Super Bowl Ratings Crash to Lowest Level Since 1969, Least Watched Since 2006

The ratings for Super Bowl 55 are in, and the news is not good. The numbers show that viewership fell nine percent, making the game the lowest-rated Super Bowl in more than 50 years.

“CBS averaged 91.629 million TV-only viewers for the Buccaneers’ blowout of the Chiefs in Super Bowl LV, the game’s lowest TV viewership since ’06 when Steelers-Seahawks averaged 90.75 million on ABC. That figure is down from just over 100 million TV-only viewers for Chiefs-49ers last year,” Sports Business Daily reported.

But that is not the worst of it. Sports Media Watch also published the ratings numbers for the entire history of the Super Bowl and this year’s ratings crash is precipitous. According to the numbers, the 2021 ratings (38.2) are the lowest since 1969 (36.0). And Super Bowl 55 is the first game falling below the 40.0 ratings mark since the 1990 Super Bowl between San Francisco and Denver (39.0).

However, digital numbers were up 65 percent this year, proving that TV viewing continues to migrate away from broadcast TV and to streaming and mobile outlets.

Sports Business Journal reporter John Ourand noted that Super Bowl 55’s numbers are “hard to spin” into a “positive story.”

“It’s hard to spin these Super Bowl ratings into a positive story. The numbers are down despite a highly-touted matchup of star QBs, snowstorms in the Northeast, etc.,” he tweeted Tuesday.

However, Ourand also noted that despite the lower numbers, the Super Bowl would have earned the biggest audience of stand-alone broadcasts for the year. He also pointed out that all regular TV viewership is off seven percent overall.

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Sheriff Warns ‘Americans Will Not Be Safe’ Under Biden’s Immigration Policies

A Maryland sheriff warned Americans about the dangers of President Joe Biden’s new immigration policies during an interview Monday on Fox News. “Americans should be angry and outraged,” Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins told “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy. “What he’s done is effectively and functionally dismantled ICE, basically telling the agents to stand down,”…

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Illegal Immigrants Guilty of DUI, Assault Will Not Be Deported Under Biden Plan

Illegal immigrants convicted of simple assault, driving under the influence, and "less serious" drug crimes will not be deported under new Biden administration Immigration and Customs Enforcement guidelines.

The guidelines—which were outlined in internal memos obtained by the Washington Post—aim to prioritize "threats to national security, border security and public safety," ICE said in a statement. But the agency’s new operational plan severely narrows the criminal convictions required for an illegal immigrant to be considered a "public safety threat."

"Generally, these convictions would not include drug-based crimes (less serious offenses), simple assault, DUI, money laundering, property crimes, fraud, tax crimes, solicitation, or charges without convictions," acting director Tae Johnson wrote in a Thursday email. He added that individuals with "gang tattoos" and other "loose" affiliations with gang activity also would not face deportation, according to the Post.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that ICE would not deport illegal immigrants guilty of assault and DUI under the plan during a Monday afternoon briefing. She argued that while such crimes are not "acceptable behavior," the administration is "talking about the prioritization of who is going to be deported from the country."

If approved by Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the guidance would drastically reduce ICE arrests and deportations, giving a boost to progressive lawmakers who have long called to abolish the agency. Some Democrats, however, have already expressed discontent with the plan. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D., Texas) stressed his support for ICE agents during a Sunday Fox News appearance, noting that "large groups" of illegal immigrants have attempted to cross the border in his district in recent days.

"What do you do with those individuals? And then, what do we do about deportation?" Cuellar said. "We have to find balance with what ICE has to do. I support ICE. I support the men and women that are there."

ICE declined to comment further on the matter.

Johnson’s internal emails describing the new initiative came two weeks after ICE issued a memo pledging to "conduct a review of policies and practices concerning immigration enforcement." The memo also ordered a 100-day pause on deportations, but the move was quickly halted by a federal judge in Texas, who said that the Biden administration failed to provide "any concrete, reasonable justification" for the moratorium.

Southern border apprehensions exploded in 2019, reaching their highest annual level in more than a decade as then-president Donald Trump pledged to ramp up illegal immigration enforcement. Rep. Andy Biggs (R., Ariz.), who serves on the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, told the Washington Free Beacon the Biden administration’s more lenient approach will "make our communities less safe and compromise the abilities of law enforcement to protect innocent Americans."

"The radical left has long promised to reverse the Trump administration’s efforts to enforce our laws and punish illegal immigration, and the Biden administration has wasted no time in fulfilling these promises," Biggs said. "I support the men and women who serve our nation at ICE, and I endorse their work to keep ALL illegal aliens off our streets and back to their country of origin."

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Mass amnesty is bad for Americans and legal aliens

On his first day in office, Joe Biden sent a mass amnesty bill to Congress.  Known as “The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021,” the bill not only grants legal status to millions of illegal aliens, but also lays out a path for them to obtain American citizenship (in addition to liberalizing and expanding mass immigration).

This may sound like a pragmatic solution to finally “wipe the slate clean” and a compassionate way to give people who are here unlawfully a “break,” bringing them “out of the shadows.”  However, a deeper dive exposes numerous serious problems associated with mass amnesty, for it will harm both native-born Americans and legal immigrants.  Indeed, even the beneficiaries of amnesty will likely not benefit as much as they may hope.

Common Interests

As a naturalized citizen, I have looked at amnesty through both an American and a legal immigrant lens.  In numerous areas, native-born Americans and legal/naturalized residents have overlapping interests in this and other immigration-related issues.  Immigrants come to the U.S. searching for a better life and generally desire the same things as native-born Americans, such as good schools, the rule of law, increasing wages and a rising standard of living, and upward mobility.  Unfortunately, a massive amnesty/pathway to citizenship will work at cross-purposes with these aspirations, thereby making it harder for both native-born Americans and legal immigrants to achieve the American Dream.

Amnesty Means More Illegal Migration

The sweeping amnesty that President Biden and the congressional Democrats envision is certain to be counter-productive and encourage further illegal migration.  Absolving almost 15 million people living in our country unlawfully of their illegal behavior, and rewarding them with eventual U.S. citizenship, will incentivize more people to come here illegally in the hopes of benefiting from yet another amnesty in the future.  This is borne out by history.

The 1986 amnesty that President Ronald Reagan signed was a failure in “wiping the slate clean” and stemming illegal migration.  The unauthorized population grew steadily from about 3 million post-amnesty to 14.5 million now.  That’s almost a fivefold increase!  Why should we believe that Biden’s much more sweeping and generous amnesty won’t encourage another massive rush for our borders and the arrival of millions of new illegal migrants?

This is a particularly relevant question since the new president seems to be quickly doing everything to invite more illegal migration, as evidenced by moves such as halting border wall construction and reversing policies aiming to stop mass asylum fraud.

The High Costs of Amnesty

An amnesty-inspired influx of even more illegal migrants will certainly impact average Americans – native-born or immigrant – because illegal migration is costly, destabilizing, depresses the wages of lower-income people or deprives them of jobs, and brings in its wake increased crime. Legal immigrants will be disproportionally affected since many have settled in metropolitan areas where illegal aliens tend to gravitate.

Legal immigrants will also not be exempted from paying the costs of amnesty. First, at a time of COVID-19-inflicted unemployment, they will face competition in the labor market from millions now able to work legally. This, in turn, will likely make employers even less willing to raise wages for those who do manage to find or retain jobs.  And newly amnestied workers will feel the pinch of wage stagnation as much as legal immigrants and native-born Americans do.

Second, since amnestied individuals will become eligible for numerous taxpayer-funded social services, amnesty will lead to increased government spending, thus increasing taxes and the national debt.  For example, in 2007, a Heritage Foundation study estimated that amnesty would cost at least $2.6 trillion, and in 2016 Heritage pointed out that amnesty would require an immediate tax increase of $1.29 trillion.  Although those are admittedly lifetime costs, they still represent large sums of money that could be spent on other things or given back to the taxpayers in the form of tax cuts.

Unfair To Legal Immigrants

Last but not least, it is unfair to legal immigrants to reward those here illegally with “papers,” citizenship, and all the privileges and perks that this entails.  Amnesty means that those who came here the right way are being put on the same level as those who cut in line and broke American laws.  This would be similar to students who studied hard for an exam receiving the same grade as those who cheated.

The reality is that mass amnesty will not solve the United States’ illegal migration headache.  The new administration is currently gutting the only policies that can help do that — such as border security, measures against asylum fraud, and serious internal enforcement.  Because amnesty and soft borders are an invitation for more illegal migration, we will certainly find ourselves back at square one in the future.  What is more, amnesty will also mean that we will be passing down to future generations a diminished and weakened version of the American Dream.

Pawel Stryna is an immigrant from Poland and works as an immigration policy analyst at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Image: Another immigrant caravan.  YouTube screen grab.

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Legislation In South Dakota Seeks To Nullify Biden Executive Orders

Legislation introduced in the South Dakota House of Representatives seeks to give the state’s attorney general the authority to review executive orders from President Joe Biden and potentially nullify any order deemed unconstitutional. State Rep. Aaron Aylward (R-Harrisburg) introduced HB 1194, which is described as an act “to authorize the review of certain executive orders issued […]

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Hunter Biden Hires Criminal Defense Lawyer – Whose Colleague Just Landed Top Spot In Biden DOJ

Hunter Biden Hires Criminal Defense Lawyer – Whose Colleague Just Landed Top Spot In Biden DOJ

Approximately one month before Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, Hunter Biden hired a new attorney to assist with his federal criminal defense.

On Inauguration day, one of that lawyer’s colleagues was appointed as the acting head of the Biden Justice Department’s criminal division, according to Axios – and first reported on Friday by Fox NewsTucker Carlson.

In December, the younger Biden hired former federal prosecutor Chris Clark, a partner at Latham & Watkins, to defend him against alleged tax and money laundering activities, as well as potential counterintelligence concerns. Clark worked at Latham with Nicholas McQuaid on multiple cases involving white-collar defense.

Of note, the Biden investigation is being run by the US Attorney in Delaware – not the main Justice Department, according to Axios‘ Lachlan Markay – who notes that it "shows the need for stict ethics enforcement right off the bat."

More via Axios:

  • The two were jointly representing at least one Latham client when McQuaid was tapped for his new Justice Department job on Jan. 20.
  • Clark is based out of Latham’s New York office, according to the firm’s website. In December, Hunter Biden was reportedly exploring additional legal representation in Delaware.
  • Clark did not respond to inquiries. There’s also no indication McQuaid did any work on the Hunter Biden case.

McQuaid, a former federal prosecutor, was tapped in January to serve as principal deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division. Additionally, he was installed as the acting assistant attorney general to replace a Trump appointee, making McQuaid one of a handful of acting AAGs appointed on Biden’s first day in office.

According to the report, federal ethics laws and DOJ regulations would typically bar McQuaid from working on the Biden investigation without a sign-off from Justice ethics officials.

"Potential conflicts between lawyers entering government and their former clients or firms are quite common," said Kedric Payne, senior director for ethics at the Campaign Legal Center – who apparently sees nothing untoward about McQuaid’s appointment.

"This situation is one of the many initial tests of Biden’s ethics pledge, which looks great on paper, but time will tell if it is effective in practice," he added. "Enforcement is essential."

One can only imagine how the press would cover this if it was Don Jr.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 02/02/2021 – 11:29

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Launches Ambitious Crackdown on Big Tech

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced a major push to curb Big Tech’s political bias and censorship today, with measures including a ban on the censorship of political candidates and mandatory opt-outs of content filters for citizens of the Sunshine State.

In a 45-minute speech, the governor identified Big Tech companies as the leading threat to American democracy and freedom of expression today, and pledged that Florida Republicans would take action.

The new regulations announced by DeSantis include:

  • Mandatory opt-outs from big tech’s content filters, a solution to tech censorship first proposed by Breitbart News in 2018.
  • A private right of action for Floridian citizens against tech companies that violate this condition.
  • Fines of $100,000 per day levied on tech companies that suspend candidates for elected office in Florida from their platforms.
  • Daily fines for any tech company “that uses their content and user-related algorithms to suppress or prioritize the access of any content related to a political candidate or cause on the ballot.”
  • Greater transparency requirements.
  • Disclosure requirements enforced by Florida’s election authorities for tech companies that favor one candidate over another.
  • Power for the Florida attorney general to bring cases against tech companies that violate these conditions under the state’s Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act.

This is the widest and most aggressive range of regulatory and legislative solutions so far proposed by any U.S. state to tackle the problem of tech censorship.

WATCH LIVE: Press Conference in Tallahasseehttps://

Posted by Governor Ron DeSantis on Tuesday, February 2, 2021

At a press conference earlier today, DeSantis highlighted the importance of the issue.

“What began as a group of upstart companies from the west coast has since transformed into an industry of monopoly communications platforms that monitor, influence, and control the flow of information in our country and among our citizens, and they do this to an extent hitherto unimaginable,” said DeSantis.

“These platforms have changed from neutral platforms that provided Americans with the freedom to speak to enforcers of preferred narratives. Consequently, these platforms have played an increasingly decisive role in elections, and have negatively impacted Americans who dissent from orthodoxies favored by the Big Tech cartel.”

DeSantis accused the tech giants of “clear viewpoint discrimination,” highlighting the censorship of Donald Trump and the removal of Parler from the internet and Apple and Google-controlled app stores.

“The core issue here is this: are consumers going to have the choice to consume the information they choose, or are oligarchs in Silicon Valley going to make those choices for us? No group of people should exercise such power, especially not tech billionaires in Northern California.”

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. His new book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election, which contains exclusive interviews with sources inside Google, Facebook, and other tech companies, is currently available for purchase.

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Florida Gov. Cracks Down On Big Tech – Lets Residents Sue Over Censorship, $100K Daily Fine For Suspending Political Candidates

Florida Gov. Cracks Down On Big Tech – Lets Residents Sue Over Censorship, $100K Daily Fine For Suspending Political Candidates

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has taken bold action against Big Tech – announcing several measures to counter widespread censorship of conservatives and promote the free exchange of information.

As reported by Breitbart‘s Allum Bokhari, the measures – announced on Tuesday in a 45-minute speech – include mandatory opt-outs on content filters for Floridians, fines, and grants residents the ability to sue over censorship.

More via Breitbart:

  • Mandatory opt-outs from big tech’s content filters, a solution to tech censorship first proposed by Breitbart News in 2018.
  • A private right of action for Floridian citizens against tech companies that violate this condition.
  • Fines of $100,000 per day levied on tech companies that suspend candidates for elected office in Florida from their platforms.
  • Daily fines for any tech company “that uses their content and user-related algorithms to suppress or prioritize the access of any content related to a political candidate or cause on the ballot.”
  • Greater transparency requirements.
  • Disclosure requirements enforced by Florida’s election authorities for tech companies that favor one candidate over another.
  • Power for the Florida attorney general to bring cases against tech companies that violate these conditions under the state’s Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act.

"What began as a group of upstart companies from the west coast has since transformed into an industry of monopoly communications platforms that monitor, influence, and control the flow of information in our country and among our citizens, and they do this to an extent hitherto unimaginable," said DeSantis, adding "These platforms have changed from neutral platforms that provided Americans with the freedom to speak to enforcers of preferred narratives. Consequently, these platforms have played an increasingly decisive role in elections, and have negatively impacted Americans who dissent from orthodoxies favored by the Big Tech cartel."


Some 250 million Americans, or around 4 out of every 5 people, have social media accounts.

Other Florida conservatives weighed in on Tuesday’s announcement.

"Florida is taking back the virtual public square as a place where information and ideas can flow freely. We’re demanding transparency from the big tech giants," said State House Speaker Chris Sprowls in a statement.

"The big tech companies have the duty to allow differing views on their public platforms. No one should be excluded. But let’s be clear: They are targeting conservatives," said Senate President Wilton Simpson according to local10, adding that it amounts to political censorship.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 02/02/2021 – 18:40

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Joe Biden to Divert $30 Billion in Aid Trump Left For Farmers to Climate Change without Waiting For Congress

Joe Biden is now waging war on farmers.

Biden killed tens of thousands of jobs his first day in office when he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and now he’s targeting farmers.

The Trump Administration left $30 billion to help farmers suffering from the trade wars but Biden is going to divert the money to climate change pet projects.

Biden’s plan is to create a “carbon bank” to pay farmers for using “sustainable farming practices” to “capture carbon in soil.”

This is extremely dangerous and will only put smaller, family-owned farms out of business.

Politico reported:

The Trump administration used it to bail out farmers suffering from its trade wars. Now the Biden administration wants to deploy a $30 billion pot of money in the Agriculture Department to tackle climate change, support restaurants and kickstart other programs without waiting for Congress.

Long hidden in obscurity as a Depression-era financial institution, the Commodity Credit Corp. is shaping up as one of the first focal points for how the Biden administration is quickly revamping flexible programs left behind by former President Donald Trump.

Biden officials have their own ideas about how the money should be spent, setting up a tug of war over its limited resources. The trick will be convincing Congress that the USDA has the authority to use funds from the CCC to create a “carbon bank” to pay producers for using sustainable farming practices to capture carbon in soil.

“Secretary Sonny sure made a strong play for the CCC, and it certainly seems like Secretary Vilsack ought to have that kind of influence on how it’s spent,” an agriculture lobbyist told POLITICO who was granted anonymity in order to speak freely.

Recall, Julie Masser Ballay, a CFO of her family’s potato farm and member of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau who said she voted for Trump in 2016 confronted Joe Biden during a CNN town hall.

Ballay expressed her concern about Biden’s Green New Deal crushing small farms with overregulation.

Biden said he will pay farmers to put their land into “land banks” and “pay farmers for planting certain crops” that could “absorb carbon from the air.”

This is straight Communism and could lead to food shortages.

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Denzel Washington: I Don’t Care for People Who Put Down the Police and Soldiers Who Sacrifice Their Lives So We Have the Freedom to Complain About What They Do

Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington made his support for America’s police and soldiers clear in a recent interview in which he called out people who “put down” America’s law enforcement and military, men and women for whom Washington said he has “the utmost respect.”

“I have the utmost respect for what they do, for what our soldiers do, [people] that sacrifice their lives. I just don’t care for people who put those kind of people down. If it weren’t for them, we would not have the freedom to complain about what they do,” Denzel Washington told Yahoo Entertainment.

Washington, who has portrayed law enforcement in 13 movies, was promoting his latest film, The Little Things in which he stars as a Los Angeles County Sheriff with a checkered past who sets out to nab a serial killer (Jared Leto).

Watch below: 

The Glory star went on to explain that his respect for law enforcement was also shaped from first-hand knowledge after an incident he witnessed during a ride-along in 1991, while researching a role for the film Ricochet.

“I went out on a call with a sergeant. We got a call of a man outside his house with a rifle that was distraught,” Washington told the news outlet. “We pulled up and did a U-turn past the house and came up short of the house. He told me to sit in the car, which I was gonna do. I wasn’t getting out. He got out. As he got out, another car came screaming up, and two young people jumped out screaming. As it turned out, it was their grandfather. This policeman defused the entire situation by just remaining calm.”

The officer was able to defuse the situation without resorting to any violence, Washington said.

“But it showed me in an instant how they can lose their life,” Washington said. “He didn’t overreact. He could’ve pulled his gun out and shot the people that came up driving real fast. He could’ve shot the old man that was distraught and a bit confused; I think he was suffering a little bit from dementia. But in an instant, it taught me, and I never forgot it, what our law enforcement people have to deal with moment to moment, second to second.”

The veteran Hollywood star recently earned praise in his private life after being captured on video in what appeared to be an effort to help a homeless man during an encounter with police in Los Angeles.

TMZ posted a video last May showing Washington appearing to mediate a tense situation between the homeless man, who is black, and two police officers. The video shows Washington placing himself between the man and the police in front of what looks to be Barton G, a restaurant in the West Hollywood area.

Watch below: 

One of the L.A. police officers publicly thanked Washington, calling him a good Samaritan, and even gave the homeless man a mask for protection. “So Denzel helped us today,” the officer said.

Washington, who has also portrayed a U.S. soldier several times during his stellar career, will next direct a film about a soldier who “makes the ultimate sacrifice.”

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