New Hampshire Man Charged with Assaulting Teen in MAGA Hat

Authorities arrested and charged a New Hampshire man accused of assaulting three people at a polling station this week, including a teen wearing a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat.

According to the Windham Police Department, 34-year-old Patrick Bradley attacked two adults and a 15-year-old boy outside of the Windham High School polling station on Tuesday after approaching a tent hallmarked by Trump supporters and volunteers, including the teen.

Police said Bradley approached the tent after leaving the polling station, slapped the teen in the face, and assaulted two adults who tried to intervene. The suspect is also accused of attempting to knock over the tent and throwing Trump campaign signs.

Authorities charged Bradley with “three counts of simple assault, a Class A misdemeanor, and one count of violation level disorderly conduct,” per New Hampshire’s Union Leader:

The teen’s mother, Cathy Campbell, spoke to Fox News about the incident, explaining how her son, whom she described as “the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life,” was “over the moon” at spotting both Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle at the polling station earlier in the day.

“My son stayed home from school on Tuesday for a doctor’s appointment and we drove by the high school to go vote. When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon,” Campbell told the network.

According to Campbell, her son was invited to volunteer at the tent, and she allowed him to do so.

She explained:

My son is the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life. I was apprehensive about him wearing the MAGA hat, because we know it can provoke and we know people don’t like Trump. But he wore the hat because he’s a proud 15-year-old and he doesn’t know what people are going to be like.

“My son was standing outside on the sidewalk and he said ‘have a nice night,’ he said it to everyone. But this man was triggered,” she continued. “He said ‘fuck you’ to him and wound up his hand as fast as he could and slapped him across the face.”

Trump Jr. responded to the incident on social media, affirming that he did, in fact, meet the teen who was attacked. He said he called the teen and his mother to thank them for “being such strong supporters.”

“My family has your back Nate!” he added:

In another tweet Friday morning, Trump Jr. called out the mainstream media for “barely” covering the incident:

Campell said another man, who tried to intervene, has a fractured jaw as a result of the attack, and she added that her son is “pretty traumatized.”

“This guy lives in our town. It’s pretty unnerving,” she told Fox News.

“It’s scary that you can’t express without which political party you are. People need to know how much intolerance there is right now,” she added.

The attack came on the heels of two other bouts of left-wing violence over the last week.

Police at the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) arrested 27-year-old Gregory William Loel Timm last weekend because he admittedly drove a van into a tent where GOP volunteers were running a voter registration drive. He told authorities he did it because “someone had to take a stand” and noted his disdain for President Trump, specifically. None of the volunteers were injured:

In another incident, as Breitbart News reported this week, a woman allegedly punched a former NYPD officer who was wearing a MAGA-style hat while celebrating his birthday at The Stage bar on Broadway in Nashville, Tennessee. The hat read “Make Fifty Great Again.”

“At one point … a female came up from behind me, spun me around, and punched me in the face and then grabbed my hat off my head and was just yelling, ‘How dare you,’” Daniel Sprague said, according to WSMV.

“I would assume that she had a ring or she maybe even had a set of keys or something to get it because it is pretty deep and it goes to the bone,” he continued.

“People have different views, but we’re not supposed to take it out on each other,” Sprague added.

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Investors’ Report Admits Florida E-Verify Prods Employers to Raise Wages

Florida’s E-Verify bill will likely push 140,000 illegals out of Florida jobs and make it difficult for employers to hire replacement workers at current wages, says a university study funded by the investors who are trying to block the E-Verify bill.

If “existing undocumented workers were to exit the Florida economy in the number anticipated were E-Verify were [sic] to be adopted, the adequate numbers of native workers would not be available at current wage rates,” says the draft report funded by, an advocacy group for billionaire investors, including Mark Zuckerberg.

“This is basically making the case for us that employers are employing illegal workers to keep wages low and to increase their own profits,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations at NumbersUSA. “If they can’t replace those workers at the same [pay] level, then, oh my gosh, then they are going to have to increase wages [for Americans]. … It is exactly what should happen.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) proposed E-Verify bill would penalize companies that hire illegals. A narrow version has passed one committee vote, but business groups will try to kill the bill before it can get to DeSantis’s desk.

The biggest winners from the E-Verify bill would be the least paid, least educated workers in the economy, said the study by Rick Harper, an economist formerly at the University of West Florida. “Those are the most likely to be substituted by employers hiring new workers when there is some competition” from illegal workers, wrote Harper, who now works with Triumph Gulf Coast Inc. to invest public funds in Florida.

The law would also help narrow the income gap between the least educated and better educated workers, said the report. The current shortage of workers already “has reduced the size of the difference in wages paid to less-educated workers versus well-educated workers … by 6 to 9 percent,” Harper wrote.

Already, President Donald Trump’s zig-zag opposition to corporate migration is forcing companies to raise wages and boost the training of sidelined and unskilled American workers. For example, Fox News described February 13 how Florida’s construction industry is reacting to a claimed shortage of cheap workers by training unskilled Americans:

Dan Kodsi is the C.E.O. and developer of Paramount Miami Worldcenter, the world’s most heavily amenitized luxury residential tower.  It’s currently the biggest private construction project in America. He told us the immigration crackdown “has actually created a void, we have more construction jobs available than we actually have workers.”

Paramount Miami Worldcenter is taking full advantage of [federal training] programs, and Kodsi has partnered with the City of Miami to recruit and train hundreds of unemployed workers. The hope is to provide enough construction crews for the Miami area for years to come. “At Miami Worldcenter, we actually have a jobs program,” says Kodsi. “This is a public-private partnership where we created vocational schools where we can take unskilled workers, these workers can come in and gain skills.”

The expanded hiring and training of sidelined Americans has saved construction firms from a real shortage of workers, according to federal pay data. Real shortages are revealed by bidding wars among employers and by rising wages for Americans, but the federal data shows little improvement in wages for construction workers:

The bill makes sense for incumbent politicians because they gain more from rising wages than from happy donors, said Jenks. “They can’t win an election without votes, regardless of how much money they have, and if you can get more voters with fewer campaign dollars, you will win because you have the votes.”

Some business lobbyists admit that rising wages are a boon for politicians. “Are rising wages good for national politics?” Breitbart News asked January 9 during the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of American Business event.

“You’re damn right they are,” responded Tom Donohue, CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, adding:

They are good for national politics if you’re a politician, for sure. And it’s good for national politics if you want people to feel more engaged in the healthy part of the economy and go out and vote to keep it that way. If you look the other side of your question: ‘Are decreasing wages good for national politics?’ Hell, no.

If you have ten people for every job, you’re not gonna have a drive [up] in wages. [But] if you have five people for every ten jobs, wages are going to go up.”

DeSantis’s support for American employees is helping to push up his polling support before his 2022 reelection, Jenks noted. “I know Democrats in Florida who voted for Dasantis because of his position,” she said.

The same trend is boosting Trump in the 2020 election campaign, she said. “I think we can look at Trump and see the answer to that … he is extremely popular, and this is what he is talking about.”

Business groups often argue that laws against illegal migration will shrink the economy — and government tax revenues — by reducing hiring, consumption, and real estate prices.

But the exclusion of illegals also tends to push up tax receipts, wages, and training for voters, according to studies and statements by independent academics, the National Academies of Science, the Congressional Budget Office, executives, more academicsNew York Times reportersstate officials, unionsmore business executives, lobbyists, employees, the Wall Street Journalfederal economistsGoldman Sachsoil drillersWall Street analysts, fired professionals, legislators, construction workers, New York Times subscribers, plus Robert Rubin, and even the Bank of Ireland and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) before 2019:

The Harper report predicts that the departure of illegals will reduce spending on retailers, food, rents, and housing.

But that loss will be offset by greater spending from Americans, Jenks said. “If you are putting money in illegals’ pockets, they’re likely to spend that money outside of the country — which illegals do. [But Americans] are more likely to spend in the local economy and to rent [an apartment] or buy a place to live, so I don’t see how it would not be a win for Florida.”

Harper’s report for includes many references to the rule of supply and demand. The Economics 101 rule predicts that any reduction in the supply of foreign workers will force employers to raise wages for local and legal employees:

“Business that currently employ significant number sof undocumented workers may face increased labor costs,” says the draft report, which is being prepared by for publication.

“At a time of tight labor markets and record low unemployment, diminishing the size of the available labor pool will predictably result in negative and costly repercussions for business,” says the 27-page report.

“In today’s tight labor market, it is unlikely that the workforce lost due to the implementation of mandatory E-verify would be replaced without driving up production costs,” according to the report, which was commissioned by in November 2019 in response to DeSantis’s push for legislation that would reduce the hiring of illegal migrants.

“It is unlikely that many of the jobs made vacant by undocumented workers departing Florida would be filled at current wages,” said the report by the investor group, which includes many investors with interest in myriad companies, including real estate and transport firms.


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PANTS ON FIRE Paul Krugman Headline: ‘Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Socialist’

The New York Times posted a preposterous headline over Paul Krugman’s latest column: "Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Socialist." But he describes himself as a socialist. Our own Dan Gainor underlined the humor of this sentence with this joke on Twitter:  "Paul Krugman isn’t a columnist."  Krugman admits Bernie identifies as a socialist, but he claims socialists really mean they’re social democrats, so don’t smear them with the S-word.

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Rand Paul Slams YouTube for Removing Video of Him Supposedly Outing Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed YouTube for removing a video where he mentions “Eric Ciaramella,” the CIA analyst and former National Security Council staffer named by some media outlets as the likely whistleblower whose complaint sparked the impeachment inquiry.

“I’m not for censoring YouTube, they’re a private company, they can do what they want, but they should not be above criticism and they should not pretend to actually be for expansive speech,” Paul said on a conference call with reporters on Thursday.

“If they’re going to be a left-wing group and YouTube wants to be seen as a left-wing group, then that’s their business, but they shouldn’t get away with pretending to be objective or fair,” he added.

The removed video was of Paul speaking on the Senate floor about Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts not reading aloud his question during the Senate impeachment trial, which also contained the name “Eric Ciaramella.” Roberts had refused to read aloud Paul’s question, as was protocol with every senator’s question during the trial.

A YouTube spokesperson said in a statement that naming Ciaramella violated their guidelines and that they had removed hundreds of videos and over ten thousand comments that contained his name.

RealClearInvestigations first named Ciaramella as the likely whistleblower whose complaint to the intelligence community inspector general was used by House Democrats to kickstart the impeachment process.

Despite House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) being the only member of Congress whose staff interacted with the “whistleblower” and know who the whistleblower is, Democrats have accused Republican members of Congress of trying to “out” him by saying Ciaramella’s name.

Paul said during a conference call with reporters he was not outing any whistleblower. He said he was referencing another RealClearInvestigations report that said Ciaramella and Sean Misko, a Schiff aide and former NSC staffer, were overheard discussing taking the president down:

My question made no reference to the whistleblower, doesn’t allege that anybody is the whistleblower. My question during the trial simply asked whether or not Sean Misko and several of the attorneys who worked for Adam Schiff, whether they knew a fellow by the name of Eric Ciaramella at the National Security Council, and whether or not if several years in advance of the impeachment they were overheard plotting to bring the president down. My question is whether or not this should be discussed – whether this was a long-term process and a cabal or a conspiracy to find a means to bring down the president through the official process, and I think that should be open in a free society for debate.

I never named anybody to be the whistleblower — all I did was name somebody who worked at the National Security Council and I made no allegations as to whether they were — everybody else made the allegation, so everyone else in the world is outing this person if he is the whistleblower, but that’s not the allegation I made.

He said YouTube has tried to reassure him in the past that the company is screening conservative or libertarian thought.

But, he said:

They’re making a big mistake here and I will use my public platform to blast them if this is the way they’re going to behave. I will use every opportunity to let people know that they are biased, bigoted, and towards the left, and we’re going to be very vocal about that.

He said it is somewhat ironic that while accusing him of outing the “whistleblower,” Roberts and others are inadvertently confirming it is Ciaramella.

“That’s the irony — that the chief justice actually appears to be confirming who the whistleblower is,” he said.

He said the other irony is the selective outrage over protecting the “whistleblower’s” identity, while he is receiving death threats over saying Ciaramella’s name.

“I’ve gotten over 200 death threats in the last week, and they’re putting my address on the internet,” he said. He added:

I’ve been at the ball field when Steve Scalise was almost killed, I’ve had shots fired at me, I’ve had six ribs broken and all the things people seem to be concerned with are these leftwing people who are instigating the violence, you know, protecting them somehow, but I haven’t seen any concern from these leftwing outlets for my safety.

How many YouTube videos and tweets have there been advocating that the person who committed a violent attack, who stuck up from behind me broke six of my ribs and was a hater of both my politics and the president’s, how many times has it been reposted that they wish that he would come back and commit more violence? Twitter doesn’t take one of those down and I haven’t looked at YouTube videos, but I’m sure people are doing it on YouTube as well.

Paul also noted that the same people wanting to protect Ciaramella have also called for whistleblower Edward Snowden be in jail or killed, despite his whistleblowing leading to more protections for Americans. Paul said:

So it’s selective outrage, and they like this whistleblower because they hate Trump. It’s Trump Derangement Syndrome and they’re not at all objective when it comes to whistleblowers, but they’ve wrapped themselves in the cloak of this and think that they’re doing some sort of religious duty by protecting him.

“I consider the beginning of this impeachment process to be corrupt,” he said. “And I see talking about this to be an important duty so it doesn’t happen again.”


Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on Twitter or on Facebook.

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Corrupt Stone Judge Amy Berman Jackson Wanted To Jail Conservative Journalist For Exposing Juror Bias

Several months ago, during the early days of Roger Stone’s trial, the prosecution and defense teams were busy fighting over what jurors would end up making the final cut for the official jury pool and alternates. Obama appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has ruled against every conservative figure or cause that has ever come before her court, would routinely ignore the concerns of Stone’s defense team about juror bias.

Judge Jackson didn’t care that potential jurors had political backgrounds or had given inappropriate and extremely biased answers in their jury questionnaires.

In fact, Judge Jackson agreed with prosecutors to remove a potential juror because she had at one point, nearly three decades ago, held a small role in the Ronald Reagan for President campaign. Politics would not be allowed in her courtroom, Judge Amy Berman Jackson proclaimed.

However, when it was revealed that a potential juror had served in a high-level communications role within President Barack Obama’s administration, objections and questions about bias from Stone’s legal team were laughed off, by both the judge and prosecutors. You see, if a potential juror showed bias against conservatives, Judge Amy Berman Jackson declared that their prior service to an administration or political cause, even if it was that of a far-left socialist like Barack Obama, was not sufficient evidence to bar them from serving on the jury. It was at this moment, that this Gateway Pundit reporter joined Alex Jones on Infowars to sound the alarm.

A high-level Obama communications director with a documented past involvement with the far left was being considered as a prime candidate to make the final cut for jury in Roger Stone’s trial. We all already know that nearly 91% of the District of Columbia voted for Hillary, so the notion of Stone being judged by a jury of his peers was pretty much out the window, but it was hard to believe that the Judge and prosecutors would be so blatant in their advocacy of selecting highly-partisan jurors.

This interview went viral and the mainstream media and Democrats went insane. They claimed that we were threatening the safety of the juror and the sanctity of the trial, never mind that we never mentioned the name of the juror or any other information that could lead to them being harmed. In fact, mainstream media reporters had already tweeted far more personal information about the juror. However, this did not stop corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson and the Mueller prosecution team from doing something unheard of and drastic. Before court the next day, I was informed by several sources that Judge Amy had issued a sealed order of contempt for this Gateway Pundit reporter, there was even talk of having me detained for trying to “intimidate potential jurors” through my reporting.

This is the first time that this Gateway Pundit reporter has gone on record discussing that shocking moment.

Why take such Hitlerian action against a journalist? Discussion about this potential juror was all over Twitter, with commentary from far more high-profile reporters having been retweeted dozens, if not hundreds of times. Their commentary was not critical, nor did it raise questions about the bias of the trial and jury pool.

Roger Stone Juror Outs Himself as Hard Core Leftist After Trial and Before Sentencing, Proves Poisoned Jury Pool Theory

We know now, through an exclusive report from TGP several months ago, that one of the lead jurors was a top-level donor to Beto O’Rourke. Seth Cousins, who outed himself shortly after Stone’s guilty verdict, was clearly not examined thoroughly enough by Obama appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson or prosecutors were allowed to stack the deck with the judge’s approval. How did Mr. Cousins respond to his jury questionnaire? How much bias did he show? We will never know unless those records are unsealed by the court.

And just recently, as the Mueller infested prosecution team resigned from the case in a toddler’esque temper tantrum after the DOJ rejected their harsh sentencing requirement of 9 years, Stone jury foreman Tomeka Hart outed herself to stand in solidarity with the prosecutors and defend the verdict reached by the jury. In doing so, just like the previous juror Seth Cousins, Ms. Hart had exposed herself to public scrutiny.

BREAKING: FOURTH Mueller Prosecutor Resigns From Roger Stone Case After DOJ Backs Down From Excessive Sentencing

That scrutiny revealed that she was even more biased than Mr. Cousins. It proved that she had lied on her jury questionnaire, committing perjury on numerous occasions. It also proved that she mocked the arrest of Roger Stone in January of 2019, which has been widely decried for using the same amount of force law enforcement agencies have utilized in apprehending drug-kingpins like Pablo Escobar and El Chapo. Hart was also a far-left candidate for congress several elections ago and serves in a high-level role within the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a known front for globalist ideals and far-left social projects. Just one of these items should have been red flags that kept her from serving on the jury.

Roger Stone Lead Juror Testified She Had No Bias Against Him – But She Attacked Roger Stone on Twitter Shortly After He Was Arrested!

Thank you to journalist and filmmaker Mike Cernovich for digging up the dirt on Tomeka Hart. Can you imagine what else we could find if we knew the names of the remaining jurors and how they responded to the jury questionnaire?

This finally helps us understand why corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson would want to have this Gateway Pundit reporter arrested for exposing bias in the jury pool. They already had a rigged trial by getting to select the jury from 99.99% Democrat DC residents, yet they wanted to get the most extreme left-wing activists to make sure the verdict returned guilty. Not one single Republican was allowed on the jury, in fact they were denied for the simple fact of being Republicans during the jury selection process.

How Is this Fair? Social Media Posts Prove Judge Amy Berman Jackson Rigged Roger Stone Trial with Far Left Loons and Activists

Given these facts, Judge Amy Berman Jackson must unseal the jury questionnaires of the jurors (and alternates) that made the final cut for Roger Stone’s trial.

A refusal to acknowledge these glaring instances of bias and acts of perjury committed by jurors before her court is proof positive that she must be removed from the case and impeached by the United States Senate.

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Red Scare: Love Is Never Having To Say You’re Socialist

Red Scare: Love Is Never Having To Say You’re Socialist

Authored by Jonathan Turley,

On this Valentine’s Day, the Democratic establishment is sending out its equivalent of “forget me nots” saying “Love is never having to say you’re Socialist.” Alarm over the surge of Bernie Sanders has turned widespread alarm in Democratic and media circles (sometimes hard to differentiate on some channels) into full-blown panic. With now a double digit lead over Biden in national polls, there is a constant drumbeat in the media against Sanders – the same type of bias that actually pushed many voters toward Trump in 2016.

The latest Morning Consult poll shows Sanders at 29 percent support with Biden at 19 percent followed closely by Michael Bloomberg at 18 percent. While the media tirelessly pumps Amy Klobucher, she is still at most 5 percent with Elizabeth Warren at 10 percent.

Sanders has also surprisingly taken the lead in Texas. Moreover, Sanders accounts for over half of the young voters in the New Hampshire primary — more than all of the other candidates, including the young Pete Buttigieg, combined. Those voters are not likely to be swayed by figures like Hillary Clinton effectively campaigning against Sanders. To the contrary, this effort seems to be backfiring in spectacular fashion.

With establishment figures like Biden and Klobuchar struggling, the media continues to slam Sanders.

We discussed the open bias against Sanders at CNN and MSNBC.

It is now even more raw and obvious. Hosts remain undeterred with recidivists like NBC’s Chuck Todd objecting to people calling Sanders a “frontrunner.”

In the meantime, many continue to misleadingly call Sanders a “communist” — most recently James Carville who seems to be assigned the task of hounding Sanders out of the primary.

As I discussed before, the open bias shown in 2020 by media figures is more likely to have the same impact as the bias shown in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2016. There is a total lack of respect for viewers in this virtually scripted attack on Sanders. Notably, Warren’s policies are quite similar to Sanders’ policies but she is not saddled with the label of “communist.” The result is a Democratically-led “red scare” — something I have written about in earlier columns.

The whole point is to get the public to loathe rather than love the authenticity of Sanders.

Tyler Durden

Fri, 02/14/2020 – 15:30

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Nolte: Media-Approved Hate Crimes Against Trump Supporters Explode Post-Acquittal

Nothing proves “silence is consent” more than the media establishment’s revealing indifference in the face of a recent wave of violent attacks and threats against Trump supporters.

First, a little background…

As of March of 2019, Breitbart News documented 332 separate, media-approved political hate crimes committed against Trump supporters. This list includes physical assaults, vandalism, and the open encouragement of violence against individuals and groups based only on their personal beliefs.

Sadly, through its deafening silence and indifference, the corporate media not only give consent to commit acts of political violence against those of us on the right, as we have seen on countless occasions — especially at the far-left CNN — the media regularly encourage and openly call for violence against Trump and his supporters.

And now the violence is once again exploding…

With the Russia Collusion Hoax exposed, President Trump forever acquitted of a frame-job impeachment, a Democrat presidential field filled with hapless, white, decrepit millionaires and billionaires; the president piling up a list of solid accomplishments and his re-election looking more likely by the day, the impotent rage of the media is increasing, and this is obviously spilling over into the public at large, which is why we have seen at least seven hate crimes against Trump supporters in just over a week.

  • February 9, 2020: Man Arrested for Driving Car Through GOP Voter Registration Booth

Witnesses told JSO that a man in his 20s driving an older brown Chevy van pulled up to the tent before driving through, running over their tables and chairs. Volunteers for the Republican Party were registering people to vote.

No volunteers were hurt, according to JSO. Witnesses said the driver of the van, stopped the vehicle, get out of the van and took a video while making obscene gestures before he left.

The vandalism occurred around 2:37 a.m. Saturday. Surveillance video picked up a vehicle parking in the lot outside the building. A man walked out of the vehicle with a can of spray paint in his hands, went over to the front of the building and spray-painted the words “Still Traitors” in yellow and gold paint on the stucco front of the headquarters.

  • February 10, 2020: California GOP Headquarters Vandalized for Sixth Time in Two Years

The latest act of vandalism at the Humboldt County Republican headquarters in Eureka is the sixth of its kind in just two years, though the damage this time may be far more costly than prior incidents, the party’s local chair said Monday.

“This was above and beyond anything that’s happened before,” said John Schutt. “Windows were broken and the suspect had thrown rocks, too. He poured liquid on merchandise .. a lot of stuff was destroyed that way.”

A 14-year-old high school student wearing a “Make America Hat Again” hat was struck and called a “fascist” while leaving a New Hampshire polling place Tuesday night with the father of his friend, authorities said.

Windham Police Capt. Bryan Smith confirmed the details of the incident to Pluralist and said an investigation was underway but would not comment further.

  • February 13, 2020: Man Threatens to Cut Throats of Arizona State Students for Trump Event

 According to reports, the former cop, Daniel Sprague, was celebrating his 50th birthday at The Stage bar on Broadway in Nashville, Tennessee, and donned a red “Make Fifty Great Again” hat given to him by his wife.

Sprague told WSMV that people came up to him and were “just loving the little word play on the hat and taking pictures and wishing me happy birthday.” However, Sprague claims one woman approached him and ultimately punched him in the face, grabbing his hat and shouting, “How dare you.”

When a rodeo clown in Nowheresville, Nowhere, puts on an Obama mask, the media destroy his reputation and career.

When some guy makes a video mocking CNN, the Hate Network destroys his life by threatening to doxx him.

When the media want certain behavior to stop, they launch jihads.

But when Trump supporters, including children, are physically assaulted, the media shrug, and that shrug is a wink, a nod of approval, a way of saying, Carry on, we’re on your side. You heroes have nothing to fear from us.

The corporate media are a danger to every law-abiding American citizen, and their embrace of violence against us, their encouragement of that violence, will only get worse as the 2020 race heats up.

And never forget that as the media encourage this violence against us, they also seek to disarm us.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Alabama Democrat Proposes Bill To Force Men To Get Vasectomies At Age 50

A Democratic lawmaker in Alabama has proposed a law that would require all men to have vasectomies within one month of their 50th birthdays — or after the birth of their third child, “whichever comes first.”

The bill, proposed by Rep. Rolanda Hollis of Birmingham, would also require men to pay for the procedure with their own money, reported.

“A man, at his own expense, shall undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first,” says the bill, HB238.

Hollis said the bill is in response to a bill last year that enacted a a near-total ban on abortion. In October, a federal judge blocked that law from taking effect pending courts challenges.

“The vasectomy bill is to help with he reproductive system, and yes, it is to neutralize the abortion ban bill … it always takes two to tango,” she said. “We can’t put all the responsibility on women. Men need to be responsible also.”

Hollis said in a statement:

Many have seen HB-238 as an outrageous overstep; yet, year after year the majority party continues to introduce new legislation that tries to dictate a woman’s body and her reproductive rights. We should view this as the same outrageous overstep in authority.

The Vasectomy bill is meant to to neutralize last year’s abortion ban bill, and sends the message that men should not be legislating what women do with their bodies.

Just as I would turn to my doctor over my state legislator to make recommendations when deciding whether or not to have a surgery, or whether or not to take a certain type of medicine – it is my doctor with whom I – or any of my loved ones – should consult when it comes to making the incredibly difficult decisions related to my personal reproductive rights.

Alabama taxpayers have been forced to hand over more than $2.5 million in legal fees to the ACLU to fight unconstitutional attempts to restrict women’s access to reproductive healthcare, and the Majority party’s continued attempts to restrict women’s reproductive rights could cost Alabamians even more.


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Pro-Choice PAC EMILY’s List Testing Attack Ad on Bernie Sanders

A powerful Democratic PAC was testing attack ads against presidential frontrunner Bernie Sanders until details of the ad leaked late Thursday, highlighting tensions between the socialist Vermont senator and the Democratic establishment.

Sanders supporter Brendan James posted an image of what he claimed were the plans for "an anti-Bernie TV campaign next week" prepared by Women Vote, the independent expenditure operation of pro-choice PAC EMILY’s List.

"The ad fools the viewer at the top into believing that we are talking about Trump," reads the document James posted. "The truth that is revealed is that we are talking about Sanders."

EMILY’s List is a heavy hitter in Democratic politics, spending more than $76 million to elect abortion supporters in 2016 and 2018. The attack ad was tested despite Sanders’s staunch support for abortion. The Vermont senator enjoys a 100 percent rating from NARAL. EMILY’s List confirmed the authenticity of the image, but deflected blame to a contractor.

In a carefully worded statement, EMILY’s List acknowledged the script attacking Sanders was genuine. "Earlier tonight a script with our name on it was posted online," the group wrote. "This script was drafted by a vendor, presumably leaked by vendor, has not been approved and has not been tested. That being said, every sophisticated political organization tests negative messages, whether you agree with them or not, because our job is to know what impact they will have on the race, wherever they come from."

EMILY’s List vowed to back the eventual Democratic nominee, but the organization’s stated mission to support pro-choice women would presumably tilt the scales toward senators Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) or Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) over Sanders in a heated primary.

Tensions between the Sanders camp and EMILY’s List have remained high ever since the organization endorsed Hillary Clinton mere hours after she announced her 2016 presidential campaign. EMILY’s List acted as Clinton’s enforcer during the primary, accusing the Sanders campaign of sexism and saying that Sanders "believes the political revolution is built by calling women leaders ‘unqualified’ and calling abortion a ‘social issue.’"

Sanders and EMILY’s List continued to clash after the campaign, with the organization blasting the 2017 Women’s Convention’s decision to invite the Vermont senator to speak. "This announcement sends the wrong message to women everywhere. We have reached out to the organizers of the Women’s Convention directly to share our surprise and disappointment, and to offer our help to strengthen the program," it said in a statement.

In 2019, EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock responded to attacks on Warren by criticizing Sanders, saying, "I have seen Senator Sanders. And I’m just going to tell you, he’s not that likable."

One male candidate that EMILY’s List may be more amenable to is Michael Bloomberg. The billionaire has contributed more than $5.8 million to Women Vote since 2012. Bloomberg headlined EMILY’s List’s 2018 New York City convention, despite the fact that he had questioned the #MeToo allegations against PBS’s Charlie Rose that same week.

It’s not just Sanders supporters crying foul at the group’s comparison to Donald Trump. "We rate this ad as half true," said the pro-life American Principles Project in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon. "While Bernie Sanders’s radical support for the abortion industry—which makes most of its profits from poor and minority women—does make him incredibly anti-woman, to suggest that President Trump is anti-woman is complete fiction."

The post Pro-Choice PAC EMILY’s List Testing Attack Ad on Bernie Sanders appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

via Washington Free Beacon

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