semitic remarks at a Hasidic Jew who was on his way to visit Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s resting place in preparation of the 25th anniversary of his passing.
The alleged assailant, who has not yet been identified, verbally attacked Menachem B. as Menachem was on his way to pay his respects to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, known to many as the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

via Daily Wire

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As French Elites Stall on Notre Dame Rebuilding Promise, Everyday Americans Begin Stepping Up

On April 15, the upper regions of the Notre-Dame Cathedral — where wood framing was most prevalent — went up in flames and brought ruin to the second floor, the roof and the spire of the magnificent and historic structure. In the aftermath of this tragedy, wealthy families and famous individuals in France pledged hundreds…

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Watch: Broadcasting Station To Bring Back National Anthem Tradition from 1950s

When my grandfather was alive, he used to tell me that “back in his day,” the three televisions stations he had access to would play the national anthem to mark the end of that day’s broadcasts. As a patriotic American, I always thought that would be neat to see. Then along came the 1980s, when…

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The Deep State Smear Machine is Gearing Up For Judge Moore Again


I did not realize Jon Hall’s article, published in American Thinker, was satire until I read: “Roy Moore is the White Boy equivalent of Al Sharpton, but without the charisma.”  He describes Judge Moore as “creepy” and claims the charges against him are credible. 

His comment: “The truth of the allegations should have been irrelevant” sounds a lot like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s remark, “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”  Hall claims “any normal man would have taken his lumps and bowed out.” 

The problem is that Moore is not the normal spineless man who cannot take criticism.  Hall wants the nomenklatura to select the candidates from among its own ranks. It was so nice of Vanity Fair to warn Republicans about the dangers of a Moore candidacy.  I’m sure they have the best interests of the Republicans in mind. 

Roy Moore was the target of the Deep State Smear Machine.  Their technique is described somewhat inarticulately by Nancy Pelosi: “It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. You demonize and then you. It. We call it the wrap-up smear. if anyone talks politics. . .We call it the wrap-up smear.  You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise it.  And then you [the press] write it, and they’ll say, see it’s reported in the press that this this this and this.  So they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ And now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made. It’s a tactic. And it’s, it’s self-evident.”

There are dozens of examples of this technique.  Lyndon Johnson reportedly told his campaign manager to start a rumor about his opponent having sex with a pig.  “Christ, we can’t call him a pig-f***er!” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.” “I know,” said Johnson. “But let’s make the sonafab*tch deny it!”  Harry Reid accused Mitt Romney of not filing income tax returns for ten years.  Reid later claimed, “I knew it was not true, but it worked didn’t it?”  Leslie Stahl reported on CBS that John Tower danced naked on a grand piano with his mistress, a Russian ballerina.  Recently Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Representative Jim Jordan have come under attack for decades-old allegations.  Deep State politicians like Paul Ryan gave these allegations credence.  Ryan’s office released a statement about the charges against Jordan: “These are serious allegations and issues.”  The Deep State believes the people making these charges have the highest credibility, unlike someone like Paula Jones who Newsweek’s Evan Thomas described as “some sleazy woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks.”

Roy Moore ran against a Democrat, the media, the bureaucracy and the Republican party.  His most formidable opponents were in the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell stated, “If these allegations are true, he must step aside.”  Jeff Flake argued, “If there is any shred of truth to the allegations against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately.”  Susan Collins said, “If there is any truth at all to these horrific allegations, Roy Moore should immediately step aside as a Senate candidate.”  Lisa Murkowski said, “I’m horrified.”  Rob Portman said, “It was very troubling … if what we read is true and people are on the record so I assume it is.”  John McCain asserted, “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of.”

There is an obvious double standard here.  There is no need to recount Bill Clinton’s history or Ted Kennedy’s activities that included public sex in 1987 at La Brasserie restaurant.  It has been reported that federal prosecutors believe Senator Bob Menendez “had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.”  The Congress has several offices that deal with covering up “indiscretions.”  The Congressional Office of Compliance (COC) reportedly disbursed $17 million over a twenty-year period to cover sex-related incidents.  This is only a fraction of what has been paid out.  Rep. John Conyers paid a former employee $27,111.74 out of his Member’s Representational Allowance account.  Rep. Raúl Grijalva gave $48,395 to the female employee.  The settlement was reportedly arranged by lawyers at the House Employment Counsel.  Tracy Manzer, Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s spokesperson, told CNN that 80 percent of people who have come to her office to share stories of sexual misconduct never told the COC.

Cokie Roberts, NPR correspondent and ABC News commentator, claimed that “every female in the press corps knew” to avoid being in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers and has apparently known about this “for years.”  She stated, “You know they are so used to it.  I mean, the culture of Capitol Hill for so many decades was men being bad.”  The leadership of the House and Senate are aware of this situation.  They are complicit.  Roy Moore would be a threat to this comfortable arrangement.  A Moore candidacy might be an opportunity to highlight the mendacity of the Deep State Media and their allies in the government.


John Dietrich is a freelance writer and the author of The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (Algora Publishing).  He has a Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from St. Mary’s University.  He is retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.


I did not realize Jon Hall’s article, published in American Thinker, was satire until I read: “Roy Moore is the White Boy equivalent of Al Sharpton, but without the charisma.”  He describes Judge Moore as “creepy” and claims the charges against him are credible. 

His comment: “The truth of the allegations should have been irrelevant” sounds a lot like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s remark, “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”  Hall claims “any normal man would have taken his lumps and bowed out.” 

The problem is that Moore is not the normal spineless man who cannot take criticism.  Hall wants the nomenklatura to select the candidates from among its own ranks. It was so nice of Vanity Fair to warn Republicans about the dangers of a Moore candidacy.  I’m sure they have the best interests of the Republicans in mind. 

Roy Moore was the target of the Deep State Smear Machine.  Their technique is described somewhat inarticulately by Nancy Pelosi: “It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. You demonize and then you. It. We call it the wrap-up smear. if anyone talks politics. . .We call it the wrap-up smear.  You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise it.  And then you [the press] write it, and they’ll say, see it’s reported in the press that this this this and this.  So they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ And now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made. It’s a tactic. And it’s, it’s self-evident.”

There are dozens of examples of this technique.  Lyndon Johnson reportedly told his campaign manager to start a rumor about his opponent having sex with a pig.  “Christ, we can’t call him a pig-f***er!” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.” “I know,” said Johnson. “But let’s make the sonafab*tch deny it!”  Harry Reid accused Mitt Romney of not filing income tax returns for ten years.  Reid later claimed, “I knew it was not true, but it worked didn’t it?”  Leslie Stahl reported on CBS that John Tower danced naked on a grand piano with his mistress, a Russian ballerina.  Recently Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Representative Jim Jordan have come under attack for decades-old allegations.  Deep State politicians like Paul Ryan gave these allegations credence.  Ryan’s office released a statement about the charges against Jordan: “These are serious allegations and issues.”  The Deep State believes the people making these charges have the highest credibility, unlike someone like Paula Jones who Newsweek’s Evan Thomas described as “some sleazy woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks.”

Roy Moore ran against a Democrat, the media, the bureaucracy and the Republican party.  His most formidable opponents were in the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell stated, “If these allegations are true, he must step aside.”  Jeff Flake argued, “If there is any shred of truth to the allegations against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately.”  Susan Collins said, “If there is any truth at all to these horrific allegations, Roy Moore should immediately step aside as a Senate candidate.”  Lisa Murkowski said, “I’m horrified.”  Rob Portman said, “It was very troubling … if what we read is true and people are on the record so I assume it is.”  John McCain asserted, “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of.”

There is an obvious double standard here.  There is no need to recount Bill Clinton’s history or Ted Kennedy’s activities that included public sex in 1987 at La Brasserie restaurant.  It has been reported that federal prosecutors believe Senator Bob Menendez “had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.”  The Congress has several offices that deal with covering up “indiscretions.”  The Congressional Office of Compliance (COC) reportedly disbursed $17 million over a twenty-year period to cover sex-related incidents.  This is only a fraction of what has been paid out.  Rep. John Conyers paid a former employee $27,111.74 out of his Member’s Representational Allowance account.  Rep. Raúl Grijalva gave $48,395 to the female employee.  The settlement was reportedly arranged by lawyers at the House Employment Counsel.  Tracy Manzer, Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s spokesperson, told CNN that 80 percent of people who have come to her office to share stories of sexual misconduct never told the COC.

Cokie Roberts, NPR correspondent and ABC News commentator, claimed that “every female in the press corps knew” to avoid being in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers and has apparently known about this “for years.”  She stated, “You know they are so used to it.  I mean, the culture of Capitol Hill for so many decades was men being bad.”  The leadership of the House and Senate are aware of this situation.  They are complicit.  Roy Moore would be a threat to this comfortable arrangement.  A Moore candidacy might be an opportunity to highlight the mendacity of the Deep State Media and their allies in the government.


John Dietrich is a freelance writer and the author of The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy (Algora Publishing).  He has a Master of Arts Degree in International Relations from St. Mary’s University.  He is retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

via American Thinker

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Americans Praising Hezb’allah and Iran are a Security Threat

American citizens who praise the Iranian regime and glorify a terrorist organization that killed and kidnapped Americans abroad are doing something that comes to the brink of treason. These people should be considered a national security threat.

Don’t think they aren’t around. A group that calls itself the Al-Quds Committee organized the International Quds Day Rally held in Dearborn, Michigan on May 31, 2019, in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library. An unidentified speaker said that “Hamas, Hezb’allah, [the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] IRGC [now blacklisted as a terrorist organization], and anybody else fighting against Israel have a God-given right to resist.”

The speaker added that “only economic sanctions and ‘political arrogance’ are maintaining America’s standing in the world. He cursed America and the world powers for “wishing for the masses to remain silent” and abandon Palestine (…).”

The speaker also said, “‘our beloved Leader’ Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei [the Supreme leader of Iran] said that Israel will crumble in less than 25 years,” describing the Jewish state as a “cancer.”

It is difficult to know where to begin, when writing about Hezb’allah. The best description of that organization was made by former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, who branded  Hezb’allah as “the ‘A-Team of Terrorists.’”

Indeed, many Americans were killed and kidnapped by Hezb’allah, a terrorist organization second only to al-Qaida.

In 1987, I myself was kidnapped by Hezb’allah at gunpoint, as a Sunni Muslim then, hogtied for a few hours, to be tortured and executed, but I was able to talk my way out.

Terrorists attacks against U.S. citizens in Lebanon began in 1983, when four founding members of Hezb’allah –  Hassan Nasrallah, Imad Mughniyeh, Mustafa Badreddine, and Husayn al-Musawi – planned and perpetrated a suicide bombing that killed 241 U.S. service personnel stationed at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon. According to a document disclosed by U.S. intelligence, on Oct. 25, 1983, two days after the bombing, the four terrorists planned the attack at the office of the Iranian ambassador in Damascus, Ali Akbar Mohtashimi.

The U.S. forces were part of a three-nation Multinational Force (MNF) commissioned to stabilize Lebanon, following the devastating Israeli invasion in 1982.

Matthew Levitt explains in his book: “Hezb’allah has a notorious history of taking Western hostages during Beirut’s civil war, the FBI summarized in a 1994 report. ‘Between 1982 and 1991, Hezb’allah abducted and held at least 44 Western hostages, including 17 U.S. persons, three of whom died while in captivity.”

The most notorious founding Hezb’allah member was Mughniyeh, whose name comes up any time the discussion turns to terrorism. In addition to his involvement in the U.S. Marines bombing, below are some of the major attacks against Americans that Mughniyah was allegedly involved in:

Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, 1983: The suicide bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 63 people, including eight CIA officers.

Torture and killing of CIA’s Lebanon station chief, 1984: Mughniyah was allegedly involved in the kidnapping and killing of William F. Buckley, the CIA station chief. Officials said Mughniyah sent videotapes of brutal interrogation sessions to the CIA before Buckley was killed.

Hijacking of TWA Flight 847, 1985, killing in cold blood U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem who was on board, and holding dozens of passengers as hostages for about two weeks.

Iran founded Hezb’allah during the civil war in Lebanon in order to polarize its Shiite population and use it as a proxy fighter against Western interests in the region. With both, Iranian petrodollars and the Syrian regime’s political support, Hezb’allah was able to build a state within a state in that war-torn country, and physically eliminate most Lebanese politicians and journalists who rejected the Iranian-Syrian bid for power in Lebanon. Hezb’allah boasts of organizing a small army of well-trained Shiite soldiers, some of whom are U.S. citizens, which intimidates, coerces, and subjugates other Lebanese confessional communities.

Even though Iranian petrodollars support that army, Hezb’allah also uses an international criminal network of lucrative illegal businesses. Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo disclosed that Hezb’allah is using drug trafficking operations in Venezuela to fund operations in the Middle East.

Furthermore, some wealthy Lebanese Shiites in the West and South America provide Hezb’allah with financial support. A point in case is the American fugitive and former resident and businessman of Dearborn, Michigan, Talal Chahine. Chahine had allegedly funneled $20 million to Hezb’allah before federal authorities started investigating him in 2005. Chahine managed a chain of the gourmet Michigan restaurant La Shish that financially supported organizations affiliated with the terrorist group.

 Another scheme for supporting Hezb’allah involved purchasing used cars in the United States and reselling them in Africa, where many Shiite immigrants live, as part of a global money-laundering network. In addition, a cigarette-smuggling ring that supported Hezb’allah and based in Charlotte, North Carolina, was discovered. Also. federal agents uncovered what was described as “the largest credit card fraud scheme in U.S. history.” It was run out of Toledo, Ohio, by a Dearborn resident named Ali Nasrallah.

Noteworthy is that the Shiite population in Dearbon, MI, has spilled over into northern Ohio, Toledo township, in particular, just 60 miles away from Detroit. A Shiite Lebanese family was accused of providing finanicial support to Hezb’allah was discovered there, in 2010.

Hence, twenty-six individuals, nationwide, were accused of contraband cigarette-trafficking, money-laundering, racketeering, wire fraud, conspiracy, visa and marriage fraud, and material support to a terrorist group.

As the Chicago Tribune wrote: “On the streets of Dearborn, [Hezb’allah] is not seen as a terrorist group but as a heroic resistance force,” even though Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon in 2000. Hence, the large Lebanese Shiite population in Michigan [where I lived for two years], not to mention some radical Shiite Iraqi immigrants, are providing Hezb’allah with a solid social base in North America.

America is still waging a war on terror, and those U.S. citizens or residents who glamorize terrorists who brutally murdered American service men and citizens abroad, and call an enemy of the U.S. their “beloved leader,” should be investigated as a national security threat.

Hesham Shehab is an Illinois Counter Grid Islamist Associate


American citizens who praise the Iranian regime and glorify a terrorist organization that killed and kidnapped Americans abroad are doing something that comes to the brink of treason. These people should be considered a national security threat.

Don’t think they aren’t around. A group that calls itself the Al-Quds Committee organized the International Quds Day Rally held in Dearborn, Michigan on May 31, 2019, in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library. An unidentified speaker said that “Hamas, Hezb’allah, [the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] IRGC [now blacklisted as a terrorist organization], and anybody else fighting against Israel have a God-given right to resist.”

The speaker added that “only economic sanctions and ‘political arrogance’ are maintaining America’s standing in the world. He cursed America and the world powers for “wishing for the masses to remain silent” and abandon Palestine (…).”

The speaker also said, “‘our beloved Leader’ Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei [the Supreme leader of Iran] said that Israel will crumble in less than 25 years,” describing the Jewish state as a “cancer.”

It is difficult to know where to begin, when writing about Hezb’allah. The best description of that organization was made by former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, who branded  Hezb’allah as “the ‘A-Team of Terrorists.’”

Indeed, many Americans were killed and kidnapped by Hezb’allah, a terrorist organization second only to al-Qaida.

In 1987, I myself was kidnapped by Hezb’allah at gunpoint, as a Sunni Muslim then, hogtied for a few hours, to be tortured and executed, but I was able to talk my way out.

Terrorists attacks against U.S. citizens in Lebanon began in 1983, when four founding members of Hezb’allah –  Hassan Nasrallah, Imad Mughniyeh, Mustafa Badreddine, and Husayn al-Musawi – planned and perpetrated a suicide bombing that killed 241 U.S. service personnel stationed at a Marine compound in Beirut, Lebanon. According to a document disclosed by U.S. intelligence, on Oct. 25, 1983, two days after the bombing, the four terrorists planned the attack at the office of the Iranian ambassador in Damascus, Ali Akbar Mohtashimi.

The U.S. forces were part of a three-nation Multinational Force (MNF) commissioned to stabilize Lebanon, following the devastating Israeli invasion in 1982.

Matthew Levitt explains in his book: “Hezb’allah has a notorious history of taking Western hostages during Beirut’s civil war, the FBI summarized in a 1994 report. ‘Between 1982 and 1991, Hezb’allah abducted and held at least 44 Western hostages, including 17 U.S. persons, three of whom died while in captivity.”

The most notorious founding Hezb’allah member was Mughniyeh, whose name comes up any time the discussion turns to terrorism. In addition to his involvement in the U.S. Marines bombing, below are some of the major attacks against Americans that Mughniyah was allegedly involved in:

Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut, 1983: The suicide bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut killed 63 people, including eight CIA officers.

Torture and killing of CIA’s Lebanon station chief, 1984: Mughniyah was allegedly involved in the kidnapping and killing of William F. Buckley, the CIA station chief. Officials said Mughniyah sent videotapes of brutal interrogation sessions to the CIA before Buckley was killed.

Hijacking of TWA Flight 847, 1985, killing in cold blood U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem who was on board, and holding dozens of passengers as hostages for about two weeks.

Iran founded Hezb’allah during the civil war in Lebanon in order to polarize its Shiite population and use it as a proxy fighter against Western interests in the region. With both, Iranian petrodollars and the Syrian regime’s political support, Hezb’allah was able to build a state within a state in that war-torn country, and physically eliminate most Lebanese politicians and journalists who rejected the Iranian-Syrian bid for power in Lebanon. Hezb’allah boasts of organizing a small army of well-trained Shiite soldiers, some of whom are U.S. citizens, which intimidates, coerces, and subjugates other Lebanese confessional communities.

Even though Iranian petrodollars support that army, Hezb’allah also uses an international criminal network of lucrative illegal businesses. Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo disclosed that Hezb’allah is using drug trafficking operations in Venezuela to fund operations in the Middle East.

Furthermore, some wealthy Lebanese Shiites in the West and South America provide Hezb’allah with financial support. A point in case is the American fugitive and former resident and businessman of Dearborn, Michigan, Talal Chahine. Chahine had allegedly funneled $20 million to Hezb’allah before federal authorities started investigating him in 2005. Chahine managed a chain of the gourmet Michigan restaurant La Shish that financially supported organizations affiliated with the terrorist group.

 Another scheme for supporting Hezb’allah involved purchasing used cars in the United States and reselling them in Africa, where many Shiite immigrants live, as part of a global money-laundering network. In addition, a cigarette-smuggling ring that supported Hezb’allah and based in Charlotte, North Carolina, was discovered. Also. federal agents uncovered what was described as “the largest credit card fraud scheme in U.S. history.” It was run out of Toledo, Ohio, by a Dearborn resident named Ali Nasrallah.

Noteworthy is that the Shiite population in Dearbon, MI, has spilled over into northern Ohio, Toledo township, in particular, just 60 miles away from Detroit. A Shiite Lebanese family was accused of providing finanicial support to Hezb’allah was discovered there, in 2010.

Hence, twenty-six individuals, nationwide, were accused of contraband cigarette-trafficking, money-laundering, racketeering, wire fraud, conspiracy, visa and marriage fraud, and material support to a terrorist group.

As the Chicago Tribune wrote: “On the streets of Dearborn, [Hezb’allah] is not seen as a terrorist group but as a heroic resistance force,” even though Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon in 2000. Hence, the large Lebanese Shiite population in Michigan [where I lived for two years], not to mention some radical Shiite Iraqi immigrants, are providing Hezb’allah with a solid social base in North America.

America is still waging a war on terror, and those U.S. citizens or residents who glamorize terrorists who brutally murdered American service men and citizens abroad, and call an enemy of the U.S. their “beloved leader,” should be investigated as a national security threat.

Hesham Shehab is an Illinois Counter Grid Islamist Associate


via American Thinker

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Conservatives Can Defeat Big Tech. Here’s How.

Dear big-name, successful conservative media figures: you hold the power to defeat online censorship.

With Google’s recent demonetizing of commentator Steven Crowder’s YouTube channel, the question of how to take on the Big Tech Industrial Complex has been resurrected.

Perhaps, however, we on the America First/Republican/conservative/true liberal side, bound by our unwavering love of the right to free speech, irrespective of how loathsome the speech may be, are going about this the wrong way.

I always make mention of the DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex). There’s also a CMIC (Conservative Media Industrial Complex).  The CMIC has gained strength thanks in large part to the internet.

There are tens of thousands of political content creators who live in fear that what they produce, whether for commercial or hobbyist reasons, will be subject to the arbitrary and baffling speech standards of Big Tech.

I am not looking to put tech companies out of business.  What I am looking to do, and what I hope CMIC personalities will consider, is to leverage, at unprecedented levels, the free-market principles our side claims to hold so dear.  This is the opportunity for those who have built immensely visible and influential brands within the CMIC to operate as their own YouTube, where freedom of speech and opinions will thrive, rather than be subjugated to authoritarian-minded arbitration.

See, this is our own self-inflicted error.  We in the CMIC think on a one-dimensional level: we have our little niche, we’re territorial, we all talk to the same people, have the same guests on our shows and programs, and never consider promoting up-and-coming content-creators who have narratives hundreds of millions would benefit from hearing, watching, and seeing.  None should expect his content to be distributed for free, since there’s no such thing as free.

Democrats and the DMIC, conversely, who control the vast majority of what laymen refer to as the “media,” are usually several steps ahead of us; they won’t redistribute their wealth to you and me, but they do redistribute among themselves, in efforts to indefinitely eliminate our rights and infinitely raise our taxes.

Are Conservatives Afraid of the DMIC?

What is the CMIC afraid of?  Criticism from Democrats and the DMIC?  We get that no matter what we do.  Fear of losing market share?  I thought we unequivocally rejected Marxism — the economic lie that capital and money are finite, hence the zeal against “capital”-ism.  If one is good at what one does, one doesn’t worry about losing market share — only gaining it.

The generals who win wars win because they know how to select and motivate their soldiers.  I will always tout individualism, but the CMIC has always struggled, even in the Trump era, with selling and marketing.  Our mindset has long been (gulp) very Democrat-y: we have the rugged individual right to be right, and losing is OK, as long as you’re right.  The Trump disruption within the GOP was mostly due to his alien assertion that America First should not only win, but should expect to win big and should always fight, because the goodness and freedoms of America are worth fighting for.  This is why, last year, I publicly pitched the president and his family on forming their own Trump-branded suite of internet browsing, digital, and social media offerings.  Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is a bona fide tech campaigning expert, but what I suggested will require additional brainpower and know-how.

The Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission will soon begin an antitrust probe of the tech giants, to gauge how monopolistic they may be.  There are several challenges the federal government will have in any attempts to regulate.  First off, the First Amendment specifically prohibits government, not private enterprise, from abridging speech.  If a tech company removes from its platform a video, or a podcast, or an article, based on political ideology, would the SCOTUS side with the company, given its ruling in last year’s Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case, which established that business-owners do have some protections from state compulsion that violates their religious liberty rights?

Are tech companies subject to the same public accommodation laws as any business?  Does the Constitution’s Commerce Clause provide a legally viable avenue to regulate Big Tech?  The clause’s intent was to grant Congress authority to regulate commerce interstate.

Our use of a tech company’s platform isn’t free; our personal, valuable data are exchanged for use of the platform.  This bartering is mutually agreed upon, thereby rendering the relationship contractual; if a piece of content isn’t inciting violence, then is the tech company in breach of contract?

The market for free-market content creation and production has never been riper.  As gargantuan as the big tech companies are, they don’t own the internet.  I in no way defend what was done to Crowder, Prager, etc., but if our fallback stance is “woe is me” victimization, our defeat is guaranteed.  Conservatives prattle on ad nauseam about how Democrats always stick together.  That’s true.  So why don’t we?  It’s not that we never; it’s that we don’t nearly enough.

Democrats and the DMIC always focus on beating our side into submission; they often play chess, while we play bocce ball.  Within the CMIC, I read, hear, and view very little red-meat reciprocity against our opposition.  The war to reform our republic back to the country our founders envisioned — nationalism, constitutional liberties, free markets, and common sense — is going to be long and arduous, and it is just getting started.  I implore esteemed CMIC pundits to consider leading the charge to build up our winning army. 

Rich Logis is host of The Rich Logis Show, at, and author of the upcoming book 10 Warning Signs Your Child Is Becoming a Democrat.  He can be found on Twitter at @RichLogis.

Dear big-name, successful conservative media figures: you hold the power to defeat online censorship.

With Google’s recent demonetizing of commentator Steven Crowder’s YouTube channel, the question of how to take on the Big Tech Industrial Complex has been resurrected.

Perhaps, however, we on the America First/Republican/conservative/true liberal side, bound by our unwavering love of the right to free speech, irrespective of how loathsome the speech may be, are going about this the wrong way.

I always make mention of the DMIC (Democrat Media Industrial Complex). There’s also a CMIC (Conservative Media Industrial Complex).  The CMIC has gained strength thanks in large part to the internet.

There are tens of thousands of political content creators who live in fear that what they produce, whether for commercial or hobbyist reasons, will be subject to the arbitrary and baffling speech standards of Big Tech.

I am not looking to put tech companies out of business.  What I am looking to do, and what I hope CMIC personalities will consider, is to leverage, at unprecedented levels, the free-market principles our side claims to hold so dear.  This is the opportunity for those who have built immensely visible and influential brands within the CMIC to operate as their own YouTube, where freedom of speech and opinions will thrive, rather than be subjugated to authoritarian-minded arbitration.

See, this is our own self-inflicted error.  We in the CMIC think on a one-dimensional level: we have our little niche, we’re territorial, we all talk to the same people, have the same guests on our shows and programs, and never consider promoting up-and-coming content-creators who have narratives hundreds of millions would benefit from hearing, watching, and seeing.  None should expect his content to be distributed for free, since there’s no such thing as free.

Democrats and the DMIC, conversely, who control the vast majority of what laymen refer to as the “media,” are usually several steps ahead of us; they won’t redistribute their wealth to you and me, but they do redistribute among themselves, in efforts to indefinitely eliminate our rights and infinitely raise our taxes.

Are Conservatives Afraid of the DMIC?

What is the CMIC afraid of?  Criticism from Democrats and the DMIC?  We get that no matter what we do.  Fear of losing market share?  I thought we unequivocally rejected Marxism — the economic lie that capital and money are finite, hence the zeal against “capital”-ism.  If one is good at what one does, one doesn’t worry about losing market share — only gaining it.

The generals who win wars win because they know how to select and motivate their soldiers.  I will always tout individualism, but the CMIC has always struggled, even in the Trump era, with selling and marketing.  Our mindset has long been (gulp) very Democrat-y: we have the rugged individual right to be right, and losing is OK, as long as you’re right.  The Trump disruption within the GOP was mostly due to his alien assertion that America First should not only win, but should expect to win big and should always fight, because the goodness and freedoms of America are worth fighting for.  This is why, last year, I publicly pitched the president and his family on forming their own Trump-branded suite of internet browsing, digital, and social media offerings.  Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, is a bona fide tech campaigning expert, but what I suggested will require additional brainpower and know-how.

The Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission will soon begin an antitrust probe of the tech giants, to gauge how monopolistic they may be.  There are several challenges the federal government will have in any attempts to regulate.  First off, the First Amendment specifically prohibits government, not private enterprise, from abridging speech.  If a tech company removes from its platform a video, or a podcast, or an article, based on political ideology, would the SCOTUS side with the company, given its ruling in last year’s Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case, which established that business-owners do have some protections from state compulsion that violates their religious liberty rights?

Are tech companies subject to the same public accommodation laws as any business?  Does the Constitution’s Commerce Clause provide a legally viable avenue to regulate Big Tech?  The clause’s intent was to grant Congress authority to regulate commerce interstate.

Our use of a tech company’s platform isn’t free; our personal, valuable data are exchanged for use of the platform.  This bartering is mutually agreed upon, thereby rendering the relationship contractual; if a piece of content isn’t inciting violence, then is the tech company in breach of contract?

The market for free-market content creation and production has never been riper.  As gargantuan as the big tech companies are, they don’t own the internet.  I in no way defend what was done to Crowder, Prager, etc., but if our fallback stance is “woe is me” victimization, our defeat is guaranteed.  Conservatives prattle on ad nauseam about how Democrats always stick together.  That’s true.  So why don’t we?  It’s not that we never; it’s that we don’t nearly enough.

Democrats and the DMIC always focus on beating our side into submission; they often play chess, while we play bocce ball.  Within the CMIC, I read, hear, and view very little red-meat reciprocity against our opposition.  The war to reform our republic back to the country our founders envisioned — nationalism, constitutional liberties, free markets, and common sense — is going to be long and arduous, and it is just getting started.  I implore esteemed CMIC pundits to consider leading the charge to build up our winning army. 

Rich Logis is host of The Rich Logis Show, at, and author of the upcoming book 10 Warning Signs Your Child Is Becoming a Democrat.  He can be found on Twitter at @RichLogis.

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Florida sets an important precedent

As reported in the Miami Herald News, on Friday 14 June, 2019 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Federal Immigration Enforcement bill, SB 168, keeping a promise he had made during his campaign for governor.

Here is a summary of the bill’s provisions shown on the Florida Senate website:

Governor DeSantis minced no words in characterizing the serious problem SB 168 is intended to address:

“Sanctuary cities basically create law-free zones where people can come to our state illegally and our country illegally, commit criminal offenses and then just walk right out the door and continue to do it. In Florida, that will not happen.”

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, a strong supporter of the bill, added:

“[The bill] doesn’t change anything because we’ve been doing that for years. This is not dealing with what cops deal with on the street. This has nothing to do with turning people over [to ICE].  It only has to do with criminals that are in jail who ICE has a warrant to further arrest. It’s us serving that warrant for the arrest.”

The law takes effect July 1, 2019 and may well serve as a blueprint other states can follow.

As reported in the Miami Herald News, on Friday 14 June, 2019 Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Federal Immigration Enforcement bill, SB 168, keeping a promise he had made during his campaign for governor.

Here is a summary of the bill’s provisions shown on the Florida Senate website:

  • Prohibits a state entity, local governmental entity, or law enforcement agency from having a sanctuary policy, which is a law, policy, practice, procedure, or custom that restricts a law enforcement agency’s ability to communicate or exchange information with a federal immigration agency on immigration enforcement matters or from complying with immigration detainers.
  • Provides procedures for a court to follow to reduce a defendant’s sentence by up to 12 days and thereby permit a law enforcement agency to transfer the defendant to a federal facility and complete the remaining 12 days of the sentence.
  • Requires a law enforcement agency that has custody of someone who is subject to an immigration detainer to notify the judge of the detainer, record in the person’s file the existence of the detainer, and comply with the detainer.
  • Requires a county correctional facility to enter into an agreement with a federal immigration agency for the payment of costs associated with housing and detaining defendants.
  • Provides that the Governor, in an exercise of his or her constitutional duties, may initiate judicial proceedings against any executive or administrative state, county, or municipal officer to enforce compliance with duties under the act or restrain unauthorized actions contrary to the act.
  • Permits the Attorney General to institute an action for a violation of this law or to prevent a violation of the law.
  • Requires any sanctuary policies currently in effect be repealed within 90 days after the effective date of the act.

Governor DeSantis minced no words in characterizing the serious problem SB 168 is intended to address:

“Sanctuary cities basically create law-free zones where people can come to our state illegally and our country illegally, commit criminal offenses and then just walk right out the door and continue to do it. In Florida, that will not happen.”

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, a strong supporter of the bill, added:

“[The bill] doesn’t change anything because we’ve been doing that for years. This is not dealing with what cops deal with on the street. This has nothing to do with turning people over [to ICE].  It only has to do with criminals that are in jail who ICE has a warrant to further arrest. It’s us serving that warrant for the arrest.”

The law takes effect July 1, 2019 and may well serve as a blueprint other states can follow.

via American Thinker Blog

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China strategically withdraws in Art of War offensive

China, facing trade war retaliation and Hong Kong protests, is following an ancient Art of War offensive strategy by temporarily withdrawing when meeting concerted opposition.

Sun Tzu’s Art of War military treatise may have been written about 2,500 years ago, but it continues to be the most important modern primer for strategy and tactics. The sage text has had life-changing impacts on Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, American Gulf War General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., and undoubtedly influenced New York Military Academy First Captain and now President Donald J. Trump.

Enodo Economics’ Diana Choyleva first coined the term ‘Digital Cold War’ in 2018 to describe a “contest for future hi-tech supremacy” as ascendant China seeks to supplant America in setting artificial Intelligence and quantum computing ‘standards.’ Short of a “change of regime or ideology in either China or America and no military confrontation,” Enodo warned investors to be aware of a protracted “messy decoupling” as East and West jockey for economic and geopolitical dominance.

Sun Tzu stated as a leader’s premier strategy for victory: “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” Tactics for war revolve around timing, chaos creating opportunities, subduing enemies without fighting, use of deception, letting success compound on itself, and understanding that no one profits from prolonged warfare.

Chaos from the Soviet Union’s collapse was timed with China’s declaration of ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,’ to provide Western justification for funding China’s economic transition from rural impoverishment to urbanized factory to the world.

China was so successful in subduing its historic adversaries in the West without a fight, Business Insider published a slide deck in October 2015 titled, ‘How China went from Communist to Capitalist.’ BI joyfully trumpeted that “China’s economy is the second-largest in the world and will likely overtake the U.S. sometime this century.”

But at the time, China President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping was quietly using the China’s national security apparatus to detain 27 full members and 8 alternative members of the Communist Central Committee in his “tigers and flies” anti-corruption “great purge” that ensnared at least 1.34 million high and low level Chinese officials, according to a BBC review of public records.

President Xi openly announced dual technology initiatives in 2015: Internet Plus to meld digital and real-world economies; and Made in China 2025 to surge core technology competitiveness. Domestic content goals for advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing; automated machine tools and robotics; rail transport and self-driving vehicles; power and agricultural equipment; new materials and bio-pharma products were raised to 40 percent by 2020 and to 70 percent by 2025.

To maximize control, 2,300 Communist Party officials in 2017 voted to elevate President Xi to the “core” paramount status of level of legendary Chinese communists Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. A constitution amendment enshrined “Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristic for a new era” as governing philosophy.

Such brazenly confrontational moves ran directly counter to Sun Tzu’s tactical warning:

“For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.”

Donald Trump had run for president in 2016 on a commitment to “Make America Great Again” by confronting what he called a series of unfair international trade deals. The blatant American job killing goals of the Made in China 2025 manifesto validated his stated desire for the United States to unleash an escalating trade war against China.

With the trade war already sapping the domestic economy, China inexplicably introduced confrontational legislation to allow extradition of semi-autonomous Hong Kong residents to mainland China. Mass demonstrations turning violent with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets at college-age students symbolically dropping umbrellas and storming the city’s parliament building were broadcast live across the globe.

Geopolitical Futures suggests that “Beijing’s main concern today is that the city-state could be used to destabilize China.” Leadership worries include “muckrakers circumventing state media controls to air Communist Party leadership’s dirty laundry,” dissidents funding mainland political movements, and China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection seeking recovery of billions of dollars in tycoon “ill-gotten wealth.”

Having pushed its goals to the point of concerted opposition, China’s leadership seems to be paying attention to the importance Art of War assigns to “no one profits from prolonged warfare,” as Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam announced an indefinite suspension of the extradition bill on Saturday.

No one should underestimate China’s continuing determination to seek economic and geopolitical dominance. But in a classic Art of War response as two million of Hong Kong’s seven million residents took to the streets to protest on Sunday, Hong Kong security forces remained almost invisible. 

China, facing trade war retaliation and Hong Kong protests, is following an ancient Art of War offensive strategy by temporarily withdrawing when meeting concerted opposition.

Sun Tzu’s Art of War military treatise may have been written about 2,500 years ago, but it continues to be the most important modern primer for strategy and tactics. The sage text has had life-changing impacts on Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, American Gulf War General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., and undoubtedly influenced New York Military Academy First Captain and now President Donald J. Trump.

Enodo Economics’ Diana Choyleva first coined the term ‘Digital Cold War’ in 2018 to describe a “contest for future hi-tech supremacy” as ascendant China seeks to supplant America in setting artificial Intelligence and quantum computing ‘standards.’ Short of a “change of regime or ideology in either China or America and no military confrontation,” Enodo warned investors to be aware of a protracted “messy decoupling” as East and West jockey for economic and geopolitical dominance.

Sun Tzu stated as a leader’s premier strategy for victory: “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” Tactics for war revolve around timing, chaos creating opportunities, subduing enemies without fighting, use of deception, letting success compound on itself, and understanding that no one profits from prolonged warfare.

Chaos from the Soviet Union’s collapse was timed with China’s declaration of ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,’ to provide Western justification for funding China’s economic transition from rural impoverishment to urbanized factory to the world.

China was so successful in subduing its historic adversaries in the West without a fight, Business Insider published a slide deck in October 2015 titled, ‘How China went from Communist to Capitalist.’ BI joyfully trumpeted that “China’s economy is the second-largest in the world and will likely overtake the U.S. sometime this century.”

But at the time, China President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping was quietly using the China’s national security apparatus to detain 27 full members and 8 alternative members of the Communist Central Committee in his “tigers and flies” anti-corruption “great purge” that ensnared at least 1.34 million high and low level Chinese officials, according to a BBC review of public records.

President Xi openly announced dual technology initiatives in 2015: Internet Plus to meld digital and real-world economies; and Made in China 2025 to surge core technology competitiveness. Domestic content goals for advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing; automated machine tools and robotics; rail transport and self-driving vehicles; power and agricultural equipment; new materials and bio-pharma products were raised to 40 percent by 2020 and to 70 percent by 2025.

To maximize control, 2,300 Communist Party officials in 2017 voted to elevate President Xi to the “core” paramount status of level of legendary Chinese communists Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. A constitution amendment enshrined “Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristic for a new era” as governing philosophy.

Such brazenly confrontational moves ran directly counter to Sun Tzu’s tactical warning:

“For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.”

Donald Trump had run for president in 2016 on a commitment to “Make America Great Again” by confronting what he called a series of unfair international trade deals. The blatant American job killing goals of the Made in China 2025 manifesto validated his stated desire for the United States to unleash an escalating trade war against China.

With the trade war already sapping the domestic economy, China inexplicably introduced confrontational legislation to allow extradition of semi-autonomous Hong Kong residents to mainland China. Mass demonstrations turning violent with police firing tear gas and rubber bullets at college-age students symbolically dropping umbrellas and storming the city’s parliament building were broadcast live across the globe.

Geopolitical Futures suggests that “Beijing’s main concern today is that the city-state could be used to destabilize China.” Leadership worries include “muckrakers circumventing state media controls to air Communist Party leadership’s dirty laundry,” dissidents funding mainland political movements, and China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection seeking recovery of billions of dollars in tycoon “ill-gotten wealth.”

Having pushed its goals to the point of concerted opposition, China’s leadership seems to be paying attention to the importance Art of War assigns to “no one profits from prolonged warfare,” as Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam announced an indefinite suspension of the extradition bill on Saturday.

No one should underestimate China’s continuing determination to seek economic and geopolitical dominance. But in a classic Art of War response as two million of Hong Kong’s seven million residents took to the streets to protest on Sunday, Hong Kong security forces remained almost invisible. 

via American Thinker Blog

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Denver City Council Member Vows To Usher In Communism ‘By Any Means Necessary’

The Mile High City is in the news again for all the wrong reasons…

Mere weeks after moving to decriminalize magic mushrooms and cementing its status as the doper heaven of the USA, a newly elected city council member has raised eyebrows with her vow to impose communism by “any means necessary” which is a sentiment that has grown in the Democratic party.

Candi CdeBaca who is an avowed member of the Democratic Socialists Of America (the same communist organization that has blessed America with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) scored an upset in a runoff election after her appeal to the lowlifes, chiselers, and stoners who are drawn to promises of free stuff and state punishment of their oppressors.

According to the American Mirror, “Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’”:

The upset victory, and two other incumbent defeats, marks the most significant shift in city leadership in over 30 years, and Valverde contends it “began a movement” toward more progressive policies once the new members are sworn in this week, The Denver Channel reports.

CdeBaca thanked her supporters on Facebook, where she claimed her secret to success was simply keeping it “real.”

“The Eastside taught me really early what ‘real’ really means. Don’t talk about it, BE about it. I knew in my heart if community who knew this principle still existed in the Eastside, they would see me and recognize real,” she wrote. “If they didn’t I was cool with it too because I wanted to serve those who understand this principle. They are here, they showed up, they recognized real.”

In April, Jonathan Woodley posted a video of CdeBaca during a “Denver Decides” candidate forum as she explained to voters exactly what she’s all about, and why she plans to implement communism at every opportunity.

“I don’t believe our current economic system actually works. Um, capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, something has to be exploited, that’s land, labor or resources,” CdeBaca alleged.

“And I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new, and I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources,” she continued. “And whatever that morphs into is I think what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary.”

By Any Means Necessary also happens to be a radical “anti-fascist” group known for instigating violent confrontations with Trump supporters and patriots across the country, including the deadly melee at a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

While the media largely ignores these fanatics if not outright glorifying them as in the case of AOC and voters remain tuned out, America is only a few elections away from becoming a socialist country and as no less an expert than Vladimir I. Lenin once famously remarked – the goal of socialism is communism.


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Levin sets ‘Beto’ straight on Iran: ‘He doesn’t know anything he’s talking about’

“One of the things that’s very troubling to me,” LevinTV host Mark Levin said on the radio Friday night, “is the extent to which our enemies get support among the Democrats when the enemy is the problem.”

Specifically, Levin was referring to a recent interview that 2020 presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke gave on PBS Newshour, in which the Texas Democrat said the current administration is “gunning for war” with Iran over a recent attack on two oil tankers.

“So Iran attacks oil tankers — and this is just the latest stuff that Iran has done — and we’re gunning for war?” Levin remarked. “These really are ‘hate America first’ leftists,’ aren’t they? We’re gunning for war? We’re not gunning for anything.”

During the interview, O’Rourke also said that he would work with allies in the region that the president “has turned his back on” in order to counter the Iranian threat; Levin was quick to correct this point.

“The Gulf states, like never before, are aligned with the United States; Israel and the Gulf states, like never before, are aligned with each other, all against Iran,” Levin corrected. “I don’t believe we’ve ever seen anything like this.”

“And Beto O’Rourke rambles on like he knows what the hell he’s talking about,” Levin concluded, “when he doesn’t know anything he’s talking about.”

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