Bovard: The Democrats’ Three-Decade War On Honest Voting

Bovard: The Democrats’ Three-Decade War On Honest Voting

Authored by James Bovard,

When did preventing election fraud become a violation of the Voting Rights Act?

According to President Joe Biden’s Justice Department, it is now a federal crime to prevent illegal ballots in presidential elections. 

Barely 30 days before the 2024 election, the Justice Department sued the state of Virginia to prohibit its removal of the names of noncitizens from voting rolls. Gov. Glenn Youngkin was enforcing a 2006 Virginia law, but the Biden administration portrayed that action as an attack on “the cornerstone of our democracy.” Youngkin denounced the federal lawsuit as “a desperate attempt to attack the legitimacy of the elections” in Virginia.

The Virginia lawsuit is simply the latest in Democrats’ long war against honest voting, which began with the Clinton administration’s Motor Voter Act. That 1993 law mandated voter registration in every welfare and food-stamp office in the nation. Brent Thompson, executive director of the Fair Government Foundation, observed in 1996, “The Motor Voter law did away with a panoply of anti-fraud mechanisms long relied on by the states to police and deter fraudulent voting.”

In 2015, the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton condemned voter identification requirements as part of a “sweeping effort to disempower and disenfranchise people of color, poor people and young people.” A Washington Post headline aptly summarized her message: “Hillary Clinton Declares War on Voter ID.” Verifying identification was unnecessary because, as long as enough ballots showed up with a check by Hillary’s name, she would be irrevocably entitled to all the power she could seize in the following four years. 

Lax voting procedures in some states were insufficient to enable Hillary to capture the White House. But the panic induced by Covid-19 enabled politicians to radically loosen the rules for the next presidential election. Many states made it easier—if not automatic—to vote by mail, even though a 2012 New York Times analysis concluded that “fraud in voting by mail is… vastly more prevalent than the in-person voting fraud that has attracted far more attention.” Some states abandoned any effort to verify mail ballots, dropping requirements for matching signatures, return addresses, or having a witness verify the person and the vote. Civil Rights Commissioner J. Christian Adams noted that “Democrats succeeded in tossing out state laws related to absentee ballot verification, deadlines and a whole range of laws all in the name of Covid.”

Neither the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution (rules for federal elections “shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof”) nor state law stopped the rigging of the 2020 vote. Michigan sent “unsolicited absentee-voter ballot applications by mail to all 7.7 million registered Michigan voters…without signature verification as expressly required” by state law. The Wisconsin Elections Commission approved setting up to 500 unmanned ballot drop boxes in major Democratic cities in violation of Wisconsin law. That commission  and local election officials encouraged all Wisconsin “voters to unlawfully declare themselves ‘indefinitely confined’—which under Wisconsin law allows the voter to avoid security measures like signature verification and photo ID requirements,” as the Texas Attorney General noted in a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that election officials acted illegally, but that did nothing to nullify the hundreds of thousands of votes that came in via illicit loopholes. Biden carried Wisconsin by 20,000 votes.

To stifle controversy over electoral rule changes, Biden’s media allies created a fairy tale. A week after Election Day, the New York Times ran a banner headline across the top of the front page: “Election Officials Nationwide Find No Fraud.” How did the Times know? Their reporters basically called election officials in each state and asked, “Did y’all have any fraud?” A total lack of fraud in an election with more than 100 million voters would have required divine intervention to achieve. Biden’s 2020 victory became the election equivalent of the Immaculate Conception. A Washington Post headline scoffed that anyone who doubted Biden’s victory was an “Election Denier”—placing them in the same odious category as Holocaust deniers. An ABC News analysis portrayed distrust of the election results as a form of mental illness.

Most of the American media pretended that voter fraud was so rare that the mere suggestion of its occurrence was a heresy against democracy. But a few weeks after Biden was sworn in as president, a federal investigation revealed that the U.S. government bankrolled some of the most brazenly corrupt elections in modern times. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), issued a report titled, “Elections: Lessons from the U.S. Experience in Afghanistan,” that should have received far more attention in Washington and beyond. SIGAR revealed that the net result of 15 years of U.S. pro-democracy assistance was that Afghanistan’s 2019 presidential election was “the most corrupt the country had ever held.” U.S. tax dollars poured into the coffers of Afghanistan’s Electoral Complaints Commission to safeguard voting, but that agency was a prime source of the most shameless vote stealing. U.S. aid enabled the Afghan government to purchase sophisticated electronic voting systems. But SIGAR’s report warned that “because governments often control electoral commissions and the procurement of election technology, they are well placed to use it to commit fraud.” SIGAR ruefully noted, “The true purpose of adopting election technologies may not be to actually reduce fraud, but to create the illusion of doing so.” A U.S. Army colonel who deployed several times to Afghanistan told SIGAR that as early as 2006, the Afghan government had “self-organized into a kleptocracy.” Officials who were stealing everything else never hesitated to steal votes. The collapse of democratic legitimacy paved the way for the collapse of the U.S. puppet regime in Kabul in August 2021.

The Biden administration sought to exploit Covid-era precedents to turn America into a Drop Box Democracy where minimal efforts by voters automatically sanctify maximum power for politicians. In 2021, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, to force all states to adopt the most unreliable electoral procedures used during the pandemic. The bill, which failed in the Senate, would have compelled all future federal elections to permit paid ballot-harvesting and universal mail-in voting, prohibit checking voter identification, and require states to count ballots that arrive ten days after an election. Many of the same Democrats who championed Covid vaccine passports, which disproportionately barred blacks from restaurants and gyms, also insist that requiring voters to show identification is Jim Crow at its worst.

Histrionics and shenanigans continue to be the Democrats’ preferred substitute for election integrity:

  • Kamala Harris objected to voter identification requirements because she bizarrely claimed it was “almost impossible” for rural voters to photocopy their identification papers.
  • The city of Detroit responded to a Republican National Party Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for ballot drop box surveillance footage by claiming that the footage had been deleted—after the FOIA request was received. Detroit was notorious for shrouding its vote counting on Election Night 2020, blocking poll watchers from witnessing Biden’s miraculous comeback.
  • In Georgia, Judge Thomas Cox on Wednesday struck down the Georgia State Election Board’s new rules to require video surveillance of ballot drop boxes and to regulate ballot-harvesting.
  • Lawsuits are proceeding regarding lax standards for absentee mail-in ballots in North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and elsewhere.

Preventing bogus ballots should not be treated like a moral or theological issue. When did verifying votes become a crime against democracy? Why is the Justice Department crusading to turn voting into an entitlement program for non-citizens? Do Democrats seek to make the actual voting as fraud-ridden as politicians’ campaign promises?  Elections need rigorous safeguards against fraud because, as Thomas Paine warned long ago, “the trade of governing has always been monopolized by… the most rascally individuals of mankind.” Four presidential elections since 2000 have been heavily tainted by allegations of foul play. American democracy has zero legitimacy to spare at this point.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 10/20/2024 – 19:50

via ZeroHedge News

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This is gut-wrenching. The media is lying. The North Carolina governor is lying

This is gut-wrenching. The media is lying. The North Carolina governor is lying. Not enough people are talking about this or calling out the lies. That list, I believe, is up to 3,000 missing now. Something has to give. We don’t treat Americans like this. We don’t discard Americans. These are human beings. Whole families. They were loved and cherished. My heart aches. I will never be able to move past the way north carolinans were treated. Praying up.

via Canada Free Press

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‘Deadly Serious Breach’: Classified US Docs on Israel Reach Iranian News Entity, Signaling Jewish State ‘Can’t Trust Washington’

The Biden-Harris administration is investigating a "deadly serious breach" of classified U.S. intelligence detailing Israeli plans for a strike on Iran, the latest in a series of targeted leaks against Israel that has put America’s closest Middle East ally on edge, according to current and former U.S. officials.

The explosive weekend release included top-secret Pentagon documents purporting to show Israel’s preparations for a large-scale counterstrike on Iran. The two documents—compiled by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency over the past several weeks—expose how Israel is preparing for the attack, including the types of aircraft and munitions that are expected to be used. They were published by the Middle East Spectator, a little-known outlet that is known to disseminate propaganda from Tehran.

While the documents, according to CNN, include markings that indicate they were meant to be shared with the "Five Eyes" intelligence network—made up of the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada—a former U.S. intelligence community official who reviewed them said there is no question they emanated from the U.S. side. The documents, the former official said, appear to have been posted on a U.S. classified system that can be accessed by "thousands upon thousands" of American officials from across the government."

"They all can literally log onto a classified computer and pull up the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency’s website and look at whatever is made available to them," the former official said. "Why would you allow any intelligence like this, whether it’s compartmentalized or not, why would you ever allow that to be generally available?"

While the documents do not detail which sites Israel is likely to attack inside Iran, they are the latest in a string of leaks that have raised questions about the Biden-Harris administration’s ability to safeguard information at the highest levels of government. For Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser, that trend is likely to erode Israel’s trust in the United States.

"The damage wrought by this leak has less to do with tipping Iran off about or tactical insight into an impending Israeli strike than with broader bilateral trust," Rubin said. "This is not the first time a U.S. administration has leaked top secret details meant to sidetrack Israeli efforts to undermine Iran’s nuclear program."

In the end, Rubin said, "it’s not Israel that will ultimately pay the price; it’s the United States. The U.S. intelligence community can gain more from Israel than vice versa. By signaling Israel can’t trust Washington, the United States will essentially be operating blind, learning about Israel actions from the media after the fact, just like the rest of the world. In a region where minutes can make the difference between life and death, this is a truly high price to bear."

One senior Biden-Harris administration official, who was not authorized to speak on record about the situation, described the leak as a "deadly serious breach."

"For at least the past year there has been a concerted campaign to leak what at least seems to be classified information by anti-Israel elements in large part to impact media narratives—but, if true, this obviously goes beyond that," the official said.

A U.S. defense official, also speaking only on background, confirmed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is "looking into these reports" as it seeks to determine how a cache of highly secretive documents, dated Oct. 15 and 16, made their way to a pro-Iran media account entity that published them on Telegram.

The White House National Security Council declined to comment, referring requests to the Pentagon and ODNI, which also would not speak on record. The Pentagon did not respond to a request for comment on the documents, their authenticity, and efforts to identify the leaker.

"It is extremely alarming that pro-Iranian social media accounts are posting what appears to be leaked intelligence on Israeli operations and planning," said Sen. Roger Wicker (R., Miss.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, which oversees the U.S. defense establishment. "Whoever committed this outrageous act is putting our ally at risk, and they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

The Middle East Spectator said in a statement that the documents were originally posted inside a Telegram channel, where the leaker is likely an active participant. The outlet said it is "not aware" of any additional classified leaks. It also identified the leaker as potentially an employee with the State Department, which would have access to top-secret assessments.

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment on the matter.

Last week, private communications between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spilled into public view, showing a behind-the-scenes effort to pressure Israel into pumping more aid into the embattled Hamas-run Gaza Strip. The letter included a threat to cut off critical U.S. arms sales to Israel if it does not improve humanitarian conditions on the ground. The leak fueled accusations that the Biden-Harris administration is trying to embarrass Israel as it leans on the Jewish state to end its war against Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Earlier in the year, a State Department document assessing that Israel was in breach of American laws mandating humanitarian assistance in times of war also spilled into public view, jolting Israeli leadership and driving calls among some Democrats for arms sales to be cut off.

The leak has also raised fresh questions about several senior Biden-Harris administration officials who are known to advocate for increased diplomacy with Iran. This includes senior Pentagon official Ariane Tabatabai, who was identified last year as a member of a secretive pro-Iran influence group operated by the hardline regime’s government.

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Senator Graham: Trump’s Right, Democrat ‘Agenda’ Is ‘The Enemy From Within’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said over the weekend that former President Donald Trump was right when he talks about the Democrat Party being the “enemy from within.”

Graham made the remarks during an appearance on NBC News’ “Meet The Press” with host Kristen Welker.

“It is the enemy from within, and they’re very dangerous,” Trump said. “We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can all be handled. The more difficult are, you know, the Pelosis. These people, they’re so sick and they’re so evil.”

Graham noted that the Democrats’ agenda “will change America fundamentally, that they want to pack the court, they want to go to 13-9, they want to eliminate the Electoral College.”

“They want to make D.C. and Puerto Rico states,” he said. “So yeah, I think their agenda’s really radical. But when you talk about rhetoric, you’ve got to remember, they tried to blow his head off. There’s one candidate in this race who’s been shot at and hit in the ear, and we’re lucky they didn’t blow his head off. And another guy tried to kill him the next week.”

Graham said that Democrats are trying to turn the U.S. “upside down.”

“It fundamentally changes who we are as a nation, and we’re going to stop it,” he said. “We’re going to stop it at the ballot box.”


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Kamala Harris Suggests Men Are “Misogynist” if They Don’t Vote For Her in Dumpster Fire Interview with Al Sharpton (VIDEO)

Al Sharpton’s interview with Kamala Harris

It happened.

Two of the dumbest people in politics sat down to discuss the 2024 election.

Professional race hustler and MSNBC host Al Sharpton interviewed Kamala Harris on Politics Nation.

The interview with prerecorded and aired Sunday evening.

Al Sharpton asked Kamala Harris about her lack of support from men of all races.

Black men are not supporting Kamala Harris which is why the Democrat machine sent Barack Obama on the campaign trail to shame black men.

Earlier this month Barack Obama scolded black men and told the ‘brothers’ that they had to vote for Kamala Harris.


It didn’t work.

Black men blasted Barack Obama.

The Harris camp also rolled out “White Dudes for Harris” last month.

That backfired too.

Trump shredded ‘White Dudes for Harris’ at the Al Smith charity dinner last week.

“There’s a group called “White Dudes for Harris”… but I’m not worried about them at all, because their wives and their wives’ lovers are all voting for me,” Trump said.


Al Sharpton asked Harris if men are misogynist if they don’t support her.

“Do you think some of the resistance of some men – black and white – is misogynist?” Al Sharpton asked Kamala Harris.

“I think that you are absolutely right,” Kamala Harris said after delivering a word salad.


Harris admitted the price of groceries is still high because of her failed policies.


Imagine this woman trying to deal with China’s Xi or Vladimir Putin.


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Biden-Harris Policies Ignited Global Chaos: WW3 Fears Rise as 2024 Election Nears

As the 2024 election approaches, the Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy has left the world in utter chaos and teetering on the brink of World War III — from the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal to the Israel-Hamas war — all while Russia, China, and Iran, once restrained under Trump’s tough stance, are emboldened, raising concerns that a Harris term would spell irreversible disaster.

Since taking office, the Biden-Harris administration has made a series of failed foreign policy moves, many of which have shifted long-standing U.S. strategies. President Joe Biden himself recently underscored Vice President Kamala Harris’s involvement in such decisions, describing her as “a major player in everything we’ve done,” as he directly tied her to their administration’s policy failures.

In fact, last month Biden admitted he had delegated “everything” as commander-in-chief to Harris, including both foreign and domestic policy, a significant admission as Harris has repeatedly attempted to distance herself from the administration’s record. 

Meanwhile, Trump senior adviser Jason Miller stated that Harris is directly responsible for the current administration’s failures, particularly on foreign policy, citing her involvement in decisions that led to disastrous results from Afghanistan to Ukraine and the Middle East. 

With 8 out of 10 Americans fearing World War III, the Biden-Harris administration faces growing scrutiny over its handling of foreign crises.

Middle East

One of the current administration’s first major foreign policy moves was removing the Houthis from the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list, reversing Trump-era policies aimed at curbing the Iranian-backed group. Though the president would later admit the Houthis are “terrorists,” it would come only after dozens of attacks against U.S. military and international commercial warships in the Red Sea.

The decision to delist the Houthis as an FTO was seen as part of the Biden-Harris administration’s broader attempt to revive the failed Obama-era Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA), which has been widely criticized for empowering Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. The current administration has further emboldened Tehran and its terror proxies through the easing sanctions and by providing the Islamic Republic with financial resources to support terrorism and regional aggression.

Additionally, weak responses to attacks by Iranian-backed militias and policy shifts in the Middle East have been viewed as “appeasing” the theocratic regime. The Biden-Harris administration also allowed sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile to expire last year, a mere six months before a ballistic missile attack on Israel in April. According to a report citing new government data from last week, the Biden-Harris administration gave the Iranian regime access to $200 billion in oil revenues through lax sanctions enforcement. 

While under Trump, a “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign crippled Iran’s ability to finance proxy terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, the Biden-Harris administration’s diplomatic overtures — including efforts to renew the nuclear deal and a more lenient stance on enforcing oil sanctions — have allowed additional revenues to flow to Tehran, enabling it to continue funding terror through its regional proxies.

The consequences came to a head in October 2023 when Hamas, heavily funded by Iran, launched a large-scale assault on Israel which left 1,200 dead inside the Jewish state, over 4,800 more wounded, and at least 240 hostages of all ages taken — of which nearly one hundred remain captive. The vast majority of the victims are civilians and include dozens of American citizens.

The war shocked the region, with critics pointing to the Biden-Harris team’s failure to maintain the hardline pressure Trump applied to Tehran. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that the current administration’s “weakness” emboldened Iranian proxies, leading to catastrophic consequences across the Middle East.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has also highlighted the strained U.S.-Israel relations under the Biden-Harris administration, which began with his administration showing early hostility toward Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by delaying official meetings. In fact, the administration has reportedly been using a four-part plan, involving diplomatic pressure and protests, to undermine Netanyahu’s government, signaling an unprecedented interference in Israeli domestic politics during a critical war.

In May, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed that the U.S. had withheld a shipment of large bombs to Israel, citing concerns about civilian safety in Rafah during Israel’s ongoing operations against Hamas. In a more recent development, the Biden-Harris administration is reportedly considering an arms embargo on the Jewish State over humanitarian concerns in Gaza, with Harris signaling openness to the idea.

The administration’s executive order which sanctions Israel under the pretext of targeting “extremist settler violence,” empowers the anti-Israel BDS movement and undermines a critical U.S. ally during a time of crisis.

In July, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) condemned Harris for boycotting Netanyahu’s address to Congress to attend a sorority luncheon, viewing it as a clear signal of hostility toward Israel. Critics argue that it was part of a broader pattern in which Harris has consistently aligned with anti-Israel sentiments, even expressing support for the “emotion” behind protests that have involved overt antisemitism. 

This contrasts with Trump’s full support of the Jewish State, exemplified by his decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and the historic Trump-brokered Abraham Accords — peace agreements normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations, stabilizing a volatile region, all while avoiding new foreign wars during his presidency.


The 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal is perhaps the most glaring example of Biden-Harris foreign policy failures, a move that left major U.S. allies questioning the reliability of American commitments, ultimately leading to further global instability. 

What was supposed to be a strategic exit from America’s longest war turned into a hasty, disorganized retreat, leaving the country to be swiftly overtaken by the Taliban. The resulting humanitarian disaster and the deaths of U.S. service members during the evacuation were only part of the fallout.

Many blasted the Biden-Harris administration’s “weakness” and “incompetence” while accusing the president of allowing Taliban terrorists to “call the shots” by “dictating foreign policy” and calling for his immediate resignation.

As fighting intensified in Afghanistan, the Biden-Harris team set a withdrawal timeline while assuring that the U.S.-backed Afghan military could withstand the Taliban, but within weeks, Kabul fell, President Ashraf Ghani fled with $169 million, and the Taliban swiftly seized control of the country despite nearly two decades of U.S. and NATO efforts to build Afghan security forces. 

A report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction found that the withdrawal left $7.2 billion worth of U.S. military equipment in the hands of the Taliban, including missiles, aircraft, and biometric devices. Some of the weapons even reportedly ended up in the Gaza Strip, with groups like Hamas potentially utilizing them.

A recent report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee that slams the Biden-Harris administration for prioritizing the optics of the Afghanistan withdrawal over the safety of U.S. personnel, specifically highlights Harris as a key player in the decision-making process. In fact, Harris even admitted she was “the last person in the room” when Biden decided to abruptly evacuate U.S. troops from Afghanistan, boasting of her support for the disastrous decision, while expressing admiration for the president’s supposed courage in making the call.

At the time, former President Trump said the Biden-Harris team “surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead.” The former president also called the bungled withdrawal the “single most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.”

The success of the Taliban, which immediately declared its intentions of imposing a strict Islamic sharia law system on Afghans, has been a growing concern for various groups, including ethnic and religious minorities within Afghanistan.

Furthermore, the Biden-Harris administration faced backlash for a botched drone strike in Kabul, which killed 11 civilians, further tarnishing the U.S. reputation. The withdrawal also exposed failures within the State Department, whose evacuation efforts left thousands of Afghan allies behind, now facing life under Taliban rule.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates remarked that Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy issue” in the last 40 years, a sentiment clearly validated by the Afghanistan debacle.

Russia-Ukraine War

The mishandling of the withdrawal also emboldened adversaries like Russia and China, with then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) asserting that the actions of the Biden-Harris administration, together with their executive orders, have “emboldened all the evil leaders of the world.” The chaotic pullout signaled U.S. vulnerability, leading experts to argue that President Vladimir Putin saw it as a display of weakness, paving the way for Russia’s more aggressive actions. 

Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, argued that Putin’s invasions of Crimea in 2014 under Obama and Ukraine in 2022 under the Biden-Harris administration demonstrate that “two weak presidents” emboldened Putin, further linking the current conflict to the “humiliation of the United States.”

The now nearly three-year-long Russian invasion of Ukraine underscores the Biden-Harris administration’s mishandling of U.S. deterrence. 

The president’s now infamous comment about a “minor incursion” by Russia into Ukraine, made in early 2022, sent the wrong message to Putin, with the indecision emboldening Moscow to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Initially, the Biden-Harris team even offered Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a ride out of the country instead of providing the military support Ukraine desperately needed. Such decisions have not only deepened the crisis but also led to widespread criticism of the president’s lack of foresight in managing Europe’s security situation.

U.S. weakness under Biden-Harris stands in sharp contrast with Trump’s foreign policy, where under his watch, Putin refrained from aggressive moves.

Trump has argued that if Harris wins, she would prolong the Russia-Ukraine war and continue funneling billions of U.S. tax dollars into Ukraine, warning that her inaction could lead to “millions” of deaths and potentially a global conflict.


The Biden-Harris administration’s approach to China has been similarly criticized, with current policies seen as lacking, and Beijing emboldened by American inaction.

From the infamous spy balloon incident, where a Chinese surveillance balloon was allowed to traverse U.S. airspace, to rising military threats in the South China Sea and over Taiwan, the current administration’s responses have been criticized as inadequate, including the failure to impose sanctions on Beijing.

China’s assertiveness, having grown, has led to fears that Taiwan could be the next flashpoint of major conflict.

Under Trump, the U.S. took a much harder stance on China through tariffs and aggressive diplomacy. Trump’s administration also built stronger alliances with nations in the Indo-Pacific, sending a clear message to Beijing that any aggressive moves would have serious consequences.

Global Threats

Beyond these major crises, the Biden-Harris administration’s foreign policy blunders span numerous regions. 

North Korea, for instance, has openly resumed arms deals with Russia, further straining global security dynamics. The current administration’s failure to rein in Iran has allowed Tehran to infiltrate U.S. politics, raising alarms about Iran-backed operatives influencing domestic policy. 

Meanwhile, Russia’s development of hypersonic missiles has gone largely unchecked, marking a dangerous escalation in the global arms race.

Trump’s foreign policy, in contrast, was defined by a doctrine of deterrence. 

The assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani impaired Iran’s ability to conduct terrorist operations across the Middle East. Trump also maintained a strong military presence to dissuade North Korea and China from expanding their militaristic ambitions. His method of diplomacy and maintaining U.S. dominance globally led to a far more stable international environment.


As the 2024 election nears, foreign policy remains pivotal. While the Biden-Harris administration’s approach has been seen as “emboldening America’s enemies,” Trump is credited with maintaining global stability through strength and clear red lines. 

Meanwhile, Harris failed her foreign policy efforts in Central America, as China expanded its influence in the region, and promised investments through her initiatives fell far short of expectations. Other key events include the terminating of Keystone XL, which hurt U.S. energy independence, and green-lighting the Nord Stream 2 pipeline — moves that undermined U.S. leadership globally.

Surrounded by advisers with anti-Israel ties, including her national security adviser Phil Gordon, who is currently under investigation for alleged links to an Iranian influence network, Harris faces increasing scrutiny over her foreign policy team.

Just last month, Harris claimed that no active-duty U.S. troops were engaged in combat; however, U.S. forces remain deployed in Iraq and Syria, facing frequent attacks from Iran-backed militias — prompting more concerns about her grasp of the complexities required for effective foreign policy leadership

Furthermore, she published a policy page on her website, claiming she is “ready to be Commander in Chief on day one,” but cited a notorious foreign policy blunder — mistakenly referring to North Korea as a U.S. ally during her 2022 visit to the Korean Demilitarized Zone — as evidence of her diplomatic experience.

The Biden-Harris administration has also been blamed for contributing to the military’s largest recruitment crisis in decades, with critics pointing to the administration’s focus on “woke” policies like diversity initiatives as a key factor​.

In addition, the current administration is also grappling with massive illegal immigration across the southern border — thanks to the repeal of Trump-era border policies and an economy strained by inflation.

In her role as “Border Czar,” Harris has been blamed for the administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws, which critics argue has compromised national security and led to preventable crimes. Unprecedented crossings of individuals on terrorist watchlists have also been documented at both the southern and northern borders, with some reportedly planning attacks​. 

“The Biden-Harris administration has intentionally left us vulnerable,” declared Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), during a hearing on terror threats from the border, emphasizing the connection between their border policies and the surge in national security risks.

With tensions rising across the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, voters face a critical choice: continue the failed Biden-Harris policies or return to Trump’s assertive policies to restore U.S. leadership. with a recent survey revealing that 80% of Americans fear World War III is imminent, the stakes for U.S. foreign policy couldn’t be higher.

Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

via Breitbart News

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‘Insulting to Black Men’: Kamala Harris’s Dating Show-Style Ad Garners Backlash

Vice President Kamala Harris has received backlash after offending black male voters with a campaign ad depicting women turning them down for dates due to their voting record.

The online ad, which is being hosted on social media sites including Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook according to the Daily Mail, was produced in the format of the popular genre of dating game videos that feature a line of potential dates who can pop a balloon to reject a male suitor.

In the video, a black man walks into the studio before several women and introduces himself:

“What do you do, and how much do you make?” the presumed “host” of the dating show asks.

He replies, “I work in finance and I make six figures.”

One of the women in line with the balloons then asks him how tall he is, to which he says 6’5″.

The women then say “Ooooh” to each other in response to his enticing answers, before another one asks if he plans to vote in the upcoming November election. 

“Uh, I didn’t plan on it,” he replies, prompting all of the women to pop their balloons, signaling an instant rejection.

The ad was created by Harris’s deputy director of creative strategy, Brian McBride, who “hid” many negative comments he got on X after posting the video. 

“Goofiness. The outreach is out of touch and senseless,” one user wrote.

“Their audience is mostly women and teenagers,” another commenter said, referring to the primary viewers of dating game videos. “So how will this convince black men to vote if this doesn’t target them and instead shames them which is also not a good persuasion method?”

“Did Trump make these? Because this doesn’t help Kamala,” yet another comment “hidden” by McBride said.

It appears that he gave up on hiding comments after more bad reviews came pouring in, with another person remarking, “As always, black women wanting to keep black men down”:

“‘Vote or no [sex] for you’ is quite the sales pitch. Deeply insulting to black men,” another person said:

“How is this going to convince Black men??? This is insulting,” a black male user wrote:

“And you geniuses wonder why she’s got a black men problem?  Or a male voter problem???”:

Conservative personality Graham Allen asserted that “this is what a failing campaign looks like”:

Podcast host Cash Loren said “It’s hard to describe how cringe Kamala is”:

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WATCH: “I Think We Should Not Allow Voting Machines of Any Kind” – Elon Musk Calls for One-Day Voting on Paper Ballots With No Voting Machines

Elon Musk speaks at town hall in support of Trump in Pennsylvania – October 20, 2024

Elon Musk delivered remarks at a town hall on Sunday in Pennsylvania, where he called out the rigging of our elections and called for elections with “paper ballots in person with ID.”

“I’d be happy if it was just that, you know, citizens voted. You know, I call that a win, he told the crowd. “If we can just make sure that only legal citizens can vote, which is how it’s supposed to be, I’d say that’d be quite a victory compared to what we have right now.”

A massive crowd turned out to see Elon Musk today. Here’s a look at the line via Matthew Smith on X:

Elon Musk has been on the campaign trail for Donald Trump over the past week. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Musk was in the swing state for a Wednesday town hall event and told the crowd, “This election, I think, is going to decide the fate of America, and along with the fate of America, the fate of Western civilization.”

This is why the Democrats are trying to stop him. The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday that Musk is now coming under fire from Democrats like Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro, who said law enforcement should ‘take a look’ at the billionaire entrepreneur’s daily $1 million giveaway to signers of his petition in support of constitutional rights.

HERE WE GO: Democrat Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro Attacks Elon Musk, Says Law Enforcement Should ‘Take a Look’ at Daily $1 Million Giveaway to Signer of His Petition (VIDEO)

This is how much the Democrats hate our Constitution. They want to criminalize petitioning in support of our rights as Americans.

The event venue for tonight’s event was completely filled hours before Elon took the stage:

During the event, Elon spoke about electronic voting machines, sharing that in his experience computers are "easy" to hack and that "the last thing we want to do is have electronic voting machines."

Watch below:

Musk: Well, I mean, frankly, I’d be happy if it was just that, you know, citizens voted. You know, I call that a win. If we can just make sure that only legal citizens can vote, which is how it’s supposed to be, I’d say that’d be quite a victory compared to what we have right now. So just—and I think having more transparency on elections, maximum transparency on elections, and as I’ve said before, I think we should not allow voting machines of any kind. So, you know, I’ve been programming computers since I was nine years old. And, you know, I know how easy it is to, you know, get a line of software wrong or hack a computer. And so, I think the last thing we want to do is have electronic voting machines. We want paper ballots in person with ID.

And actually sort of, in terms of a real AI danger that hopefully is not there this year, but will certainly be a danger in the future, is that advanced AI will be super good at hacking computers. And so, if you have voting machines that are connected to the internet, and you’ve got super advanced AI that can potentially affect those machines, I think that’s very dangerous. So what I’m saying is that I’m normally someone who favors technology. I’m super; you know, I’m a 21st century technology boy, right here. And I’m saying no, no machines for voting.

The post WATCH: “I Think We Should Not Allow Voting Machines of Any Kind” – Elon Musk Calls for One-Day Voting on Paper Ballots With No Voting Machines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Triggered: Kamala’s Running Mate Tim Walz Fires Off Psychotic Social Media Response to Trump’s McDonald’s Work

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) issued a seemingly triggered response to former President Donald Trump working at a Philadelphia McDonald’s on Sunday.

Walz, the vice presidential running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris, responded to a video of Trump wearing an apron at McDonald’s and learning how to make french fries. In his post on X, Walz referenced Harris’s unproven claim that she had previously worked at a McDonald’s.

“This guy spent decades stiffing workers pay, cut overtime benefits for millions of people, and opposed any effort to raise the minimum wage,” Walz wrote in his post.

“You know who has actually worked at McDonald’s, joined workers on picket lines, and fights for working people?” Walz added, “@KamalaHarris.”

Walz’s social media post criticizing Trump’s visit to McDonald’s where he learned to make french fries, served customers their orders, and spoke with several customers in the drive-through.

One customer told Trump that he and his wife were praying for him

“Thank you, Mr. President,” the customer said from the drive-through window. “You made it possible for ordinary people like us to meet you. Thank you so much for everything you are doing. We pray for you, and you are the type of person we want to be the president.”

The customer’s wife added: “Thank you for taking the bullet for us.”

“Mr. President, please don’t let the United States become Brazil, my native Brazil,” another customer told Trump.

“We’re going to make it better than ever,” Trump responded.

Trump’s visit to the McDonald’s comes as Harris has previously alleged that she used to work at a McDonald’s.

During an interview with Drew Barrymore, Harris was asked if “rumors” that Harris had worked at a McDonald’s were true.

“I did,” Harris said. “Yes, I did work at McDonald’s. When I was at school … I did fries. I did fries. I did fries, and then I did the cashier.”

Harris has also previously claimed during a labor rally in 2019 while running for president in the 2020 presidential election that she used to work at McDonald’s.

“I worked in McDonald’s,” Harris said at the time. “I was a student when I was working in McDonald’s.”

Harris’s claims that she used to work at a McDonald’s come as she has previously “never mentioned it” while campaigning or even put it in her “two books,” the Washington Free Beacon reported in August, adding that McDonald’s was also not listed on her previous job applications or resumes:

Harris’s work at McDonald’s, which allegedly took place at a franchise in the California Bay Area the summer after her freshman year in college, is a recent addition to her carefully curated life story. For decades, Harris never mentioned it, not on the campaign trail nor in two books. It’s absent from a job application and resume she submitted a year after she graduated from college. Third-party biographers did not write about it. Not until Harris ran for president in 2019 and spoke to a labor rally in Las Vegas did she mention the jobb, telling the crowd that she “was a student when I was working in a McDonald’s.”

A campaign ad for Harris from August also references the McDonald’s claim: “She grew up in a middle-class home. She was the daughter of a working mom, and she worked at McDonald’s while she got her degree. Kamala Harris knows what it’s like to be middle-class, it’s why she’s determined to lower healthcare costs and make housing more affordable.”

The Washington Free Beacon adds that while “it is possible that Harris” actually worked at McDonald’s when she was younger, the “absence of that detail in public records and her campaign’s coyness and refusal to provide any further details raise questions”:

Politicians who worked menial food service jobs as teens are often quick to mention it as proof of their working class bon fides. Future president Barack Obama, during his 2008 campaign, said his first job scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins in Honolulu instilled in himm the virtues of responsibility and hard work.

Trump’s visit to McDonald’s was also criticized by MSNBC host Alex Witt, and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), who noted that “there’s no logic to it.”

via Breitbart News

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CBS News SEETHES Over Trump McDonald’s Workday, Dismisses As ‘Political Stunt’

In keeping with an earlier promise, former President Donald Trump visited a Pennsylvania McDonald’s for a 15-minute shift at the fry station and drive-through. The CBS Evening News came unglued.
Watch as correspondent Caitlyn Huey-Burns dismisses the Trump workday as little more than a “political stunt”:
CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS: Former President Donald Trump put on an apron today to pull off a political stunt in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Working the fryer to try and claim, without any evidence, that Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t work at a McDonald’s while in college as she said she did.
DONALD TRUMP: She never worked at McDonald’s.
One imagines the hushed, reverential tones that Huey-Burns might deploy were Kamala Harris to take a shift working the Baby ChopVac 9000 at the local Planned Parenthood. She might even call it an example of Harris being relatable. She certainly wouldn’t sneeringly call it a “stunt”. 
But, alas, this is Donald Trump. At a McDonald’s. Doing something we used to call “retail politics”. And the Regime Media, in their perpetual bitterness, are bitter at the fact Trump can pull these things off without running away from unscheduled human contact. 
In this bitterness, Huey-Burns is left to firefight for Kamala Harris’s college job at McDonald’s which, without evidence, she claims to have worked. 
If it weren’t for Regime Media, we’d have none at all. 
Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned report as aired on the CBS Weekend News on Sunday, October 20th, 2024:
6:02 PM
JERICKA DUNCAN: We begin tonight with both presidential candidates barnstorming in battleground states in a push to get out the vote. Harris marked her 60th birthday, making two stops at two churches in Georgia. Stevie Wonder joined her at one of them to sing “Happy Birthday.” Meanwhile, Donald Trump made a brief stop at a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania before heading to a rally in that state. CBS’s Caitlin Huey-Burns is covering it all for us and leads us off tonight in Pittsburgh. Caitlin, good evening to you.
CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS: Good evening to you, Jericka. Well, the stark contrast between these two candidates was on full display today, with Kamala Harris working to turn out churchgoers in Georgia and Donald Trump working at a McDonald’s near Philadelphia. 
Former President Donald Trump put on an apron today to pull off a political stunt in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Working the fryer to try and claim, without any evidence, that Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t work at a McDonald’s while in college as she said she did.
DONALD TRUMP: She never worked at McDonald’s.
HUEY-BURNS: At a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh Saturday, Trump delivered some of his harshest insults of Harris yet.
TRUMP” You’re a (shit) Vice president. The worst — you’re the worst vice president. 
HUEY-BURNS: And went on a lengthy and lewd riff about the legendary golfer Arnold Palmer, who is also from Latrobe.
TRUMP: This is a guy that was all man. This man was strong and tough. And I refuse to say it, but when he took showers with the other pros, they came out of there, they said, oh, my god. That’s unbelievable.
HUEY-BURNS: Today the vice president reacted to Trump’s name-calling.
KAMALA HARRIS: The American people deserve so much better.
HUEY-BURNS: Harris started her day in another battleground, Georgia.
She attended church with Stevie Wonder and marked her 60th birthday.
HARRIS: We each as individuals and as a community have the power to make decisions through these next 16 days that will be about a statement about what kind of country do we want to live in.
HUEY-BURNS: Both candidates are here in Pennsylvania this evening. Harris will be campaigning near Philadelphia with Liz Cheney tomorrow. And Trump is back here in Pittsburgh to attend a Steelers game tonight. Jericka.
DUNCAN: Caitlin, thank you.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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