9th Circuit challenges ICE warrant and arrests, reverses deportation order

A federal appeals court in California ordered an illegal alien who was captured during an immigration raid to be freed because the warrant used by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) indicated only that agents were searching for employment records, not preparing a large operation involving mass arrests of unlawfully employed foreigners.

Critics say the decision is a bad one because it over-emphasizes the due process rights of immigration lawbreakers and ties the hands of ICE to enforce the nation’s immigration laws.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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MUST SEE: Democracy Protesters Adopt Christian Song ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’ as Battle Cry Against Communist Regime

Continued reporting for The Gateway Pundit from Hong Kong

Over the past week huge numbers of protestors have gathered in Hong Kong to take a stand against another change in Hong Kong law moving the tiny country further under Mainland China’s grip.

The BBC reported yesterday on the crowds –

Now it’s being reported that the protesters have adopted a Christian song as their anthem –

The song was sung around Hong Kong –

More on the Christian song –

The protesters requested peace rather than violence

Wow – How proud the people of Hong Kong are tonight of their ‘protesters’!

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WATCH: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Attacks Christian Baptism

Hulu’s "The Handmaid’s Tale" is back to its trademark Christianity bashing. Now, instead of slandering Christians as psychopaths who forcefully impregnate women and take children as child brides, the show has attacked the concept of Christian baptism, particularly Catholic baptism.
The recent episode "God Bless the Child" features a baptism of some sort for all newborns in the fictional dystopia of Gilead.

via Daily Wire

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Commie Bartender AOC Mouths Off to President Trump, “You’re from Queens…I’ll Call Your Bluff Any Day…Bye”

Freshman communist bartender Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) talked New York City street tough to President Donald Trump Sunday night in response to Trump agreeing with her assessment that Democrats face a “very real risk” of losing the 2020 election. Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the Bronx in Congress, dissed Trump for being from Queens and for his calling out her and other Democrats pushing impeachment.

Trump had tweeted earlier Sunday, “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “I think we have a very real risk of losing the Presidency to Donald Trump.” I agree, and that is the only reason they play the impeach card, which cannot be legally used!”

Ocasio-Cortez responded, “Mr. President, you’re from Queens. You may fool the rest of the country, but I’ll call your bluff any day of the week. Opening an impeachment inquiry is exactly what we must do when the President obstructs justice, advises witnesses to ignore legal subpoenas, & more. Bye”

Transcript via ABC News of Ocasio-Cortez’s comments made appeared on Sunday’s This Week with Jonathan Karl:

KARL: So, do you believe the Democrats will lose to Donald Trump if they don’t nominate somebody who is, in your mind, a true progressive along the lines you just described?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Well, I think that we have a very real risk of losing the presidency to Donald Trump if we do not have a presidential candidate that is fighting for true transformational change in the lives of working people in the United States. I think that if we elect a president on half-measures that the American people don’t quite understand the agenda of a president, you know, a president that says we’re fighting for higher wages but we don’t want a $15 minimum wage, fighting for education but we don’t to make colleges tuition-free, fighting for women’s rights, et cetera, but we don’t want to go all the way with that, then I think we have a very real risk of losing the presidency.

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Muslim Mob Burns Christian Church in Niger After Arrest of Imam

A mob of Muslim activists sacked and set fire to a Christian church in Niger this weekend to protest the arrest of an influential imam.

On Saturday night, scores of demonstrators in Maradi, Niger’s third largest city, torched the church of the Assembly of God in the Zaria neighborhood along with the car of the parish pastor. In another neighborhood, the Life to the Full Christian church was sacked.

Witnesses told Agence France Presse (AFP) that on late Saturday evening, groups of young Muslims laid barricades across the road and burned old tires in protest of the arrest of Cheick Rayadoune, the influential imam of the mosque of Zaria.

Police had arrested the imam earlier in the day after he had preached at Friday services against a new government bill on the organization of the exercise of worship, calling the proposed legislation “anti-Islam.”

After several hours of detention, the imam was released.

A senior official of the Niger’s Ministry of the Interior told AFP that there is “nothing anti-Islamic” in the proposed legislation, which is the fruit rather of extensive consultation and is intended to counter measures advocated by “obscurantist terrorist organizations” in the country.

In 2017, Niger’s Ministry of the Interior convoked Nigerien Muslim scholars to work together on drafting the bill.

In late April, the Council of Ministers adopted the legislation, which was drafted to “prevent the risks of abuses found in other countries” and to provide means for the state to “regulate practices that are common in the religious sphere,” according to an official statement.

The council’s communiqué emphasized a “total absence of rigorously defined norms” concerning “the exercise of worship” in the nation, against a backdrop of increasing “fundamentalist and extremist religious tendencies” in various regions of the country.

The bill still needs to be adopted by Parliament to become law.

Imam Cheick Rayadoune has said that he was misinformed about the content of the bill, having been falsely led to believe that it would impose same-sex marriage. He said he will correct the error in his sermon this Friday. Meanwhile, police have detained 178 Muslim demonstrators over Saturday’s violence.

Niger is a country that is overwhelmingly Muslim, with only 1-2 percent of Christians of a population of more than 20 million.

The country is not unaccustomed to religiously motivated violence.

After the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed by the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015, anti-Christian mobs killed ten people in Niamey and destroyed most of the churches in the capital, as well as in Zinder, the second largest city in the country.

via Breitbart News

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Immigrant Muslim Couple in Texas Enslaved Little Girl for 16 Years — Only Receive 7 Year Sentence

Mohamed and Denise Cros-Toure imported a 5-year-old girl from Guinea and enslaved her for 16 years.

The slave girl was forced to cook, clean, do the laundry, perform yard work and care for their children.

The Muslim couple was arrested in April of 2018.

Mohamed and Denise Cros-Toure (Intellivoire)

Mohamed is the son of Guinea’s first president.

Mohamed is a supporter of Marxist Hugo Chavez and his Socialist revolution.

The couple was recently sentenced to seven years in federal prison each for enslaving the little girl.

PCMD News reported:

A Muslim couple has been sentenced to seven years in federal prison each for enslaving a West African girl for more than 16 years until she escaped with the help of neighbors, the U.S. Department of Justice.

Mohamed Touré and Denise Cros-Touré, who are citizens of the Islamic dominated African country of Guinea, and lawful permanent residents of the U.S., were also ordered to pay their victim $288,620.24 in restitution in the forced labor conviction, according to Yahoo news.

Prosecutors say the couple — members of “wealthy and powerful Guinean families” — arranged for the victim to travel to Texas from rural Guinea in early 2000.

Starting as a young girl, the couple forced the victim named Djena Diallo “to cook, clean, and take care of their biological children, some of whom were close in age to the victim, without pay for the next 16 years,” the release says.

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Swamp expert to Levin: ‘There’s absolutely no authority for the administrative realm in the Constitution’

The administrative state, the federal leviathan, the Swamp: The monstrous, centralized, bureaucratic, entrenched decision-making apparatus within the federal government that seems to answer only to itself.

On Sunday night’s episode of Life, Liberty & Levin, LevinTV host Mark Levin and Claremont Institute senior fellow and University of Nevada, Reno, Professor John Marini talked about how that Swamp got to be so deep and how things are actually worse now than most people realize.

“The administrative state is such a pervasive phenomenon that most people think of it simply as the bureaucracy,” Marini explained. “But it’s really much more pervasive than that, because it not only is established in the institutions that are created by government, but it also has a kind of authority … that allows politicians to defer to that authority and relieves them, really, of making the kind of political decisions that they need to make about things like making laws.”

The problem with this scenario is not just that the administrative state mechanism is teeming with progressive ideology, regardless of who controls Congress or the White House, but that its very existence runs contrary to the Constitution.

“There’s absolutely no authority for the administrative realm in the Constitution,” Marini explained. “Every authority that is in the Constitution is a political authority, so it derives either from the legislative, executive, or judicial powers.”

“Now, every government has to have an administration, obviously, but the administration that we have now — and the reason why it’s sometimes called rational administration — is not merely carrying out the political will; it’s establishing its own authority to carry out, to deal with, problems that those who have political authority are no longer dealing with,” Marini explained. “They’ve, in a certain way, turned those decisions over to those who have specialized knowledge.”

One of the biggest shifts towards this model occurred during the “Great Society” program push of the Lyndon Johnson era, when Marini said Congress went from being a lawmaking body to a “administrative oversight body.”

“There’s no question that this is all part of the progressive legacy” and the progressive experiment to “replace civil society” with technocratic decision-making from a modern administrative government, Marini explained. “In a certain way … that extends all the way down almost to the family — that every other kind of social organization that once dealt with the problems that are now handled by bureaucracies, all of those things have been turned over, you might say, to professionals.”

Levin and Marini talked about the fact that the descriptions “expert” and “professionals” are really only “credentials that give them the authority for that. That is not the same as knowledge.”

Marini also added that this kind of thinking was a far cry from the kind of governance initially intended for the United States. Among the American Founders, he explained, “there would have been no substitute for making these moral decisions based on human reason. There’s no way that you can delegate that to some other body.”

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Trump Supporters Start Lining Up Nearly Two Days Before Tuesday Night’s Massive Orlando Reelection Campaign Kickoff Rally

Supporters of President Donald Trump started lining up for his reelection campaign kickoff rally in Orlando, Florida around 2:30 a.m. Monday–just under forty-two hours before the scheduled 8 p.m. Tuesday start. Trump said Monday morning over 100,000 ticket requests have been made for the rally that is being held at the Amway Center which has a reported capacity of 17,000 to 20,000 depending on the seating configuration.

The rally will feature President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, along with Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence. The campaign announced on Friday it will be holding an all-day “45 Fest” tailgate party outside the Amway Center with giant screen TVs to accommodate an expected massive celebratory overflow crowd.

WKMG-TV reported the first Trump supporter arrived around 2:30 a.m. Monday:

…Eight Trump supporters started camping out Monday morning, with the first one showing up at 2:30 a.m. The rally is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Gary Beck, a Trump supporter from Panama City, was the first in line.

“There’s going to be a bunch of people, and it’s going to be pretty intense,” Beck said. “The electricity is going to be high. It’s time for America to get back on its feet and be made better than it’s ever been before.”

WDBO-FM reporter Darrell Moody reported on the early arrivers:

Street closures for Tuesday around the Amway Center have been announced:

Those planning to attend the rally should read the FAQ at this link posted by the Amway Center for the rally.

A voter registration drive will be held by a pro-Trump group outside the Amway Center Tuesday. Florida’s elections are decided by razor-thin margins, so groups such as this one see it as imperative for Trump’s reelection bid that every eligible supporter is registered to vote.

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HUGE DEVELOPMENT: ROGER STONE Files Two Court Documents – BLASTS FBI and Mueller’s False Allegations that Russians Gave DNC Emails to WikiLeaks

Roger Stone is requesting proof that Russians hacked the DNC server, as was reported in the Mueller report. Stone claims if the Russians didn’t hack the DNC, his case should be dismissed.

As we’ve pointed out…. the entire fake Russia collusion narrative was based on the fairy tale that Russia hacked the DNC and then provided emails they stole to WikiLeaks.  Roger Stone is out to prove that this narrative is a total fabrication.

We reported on May 11, 2019, that Roger Stone and his legal team requested the report from Crowdstrike, the firm connected with the Deep State who reportedly did inspect the DNC server after emails were released by WikiLeaks. This report was used by the FBI and the Mueller gang as support that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

Stone’s position is that if the Mueller team and the FBI did not inspect the DNC server, then how can they know that the server was hacked. This logical argument makes sense –

The Mueller team fought back against the Stone team and argued that it is not necessary to see the documents that support that Russia hacked the DNC –

The entire Russia collusion delusion is a sham. To date there has been no information reported that absolutely confirms that the DNC was hacked by the Russians. No reports to date show that the DNC server was inspected by the Mueller team and the FBI. Since this is the case, there is no way the Mueller team can claim the server was hacked.

Since there is no proof that the emails were hacked, the reports that Russians were involved in the collusion delusion evaporate.  Others agree with this assertion.

We reported two weeks ago that NSA Whistle blower Bill Binney looked at the DNC data leaked by WikiLeaks and determined that it was definitively not hacked, it was copied to a disk or flash drive.

Yesterday we provided more arguments against Mueller’s assertion that the DNC was hacked by Russians.  Yaacov Apelbaum posted an incredible report earlier this year with information basically proving that the DNC was not hacked by the Russians.

One  point by Apelbaum is –

… that three of the Russian GRU officers on the DOJ wanted list were allegedly working concurrently on multiple non-related projects like interfering with the 2016 United States elections (both HRC and DNC) while at the same time they were also allegedly hacking anti-doping agencies (Images 2-3).

Above are pictures of the individuals the FBI says were working on both the DNC/HRC email hacking and the Olympic doping projects.

The same guys were working on both projects which is all but impossible. (Do we really know if they’re even Russians?)

Apelbaum argues

The fact that the three had multiple concurrent high impact and high visibility project assignments is odd because this is not how typical offensive cyber intelligence teams operate. These units tend to be compartmentalized, they are assigned to a specific mission, and the taskforce stays together for the entire duration of the project.

Also, WikiLeaks has stated numerous times that Russia did not provide them with the emails they leaked in 2016 and Julian Assange has stated that WikiLeaks had nothing to do with Russia.

But of course the Mueller gang never interviewed WikiLeaks in an effort to determine how they received the Clinton emails. Of course the Mueller team could not risk WikiLeaks saying the emails were not received from Russia which would destroy their Russia hacked the DNC fairy tale.

Roger Stone continues to fight back!  On Friday Stone filed two documents with the court!  The first document was a 15 page reply from Stone to the government’s opposition to a motion to suppress.


In this first document Stone filed his reply to the government’s opposition to his “motion to suppress all evidence as fruit of illegal search warrants and evidentiary hearing.”  

Stone states –

The specific challenge to the truthfulness of all the warrants is the unproven claim that the Russian state transferred the DNC and DCCC, and other campaign officials’ data to WikiLeaks. Or, said a different way, WikiLeaks received the data from the Russian state. The government should not have represented this as a fact to the various district judges and magistrates in order to obtain the search warrants.

Stone continues –

The government has never had to prove its case. The series of misrepresentations is foundational.

The government does not dispute in its opposition: “The Office cannot rule out that stolen documents were transferred to WikiLeaks through intermediaries who visited during the summer of 2016.” Robert S. Mueller, Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, 47 (2019) (emphasis added) (hereinafter “Mueller Report”). Declarations from William Binney and Peter Clay, experts in this field concur that WikiLeaks did not receive the stolen data from Russia. (Doc. 100-1; Doc. 100-3). This evidence was discoverable to the government simply by analyzing the documents from the WikiLeaks database. It required no warrant of any entity or person at all.

This is devastating to the Deep State and the Mueller gang.  Even though the government claims the Russians sent emails to WikiLeaks the government agrees it cannot prove it and yet the government used this as the basis for obtaining all warrants related to the Mueller investigation and all actions related to the fake Russia collusion farce!

Stone continues –

Because the Russian state did not transfer the data to WikiLeaks, all other allegations, including communications with Assange or WikiLeaks are irrelevant and immaterial to investigation about Russian interference with 2016 election.

Stone lays out more arguments in the remaining 12 pages of his reply attached above.

But Roger Stone was not done.  He next filed another reply with the court, this 5 page document relates to the court’s opposition to a motion to compel.

134 – Roger Stone — Reply to Opposition to Motion to Compel by Jim Hoft on Scribd

In this document Stone is compels the government to obtain and provide to Stone the unredacted portions of the Crowdstrike report that the FBI and the Mueller gang used to create the Russia investigation and the Mueller investigation.

Defendant, Roger J. Stone respectfully moves to compel discovery of the unredacted copies of the CrowdStrike Reports. In light of the government’s representation that it does not have the unredacted reports

Stone’s documents are devastating to the Russia stole DNC emails and provided them to WikiLeaks farce!  He is facing an uphill battle with the crooked Obama appointed judge overseeing his case (Amy Berman Jackson) but the facts are in his favor.

Let’s hope Roger Stone is able to present all the information available to destroy the ‘Russia Collusion’ sham once and for all.

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Harvard Rescinds Acceptance of Conservative Activist Kyle Kashuv

Harvard has rescinded their acceptance of conservative activist Kyle Kashuv, a survivor of the 2019 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, to its 2023 undergraduate class.

In a Twitter thread Monday morning, Kashuv explained to his 300,000 followers that he believed his potential classmates had pressured the university to cancel his admittance after news reports emerged of derogatory remarks Kashuv wrote in text messages and a study document when he was 16.

When those reports first broke Kashuv issued a statement saying he was "embarrassed," but contended he had matured in the years since the remarks had been made. Kashuv added that surviving the shooting at his high school, which killed 17 of his classmates and teachers, had transformed him.

"After the story broke, former peers & political opponents began contacting Harvard urging them to rescind me," Kashuv wrote. Kashuv shortly thereafter received a letter from the university alerting him that they had the right to cancel his previous admittance and asked for a full explanation of his remarks within 72 hours.

Kashuv responded to the head of admissions with a two-page letter further explaining the situation, how he has matured since he made the derogatory statements, and why he believed he would still make a valuable addition to the Harvard community.

The conservative activist also reached out to the university’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion to begin a conversation about how he could expand his outreach to minority communities.

Despite this correspondence, Harvard sent Kashuv a letter on June 3 informing him the university had decided to withdraw his acceptance after an admissions committee vote. Kashuv linked to requests to meet with admissions officials for a further explanation of why the decision had been made and whether or not there was anything he could do or exhibit to change the decision. But the university declined all requests.

"Throughout its history, Harvard’s faculty has included slave owners, segregationists, bigots and antisemites," Kashuv tweeted, rounding out his thread on the decision. "If Harvard is suggesting that growth isn’t possible and that our past defines our future, then Harvard is an inherently racist institution. But I don’t believe that."

The conservative activist, who has used his national platform to defend the Second Amendment and advocate for stronger school safety measures, said he is exploring all options about his next steps.

"In the end, this isn’t about me, it’s about whether we live in a society in which forgiveness is possible or mistakes brand you as irredeemable, as Harvard has decided for me."

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