Christianity Mocked: Teen Loses Virginity While Quoting Scripture on Netflix Dramedy

On Friday, August 14, Netflix premiered Teenage Bounty Hunters, a dramedy about high school girls who become assistants to a local bail recovery agent.
The two girls, fraternal twin sisters Sterling (Maddie Phillips) and Blair (Anjelica Bette Fellini), are hired by a seasoned bounty hunter named Bowser (Kadeem Hardison) after a car accident causes them to inadvertently catch a criminal. 
The girls attend a Christian academy run by a sweet, but clueless woman. From the very first episode, Teenage Bounty Hunters mocks and sexualizes Christianity. The show opens with 16-year-old Sterling using Bible verses to seduce her longtime boyfriend into losing their virginity to each other. After he wants to pray for restraint, she quotes gospel passages as she mounts him culminating in 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
[Video Warning: No explicit nudity, but not safe for work, either.]
The series only gets worse from there. By episode five Sterling and Blair are imitating stripper moves at a club hiding a woman who skipped bail. "Look at these women. They are so comfortable in their bodies. It is so cool," Blair says as the women pole dance for oggling men.
Why an adult like Bowser thought it was appropriate for high schoolers to accompany him to a club with women swinging naked from poles is anyone’s guess.
In fact, many of Bowser’s decisions with his teenaged assistants are disturbing. They accompany him to catch a drug dealer at a hotel. This leads to the three of them barging in on a graphic menage-a-trois between the drug dealer, the dealer’s wife and another woman.
After catching the dealer, Sterling sits down with the dealer’s wife to find out how she got another woman to join them for the act. You see, while Sterling still "likes penises," in her own words, she also wants to become sexually active with a female classmate named April (Devon Hales). She decided this after thinking about April while masturbating.  
When Sterling is working on a class project with April, she tries to broach the subject of a relationship by suggesting that the biblical characters of Ruth and Naomi were really lesbians.
Sterling: You know who’s also a really good team? Naomi and Ruth from the Bible. I really like that story.
April: Yeah, me too, actually.
Sterling: Really?
April: Yeah. Two women left on their own who make the best of a bad situation, securing their fortunes without the help of a man?
Sterling: I read that they were together?
April: Yeah, of course they were together. Women couldn’t travel alone back then.
Sterling: No, um…like, "together-together," like they cleaved or whatever.
April: What do you mean, "cleaved"? Like…"sex"?
Sterling: Yeah. It’s the same Hebrew word, like Naomi cleaved to Ruth like how Adam cleaved to Eve.
April: That’s a loose interpretation.
Sterling: Well, what about Jonathan and David? Jonathan grew "full" thinking of David. "Full," like erect.
An LGBT lens needlessly eroticizes close human relationships. It routinely rejects the reality of non-sexualized intimacy between those of the same sex. And, of course, twists the Bible while doing so.
Eventually, April and Sterling end up in a brief romantic relationship, although by the final episode Sterling is considering returning to the boyfriend she deflowered in episode one.
The show is set in Georgia and takes numerous potshots at Southerners. The bounty hunters delay the arrest of a vigilante beheading confederate statues in the middle of night. They wait until she finishes beheading a final one before arresting her. Nobody ever suggested legal processes by which a town could vote to remove a statue if they so chose.
The vigilante had mapped out the statues she beheaded to form the shape of a penis. She saw this as an additional attack on "patriarchy."
Sterling and her sister Blair also display their feminist bona fides. When Sterling’s boyfriend interrupts Blair once, Blair declares, "Of course, the man is co-opting the conversation." (The boyfriend is actually a pretty respectful and decent guy overall.) Are men really the only ones who have the market cornered on conversational interruption? 
Christians in the show often come across as judgmental and hypocritical, unless they are openly and proudly violating Christian sexual ethics, in which case, they are nice people. As Sterling tells April, "Why should the Bible be a rule book for sex, anyway? It’s 2000 years old."
When Sterling is kicked out of her Christian fellowship clique after revealing she is no longer a virgin, she tries to hang with a darker crowd. They invite her to help with some of the charity work they do with the Church of Satan. She decides the charity work is too much. In this series, the satanists are more charitable than the Christians. 
So many shows geared toward adolescent young women today promote the occult, lesbianism, man-hating and the hypersexualization of girls. Hollywood scripts promote the vision of bisexual angry radical feminists (what writer Peachy Keenan dubbed "B.A.R.F."). 
The BARFs want young women to be angry, hypersexualized, sexually confused, and occult-interested. Parents cannot presume that a show geared towards either teens or children is "safe." A couple of the scenes in Teenage Bounty Hunters would have been considered downright pornographic for an under 18 audience just a few years ago. 
Netflix has routinely been pushing inappropriate boundaries in its tween and teen programming. Skip Teenage Bounty Hunters and, if you have a kid, maybe skip Netflix altogether.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Dumpster Fire: Biden’s Handler Seems to Yell “Get Out!” in Middle of Livestream Event (VIDEO)

Joe Biden kicked off convention week from his basement bunker in Delaware because he’s too feeble to travel to Milwaukee.

Biden on Monday afternoon ‘virtually’ addressed the AAPI Caucus, which is one of the DNC’s official constituency caucuses after he wrapped up a trainwreck interview with rapper Cardi B.

Biden’s livestream DNC Caucus meeting was a dumpster fire.

One of Biden’s handlers seemed to yell “get out!” in the middle of his livestream event.


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Hah-Hah! President Trump Tells Minnesota if He Doesn’t Win He Will Never Return in His Third or Fourth Terms (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump traveled to Minnesota today a state he barely lost in 2016.

During his campaign stop in Mankato, President Trump joked to the crowd, “I tell ya if I don’t win Minnesota I’m never going to do it in my third or fourth term. OK? I’ll never be back if I run. I’ve given up. I almost won last time. One more speech. I almost won.”

The crowd loved it.

Of course, the left was triggered.

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‘Save James’: Court Scraps Past Ruling, Mom Can ‘Transition’ Son On Dad’s Dime, Report Says

Last week, Judge Mary Brown, appointed to the “Save James” Texas case in January, reportedly scrapped a past ruling that allowed Jeff Younger joint conservatorship over his 8-year-old son James Younger, whom Jeff’s ex-wife Dr. Anne Georgulas claims is a transgender girl named “Luna.”

Now, Anne can reportedly enroll James as “Luna” in school without the father’s consent, and Mr. Younger will have to pay $5,000 a month for the child’s pro-trans counseling, as well as a $10,000 retainer required by the counselor, a Facebook post from “Save James” claims.

According to court documents, Jeff wanted his two sons homeschooled.

Jeff was awarded joint conservatorship last year, meaning he’d have to consent to parenting choices concerning James before his ex-wife moves forward, and vice versa. The father claims Georgulas has been telling his biological son that he is a girl since he was 3 years old, and that James wants to be a boy when he is with his father. Georgulas claims James identifies as a girl on his own and is apparently transgender.

The “Save James” account is run by a supporter of Mr. Younger and a journalist in contact with the father. Jeff was hit with a gag order from Judge Kim Cooks in October 2019.

Captioning a photo of Jeff hugging his boys James and Jude, a Facebook post from “Save James” said in part on Tuesday, “James and Jude did NOT have a victory in court today. Judge Mary Brown has condemned James and Jude to a life of therapy, confusion, and abuse without even having a hearing. There are no other words for what has happened today.”

Judge Brown, the post continues, “has forced James to live as ‘Luna’ in a school surrounded by teachers and therapists who do not acknowledge that he has said multiple times to multiple people (without Jeff around) that he wants to be a boy and hates being forced to be a girl. She has forced Jude into a stressful existence of constant lies and misery as he watches his brother get destroyed before him without any hope for an end to this madness.”

“Anne won this battle without even a hearing,” the post says. There was a scheduled hearing set on August 11, but the judge canceled it. 

Judge Mary Brown, without even having a hearing, has wiped out thousands of dollars for Jeff. He had a Writ of Mandamus in place to appeal her order that forced him into therapy. That Writ of Mandamus cost him well above 15k. It is now gone. Jeff needs help with donations. Consulting lawyers, drafting responses, attending hearings easily wracks his cost into the thousands. By now, Jeff has spent enough money to put James and Jude through medical and law school. This is insane.

The post noted that a “special evidentiary hearing is scheduled for September,” though the exact date and time remains unknown.

“There is the sneaking suspicion that this hearing will be used to solidify Anne’s dominance over Jeff,” according to “Save James.”

ATTENTION!!!James and Jude did NOT have a victory in court today. Judge Mary Brown has condemned James and Jude to a…

Posted by Save James on Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Related: ‘Vindictive Punishment’: Texas Parents Fight To Be Removed From Child Abuse Registry After Judge Dismisses CPS Case Against Them

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Chinese State Media Celebrates Biden’s Choice of ‘Aggressive Woman’ Kamala Harris

China’s communist government is actively supporting Joe Biden’s campaign for president, so it makes sense that state-owned Chinese media outlets celebrated the announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate and offered some insightful analysis on the significance of the pick.

"First, the agenda of race is key," wrote Zhang Jiadong in the Global Times. "Harris is blessed with multiple characteristics of ethnic minorities." Her father, for example, is "an African American from Jamaica."

The Times report included some additional analysis regarding the political implications of Harris joining the Democratic ticket. Because Biden is often regarded as a moderate, the selection of Harris offers a suitable complement, given her reputation as a "tough" prosecutor with a record of putting criminals (of all races) in jail for minor offenses:

When she was California’s attorney general, Harris punished criminality ruthlessly, regardless of the suspect’s racial background. As a senator, she held a key committee position and made outstanding performances in the fight against Trump. When she competed with Biden for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidacy, she also showed an aggressive attitude. Harris’s toughness is what Biden lacks. A mild and mature man with a young and aggressive woman constitutes a perfect match.

Because Democrats and their allies in the U.S. media remain largely undecided as to whether China is good, bad, or no different from the United States, it is unclear if the Chinese media’s misogynistic use of the phrase "aggressive woman" will invite a hysterical response. Liberal activists preemptively warned all members of the media not to use such terms when describing Biden’s female running mate.

The U.S. media has long enjoyed a cozy relationship with Chinese propaganda outlets. The New York Times, for example, only recently stopped publishing Chinese government-sponsored content on its website. The Times also employs Taylor Lorenz, a youth culture expert who reports almost exclusively on TikTok, a Chinese-owned social media app for sexy teens who know how to dance. Lorenz recently praised a former colleague’s article that suggested the United States was no better than China, a country that is currently engaged in an ethic cleansing campaign and holds millions of Muslims in concentration camps.

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LIBERALS FREAK OUT After Rush Limbaugh Reads a Story About Kamala Harris Being Called a “Hoe” — Forget What They Called Sarah Palin

During his show today radio host Rush Limbaugh read a story about a photographer posting a sexist Facebook post about Kamala Harris called a “hoe.”

Kamala started her career as an ambitious 29-year-old and mistress of San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

So now Twitter liberal Twitter is freaking out that “Rush called Kamala a ho!” Which is completely false.

These people have to create racism and sexism even when it’s not there.
And then they deny their own racism and sexism.

Rush Limbaugh was referring to this report on photographer Bill Baptiste being fired from the NBA after liking on Facebook “Joe and the Hoe.”

Of course, the left wants you to believe Rush Limbaugh was the one who called Kamala a ho.
The truth does not matter to these people.

And, of course, they forgot how they treated Governor Sarah Palin.

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EPIC! President Trump Gives Minnesota Man Whose Business Was Burnt Down by Rioters a Super Surprise at Rally Today (Video)


President Trump gave a man whose life was turned upside down by rioters earlier this year a wonderful gift today at a rally in Minnesota.

Minnesota’s KB who spent his life savings building a sports bar had his life turned upside down on May 27th.  On that day rioters viciously destroyed his bar and dreams.

The black man and his wife were in Mankato today to see President Trump.  KB and his wife have four kids and they immigrated from West Africa 25 years ago.  Now he and his wife have to start over.  He did say that through donations he has received a lot of support.

At the end of his talk the President said “maybe we can help you out a bit” to an loud applause from rally supporters.

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Bloody Weekend – Dozens Shot Across Chicago, NYC 

Bloody Weekend – Dozens Shot Across Chicago, NYC 

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/17/2020 – 17:30

The rise in violent crime this summer across some of America’s top metro areas continued over the weekend, with dozens of shootings seen in Chicago and New York. 

NBC Chicago reports violent crime surged over the weekend, with some of the highest numbers recorded for the month. More than 60 people were shot and five died of their injuries. The chaos started early Friday evening and continued into Monday morning. The most recent fatal shooting was early Monday when a 29-year-old was gunned down on the 2400 block of South Trumbell.

The weekend before, Chicago observed 40 shootings and four deaths. A noticeable tick up in violent crime has been realized on a week over week basis.

Crime stats website HeyJackass! provides visuals of the crime spike this past weekend. On a 30 day basis, 415 people have been shot, and 69 killed. 

Much of the violent crime this year is concentrated in the Southwest, Sout Side, and West Side parts of the metro area. 

Someone is shot in Chicagoland every two minutes and ten seconds, while a murder is seen every eleven hours and 30 minutes. 

Guns are used in a majority of homicides. 

Most of the people shot this year sustained upper body trauma. 

While Chicago continues to spiral out of control, New York recorded at least 50 shot and six deaths this past weekend.

As gun violence surges in the Big Apple, President Trump weighed in on Twitter:

"Law and Order," Trump wrote on Twitter. "If NYC Mayor [Bill de Blasio] can’t do it, we will!"

Chicago, New York, and other top metro areas have seen a jump in violent crime since the virus-induced recession began, followed by months of social unrest. From May to June, homicides in 20 major cities soared by 37%, led by Chicago, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. 

The increases coincide with depressionary unemployment, as liberal-run metro areas implode, forcing people to flee to suburbia

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New York City Is Dead, Long Live New York City…

Via NY Post:

Author, comedy club owner and former hedge-fund manager James Altucher self-published this essay on Thursday, Aug. 13, under the title, “NYC is dead forever. Here’s why.” He granted the New York Post permission to reprint his piece in full below.

I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories.

Every subculture I loved was in NYC. I could play chess all day and night. I could go to comedy clubs. I could start any type of business. I could meet people. I had family, friends, opportunities. No matter what happened to me, NYC was a net I could fall back on and bounce back up.

Keep reading…

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