Oscar-Nominated Hollywood Star Speaks Out in Defense of Christian Co-Star

Robert Downey Jr. defended “Avengers” co-star Chris Pratt, who has been viciously attacked on social media this past week. Downey, who has starred in several movies with Pratt, referred to him on Instagram as “A real #Christian who lives by #principle.” “What a world… The ‘sinless’ are casting stones at my #brother, Chris Pratt… A…

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4 Babies Die After Failing To Receive Treatment Due to COVID Travel Restrictions

Four babies in Australia have died in as many weeks after they were denied cardiac treatment that could have saved their lives if not for the country’s strict and ongoing coronavirus mandates. ABC News Australia reported Tuesday that the four infants had all died at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in the city of Adelaide…

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House Judiciary GOP Says Twitter Slapped Warning Label on Another Biden Article

After a policy change and a week’s worth of criticism, you would have thought Twitter would have learned its lesson. But today, the official account for the House Judiciary GOP said Twitter has slapped a warning label on another article about Hunter Biden.
The House Judiciary GOP Twitter account said that Twitter “slapped a warning label” on a tweet when it tried to retweet an article from Sean Hannity that was headlined “Breaking: Jim Jordan Says Staff Has ‘Independently Confirmed’ the Hunter Biden’s Emails ‘Are Authentic.’”
“For not being arbiters of truth, @jack reaaaaaaally wants to control truth,” quipped Jenna Ellis, the senior legal advisor to the Trump campaign and counsel to President Donald Trump.
The House Judiciary GOP tweeted: “We tried to retweet @seanhannity’s article about @Jim_Jordan confirming the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails. But Twitter slapped a warning label on the tweet before we could do it. Wow.” 
The tweet included a picture of the warning label, which said, “Headlines don’t tell the full story. You can read the article on Twitter before retweeting.” 
This isn’t the House Judiciary GOP’s first run-in with Twitter censorship, though. 
Twitter blocked the link to the account’s official website last week. On October 14, a controversial New York Post story claimed to expose the alleged corrupt dealings of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in Ukraine. The House Judiciary GOP linked the article directly to a webpage after Twitter began blocking links to the story. A Twitter spokesperson later reportedly told The Daily Caller that the censorship was an “error.” 
Following the controversy, Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s legal, policy and trust safety lead, announced two changes to Twitter’s “hacked materials” policy, tweeting: “1. We will no longer remove hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them. 2. We will label Tweets to provide context instead of blocking links from being shared on Twitter.” 
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey retweeted Gadde’s thread, adding: “Straight blocking of URLs was wrong, and we updated our policy and enforcement to fix. Our goal is to attempt to add context, and now we have capabilities to do that.”
Conservatives are under attack. Contact Twitter at (415) 222-9670 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Biden Campaign Raising Money To Fund Post-Election Challenges, Litigation

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is well ahead in fundraising but it seems some of that money is going to “pre-fund” legal costs that could be associated with a protracted battle over the results of November’s presidential election.

Biden, the Daily Beast notes, has around $435 million on hand — a record amount for a presidential campaign — and is raising around $150 per minute, making the 2020 election one of the costliest in history. At the rate Biden has been bringing in money, the outlet explains, he could stop fundraising altogether until November 3rd and still likely come out ahead in the money race.

But now, fundraisers affiliated with the campaign tell the Daily Beast, the campaign has moved from soliciting checks to fund the campaign’s coffers and pad out its advertising budget to asking donors to “pre-fund” a legal strategy that includes teams ready to handle challenges arising from November’s election results, regardless of whether Biden or President Donald Trump wins.

“[The Biden campaign] is still leaning hard on its donor network, explicitly pointing ahead to its potential need to fund legal battles in multiple states following the election,” the outlet noted Wednesday. “The expectations on that network are high; according to a Biden Victory Fund calendar of events obtained by The Daily Beast, the campaign has 37 events planned from Oct. 17 through Oct. 24—nearly five a day, on average.”

“The rationale? In part, lingering anxieties that President Donald Trump will make good on his public statements implying that he may refuse to accept election results if he loses, which could trigger court fights in multiple states and appellate courts—the kind of legal battle that could get very expensive very quickly,” sources told the Daily Beast.

Campaigns typically set up lawyer teams for post-election recounts and challenges, but Biden’s campaign seems to be expanding on the traditional framework.

Teams have formed to help Biden’s team handle “voter education to raise awareness of options for in-person and mail voting, aggressive response[s] to vote suppression activities, and robust programs for identifying and countering foreign interference and misinformation from foreign or domestic sources,” and there’s even a “special” team for high-level litigation and Constitutional appellate litigation in case the campaigns end up in front of the Supreme Court like they did in 2000.

Despite Trump’s statements, it’s unlikely that his election opponent would be called upon to force Trump from office if he loses. There are plans in place to handle a White House resident unwilling to move on — plans that have been in place for decades. What Biden’s team seems to be worried about is extended litigation over mail-in votes, particularly in states like Michigan, where state authorities and political parties are battling it out over whether ballots received after November 3rd can still be counted.

Just this week, a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court resulted in Pennsylvania — also a battleground state — being allowed to extend counting ballots for at least three days after the November 3rd deadline, according to the New York Times. Each individual ballot, received after Election Day in Pennsylvania, will be at least considered, even if the ballot itself lacks a postmark.

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Facebook Whistleblower Exposes “Hate-Speech Engineering” Group, Staffed With Chinese Nationals; NYPost

Facebook Whistleblower Exposes "Hate-Speech Engineering" Group, Staffed With Chinese Nationals; NYPost

Tyler Durden

Wed, 10/21/2020 – 08:45

Republican criticism of Facebook is that the social network suppresses conservative speech, though the company has long rejected such allegations. But a new report, via NYPost, reveals at least half a dozen "Chinese nationals" are working with the social media company to develop complex algorithms and neural networks for censoring newsfeeds. 

Lately, Republicans have been infuriated by Facebook and Twitter for their limitations, or in some cases, the complete banning of a NYPost article last week about Hunter Biden, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son.

"You can see [their] power in real-time with this attempt to censor, to throttle down the distribution of this Post story," said Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, at a WSJ Tech Live Conference on Monday. "When you have a monopoly on Facebook that is attempting to stop the distribution of the news, we have a problem, and it’s not just with the New York Post."

Facebook is leading the charge in censorship, recruiting "Chinese nationals" to work on "censorship" technology, according to a former Facebook employee who recently spoke with the NYPost. "So at some point, they [Facebook bosses] thought, ‘Hey, we’re going to get them H-1B visas so they can do this work.’"

The ex-insider shared some information about the Facebook team, called the "Hate-Speech Engineering" group. The team comprises of at least half a dozen Chinese nationals and works out of Facebook’s offices in Seattle. Many of these Ph.D.s work on complex machine learning algorithms that develop newsfeeds. 

The ex-insider said the team teaches algorithms to push specific content to the top of a newsfeed while other content gets shifted "dead-last."

As explained by the insider, here’s how censorship works: The machine-learning algorithm and neural networks don’t ban specific content; they just rerank the content on the newsfeed. It’s one of the "most sophisticated censorship in human history," noted NYPost. 

"What they don’t do is ban a specific pro-Trump hashtag," said ex-insider. Instead, "content that is a little too conservative, they will down-rank. You can’t tell it’s censored."

What is troubling, is how foreign nationals, ones from China, are working on Facebook’s social media censorship team that can directly impact how tens of millions of Americans think. For instance, if the algorithms were instructed to push pro-Trump stories down the feed while pushing up pro-Biden stories, that could quickly impact political thought for many, or even change the outcome of an election if some were undecided. 

According to NYPost, the Hate-Speech Engineering team includes one research scientist who earned his master’s degree in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

NYPost reached out to Facebook about the matter; here’s what the social media’s spokesperson had to say: 

"We are a stronger company because our employees come from all over the world. Our standards and policies are public, including about our third-party fact-checking program, and designed to apply equally to content across the political spectrum. With over 35,000 people working on safety and security issues at Facebook, the insinuation that these employees have an outsized influence on our broader policies or technology is absurd."

When it comes to the censorship of the Hunter Biden emails, another former Facebook insider told NYPost that Facebook is "almost an arm of the Democratic Party — an arm of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party." 

On Tuesday, Project Veritas released an undercover interview a Google Cloud program manager that revealed the search engine is intentionally manipulating results to benefit the Democrats. 

All of this is confirming that big tech is inherently biased towards conservatives. As for Facebook, their choice to hire Chinese nationals from the most censorious societies suggests: If you want censorship and repression, go to the experts! CHINA!

via ZeroHedge News

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Pope Francis Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex Civil Unions, Departing from Catholic Doctrine

Pope Francis called for civil union laws for same-sex couples in a documentary that premiered Wednesday in Rome, departing from Catholic doctrine. “Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family,” Pope Francis said in the documentary “Francesco,” according to the Catholic…

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This Is How the Left’s Power Structure Collapses

Weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the issues defining the election had not come forward yet.  He was correct.  Not entirely, because all the issues coming out right now have existed.  In plain sight.

They just weren’t distilled yet.

It’s now here, served up on a silver platter.  No, not Hunter Biden.  This Hunter Biden laptop story simply leads us to the issue.  The word.  One word that rules them all, and in the darkness binds them.


There it is.  That’s the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They’ve been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It’s not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman.

Enter Hunter’s laptop.  We now know that this is a family steeped in crime and corruption.  Ole Corn Pop appears to be awash in money kicked back to him by his family members who have grifted off his reputation for years.  Hunter’s laptop has betrayed all this and more.  Much like Al Capone’s bookkeeper.  Who would have thought Capone would have been destroyed so completely by a set of crooked books?  Such delicious irony.  And who would have known that this would become the October surprise of all October surprises?

Corruption.  Full grown.  Oozing its way into America.  It’s everywhere on the left.  The Biden family.  Clintons.  The Democratic Party.  The FBI.  The CIA.  The mainstream media.  The tech giants.  It’s a full-out plague, aided and abetted by their demonic philosophy, all of them gone astray.

All of them corrupt.

The New York Post story has been there for about a week now.  The Democrat-media complex has ignored it entirely; the tech giants went into overdrive removing all evidence from their platforms.  Google.  Facebook.  Twitter.  Instagram.  The whole lot of them.  Covering up a story that deserved universal distribution and condemnation.  Instead, they covered up the most damning story to their side, their chosen side.  All of them colluded to bury this mounting evidence of wrongdoing.

How far the mighty have fallen.  And are falling.

What’s the word for a media establishment that won’t report this story?

What’s the word for the FBI having this laptop for almost a year, watching dispassionately as the Democrats impeached Trump with hard evidence in their hands of his innocence and the Bidens’ guilt?

What’s the word for the above group of bad actors colluding to forward the Russia lies for almost three years?

What’s the word for Director Wray’s involvement?

What’s the word for CIA director not releasing documents of the Russia hoax, documents that have been available for a long time?

What’s the all-encompassing word that has been revealed at the heart of all these colluding to hide the truth from an America that deserves to know?


This is an issue that won’t go away.  All the attempts to deep-six the truth here are failing, and miserably at that.  It’s causing a slow-walk of information to drip out to the American public.  First the stories of Ukraine.  Drip-drip-drip.  Then the stories of drugs.  Then the sex problems.  Then the Chinese stories.  The story of kickbacks to Pop.

It’s as if all the smartest people in the world colluded to destroy themselves.  By purposefully and unanimously excluding all information concerning this story from the American public.  The smartest people in the world actually believe they can be successful in spiking one of the biggest stories to pop up in any American election cycle.  Their hubris is so advanced, so viral, so awful, that they can’t see what they’ve done to themselves.  They really believe they are going to keep a cork on this.

The derogatory phrase for the establishment has been “the swamp.”  How bad is this, how deep is this, how criminal is this, how horrifying is it to find out the vast amount of corruption and collusion in so many of our institutions and corporations?

It’s staggering.  It’s infuriating.

These are the most powerful among us.  All rich.  All corrupt.  All once respected by Americans of all stripes.  And here, in one fell swoop, they reveal themselves to the average American.  As arrogant bullies, as deceitful liars, as evil as anything we’ve seen in our generation.  They have revealed themselves as the cabal of darkness.  Terrible motives, terrible actions, virtually unforgiveable in what they have done, and yet failed to finish.  And due to the hubris of the cabal, the exposé will be slow-walked until the election.

Today, Trump had an exchange with reporters, where he said, “Biden was a criminal.”

This shocked the corrupt media.  Reverberations rocked the corrupto-sphere.  The lion had roared.  There is no way the corrupto-sphere keeps this lid on.  There is also no way all these corrupt actors go back on their solemn pledge to one another.  They are bound together.  They’re stuck with each other.  And it will overwhelm them.

As this careens into the debate, as this careens into voting, as this careens into Election Day, the ultimate narrative will be set.  The doomsday clock will start.  All the corrupt actors will be pointed out.  All of them will rue the day they couldn’t get rid of Donald Trump.  He, above most anyone, knows just how corrupt these people are.  He above anyone knows how to handle them.  He, above all, knows what’s all coming out in the next weeks.

It’s going to be an avalanche of material.  It’s going to be a number of fires even Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the DNC, the Bidens, the media, the corrupt government officials, the whole shooting match, will not be able to handle.  If they all overtly held emergency meetings with each other, they’d never stop the flood.  When Trump roared, you know he had one of his famous moments, that moment when he knows how and when to bring this to a head.  Trump the narrative-builder, Trump the destroyer will be unleashing hell on these people.

Anyone who has seen him operate knows.  This is his time.  This is how the beginning of the end of the swamp, or should I say the sewer, begins.  This is the kind of chaos these smartest people in the world, ever, haven’t seen before.  Algorithms will not help them.  Censorship will not help them.  It will be a rushing mighty wind, coming to destroy all those who didn’t understand that their corruption could be turned on them.

This is going to be epic.  Corruption will be their end; it’s just a matter of time.  And Trump will have four years to finish their corruption.

Image: Ninian Reid via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped).

Weeks ago, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the issues defining the election had not come forward yet.  He was correct.  Not entirely, because all the issues coming out right now have existed.  In plain sight.

They just weren’t distilled yet.

It’s now here, served up on a silver platter.  No, not Hunter Biden.  This Hunter Biden laptop story simply leads us to the issue.  The word.  One word that rules them all, and in the darkness binds them.


There it is.  That’s the issue.  To begin, you have the corrupt family Biden.  They’ve been scamming us and our system well for almost fifty years.  The man is supposedly worth over 250 million dollars.  How is this possible on his salary?  It’s not.  So where did his wealth come from?  Not from being a brilliant businessman.

Enter Hunter’s laptop.  We now know that this is a family steeped in crime and corruption.  Ole Corn Pop appears to be awash in money kicked back to him by his family members who have grifted off his reputation for years.  Hunter’s laptop has betrayed all this and more.  Much like Al Capone’s bookkeeper.  Who would have thought Capone would have been destroyed so completely by a set of crooked books?  Such delicious irony.  And who would have known that this would become the October surprise of all October surprises?

Corruption.  Full grown.  Oozing its way into America.  It’s everywhere on the left.  The Biden family.  Clintons.  The Democratic Party.  The FBI.  The CIA.  The mainstream media.  The tech giants.  It’s a full-out plague, aided and abetted by their demonic philosophy, all of them gone astray.

All of them corrupt.

The New York Post story has been there for about a week now.  The Democrat-media complex has ignored it entirely; the tech giants went into overdrive removing all evidence from their platforms.  Google.  Facebook.  Twitter.  Instagram.  The whole lot of them.  Covering up a story that deserved universal distribution and condemnation.  Instead, they covered up the most damning story to their side, their chosen side.  All of them colluded to bury this mounting evidence of wrongdoing.

How far the mighty have fallen.  And are falling.

What’s the word for a media establishment that won’t report this story?

What’s the word for the FBI having this laptop for almost a year, watching dispassionately as the Democrats impeached Trump with hard evidence in their hands of his innocence and the Bidens’ guilt?

What’s the word for the above group of bad actors colluding to forward the Russia lies for almost three years?

What’s the word for Director Wray’s involvement?

What’s the word for CIA director not releasing documents of the Russia hoax, documents that have been available for a long time?

What’s the all-encompassing word that has been revealed at the heart of all these colluding to hide the truth from an America that deserves to know?


This is an issue that won’t go away.  All the attempts to deep-six the truth here are failing, and miserably at that.  It’s causing a slow-walk of information to drip out to the American public.  First the stories of Ukraine.  Drip-drip-drip.  Then the stories of drugs.  Then the sex problems.  Then the Chinese stories.  The story of kickbacks to Pop.

It’s as if all the smartest people in the world colluded to destroy themselves.  By purposefully and unanimously excluding all information concerning this story from the American public.  The smartest people in the world actually believe they can be successful in spiking one of the biggest stories to pop up in any American election cycle.  Their hubris is so advanced, so viral, so awful, that they can’t see what they’ve done to themselves.  They really believe they are going to keep a cork on this.

The derogatory phrase for the establishment has been “the swamp.”  How bad is this, how deep is this, how criminal is this, how horrifying is it to find out the vast amount of corruption and collusion in so many of our institutions and corporations?

It’s staggering.  It’s infuriating.

These are the most powerful among us.  All rich.  All corrupt.  All once respected by Americans of all stripes.  And here, in one fell swoop, they reveal themselves to the average American.  As arrogant bullies, as deceitful liars, as evil as anything we’ve seen in our generation.  They have revealed themselves as the cabal of darkness.  Terrible motives, terrible actions, virtually unforgiveable in what they have done, and yet failed to finish.  And due to the hubris of the cabal, the exposé will be slow-walked until the election.

Today, Trump had an exchange with reporters, where he said, “Biden was a criminal.”

This shocked the corrupt media.  Reverberations rocked the corrupto-sphere.  The lion had roared.  There is no way the corrupto-sphere keeps this lid on.  There is also no way all these corrupt actors go back on their solemn pledge to one another.  They are bound together.  They’re stuck with each other.  And it will overwhelm them.

As this careens into the debate, as this careens into voting, as this careens into Election Day, the ultimate narrative will be set.  The doomsday clock will start.  All the corrupt actors will be pointed out.  All of them will rue the day they couldn’t get rid of Donald Trump.  He, above most anyone, knows just how corrupt these people are.  He above anyone knows how to handle them.  He, above all, knows what’s all coming out in the next weeks.

It’s going to be an avalanche of material.  It’s going to be a number of fires even Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the DNC, the Bidens, the media, the corrupt government officials, the whole shooting match, will not be able to handle.  If they all overtly held emergency meetings with each other, they’d never stop the flood.  When Trump roared, you know he had one of his famous moments, that moment when he knows how and when to bring this to a head.  Trump the narrative-builder, Trump the destroyer will be unleashing hell on these people.

Anyone who has seen him operate knows.  This is his time.  This is how the beginning of the end of the swamp, or should I say the sewer, begins.  This is the kind of chaos these smartest people in the world, ever, haven’t seen before.  Algorithms will not help them.  Censorship will not help them.  It will be a rushing mighty wind, coming to destroy all those who didn’t understand that their corruption could be turned on them.

This is going to be epic.  Corruption will be their end; it’s just a matter of time.  And Trump will have four years to finish their corruption.

Image: Ninian Reid via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped).

via American Thinker

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Letter Threatens To Burn Homes Of New Hampshire Trump Supporters: ‘You Have Been Given Fair Warning’

Someone is sending letters to Trump supporters in New Hampshire, threatening to burn down their homes if President Trump loses the presidential election but will not concede defeat. As WMUR reported, the letter, which Milford police stated has been sent to various homes in the town displaying support for the president, stated: Dear neighbor. You […]

via Conservative Review

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