Elections Chairman Resigns After Getting Caught Stealing, Defacing Trump Signs

A longtime election official has resigned from his post after he and his wife apparently teamed up to swipe and vandalize Trump-Pence campaign signs in a South Carolina neighborhood. Dean Smith, a 15-year member of Georgetown County’s elections board and its chairman up until last week, resigned Wednesday after a deer camera set up in…

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Only a Handful of Supporters Show Up to China Joe’s North Carolina Drive-In Rally (VIDEO)

Joe Biden is severely limiting his public events because his campaign is drowning in scandal after the New York Post released damning Hunter Biden emails.

China Joe is stumping in North Carolina on Sunday before he goes into hibernation all week.

The Biden campaign pool reporter today is a far left hack and writer for The Atlantic, Isaac Dovere, AKA an honorary Biden campaign staffer posing as a reporter.

This way Biden won’t be asked about his China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania pay-to-play scheme he was involved in with his crackhead son Hunter.

Only a handful of supporters showed up to China Joe’s Durham, North Carolina drive-in rally.

This is pathetic.

Biden was drown out by honking and hecklers as he rage yelled and lied through his teeth.

Joe Biden repeated the same old tired speech on Sunday.


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Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

Tyler Durden

Sun, 10/18/2020 – 15:20

Authored by Andrea Widburg via AmericanThinker.com,

The moment the New York Post reported on some of the sleazy, corrupt details contained on Hunter Biden’s hard drive, Twitter and Facebook, the social media giants most closely connected to the way Americans exchange political information, went into overdrive to suppress the information and protect Joe Biden. In the case of Facebook, though, perhaps one of those protectors was, in fact, protecting herself.

The person currently in charge of Facebook’s election integrity program is Anna Makanju. That name probably doesn’t mean a lot to you, but it should mean a lot – and in a comforting way — to Joe Biden.

Before ending up at Facebook, Makanju was a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council is an ostensibly non-partisan think tank that deals with international affairs. In fact, it’s a decidedly partisan organization.

In 2009, James L. Jones, the Atlantic Council’s chairman left the organization to be President Obama’s National Security Advisor. Susan Rice, Richard Holbrooke, Eric Shinseki, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Chuck Hagel, and Brent Scowcroft also were all affiliated with the Atlantic Council before they ended up in the Obama administration.

The Atlantic Council has received massive amounts of foreign funding over the years. Here’s one that should interest everyone: Burisma Holdings donated $300,000 dollars to the Atlantic Council, over the course of three consecutive years, beginning in 2016. The information below may explain why it began paying that money to the Council.

Not only was the Atlantic Council sending people into the Obama-Biden administration, but it was also serving as an outside advisor. And that gets us back to Anna Makanju, the person heading Facebook’s misleadingly titled “election integrity program.”

Makanju also worked at the Atlantic Council. The following is the relevant part of Makanju’s professional bio from her page at the Atlantic Council (emphasis mine):

Anna Makanju is a nonresident senior fellow with the Transatlantic Security Initiative. She is a public policy and legal expert working at Facebook, where she leads efforts to ensure election integrity on the platform. Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden, senior policy adviser to Ambassador Samantha Power at the United States Mission to the United Nations, director for Russia at the National Security Council, and the chief of staff for European and NATO Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. She has also taught at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University and worked as a consultant to a leading company focused on space technologies.

Makanju was a player in the faux Ukraine impeachment. Early in December 2019, when the Democrats were gearing up for the impeachment, Glenn Kessler mentioned her in an article assuring Washington Post readers that, contrary to the Trump administration’s claims, there was nothing corrupt about Biden’s dealings with Ukraine. He made the point then that Biden now raises as a defense: Biden didn’t pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin to protect Burisma; he did it because Shokin wasn’t doing his job when it came to investigating corruption.

Kessler writes that, on the same day in February 2016 that then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko announced that Shokin had offered his resignation, Biden spoke to both Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The White House version is that Biden gave both men pep talks about reforming the government and fighting corruption. And that’s where Makanju comes in:

Anna Makanju, Biden’s senior policy adviser for Ukraine at the time, also listened to the calls and said release of the transcripts would only strengthen Biden’s case that he acted properly. She helped Biden prepare for the conversations and said they operated at a high level, with Biden using language such as Poroshenko’s government being “nation builders for a transformation of Ukraine.”

A reference to a private company such as Burisma would be “too fine a level of granularity” for a call between Biden and the president of another country, Makanju told The Fact Checker. Instead, she said, the conversation focused on reforms demanded by the International Monetary Fund, methods to tackle corruption and military assistance. An investigation of “Burisma was just not significant enough” to mention, she said.

Let me remind you, in case you forgot, that Burisma started paying the Atlantic Council a lot of money in 2016, right when Makanju was advising Biden regarding getting rid of Shokin.

In other words, there’s a really good chance that Sundance was correct when he wrote at The Conservative Treehouse:

That’s right folks, the Facebook executive currently blocking all of the negative evidence of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corrupt activity in Ukraine is the same person who was coordinating the corrupt activity between the Biden family payoffs and Ukraine.

You just cannot make this stuff up folks.

The incestuous networking between Democrats in the White House, Congress, the Deep State, the media, and Big Tech never ends. That’s why the American people wanted and still want Trump, the true outsider, to head the government. They know that Democrats have turned American politics into one giant Augean Stable and that Trump is the Hercules who (we hope) can clean it out.

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Glenn Beck Fires Off Fiery Twitter Thread Listing Trump’s Accomplishments

On Friday, responding to a report that Nebraska GOP senator Ben Sasse had privately criticized President Trump, Glenn Beck issued a fiery twenty-tweet thread defending Trump as he listed the vast accomplishments of the president over the last four years. Beck was not always a fan of Trump’s, but he has become a stalwart champion of the president now, and this was the result:

Beck began, “So disappointed in @BenSasse. @realDonaldTrump has given us great judges on the lower court, 3 judges far superior to Roberts and other bogus constitutionalists as SCOTUS and one may just turn out to be another Clarence Thomas. He kicked the a** of ISIS and came home.”

“He got us out of the disastrous Iran deal, killed their head of terror, boxed them in and is currently collapsing their economy while ALSO brokering a Mideast peace deal THAT EVERYONE SAID COULD NEVER HAPPEN, he moved our embassy to Jerusalem despite the state department, something NO president has done even though they all promised,” Beck noted. “Yes, he met with the North Korean dictator. I hated that, but I also hated the fact that no other president did anything and NK kept gaining power. In swing how he has gotten Europe to pay their share of NATO, brought the Arabs and the Jews together while smashing the chokehold of the PLO, and stood up to the Chinese instead of selling them super computers (Clinton) accepting lead poison in dog food (bush) or loving the CCP and taking millions in dirty money (Obama/Biden).”

“I’m going to cut him some slack. @BenSasse, he has also defended religious liberty unlike any other president at least in the last 100 years, is a true PROLIFE advocate that unlike most Republicans backs it up with action instead of just talk,” Beck continued.

Then Beck turned to Trump’s dealings with minorities: “Made real inroads and open doors that the GOP was to wussy to even try to open with Hispanics and Blacks. He again didn’t pander, he instead cleared the deadwood and opened pathways up so they could get higher education, create jobs, and not get lost in the prison system.”

The economy:

@realDonaldTrump also took an economy that had been beaten down, a people who had been told ‘you didn’t build that’ and in fact — Obama and Biden claimed that this economy was as good as it would ever get, we would never create jobs in sectors ever again, only to give us the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. The year I celebrated my 5thbirthday. Lowest unemployment for Hispanics and blacks ever and causing the first real growth in pay that I can remember, then responded to the largest pandemic in 100 years by doing things I have never seen a president do.

1. America’s biggest capitalist shuts down the entire economy and knowing puts his re-election at risk in order to save people. 2. Closes travel with China and Europe, only to be called “racist,’ ‘xenophobic,’ and stirring hatred. Now everyone says they were for it. He stood ALONE and took the heat. When everyone bashed him because he would seize control and become and authoritarian by telling states what to do or taking control of companies and telling them what to produce, he simply asked the free market to step to the plate, because he trusts the people of this country to do the right thing. By not taking control, he is called a dictator and a Nazi.

“Meanwhile he has been blamed for the bloodbath created by Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home policies,” Beck stated. “They said 2 million would die. Best case 200 IF WE DID EVERYTHING RIGHT. Gee, seems that we are now in the time period they told us would be Phase Two. It seems as though we seem to have hit the best case scenario. While all of this has gone on, he has fought the lies that we now know were started intentionally by HRC team to smear @realDonaldTrump as a Russian operative. It was known and enabled by the Obama White House and included the DOJ, CIA, Dept. of State, FBI, and DNI. Did I leave anyone out? Oh, yeah we are now getting evidence that members of the Pentagon may have been involved as well. Not to mention the so-called ‘press’ and Congress who who did things that would embarrass not only ‘Frank Underwood’ but also Kevin Spacey.”

“He has single-handedly exposed the press for who they are and have always been,” Beck charged. “Because of his tweets, personal style and frankly balls of steel, he has exposed those who truly are enemies of the people. I hated that when he first said it, but it is true. Any person or group that knowingly lies to destroy our President, our Constitution and the free market are not just enemies of the people, they are enemies of the freedom of all mankind.”

Beck returned to addressing Sasse:

So yeah, @BenSasse, he has done some things I am not a fan of, but as someone who didn’t support him at first, (and that is putting it mildly), I remain honest enough to judge him on his entire record. He is perhaps the ONLY man in America (who) can and has stood entirely alone, surrounded by enemies, surrounded by those who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, who are now actively engaged in destroying it and any elected president who stands in their way.

Personally, I have grown sick and tired of spineless, do-nothing, old, corrupt GOP politicians who are either part of the problem or too frightened to stand alone and speak up — the vast majority all sunshine patriots. History will condemn those who did nothing but complain and whine, while others not only rang the bell, but stood and took the hits. Who risked it all and lost money, reputation and perhaps God forbid, some who gave the ultimate sacrifice to fight the evil that rages so clearly against the light.

Beck concluded, “100 years from now history will judge all of us. So will our children’s children. Most will be forgotten. Those who failed to show up on the battlefield or cower in the trees will be remembered with shame and disdain. Others, like @realDonaldTrump, I believe will be seen as indispensable.”

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Whitmer Caught With Controversial Sign After Claiming Chanting ‘Lock Her Up’ Is Inciting ‘Terrorism’

Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer was caught with an allegedly controversial sign in the background of an interview she gave on Sunday after claiming that chants of “lock her up” at a Trump rally were “incentivizing domestic terrorism.” “And then finally, last night, at the top of our show we made reference, and you became […]

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Glenn Beck Fires Off Fiery Twitter Thread Listing Trump’s Accomplishments

On Friday, responding to a report that Nebraska GOP senator Ben Sasse had privately criticized President Trump, Glenn Beck issued a fiery twenty-tweet thread defending Trump as he listed the vast accomplishments of the president over the last four years. Beck was not always a fan of Trump’s, but he has become a stalwart champion […]

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WATCH: Man Rips Down Cross on London Church in Broad Daylight

A viral video on social media appears to a show a man standing on top of a church and ripping down its cross in broad daylight.

The video shows a young male methodically yanking down the cross on top of the Chadwell Heath Baptist Church, which describes itself as “an informal multinational congregation of around 70 people [who] seek to worship God and pray together, to share the good news of Jesus Christ, to encourage people to be His disciples and serve the local community and wider church family.”

The man makes no attempt to even partially hide his identity — which would not be difficult, with the sight of people wearing masks even outdoors not uncommon in London amid the ongoing Wuhan virus pandemic — and appears heedless of the fact that there are multiple people at the scene or passing by at the time of the act.

The footage was uploaded to the popular Crimewatch UK page on Facebook, having apparently been sourced from the London & UK Crime account on Twitter.

The video has elicited a furious response on social media, with many users suggesting that the man’s actions would have been front-page news and the subject of public denouncements by leading politicians had his apparent target been a Muslim mosque rather than a Christian church.

Inundated with a mixture of angry and concerned messages, the Barking and Dagenham team of Metropolitan Police police appeared to address the outcry, assuring the public that they were “aware of a video circulating on social media of a male causing damage to a religious premises on High Road, Chadwell Heath.”

“A male has been arrested and the matter is being investigated,” they added, urging witnesses to contact them on the 101 non-emergency telephone number quoting the reference cad 4071/18OCT. 323EA.

Police further confirmed to Breitbart London that the events were reported to them and that officers had attended the scene and arrested a man “on suspicion of criminal damage”. There was no mention of religiously-aggravated hate crime charges — although this does not rule out the possibility that they might be pursued later.

The cross has been recovered.

Follow Jack Montgomery on Twitter: @JackBMontgomery
Follow Breitbart London on Facebook: Breitbart London

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