"Wake Up Motherf**ker, Wake Up!" BLM Idles Through Portland Neighborhood With Bullhorn Tyler Durden
Fri, 08/21/2020 – 10:20
Residents of an upscale Portland neighborhood were treated to some late night entertainment on Thursday, as roughly 100 protesters idled down the street blaring a truck horn and chanting "Wake up motherfucker, wake up!" through a bullhorn.
The Portland protesters shine lights into houses in the neighborhood, calling on everyone to come out and march with them as they make their way back towards Keaton Park #Portland#PortlandProtestpic.twitter.com/N5SGmlLczO
Public Disturbance in Portland – The protesters have vowed to wake up the entire neighborhood as they march through tonight, an act of non-violent civil disobedience #Portland#PortlandProtestspic.twitter.com/56UtEQ3Vxn
As if this wasn’t ‘helpful’ enough for the Biden campaign, at one point a woman on the bullhorn says "Yes, I know Joe Biden fucking sucks, but vote for him please."
“Yes, I know Joe Biden f***ing sucks, but vote for him, please.” Protest leaders reluctantly back Joe Biden as they seek to remove Donald Trump from office in this upcoming election #PortlandProtest#Portlandpic.twitter.com/jOjNjMq4mg
Continuing along with footage from roving journalist Brendan Gutenschwager (who covered the Trump rally in Yuma, AZ on Tuesday and then drove through California wildfires to Portland), the scene in Oregon remained tense Thursday night as federal agents stormed out of the Portland ICE detention center while protesters played ‘Move bitch, get out da way‘ and other music.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot believes you have the right to gather and protest. Just know that doesn’t apply to protesting her. On Thursday, the mayor, a Democrat, defended a ban on demonstrations on her block, saying that “this is a different time like no other.” According to the Chicago Tribune, the remarks came at a news…
The issues that will surely resonate most with voters in the US Presidential and Congressional elections in November are the threats to their own – and their families – personal safety and security posed by the escalating breakdown of law and order over the last twelve months.
The Democrats have supported:
illegal immigration,
stopping Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers seeking to deport illegal immigrants,
Ryan Lizza, the Chief Washington Correspondent of Politico, is the kind of character assassin who likes going to the White House briefing and throwing beanball questions about how many coronavirus deaths President Trump thinks are acceptable.
If that sounds darkly partisan, you could also see the sunny side of Lizza on Twitter, almost levitating over Barack Obama’s speech. “Barack Obama just delivered the finest convention speech in modern history (again). Spellbinding, chilling, optimistic, beautifully written, and expertly delivered. Incredible moment.”
Conservative Twitter informally awarded him the Chris Matthews Thrill Up My Leg Prize for most infatuated reaction. But it seconds the emotions of the average “objective” journalist.
So let’s focus on how Obama’s speech could be evaluated more critically. Some lines were mean-spirited, phony, or laughable.
1. Obama said “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe: 170,000 Americans dead, millions of jobs gone, while those at the top take in more than ever.”
If we had a President Hillary Clinton, would Obama (or his many media allies) consider it fair game to blame tens of thousands of American COVID deaths on her? Do they honestly believe that under Democrats, the death toll would have been 170? That would ignore how the worst death tolls are largely in states with Democrat governors.
2. Obama touted Biden’s character. “Joe’s a man who learned early on to treat every person he meets with respect and dignity….That empathy, that decency, the belief that everybody counts — that’s who Joe is.”
That’s a Pants on Fire lie. Just weeks ago, he sneered that any black voter who didn’t support him isn’t really black. In 2012, Biden smeared Wall Street before a black audience: “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.” Examples abound.
3. This Obama spin about Biden and Harris really makes opponents laugh. “They believe that no one — including the president — is above the law, and that no public official — including the president — should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters.”
Does that include presidents that massively enrich themselves immediately after leaving office? I don’t recall Biden denouncing Obama’s mega-deals with Penguin Random House and Netflix.
4. This routine about Biden and Harris and their beliefs continued. “They understand that in this democracy, the commander in chief doesn’t use the men and women of our military, who are willing to risk everything to protect our nation, as political props to deploy against peaceful protesters on our own soil.”
If Obama was ever surrounded by skeptical journalists, they might ask which protesters in cities like Portland and Seattle were “peaceful,” because it certainly wasn’t the hooligans throwing bricks and trying to set federal buildings on fire. Obama’s right that Democrats love to blur the peaceful and violent protesters into a heroic whole. Kamala Harris called them a “coalition of conscience" taking to the streets.
5. Finally, Obama claimed the Biden-Harris ticket understands that “political opponents aren’t ‘un-American’ just because they disagree with you; that a free press isn’t the “enemy,” but the way we hold officials accountable.”
False. In April, Biden said Trump’s differing opinion on mail-in voting was “un-American.” And most conservatives thought it was rich for Obama to uphold the press, when even Obama-supporting journalists admitted Obama was the harshest president in history in prosecuting journalists in leak investigations.
Donald Trump isn’t wrong to think of the media elite as an enemy of Trump, even as Obama arrogantly poses as the defender of those hardened observers like Terry Moran, who oozed he was “taking a step down into the Oval Office.”
It will not be possible for the Dr. Fauci’s of the world to dismiss Professor Giuseppe Tritto as a crank.
Not only is he an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology who has had a stellar academic career, but he is also the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies(WABT), an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997.
In other words, he is a man of considerable stature in the global scientific community. Equally important, one of the goals of WABT is to analyze the effect of biotechnologies – like genetic engineering – on humanity.
In his new book, this world-class scientist does exactly that. And what he says is that the China Virus definitely wasn’t a freak of nature that happened to cross the species barrier from bat to man. It was genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s P4 (high-containment) lab in a program supervised by the Chinese military.
Prof. Tritto’s book, which at present is available only in Italian, is called Cina COVID 19: La Chimera che ha cambiato il Mondo(China COVID 19: The chimera that changed the world). It was published on August 4 by a major Italian press, Edizioni Cantagalli, which coincidentally also published the Italian edition of one of my books, Population Control (Controllo Demografico in Italian) several years ago.
What sets Prof. Tritto’s book apart is the fact that it demonstrates – conclusively, in my view – the pathway by which a PLA-owned coronavirus was genetically modified to become the China Virus now ravaging the world. His account leaves no doubt that it is a “chimera”, an organism created in a lab.
He also connects the dots linking the Wuhan lab to France and the United States, showing how both countries provided financial and scientific help to the Chinese as they began to conduct ever more dangerous bioengineering experiments. Although neither American nor French virologists are responsible for the end result—a highly infectious coronavirus and a global pandemic—their early involvement may explain why so many insist that the “chimera” must have come from nature. The last thing they want to admit is that they might have had a hand in it.
Those of us who, early on, argued for a laboratory origin were dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Our articles were censored as “fake news,” often by American virologists who knew perfectly well what the truth was, but preferred to protect China, and themselves, from scrutiny lest they themselves be implicated.
Dr. Tritto’s 272 pages of names, dates, places, and facts leaves such apologists with no place to hide.
The story begins following the SARS epidemic of 2003, as the Chinese attempt to develop vaccines to combat the deadly disease. Dr. Shi Zhengli, about whom I have previously written, was in charge of the program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
In vaccine development, reverse genetics is used to create viral strains that have reduced pathogenicity but to which the immune system responds by creating antibodies against the virus. But reverse genetics can also be used to create viral strains that have increased pathogenicity. That is what Dr. Shi, encouraged by PLA bioweapons experts, began increasingly to focus her research on, according to Prof. Tritto.
Dr. Shi first solicited help from the French government, which built the P4 lab, and from the country’s Pasteur institute, which showed her how to manipulate HIV genomes. The gene insertion method used is called “reverse genetics system 2.” Using this method, she inserted an HIV segment into a coronavirus discovered in horseshoe bats to make it more infectious and lethal.
The U.S. was involved as well, particularly Prof Ralph S. Baric, of the University of North Carolina, who was on the receiving end of major grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. This is, of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s shop. Fauci was a big proponent of “gain of function” research, and when this was prohibited at Baric’s lab because it was considered to be too dangerous, the research was shifted to China.
Prof. Tritto believes that, while Dr. Shi’s research began as an effort to develop a vaccine against SARS, it gradually morphed into an effort to use “reverse genetics” to build lethal biological weapons. This was the reason that the Wuhan lab became China’s leading center for virology research in recent years, attracting major funding and support from the central government.
I would add that the rule in Communist-controlled China is “let the civilian support the military,” which means that as soon as Dr. Shi’s research showed any potential military uses the PLA would have begun exercising control of the research. This came out in the open with the outbreak, when China’s leading expert on bioweapons, People’s Liberation Army Major General Chen Wei, was immediately placed in charge of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As for Dr. Shi Zheng-Li, she seems to have disappeared.
As Dr. Tritto explained in an interview with Italian media:
In 2005, after the SARS epidemic, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was born, headed by Dr. Shi Zheng-Li, who collects coronaviruses from certain bat species and recombines them with other viral components in order to create vaccines. In 2010 she came into contact with American researchers led by Prof. Ralph Baric, who in turn works on recombinant viruses based on coronaviruses. Thanks to the matrix viruses provided by Shi, Baric created in 2015 a mouse Sars-virus chimera, which has a pathogenic effect on human cells analyzed in vitro.
At that point, the China-US collaboration becomes competition. Shi wants to work on a more powerful virus to make a more powerful vaccine: it combines a bat virus with a pangolin virus in vitro and in 2017 publishes the results of this research in some scientific articles.
Her research attracts the interest of the Chinese military and medical-biological sector which deals with biological weapons used as a deterrent for defensive and offensive purposes. Thus Shi is joined by doctors and biologists who belong to the political-military sphere, such as Guo Deyin, a scholar of anti-AIDS and anti-viral hepatitis vaccines and expert in genetic recombination techniques. The introduction of the new engineered inserts into the virus genome is the result of the collaboration between the Shi team and that of Guo Deyin. The realization of this new chimera, from a scientific point of view, is a success. So much so that, once the epidemic has broken out, the two researchers ask WHO to register it as a new virus, H-nCoV-19 (Human new Covid 19), and not as another virus derived from SARS. It is reasonable to think that Shi acted only from the point of view of scientific prestige, without however taking into account the risks in terms of security and the political-military interests that her research would have aroused.
When asked why China has refused to provide the complete genome of the China Virus to the WHO or to other countries, Dr. Tritto explained that “providing the matrix [source] virus would have meant admitting that SARS-CoV-2 [China Virus] was created in the laboratory. In fact, the incomplete genome made available by China lacks some inserts of AIDS amino acids, which itself is a smoking gun.”
The key question, for those of us who are living through the pandemic, concerns the development of a vaccine. On this score, Prof. Tritto is not optimistic:
Given the many mutations of SARS-CoV-2, it is extremely unlikely that a single vaccine that blocks the virus will be found. At the moment 11 different strains have been identified: the A2a genetic line which developed in Europe and the B1 genetic line which took root in North America are more contagious than the 0 strain originating in Wuhan. I therefore believe that, at the most, a multivalent vaccine can be found effective on 4-5 strains and thus able to cover 70-75% of the world’s population.
In other words, by withholding from the world the original genetic code of the China Virus that it created, the Chinese Communist Party is ensuring that no completely effective vaccine will ever be developed by the West.
In other words, China continues to lie, and people continue to die.
The hard left doesn’t want anyone to know a liberal case can be made on behalf of Donald Trump. In the world of their making, this is not possible. After all, Trump is the worst person in the world. Ever.
Since you’ve heard that repeated over and over again, let me be contrarian. There actually is a compelling case for liberals to vote for Donald Trump. By liberals, I mean people who are open-minded, have hearts to help their fellow travelers, and hope life can be made better for the not so powerful.
Believe it or not, in New York, Trump was once lauded by liberals as the kind of genius who thought differently and ran his companies outside of the box, with forward-thinking and actions. The New York Times even ran a long article feting him as a kind of genius, implying he would be a refreshing change if he ran and won the presidency.
Donald Trump stands with New York Mayor Ed Koch, Gov. Hugh Carey and Robert T. Dormer of the Urban Development Corp. at the launching ceremony of the New York Hyatt Hotel in June 1978The New York Times even ran a long article feting him as a kind of genius, implying he would be a refreshing change if he ran and won the presidency.
But that was when he was a registered Democrat. Oh, he was a registered Democrat? Well, shocker of shockers, he was.
His companies pursued equal pay for women long before that became an issue-du-jour. He won awards for their work with minority communities. He counts many openly gay entrepreneurs and actors as his friends, Peter Thiel actually gave a keynote speech on the floor of the 2016 Republican convention.
His trade policies follow Dick Gephardt’s(D) “Fair trade” pronouncements during his tenure as House-speaker and as a candidate. Gephardt was against NAFTA, against WTO status for China, saying these would gut American blue-collar labor, gut the Midwest, along with American manufacturing.
When he ran for the nomination, Trump rocked the Republican party establishment with these trade ideas. He was the first candidate from either party to run hard against our near-sighted treatment of China.
If your attention is piqued, know that many of Trump’s policies were once mainstays of the Democratic Party. He wasn’t the racist, gay-hating, anti-female person he’s portrayed now by the hard left.
Besides the trade policies of Dick Gephardt, consider how Trump led the charge for Justice Reform. This was an issue that liberals have championed for years. The unjust long-term imprisonment for small-time offenses was offensive and wrong, destroying the lives, disproportionately, of black males. At the behest of his friend Kanye West, it was Donald Trump who led the charge to change this travesty. A travesty championed by the Clinton’s and Biden. And change it he did.
He was the one who ended this tragedy. And yes, he got it passed into law. Not Democrats, who never tried. It has given second chances to thousands, mostly in the minority communities. It has opened a great opportunity to rectify life for millions.
Trump has also taken seriously the old Democrat policy of diplomacy rather than war. His diplomacy has already stalled, if not neutered North Korea’s determination to use nuclear arms. His draw-down of troops in Afghanistan and parts of Europe are historical in nature. He is using the military as a last resort. Not even Obama did that, and certainly not the Clinton’s, who always wanted to appear tough.
This latest agreement between Israel and The UAE should make liberals stand up and cheer. It is reminiscent of the Egypt/Israeli accords prompted by Jimmy Carter between Sadat’s Egypt and Israel. This new accord should excite us all, but most of all liberals who want peace, who reject saber-rattling. It has the potential to diffuse much of the long-term cultural differences in the Middle East, allowing a major shift in attitude to happen. It is probable the Saudis and others will follow.
President Donald Trump, in the Oval Office at the White House, Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020, in Washington. Trump said on Thursday that the United Arab Emirates and Israel have agreed to establish full diplomatic ties as part of a deal to halt the annexation of occupied land sought by the Palestinians for their future state. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Those are major areas where Trump has fulfilled what were once Democratic Party issues; he actually implemented these issues, making them official US policy. There are others, but these are the big ones. The important ones. The ones that should have liberals cheering. Instead, because of our irresponsible media, most liberals have no idea that these are major accomplishments they would normally be proud of. It is as if he actually wanted to make America a better place.
All of this to demonstrate that, even if you don’t like Trump’s personality, you can love many of the things he has accomplished. Hopefully you can have an open mind and come to be pleased that Trump is not the right-wing Hitlerian monster the hard left wants us all to believe. He actually has implemented genuinely old-school liberal policies to the betterment of our country and the betterment of world relations.
Let me shift to the overarching reason liberals should support and vote for Donald Trump in 2020: They need to take back the reins of the Democratic Party from the radical hard left. If this cannot be done, there will be little open-mindedness, bigheartedness, the opportunity for the little person, respect for other opinions, acceptance of different races, following truth, science, or deeper meaning for all our lives.
Like it or not, the reality is, the hard left has hijacked the party of JFK, the party that once saw itself as making things better, that once accepted that this country had the capacity to do great things for the downtrodden; that party has lost its way. In place of bigheartedness, the hard left has inserted some wrong, genuinely awful, and genuinely destructive ideas.
Hatred of America’s founding, and the great dreams of Western Civilization:
This is NOT a liberal ideal. Liberals once championed free speech, and the freedom to do better. They once championed that our Bill of Rights, and our freedoms as the best way to enshrine the ideals liberals love. Make no mistake, replacing these great, and liberal ideals, will leave us worse. Meaning like downtown Portland, or Seattle, Chicago, or New York. Once great, now violent, ravaged, and a mirage of themselves. A harbinger of what the radical left will bring us all.
Hatred of free enterprise, and wanting its opposite – Socialism:
Freedom used to be a liberal desire. Freedom of choice, freedom to become better, freedom to become better off. Socialism embodies little freedom, has never worked, has always created slavery, and always destroyed countries. Make no mistake, it will destroy America if implemented. Make no mistake, everything liberals love will be gone. Everything will be replaced as it was in Venezuela. Venezuela happens, when you take away the good old-fashioned liberal concept of freedom.
Willingness to use violence to gain political power:
If you have not noted that Joe Biden, nor Kamala Harris have denounced the violence of Antifa, nor the Marxist origins of BLM, that should give you pause. Yes, Black Lives Matter, but all black lives matter, not just the ones that will gain power for the hard left. This violence enacted in the name of liberalism has NO place anywhere, and will not bring betterment, nor peace, nor liberal ideals. It never has, it never will, it won’t replace great liberal constructs. Accepting violence will destroy life as we know it. As will sowing chaos of all kinds to gain political power.
REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
If you care about genuinely progressive policies, genuinely liberal ideals that would make us a better country, here is your chance. Your very important chance to remove the radical hard left from the Democratic Party. The hard-left that, if not replaced, would bring nightmarish scenarios to all but the hard-left leaders in this country. You should not believe that chaos, violence, bullying, or blackmailing ways into power is good.
The party should be taken back to real liberalism, espoused by JFK, MLK, John Stuart Mill, Jefferson, and so many others. The party needs to marginalize the hard left, take upon itself ideas that will make the country better, ideas that will elect true liberals and help the country see them as a genuine alternative.
This is liberalism’s last chance, voting for Trump, simultaneously voting out the hard left. Take back the party. Reform it into the once-great alternative it was.
David Prentice has published in The American Thinker, The Epoch Times, and Backbone America. He intends to finish a novel soon.
State Superior Court Judge Ernest Caposela ruled on Wednesday that a new election must be held in November for a Paterson City Council seat in New Jersey after the winner of the race and an elected official were charged with voter fraud.
Caposela wrote that the election had been irreversibly tainted and that it “was not the fair, free and full expression of the intent of the voters.”
“It was the right ruling. That past election was fraught with fraud,” Mayor Andre Sayegh told CNN. “The City will comply with the judge’s decision and we created the Mayor’s Election Awareness Team to preserve the value of the vote in Paterson.”
The investigation began after postal workers discovered hundreds of mail-in ballots that were bundled together in a mailbox.
According to a press release from the state, the following four individuals were charged in the case:
Michael Jackson, 48, of Paterson—1st Ward Councilman and Council Vice President, was charged with Fraud in Casting Mail-In Vote (3rd Degree), Unauthorized Possession of Ballots (3rd Degree), Tampering with Public Records (3rd Degree), and Falsifying or Tampering with Records (4th Degree).
Alex Mendez, 45, of Paterson—3rd Ward Councilman-Elect, was charged with Election Fraud (2nd Degree), Fraud in Casting Mail-In Vote (3rd Degree), Unauthorized Possession of Ballots (3rd Degree), False Registration or Transfer (Third-Degree), Tampering with Public Records (3rd Degree), and Falsifying or Tampering with Records (4th Degree).
Shelim Khalique, 51, of Wayne, N.J., was charged with Fraud in Casting Mail-In Vote (3rd Degree), Unauthorized Possession of Ballots (3rd Degree), Tampering with Public Records (3rd Degree), and Falsifying or Tampering with Records (4th Degree).
Abu Razyen, 21, of Prospect Park, N.J., was charged with Fraud in Casting Mail-In Vote (3rd Degree) and Unauthorized Possession of Ballots (3rd Degree).
“NBC New York reported that 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted,” The Daily Wire reported in late June. “Around 800 votes were not counted because they ‘were found improperly bundled in mailboxes’ and the remaining 2,390 disqualifications were due to signature discrepancies.”
U.S. Attorney General William Barr recently warned that universal mail-in voting “absolutely” opens the floodgates to voter fraud in elections.
“It absolutely opens the floodgates to fraud. Those things are delivered into mailboxes. They can be taken out,” Barr said. “There’s questions about whether or not it even denies a secret ballot, because a lot of the states have you signing the outside of the envelope. So, the person who opens the envelope will know how people voted.”
“[R]ight now, a foreign country could print up tens of thousands of counterfeit ballots, and be very hard for us to detect which was the right and which was the wrong ballot,” Barr continued. “So, I think it can upset and undercut the confidence in the integrity of our elections. If anything, we should tighten them up right now.”
In a separate interview, Barr said that he was “very worried” about the issue in part because of how fractured America is right now and that if the election is close it could further rip apart the country.
The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.
On Monday night former First Lady Michelle Obama spoke to the virtual audience at the DNC Convention online. Michelle Obama proudly urged her fellow Democrats to vote early AND THEN GO VOTE IN PERSON!
That was a first.
The former First Lady of the United States played the race and victim cards, as well as anyone, from her 11 million dollars estate on Martha’s Vineyard.
And Michelle also accused President Trump of not being “empathetic”.
That’s when Dinesh D’Souza felt compelled to respond.
In his response to Michelle Dinesh pointed out true empathy of President Trump versus hollow words of the Obamas.
He ended his video accusing Michelle of having “the siren song of a snake.”
Dark clouds may be clearing on the horizon for one California pastor as opposing legal teams gear up for litigation in the fight to keep his Los Angeles megachurch open for worship. Attorney Jenna Ellis told The Western Journal on Monday that weekend case developments revealed potential judicial sympathy, and governmental malice, toward Grace Community…