Radio host and conservative sage Rush Limbaugh took time on Monday to update his audience on his continued battle with stage 4 lung cancer.
Our prayers are with Rush and his family.
From the Rush Limbaugh website:
RUSH: You know, I want to take a minute here, ’cause it struck me. We’ve been fairly overwhelmed with countless emails and inquiries you have sent wishing me well and wanting a status report on my health. And it struck me. It’s been a while. I haven’t updated you on it in a while, and the reason is — and not to be redundant — but I vowed that I was not — I have a phrase for it, and that’s “bleeding on the audience.” Meaning, I’m not gonna come here and complain.
I’m not gonna come here and make whatever’s going on with me the only thing that matters to me or anybody else. I’ve done that my entire broadcast career. One of my pet peeves is people who are so self-focused and so self-interested — I mean, you could be having a conversation with them, they could ask you how you’re doing, you could be honest, you could tell them, “Well, I’m doing this, doing that, not doing well here,” they won’t even hear you. They can’t wait to tell you what’s going on with them…
…For those of you that have been paying attention to the ballgame analogy of this, when I last left off, I was rounding second base and I was chugging toward third. The objective was to hit a home run, to get a home run: Go all the way around the bases, go to home plate and beat this. So I was rounding second, on the way to third — and I realized I wasn’t gonna make it.
I had to turn around and make a mad dash, head back to second base. I slid in there, got into second base safely, and that is where I am. I was trying to steal third base, trying to steal some more ground. But I got waved back to second base. So that’s where I am, stuck on second base — fully committed, however, to stealing third and rounding towards home.
You know, all in all, I feel very blessed to be here speaking with you today. Some days are harder than others. I do get fatigued now. I do get very, very tired now. I’m not gonna mislead you about that. But I am extremely grateful to be able to come here to the studio and to maintain as much normalcy as possible — and it’s still true.
You know, I wake up every day and thank God that I did. I go to bed every night praying I’m gonna wake up. I don’t know how many of you do that, those of you who are not sick, those of you who are not facing something like I and countless other millions are. But it’s a blessing when you wake up. It’s a stop-everything-and-thank-God moment…
…RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, let me share one more thing with you — and I don’t want to be morbid here. But to me, this is the ultimate good news — the ultimate upbeat, positive way to react to what’s happening. Late January, whenever it was, is when I got this diagnosis. Folks, the kind of cancer I have…
I’ve never publicized what it is. It’s just stage 4 lung cancer. But let me just put it to you this way: It was hopeless. It was absolutely hopeless. Yet a treatment regimen was begun, and the first two of them failed. (chuckling) I mean, big-time failed. The third one? Magic! It worked. That’s where we were able, over the course of months, to render the cancer dormant…
…The doctor said, “If you don’t do anything, we’re looking here at a couple of months. If you look at treatment, if it works, we’re looking at…” And then they wouldn’t give me a time. They still won’t. They won’t do that. But I’m just gonna tell you, there is no way back in January and February that I had anything but hope that I would still be alive on this day, October 19th, and that I would be fully productive working.
There was no way. I didn’t share that with anybody. So given that as a starting point, given that as a baseline, I’m kicking butt — and the future remains pretty good-looking, given all of that. This is why I say that I always try to keep everything in perspective on a day-to-day basis and to realize that you just don’t know. Nobody does, and you have to give every day…
You know, I’ve loved to point out we all only get one life. We don’t get a do-over in the… Well, we do. Actually, we get a do-over every day if we choose to look at it that way. Once we’re old enough and mature enough to understand what life is and that there is only one, then you do get do-overs, an opportunity to fix what you think you might not have done so well the day before, which is an operative philosophy of mine.
But the fact that I have that option and that opportunity compared to where I thought I would be at this time? I mean, that’s “go get the hallelujah chorus and have ’em start singing to me,” because that’s exactly where this is — and the future? Far more optimistic than pessimistic, attitudinally, to me, because of the support systems I have, the people that are helping me, family. Ooh! Anyway, that’s it.
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