Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China “For Introductions”

Latest Cache Of Emails Detail How Hunter Biden Earned Millions In China "For Introductions"

Tyler Durden

Thu, 10/15/2020 – 07:33

Update (1000ET): Donald Trump Jr. has just raised an interesting question in a tweet: Is Twitter censoring the Hunter Biden stories from the NY Post at the behest of the Communist Party of China?

"There needs to be an immediate government investigation into @twitter/@jack. Not just because of their blatant election interference to protect Biden, but to find out if they’re censoring these NY Post stories at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party. Put Jack under oath!!!" Don Jr. tweeted.

We imagine this tweet will be suppressed momentarily, if it hasn’t been already.

* * *

Update (1000ET): While Twitter suppresses this latest Hunter Biden expose, it’s trending topics section is allowing #EricTrumpsUkraineScandal in one of the top spots. The story is essentially a collection of previously reported comments that even the NYT has now acknowledged isn’t accurate.

The 10 top political topics were overwhelmingly ‘anti-Trump’.

* * *

Update (0935ET): Despite last night’s "apology" from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Twitter and Facebook are already censoring Thursday’s latest Hunter Biden exposé from the NY Post.

Congress is demanding an explanation, yet Twitter and Facebook are moving ahead with their outright censorship.

* * *

Rudy Giuliani hinted last night that there would be more emails from the trove discovered by a Delaware computer repair shop owner (who has shared his story on the record with Fox News). And at 0500ET, the NYPost published another lengthy exposé – at least the second front-page piece in what is shaping up to be a fascinating series – citing never-before-seen emails between Hunter Biden and various individuals connected to a major Chinese energy firm that failed earlier this year after its chairman – a party insider with deep ties to China’s military – was "disappeared" by China’s state security apparatus.

The first of three email chains explored in the story was sent to biden by a man named Jams Gillar, of the international consulting firm J2cR. The email chain discusses what appears to be a generous compensation package for Hunter Biden, along with other individuals whom the Post was apparently unable to identify (though it’s tempting to hazard a guess).

A subject line on the email, dated May 13, 2017 read "Expectations", and it included details of "remuneration packages" for six individuals involved in the new business venture (the nature of the business wasn’t clear, though it appears to be related to Biden’s international consulting business). However, Biden’s partner in the business appears to be CEFC China Energy, the now-defunct energy firm mentioned above.

Source: NYP

The deal also listed “10 Jim” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” Though neither was positively identified.

In another email, sent by Biden as part of a chain dated Aug. 2, 2017, Biden discusses what appears to be a joint venture – a deal structure common in China, where foreign competitors must build partnerships with domestic firms – involving the former Chairman of CEFC, Ye Jianming. Half the ownership was to be held by Hunter and the Biden family.

Ye disappeared in early 2018 and is believed to have had deep connections to China’s intelligence and security services. Though at one point, Biden wrote that Ye had sweetened the terms of an earlier, three-year consulting contract with CEFC that was to pay him $10 million annually "for introductions alone."

Here’s the excerpt from the NY Post story, accompanied by visual snippets culled directly from the emails, in which Biden asserts that the reason this joint venture is "so much more interesting to me and my family is that we would also be partners in the equity and profits."

The nature of this ‘venture’ wasn’t made clear.

Biden wrote that Ye had sweetened the terms of an earlier, three-year consulting contract with CEFC that was to pay him $10 million annually “for introductions alone."

“The chairman changed that deal after we me[t] in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% percent [sic] owned by ME and 50% owned by him,” Biden wrote.

“Consulting fees is one piece of our income stream but the reason this proposal by the chairman was so much more interesting to me and my family is that we would also be partners inn [sic] the equity and profits of the JV’s [joint venture’s] investments.”

Source: NY Post

What’s more, a photo published by the Post and dated Aug. 1, 2017 shows what appears to be a handwritten flowchart illustrating the ownership structure of “Hudson West”, split 50/50 between two entities ultimately controlled by Hunter Biden and someone else identified only as “Chairman.”

Source: NYP

We know from the Senate report released last month that ‘Hudson West III’ was used as a name for one of Hunter Biden’s shell companies formed with Gongwen Dong. To be sure, some details about Biden’s Chinese consulting practice has already been made public, but details of the dealmaking and discussions that went on behind the scenes have not.

Finally, the last in the triptych of distressing email chains is aa copy of an "attorney engagement letter" between Hunter Biden and one of Ye’s top lieutenants, Hong Kong official Chi Ping Patrick Ho.

He agreed to pay Biden a $1 million retainer for "counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining ot the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer."

Later, in December 2018, a Manhattan federal jury convicted Ho for being involved in two schemes to pay $3 million in bribes to high-ranking government officials to help obtain oil rights in Chad and lucrative business deals in Uganda.

Source: NYP

Ho has served his sentence and was deported to Hong Kong in June.

Neither the Biden Campaign, lawyers for Hunter Biden, Gillar, Dong nor Ho returned requests for comment from the NY Post.

After yesterday’s catastrophe, we look forward to watching Facebook and Twitter scramble to suppress this story as well. We’re beginning to see why the Post has decided to publicize details from the trove piecemeal, instead of writing a 10,000-word NYT-style novel about Hunter Biden’s transgressions.

The NY Post also published a handful of new candidate selfies apparently taken by Hunter Biden along with the story.

It’s a suitable tactic for what some conservatives are calling a "digital civil war" over information that could influence the election in President Trump’s favor.

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Facebook and Twitter Contribute Over 90% to Dems

Wondering why Facebook and Twitter snapped into the full-on Orwellian Ministry of Truth by censoring the New York Post bombshell on Hunter Biden?
Donation records may help explain that. 
Open Secrets records revealed that for “all federal candidates,” both Facebook and Twitter gave over 90 percent of their political contributions to Democrats for the 2020 cycle so far. The combined multi-million-dollar total of both platforms was split among individual employee donations and PAC money. The top recipient for both organizations was none other than Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. There is clearly no doubt where these gargantuan tech companies stand politically.
For Twitter, the spread was even more telling, given its behavior last night in censoring people who shared the Post story. For “all federal candidates,” Twitter has contributed a whopping 98.99 percent ($347,270) of its donations to Democrats via individual donations of $200 or more. No PAC money was recorded. Only 1.01 percent ($3,556) went to Republicans by contrast. Biden, the top recipient for Twitter donations, received $66,929, all from individuals. That means Biden received 19 percent of the total contributions Twitter has made to “all federal candidates.”
Facebook has contributed 91.68 percent ($2,409,464 out of $2,628,040) of its donations to Democrats collectively between individual donations ($2,400,269) and PAC donations ($234,000) equaling $200 or more. Only 8.32 percent ($218,576) went to Republicans. Biden, the top recipient for Facebook donations, received $645,152, all from individuals. That means Biden received a sizeable 25 percent of the total contributions Facebook has made to “all federal candidates.”
Twitter in particular went as far as reportedly locking the Post out of its Twitter account, a 219-year-old newspaper. That would be akin to locking out The New York Times from its account, which was first published decades after the Post. Twitter even locked White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany out of her account for sharing the Post story.
After the Post story broke, Facebook’s Policy Communications Director Andy Stone announced on Twitter that Facebook would be “reducing its distribution on our platform.”
As noted in previous reporting, Stone has a long history of working with Democrats. This  includes working as a press secretary for former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), working as a western regional press secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and being a member of former Secretary of State John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004, according to LinkedIn.
Recently, Facebook and Google were exposed for partnering with the leftist organization Democracy Works to help formulate their 2020 election strategies.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was also exposed for giving $10 million to leftist Boston University Professor and CBS News correspondent Ibram X. Kendi, who went on a racially-charged rant to viciously attack U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her family. The reason? Barrett had adopted two children from Haiti.
America needs to raise its voice against these Big Tech companies now, or they may indeed succeed in influencing the 2020 election to produce an outcome that’s suitable to their leftist agenda.
Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308-7300 and Twitter at (415) 222-9670 and demand that Big Tech stop censoring the New York Post. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.
MRC Assistant Editor Corinne Weaver and MRC TechWatch Staff Writer Alexander Hall contributed to this report.

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Glenn Beck: Nancy Pelosi’s UNHINGED response to Wolf Blitzer shows how little the left thinks of the American people

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) came unhinged when CNN’s Wolf Blitzer dared to ask her why House Democrats won’t compromise with the White House on the coronavirus relief bill they stress that Americans desperately need.

On the radio program Wednesday, Glenn Beck blasted Pelosi for what he called just the latest example of the left talking down to the American people or anyone who disagrees with them.

Glenn discussed a particular segment of the CNN interview, in which Blitzer asks Pelosi about "the millions of Americans who can’t put food on their table, who can’t pay the rent —."

Pelosi interrupted Blitzer to repeat the phrase, "And we represent them" over and over, before sarcastically adding, "Thank you for your sensitivity to our constituents’ needs."

"I am sensitive to them," Blitzer shot back. "Because I see them on the street, begging for food, begging for money. Madam Speaker, thank you so much —."

"Have you fed them?" Pelosi interrupted again. "We feed them! We feed them!"

Glenn pointed out that the "we" in Pelosi’s sanctimonious claim is actually the American taxpayers. He also noted the similarities between the way Pelosi treated Blitzer, and the way vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris treated Vice President Mike Pence during last week’s debate.

"It really tells you an awful lot about who these people are and how they treat anyone who dares cross them," Glenn said. "It’s obscene. What was that? What was she doing to Wolf Blitzer? Exactly what Kamala Harris was doing to Mike Pence: Talking down to him because they disagree … talking down to him and down to the American people."

Watch the video clip below:

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Twitter Suspends Kayleigh McEnany’s Personal Account for Sharing Hunter Biden Emails

Twitter suspended White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s personal account on Wednesday after she tweeted copies of an email from a Burisma executive to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

McEnany shared emails that were obtained and published by the New York Post on Wednesday afternoon.

“Email from Ukrainian executive to Hunter Biden asks Hunter to “use his influence” on behalf of the firm paying him $50K/mo in email with subject “urgent issue,” McEnany wrote.

She also shared a copy of the email earlier Wednesday morning.

“Hunter introduced Joe Biden to a top executive at the Ukrainian energy firm he received $50K/month from!” she wrote. “Joe Biden LIED. PERIOD!!”

Twitter removed both tweets and suspended her account, claiming that she broke the rules of sharing “hacked material” on the platform.

A screenshot of Twitter’s suspension notice to McEnany was shared by the Trump campaign.

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Left-Wing Populists: Voters Witnessing ‘Unaccountable Power of Silicon Valley Giants Over Flow of Information’

Left-wing populists, who, along with right-wing populists, have long warned of tech corporations’ monopoly over social media, say voters are witnessing the “unaccountable power” of Silicon Valley’s elites three weeks out from the November 3 presidential election.

On Wednesday, the New York Post published a bombshell story about Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s apparent interactions with his son Hunter Biden’s business associates at Burisma — a Ukrainian energy corporation where Hunter sat on the board of directors — while his father was vice president in the Obama administration.

The Post story also revealed that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is investigating emails between Hunter and Burisma executives. In response, Twitter and Facebook are censoring users from posting the story.

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist famous for chronicling the Edward Snowden case, wrote that voters are witnessing in real time how a handful of billionaire tech executives are controlling information.

“You’re seeing the immense, unchallengeable, unaccountable power of Silicon Valley giants over the flow of information,” Greenwald wrote. “Imagine if Google joins in. What’s so amazing is that they never wanted this role. It was foisted on them by people, led by journalists, demanding they censor.”

Anti-monopolist Matt Stoller, who writes the newsletter BIG, urged Republican lawmakers to join House Democrats in their recent antitrust inquiry into tech corporations such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google for their alleged anti-competitive behavior.

“FB and Twitter doing a master class for conservatives on why their faith in libertarians and monopolistic corporations was the dumbest possible choice imaginable,” Stoller wrote.

Michael Tracey, an independent journalist, called tech corporations’ censoring of negative stories about the Bidens “creepy and authoritarian” and said many, including him, have been sounding the alarm for years over the power that Silicon Valley executives have obtained in a short period of time, with little-to-no consequences by Washington, D.C. lawmakers.

“Twitter is now warning that the NY Post story on Hunter Biden is ‘unsafe,’”Tracey wrote. “You don’t even have to defend the veracity of the story to recognize how creepy and authoritarian this is.”

Krystal Ball, who hosts The Hill’s Rising morning news show, said tech corporations’ censorship of negative stories about the Bidens will eventually help prevent structural changes to corporate consolidation and monopoly power.

“This is completely insane and will 100 percent come back to bite the left. Censorship always ends up being a tool for preserving the status quo. Mark my words,” Ball wrote.

A report by the Open Markets Insitute has detailed the monopoly power that tech corporations like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple increasingly enjoy, which allows them to dominate whole sectors of the American economy with no competition.

“Dominant technology companies are increasingly using their monopoly profits not to invest in new research and development, but to acquire or bankrupt their competitors, buy back stock, hire lobbyists, or simply hoard cash,” the report notes.

“… the same four tech companies — Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple — continue to dominate the country’s tech sector,” the report continues. “To regain the balance that led to so much innovation and broad prosperity during the mid-20th century, both patent and antitrust law must be reformed.”

Analysis by Bloomberg News last year showed how concentrated corporate power by monopolistic corporations is growing dominate in the American economy. The unchecked business practices have shifted billions in wealth to the nation’s coasts, outside of middle America.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder. 

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Ted Cruz Uses School Choice to School Democrats on Role of Supreme Court

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) used the issue of school choice Wednesday to school Democrats on the constitutional role of the U.S. Supreme Court.

During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Cruz observed some Americans watching the proceedings might be tempted to conclude that both Republican and Democrat politicians want judges who will implement their pet policies.

Nevertheless, Cruz asserted, “As easy as that is to assume, I don’t believe that is accurate.”

The senator proceeded to point out what he looks for in a judge, using the example of school choice:

An issue that I am deeply passionate about is school choice. I think school choice is the civil rights issue of the next century. But I also think the right arena to fight for school choice is right here in the United States Senate. The right arena to fight for school choice is in the state legislatures. It is in the politically accountable elected legislatures.

Using the example of school choice, Cruz noted how much easier it would be for a lawmaker to simply use the Supreme Court, and willing activist justices, to set policy:

So, do I want to see a federal court issue an order mandating school choice across the country? It might be simpler if I could just convince five justices to order every jurisdiction in America, you must have school choice. It would be a lot easier than trying to convince 51 or 60 senators, trying to convince the House. We’ve gotten school choice legislation passed through this body that I’ve introduced, but it’s been hard fought. It’d be much easier if five philosopher kings could just mandate it. But, that would not be an appropriate judicial role. And I’m certainly not asking Judge Barrett to issue a ruling. Although I believe that policy is the right policy. It’s not a judge’s role to mandate it.

Cruz continued, however, his Democrat colleagues often have the opposite view:

You look at a case called Zelman v. Simmons-Harris. That was a case that was a challenge to an Ohio school choice program. Ohio school choice program gave scholarships to thousands of low-income children, mostly African American and Hispanic children trapped in failing schools. It gave them hope, it gave them a chance at a decent education, a chance to escape violence, a chance to have a shot at the American dream.

The case, however, the senator said, was “immediately challenged,” and ended up at the Supreme Court, where a five-to-four majority upheld the Ohio school choice program. Cruz remarked on the critical effects of that decision:

Four justices were prepared to strike down that program as unconstitutional. And with it, every other school choice program in America. To rule that the Constitution doesn’t let the elected legislatures decide to give scholarships to kids if they choose to go to a religious institution. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a radical and activist position. Four justices were ready to shut down school choice programs all across the country.

Cruz asserted the case serves as an example “of how one side wants the court to mandate their policy outcomes. The other side does not.”

“I don’t want school choice mandated,” he stated. “I want it to be left to the political process.”

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Donald Trump Campaigns on ‘Big Smoking Gun’ New York Post Story Exposing Joe Biden

President Donald Trump reacted to a new report from the New York Post showing evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden met with an adviser to Burisma while his son, Hunter Biden, was on the board.

“Joe Biden has been blatantly lying about his involvement with his son’s corrupt business dealings,” Trump said. “This is a big smoking gun.”

The president pointed to an April 2015 email published by the New York Post from Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi to Hunter Biden thanking him for helping arrange a meeting with his father, Vice President Joe Biden.  He also pointed to a 2014 email from Pozharskyi to Hunter asking, “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence.”

“In other words, Hunter was being paid for access to his vice president father who was specifically put in charge of Ukraine and Russia,” Trump said.

He reminded his supporters that Biden had repeatedly claimed that he never spoke with Hunter about his business dealings overseas.

“These emails show that Biden’s repeated claim that he has never spoken to hunter about his business dealings were a complete lie; it was a total lie,” Trump said. “He lied to you over and over because he’s trying to cover up a massive pay for play scandal at the heart of his vice presidency.”

Trump also recalled Biden’s protest during the first presidential debate about Hunter Biden’s lucrative business deals overseas, calling the stories about it “totally discredited” and insisted that his son did nothing wrong.

“Now that turns out to be a total lie,” Trump said. “Now we can see clearly that Biden is a corrupt politician that should never be allowed to run for the presidency.”

He criticized the “corrupt lamestream media” for failing to cover the story published by the New York Post.

“They’re corrupt and they refuse to write the story,” he said.

Trump also criticized Facebook and Twitter for censoring the story from their platforms when they allowed disinformation and lies about him and his campaign to be shared.

“They take negative posts down almost before they even go up!” he wrote.

The president also reacted to the breaking news that Twitter suspended his press secretary Kayleigh McEany’s personal account.

“I don’t know this for a fact, but they say Kayleigh McEnany … they closed down her account. She’s the White House press secretary because she’s reporting the truth!” he said.

The president picked back up on his attack on Hunter Biden, repeatedly asking, “Where’s Hunter?”

“Where’s Hunter? Is Hunter here tonight? Hunter?” he asked. “Hunter, congratulations on making a lot of money last year.”

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Melania Trump Reveals ‘Natural Route’ Recovery from Coronavirus

First lady Melania Trump said Wednesday that she suffered from difficult coronavirus symptoms after testing positive for the virus.

“I experienced body aches, a cough, and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time,” Melania Trump wrote in a statement posted to the White House website.

The first lady said in a statement that the coronavirus symptoms “hit me all at once” after she tested positive for the virus in what seemed to be a “roller coaster of symptoms” in the following days.

She praised the White House medical team for their care but said that she did not choose the same treatments for the virus that President Donald Trump did.

“I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food,” she wrote.

President Trump was treated with an antibody-drug developed by Regeneron and also Remdesivir to help him recover from the virus, according to his physician Dr. Sean Conley.

The first lady said that the illness gave her time to reflect on the impact that the virus had across the country.

“We are in unprecedented times — and with the election fast approaching, it has been easy to get caught up in so much negative energy,” she said.

Melania Trump also thanked Americans for their prayers and support as she recovered from the virus and said she looked forward to resuming her public duties soon.

“I encourage everyone to continue to live the healthiest life they can,” she wrote. “A balanced diet, fresh air, and vitamins really are vital to keep our bodies healthy.”

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WATCH: ‘Change My Mind’: Crowder Dismantles ‘Court-Packing’ Advocate At TCU

Steven Crowder, host of the The Blaze’s “Louder with Crowder,” released part two of his “Change My Mind” series over the potential confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Wednesday.

Crowder set up on the campus of Texas Christian University and invited students to try and convince him that Barrett should not be confirmed to the Supreme Court. The roughly 40-minute part-2 video features Crowder conversing with two students over Barrett’s potential confirmation. (Watch part-1 of the series here.)

One student, who said she came in with an “open mind,” seemed to be coming around to Crowder’s view that Barrett should be confirmed to the Supreme Court when the segment ended. The next student, a political science major named Kit, argued with Crowder for most of the video that Barrett should not be put on the court, and that the Supreme Court should be “packed.”

First, Kit argued that Barrett should not be added to the court because of what the Senate, led by GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), did to former President Barack Obama’s nominee during the last year of his presidency. Crowder pointed out that there is nothing contradictory between what McConnell did then—declining to confirm the nominee of a president from the opposite party—and what McConnell is doing now, putting a nominee from a president of the same party to a vote. Each scenario has multiple examples of precedent throughout history.

After the two agreed that the president and Senate have full authority to place Barrett on the Supreme Court, Crowder moved the discussion to court-packing. Kit appeared to argue that the court as it is now is not representative of the will of the people. Supreme Court justices should also represent the “will” of the president who appoints them, Kit said.

“The president represents the majority vote of the Electoral College. And so, therefore, when they elect a Supreme Court justice, if they get appointed, that will be reflective of that specific, whoever the … that will be representative of whatever the people were feeling, or believing, at that specific time. And so the justices actually are, if you just get your head around that, the justices are representatives of the people,” Kit said. “Being that they are representatives, it’s their job to represent the will of whatever administration that may have been, which, in turn, is a representation of the majority at that specific time.”

Crowder proceeded to deconstruct Kit’s argument and assert that what Kit argued was not only wrong, but dangerous.

“What you have just expressed is very scary for a litany of reasons, and those reasons are, when combined with your idea of court-packing and this notion that the job of a Supreme Court appointee is to exclusively represent the view of the executive who nominated them, that is why it is not simply an executive who actually elects them,” Crowder said, later adding: “He can nominate and it can be confirmed by the Senate because the Supreme Court is not meant to be a governing body. It is meant to be, exclusively, separate and apart from the House of Congress, from the Senate, from the United States presidency, to be impartial.”

“It is not meant to represent the majority will of the people. It is meant to interpret the Constitution,” Crowder continued. “If you have this ill-conceived notion, I would argue, that their job is to represent [the will] of the executive who nominated them, and that we should increase the number of these people under, what? The authority of an executive who would nominate more, that is an absolute recipe for an authoritarian regime.”

Watch part-2 of Crowder’s “Change My Mind” series on Barrett’s conformation below:

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Donald Trump: ‘The Bidens Got Rich While Americans Got Robbed’

President Donald Trump reacted Wednesday at a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa, to new evidence showing that former Vice President Joe Biden met with foreign interests represented by his son Hunter Biden.

“The Bidens got rich while Americans got robbed,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa.

The president cited the bombshell New York Post story uncovering emails sent from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to Ukrainian energy company Burisma, to Hunter Biden, thanking him for helping arrange a meeting with his father.

Hunter Biden received between $50,000 and $83,000 a month from Burisma to sit on the board.

“The Biden family treated the vice presidency as a for-profit corporation flying around the globe collecting millions of dollars from China and Ukraine and Russia and other countries,” Trump said.

The president also referred to a Senate report revealing that the former Moscow mayor’s wife, Yelena Baturina, wrote a check to Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca Thornton, LLC for $3.5 million in 2014.

“The wife of the mayor of Moscow wrote Hunter a check for 3.5 million dollars in cash while his father gave away the store to Russia, including Crimea – Remember Crimea?” Trump asked, referring to former President Barack Obama’s administration allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to annex Crimea in 2014.

Trump used the report to condemn “swamp” politicians like Biden, who spent 47 years in Washington.

“Politicians like Joe Biden keep bleeding this country dry,” Trump said.

He also referred to reports that Joe Biden’s brother James Biden’s construction firm received a contract worth more than a billion dollars to build houses in Iraq.

“Take a look at the whole family. It’s a corrupt family,” Trump said. “Joe Biden personifies the selfish and corrupt globalist who got rich and powerful at your expense.”

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