WATCH: Kamala Harris Seen Greeting Half Dozen Supporters at North Carolina Speech

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) addressed a get-out-the-vote event in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday, though when the cameras panned out, there appeared to be very few supporters present.

Half a dozen supporters were visible on video coverage; the total attendance appeared somewhat greater, but not much greater.

Supporters stood inside large white circles or on “X” marks in an effort to enforce social distancing at the event.

Harris, the Democratic Party nominee for vice president, was scheduled to appear in North Carolina last week, but suspended her in-person campaign activities after two staffers connected with the campaign tested positive for coronavirus.

Wednesday’s address was billed as her return to a state that is closely contested between the two parties this year, both in the presidential race and in a Senate race, where incumbent Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) is facing Democrat Cal Cunningham.

Harris told those present that she and Joe Biden were “fighting for the soul of our nation,” and called the coronavirus pandemic an “accelerator,” in that it “highlighted what was wrong [with the country] before and made it worse.”

Beyond attacking the Trump administration over its response to the pandemic, Harris, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, condemned Republicans for what she called an “illegitimate” attempt to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court before the election.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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Fact Check: ‘Struggling Bar Owner’ in Biden Ad Is Actually a Wealthy Tech CEO Who Supports Lockdown

A Michigan man portrayed as a struggling bar owner in a new ad for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is actually a wealthy venture capitalist and Democratic Party contributor, according to numerous reports. The Biden campaign aired an ad on CBS during Sunday’s football games that showed the proprietor of a Michigan bar lamenting the…

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Photo Emerges Of Democrat Joe Biden Meeting With Son’s Foreign Business Associate From Kazakhstan: Reports

A photo emerged on Tuesday of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden meeting with one of his son’s foreign business associates which further damages the former vice president’s claim that he never spoke to his son about his son’s overseas business dealings. “The photo, first published last year at an anti-corruption website called the Kazhakhstani Initiative […]

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Exclusive: Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Administration as ‘Currency’

Hunter Biden’s business associates spoke candidly in emails about Hunter Biden’s role in the business, particularly as it related to foreign ventures, apparently viewing the Biden name as a form of “currency,” and bragging that they had a “direct…pipeline” to the Obama-Biden Administration.

In another email, Hunter Biden’s associates touted Hunter’s access to the White House and contrasted his willingness to “take on risk” with that of Chris Heinz—then-Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson and a close friend of Biden and Archer—who was uncomfortable with some of their potential partnerships.

In October 2013, Hunter Biden’s associates (including Devon Archer) discussed which one of their corporate vehicles would be appropriate for a new deal they were working on. Archer noted their need to use a “Rosemont Seneca SPV” (also known as a special purpose vehicle) because Rosemont Capital was too close to the Heinz family and because using an SPV could “bring Hunter into the mix.” Archer explained his desire “to leverage Hunter more” in a way that didn’t involve Heinz, who Archer called “much more risk averse.”

Hunter Biden Devon Archer “Risk Averse” by Breitbart News on Scribd

Another benefit of the Rosemont Seneca SPV was, per an October 5 email from Hunter Biden and Devon Archer’s business associate Bevan Cooney to Archer, it “would be good to put some honey in Hunter’s pocket.” That same day Archer responded: “Agreed. I also have more autonomy with that company as I own it with Hunter and he’s willing to take on risk… Hunter will work if we need him too [sic] as well.”

Five days later, Biden’s business associate Jason Galanis confirmed to Archer that he had changed the corporate references in the proposal to include a Hunter Biden-controlled firm. Archer replied, clearly pleased. “Perfect. Let’s just keep to that. We get the Biden lift and stay out of Heinz panties.” Archer had noted he would use Rosemont Seneca Partners instead of Rosemont Capital, in which Heinz held a stake. Hunter Biden and Devon Archer’s Rosemont Seneca Partners would play a pivotal role in their future deals.

For example, in December 2013, Rosemont Seneca Partners finalized a deal with the Chinese government-backed investment vehicle, Bohai Harvest, to form Bohai Harvest RST, a new firm in which Hunter Biden would maintain a 10% equity stake and whose funds would grow to at least $1.5 billion.

Soon after that deal (and after Biden and Archer joined the board of Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings), Heinz made moves to sever his formal business ties with Archer and Biden in May 2014. Just hours after Burisma’s announcement that Biden and Archer had joined the board, Heinz emailed top aides for his step-father and then-Secretary of State John Kerry, alerting them to the potentially compromising arrangement. “Apparently Devon and Hunter both joined the board of Burisma and a press release went out today,” Heinz said. “I can’t speak why they decided to, but there was no investment by our firm in their company.”

But Heinz’s concerns apparently did not deter Biden and his associates from continuing to leverage the Biden family name to pursue questionable business arrangements.

In an email on November 4, 2014, Biden’s business associate Jason Galanis discussed a draft pitch that he was preparing for possible investors. Galanis explained that the presentation would cover boilerplate issues like investor protections. But Galanis also sought to emphasize their connections to the White House, specifically Vice President Joe Biden: “I wanted to focus on the ‘other currency’ we are bringing to the table…direct administration pipeline.” Galanis also mentioned dropping Joe Biden’s connections in their pitch when dealing with union pension funds. Galanis wrote, “maybe we should also remind of HB’s dad’s union relationships to justify the ask??”

In a March 2015 draft investor pitch, Biden’s associates wrote about the need to “leverage Hunter Biden Taft Hartley network.” Taft Hartley is the law governing union pension funds, and Joe Biden has a long-established history of close relationships with union bosses, which Hunter Biden and Joe’s brother James Biden have reportedly sought to capitalize on in the past. The presentation noted that the team “led by Archer and Biden” would create “unprecedented opportunity for a firm at our scale,” and referenced tapping finances from Chinese officials. In December 2013, as has been widely reported, Biden and Archer secured a $1 billion private equity deal financed by the Chinese government. Biden and his associates wanted to go back for even more Chinese money.

In the March 2015 draft investor pitch, Biden’s associates outlined the plan to leverage family clout for more foreign cash. In a section outlining where investments would come from, Biden’s associates described capital flowing from “China>USA” and “Former CCP [Chinese Communist Party]>USA.” And the presentation also proposed more cross-border business deals involving “China SOE [State Owned Enterprises]” and “Former CCP Energy.”

The above quotes are taken directly from a trove of 26,000 emails and attachments from Hunter Biden and Devon Archer’s business associate Bevan Cooney. These emails—provided to Schweizer from Cooney via journalist Matthew Tyrmand—are completely separate from the emails released by the New York Post (purportedly derived from a backup of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive).

Cooney is currently serving time in federal prison for his role in the tribal bond scheme that also resulted in the conviction of Devon Archer on conspiracy and securities fraud charges. Archer currently awaits sentencing for that conviction.

Peter Schweizer is the author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite. Seamus Bruner is the author of Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties.

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Rush Limbaugh Gives an Update on His Battle with Lung Cancer — Please Keep Him in Your Prayers (VIDEO)

Radio host and conservative sage Rush Limbaugh took time on Monday to update his audience on his continued battle with stage 4 lung cancer.

Our prayers are with Rush and his family.

From the Rush Limbaugh website:

RUSH: You know, I want to take a minute here, ’cause it struck me. We’ve been fairly overwhelmed with countless emails and inquiries you have sent wishing me well and wanting a status report on my health. And it struck me. It’s been a while. I haven’t updated you on it in a while, and the reason is — and not to be redundant — but I vowed that I was not — I have a phrase for it, and that’s “bleeding on the audience.” Meaning, I’m not gonna come here and complain.

I’m not gonna come here and make whatever’s going on with me the only thing that matters to me or anybody else. I’ve done that my entire broadcast career. One of my pet peeves is people who are so self-focused and so self-interested — I mean, you could be having a conversation with them, they could ask you how you’re doing, you could be honest, you could tell them, “Well, I’m doing this, doing that, not doing well here,” they won’t even hear you. They can’t wait to tell you what’s going on with them…

…For those of you that have been paying attention to the ballgame analogy of this, when I last left off, I was rounding second base and I was chugging toward third. The objective was to hit a home run, to get a home run: Go all the way around the bases, go to home plate and beat this. So I was rounding second, on the way to third — and I realized I wasn’t gonna make it.

I had to turn around and make a mad dash, head back to second base. I slid in there, got into second base safely, and that is where I am. I was trying to steal third base, trying to steal some more ground. But I got waved back to second base. So that’s where I am, stuck on second base — fully committed, however, to stealing third and rounding towards home.

You know, all in all, I feel very blessed to be here speaking with you today. Some days are harder than others. I do get fatigued now. I do get very, very tired now. I’m not gonna mislead you about that. But I am extremely grateful to be able to come here to the studio and to maintain as much normalcy as possible — and it’s still true.

You know, I wake up every day and thank God that I did. I go to bed every night praying I’m gonna wake up. I don’t know how many of you do that, those of you who are not sick, those of you who are not facing something like I and countless other millions are. But it’s a blessing when you wake up. It’s a stop-everything-and-thank-God moment…

…RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, let me share one more thing with you — and I don’t want to be morbid here. But to me, this is the ultimate good news — the ultimate upbeat, positive way to react to what’s happening. Late January, whenever it was, is when I got this diagnosis. Folks, the kind of cancer I have…

I’ve never publicized what it is. It’s just stage 4 lung cancer. But let me just put it to you this way: It was hopeless. It was absolutely hopeless. Yet a treatment regimen was begun, and the first two of them failed. (chuckling) I mean, big-time failed. The third one? Magic! It worked. That’s where we were able, over the course of months, to render the cancer dormant…

…The doctor said, “If you don’t do anything, we’re looking here at a couple of months. If you look at treatment, if it works, we’re looking at…” And then they wouldn’t give me a time. They still won’t. They won’t do that. But I’m just gonna tell you, there is no way back in January and February that I had anything but hope that I would still be alive on this day, October 19th, and that I would be fully productive working.

There was no way. I didn’t share that with anybody. So given that as a starting point, given that as a baseline, I’m kicking butt — and the future remains pretty good-looking, given all of that. This is why I say that I always try to keep everything in perspective on a day-to-day basis and to realize that you just don’t know. Nobody does, and you have to give every day…

You know, I’ve loved to point out we all only get one life. We don’t get a do-over in the… Well, we do. Actually, we get a do-over every day if we choose to look at it that way. Once we’re old enough and mature enough to understand what life is and that there is only one, then you do get do-overs, an opportunity to fix what you think you might not have done so well the day before, which is an operative philosophy of mine.

But the fact that I have that option and that opportunity compared to where I thought I would be at this time? I mean, that’s “go get the hallelujah chorus and have ’em start singing to me,” because that’s exactly where this is — and the future? Far more optimistic than pessimistic, attitudinally, to me, because of the support systems I have, the people that are helping me, family. Ooh! Anyway, that’s it.

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North Carolina governor caught on hot mic telling Joe Biden they’ll drag disgraced Senate candidate across the line

The Democratic governor of North Carolina was caught on a hot microphone moment telling presidential candidate Joe Biden that they would drag a disgraced candidate across the line to keep a seat in the Democratic column.

Gov. Roy Cooper was meeting with Biden on the campaign trail when the comments were accidentally caught.

Cal Cunningham’s campaign to unseat Republican Sen. Thom Tillis was roiled when inappropriate texts between him and a Californian public relations strategist were published. Cunningham is married with two children.

Cooper promised Biden that they would drag him across the line in the election despite the "frustrating" scandal.

"Thanks for coming out, you didn’t have to do this," Biden said in the video as they are both wearing masks.

"No I wanted to, I wanted to express my strong support for you, and I think we’re all going to get across the line," said Cooper in the video on the tarmac. "I think Cal’s going to get across the line, too."

Biden’s reply is unintelligible in the video.

"I know that’s frustrating, but we’ll get it across," Cooper responded.

Cunningham addressed the texts and apologized to the voters and his family, but said that he would stay in the race.

"I have hurt my family, disappointed my friends, and am deeply sorry," Cunningham said in a statement on Oct. 2.

"The first step in repairing those relationships is taking complete responsibility, which I do," he continued. "I ask that my family’s privacy be respected in this personal matter. I remain grateful and humbled by the ongoing support that North Carolinians have extended in this campaign, and in the remaining weeks before this election I will continue to work to earn the opportunity to fight for the people of our state."

Later, the sexting partner told the Associated Press that she and Cunningham had an intimate physical relationship in addition to the text exchanges.

Then, allegations emerged of a second affair between Cunningham and an unidentified woman in a separate report from National File on Oct. 5.

Polls showed Cunningham still remained ahead of Tillis even after the damaging sexting scandal.

North Carolina’s Senate race is the most expensive Senate race ever, with more than $242 million spent on ads, according to Advertising Analytics, the Associated Press reported.

Here’s more about the Cunningham sexting scandal:

Cal Cunningham personal scandal roils North Carolina Senate

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Trump Campaign Blasts ‘Biden Debate Commission’ For Not Including ‘Foreign Policy’ As Debate Topic As Hunter Biden Scandal Widens

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien sent a scathing letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates on Tuesday for not including “foreign policy” as a debate topic, a move that comes as Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden faces renewed scrutiny over his actions as vice president related to his son’s foreign business dealings. “We write with […]

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BREAKING NEWS: Here’s Why the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife Paid Hunter Biden $3.5 Million… And Likely More!

Hunter Biden, Yelena Baturina

According to US treasury documents provided by the Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees, Hunter Biden was paid $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife.

The report by the Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees was released last month and it was devastating.

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Yelena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

Until today we didn’t know why Yelena Baturina paid Hunter millions of dollars.

OAN reporter Jack Posobiec has the answer.

Jack Posobiec met up with Matthew Tyrmand, the investigative reporter who had received a tranche of emails from Hunter Biden’s associate.

According to emails and documents, Yelena Baturina laundered funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions, Devon Archer claimed the firm received $200 million.

The New York Post is publishing separate emails found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop which revealed a massive pay-to-play scheme involving Joe Biden.

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“WHAT THE F*CK! IM OUT”: Rapper 50 Cent Melts Down Over Biden-Harris Tax Plan, Endorses Trump

"WHAT THE F*CK! IM OUT": Rapper 50 Cent Melts Down Over Biden-Harris Tax Plan, Endorses Trump

Tyler Durden

Mon, 10/19/2020 – 19:40

Rapper 50 Cent has taken to Twitter to endorse President Trump after losing his mind over the Biden-Harris tax plan, which would result in a top tax rate of 62% in New York City.

"WHAT THE F*CK! (VOTE ForTRUMP)  IM OUT," tweeted the rapper, whose real name is Curtis James Jackson III. "F*CK NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway," he added.

"I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya fucking mind."

The New York-based rapper may want to reconsider his opinion of Trump, however – as the president received the NAACP’s Ellis Island Medal of Honor in, while then-Senator Joe Biden worried in 1977 about his children growing up in a ‘racial jungle’ if schools were desegregated, before going on to write the 1994 crime bill which would incarcerate record numbers of blacks for petty crimes.

If Biden wins, 50 might want to buy a few more Lamborghinis to stow his cash.

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FNC’s Baier: Hunter Biden’s Emails Unlikely to Be a Question at Next Presidential Debate

Anchor Bret Baier said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “The Daily Briefing” that presidential debate moderator NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker will not ask about Hunter Biden’s emails. Therefore, it will be up to President Donald Trump.

Perino said, “There’s this other issue that Peter Doocy just mention that Joe Biden hasn’t responded to questions about the emails that were found on laptops purported to be Hunter Biden’s. Now it doesn’t seem like Joe Biden will be taking any questions before the debate this Thursday. So how do you think this will play out? Can they starve this story to death?”

Baier said, “Listen, it requires other news organizations to cover it, and that really hasn’t been picked up outside of a few.”

Perino said, “The CBS News reporter was the one that asked him and got that kind of blow-off from Joe Biden the other night.”

Baier said, “Yeah, but I don’t know if CBS has done an in-depth look at the emails or the authenticity or the whole story, they may be asked the question. I haven’t seen the piece that they’ve done about it. Obviously, The New York Post is following up on it. I think in the debate, it likely won’t be a question from the moderator Kristen Welker.”

He added, “I’m sure that the president is going to bring it up. His people are already saying that he will. Listen, it all matters about how this all comes together. It can be authenticated. We have at least one email where the people on the email chain received it. They say May of 2017. You have the Director of National Intelligence saying it’s not a Russian disinformation campaign for operation. That’s what he said on air this morning. So you have pieces of this puzzle, but still not a full puzzle.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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