John Bolton Rejects Atlantic Story: ‘I Was There’; ‘I Didn’t Hear That’

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton has disputed a story in The Atlantic claiming that President Donald Trump called fallen World War I soldiers “losers.” Bolton told the New York Times Friday that “I was there” and “I didn’t hear that.”

The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg published an article titled “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’.” The story also claimed that Trump skipped a 2018 visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris, where the fallen of the battle of Belleau Wood are buried, because he feared rain would ruin his hair. Goldberg’s sources were all anonymous.

The White House vigorously denied the report, and several officials who accompanied Trump on his trip to Europe in 2018 denied that the president had ever said anything like that. Public documents also support the idea that the president’s visit was canceled due to weather, not because the president worried about his hair.

Bolton, who has emerged as an adversary of the president since leaving the administration last fall, wrote in his tell-all book about Trump that the visit to the cemetery by helicopter had been canceled because of weather. Driving, Bolton wrote, was not an option because of the “unacceptable risk” of being stuck in traffic if an emergency arose. He criticized the media for falsely reporting that Trump skipped his visit because he was “afraid of the rain.”

On Friday, Bolton confirmed his account in an interview with the Times, and added that he never heard Trump say “losers” or “suckers”:

He got support from an unlikely source on Friday when John R. Bolton, his former national security adviser who has broken with him and called him unfit for office, said he was on the trip in question and never heard Mr. Trump make those remarks. “I didn’t hear that,” Mr. Bolton said in an interview. “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time but I was there for that discussion.”

Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden angrily demanded Friday morning that Trump apologize for his remarks, “if these statements are true.”

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

via Breitbart News

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Democrat Mail Fraud Will Take Us to the Brink

Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election.  The Democrats’ mission to fracture America permanently should be codenamed “Operation Chaos,” because it is chaos that they are preparing to unleash.  

It was not a few thousand dollars worth of Russian Facebook posts and online internet trolls that nearly destroyed the Union after the 2016 election.  It was the way the Obama White House and an intelligence-law enforcement cabal run by the Democratic Party maliciously and intentionally magnified Russia’s limited hijinks into the greatest political hoax in American history.  The Democrats preferred to drag the United States through four years of nonsensical conspiracy theories, needless investigations, and cries of high treason rather than to acknowledge that President Trump had legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton.  The Democrats chose an unprecedented campaign of sabotage against an American president, and in doing so, they accomplished what Putin’s Russia could never have dreamed: they succeeded in convincing half of America that the 2016 election was stolen from them.  The Democrats and the Deep State that has aided and abetted their cause have sold bitter acrimony for four years and birthed our precarious pre-civil war tinderbox today.

With American peace now hanging in the balance, will Democrats choose country over socialism and temper passions already overinflamed?  Of course not.  If four years of the Russia hoax has brought our nation to the brink of civil strife, the Democrats’ Operation Chaos will make it nearly impossible for wisdom and reason to succeed in the months ahead.  This fact alone should disqualify Democrats from office in 2020.  A party that is driving the country to civil war cannot be trusted to have the country’s best interests at heart.  

Most Republicans (except the “useful idiots” who will look past corruption and fraud for the chance to remove President Trump) understand how the Democrats plan to use “cheat-by-mail” chaos to elevate a man who can’t remember his opponent’s name (or even his running mate’s) to commander in chief.  They have a three-tailed con in play: (1) attempt to win swing states fast and declare victory before fraudulent ballots can be scrutinized; (2) harvest loose ballots after election day until Trump vote leads disappear; (3) throw the whole mess into state and federal courts until a Democrat-leaning judge gives them a Democrat lead.  At any time that one of these tails secures a Democrat victory, the “useful idiot” #NeverTrumpers and hacks in the press will aid the Democrats in quickly declaring the election over and calling for President Trump’s concession.  (When executing a good con, it’s always best to have “disinterested” third parties move the con along.)  By that point, offending ballots will be “disappeared” before they can ever be scrutinized again.  And at any stage of this dangerous game, if President Trump and his supporters fight the outcome, our efforts — not Democrat vote fraud — will be framed as “threats to democracy.”  

All the chaos lying ahead was preventable, of course.  In the most modern and technically advanced nation in the history of the planet, the idea that the United States cannot vouchsafe the results of a democratic election is absurd.  All over the world successful elections take place without high-tech voting booths or sophisticated methods for tallying votes, but in America we are plagued with so much uncertainty as to whether our elections are the outcomes of massive fraud that election integrity is impossible.  You can’t have fair and equitable elections when every single American believes the vote is already rigged.  

Obviously, if our constitutional republic is to utilize democratic elections to decide whether we choose Donald Trump’s “America First” policies or Bernie Sanders’s Green New Deal, then safeguarding the American vote is paramount over any other responsibility of our federal and state governments.  Instead, because the political establishment in America routinely ignores the wishes of American voters, it has turned a blind eye to the corruption and inaccuracy of American elections.  

Democrats (and “Republican” enablers like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan) argue that election fraud is a myth when it is, in fact, well documented.  They argue that non-citizen voting occurs in such low numbers as to be meaningless when meaningful elections every year are decided by a few hundred votes.  They argue that election judges can be trusted when many have been prosecuted for altering votes and stuffing ballots.  They argue that sensible voter identification laws are unnecessary (and racist) when votes routinely show up from dead votersnon-voters, and voters who long ago left the jurisdictions in which they’re now cast.  They argue that ballot harvesting is nothing to worry about when the outcomes of elections are overturned days and weeks after election day.  They argue that the same U.S. Postal Service that just endorsed the Democratic Party can be trusted to impartially handle Republican votes. 

By never letting a crisis go to waste, Democrats have so effectively guaranteed “cheat-by-mail” in swing states this year that stacks of ballots can go out with coupon mailers and come back without proper signatures or any other voter authentications and go right into the ballot box.  A recent election in New Jersey was just thrown out after it was determined that mail-in vote fraud had tainted 22% of the total vote, while twenty-eight million mail-in ballots have gone missing in the last four elections.  And a top Democrat operative revealed last week how he and others have been committing voter fraud on a “grand scale” for decades.  

Gone are the days when the United States recognized the solemnity of the vote by securing for each citizen a private and uncoerced secret ballot.  Now Democrat election operatives can simply go from hospital bed to hospital bed in nursing homes around the country “collecting” votes or swallow up entire mail drops at apartment buildings before residents even hold them in their hands.  Operation Chaos will test the limits of our country’s bonds.  

How does a free country governed by the people destroy itself?  When elected representatives make it impossible for the people to believe they are still governing.  

If we had a functioning free press in this country that hadn’t thrown out objectivity and professionalism for partisan entanglements and personal vendettas, the two biggest stories of the last four years would both center on the efforts of the Democratic Party to undermine American elections so completely that the breakup of the Union is not only a real possibility but the Democrats’ likely objective.  They sabotaged the peaceful transition of power in 2016 with the Russia hoax.  In 2020, whether they can eke out victory or not, they have implemented a “cheat-by-mail” voting catastrophe that will render the 2020 election outcome unavoidably illegitimate to the losing side.  It is a strategy intended to damage the country.  It is an operation meant to unleash chaos.  


Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election.  The Democrats’ mission to fracture America permanently should be codenamed “Operation Chaos,” because it is chaos that they are preparing to unleash.  

It was not a few thousand dollars worth of Russian Facebook posts and online internet trolls that nearly destroyed the Union after the 2016 election.  It was the way the Obama White House and an intelligence-law enforcement cabal run by the Democratic Party maliciously and intentionally magnified Russia’s limited hijinks into the greatest political hoax in American history.  The Democrats preferred to drag the United States through four years of nonsensical conspiracy theories, needless investigations, and cries of high treason rather than to acknowledge that President Trump had legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton.  The Democrats chose an unprecedented campaign of sabotage against an American president, and in doing so, they accomplished what Putin’s Russia could never have dreamed: they succeeded in convincing half of America that the 2016 election was stolen from them.  The Democrats and the Deep State that has aided and abetted their cause have sold bitter acrimony for four years and birthed our precarious pre-civil war tinderbox today.

With American peace now hanging in the balance, will Democrats choose country over socialism and temper passions already overinflamed?  Of course not.  If four years of the Russia hoax has brought our nation to the brink of civil strife, the Democrats’ Operation Chaos will make it nearly impossible for wisdom and reason to succeed in the months ahead.  This fact alone should disqualify Democrats from office in 2020.  A party that is driving the country to civil war cannot be trusted to have the country’s best interests at heart.  

Most Republicans (except the “useful idiots” who will look past corruption and fraud for the chance to remove President Trump) understand how the Democrats plan to use “cheat-by-mail” chaos to elevate a man who can’t remember his opponent’s name (or even his running mate’s) to commander in chief.  They have a three-tailed con in play: (1) attempt to win swing states fast and declare victory before fraudulent ballots can be scrutinized; (2) harvest loose ballots after election day until Trump vote leads disappear; (3) throw the whole mess into state and federal courts until a Democrat-leaning judge gives them a Democrat lead.  At any time that one of these tails secures a Democrat victory, the “useful idiot” #NeverTrumpers and hacks in the press will aid the Democrats in quickly declaring the election over and calling for President Trump’s concession.  (When executing a good con, it’s always best to have “disinterested” third parties move the con along.)  By that point, offending ballots will be “disappeared” before they can ever be scrutinized again.  And at any stage of this dangerous game, if President Trump and his supporters fight the outcome, our efforts — not Democrat vote fraud — will be framed as “threats to democracy.”  

All the chaos lying ahead was preventable, of course.  In the most modern and technically advanced nation in the history of the planet, the idea that the United States cannot vouchsafe the results of a democratic election is absurd.  All over the world successful elections take place without high-tech voting booths or sophisticated methods for tallying votes, but in America we are plagued with so much uncertainty as to whether our elections are the outcomes of massive fraud that election integrity is impossible.  You can’t have fair and equitable elections when every single American believes the vote is already rigged.  

Obviously, if our constitutional republic is to utilize democratic elections to decide whether we choose Donald Trump’s “America First” policies or Bernie Sanders’s Green New Deal, then safeguarding the American vote is paramount over any other responsibility of our federal and state governments.  Instead, because the political establishment in America routinely ignores the wishes of American voters, it has turned a blind eye to the corruption and inaccuracy of American elections.  

Democrats (and “Republican” enablers like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan) argue that election fraud is a myth when it is, in fact, well documented.  They argue that non-citizen voting occurs in such low numbers as to be meaningless when meaningful elections every year are decided by a few hundred votes.  They argue that election judges can be trusted when many have been prosecuted for altering votes and stuffing ballots.  They argue that sensible voter identification laws are unnecessary (and racist) when votes routinely show up from dead votersnon-voters, and voters who long ago left the jurisdictions in which they’re now cast.  They argue that ballot harvesting is nothing to worry about when the outcomes of elections are overturned days and weeks after election day.  They argue that the same U.S. Postal Service that just endorsed the Democratic Party can be trusted to impartially handle Republican votes. 

By never letting a crisis go to waste, Democrats have so effectively guaranteed “cheat-by-mail” in swing states this year that stacks of ballots can go out with coupon mailers and come back without proper signatures or any other voter authentications and go right into the ballot box.  A recent election in New Jersey was just thrown out after it was determined that mail-in vote fraud had tainted 22% of the total vote, while twenty-eight million mail-in ballots have gone missing in the last four elections.  And a top Democrat operative revealed last week how he and others have been committing voter fraud on a “grand scale” for decades.  

Gone are the days when the United States recognized the solemnity of the vote by securing for each citizen a private and uncoerced secret ballot.  Now Democrat election operatives can simply go from hospital bed to hospital bed in nursing homes around the country “collecting” votes or swallow up entire mail drops at apartment buildings before residents even hold them in their hands.  Operation Chaos will test the limits of our country’s bonds.  

How does a free country governed by the people destroy itself?  When elected representatives make it impossible for the people to believe they are still governing.  

If we had a functioning free press in this country that hadn’t thrown out objectivity and professionalism for partisan entanglements and personal vendettas, the two biggest stories of the last four years would both center on the efforts of the Democratic Party to undermine American elections so completely that the breakup of the Union is not only a real possibility but the Democrats’ likely objective.  They sabotaged the peaceful transition of power in 2016 with the Russia hoax.  In 2020, whether they can eke out victory or not, they have implemented a “cheat-by-mail” voting catastrophe that will render the 2020 election outcome unavoidably illegitimate to the losing side.  It is a strategy intended to damage the country.  It is an operation meant to unleash chaos.  


via American Thinker

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Stench of lies: The Atlantic runs fake news about Trump supposedly calling fallen servicemen ‘losers’

Sometimes, the press in its Trump derangement, asks us to believe the fantastical.

That’s the case with the anonymously sourced story about President Trump supposedly calling fallen U.S. servicemen ‘losers.’

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Actually, both claims were true, it was in the news after the press previously tried to create a brouhaha about it at the time.


But for Jeffrey Goldberg, who’s reporting this “story,” or rather, this “told a story,” he’s calculating that readers won’t remember that.


Most really good lies, like most heresies, start out with a kernel of truth. Goldberg cites then-candidate Trump’s ill-considered heated personal attack on John McCain, a former POW who served honorably in Vietnam, as “not a hero” adding  ”I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump made those stupid remarks because he was fighting with McCain, who was serving as the errand boy for the now discredited Steele dossier around that time, and it was ugly.


But he’s never made disrespectful remarks about servicemen injured or killed in the line of duty. He’s always celebrated servicemen and servicewomen. He’s visited injured servicemen and made trips abroad to be with servicemen. One of the most notable things he’s done has been to call in enlisted and noncommissioned soldiers and sailors to solicit their input about how to make things better in the service for them.  He’s beefed up the military budget, and demanded military parades to celebrate events. He’s celebrated military victories. He’s also cared deeply for he welfare of soldiers and sailors –  specially calling up the family of young servicewoman Vanessa Guillen, who was murdered by a sex-harassing stalker also in the military – and talking about a plan of reform. He’s ordered Saudi “students” out of U.S. military facilities after one of them tried an al Qaida style attack. He’s put veterans first in the Veterans Administration, reducing waiting times and raising customer satisfaction. He’s been ultra respectful of the military brass, defending a naval commander who broadcast the presence of COVID on his ship to the press (and America’s enemies) instead of up the chain of command, recognizing that if he was misguided, or, ”had a bad day,” as Trump put it, he was trying to look out for the welfare of his sailors. Trump explicitly said he “didn’t want to ruin” the captain’s career with a relief of command. The captain was reinstated and the naval bureaucrat who derided him was fired. If anything, Trump’s been a little too solicitous and trusting of the Pentagon brass. He hired deep-state political animals such as H.R. McMaster, Jim Mattis, and John Kelly, all of whom turned out to be major disappointments, with at least some of them compulsive plotters and leakers on the side.


Trump adores the military and honors America’s heroes. To claim he would make remarks about not wanting to get his hair wet and would therefore refuse to visit a storied military cemetery in France because they all were “losers” defies belief. It’s clearly false. Trump himself has utterly denied it, with an edge of fury, given all he has shown of his care for the military. And a lot of the people who were there, with names attached, said it was garbage too. Breitbart has that story:

“What animal would say such a thing?” [Trump] asked.


“If people really exist that would have said that, they’re lowlifes and they’re liars,” Trump said. “And I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes. There is nobody that respects that more.”


Several members of the White House team, who were present for the trip, also publicly denounced the story on Twitter.


“The Atlantic story on Donald Trump is total BS,” wrote former White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. “I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion – this never happened.”


Sanders said she was “disgusted” by the attack published in The Atlantic, recalling the moments that President Trump met with veterans.


“These were some of the moments I witnessed the President show his heart and demonstrate how much he respects the selfless and courageous men and women of our military,” she said.


Jordan Karem, the president’s body man during the trip, also weighed in on Twitter.


“Again, this is 100% false. I was next to the president the whole day!” he wrote. “The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.”


It’s not just refuted by people willing to go on the record with names attached saying it, it’s also completely out of the character to the voters who have observed President Trump’s term.


Trump is a populist who is always looking out for the little guy – he hurls lots of insults, but he never insults ordinary people. His targets are pious media poobahs, assorted pompous asses in the celebrity-American community, Democratic opponents, and crazed leftists. He never attacks the little guy, which is the chief thing that distinguishes him from Mitt “46%” Romney, Hillary “deplorables” Clinton, Joe “Hey, fat” Biden, and Barack “bitter clingers” Obama.


It’s a disgusting lie, and anyone who’s been watching things will know it. That’s it’s reported anonymously makes it doubly disgusting, who knows what these sources really said? And if they are out of power, why would they need to hide their identities anyway, except of course that they know they will be exposed as liars. Third, who knows if this whole thing hasn’t been distorted from enemies out to Get Trump and willing to say anything to do it, or else completely made up? There’s no names attached to this despicable slew of lies, so anything goes.


Which is why it ought to be treated with complete contempt. It’s pretty creepy what kinds of lies you can get out there if you find the right media vehicle and hide behind the curtain of anonymity.






Sometimes, the press in its Trump derangement, asks us to believe the fantastical.

That’s the case with the anonymously sourced story about President Trump supposedly calling fallen U.S. servicemen ‘losers.’

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

Actually, both claims were true, it was in the news after the press previously tried to create a brouhaha about it at the time.


But for Jeffrey Goldberg, who’s reporting this “story,” or rather, this “told a story,” he’s calculating that readers won’t remember that.


Most really good lies, like most heresies, start out with a kernel of truth. Goldberg cites then-candidate Trump’s ill-considered heated personal attack on John McCain, a former POW who served honorably in Vietnam, as “not a hero” adding  ”I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump made those stupid remarks because he was fighting with McCain, who was serving as the errand boy for the now discredited Steele dossier around that time, and it was ugly.


But he’s never made disrespectful remarks about servicemen injured or killed in the line of duty. He’s always celebrated servicemen and servicewomen. He’s visited injured servicemen and made trips abroad to be with servicemen. One of the most notable things he’s done has been to call in enlisted and noncommissioned soldiers and sailors to solicit their input about how to make things better in the service for them.  He’s beefed up the military budget, and demanded military parades to celebrate events. He’s celebrated military victories. He’s also cared deeply for he welfare of soldiers and sailors –  specially calling up the family of young servicewoman Vanessa Guillen, who was murdered by a sex-harassing stalker also in the military – and talking about a plan of reform. He’s ordered Saudi “students” out of U.S. military facilities after one of them tried an al Qaida style attack. He’s put veterans first in the Veterans Administration, reducing waiting times and raising customer satisfaction. He’s been ultra respectful of the military brass, defending a naval commander who broadcast the presence of COVID on his ship to the press (and America’s enemies) instead of up the chain of command, recognizing that if he was misguided, or, ”had a bad day,” as Trump put it, he was trying to look out for the welfare of his sailors. Trump explicitly said he “didn’t want to ruin” the captain’s career with a relief of command. The captain was reinstated and the naval bureaucrat who derided him was fired. If anything, Trump’s been a little too solicitous and trusting of the Pentagon brass. He hired deep-state political animals such as H.R. McMaster, Jim Mattis, and John Kelly, all of whom turned out to be major disappointments, with at least some of them compulsive plotters and leakers on the side.


Trump adores the military and honors America’s heroes. To claim he would make remarks about not wanting to get his hair wet and would therefore refuse to visit a storied military cemetery in France because they all were “losers” defies belief. It’s clearly false. Trump himself has utterly denied it, with an edge of fury, given all he has shown of his care for the military. And a lot of the people who were there, with names attached, said it was garbage too. Breitbart has that story:

“What animal would say such a thing?” [Trump] asked.


“If people really exist that would have said that, they’re lowlifes and they’re liars,” Trump said. “And I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes. There is nobody that respects that more.”


Several members of the White House team, who were present for the trip, also publicly denounced the story on Twitter.


“The Atlantic story on Donald Trump is total BS,” wrote former White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. “I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion – this never happened.”


Sanders said she was “disgusted” by the attack published in The Atlantic, recalling the moments that President Trump met with veterans.


“These were some of the moments I witnessed the President show his heart and demonstrate how much he respects the selfless and courageous men and women of our military,” she said.


Jordan Karem, the president’s body man during the trip, also weighed in on Twitter.


“Again, this is 100% false. I was next to the president the whole day!” he wrote. “The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.”


It’s not just refuted by people willing to go on the record with names attached saying it, it’s also completely out of the character to the voters who have observed President Trump’s term.


Trump is a populist who is always looking out for the little guy – he hurls lots of insults, but he never insults ordinary people. His targets are pious media poobahs, assorted pompous asses in the celebrity-American community, Democratic opponents, and crazed leftists. He never attacks the little guy, which is the chief thing that distinguishes him from Mitt “46%” Romney, Hillary “deplorables” Clinton, Joe “Hey, fat” Biden, and Barack “bitter clingers” Obama.


It’s a disgusting lie, and anyone who’s been watching things will know it. That’s it’s reported anonymously makes it doubly disgusting, who knows what these sources really said? And if they are out of power, why would they need to hide their identities anyway, except of course that they know they will be exposed as liars. Third, who knows if this whole thing hasn’t been distorted from enemies out to Get Trump and willing to say anything to do it, or else completely made up? There’s no names attached to this despicable slew of lies, so anything goes.


Which is why it ought to be treated with complete contempt. It’s pretty creepy what kinds of lies you can get out there if you find the right media vehicle and hide behind the curtain of anonymity.






via American Thinker Blog

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Black Clergy Take Aim at NBA and Nike for Chinese Slave Labor

A black Detroit pastor is teaming up with other minority clergymen to condemn Nike, the National Basketball Association, and other multinational corporations for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement while profiteering from slave labor in China.

Rev. Marlin Reid, a black pastor based in Detroit, Mich., accused the multibillion-dollar corporations of hypocrisy for supporting BLM while remaining silent on Chinese human-rights abuses. Reid and the other clergymen condemned the BLM for "possibly [setting] back racial relations for decades," holding the companies culpable for the violence stemming from the BLM movement while they raked in millions of dollars from China.

"There’s a connection between  the oppression of the freedom of religion and race here and in China," said Reid. "How can you tolerate the injustice somewhere else, and then profit off of it here in America? They are a prime example of hypocrisy."

The clergymen’s comments are indicative of the growing pushback against "woke" U.S. corporations that expressed support for the BLM movement and other progressive agendas. Nike has long aligned itself with the movement, enlisting football quarterback Colin Kaepernick to promote its brand in 2018 after he kneeled during the national anthem in support of BLM. But while it appeared prudent for brands to align themselves with BLM in the immediate aftermath of the death of George Floyd in May, the increasingly violent riots and unrest linked to the movement have alienated some consumers, forcing companies between a rock and a hard place.

Reid and three other founding members of the Conservative Clergy of Color sent a letter to Nike president John Donahoe on Thursday, calling on the company to retract its endorsement of BLM and cut all business ties with China. Activists recently found that Nike depends on Chinese suppliers who use the forced labor of the persecuted Muslim Uighur people, pressuring the $19 billion company to stop sourcing materials from Xinjiang, China.

"You have been happy to play into the hands of anarchists at home and ignore slavery abroad. As leaders in the church, we can abide neither," the letter read.

While the clergymen agreed with some of the "legitimate concerns" held by BLM sympathizers, they firmly rejected the movement for its increasingly radical and violent streaks. The pastors cited reports in which one BLM cofounder described herself as Marxist and some local BLM chapters called for the abolition of capitalism, while the group’s official manifesto calls for the disruption of the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement."

"What we are seeing today is not indicative of the real DNA that this nation is really founded on," Bishop Aubrey Shines said. "We are now working diligently to make sure that this company specifically, Nike, will … stop pushing a narrative that is sowing into the flames of discord that already exists."

The pastors said that recent violence directly impacted their own communities. Pastor Frankie R. Vega, a Latino clergyman in Atlanta, Ga., said that the recent riots have primarily damaged black-owned businesses in his area. Derek McCoy, a pastor based in Maryland, said a churchgoer told him rioters looted three pharmacies he owned across the city.

"I think protests are great in terms of … our free speech," McCoy said. "At the same time, when they begin to loot and rob and pillage small businesses … that are the backbone of our country, I think that’s just wrong."

The post Black Clergy Take Aim at NBA and Nike for Chinese Slave Labor appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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WATCH: Tearful Salon Owner Says ‘Mrs. Pelosi Owes the Entire Country an Apology’

Salon owner Erica Kious told a Zoom press conference on Thursday that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was lying to say she was “set up,” and that she should apologize to America and to small business owners and workers struggling to survive.

Pelosi was caught on surveillance camera attending Kious’s salon earlier this week for a private hair appointment indoors with a stylist, Jonathan DeNardo. San Francisco and Alameda counties are still not allowing salons to reopen indoors due to going coronavirus restrictions.

Pelosi was criticized for breaking rules her party created, and failing to lead by example.

A spokesperson for the Speaker said she did not know that she was breaking the rules, and blamed the salon for the violation.

On Wednesday, Pelosi doubled down, telling reporters she fell for a “setup” and that the salon owner should apologize to her.

The Pelosi camp energetically pushed the idea that Kious had acted out of political motives, circulating a letter from an attorney for DeNardo that accused Kious of operating her salon at other times during the shutdown, and of making “vitriolic and incendiary comments” about Pelosi. Pelosi’s daughter, Christine, posted the letter on Twitter with the hashtag “#Setup”.

On Thursday, Kious responded. She denied that there had been any setup, saying that Pelosi’s “assertion that she is a victim and was set up” was “totally false and outrageous.”

She said that she had lost six months’ of income due to the coronavirus shutdowns, but had allowed stylists to make appointments if they needed money.

Choking back tears, Kious added:

For the Speaker of the House of the United States to go on TV and falsely claim she was set up, and publicly defame me and send out PR firms to spin more lies … is bad enough, but for Speaker Pelosi to frame herself as a victim under a total false narrative while small businesses and workers all over California, the state she represents in Congress, suffer and struggle just to survive is beyond shameful.

I don’t owe anyone an apology; Mrs. Pelosi owes the entire country an apology.

Kious said that her motive in sharing the video of Pelosi’s appointment was to encourage her and other politicians to allow businesses to reopen.

“If a woman in a high-risk age group who spends much of her time on TV warning about the dangers of COVID-19, feels safe an comfortably in a San Francisco salon, and can be responsible for being cautious and mindful, why can’t the rest of San Francisco, and the rest of America, do that too?”

She said that Pelosi was showing by her actions that the draconian rules were unnecessary for safety.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

via Breitbart News

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Justice Department Conducting “Very Big” Voter Fraud Investigations, Barr Say

Justice Department Conducting "Very Big" Voter Fraud Investigations, Barr Say

Tyler Durden

Thu, 09/03/2020 – 11:55

Authored by Ivan Pentchoukov via The Epoch Times,

The Department of Justice is conducting several “very big” voter fraud investigations in multiple states, Attorney General William Barr told CNN in an interview aired on Sept. 2.

“I know there are a number of investigations right now, some very big ones, in states,” Barr said in response to a question about how many voter fraud indictments the Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought on his watch.

Barr said he did not know the exact number.

At least 32 people have been criminally convicted of voter fraud in 2019, according to a database maintained by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank.

The attorney general made the remarks as part of a tense exchange with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer about mail-in voting. Barr has repeatedly said that mass mail-in voting is an invitation for voter fraud and coercion. Blitzer pressed the attorney general for evidence that this will be the case in 2020.

Barr pointed to a recent conviction in Texas over 1,700 fraudulent ballots and noted that widespread evidence isn’t available because the United States has never attempted an election with the kind of massive access to mail-in voting available in 2020.

At least 83 percent of American voters, or roughly 100 million people, will be able to vote by mail in the 2020 election, according to a tally by The Washington Post.

“We haven’t had the kind of widespread use of mail-in ballots as being proposed,” Barr said.

“We’ve had absentee ballots from people who request them from a specific address. Now what we’re talking about is mailing them to everyone on the voter list, when everyone knows those voter lists are inaccurate.

Barr referenced the findings of a nonpartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker, which determined in 2005 that mail-in voting creates the potential for voter fraud and opens the door to coercion if activists or party workers are allowed to handle ballots.

Carter recently issued a statement to point out that the commission’s key finding was that states should invest in more research on mail-in voting. The former president encouraged states to invest resources to expand voting by mail.

More than 43 percent of likely American voters would not trust in the integrity of an election if all voters automatically received ballots or ballot request forms by mail, according to an Epoch Times National Poll conducted in late August.

“This is playing with fire,” Barr said.

“We’re a very closely divided country here and people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government. And people trying to change the rules to this methodology—which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion—is reckless and dangerous,” Barr said.

President Donald Trump opposes a universal vote-by-mail election, arguing that it’s an invitation for fraud and opens the door to Election Day chaos due to the inefficiency of the U.S. Postal Service.

Democrats are waging a well-funded legal campaign across the nation to make it easier to vote by mail beyond absentee ballots. They are litigating at least 80 of the more than 100 vote-by-mail court cases across the nation.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said his party has more than 600 lawyers working on election-related cases.

via ZeroHedge News

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Trump forces Rep. Ilhan Omar into revealing her true colors on Muslim matters

For awhile there, Rep. Ilhan Omar and some of her Muslim allies in Congress were jumping up and down to condemn leftist television host Joy Reid for some ‘casual’ anti-Muslim remarks, about “the way Muslims act.”

Omar demanded an apology for the “casual Islamophobia“….

Then President Trump, master troll, got involved:



And just like that Omar changed her tune:



Suddenly, Reid was a “strong black woman” and Trump’s condemnation of Reid’s anti-Islamic ravings, identical to Omar’s, was “fascist solidarity.”

Funny how she changed her tune, when Trump got her going, forcing her to show her true colors. Trump’s always the bad guy to her, and Trump knew it, so for that, Joy Reid suddenly got lionized.

Which made Omar look kind of like a shape-shifter, a phony.

To pick this apart, suddenly insults against Muslims weren’t so bad after all. GIven a choice between Trump and an Islamophobe, she’d go with the Islamophobe.

Which rather highlights that anti-Trumpism is her real identity, Islam is just a convenient window-dressing.

Trump managed to call attention to Omar’s insincerity — and the fact that her real fealty is to Marxism.

It’s been obvious enough in her past – coming from a Marxist family in the Somalia’s civil war, which got ousted.

Omar herself, despite her Muslim wrappings, used as a vehicle to claim herself a victim, has stood up for abortion, transgender rights, gay marriage, and other things ordinary Muslims abhor.

Her vivid love life isn’t too Muslim, either, her latest amor being some white leftist non-Muslim hipster, which doesn’t go down well in Islam, except perhaps among the pasha classes.

There’s also the report that she was photographed carrying a six-pack beer.

Nope, her fealty is to Marxism, far-leftwingery, when that ox is gored, Omar stands up, whipping out the yells of ‘fascist.’

She’s no Muslim. She’s a Marxist. Marxism trumps everything for her, including Islamophobia. Funny how it took Trump to rat that act out.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of screen shot from shareable Rep. Ilhan Omar Facebook Live video.

For awhile there, Rep. Ilhan Omar and some of her Muslim allies in Congress were jumping up and down to condemn leftist television host Joy Reid for some ‘casual’ anti-Muslim remarks, about “the way Muslims act.”

Omar demanded an apology for the “casual Islamophobia“….

Then President Trump, master troll, got involved:



And just like that Omar changed her tune:



Suddenly, Reid was a “strong black woman” and Trump’s condemnation of Reid’s anti-Islamic ravings, identical to Omar’s, was “fascist solidarity.”

Funny how she changed her tune, when Trump got her going, forcing her to show her true colors. Trump’s always the bad guy to her, and Trump knew it, so for that, Joy Reid suddenly got lionized.

Which made Omar look kind of like a shape-shifter, a phony.

To pick this apart, suddenly insults against Muslims weren’t so bad after all. GIven a choice between Trump and an Islamophobe, she’d go with the Islamophobe.

Which rather highlights that anti-Trumpism is her real identity, Islam is just a convenient window-dressing.

Trump managed to call attention to Omar’s insincerity — and the fact that her real fealty is to Marxism.

It’s been obvious enough in her past – coming from a Marxist family in the Somalia’s civil war, which got ousted.

Omar herself, despite her Muslim wrappings, used as a vehicle to claim herself a victim, has stood up for abortion, transgender rights, gay marriage, and other things ordinary Muslims abhor.

Her vivid love life isn’t too Muslim, either, her latest amor being some white leftist non-Muslim hipster, which doesn’t go down well in Islam, except perhaps among the pasha classes.

There’s also the report that she was photographed carrying a six-pack beer.

Nope, her fealty is to Marxism, far-leftwingery, when that ox is gored, Omar stands up, whipping out the yells of ‘fascist.’

She’s no Muslim. She’s a Marxist. Marxism trumps everything for her, including Islamophobia. Funny how it took Trump to rat that act out.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of screen shot from shareable Rep. Ilhan Omar Facebook Live video.

via American Thinker Blog

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Trump Comes up With A New Nickname For Biden — And It’s Perfect

Former President George W. Bush was known for his nicknames — and he was a master.

He called senior advisor Karl Rove “Turd Blossom.” For Russian President Vladimir Putin — “Pooty Poot.” Vice President Dick Cheney was “Big Time,” White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card was “Tangent Man,” and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was “Guru.”

But President Trump is giving Bush a run for his money  — and his new one for Joe Biden is perfect.

“Joe Hiden.”

The Democratic presidential candidate has been holed up in his basement for months, fearing COVID-19 (which the mainstream media has been saying will eventually kill everyone on the planet — even though 90+% of the deaths were people 70 years old or older).

“Can you believe what’s happening!?” Trump tweeted Wednesday, with a link to a Breitbart News article. “They give Joe Hiden’ the questions, and he reads them an answer!”

In the story, the Trump campaign accuses Biden of mistakenly reading an instructional note from a TelePrompter as he answered questions in an interview.

“I understand that Cuba along with Russia and China has contributed to the political impasse in Venezuela as well. What’s the president doing? Look, Venezuela topline message is President Trump’s policy is an abject failure,” Biden said.

Topline message?!

Trump has repeatedly hit Biden for hunkering in his basement. “Somebody like Biden, he doesn’t know what to do,” Trump said last month. “He doesn’t come out because he can’t. He doesn’t take any questions from reporters. … This guy doesn’t come out of his basement, and he hasn’t taken one question.”



The post Trump Comes up With A New Nickname For Biden — And It’s Perfect appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Gov. Cuomo: Trump Had ‘Better Have An Army’ To Protect Him If He Comes To NYC

Sounds like a threat.

Via NY Post:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday all but threatened President Trump’s safety if he returns to New York City in a rant responding to an exclusive story by The Post that Trump is looking to pull federal funds from “lawless” cities including New York.

Cuomo called an emergency press briefing within a half-hour on Wednesday night to tear into Trump for the order, which cites New York’s rising murder rate and defunding of the NYPD.

“He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don’t want to have anything to do with him,” the Democrat said, all but threatening the commander-in-chief.

But Cuomo — who, like Trump, hails from Queens — wasn’t done. “He can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City, people don’t want to have anything to do with him.”

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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