Presidential Promises Kept: Justice Barrett Will Fairly Apply and Honor the Law for Decades

The following article is sponsored by the Judicial Crisis Network and authored by Ken Blackwell.

President Trump is delivering on his promise to appoint judges that respect our Constitution. Before his election, he vowed to restore the judiciary and name Supreme Court nominees whose judicial philosophy reflects that of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

As President Trump said during the second presidential debate in 2016, “I am looking to appoint judges very much in the mold of Justice Scalia. I’m looking for judges—and I’ve actually picked twenty of them so that people would see—highly respected.”

The impending Supreme Court confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who clerked for Justice Scalia, is further proof President Trump is keeping his pledge to end decades of judicial activism. Judge Barrett, moreover, is exactly the woman to achieve that goal.

As she said during her hearings, she is bound by the rule of law. “Judges can’t just wake up one day and say, ‘I have an agenda. I like guns, I hate guns. I like abortion, I hate abortion,’ and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world.”

For far too long, that hasn’t been the case with many of our Supreme Court justices, who for years have been circumventing Congress and acting as super-legislators instead of an independent third branch of government designed to keep the other two branches honest.

As Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said, “[D]ecades ago, activists on the far left decided that democracy was too cumbersome. It was too slow. And it was too difficult to persuade their fellow citizens that their policy prescriptions were sound and wise.”

Liberal activists sought to do through the Court what they couldn’t accomplish through the people’s representatives. “So, instead they resorted to litigation, trying to get judges to mandate the public policy outcomes they wanted—even if the voters disagreed,” said Cruz.

The job of a judge, however, isn’t to reinforce prevailing political thought. As the late Chief Justice William Rehnquist said, “Somewhere ‘out there,’ beyond the walls of the courthouse, run currents and tides of public opinion which lap at the courtroom door.”

Judge Barrett, a professor at Notre Dame Law School who three times was voted distinguished professor of year, is the epitome of an independent judge who will faithfully discharge her duties and not let her beliefs influence her decision-making.

As Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) pointed out during the confirmation hearings, Judge Barrett—despite her deeply held religious beliefs about the sanctity of human life—last year joined an opinion upholding a Chicago “bubble zone” ordinance.

The ordinance mandates those who protest outside medical facilities, abortion facilities included, stay eight feet away from facility patrons unless given consent to get closer. This is proof-positive Judge Barrett will respect precedent and judge accordingly.

President Trump is transforming the judiciary. With the confirmation of soon-to-be Justice Barrett and Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, President Trump is making history. Our last four presidents saw two nominees apiece make it to the Court.

Not since President Ronald Reagan, however, have we seen so many Supreme Court nominees successfully make it through the judicial confirmation process. Even then, President Reagan nominated only two people to the Supreme Court during his first term.

It’s a remarkable accomplishment and a testament to the president’s sincerity on the issue, not to mention the more than 200 lower-court judicial nominees who’ve been confirmed to district and appellate courts nationwide under President Trump’s leadership.

Thanks to him, we’ll also likely have soon-to-be Justice Barrett, who’s only 48 years old, on the bench for decades to come. She’ll bring a new perspective to the court, but will also join with Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito in challenging Congress and state legislatures to do their job instead of punting every issue they’re afraid to touch.

Ken Blackwell, chairman of the Constitutional Congress, Inc, is an advisor to the Family Research Council in Washington D.C. 

via Breitbart News

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Tom Cotton: Joe Biden Presidency Would Cause ‘Massive Surge’ of Illegal Immigration

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) told Breitbart News that a “massive surge” of migrants would seek to illegally immigrate to America if Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden becomes president.

Cotton highlighted Biden’s promise during Thursday’s presidential debate to extend a “pathway to citizens” to illegal aliens.

“Joe Biden’s answers on immigration showed just how truly radical the Democratic Party has become,” Cotton said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “This is now the party of open borders, mass migration, and blanket amnesty. Joe Biden said he’s going to send, in his first hundred days, a pathway-to-citizenship bill.”

Cotton continued, “That’s a big shift where the Democrats were just eight years ago. Remember the terrible so-called Gang of eight bill. It too would give a big amnesty and increase legal immigration by a lot, but at least it felt the need to make a gesture towards things like border security and workplace enforcement. The Democrats wouldn’t even accept that now.”


Cotton noted Biden’s refusal to acknowledge the need for border security or interior enforcement in the context of possible future amnesty legislation for illegal aliens.

“Joe Biden is saying [he is] going to send an amnesty bill to the Congress in [his] first hundred days without asking anything in return, without trying to secure our border, without enforcing immigration [law in the] workplaces against unscrupulous employers, without cracking down on visa fraud,” Cotton remarked.

Biden’s position on immigration would incentivize millions of migrants to come to America should the former senator take the White House, estimated Cotton.

Cotton warned, “if Joe Biden wins, there’s going to be a massive surge of illegal aliens at our southern border. They’ve got six months to get in Ali Ali Oxen Free until Joe Biden passes a massive amnesty, and Joe Biden will be responsible for every bit of that Biden surge at our border.”

Cotton went on, “He’s also talking about importing millions and millions of new workers over and above the 15 million legal aliens here. They’re going to get amnesty and therefore right to work. He’s going to import millions of workers at a time when we have more than 10 million Americans who are still out of work because of the Wuhan coronavirus. So Joe Biden is going to bring in millions of new foreigners to compete with those Americans who are out of work at a time when we should be putting American workers first in line for American jobs.”

Cotton concluded, “It just shows how radicalized the Democrats have become on immigration.”

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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Glenn Beck: President Trump’s final debate performance was  ‘BRILLIANT’ — here’s why

President Donald Trump’s performance at last night’s final presidential debate was "brilliant" and "the best he’s ever done," Glenn Beck said on the radio program Friday.

Glenn described the moments he thought President Trump came across as "sincere," "kind," and "well-informed," as well as Joe Biden’s biggest downfalls for of the night — from his big statement on wanting to eliminate the oil industry to his unsurprising gaffes as the debate neared the end. But, the question remains: was Trump’s "brilliant performance" enough to win the election?

Watch the video be low to get Glenn’s take on the final debate before the November 3 election:

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To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution and live the American dream.

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‘Borat’ Sequel Exposes Hollywood Left Letting Comedy Die for the Sake of Anti-Trump Propaganda

Lackluster sequels are par for the course, no question about it. The number of great, or simply serviceable, sequels to come out of Hollywood over the years can be counted on two hands — with some room to spare, depending on who you ask. For a film to perfectly duplicate the tone of its successful…

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HISTORIC PRESIDENCY! President Trump Announces Israel and Sudan Normalization Agreement — Third Muslim Country to Announce Peace Deal with Israel

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Sudan earlier this month.

Now you know why the liberal media and debate commission would not allow foreign policy to be discussed during the presidential debates.

Because President Donald J. Trump is CRUSHING IT!

President Trump announced on Friday that Isreal and Sudan had agreed to a normalization of relations.
Sudan is the third Muslim country in the past 3 months to announce a peace agreement with Israel thanks to the work of the Trump administration!

This is the third peace deal with Israel and fourth peace deal for the Trump administration.
President Trump announced a historic peace agreement between Kosovo and Serbia earlier this year.

Al Arabiya reported:

US President Donald Trump announces that Sudan will normalize relations with Israel, a landmark step after two Gulf Arab nations moved to recognize Israel.

Moments after Trump formally moved to remove Sudan from a US list of state sponsors of terrorism, reporters were escorted to the Oval Office where he was on the phone with leaders of Israel and Sudan.

“Sudan and Israel have agreed to the normalization of relations — another major step toward building peace in the Middle East with another nation joining the Abraham Accords” that involve Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, Trump aide Judd Deere wrote on Twitter.

Trump on Friday also formally moved to delist Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism, a step long sought by the Arab nation which faces US pressure to normalize relations with Israel.

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Trump Campaign Releases Devastating Digital Ad on Biden Family International Dealings and Mass Corruption (VIDEO)

According to Ryan Saavedra the Trump campaign is set to release this digital ad highlighting the New York Post’s explosive reporting on Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and how the controversy is connected to Democrat Joe Biden.

This comes after a week of salacious reports on the Biden Family’s international dealings and criminal activity revealed on the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.

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BREAKING: War Room Releases Email on CCP “Loans” To Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin Worth Millions — Hid From IRS and SEC?

The Hits Keep Coming–

The Steve Bannon War Room released an email from China’s Communist Party operative Xin Wang to Hunter Biden and Eric Schwerin from 2018 regarding a loan agreement. In the email Xin Wang offers to extend the loan agreement to December 13, 2019.

This raises several questions including was this agreement with the CCP presented to the IRS or SEC?
If not that would be unlawful.

The War Room says they have signatures.

According to Conservative Daily News

Hunter Biden traveled to China on Air Force Two in December 2013 and arranged for his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to shake hands with the CEO of BHR. At the time of the meeting, which Hunter Biden later described as social in nature, BHR was seeking to raise $1.5 billion from Chinese state-backed investors. The firm currently manages the equivalent of $2.1 billion in assets, according to its website.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, on behalf of his client, said in a statement Sunday that the younger Biden had served as an unpaid member of BHR’s board since its founding in 2013, and that it wasn’t until October 2017 that he invested $420,000 to obtain a 10% equity stake in the firm.

But Hunter Biden did not invest in BHR Partners directly.

Rather, Chinese business records reveal a company called Skaneateles LLC, which Hunter Biden controls alongside Schwerin, became a BHR shareholder on Oct. 23, 2017.

More is coming…

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