Dem Rep Says She Won’t Leave DC Until COVID Deal Is Done, Gets Busted at Airport Less Than an Hour Later

Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan was caught at the airport less than an hour after saying she would not leave Washington, D.C. While on CNN Thursday, Slotkin made it clear that she was going to stay in the city until a new coronavirus relief stimulus package was approved by the House of Representatives. “I…

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Video: Biden Pushes Clip of Wildly False Trump Attack That Received 4 Pinocchios in Fact Check

The ad has been determined false by multiple fact-checkers, yet Biden continues to push it. STORY:

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Twitter, Facebook Let Leftists Post Senator’s Address to Harass Him

Big Tech is famous for censoring conservative speech, even as it allows leftist organizations to post the purported private address of a conservative senator in order to organize protests and intimidate.
“Protesters on Monday gathered outside South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s house to ‘wake him up’ over his push to quickly replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away Friday,” Newsweek summarized on September 21. Indeed, ShutDownDC, which described itself on Twitter as “an organizing space where individuals and groups can come together to organize direct action in the fight for justice,” tweeted out Graham’s purported address to its 9,000+ followers on September 20.
ShutDownDC told followers “Get some rest tonight so you’re ready to join us tomorrow morning at 6:00!” See you at … bright and early to make some noise and wake Lindsey Graham up!” The post featured a banner explaining that “Shut Down DC and Sunrise DC will be WIDE AWAKE to protect RBG’s seat on the Supreme Court.”
Sunrise Movement DC posted footage of the protest and wrote: “We’re here with your wake up call @LindseyGrahamSC RBG’s seat will be filled after the election.”
Facebook also allowed both Shut Down DC and Sunrise DC to organize the protest via a Facebook event page, which specifically listed Graham’s address and called upon supporters to “join us at Graham’s house” and “make some noise!”
Facebook, which also allows Shut Down DC on its platform, featured a post from the org:
“Wakey wakey Senator!! We’re outside Senator Lindsey Graham’s house this morning taking his advice… we’re using his words against him. ‘If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, “Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.”’ Well here we are, doing just that. #RBG #DefendDemocracy #HONORHERWISH Wide Awake: Lindsey Graham.”
Newsweek reported that this civil unrest came to pass: “In several videos posted to Twitter, protesters can be seen filling the streets outside of Graham’s home, yelling ‘wake him up’ while banging pots and pans.”
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained his concerns about upcoming civil unrest in an early September interview with Axios. He stated, "I think we need to be doing everything that we can to reduce the chances of violence or civil unrest in the wake of this election." Zuckerberg then went on to profess: "We’re trying to make sure that we do our part to make sure that none of this is organized on Facebook.” However even after being contacted about violent groups such as Rose City Antifa and foreign interference such as Canadian leftist organization Adbusters, Facebook has proven that it does not follow through on its founder’s commitment to quell political unrest. 
Conservatives are under attack. Contact Twitter’s and Facebook’s leadership by tweeting at the official @Twitter account  and contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308- 7300 or 1-650-543-4800 and demand that Big Tech companies not permit doxxing on their platforms. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form to be included in our database, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

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ABC Town Hall Masquerades Anti-Trump Activists as ‘Uncommitted’ Voters

Multiple voters characterized by ABC News as undecided—and selected to pepper President Donald Trump with questions during a network town hall—are longtime Trump critics. While the network claimed its Tuesday town hall "provided uncommitted voters the opportunity to ask the president questions about issues affecting Americans," a Washington Free Beacon review of social media posts found that two of the questioners have long denounced Trump.

Kutztown University professor Ellesia Blaque—whom ABC repeatedly identified as "uncommitted" in its coverage of the town hall—praised vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris during the Democratic primary, saying she would "be there, volunteering" for the California senator in Pennsylvania. The English professor was not shy about her partisanship, calling Trump a "f—ing moron," "pathetic," "pig," "swine," "punk ass," and "LOOSER" (sic) in a slew of 2019 tweets. She is a self-described "liberal Democrat," according to her Facebook profile, on the grounds that liberals "are not motivated by money or power, but by humanity and the needs of the people."

Another "uncommitted" voter, Philadelphia pastor Carl Day, tweeted that he’s "never once supported trump and won’t now" in August, just weeks before the ABC town hall. He went on to say that Trump’s "Make America Great Again" slogan refers to a time in which "the n— did what they were told in all industries, wouldn’t have the audacity to try to enter a white establishment and didn’t talk back to the cops." Day also referred to Trump as a "villain," called him "ridiculously arrogant & obnoxious," and said he "ain’t no Christian" in posts spanning from 2015 to 2019.

An ABC spokesperson told the Free Beacon that the voters "all identified to [the network] as uncommitted." The spokesperson would not say whether the network took any time to verify those claims, nor did he answer questions about the selection process.

Blaque appeared on MSNBC after the town hall, saying, "I didn’t know if I was going to vote or not—it was never a question of will I vote for Trump or Biden." According to CNN, Blaque’s hesitance to vote altogether was "why she qualified as an uncommitted voter by ABC’s standard."

Blaque assured MSNBC viewers that she "really did go [to the town hall] with an open mind," adding that she "decided to bite the bullet and vote for Biden" after the event. She displayed a Michelle Obama photo book in the background and said that she watches host Joy Reid "every night." Blaque penned a CNN opinion piece after the town hall, accusing Trump of seeing her as a "fat Black woman—a metaphoric rock in his shoe" rather than a "human being asking for his support and help."

Day also appeared on CNN following the town hall, telling host Don Lemon that Trump referred to "statistics and numbers, stats that he probably had no substance behind" during the event.

Neither Blaque nor Day responded to requests for comment.

The town hall was hosted by ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, a former aide to President Bill Clinton who donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation between 2012 and 2014 and came under scrutiny after interviewing twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton without disclosing the donations. He also interviewed the author of a book criticizing the foundation’s foreign donors in 2015 and did not reveal the conflict of interest. The anchor’s Clinton Foundation contributions were first discovered by the Free Beacon.

Democratic nominee Joe Biden also addressed voters two days after ABC’s event at a CNN town hall. He falsely claimed that he would be the first president without an Ivy League degree and was the first person in his family to go to college.

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House GOP Report Reveals Extent Of China COVID-19 Coverup; Slams WHO Director Tedros Over “Gross Mishandling”

House GOP Report Reveals Extent Of China COVID-19 Coverup; Slams WHO Director Tedros Over "Gross Mishandling"

Tyler Durden

Mon, 09/21/2020 – 17:55

Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee released their final report on how the CCP handled the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China – uncovering "even more disturbing evidence about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) coverup and WHO Director General Tedros’s gross mishandling of the virus that allowed it to turn into a deadly pandemic."

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) who led the investigation wrote in the report, released on Monday:

It is crystal clear that had the CCP been transparent, and had the head of the WHO cared more about global health than appeasing the CCP, lives could have been spared and widespread economic devastation could have been mitigated. Revealing the truth is just the first step; we must hold both the CCP and WHO Director General Tedros accountable for the suffering they have allowed the world to endure.

According to Breitbart News‘ Kristina Wong, the report follows an interim report issued in June – and "contains more details and new information about how the CCP punished a nurse from speaking out about the virus early on, forced American companies in China to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) for its citizens only, instructed Chinese companies around the world to begin buying up critical supplies, and threatened other countries economically if they spoke out against China."

During the early stages of the pandemic, the CCP began hoarding PPE, including masks, gowns and gloves – buying them on the international market and shipping them to China, while Chinese officials also nationalized the supply chains and manufacturing capacity of US companies operating in China, forcing companies such as General Motors and 3M to produce medical supplies for domestic use while denying export licenses.

McCaul’s committee obtained a discipline notice for nurse Li Min of the eastern city of Taizhou, who discussed the virus with classmates and family via WeChat.

The discipline notice was issued as World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was to arrive in Beijing to discuss COVID-19 with Chinese President and CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping. On January 29, 2020, Tedros praised the CCP’s response to the virus, calling it “very impressive, and beyond words” and that the CCP was “actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.” –Breitbart News

Meanwhile, China threatened to cut off critical supplies, and used their leverage as a manufacturer to threaten countries calling for an international investigation into the CCP’s actions regarding the outbreak.

Notably, the report mentions an April threat China issued to Australia if they didn’t halt all investigations related to the CCP’s handling of the virus. According to the report, the Chinese Ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, threatened a boycott of Australian goods while speaking with Financial Review.

"It is up to the people to decide. Maybe the ordinary people will say ‘Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?" he said, adding "The proposition is a kind of teaming up with those forces in Washington and to launch a kind of political campaign against China."


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Facebook, Google Partner with Liberal Org for 2020 Election Strategy

It looks like the harbingers Dr. Robert Epstein had warned the country about regarding liberal Big Tech’s influence in elections is coming true.
Big Tech giant Facebook informed the Media Research Center that it would be partnering with the nonpartisan digital encyclopedia Ballotpedia and the radical left-wing organization Democracy Works to help formulate the online platform’s 2020 election strategy. What makes this partnership so damning is that Democracy Works in particular has been heavily funded with millions collectively by at least six liberal organizations between 2012 and 2019.
Also concerning is that Big Tech giant Google is also working with “Democracy Works to make sure it’s surfacing only true information — and not, Google engineering VP Cathy Edwards said, things like false claims of victory,” according to Protocol. [Emphasis added.]
Democracy Works proclaims itself to be “nonpartisan,” but its donors, biased staff and its heavily partisan board of directors shows that it is anything but nonpartisan.
Democracy Works listed four of the six liberal organization “funders” that have dumped funds into its coffers over the years. The list included the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the historically anti-Israel Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Omitted from Democracy Works’s list of funders was Omidyar’s Omidyar Network Fund and the liberal Tides Foundation.
In total, these six liberal organizations alone have given at least $10,628,999 collectively to Democracy Works between 2012-2019.
(Source: Foundation Center)
Just a glance at the Democracy Works blog reveals its leftist political stance. Democracy Works Co-founder and Executive Director Seth Flaxman published a blog June 4 headlined, “Our Democracy Fails If We Don’t Protect Black Lives.” In the article, he decried America as being built on slavery:
For over 400 years, America has systematically and violently oppressed Black life. Historically, Black communities have been forced to fight for rights afforded to white citizens in a country built on Black enslavement,  [emphasis added]. 
He also suggested that racism is embedded into American society: 
If we attempt to improve our democracy without reckoning with the racism embedded in our way of life, we will only perpetuate the harms Black voices have enumerated for centuries, [emphasis added].
Flaxman then attacked America again, as he wrote on the subject of diversity of his organization. “Incorporating the full humanity of our Black teammates means supporting the need to process the trauma of living in a country that dehumanizes Black life on an on-going basis.” [Emphasis added.]
What makes this worse is that Facebook included notice of its collaboration with Democracy Works on its corporate website under a section headlined: “We help prevent the spread of misinformation and provide additional context so people can make informed decisions.” However, strangely, Facebook has since dubiously removed its info about working with Democracy Works from that corporate web page.
Flaxman stated that “Black Americans have been given every reason, and therefore deserve every right, to express their grief and voice their grievances the best way they see fit.” 
Two top officials who are leading the Democracy Works Election Research Team with Facebook are also overtly biased.
Election Research Director Kendall Schreur.
Schreur’s LinkedIn profile shows that she interned at the digital, communications and creative agency BerlinRosen between September 2015-December 2015. A quick glance at the agency’s issue advocacy page reveals a trove of left-wing propaganda. The page’s featured photo showed an abortion rights protest occurring in front of the Supreme Court.
The page stated: “Our clients are fighting to advance equity, fairness, and justice across today’s most urgent issues—gender equity, sexual and reproductive rights, systemic racism, immigration, criminal and civil justice reform. And we’re with them every step of the way.” [Emphasis added.]
One of its clients, is the radical left-wing, pro-boycott organization Color of Change and the pro-abortion group Physicians for Reproductive Health.
Schreur has also donated a number of small-dollar donations to former Democratic presidential candidate and ultra-liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren, (D-MA), according to FEC data.
Odd that a Warren donor who interned for a radical leftist organization will be spearheading Democracy Works’s election research in conjunction with Facebook.
Election Research Lead Aubree Carpenter
Federal Election Commission records show that Carpenter, like Schreur, gave a number of small-dollar donations to Warren, including one donation to the Ditch Fund, which is actively working to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Democracy Works Board of Directors
The Democracy Works Board of Directors is just as badly skewed Democrat and liberal. In fact, only one of 12 board members, Mike DuHaime, has a solid record of donating exclusively to Republicans.
Board Member Katie Harbath.
Harbath is the “Public Policy Director for Global Elections at Facebook.” In attempt to make the board appear more bipartisan, Harbath’s about-page says she was the “Chief Digital Strategist at the National Republican Senatorial Committee."
However, according to Harbath’s donation records taken from the FEC for this cycle, she’s only donated to Democratic presidential candidates this cycle. 
The candidates Harbath donated to included Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). She also contributed $249.90 to the left-wing Win the Era PAC, which is affiliated with Buttigieg.
Board Member Keesha Gaskins. 
Gaskins is the “director for the Democratic Practice–United States program” at the liberal Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which funds Democracy Works.  
According to her about-page, “Prior to joining the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, she was senior counsel” with the left-wing, heavily Soros-funded “Brennan Center for Justice, serving as the director of the Redistricting and Representation program.”
FEC records show that Gaskins had contributed one small-dollar donation ($25) to failed Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro. She’s donated to no Republicans this cycle.
Board Member Kate Krontiris.
Krontiris’s about-page shows that she worked as a consultant for both the liberal Knight Foundation and the Omidyar Network, two liberal organizations who have funded Democracy Works. 
According to her profile, she also “served as a consulting user researcher for the U.S. Digital Service within the Executive Office of President Barack Obama.”
 In addition, “Over the past few years, Kate has been exploring a democracy moonshot: how we might get a representative 80% of eligible Americans voting by 2028” with support from the left-wing Democracy Fund. [Emphasis added.]
Board Member Chris Hughes.
 Hughes “was a co-founder of Facebook, a digital architect for President Obama’s campaign, and the publisher of the digital and print” leftist magazine The New Republic. 
His about-page also lists him as a “trustee” of the liberal Knight Foundation. 
Also, the page notes that Huges “works on a range of progressive causes from his home in New York City.” [Emphasis added.]
Board Member Adam Gross.
Gross “was CEO of Heroku,” and has founded two companies (Personify and Cloud Connect) and was an early employee at two others — Salesforce and Dropbox.” OpenSecrets records show that Gross donated exclusively to Democratic candidates over the past few years.
Board Member and Democracy Works co-founder Kathryn Peters.
Peters previously worked at the George Soros-affiliated National Democratic Institute (NDI). 
George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is listed as a “partner” by NDI. 
Investment banker Richard C. Blum, the husband of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), is listed as one of three in NDI’s “Million Dollar Roundtable” and is an NDI board member.
Board Member Usha Pasi.
Pasi’s professional career included work at the Cambridge Community Foundation. According to FEC records, Pasi had donated $200 to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), this election cycle.
She’s made no donations to Republicans.
Board Member Namita Khasat. 
Khasat is listed as “CFO, Executive Vice President of Finance & Administration and Corporate Treasurer” of the Soros-funded, liberal Aspen Institute.
Democracy Works Co-founder and Executive Director Seth Flaxman.
 Flaxman, who wrote the leftist screed against America, also sits on the board.
This means that at least nine of Democracy Works’s 12-member Board of Directors can be connected to Democratic candidates, left-wing causes or liberal organizations.
Dr. Epstein’s words bring a chilling perspective on what Facebook and Google may be up to this November:
Google and Facebook have millions of pieces of information about every American voter, and they will be targeting their manipulations at the individual level for every single voter in every swing state. No one in the world except Google and Facebook can do that.
Conservatives are under attack. Partnering with an obviously left-wing organization like Democracy Works is clearly an indicator that Facebook won’t be keeping its election strategy neutral. Contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308-7300 or 1-650-543-4800 and demand it cut ties with Democracy Works and stop meddling in the 2020 election. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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BREAKING: AG Barr To Officially Designate 3 U.S. Cities As ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions,’ Report Says

Attorney General William Barr has reportedly designated three U.S. cities—all controlled by Democrats—as “anarchist jurisdictions” that are being targeted to be defunded by the federal government for failing to stop violent rioters and for defunding law enforcement departments. The New York Post reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle […]

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In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 “In Error”

In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 "In Error"

Tyler Durden

Mon, 09/21/2020 – 13:10

After publishing guidance warning about the serious risks of "airborne" infection associated with SARS-CoV-2, the CDC just seriously harmed its own credibility by acknowledging Monday that it had posted the new guidance "in error", following a pressure campaign from the WHO.

Scientists have been gathering evidence that the novel coronavirus plaguing the world spreads via aerosol particles practically since it first emerged, and back in July, a group of 200 scientists sent a letter to the WHO urging the international public health agency to change its guidance on the spread of the disease. The problem scientists argued is that the WHO hasn’t updated its views to incorporate new research showing that aerosol spread is a much greater threat than touching contaminated surfaces, or via large droplets spread by close contact between individuals.

Yet, the WHO has refused these overtures, and this week it successfully convinced the CDC to do the same.

After the WHO announced earlier that it had reached out to the CDC over the guidance change, the agency informed American media outlets that a "draft version" of the guidance had been "posted in error".

"A draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency’s official website," the CDC said. "CDC is currently updating its recommendations regarding airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Once this process has been completed, the update language will be posted."

Even so, the American media has grown increasingly convinced that aerosols significantly contribute to overall spread of the virus, with ABC News suggesting yesterday that expensive UV-light powered surface cleaners were merely examples of "hygiene theater". For months, the CDC has insisted that these large droplets are the primary mode of transmission, which is why – it argued – people must wear masks in public, because masks are effective at blocking large particles.

However, masks – at least, homemade clothe masks with imperfect seals – aren’t as effective at filtering all aerosol particles. Furthermore, research suggests aerosol particles released when a person sneezes can reach up to 26 feet.

Source: WSJ

Experts quoted in the US press reports are already slamming the CDC for injecting more confusion into the conversation surrounding COVID-19 prevention at a particularly risky time. After all, schools are still reopening across the US and many are diving headlong into the unknown, fearful that all of this activity could cause another wave of the pandemic, as Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned yesterday.

The FDA is already under fire for its allegedly "premature" approval of convalescent plasma, which critics claim is the result of untoward political pressure from the president. On Friday, the CDC also abandoned controversial guidance saying not everybody who comes into contact with an infected person needs to be tested, and that tests should only be required for those experiencing symptoms.

All this scrutiny is helping to cement a new nickname for the agency.

It could also give more fodder to people like Bill Gates, who has started attacking the FDA’s credibility as the agency rushes toward emergency approval of a vaccine.

via ZeroHedge News

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2020 Emmys Turn Into Anti-Trump, Pro-BLM Woke-Fest

Touted as the first big televised awards event, the 72nd Emmy Awards aired on September 20 on ABC. The host of the virtual event was late night show host Jimmy Kimmel.
Kimmel’s jokes and bits in front of no live audience were cringe-inducing. Two notable instances came when his opening monologue took a hit at MAGA rallies and when banter with actor Anthony Anderson included a demand for Kimmel to shout "Black Lives Matter!" so "Mike Pence can hear it."
Schitt’s Creek was the big winner of the evening. The cast and crew were participating remotely from Canada, where the show hails from. Kimmel made a crack after one award saying, “Trump should have built that wall on the northern border.” Kimmel went on to ask if the president had tweeted about the awards show yet. He pretended to remember that it was Sunday so Trump was "probably at church." The winners for Schitt’s Creek were apolitical until their last award and even then it was mild by Hollywood standards.
Daniel Levy: Our show at its core is about the transformational effects of love and acceptance. We need it now more than ever before. If you have not registered to vote, please do so, and then go out and vote. That’s the only way, we need love and acceptance out there. Dad, do the rest of the fun stuff — sorry for making this political.
There was an odd skit with Kimmel and an actor portraying a Russian mail carrier. It was a play on the liberal narrative that President Trump is using the USPS to rig the election combined with a rehash of the old Russian hoax conspiracy.
Kimmel also introduced nominees for Outstanding Competition Program by first saying, “Past losers of this category have gone on to become the president of the United States.”
Political activist and actor Mark Ruffalo can always be counted on to spout off in a political way. Surprisingly, during his acceptance speech, he mostly spoke in general terms about taking care of vulnerable people but he also talked about "privilege" and "division and hatred." He concluded by reminding people to vote, without saying for whom, but it was still pretty obvious. 
Ruffalo: …Our story was about a man, it’s about family.  t’s about a man who is fighting for his brother who is living with mental illness. It’s a story that is common throughout so much of the world today. And it asks a big question, how are we going to deal and honor and take care of each other and our most vulnerable people? And we do that with love, and we do that with compassion, and by fighting for them. And that is what we have to do today. We have to come together with love, for each other. And if you have privilege, you have to fight for those who are less fortunate, and more vulnerable. And that is what a great about America, our diversity. One thing I’ve learned from my wife and children, we’re stronger together when we love each other and we respect each other’s diversity. And so we have a big, important moment ahead of us. Are we going to be a country of division and hatred, a country only for certain kind of people, or are we going to be one of love, strength, and fighting for all of us, who have the American dream and the pursuit of life, liberty, love, and happiness, in this great country of ours. That’s what we’re facing right now. So get out and vote, make a plan, and vote for love and compassion and kindness. I love you all. Thank you so much. And God bless you.”
Since it was a virtual event, the dress code was loosey-goosey. Some were dressed casually and others dressed up. Several Black Lives Matter t-shirts showed up and banners, too. A few shirts referenced the 1921 massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was depicted in HBO’s Watchmen, with creator Damon Lindelof declaring, "The fires that destroyed Black Wall Street still burn today."
Regina King won Best Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie for Watchmen. She wore a t-shirt with Breonna Taylor’s face, with "Say her name" written on it. She reminded people to vote and ended with a mention of recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “Rest in Power, RBG.” Bader Ginsburg was also mentioned before the "in memoriam" tributes.
Actress Lena Waithe combined racial grievance with the LGBTQ agenda in a segment titled "The Right to Tell Our Stories," saying, “I still think there’s a lot more territory to be covered in terms of intersectionality with blackness and queerness.”
Young singer and actress Zendaya, who won for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, gave a shout out "to my peers out there doing the work in the streets, I see you, I admire you, and I thank you" – a reference to the BLM protests.
Actor Sterling K. Brown ended the evening by presenting the Outstanding Drama Series award in a Black Lives Matter t-shirt. The HBO show Succession won. The thank you from creator Jesse Armstrong was particularly ungracious – it was an “unthank you” speech especially to President Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as well as "nationalists and quasi-nationalists."
Armstrong: …But for being robbed of the opportunity to spend this time with our peers and with the cast and crew, I think I’d like to do a couple of un-thank yous. Un-thank you to the virus for keeping us apart. Un-thank you to President Trump for his crummy and uncoordinated response. Un-thank you to Boris Johnson for the same thing in our country. Un-thank you to the nationalists and quasi-nationalists. And un-thank you to all the media moguls who keep them in power. So, un-thank you.”
The coronavirus has made 2020 a miserable year. This virtual awards show sure didn’t do anything to improve that. For a successful Hollywood figure to end the often awkward and boring show with such gracelessness, just to take a shot at two political leaders, was completely tone-deaf, but also completely expected.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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