Thousands of Aborted Babies Were Laid To Rest After Being Found in Abortionist’s House of Horrors

Five months after 2,411 aborted babies were found in the home of a former abortionist after his death, they were finally buried on Wednesday.

Hundreds of people gathered for a graveside service where babies were buried on a plot of land donated by the Palmer Funeral Home in South Bend, Indiana.

A headstone placed on the gravesite of the unborn babies read: “In memory of the 2,411 precious unborn buried here on Feb. 12, 2020,” according to the Chicago Tribune.

Lead investigator and Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill led the ceremony and gave his deepest regards.

“While it would have been preferable to return the remains to each city where the procedure took place, that was not possible, due to the degradation of the remains and the unreliability of the records,” Hill said to the mourning group, according to NPR.

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Dr. Ulrich Klopfer worked as an abortionist for more than 40 years at three different abortion clinics in Indiana and terminated tens of thousands of pregnancies over the course of his career.

Fox News reported that in 2016, then-Gov. Mike Pence passed a law that mandated the proper burial or cremation of aborted babies in the state of Indiana. That law went into effect in May 2019.

That same year, Klopfer lost his medical license for shoddy medical practices. He blamed conservative state officials and anti-abortion groups for the demise of his career.

Shortly after Klopfer passed away at age 79, his wife discovered the remains of thousands of babies while cleaning out their garage.

Officials later discovered the remains of 165 others in the trunk of Klopfer’s car.

Hill told NPR that the remains were “degraded” and stored in plastic bags and boxes in the abortionist’s home.

The bodies date back to between 2000 and 2003.

Officials still have no leads as to why Klopfer kept the remains.

Hill said a lot of the records had not been properly preserved, only adding to the mystery about why he had kept the babies.

RELATED: Iowa Constitutional Amendment Would End Legal Right to Abortion

“Lots of the records were spoiled, or destroyed, or wet,” he said.

Hill also said his office is still examining the intact records, but he did not seem confident that Klopfer’s reason for keeping the babies would ever be discovered.

“In terms of the why… we may never know,” Hill said to NPR. “The best evidence of the why certainly died with Dr. Klopfer in September. … There’s no answer for that, and I don’t know that we ever will get an answer for that.”

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via The Western Journal

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Thanks to Student-Led Fundraising Campaign, Beloved Teacher Can Hear Again

If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be? It’s an uncomfortable question that often comes up in get-to-know-you scenarios, as the choice and reasoning for that choice tell you a lot about someone.

Many say their sense of smell or taste, but those two senses are intertwined and a world without either could be dangerous or at best boring (though you might be able to make healthier food choices if everything tasted the same).

For many people, sight is indispensable, especially for people who use their vision for a living. Likewise, those whose worlds revolve around music would hate to lose their hearing — and yet that’s exactly what was happening to Tri-County Junior-Senior High School band teacher Jeremy Sterk in White County, Indiana.

“I’d sit in a meeting and panic because I couldn’t hear anything,” Sterk told WLFI-TV. “You could see the frustration on people’s faces.”

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Sterk has struggled with hearing issues his whole life, but had managed through the use of hearing aids. The ones he had were no longer cutting it, and the price of the set he’d need made them a nearly impossible luxury, especially because insurance wouldn’t help in this case.

“Because of my job and because of the hearing loss that I have, it was also not just any hearing aids that would do it,” Sterk explained. “Took some higher-end adjustments and things like that.”

“It was going to be roughly about $4,600 to get them. So it was just not something we could afford.”

Thankfully, Sterk has made a positive impact on the people around him, and some students started formulating a plan to help their teacher hear better than he ever had before.

It was students through the Tri-County Business Professionals of America who got the ball rolling, according to the Herald Journal. They reached out to various organizations for donations and then raised the rest themselves.

“It was really surprising with how much they were,” Zachary Gretencord, another student, said of the hearing aids. “I didn’t really realize how expensive hearing aids were.”

“When we found out how much they were I think it was kind of a no-brainer that we needed to do something as an organization to help him out and get him what he rightfully deserved.”

“When staff and community members heard what we were doing, they donated another $1,350,” student Maddie Musser said. “Then we had a bake sale and raised $2,115.82. As of today we raised $4,620.82 toward his hearing aids. With the extra we raised, he now can go to an audiologist and get his hearing aids specialized to his needs.”

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To say Sterk was surprised would be an understatement. There were tears and deep gratitude.

“The look on (Sterk’s) face when we told him he could see an audiologist for his hearing aids was absolutely priceless, and the tears streaming down Mrs. Sterk’s face will forever be remembered,” Shelby Schamback, another involved student, said. “This activity made us realize what a great community we live in.”

“Well today was a life changing day,” Sterk posted on Facebook on Feb. 10. “I am not sure where to begin. I will say more when I can put the words together, but today thanks to the work of some amazing students I got hearing aids. A huge thank you to the Tri-County BPA for making this possible. I can never say thank you enough.”

Once he was fitted with the new pair of hearing aids, a whole new world opened up to Sterk, and so many new experiences lie before him.

“I heard my wife’s coat moving and I was like, what is that noise?” he said. “I hadn’t heard that. So it’s amazing.”

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via The Western Journal

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Episcopal Church Ordains Lesbian Bishop: ‘Jesus Said Absolutely Nothing About Homosexuality’

In a move that surprises no one who is following the subversion of modern Christianity, the Episcopal Church has elected its first openly lesbian bishop.

The Rev. Bonnie A. Perry was approved by a majority of both clergy and lay votes last June and was ordained Saturday as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan.

The Episcopal Church has been consistently friendly to the gay agenda, including allowing priests to perform same-sex marriages over the objections of their own bishops.

According to its website, the Episcopal Church believes that “leadership is a gift from God, and can be expressed by all people in our church, regardless of sexual identity or orientation.”

Incidentally, the website also says, “We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world” — but their understanding of the Gospel is clearly lacking.

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This latest ordination sends the church somewhere over the out-and-proud rainbow with an unquestionably official endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle.

In the Episcopal Church and beyond, there is a pervasive yet erroneous assumption that homosexuality is not wrong because Jesus never specifically addressed it in the Bible.

“If you look at Scripture, Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality,” Perry said in a news conference reported on by The New York Times.

Does Jesus think gay is OK?

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Jesus also never mentioned rape, incest or bank robbery by name, but nobody is advocating for the ordination of a rapist, incestuous, bank-robbing bishop.

Presumably, Perry understands that the Old and New Testaments go together but somehow forgot the story of Sodom and Gomorrah that gives the sin its very name.

The Bible is clear in its condemnation of sexual immorality in all its forms.

So why does the particular sin of homosexuality enjoy such lofty status?

The Trojan Horse of inclusion has successfully infiltrated many denominations, including the Episcopalians. At first, silent tolerance of homosexuality was the order of the day, but as the movement gained traction, it morphed into unconditional acceptance of the sin.

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Our culture needs faith in Christ now more than ever, but as churches are losing members and social relevance, leaders are reluctant to take a strong stance on anything that might alienate some of the congregation.

Unfortunately, leaders unintentionally compound the problem as people confirmed in their sin feel less of a need for redemption and those who still believe in the traditional God of the Bible see their views marginalized.

As the saying goes, “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” and this move under the guise of tolerance is especially nefarious.

Church leaders are supposed to keep Christians on the path to God, but Perry’s ordination is further evidence of church leaders kowtowing to the culture and leading their sheep down the road to perdition.

When leaders ignore the message of the Bible to advocate for their favorite sin, they are preying on their own flock.

Perry and her contemporaries who are looking for proof in the Bible might want to consider what Jesus said in Matthew 7:15:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

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via The Western Journal

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It was Obama, not Trump, who weaponized government against political opponents

Most of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump’s policies who used hearsay evidence and personal opinion to destroy him.

We are hearing from the Democrat talking points that Trump is weaponizing the government and exacting revenge.

It’s as if the media and other Democrats are so arrogant that they can indoctrinate people to believe that other presidents and politicians don’t make staff decisions based on whether subordinates support their policies. Why the heck would any president keep people who are so insubordinate on their staffs?

Would Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff just ignore subordinates on their staffs who sought to destroy them? What would Schiff do if a staff member told the truth about the leaker, the person now lionized as ”the whistleblower”?

As for the puppets in the media: Do they just ignore when their journalists disagree with their talking points?

The media frequently buries stories that might hurt political candidates or policies they support and will continually run false stories against political candidates and policies they oppose. How else can it explain the years of fake stories on Russian collusion, seeking to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, trying to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence, the false “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative?

How else do you explain the burying of stories about all the mental and sexual abuse of women by the Clintons and the burying of stories or the lack of investigation into the clear corruption and kickbacks of the Clintons and Bidens if not pure bias?

How many people are the media willing to destroy in order to get power back for the Democrats? Isn’t that pure weaponization and revenge? Remember these incidents?

Ashe Schow on ABC Burying Epstein Story: What The Media Doesn’t Cover Is Indicator Of Bias

CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report

Harvey Weinstein’s trial is underway in NYC. Here’s a timeline of the 2-year conflict between journalist Ronan Farrow and NBC, the network accused of trying to kill his exposé.

Meanwhile, as soon as Obama took office, he weaponized government to reward political supporters and infringe harm on political opponents. That is revenge.

One of Obama’s first acts was to violate bankruptcy law by rewarding unsecured auto unions and greatly harming more secure creditors along with other unsecured creditors.

Obama used the IRS to shut down political opponents. 

On September 11, 2012, less than two months before a presidential election, Americans were under attack in Benghazi. Obama and Hillary did not lift a finger to help those under attack and they died. Instead of telling the truth, they concocted a lie about a video. They even lied to the families of those who died. They sent out minions to lie through the media. They were so consumed with power and vengeance they even arrested the man they blamed. He went to jail and in 2016 was homeless. The complicit media showed little concern for those who died or the man with the video that they railroaded. They also were consumed with doing whatever they could to keep Obama in power. Remember this?

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video “The Innocence of Muslims” was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif. He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death.

It was Obama who used government funds to meddle in Israel’s election.

His staff also lied through the complicit media to get the dangerous deal done with Iran which pledged death to Israel and the United States. He truly must despise Israel to do what he did.

He also dictatorially had the weaponized Justice Department stop a years long investigation into drug running by terrorists to appease Iran. Very few journalists and other Democrats have ever cared about all the people who died from terrorism and drugs because of Obama’s appeasement of Iran.

That is revenge on the American people as he sought to remake America.

It was Obama who shook down corporations.and create slush funds at EPA, Justice and CFPB to use for political purposes and to reward political supporters. 

It was Obama who said he would rule with his pen and his phone when Congress wouldn’t do what he wanted.

It was Obama who said that anyone who disagreed on climate change should not be listened to.

It was Obama who used the FBI, intelligence agencies and others to spy on and destroy people surrounding Trump.

It was Obama who changed the rules so classified information could be shared and who had people working under him who questionably unmasked names of people to destroy them.

It was Obama who illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including reporters. It was Obama who imprisoned and spied on reporters. But Trump is mean for telling the truth about the bias and false reporting by the press.

After Trump was elected, much of the media, many bureaucrats and other Democrats immediately set out to destroy and impeach Trump. It never mattered how many lies they had to tell and how many lives the vengeful people had to destroy to get Democrats back in power. The truth hasn’t mattered for a long time.

But Trump is somehow the vengeful one for moving some people around and firing a few people.

If you want to see a purely vengeful person consumed with power all you have to do is look at a person named Nancy Pelosi, dressed as if she were as pure as driven snow as she rips up the president’s State of the Union speech because she’s a petulant little child who didn’t get her way on impeachment.

But Trump is the problem as he seeks to move the power, purse and freedom back to the people as fast as he can because that is where the power and money belong. He is the opposite of a dictator but the media doesn’t give a damn about the truth. They are also consumed with power and revenge.

Image credit: USAF public domain

Most of the media along with other Democrats are having a collective cow because the Trump administration has reassigned some people from the White House and fired an ambassador who clearly disagreed with Trump’s policies who used hearsay evidence and personal opinion to destroy him.

We are hearing from the Democrat talking points that Trump is weaponizing the government and exacting revenge.

It’s as if the media and other Democrats are so arrogant that they can indoctrinate people to believe that other presidents and politicians don’t make staff decisions based on whether subordinates support their policies. Why the heck would any president keep people who are so insubordinate on their staffs?

Would Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff just ignore subordinates on their staffs who sought to destroy them? What would Schiff do if a staff member told the truth about the leaker, the person now lionized as ”the whistleblower”?

As for the puppets in the media: Do they just ignore when their journalists disagree with their talking points?

The media frequently buries stories that might hurt political candidates or policies they support and will continually run false stories against political candidates and policies they oppose. How else can it explain the years of fake stories on Russian collusion, seeking to destroy white Christian boys for wearing MAGA hats, trying to destroy Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh with no evidence, the false “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative?

How else do you explain the burying of stories about all the mental and sexual abuse of women by the Clintons and the burying of stories or the lack of investigation into the clear corruption and kickbacks of the Clintons and Bidens if not pure bias?

How many people are the media willing to destroy in order to get power back for the Democrats? Isn’t that pure weaponization and revenge? Remember these incidents?

Ashe Schow on ABC Burying Epstein Story: What The Media Doesn’t Cover Is Indicator Of Bias

CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report

Harvey Weinstein’s trial is underway in NYC. Here’s a timeline of the 2-year conflict between journalist Ronan Farrow and NBC, the network accused of trying to kill his exposé.

Meanwhile, as soon as Obama took office, he weaponized government to reward political supporters and infringe harm on political opponents. That is revenge.

One of Obama’s first acts was to violate bankruptcy law by rewarding unsecured auto unions and greatly harming more secure creditors along with other unsecured creditors.

Obama used the IRS to shut down political opponents. 

On September 11, 2012, less than two months before a presidential election, Americans were under attack in Benghazi. Obama and Hillary did not lift a finger to help those under attack and they died. Instead of telling the truth, they concocted a lie about a video. They even lied to the families of those who died. They sent out minions to lie through the media. They were so consumed with power and vengeance they even arrested the man they blamed. He went to jail and in 2016 was homeless. The complicit media showed little concern for those who died or the man with the video that they railroaded. They also were consumed with doing whatever they could to keep Obama in power. Remember this?

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video “The Innocence of Muslims” was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif. He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death.

It was Obama who used government funds to meddle in Israel’s election.

His staff also lied through the complicit media to get the dangerous deal done with Iran which pledged death to Israel and the United States. He truly must despise Israel to do what he did.

He also dictatorially had the weaponized Justice Department stop a years long investigation into drug running by terrorists to appease Iran. Very few journalists and other Democrats have ever cared about all the people who died from terrorism and drugs because of Obama’s appeasement of Iran.

That is revenge on the American people as he sought to remake America.

It was Obama who shook down corporations.and create slush funds at EPA, Justice and CFPB to use for political purposes and to reward political supporters. 

It was Obama who said he would rule with his pen and his phone when Congress wouldn’t do what he wanted.

It was Obama who said that anyone who disagreed on climate change should not be listened to.

It was Obama who used the FBI, intelligence agencies and others to spy on and destroy people surrounding Trump.

It was Obama who changed the rules so classified information could be shared and who had people working under him who questionably unmasked names of people to destroy them.

It was Obama who illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including reporters. It was Obama who imprisoned and spied on reporters. But Trump is mean for telling the truth about the bias and false reporting by the press.

After Trump was elected, much of the media, many bureaucrats and other Democrats immediately set out to destroy and impeach Trump. It never mattered how many lies they had to tell and how many lives the vengeful people had to destroy to get Democrats back in power. The truth hasn’t mattered for a long time.

But Trump is somehow the vengeful one for moving some people around and firing a few people.

If you want to see a purely vengeful person consumed with power all you have to do is look at a person named Nancy Pelosi, dressed as if she were as pure as driven snow as she rips up the president’s State of the Union speech because she’s a petulant little child who didn’t get her way on impeachment.

But Trump is the problem as he seeks to move the power, purse and freedom back to the people as fast as he can because that is where the power and money belong. He is the opposite of a dictator but the media doesn’t give a damn about the truth. They are also consumed with power and revenge.

Image credit: USAF public domain

via American Thinker Blog

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‘It’s Coming’: CDC Director Warns Coronavirus To Become Widespread Throughout United States, ‘Probably Beyond 2020’

‘It’s Coming’: CDC Director Warns Coronavirus To Become Widespread Throughout United States, ‘Probably Beyond 2020’

The extremely virulent coronavirus which is sweeping through China’s Hubei province like wildfire will eventually gain a foothold in the United States – becoming a ‘community virus’ this year or next, according to CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield.

"We don’t know a lot about this virus," Redfield told CNN‘s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "This virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will get community-based transmission."

"Right now we’re in an aggressive containment mode," said Redfield.

As of Thursday, 15 cases have been confirmed in seven states; eight in California, two in Illinois and one in Arizona, Washington, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Texas, according to CNN.

Community virus

Redfield says that while more research is needed, the CDC is focused on containment strategies to isolate and slow the progression of the novel coronavirus, buying time to develop a vaccine and antiviral drugs.

"The containment phase is really to give us more time. This virus will become a community virus at some point in time, this year or next year," said Redfield. "We don’t have any evidence that this coronavirus is really embedded in the community at this time, but with that said, we want to intensify our surveillance so that we’re basing those conclusions based on data."

The containment strategy refers to efforts to prevent widespread transmission of the coronavirus in the United States, including having people with confirmed cases stay in isolation and placing restrictions on travel between affected areas in the world. Such containment measures were used widely during the SARS global outbreak of 2003, during which 8,098 people worldwide became sick and of those, 774 died, according to the CDC. –CNN

Controversial travel restrictions

While the World Health Organization has argued that travel restrictions on foreign nationals could backfire (on several industries?), the Trump administration has enacted travel restrictions which block foreign nationals who have visited China in the last 14 days from entering the United States. Anyone who has been to Hubei province within two weeks of their return will be subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ahanom Ghebreyesus opposed travel restrictions last week, saying "We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit."

So – According to Tedros, travel restrictions might lead to panic and racism.

The CDC’s Redfield couldn’t disagree more.

"Frankly, some people criticized when we decided that we wanted to temporarily suspend travel into the United States from individuals who were not Americans or permanent residents who had been in the hot zone in the last 14 days. Some people didn’t think that that was what they would do," Redfield told Gupta on Thursday.

"Well, we felt very strongly that our obligation was to do all we can to protect the American public," he added. "I would rather be criticized for over-protecting America than under-protecting America at this stage."

Gupta then asked a very CNN question; "Obviously, Dr. Redfield, the virus doesn’t discriminate based on race. Why do we?"

Redfield, who didn’t take the bait, replied: "The issue here was first a strong commitment to take care of the Americans that are going to come back, whether they happen to potentially have this virus or not — and you saw that with the over 800 individuals that the State Department has repatriated and we’ve assisted in that."

Asymptomatic transmission is highly concerning

One of the more concerning aspects of the hyper-virulent coronavirus is that a person can transmit it to others while showing no symptoms.

"There’s been good communication with our colleagues to confirm asymptomatic infection, to confirm asymptomatic transmission, to be able to get a better handle on the clinical spectrum of illness in China. What we don’t know though is how much of the asymptomatic cases are driving transmission," said Redfield.

"What I’ve learned in the last two weeks is that the spectrum of this illness is much broader than was originally presented. There’s much more asymptomatic illness," he added. "A number of the confirmed cases that we confirmed actually just presented with a little sore throat."

Meanwhile, CNN notes that while the outbreak has been affecting China since at least December, the CDC has not been invited into the country to help despite offering assistance six weeks ago.

"There’s a lot of information we don’t know — that’s why I offered to provide assistance, direct assistance, and send our CDC folks over there back on January 6 to really help them gather that information and also to help us see the information first hand that we need to help make the right public health recommendations for our nation," said Redfield.

"That letter has not been responded to yet by the official Chinese government," he added. "We do believe that we’re the best in the world in this space and we’re ready to help and assist them, but they’re an independent nation that has to make that decision that they’re going to invite us in."

Tyler Durden

Fri, 02/14/2020 – 13:34

via ZeroHedge News

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Bernie Sanders’s Rise is Like Death Knocking on America’s Door

When Barack Obama vowed five days before he was first elected to fundamentally transform the nation he soon would lead, few who voted for him thought to ask themselves, Transform it into what?  America always needs improving, but is it such a sorry place that it must be fundamentally transformed?  Apparently so, according to Obama.  And that goes double for the Democrat who would follow him, post-President Trump, Bernie Sanders. To fundamentally transform a nation means to bring about profound changes to its principles, values and institutions.  In the case of America, that means radically transforming the economic and governing systems that made it the greatest nation the world has ever known.  

Bernie Sanders is leading Democratic polls, and in this regard, he’s assuming the mantle of Obama, like death again knocking at America’s door.

Which is why the Obama presidency should be re-examined. A long trail of circumstantial evidence indicated that Obama was intent on upending our two-party constitutional democracy in favor of single-party socialist rule.  That’s not different from what Sandes openly espouses. If not for a corrupt mainstream media, Obama would never have succeeded in hiding his socialist ideology.  Dating to his childhood, he has been influenced by a long trail of hardcore socialists, including his parents and the revolutionary communists listed below.

Frank Marshall Davis

A 20th century African-American journalist and labor activist, Davis was an unapologetic communist who loathed his country and its capitalist system.  The subject of a 600-page FBI file, Davis was a card-carrying, pro-Soviet member of the Communist Party USA.  His loyalty to communism ran so deep that he was placed on the FBI Security Index, meaning he was a prime suspect for treason had the U.S. gone to war with the Soviet Union.

During the time Davis lived in Hawaii, he was introduced to a young Barack Obama by the latter’s maternal grandfather.  The two developed a close and trusting relationship, with Davis arguably serving as Obama’s single most important adolescent mentor.  In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama acknowledged a deep admiration for Davis, mentioning him in glowing terms 22 times, without once disclosing that Davis was a hardened communist who loathed America.  When Obama released the audio version of his memoir in 2005 as an aspiring presidential candidate, all references to Davis were quietly purged, a fact that went unreported by the mainstream media.  That Davis’s communist leanings rubbed off on Obama is evidenced throughout Dreams, including the part where Obama acknowledges an affinity he had for Marxist professors and student groups when he was in college.

William Ayers

When Obama moved to Chicago after graduating from Harvard Law School, he was introduced to unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who attempted to incite a violent communist revolution in the 1960s as a leader of the Weather Underground.  Ayers is a self-declared communist revolutionary who has devoted his entire adult life to destroying America’s capitalist system: “I wake up every morning and think, today is the day I will end capitalism.  I go to bed disappointed every night, but am back at work tomorrow because that is the only way you can do it.”  Although Obama knew about Ayers’ strident anti-American views, he chose to launch his political career in the living room of Ayers’s Chicago home.

When explosive revelations about Obama’s close association with Ayers were reported by Fox News during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama tried to dismiss Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not somebody I regularly exchanged ideas with.”  The evidence shows otherwise.  The two served together for five years on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), a progressive educational foundation that appointed Obama as its executive director.  According to an investigative report in The Wall Street Journal, Obama operated CAC in a manner wholly consistent with Ayers’ concept that public school classrooms should be used as political lecture halls to indoctrinate students with his belief that America is such a racist and unjust place that things can be made right only by the total dismantling of its economic and governing systems.

Saul Alinsky

Another radical socialist who loathed America and its capitalist system became one of Obama’s most important political mentors years before Obama moved to Chicago.  The win-at-all-costs political theories of Saul Alinsky, who died in 1972, had so much influence on Obama that America’s future first black president taught Alinsky’s ends-justify-the-means election tactics at University of Chicago.

Alinsky believed that destroying the character of political opponents is far more effective at getting Democrats elected than trying to sell the utopian promises of socialism.  In his book Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote this: “The despair is there.  It is now up to us to rub raw the wounds of discontent and galvanize them for radical social change.”  The radical change to which he referred is the takedown of America’s free-market capitalist economy and its two-party constitutional democracy.  In keeping with Lenin’s observation that a lie told often enough becomes the truth, Alinsky taught Democrats that the most effective way to defeat Republicans is to relentlessly slander them as racists.  Forty-eight years after his death, the Chicago community organizer who despised his country remains the most revered political strategist of the modern Democratic Party.

Jeremiah Wright

When Obama arrived in Chicago, he sought to gain street creds for his political ambitions by joining Trinity United Church of Christ, a predominately African-American congregation led by its firebrand pastor, Jeremiah Wright.  Rev. Wright taught Black Liberation Theology, a religious teaching based on victim vs. oppressor ideology, the essence of Marxism.  By their own admission, Barack and Michelle Obama regularly attended Trinity United for 20 years.  During that time, they listened to hundreds of Wright’s “God d**n America” sermons in which he angrily blamed his country for problems in America and the rest of the world.  A passage from the audio version of Dreams From My Father reveals sympathy Obama had with the anti-white views of Wright, whom Obama quotes in Dreams as saying, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

Obama and Wright are known to have associated with Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic, anti-white and American-hating minister of the Nation of Islam.  Hidden from voters by the mainstream media until after Obama’s re-election was secured, this photo shows Obama and Farrakhan at a 2005 meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, an organization whose members have lavishly praised Fidel Castro and Cuba’s communist system.  The photo doesn’t necessarily mean Obama is close friends with Farrakhan, but does show he has no problem socializing with a man who hates his country with every fiber of his being.

Obama’s trip to Cuba

In early 2016, when Obama no longer faced re-election, he visited Cuba, where he defiantly posed before a six-story likeness of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.  Standing in front of a massive image of Guevara that adorns the Ministry of the Interior in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución (Revolution Plaza), America’s first black president stood shoulder to shoulder with officials of the brutal communist regime that worships Guevara as a national hero.  That Obama would stage such a photograph leaves little doubt in the minds of many about the true ideological beliefs of the man who vowed to fundamentally transform the United States of America

The only difference between self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders on the one hand, and Obama and the party he leads on the other, is that Obama and his party are being coy about their unbreakable affinity for socialism.

Wake up, America.  Death is knocking on your door. 

Image credit: Daily Wire // Twitter screen shot

American Thinker also published Red Tide Rising, another John Eidson article about the troubling rise of communism in America.

When Barack Obama vowed five days before he was first elected to fundamentally transform the nation he soon would lead, few who voted for him thought to ask themselves, Transform it into what?  America always needs improving, but is it such a sorry place that it must be fundamentally transformed?  Apparently so, according to Obama.  And that goes double for the Democrat who would follow him, post-President Trump, Bernie Sanders. To fundamentally transform a nation means to bring about profound changes to its principles, values and institutions.  In the case of America, that means radically transforming the economic and governing systems that made it the greatest nation the world has ever known.  

Bernie Sanders is leading Democratic polls, and in this regard, he’s assuming the mantle of Obama, like death again knocking at America’s door.

Which is why the Obama presidency should be re-examined. A long trail of circumstantial evidence indicated that Obama was intent on upending our two-party constitutional democracy in favor of single-party socialist rule.  That’s not different from what Sandes openly espouses. If not for a corrupt mainstream media, Obama would never have succeeded in hiding his socialist ideology.  Dating to his childhood, he has been influenced by a long trail of hardcore socialists, including his parents and the revolutionary communists listed below.

Frank Marshall Davis

A 20th century African-American journalist and labor activist, Davis was an unapologetic communist who loathed his country and its capitalist system.  The subject of a 600-page FBI file, Davis was a card-carrying, pro-Soviet member of the Communist Party USA.  His loyalty to communism ran so deep that he was placed on the FBI Security Index, meaning he was a prime suspect for treason had the U.S. gone to war with the Soviet Union.

During the time Davis lived in Hawaii, he was introduced to a young Barack Obama by the latter’s maternal grandfather.  The two developed a close and trusting relationship, with Davis arguably serving as Obama’s single most important adolescent mentor.  In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama acknowledged a deep admiration for Davis, mentioning him in glowing terms 22 times, without once disclosing that Davis was a hardened communist who loathed America.  When Obama released the audio version of his memoir in 2005 as an aspiring presidential candidate, all references to Davis were quietly purged, a fact that went unreported by the mainstream media.  That Davis’s communist leanings rubbed off on Obama is evidenced throughout Dreams, including the part where Obama acknowledges an affinity he had for Marxist professors and student groups when he was in college.

William Ayers

When Obama moved to Chicago after graduating from Harvard Law School, he was introduced to unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who attempted to incite a violent communist revolution in the 1960s as a leader of the Weather Underground.  Ayers is a self-declared communist revolutionary who has devoted his entire adult life to destroying America’s capitalist system: “I wake up every morning and think, today is the day I will end capitalism.  I go to bed disappointed every night, but am back at work tomorrow because that is the only way you can do it.”  Although Obama knew about Ayers’ strident anti-American views, he chose to launch his political career in the living room of Ayers’s Chicago home.

When explosive revelations about Obama’s close association with Ayers were reported by Fox News during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama tried to dismiss Ayers as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not somebody I regularly exchanged ideas with.”  The evidence shows otherwise.  The two served together for five years on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), a progressive educational foundation that appointed Obama as its executive director.  According to an investigative report in The Wall Street Journal, Obama operated CAC in a manner wholly consistent with Ayers’ concept that public school classrooms should be used as political lecture halls to indoctrinate students with his belief that America is such a racist and unjust place that things can be made right only by the total dismantling of its economic and governing systems.

Saul Alinsky

Another radical socialist who loathed America and its capitalist system became one of Obama’s most important political mentors years before Obama moved to Chicago.  The win-at-all-costs political theories of Saul Alinsky, who died in 1972, had so much influence on Obama that America’s future first black president taught Alinsky’s ends-justify-the-means election tactics at University of Chicago.

Alinsky believed that destroying the character of political opponents is far more effective at getting Democrats elected than trying to sell the utopian promises of socialism.  In his book Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote this: “The despair is there.  It is now up to us to rub raw the wounds of discontent and galvanize them for radical social change.”  The radical change to which he referred is the takedown of America’s free-market capitalist economy and its two-party constitutional democracy.  In keeping with Lenin’s observation that a lie told often enough becomes the truth, Alinsky taught Democrats that the most effective way to defeat Republicans is to relentlessly slander them as racists.  Forty-eight years after his death, the Chicago community organizer who despised his country remains the most revered political strategist of the modern Democratic Party.

Jeremiah Wright

When Obama arrived in Chicago, he sought to gain street creds for his political ambitions by joining Trinity United Church of Christ, a predominately African-American congregation led by its firebrand pastor, Jeremiah Wright.  Rev. Wright taught Black Liberation Theology, a religious teaching based on victim vs. oppressor ideology, the essence of Marxism.  By their own admission, Barack and Michelle Obama regularly attended Trinity United for 20 years.  During that time, they listened to hundreds of Wright’s “God d**n America” sermons in which he angrily blamed his country for problems in America and the rest of the world.  A passage from the audio version of Dreams From My Father reveals sympathy Obama had with the anti-white views of Wright, whom Obama quotes in Dreams as saying, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need.”

Obama and Wright are known to have associated with Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic, anti-white and American-hating minister of the Nation of Islam.  Hidden from voters by the mainstream media until after Obama’s re-election was secured, this photo shows Obama and Farrakhan at a 2005 meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, an organization whose members have lavishly praised Fidel Castro and Cuba’s communist system.  The photo doesn’t necessarily mean Obama is close friends with Farrakhan, but does show he has no problem socializing with a man who hates his country with every fiber of his being.

Obama’s trip to Cuba

In early 2016, when Obama no longer faced re-election, he visited Cuba, where he defiantly posed before a six-story likeness of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.  Standing in front of a massive image of Guevara that adorns the Ministry of the Interior in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución (Revolution Plaza), America’s first black president stood shoulder to shoulder with officials of the brutal communist regime that worships Guevara as a national hero.  That Obama would stage such a photograph leaves little doubt in the minds of many about the true ideological beliefs of the man who vowed to fundamentally transform the United States of America

The only difference between self-avowed socialist Bernie Sanders on the one hand, and Obama and the party he leads on the other, is that Obama and his party are being coy about their unbreakable affinity for socialism.

Wake up, America.  Death is knocking on your door. 

Image credit: Daily Wire // Twitter screen shot

American Thinker also published Red Tide Rising, another John Eidson article about the troubling rise of communism in America.

via American Thinker

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DOJ: Andrew McCabe Will Not Face Criminal Charges

Former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe will not face criminal charges for allegedly lying to agents about his leaks to reporters, according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) letter released Friday afternoon.

This is a developing story. Follow Breitbart News for updates on this topic and breaking Politics stories.

via Breitbart News

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The Roots of Our Partisan Divide

Christopher Caldwell
Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute and Author, The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties

Christopher CaldwellChristopher Caldwell is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, a contributing editor at the Claremont Review of Books, and a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. A graduate of Harvard College, he has been a senior editor at the Weekly Standard and a columnist for the Financial Times. He is the author of Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West and The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties.

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on January 28, 2020, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., as part of the AWC Family Foundation lecture series.

American society today is divided by party and by ideology in a way it has perhaps not been since the Civil War. I have just published a book that, among other things, suggests why this is. It is called The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties. It runs from the assassination of John F. Kennedy to the election of Donald J. Trump. You can get a good idea of the drift of the narrative from its chapter titles: 1963, Race, Sex, War, Debt, Diversity, Winners, and Losers.

I can end part of the suspense right now—Democrats are the winners. Their party won the 1960s—they gained money, power, and prestige. The GOP is the party of the people who lost those things.

One of the strands of this story involves the Vietnam War. The antiquated way the Army was mustered in the 1960s wound up creating a class system. What I’m referring to here is the so-called student deferment. In the old days, university-level education was rare. At the start of the First World War, only one in 30 American men was in a college or university, so student deferments were not culturally significant. By the time of Vietnam, almost half of American men were in a college or university, and student deferment remained in effect until well into the war. So if you were rich enough to study art history, you went to Woodstock and made love. If you worked in a garage, you went to Da Nang and made war. This produced a class division that many of the college-educated mistook for a moral division, particularly once we lost the war. The rich saw themselves as having avoided service in Vietnam not because they were more privileged or—heaven forbid—less brave, but because they were more decent.

Another strand of the story involves women. Today, there are two cultures of American womanhood—the culture of married women and the culture of single women. If you poll them on political issues, they tend to differ diametrically. It was feminism that produced this rupture. For women during the Kennedy administration, by contrast, there was one culture of femininity, and it united women from cradle to grave: Ninety percent of married women and 87 percent of unmarried women believed there was such a thing as “women’s intuition.” Only 16 percent of married women and only 15 percent of unmarried women thought it was excusable in some circumstances to have an extramarital affair. Ninety-nine percent of women, when asked the ideal age for marriage, said it was sometime before age 27. None answered “never.”

But it is a third strand of the story, running all the way down to our day, that is most important for explaining our partisan polarization. It concerns how the civil rights laws of the 1960s, and particularly the Civil Rights Act of 1964, divided the country. They did so by giving birth to what was, in effect, a second constitution, which would eventually cause Americans to peel off into two different and incompatible constitutional cultures. This became obvious only over time. It happened so slowly that many people did not notice.

Because conventional wisdom today holds that the Civil Rights Act brought the country together, my book’s suggestion that it pulled the country apart has been met with outrage. The outrage has been especially pronounced among those who have not read the book. So for their benefit I should make crystal clear that my book is not a defense of segregation or Jim Crow, and that when I criticize the long-term effects of the civil rights laws of the 1960s, I do not criticize the principle of equality in general, or the movement for black equality in particular.

What I am talking about are the emergency mechanisms that, in the name of ending segregation, were established under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These gave Washington the authority to override what Americans had traditionally thought of as their ordinary democratic institutions. It was widely assumed that the emergency mechanisms would be temporary and narrowly focused. But they soon escaped democratic control altogether, and they have now become the most powerful part of our governing system.

How Civil Rights Legislation Worked

There were two noteworthy things about the civil rights legislation of 1964 and 1965.

The first was its unprecedented concentration of power. It gave Washington tools it had never before had in peacetime. It created new crimes, outlawing discrimination in almost every walk of public and private life. It revoked—or repealed—the prevailing understanding of freedom of association as protected by the First Amendment. It established agencies to hunt down these new crimes—an expanded Civil Rights Commission, an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and various offices of civil rights in the different cabinet agencies. It gave government new prerogatives, such as laying out hiring practices for all companies with more than 15 employees, filing lawsuits, conducting investigations, and ordering redress. Above all, it exposed every corner of American social, economic, and political life to direction from bureaucrats and judges.

To put it bluntly, the effect of these civil rights laws was to take a lot of decisions that had been made in the democratic parts of American government and relocate them to the bureaucracy or the judiciary. Only with that kind of arsenal, Lyndon Johnson and the drafters thought, would it be possible to root out insidious racism.

The second noteworthy thing about the civil rights legislation of the 1960s is that it was kind of a fudge. It sat uneasily not only with the First Amendment, but with the Constitution as a whole. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, passed largely to give teeth to the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal rights for all citizens, did so by creating different levels of rights for citizens of southern states like Alabama and citizens of northern states like Michigan when it came to election laws.

The goal of the civil rights laws was to bring the sham democracies of the American South into conformity with the Constitution. But nobody’s democracy is perfect, and it turned out to be much harder than anticipated to distinguish between democracy in the South and democracy elsewhere in the country. If the spirit of the law was to humiliate Southern bigots, the letter of the law put the entire country—all its institutions—under the threat of lawsuits and prosecutions for discrimination.

Still, no one was too worried about that. It is clear in retrospect that Americans outside the South understood segregation as a regional problem. As far as we can tell from polls, 70-90 percent of Americans outside the South thought that blacks in their part of the country were treated just fine, the same as anyone else. In practice, non-Southerners did not expect the new laws to be turned back on themselves.

The Broadening of Civil Rights

The problem is that when the work of the civil rights legislation was done—when de jure segregation was stopped—these new powers were not suspended or scaled back or reassessed. On the contrary, they intensified. The ability to set racial quotas for public schools was not in the original Civil Rights Act, but offices of civil rights started doing it, and there was no one strong enough to resist. Busing of schoolchildren had not been in the original plan, either, but once schools started to fall short of targets established by the bureaucracy, judges ordered it.

Affirmative action was a vague notion in the Civil Rights Act. But by the time of the Supreme Court’s 1978 Bakke decision, it was an outright system of racial preference for non-whites. In that case, the plaintiff, Alan Bakke, who had been a U.S. Marine captain in Vietnam, saw his application for medical school rejected, even though his test scores were in the 96th, 94th, 97th, and 72nd percentiles. Minority applicants, meanwhile, were admitted with, on average, scores in the 34th, 30th, 37th, and 18th percentiles. And although the Court decided that Bakke himself deserved admission, it did not do away with the affirmative action programs that kept him out. In fact, it institutionalized them, mandating “diversity”—a new concept at the time—as the law of the land.

Meanwhile other groups, many of them not even envisioned in the original legislation, got the hang of using civil rights law. Immigrant advocates, for instance: Americans never voted for bilingual education, but when the Supreme Court upheld the idea in 1974, rule writers in the offices of civil rights simply established it, and it exists to this day. Women, too: the EEOC battled Sears, Roebuck & Co. from 1973 to 1986 with every weapon at its disposal, trying to prove it guilty of sexism—ultimately failing to prove even a single instance of it.

Finally, civil rights came to dominate—and even overrule—legislation that had nothing to do with it. The most traumatic example of this was the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. This legislation was supposed to be the grand compromise on which our modern immigration policy would be built. On the one hand, about three million illegal immigrants who had mostly come north from Mexico would be given citizenship. On the other hand, draconian laws would ensure that the amnesty would not be an incentive to future migrants, and that illegal immigration would never get out of control again. So there were harsh “employer sanctions” for anyone who hired a non-citizen. But once the law passed, what happened? Illegal immigrants got their amnesty. But the penalties on illegal hiring turned out to be fake—because, to simplify just a bit, asking an employee who “looks Mexican” where he was born or about his citizenship status was held to be a violation of his civil rights. Civil rights law had made it impossible for Americans to get what they’d voted for through their representatives, leading to decades of political strife over immigration policy that continues to this day.

A more recent manifestation of the broadening of civil rights laws is the “Dear Colleague” letter sent by the Obama Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights in 2011, which sought to dictate sexual harassment policy to every college and university in the country. Another is the overturning by judges of a temporary ban on entry from certain countries linked to terrorism in the first months of the Trump administration in 2017.

These policies, qua policies, have their defenders and their detractors. The important thing for our purposes is how they were established and enforced. More and more areas of American life have been withdrawn from voters’ democratic control and delivered up to the bureaucratic and judicial emergency mechanisms of civil rights law. Civil rights law has become a second constitution, with powers that can be used to override the Constitution of 1787.

The New Constitution

In explaining the constitutional order that we see today, I’d like to focus on just two of its characteristics.

First, it has a moral element, almost a metaphysical element, that is usually more typical of theocracies than of secular republics. As we’ve discussed, civil rights law gave bureaucrats and judges emergency powers to override the normal constitutional order, bypassing democracy. But the key question is: Under what conditions is the government authorized to activate these emergency powers? It is a question that has been much studied by political thinkers in Europe. Usually when European governments of the past bypassed their constitutions by declaring emergencies, it was on the grounds of a military threat or a threat to public order. But in America, as our way of governing has evolved since 1964, emergencies are declared on a moral basis: people are suffering; their newly discovered rights are being denied. America can’t wait anymore for the ordinary democratic process to take its course.

A moral ground for invoking emergencies sounds more humane than a military one. It is not. That is because, in order to justify its special powers, the government must create a class of officially designated malefactors. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the justification of this strong medicine was that there was a collection of Southern politicians who were so wily and devious, and a collection of Southern sheriffs so ruthless and depraved, that one could not, and was not morally obliged to, fight fair with them.

That pattern has perpetuated itself, even as the focus of civil rights has moved to American institutions less obviously objectionable than segregation. Every intervention in the name of rights requires the identification of a malefactor. So very early on in the gay marriage debate, those who believed in traditional marriage were likened to segregationists or to those who had opposed interracial marriage.

Joe Biden recently said: “Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.” Now, most Americans, probably including Joe Biden, know very little about transgenderism. But this is an assertion that Americans are not going to be permitted to advance their knowledge by discussing the issue in public or to work out their differences at the ballot box. As civil rights laws have been extended by analogy into other areas of American life, the imputation of moral non-personhood has been aimed at a growing number of people who have committed no sin more grievous than believing the same things they did two years ago, and therefore standing in the way of the progressive juggernaut.

The second characteristic of the new civil rights constitution is what we can call intersectionality. This is a sociological development. As long as civil rights law was limited to protecting the rights of Southern blacks, it was a stable system. It had the logic of history behind it, which both justified and focused its application. But if other groups could be given the privilege of advancing their causes by bureaucratic fiat and judicial decree, there was the possibility of a gradual building up of vast new coalitions, maybe even electoral majorities. This was made possible because almost anyone who was not a white heterosexual male could benefit from civil rights law in some way.

Seventy years ago, India produced the first modern minority-rights based constitution with a long, enumerated list of so-called “scheduled tribes and castes.” Eventually, inter-group horse trading took up so much of the country’s attention that there emerged a grumbling group of “everyone else,” of “ordinary Indians.” These account for many of the people behind the present prime minister, Narendra Modi. Indians who like Modi say he’s the candidate of average citizens. Those who don’t like him, as most of the international media do not, call him a “Hindu nationalist.”

We have a version of the same thing happening in America. By the mid-1980s, the “intersectional” coalition of civil rights activists started using the term “people of color” to describe itself. Now, logically, if there really is such a thing as “people of color,” and if they are demanding a larger share of society’s rewards, they are ipso facto demanding that “non–people of color” get a smaller share. In the same way that the Indian constitution called forth the idea of a generic “Hindu,” the new civil rights constitution created a group of “non–people of color.” It made white people a political reality in the United States in a way they had never been.

Now we can apply this insight to parties. So overpowering is the hegemony of the civil rights constitution of 1964 over the Constitution of 1787, that the country naturally sorts itself into a party of those who have benefitted by it and a party of those who have been harmed by it.

A Party of Bigots and a Party of Totalitarians

Let’s say you’re a progressive. In fact, let’s say you are a progressive gay man in a gay marriage, with two adopted children. The civil rights version of the country is everything to you. Your whole way of life depends on it. How can you back a party or a politician who even wavers on it? Quite likely, your whole moral idea of yourself depends on it, too. You may have marched in gay pride parades carrying signs reading “Stop the Hate,” and you believe that people who opposed the campaign that made possible your way of life, your marriage, and your children, can only have done so for terrible reasons. You are on the side of the glorious marchers of Birmingham, and they are on the side of Bull Connor. To you, the other party is a party of bigots.

But say you’re a conservative person who goes to church, and your seven-year-old son is being taught about “gender fluidity” in first grade. There is no avenue for you to complain about this. You’ll be called a bigot at the very least. In fact, although you’re not a lawyer, you have a vague sense that you might get fired from your job, or fined, or that something else bad will happen. You also feel that this business has something to do with gay rights. “Sorry,” you ask, “when did I vote for this?” You begin to suspect that taking your voice away from you and taking your vote away from you is the main goal of these rights movements. To you, the other party is a party of totalitarians.

And that’s our current party system: the bigots versus the totalitarians.

If either of these constitutions were totally devoid of merit, we wouldn’t have a problem. We could be confident that the wiser of the two would win out in the end. But each of our two constitutions contains, for its adherents, a great deal worth defending to the bitter end. And unfortunately, each constitution must increasingly defend itself against the other.

When gay marriage was being advanced over the past 20 years, one of the common sayings of activists was: “The sky didn’t fall.” People would say: “Look, we’ve had gay marriage in Massachusetts for three weeks, and I’ve got news for you! The sky didn’t fall!” They were right in the short term. But I think they forgot how delicate a system a democratic constitutional republic is, how difficult it is to get the formula right, and how hard it is to see when a government begins—slowly, very slowly—to veer off course in a way that can take decades to become evident.

Then one day we discover that, although we still deny the sky is falling, we do so with a lot less confidence.

via Imprimis

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The Legacy Media Have Failed Democrats (and America)

Op-ed by Stu Cvrk

How much have the legacy media told Democrats and the rest of us about the Democrat presidential candidates? Where are the in-depth investigative reports on their personal backgrounds, net worth and how they accumulated their wealth, past associations, major donors, real accomplishments, and other important details necessary for Democrats to make informed choices in their primaries?

The media have failed miserably to deliver complete information on Democrat candidates, concentrating almost exclusively on the horse race itself (and polls and who is ahead) and on their stances on left-wing soup du jour issues like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, open borders (no wall), reparations, college debt forgiveness, elimination of the Electoral College, minimum wage increase, unrestricted abortion, massive tax increases, and so forth. The dirty little secret is that the stances on these issues mean nothing over the long haul because these are little more than pandering for votes, and Democrats almost never deliver on their campaign promises. What is truly important are the other details that the media never discuss, as mentioned above.

In addition, the legacy media are also squelching and obfuscating information on a whole host of other subjects for political reasons. They have abrogated their constitutional responsibility to speak truth to power and keep Americans informed. They are failing to conduct even-handed investigative reporting, concentrating their resources exclusively on conservatives and Republicans. And they are rapidly ceding their constitutional responsibilities to alternative and independent media such as here at UncoverDC.

Think I’m wrong about this? Let us examine the proposition by first looking at some of the Democrat presidential candidates.

Bernie Sanders. He advertises himself as a “democratic socialist” and has attracted a large national political organization consisting of radical leftists, Communists, and other like-minded socialists. But are any of these people aware how Bernie became a millionaire? He practiced nepotism by laundering his political media buys through a company controlled by his wife over the years and pocketing the 15% commissions, as detailed here. He has invested for years in Fortune 500 companies – not the green companies that he champions on the campaign trail. He also has voted for earmarks, tax breaks, and other favors for his deep-pocketed donors while in the US Senate. For years, his political slogan has been, “Our politics should not be dominated by billionaires and millionaires.” What would the Bernie bros think if they knew about his many hypocrisies now that Bernie himself is one of those same millionaires?

Pete Buttigieg. The fresh-faced first millennial presidential candidate has some skeletons in his closet that he works hard to obfuscate. The legacy media have never really explored his family background. Buttigieg’s father was a Marxist, as reported in this Washington Examiner article in 2019: He was “a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin”.  That information has been since buried and is never brought up. How was he even able to become a US Navy intelligence officer with that baggage? Another issue that has been carefully obfuscated by the legacy media and his campaign is his homosexuality. Who could forget the video of the Iowa woman who wanted to change her vote during the caucuses after finding out Buttigieg is a homosexual, as reported in this story?  How could that not be common knowledge without media complicity in burying the story? We have also learned from Twitter personality Heshmat Alavi that Buttigieg is being advised by Iranian regime apologist Valil Nasr, as reported in this thread. The legacy media are pro-IRI and will cover this up, too.

Elizabeth Warren: The Fauxcahontas story is common knowledge, but there is more in Warren’s background that is rarely exposed to the public. Aiming her campaign rhetoric at middle class voters, her shtick is that she is a “complete honest broker” and that she has been “fighting corporate power” for decades. However, as reported in Peter Schweizer’s excellent new book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, in the 1990s, “she effectively leveraged her position working as a government consultant on bankruptcy issues to reap a rich financial harvest as a legal consultant for the biggest corporations in America.” As Schweizer detailed in his book, with a specialty in corporate law, she helped Congress rewrite corporate bankruptcy laws, which saved large corporations millions of dollars and opened doors for providing legal consultation and services to those same corporations – a major source of her accumulated net worth which was estimated at ~$12 million in 2019. The list of her high-dollar consultancy clients included Fairchild Aircraft Corporation, LTV Steel, Southwest Electric Power Company, Dow Chemical, Travelers Insurance, and other large corporations. Schweizer’s 32-page chapter on Warren exposes her rank hypocrisy on claiming to “be an honest broker.” She is a corporate capitalist, not a Progressive – except in her crazy rhetoric.

Amy Klobuchar. Her claim to fame is that she was a “tough prosecutor” of white-collar crime in Minnesota. How many people know that her largest donor in her 2006 run for the US Senate was the perpetrator of the second-largest Ponzi scheme in American history (behind Bernie Madoff)? That would be Tom Petters and Petters Group International. She claims to be a “progressive” while shaking down corporations for campaign contributions in exchange for earmarks and other favors. She sponsored over $500 million in earmarks to her large donors during her first three years in the Senate before earmarks were stopped. As one example, in addition to earmarks and among other “goodwill,” she supported carve-outs in financial regulations for another large donor, Cargill Inc., to continue to leverage and exploit derivatives – which is very important and lucrative for a commodities-producing company. That’s corporate capitalism, not progressivism. How many Democrat primary voters are aware of that?

All the Democrat presidential candidates have sordid stories similar to these. Much is suspected and less is known by most people about the Biden family’s decades-long corruption. Independent journalists are leading the way in ferreting out the details of that nepotism. The legacy media have been covering that up for years in service of the former vice president. Thanks to the Democrats’ impeachment farce, the story of Hunter Biden’s Ukraine-related corruption is finally beginning to play out on the national scene, but that would have been all swept under the rug if the legacy media had been able to fully control the Democrats’ false narrative about Ukraine.

Moving on to Congress, how is it possible that “The Squad” and other socialists were not thoroughly exposed before their election to the House of Representatives?  What was the vetting process? Were voters fully informed of their radical backgrounds? Are Communists and subversives now able to pass admittance criteria without even a hiccup because the legacy media hide these details from voters? How many avowed Communists are now serving in the US Congress? Why is the Progressive Caucus in Congress now comprised of over 70 members (“Progressive” equals “radical socialist)? Why is it that the legacy media hide the fact that some of the more virulent advocates for impeaching the President are members of that caucus (e.g.., Debbie Dingell, Ro Khanna, Sheila Jackson Lee, Ilhan Omar, Jamie Raskin, Ted Lieu, Zoe Lofgren, and Maxine Waters)? What is America doing to ferret out these subversives, and what are the legacy media doing other than obfuscating and hiding this important information from Americans?

Now, let’s look at just one cultural topic that the legacy media also buries on a continuing basis – the Judeo-Christian values of regular Americans that the media continually demonize and hide. Here is just one tiny example of that. Did you know that most of the top NFL quarterbacks who were on the teams in the playoffs this past year are actively religious Christians? Here is an excerpt from a recent article from a non-legacy media source (of course):

A day after the Super Bowl, a friend sent me a video of my hometown QB, Patrick Mahomes, talking about his faith. Mahomes attends Bible study every Friday with his teammates and attends chapel every Saturday.

“Before every game I walk the field and do a prayer at the goalpost,” said Mahomes. “I thank God for being on the stage where I can glorify Him.”

Mahomes is not unusual. Six of the eight starting quarterbacks who made it into the divisional championship round are professing Christians.

Personal examples and quotes in that article were also compiled from these quarterbacks: Titans’ Ryan Tannehill, Ravens’ Lamar Jackson, Chargers’ Philip Rivers, Texans’ Deshaun Watson, Seahawks’ Russell Wilson, Vikings’ Kirk Cousins, 49ers’ backup CJ Beathard, Eagles’ Carson Wentz, and Eagles’ back-up Nick Foles. Very few NFL football fans, not to mention Americans in general, know that the leaders of these teams are professed and active Christians. What a great message for young athletes, and what a travesty that the legacy media have refused to cover this important story!

The legacy media have been undermining traditional American culture while pushing a culture of death, including promoting abortion on demand, legalization of harmful drugs, and euthanasia. The legacy media have been enabling the Democrat Party and their RINO allies for years while incessantly attacking Republicans and conservatives. Media reporting in the last quarter of 2019 was over 90% anti-Trump. Independent journalists like Sharyl Atkisson are keeping running-counts of media mistakes in the Age of Trump; Atkisson’s list is up to 111 instances!  In the 2016 presidential election, those identified in federal campaign finance filings as ‘journalists, reporters, new editors or television news anchors’ combined to give 96% of their more than $400,000 to the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Does anyone seriously think that any of them will donate to the Trump campaign this year? Daily Democrat narratives are coordinated throughout the media such that even the very words and phrases repeated by the talking heads and their “guests” are identical. Republicans like the President are demonized; serial liars like Adam Schiff are lauded and feted. The world of the media has been turned upside-down.

In this atmosphere, and with these inherent political biases, the legacy media are incapable of fair and balanced reporting. And they are leading the Democrat Party off the cliff, politically-speaking, by pushing left wing economic and cultural Marxist claptrap on the Democrat Party base. Thank God that independent media like UncoverDC and others are stepping into the breech because the country desperately needs fair and non-partisan reporting in these troubled times.


Stu Cvrk served 30 years in the US Navy in a variety of active and reserve capacities, with considerable operational experience in the Middle East and the Western Pacific. An oceanographer and systems analyst through education and experience, Stu is a graduate of the US Naval Academy, where he received a classical liberal education. This functions as the key foundation for his political commentary. He threads daily on Twitter on a wide range of political topics, such as the military, foreign policy, government, economics, and world affairs.

Twitter: @STUinSD


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An Open Letter to Republicans: You Can’t Let Up

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

By Daniel Bobinski

To every Republican Senator, Congressman, and Congresswoman,

The State of the Union address has been delivered. The impeachment trial in the Senate is over. Trump has been acquitted, and the Democrats have egg on their face. Not only from Trump’s acquittal, but also from the Iowa Caucus fiasco. As of this writing, there are 268 days until the 2020 election. It’s time for Republicans to shine, but will you?

For the past 1,699 days, the Swamp and their Leftist bulldogs have been crossing ethical lines as they desperately try to get rid of Donald Trump. Sadly, for so many years, Republicans occasionally squawk about Democrat malfeasance, but as so many have observed, usually nothing happens. The Right side of the political aisle seems to take pride in being nice, thinking they’re taking the high road. But to what end?

Nice is not a synonym for good.

Some say Republicans don’t fight for their platform because they’re afraid Leftists will call them names. Well, it should be obvious by now that the Left slaps vicious ad hominem labels on conservatives without cause, plus they make up stories about events that never took place. They even send out their talking points to their partners in the legacy media so everyone uses the same labels and makes the same accusations.

No matter what conservatives do, Leftists attack like starving alligators. Republicans must realize that this is going to happen no matter what – and press forward anyway.

Some say Republicans are afraid that if they call out the Left on their misdeeds, their own misdeeds will get called out. If that’s the case, those Republicans shouldn’t be in Congress anymore. Just get out. You were looking for a job when you found this one. If you’re on the Right side of the aisle and have skeletons in your closet you don’t want exposed, please retire and serve in your community at home.

Stand firmly on principles!

So long as Republicans try to act nice and not hold the political Left to account nor move forward with the Republican platform, creatures from the Swamp and their Leftist bulldogs will continue unimpeded with their unethical, immoral, and illegal activities.

Imagine how wildly crazy the media would have been over the past few months if the following two things had happened:

  • Impeachment papers were filed against Trump
  • Trump immediately deleted 30,000+ emails, used bleach-bit on his hard drives, and took hammers to his staff’s mobile phones

To heck with the media. If that happened, everyone – including you – would have been demanding Trump’s impeachment.

Of course, we know Trump didn’t do that, but it’s public record that Hillary Clinton did. Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton, who puts on her pant suits the same as millions of other American women, been charged with a crime? I thought no one was above the law. If anyone should be charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, it’s Hillary Clinton. If Republicans are to lead, they must demand justice.

Also, evidence has come out that murdered federal border agent Brian Terry kept a diary with details about Eric Holder’s illegal “Fast and Furious” scheme. Why hasn’t former Attorney General Holder been investigated or charged with a crime? Again, Republicans must demand justice.

Thankfully, some Republicans are stepping forward and showing some spine. Nancy Pelosi’s dramatic interpretation of a 5-year old, tearing up her copy of the State of the Union address, finally got some Republicans to file ethics charges and call for the Speaker to step down.

Kudos to Representatives Matt Gaetz, Lee Zeldin, Kay Granger, and Paul Gosar, plus anyone else I may have missed.

And thankfully Senator Lindsay Graham is starting an investigation of the Bidens. (I pray he is not merely going through the motions.)

My question for Republicans on Capitol Hill is, “Can you maintain the momentum?” Earlier today I saw a screen shot of a post-SOTU fundraising email sent from Nancy Pelosi, saying, “We can’t let up.”

To all Republicans in the Senate and the House I say the same thing: You can’t let up.

The ripple effects of Republican inaction

Democrats have been playing full court press for years now. If Republicans don’t start playing full court press in return, you risk losing most of what you’ve gained since Donald Trump took office. Yes, I know Republicans are currently the minority in the House, but principled action must be taken or you’ll be perceived as weak – by both the political Left AND your own base.

This should be a concern, because your base starts looking elsewhere when the Republican platform is ignored.

Let me explain.

In 2000, George W. Bush won the White House, and for the first time in 40 years we had a Republican President, a Republican Senate, and a Republican House. Having voted Republican since Reagan, I was elated. “This is great!” I thought. “Now they can do all the things they’ve been saying they’ve wanted to do.” The Republicans were finally given a chance to turn our country around.

Ten seconds after my elation, a fear hit me: “What if they don’t? What if the Republicans don’t do what they’ve been promising us?”

Guess what? They didn’t. It took only a few years for Republicans to grow the budget even more and offer excuse after excuse for why they couldn’t do what they always promised they would do.

It was then that I became disgusted with Republicans and started looking for another party. I believed in the Republican platform, but I didn’t see Republicans doing anything to bring that platform to reality.

Remember the Tea Party? Many disgruntled Republicans flocked there. I actually registered as an Independent for a while in protest, as did many others, and I stopped donating to Republican causes. Hundreds of people have told me similar stories about becoming fed up with Republicans, and I’m sure hundreds of thousands would tell me similar stories if asked.

It’s only since the arrival of Donald Trump that many of us came back to the fold. We were not impressed with McCain. We were not impressed with Romney. We were disgusted with office holders who had an “R” after their name but wouldn’t press forward to enact the Republican platform.

People follow principled leaders

With the arrival of Donald Trump, we’ve seen spines stiffen among Republican ranks. But here’s another question: “Will we still see strong Republican leadership in 2025 after Donald Trump is no longer in office?” I am grateful for what I’m seeing lately, but this level of principled leadership MUST be maintained.

I’ve been a management / leadership coach for 30 years. As I tell my clients, you don’t have to be mean to be firm. In fact, standing firm on principles in the face of opposition is tremendously beneficial.

Consider Chik-fil-A. In 2012, they were attacked by social justice warriors because of the owner’s stance on traditional marriage. Rather than back down, the company took the heat and stood firm on principle. And what happened? Their business flourished! People flocked to their restaurants in support of their stance.

Conversely, look at what happened this past November when Chik-fil-A bowed to social justice warriors, announcing they would withhold or restrict future donations to pro-family and pro-life organizations. Many stopped eating at their restaurants, and it took the social justice crowd less than 12 hours to start demanding even more concessions.

You can’t let up

I urge you to stand FIRMLY upon and work resolutely to ENACT the Republican platform. Press forward with strength. Stop playing defense against the offensive Democrats in Congress.

As a consultant, I would advise that the Republican platform serve as your mission statement. And Devin Nunes is right: Stop talking to the Legacy Media. Members of the Swamp and their media bulldogs are working overtime to stop you. Instead, take your message to the New Media.

Finally, the Left’s New Way Forward Act, HR 5383, is the Left’s boldest attempt yet at destroying our Republic. For decades, the Left has practiced the Hegelian Dialectic: Two steps forward, one step back. They consistently propose wild legislation, then demand compromise. It’s time to turn that around. It’s time Republicans demand that Democrats compromise with bold Republican proposals to make government smaller.

If you don’t reverse the trend of compromising in their direction, our country will be gone. Will you fight harder? Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t be the only person in Congress saying, “We can’t let up.”


Daniel Bobinski


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Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is a certified behavioral analyst, best-selling author, columnist, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker. In addition to working with teams and individuals to achieve workplace excellence over the last 30 years, he’s also a veteran and a self-described Christian Libertarian who believes in the principles of free market capitalism – while standing firmly against crony capitalism. Daniel writes on both workplace issues and political issues for multiple publications, but in his ideal world he’d be a speechwriter for President Trump. Reach Daniel for help with your workplace through his website, For things political, use @newbookofdaniel on Twitter.   © Shadowtrail Media, LLC

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