Trump Unloads On Democrats Over Border Crisis

President Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Wednesday for not helping to address the crux of the problem with the crisis on the southern border and suggested that Democratic lawmakers were lying about what they saw during their visit to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility this week.

“Our Border Patrol people are not hospital workers, doctors or nurses. The Democrats bad Immigration Laws, which could be easily fixed, are the problem. Great job by Border Patrol, above and beyond,” Trump tweeted. “Many of these illegals aliens are living far better now than where they came from, and in far safer conditions. No matter how good things actually look, even if perfect, the Democrat visitors will act shocked & aghast at how terrible things are. Just Pols. If they really want to fix them, change the Immigration Laws and Loopholes. So easy to do!”

Trump added: “Now, if you really want to fix the Crisis at the Southern Border, both humanitarian and otherwise, tell migrants not to come into our country unless they are willing to do so legally, and hopefully through a system based on Merit. This way we have no problems at all!”

Trump’s comments come after socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made salacious claims, without evidence, that CBP officials told detained women to drink from the toilet if they were thirsty while Ocasio-Cortez was present.

Ocasio-Cortez made numerous other salacious claims which were widely dismissed as being false and dishonest.

During a Fox News interview on Tuesday, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said that Ocasio-Cortez’s recent claims show that she is “getting bolder with her lies.”

“People like AOC are operating off of a false premise and deliberately designed to misinform the American people for her own political ends,” Crenshaw said. “Remember, first there was no crisis at all. Then it was a manufactured crisis. Then it was a crisis completely created by Trump. Then there were concentration camps. Then people are Nazis.”

“Now she is saying that Border Patrol agents harassed her and forced migrants to drink out of toilets? This is insanity. This is not true,” Crenshaw continued. “There is no one else corroborating these kinds of reports and yet she is using it to try and make her case that we shouldn’t have any enforcement and that we should have open borders. This is really dishonest behavior from a member of Congress and I honestly can’t believe it.”

“Let’s not forget, they fought us tooth and nail against that $4.5 million of humanitarian aid that the president needed, that DHS needed, that HHS needed, in order to better conditions at these facilities,” Crenshaw continued. “They fought us for months on this. They said there was no crisis. We asked for a vote in the House 17 times. They refused to do it. … AOC talks about these things, I don’t see them offering up any space in their own homes. They are not offering a better solution. They are not saying, ‘why don’t we put them all up at a hotel.'”

“What they really want is no enforcement, this is the crux of it. They don’t talk about what the actual problem is which is tens of thousands of people coming across and overwhelming our system,” Crenshaw concluded. “And then they have to answer the question, should we have a system at all? And they say no. Well what is the point of even having a border? Why even have custom agents at airports if we are not going to enforce any kind of management over who comes in and out of our country? They don’t want to answer these tough questions because in the end they want open borders.”

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Fareed Zakaria: Our asylum laws are ‘vague, lax, and being gamed’

Sunday, Fareed Zakaria did a segment about the crisis at the border in which he stated the facts that few reporters seem interested in talking about. Speaking of Trump, Zakaria said, “He is right that the United States faces a crisis with its asylum system.”

Zakaria went on to offer a warning to Democrats. Highlighting the chaos at the border might help energize left-wing voters as a way to further demonize the president, but it also suggests that something more drastic needs to be done to resolve the problem and that will wind up playing into Trump’s hands in 2020. He’s right. The perfect scenario for Democrats going into 2020 is a calm border that robs Trump of one of his favorite issues. On the other hand, an ideal scenario for Trump is mass immigration that is overwhelming our system. Right now, that’s what we’ve got.

What’s good about this clip is that Zakaria isn’t just gaming out political scenarios. He also offers an explanation for why this is happening. That explanation will be very familiar to regular Hot Air readers but I wonder if this isn’t the first time some CNN viewers have heard it.

“Since 2014, the flow of asylum seekers into the United States has skyrocketed,’ Zakaria said. He continued, “Last year, immigration courts received 162,000 asylum claims, a 240 percent increase from 2014. The result is a staggering backlog with more than 300,000 immigration cases pending and the average immigration case has been pending for more than 700 days.

“It’s also clear that the rules surrounding asylum are vague, lax, and being gamed. The initial step for many asylum seekers is to convince officers that they have a credible fear of persecution in their home countries and about 75 percent meet that criteria. Some applicants for asylum have suspiciously similar stories using identical phrases. Many simply use the system to enter the U.S. and then melt into the shadows or gain a work permit while their application is pending.

“Asylum is meant to be granted to a very small number of people in extreme circumstances, not as a substitute for the process of immigration itself. Yet the two have gotten mixed up.”

Zakaria notes that asylum laws were created by the UN after Jews were turned away by other countries when they tried to flee Nazi Germany. But over the years the standard for asylum has gotten broader. It’s not only open to people fleeing genocide but to anyone who can claim they were threatened by a gang or that they are a victim of domestic violence. Granted both of those things are real and terrible problems but we have those same problems here.

And then Zakaria gets to the real problem with all of this. As things now stand, “Hundreds of millions of people around the world who live in poor, unstable regions where threats of violence abound could easily apply for asylum. Do they all have the legal right to enter the U.S. through a back door, bypassing the normal immigration process?”

Nearly all of the Democrats running for president and most in Congress seem to believe the answer is yes. Some are even calling for decriminalizing border crossing and abolishing ICE, effectively creating open borders, i.e. people might get a ticket when they cross but once they’re in, they’ll never be asked to leave.

Zakaria understands that this is not a tenable situation. “The criteria for asylum need to be rewritten and substantially tightened…People should not be able to use asylum claims to work in America,” he said.

All of this makes perfect sense but these days saying it almost guarantees you’ll be demonized as a racist. Indeed, Zakaria does this to Trump at the beginning of this clip even while admitting he’s right. Still, it’s a hopeful sign that the truth about what is happening has broken out at CNN. Trump administration spokespeople and surrogates should be forced to watch this on a loop until they can quote it verbatim and go on CNN to repeat it over and over until it sinks in with some portion of the anti-Trump viewership.


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Toy Story 2 Cuts Fake Blooper Scene in Wake of #MeToo

A new release of the animated hit Toy Story 2 has cut out a fake blooper scene where one of the characters suggestively tells two Barbies he can get them a part in the next sequel.

The original segment is at the 3:35 mark in the video above. "Stinky Pete," voiced by Kelsey Grammer, rubs one of the Barbie’s hands and doesn’t know he’s being filmed as he promises to help their careers.

Fans noticed the scene was edited out in the new 4K version of the movie released earlier this year, CNN reported.

The sensitivity over the scene appears related to the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment, which began in 2017 with revelations of decades of sexual assault and misconduct claims against Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein.

Yahoo wrote up the story of the edit with the headline, "‘Toy Story 2′ once featured Barbies being sexually harassed. Not anymore."

Its lede: "One of the many amusing aspects of the Toy Story movies are the jokes in the blooper reel at the end, which depicts favorite animated characters, including Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Mr. Potato Head, as actors flubbing various scenes.

The problem is that one of them, a blooper from 1999’s Toy Story 2, isn’t so funny anymore."

Toy Story 4, the latest film in the popular Pixar series, was released last month. Like its three predecessors, it features a humorous fake bloopers scene during the end credits.

John Lasseter, the director of Toy Story 2 and several other Pixar hits, left Disney and Pixar in 2018 amid allegations of sexual harassment. He was one of several prominent figures across media, politics, and business whose behavior went from open secret to scandal in the #MeToo era.

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Delingpole: RIP Christopher Booker, the World’s Greatest Climate Change Sceptic

Christopher Booker, the world’s greatest climate sceptic, has died.

Booker – “Bookers” as I used to call him on our regularly weekly phone chats – would have hated being called the ‘greatest’ but he was, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, he wrote the definitive book on the climate change scam: The Great Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with ‘Climate Change’ Turning Out to be the Most Costly Blunder in History?

Secondly, he was one of very, very few journalists capable of getting climate sceptical arguments prominent coverage in the mainstream media – notably in the hugely influential and widely read Daily Mail and also in his weekly Sunday Telegraph column.

Thirdly, he was a figure of such journalistic eminence, who did his research so thoroughly, that he made it very hard for his many enemies on the green side of the argument simply to dismiss him as an ignorant crank.

Fourthly, unlike more than a few on the sceptic side of argument, Booker did not attempt to cover his rear or make himself seem more reasonable and moderate by billing himself as a ‘lukewarmer’. Booker told it as he saw it and for many years was in no doubt whatsoever that ‘climate change’ was the most expensive, pointless and dishonest scam in the history of the world.

What made Booker so special, apart from the old-fashioned thoroughness and attention to detail he brought to all his investigations, was that he was a man of extraordinary intelligence, experience and breadth of insight.

During his long, varied career he had been the founding editor of Private Eye (and, by extension, a key player in London’s Sixties Satire boom), jazz critic for the Spectator, a campaigner against tower blocks and brutalist modern architecture, a correspondent at the Moscow Olympics and a crusader against the European Union (his book The Great Deception – co-written with Richard North is the definitive work on the subject).

He also wrote an analysis of literature and storytelling tropes through the ages – The Seven Basic Plots – so brilliant that it is now taught at universities and on screenwriting courses as a kind of key to all mythologies which demonstrates not only how stories have been constructed and told over the centuries but also why they play such an important role in our culture.

Booker, in other words, was considerably more formidable an intellect with a great deal more hinterland and breadth of understanding than most of the tragic little pigmies who made it their business to mock his journalistic columns and to wear him down with vexatious complaints to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) (formerly the Press Complaints Commission).

These complaints – often made by people with vested interests in the global warming scam, either as paid shills like Bob Ward of the Grantham Institute, or as second-rate scientists defending their sinecures – would take up a good deal of Booker’s unpaid time. Almost invariably at the end he won because the facts were on his side and because he had prepared his case thoroughly. But by that stage the damage had been done: the point of these complaints was and is to wear climate sceptics down and to make them suffer financially, as well as to make newspaper editors more wary of publishing their work. The process is the punishment.

Booker, being a philosophical and good natured soul, took most of these irritations in his stride. But in our final conversations he did admit to finding it extraordinary – as I do – that almost a decade after Climategate (the tenth anniversary falls in November) we are still no closer to derailing the $1.5 trillion (plus) per annum global climate change gravy train.

On the contrary, the more clearly the evidence shows that catastrophic man-made climate change is a chimaera, the more shrilly and noisily the vast and powerful climate alarmism industry screams that the sky is falling and that we’re all doomed (unless we spend still trillions more on this non-existent problem…).

Though Booker agreed that this is shocking he did not find it inexplicable. That’s because, as an historian, he recognised that across the ages madness has run in cycles, and that every stupid idea – from the Taiping rebellion to Nazism to Maoism – has its day during which the warnings of the sane are ignored. The great global warming scam is just another example of this phenomenon.

When he died, Booker was working on a book on this subject. The early draft was a paper he wrote for the Global Warming Policy Foundation on the subject of groupthink.

Groupthink was a term coined in the Sixties by a Yale psychology professor Irving Janis. Booker brought it up to date by taking in the climate change scare.

He wrote:

What Janis did was to define scientifically just how what he called groupthink operates, according to three basic rules. And what my paper tries to show is the astonishing degree to which they explain so much that many have long found puzzling about the global warming story.

Janis’s first rule is that a group of people come to share a particular way of looking at the world which may seem hugely important to them but which turns out not to have been based on looking properly at all the evidence. It is therefore just a shared, untested belief.

Rule two is that, because they have shut their minds to any evidence which might contradict their belief, they like to insist that it is supported by a “consensus”. The one thing those caught up in groupthink cannot tolerate is that anyone should question it.

This leads on to the third rule, which is that they cannot properly debate the matter with those who disagree with their belief. Anyone holding a contrary view must simply be ignored, ridiculed and dismissed as not worth listening to.

His full paper is well worth a read – as is the one he wrote demonstrating the key role of the BBC in promoting the climate scare.

Booker was like my honorary dad. I’ll miss him greatly. Not that I really quite believe that he’s no longer with us. Years from now, when the phone rings in the evening in the middle of some TV programme I’m watching, I’ll still pick it up half expecting to hear a voice booming at me with the enthusiasm of a man about to launch into another hour long conversation ranging from the European Union to climate change to Peter Cook to his schooldays at Shrewsbury: “Dellers!…”

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Trump Stuns Wild-Eyed Open Border Democrats: Says Migrant Holding Facilities for Many Are “Far Better Than Where They Came From”

President Trump stunned the wild-eyed open border Democrats on Wednesday, tweeting out:

President Trump: Our Border Patrol people are not hospital workers, doctors or nurses. The Democrats bad Immigration Laws, which could be easily fixed, are the problem. Great job by Border Patrol, above and beyond. Many of these illegals aliens are living far better now than where they came from, and in far safer conditions. No matter how good things actually look, even if perfect, the Democrat visitors will act shocked & aghast at how terrible things are. Just Pols. If they really want to fix them, change the Immigration Laws and Loopholes. So easy to do!

Of course, President Trump is correct.
Many of the third world migrants storming the border are living in squalid conditions and do not have electricity or indoor plumbing back home.

Honduran Island (Summit Foundation)

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Lawsuit: Google Android Creator Andy Rubin Accused of Running ‘Sex Ring’

The creator of Google’s Android mobile operating system, Andy Rubin, who was a high-level executive at the Silicon Valley giant before his 2014 departure, has been accused of running a “sex ring” according to court documents.

Business Insider reports that Andy Rubin, the creator of Google’s Android mobile operating system who left the company in 2014, has been accused by one woman of running a “sex ring” according to unsealed court documents. In the documents, a woman identified only as “M” claims that she would “agree to perform various sexual acts with multiple men,” and have it filmed for “the enjoyment of Rubin and other men.” She claims she then had a sexual relationship with Rubin “off-camera.”

The complaint also alleges that Rubin cheated his ex-wife out of a large sum of money using a prenuptial agreement that may have been drafted by an attorney with a conflict of interest and purposefully excluded some of Rubin’s personal wealth. The allegations have been called “false claims” by Rubin’s lawyer who told Business Insider: “This is a family law dispute involving a wife who regrets her decision to execute a prenuptial agreement. It is full of false claims and we look forward to telling our side of the story.”

Rubin’s ex-wife accused him in 2018 of being involved in a number of “ownership relationships” with many women during the marriage. The complaint states that this arrangement saw Rubin “pay for their expenses in exchange for offering them to other men.” Rubin’s ex-wife, Rie Rubin, is attempting to invalidate the prenuptial agreement with this complaint, claiming that the agreement did not include a vast sum of Rubin’s personal wealth including money generated from the sale of Rubin’s previous company Danger to Microsoft in 2008.

The complaint also alleges that Rubin cheated Rie Rubin out of money by having her sign the prenuptial agreement just days before their wedding while she was pregnant with their child without informing her that the lawyer who drafted the agreement had previously represented him in a previous divorce. Rie Rubin alleges that as a result, there was a conflict of interest which when combined with a number of other factors, should invalidate the agreement.

report from the New York Times in 2018 titled “How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’” outlined how the progressive tech giant Google protected three executives that were accused of sexual misconduct for more than a decade. The article notes that Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile operating system, left the company in October 2014 and was given a “hero’s farewell” by executives at the company.

Larry Page, Google’s chief executive at the time, commented on Rubin’s departure in a statement saying: “I want to wish Andy all the best with what’s next. With Android he created something truly remarkable — with a billion-plus happy users.” The New York Times notes that in their farewell to Rubin, the company failed to mention that Rubin was leaving the company after a claim of sexual assault by a Google employee with whom Rubin had been having an extramarital relationship.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Google’s Vice President of People Operations, Eileen Naughton, sent an internal email to Google employees after the story about Rubin broke. In the email, Pichai claimed that the company has fired 48 Google employees, including 13 “senior managers and above,” due to allegations of sexual assault and that none of these fired employees received exit packages.

Pichai and Naughton assured employees that Google has implemented new tools for employees to report sexual harassment and misconduct and stated that they can do so anonymously if they wish.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at

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Texas Teen Mows American Flag into Lawn to Honor Fallen Soldier

A Texas teenager mowed an American flag into his front lawn on Monday as a special tribute to a fallen soldier and a friend.

Cameron James, 17, told NBC DFW that one of his friends who served in the Army was killed on duty in Arizona last week, and he wanted to do something to honor his legacy.

James then got the idea to mow an American flag into his home’s lawn on Monday, as it would be timely for the Fourth of July holiday, KETK reported.

“Our mower has different settings, so I just changed the settings so the grass would be different lengths for the stripes,” said James.

The 17-year-old used a lawn mower for the stripes and a weed whacker to create the 50 stars in the flag’s left corner. The job took him four hours, but James said it was worth it.

“It was a lot of work,” James said. “But it was worth it.”

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Netflix Series ‘Mr. Iglesias’ Bashes Conservatives, Compares Gorbachev’s Wall to Trump’s

Last week, Netflix debuted its newest comedy series Mr. Iglesias, starring comedian Gabriel Iglesias as high school history teacher Gabe. The teen-oriented show is merely the latest program on the streamer to constantly bash President Donald Trump, Republicans, and conservatives.

The Netflix series begins with Gabe being dressed-down by his principal for his students failing to achieve high test numbers. So, Gabe offers to help the kids over the summer to improve their test scores.

In one episode Gabe says, “We got five minutes to go over all of American history.”

To which one student replies, “Wiped out the indigenous people, oppressed the blacks, did some good stuff around World War II, and now the sun is setting on our empire.”

“I guess we covered it all,” Gabe replied.

By episode two, the show sees attacks on President Trump. In one scene, student Mikey Gutierrez (Fabrizio Zacharee Guido) is taking an oral exam in front of assistant principal, Carlos Hernandez (Oscar Nunez), with a recitation of President Abe Lincoln’s second inaugural address.

When he finishes the recitation, the principal dismissively notes that the teen deserves a score of 70 because all he did was “rote memorization.” But the teen gets fired up and adds that when Lincoln was young, he once said, “Someday, I shall be president.”

At that brash display, the principal leaned over to a teacher and said of the teen, “Dear God, I hope he doesn’t want to be president.”

That line set up the show’s first attack on Trump with the teacher’s snarky reply, “He’d be a big improvement.”

Later in the series, the show attacks the topic of Donald Trump’s border wall agenda.

During a segment where Gabe is talking about President Ronald Reagan’s iconic “tear down this wall” speech, the show equates the wall built by the Soviet Union to imprison East Germans to America’s border wall meant to keep out lawbreaking illegal aliens, drug dealers, human traffickers, and criminals.

Quizzing his students, Gabe says, “Mikey finish this Ronald Reagan Quote: ‘Mr. Gorbachev…’” To which the student properly replies, “Tear down this wall!”

But the Hispanic student quickly adds, “Man, it feels good to say that.” Then a second student snidely interjects, “Imagine that, a Republican president who thought walls were a bad idea. Not just history, ancient history.”

Video via NewsBusters:

Of course, it is a history fail all around. The wall in Germany was created to turn East Germany into a prison. America’s border wall is meant to preserve freedom and national sovereignty. There is no comparison between the two historical situations.

That is not all. The series also contained a long list of attacks on so-called “white privilege,” and PC terminology is littered throughout the show. But for Netflix, this is par for the course.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

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Questions I Would Have Asked the Democrats

The likelihood I would ever be invited to serve on a network panel questioning the Democratic presidential candidates is equivalent to an invitation to take the next trip to the moon. Still, as I tortured myself watching the two “debates,” which were not really debates, but mostly a show of memorized sound bites, I thought of unasked questions that ought to have been put to them all

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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