Rep. Jackie Speier Suggests Labeling Republicans Terrorists

Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said in a Monday tweet that since Republicans sometimes use the term “radical left” to refer to Democrats, Democrats should label the GOP with an even more extreme moniker. “The Republicans have been calling Democrats the radical left. Time to call Republicans the terrorist right?” she tweeted. The Republicans have been […]

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Kamala Harris already becoming a problem for Biden White House

I suspect that regret already is setting in among his handlers over their pick of Kamala Harris for Joe Biden’s running mate. Then first of what will be many clean-up efforts began yesterday for her bungling an incident 8 days in office.  CNN reports:

The White House called Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin after Vice President Kamala Harris conducted interviews with West Virginia media, according to a person with knowledge of the conversation.

The outreach comes after Harris’ apparent move to apply pressure on Manchin frustrated the conservative Democrat, something that he made clear over the weekend.

The pressure VP Harris attempted to apply came in the form of an exclusive interview she granted to WSAZ TV in Huntington, WV. Curiously, I have been unable to locate a video clip on Rumble or YouTube or Twitter. Even WSAZ’s own website is not making available what has to be one of the most newsworthy broadcast moments in the station’s history.

In the interview, Harris tried to pressure the popular former governor by speaking directly to his own constituents:

On Thursday, Harris promoted the $1.9 trillion Covid relief plan in interviews with television stations in West Virginia and Arizona — states that are home to Democrats whose votes could be critical to passing Covid relief, including Manchin in West Virginia and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, along with Sen. Mark Kelly, who will face re-election in the state in 2022, in Arizona.

In an interview with WSAZ Thursday, Harris said she and Biden believe it’s important to “work with a sense of urgency” to address the public health and economic crisis. The Vice President touted the package, saying it’s “about opening schools back up in a safe way, it’s about getting support for small businesses, getting relief for families.”

Harris also spoke about the economic situation of the West Virginia coal industry.

“All of those skilled workers who are in the coal industry and transferring those skills to what we need to do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned land mines; what we need to do around plugging leaks from oil and gas wells; and, transferring those important skills to the work that has yet to be done that needs to get done,” she said.

I am fairly certain Harris did not mean what she literally said: that unemployed coal miners ought to hunt for unexploded land mines, one of the most horrifically dangerous occupations imaginable (and a favorite cause of Princess Di). She probably meant reclaiming old coal mines by decontamination and planting of ground cover over the sites where people used to earn a good living. But such is her arrogance that she has not admitted that she misspoke.

Machin publicly complained (video at the link) on the same West Virginia TV station about not being consulted before being, in essence, shamed before his electorate:

“I saw [the interview], I couldn’t believe it. No one called me [about it],” Manchin said. “We’re going to try to find a bipartisan pathway forward, but we need to work together. That’s not a way of working together.”

Given the 50-50 split of the Senate, The Democrats can’t afford to lose Manchin’s vote on any measure that won’t attract Republican votes. They ought to flattering and offering boons to him at every opportunity, not shaming him. That, apparently, never occurred to Kamala, her aides, or whatever White House staff (if any) were consulted about the interview.

So, Jen Psaki had to admit yesterday, without even her customary dodge of circling back, that someone — she would not say who – had phoned Senator Manchin about the interview, presumably to make amends. Even CNN, well connected with the Biden White House, could not even get a straight answer:

The source [“a person with knowledge of the conversation”] declined to say what the White House said to Manchin or who from the White House called him, but the call underscores the delicate balancing act President Joe Biden faces as he and Democrats try to hold a narrow Senate majority together to pass a sweeping Covid relief plan — and any other legislation this year.

I am pretty sure that this means that some heavy-duty groveling was involved. Like many people widely mocked outside their home state. West Virginians are a proud bunch and do not react well to strangers looking down their noses at them. Harris, already a wealthy Californian, whose stepdaughter just received a modeling contract that is difficult to justify on aesthetic gfrounds, personifies status, privilgem and arrogance. 

At the time the-Senator Harris was chosen as Biden’s running mate, a female who could claim Black heritage was demographically almost mandatory, given the role of the Black constituency in putting Biden over the top in the South Carolina primary, and its standing as a quarter of the Dems’ voting base. And, if the party were going to go with another white male at the top of the ticket, a female also was virtually mandatory in the veep slot.

But Harris has no subtlety, no finesse. She got her start in politics by sleeping with the (married) most powerful politician in California, and since then has risen through the hierarchy of public offices based on identity politics and personal pull in a one-party state.

With Biden’s physical and mental health questionable, she has a good chance to become the first female POTUS without being elected to the office. Cleaning up after her messes then, in the hands of her chosen staff of lackeys, may be costly to all of us, not just to her dignity.

Caricature by Donkey Hotey (cropped) CC BY 2.0  license

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Operation ‘Deprogram’: Time for a ‘Cleansing’ of Conservatives

It didn’t matter that most Republicans and conservatives decried the horrible January 6 Capitol Hill riots. Liberal journalists nevertheless exploited the event to target them as “cultists” who needed to be “deprogrammed.” 
This past month saw the likes of the Washington Post Associate Editor Eugene Robinson and former CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric calling for Donald Trump supporters to be “deprogrammed.” ABC News political director Rick Klein tweeted about “cleansing the movement.” 
CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy demanded a deplatforming of conservatives from social media sites and cable TV, as he advocated for an“informational environment” clean-up.
This was all in addition to the hype journalists gave the incoming Biden administration that can be found here. 
The following are some of the worst (non-Inauguration) outbursts from liberal journos (and celebrities) over the last month.  
How Do We “Deprogram” Millions of Racist, Violent Trump Cultists?
“The Klan was lower income, the white Citizens’ Councils were the Josh Hawleys and Ted Cruzes of their day. Here’s the situation, though….There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed….It’s as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process? Much less complete it?”
— Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, January 12. 
“How are we going to really, almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?”
— Former NBC’s Today show co-host and CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, January 15. 
Yikes! “Cleansing?” 
“Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.” 
—  January 7 tweet by ABC News political director Rick Klein. The tweet was later deleted. 
If You Voted For Trump, You Are On The Same Side as the Klan 
“If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported. You voted for the person who Nazis support. You voted for the person who the alt-right supports. That’s the crowd that you are in.” 
— Host Don Lemon on CNN: The 2nd Trump Impeachment Vote, January 14. 
Time to Censor the Conservatives 
“The story this week was bringing our informational crisis to the forefront. It’s a national emergency. You have corporations and people that are profiting off lies and conspiracy theories, whether that’s big tech, whether that’s Fox News, whether that’s TV providers that beam OAN and Newsmax into homes, or Rush Limbaugh. There are a lot of people profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories, and I don’t really see how things get better, how we move on as a country until this informational environment is cleaned up.”
— CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy on CNN’s Reliable Sources, January 10. 
Time to Scrap This Whole Capitalism Thing? 
“I wonder if you think, fundamentally, capitalism needs to change and, if you do, what the Biden administration plans to push for on that front?”
— Host Poppy Harlow to White House economic advisor Jared Bernstein on CNN Newsroom, January 28.
Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin “Paved the Way” for Trump’s “Dark” and “Destructive Politics” 
“Donald Trump had a role model for his exploitation of the class divide. Sarah Palin, who did it first….Before there was a Donald Trump, there was a Republican pioneer [Newt Gingrich] who paved the way for the Trump brand of destructive politics….His legacy has been both dark and far reaching: A permanent state of war between the parties.”
— Host Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s The Divided State of America: What is Tearing Us Apart?, January 31. 
Accusing Ted Cruz of Attempted Murder = “Fair Response” 
“Yesterday, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about the GameStop story, saying Robinhood’s decision to block retail investors was unacceptable. Republican Senator Ted Cruz said he fully agreed with her stance. But Ocasio-Cortez wants nothing to do with him. Firing back on Twitter,  quote, ‘I’m happy to work on Republicans on this issue where there is common ground. But you almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out. Happy to work with almost any other GOP [sic] that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime, if you want to help, you can resign.’ So Michael Steele, I think that’s kind of a fair response.”
— Co-host Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, January 29. 
GOP = “Gang Of Pirates” 
“Trump didn’t get us here alone. Think about those who remain, who’ve sent every signal that they want to be every bit of his animus and more….Who does all of these things unless you want chaos? GOP used to stand for ‘Grand Old Party.’ Now, it’s like ‘Gang Of Pirates.’”
— Host Chris Cuomo on CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime, January 27.
She Said That With a Straight Face 
Co-host Sara Haines: “Do you think the media will hold President Biden to the same level of scrutiny? “
ABC chief White House correspondent Cecilia Vega: “I do. You know, President Trump did that [calling the press “fake news” and “enemy of the people”] not just when we were questioning him, but this was his M.O., he said he tried to discredit us because it helped him politically. I don’t think you’re going to see that from Biden. That’s just not his personality….But that doesn’t mean he’s in any way going to get any kind of free pass or even frankly a honeymoon.” 
— ABC’s The View, January 25. 
Hard-Hitting Question for Biden’s New Press Secretary
“Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian tweeted last night, ‘First non-weird Press Secretary in four years.’ I’m wondering how long you intend to keep that going.”
— Co-host Gayle King to White House press secretary Jen Psaki on CBS This Morning, January 21. 
Tapper Questions Disabled Vet’s “Commitment” After No Impeachment Vote  
“Congressman Brian Mast, a Republican from Florida, who lost his legs, by the way, fighting for democracy abroad, although I don’t know what his — I don’t know about his commitment to it here in the United States.”
— CNN anchor Jake Tapper during live impeachment coverage, January 13. 
“Four Long Years of Horror” 
“Donald J. Trump, who dragged this country through four long years of horror, from caged children, Nazi coddling, open white nationalism, and open corruption, who profited off the presidency that he gained with foreign help and then humiliated himself and us before the ex-KGB agent who helped put him in the White House, and who fired the FBI director who caught him, who sat back and did absolutely nothing while more than 370,000 Americans died in a global pandemic, that guy has been impeached for the second time in a year.”
— MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid during MSNBC’s live coverage of House impeachment proceedings, January 13.  
Screw Unity! It’s Our Turn! 
“There is not a single member of the Republican Party who cared at all about unity when Donald Trump waved his misogyny flag or waved his racism flag, or waved his ‘reporters are the enemy of the people’ flag. He sought to divide people on an hourly basis on his Twitter feed. So the excuse for not doing something, cannot be, most not be, from any Republican that unity is now today their priority. They’ve made clear they don’t care and that disunity has been their strategy.”
— MSNBC’s Deadline:White House host Nicolle Wallace during MSNBC’s live coverage of House impeachment proceedings, January 13.  
Conservatives Like Rush Limbaugh Have Been “Tearing Things Down for Decades” 
“There are voices, very loud, prominent, influential voices, that have spent decades tearing down trust in our institutions, tearing down education, tearing down facts, tearing down the media, et cetera, and you don’t build that back overnight….Most importantly, the conservative media, people like Rush Limbaugh, people on Fox News, the ones who have been tearing things down for decades for their own benefit.”
—  MSNBC anchor Katy Tur on NBC’s Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, January 6. 
Trump Assaulted the USA for For Four Years 
“This man, this Trump, he made it his business for four years to rape this country. It’s disgusting, and I’m so happy to have somebody who cares about the children back.”
— Co-host Joy Behar on ABC’s The View, January 21. 
If It Is An Awards Show, There Must Be At Least One “Trump Is Hitler” Reference
“This president Agent Orange will go down in history with the likes of Hitler.”
— Film director Spike Lee in a pre-recorded acceptance speech at the New York Films Critics Circle Awards, January 24. 
Jimmy’s Not So Subtle Word Play 
“Trump Administration resignations are piling up. They did not see this coming. They’re Not-sees.”
— January 7 tweet by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! host Jimmy Kimmel. 
Country Has Gone to BLEEP Under Trump
Host Stephen Colbert: “So what have you been doing the last five years? What’s been going on? 
Actor George Clooney: “Nothing. You know, nothing. Watching our country go to [bleep]. Let’s see, what else? No, that’s about it, that’s pretty much it. 
Colbert: “That does grab the focus by the — by the short hairs.”
Clooney: “Yeah. By the short hairs is exactly — you know, it’s — you know, when you get to the point where the leader of the free world is calling the press ‘The enemy of the people,’ you know, it starts to cause concern. I’m excited about the next four years.”
— CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, December 18.
Who Will Cut “Off” Trump’s “Oxygen?” Beat Him Like a “Pinata?”
“Who arrests Trump if he refuses to concede? Who drags him out? Pepper spray? Cuffs?
A knee on his neck, cutting off his oxygen? Does he wheeze ‘I can’t breathe.’ Just whale away on him like a piñata? Rodney King style? The thug who has destroyed the country. What does he deserve?”
— December 20 tweet by actor Alec Baldwin. 

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Emotional Keystone Pipeline Worker Blasts Biden for Firing Workers ‘by Signing a Piece of Paper’

Just as Joe Biden started his new job as president, he used his pen to end the jobs of thousands by pulling the permit for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Neal Crabtree is now unemployed and so is the team who worked under him.

Biden’s decision immediately cost about 11,000 jobs, many of them union jobs. As Breitbart News reported, one expert said Biden’s other climate change order to stop drilling leasing on public land could cost as many as a million U.S. jobs.

Crabtree posted about it on his Facebook page: “I got laid off for political reasons and stupidity and the future doesn’t look so bright. I’ve got a sickening feeling in my stomach … I went to my truck and literally cried.”

Fox News interviewed Crabtree and asked him about his reaction to the news about Biden’s executive order.

“The president was able to put us out of work by signing a piece of paper,” Crabtree said as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. “I’m the one that had to look these people in the eye and tell them they didn’t have a job anymore.”

“If I got a little emotional, I think that’s only human,” Crabtree said.

Crabtree said he got into the energy industry because in his home state of Arkansas farming is the main way to make a living.

“So I chose this career,” Crabtree said. “We go all over the country and we depend on these projects to provide a living for our families.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do right now,” Crabtree said. “It’s tough.”

Crabtree said he believes Biden’s decision was based on politics, not climate change.

“For the president to sit up there and tell the American public that he canceled this project because of climate reasons, it simply isn’t true,” Crabtree said. “This oil is already coming into this country.”

“This pipeline wasn’t going to be the start of it,” Crabtree said. “It’s coming by rail cars every single day. Hundreds, thousands of them.”

And if the environment is the concern, Crabtree said, common sense should apply.

“A pipeline can do this safer,” Crabtree said. “Common sense tells you that. Common sense said we don’t need to put American workers out of a job right now.”

“Common sense says this pipeline needs to be built,” Crabtree said. “Common sense seems to be lacking in the early days of this administration.”

Crabtree also said Biden is “hypocritical” because of his son Hunter Biden’s former job in the energy sector in Ukraine.

“Biden literally sent his son up overseas in energy companies developing their infrastructure and he’s killing the same thing here,” Crabtree said. “It’s totally political. It has nothing to do with climate change.”

“I always laugh when the government says [it is] going to create thousands of jobs,” Crabtree said. “The government don’t create jobs. The private sector in this country creates the jobs.”

“The government can, however, destroy jobs,” Crabtree said, his voice breaking.

The Fox News host thanked Crabtree and wished him well.

“I’m not giving up,” Crabtree said. “We’re going to keep fighting. I’m not giving up.”

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Christian scholar tossed in Facebook jail for ‘violence and incitement.’ His crime? Objecting to Biden’s transgender military policy.

Facebook suspended a prominent Christian scholar for 24 hours earlier this week — for speaking out against transgender ideology and President Joe Biden lifting the ban on transgenders in the military — calling his words "violence and incitement," PJ Media reported.

What are the details?

Robert A.J. Gagnon, who teaches New Testament Theology at Houston Baptist University, was banned Tuesday, the outlet said.

Gagnon also holds a Ph.D. in Pauline theology and sexuality from Princeton Theological Seminary and published "The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics," PJ Media said.

The outlet said Gagnon posted a defense of his friend, Laurie Higgins, who got a seven-day ban for criticizing Biden’s policy. Then Gagnon himself was thrown in Facebook’s slammer for the following text, PJMedia said:

My friend Laurie Higgins has been suspended for 7 days, for making an accurate and witty satirical post, by left-wing FB overlords who seek to squash all dissent on the issue of transgenderism, no doubt emboldened by the Biden/Harris administration. There’s nothing inaccurate about this post.

  1. Biden’s lifting of Trump’s transgender military ban will indeed put women military personnel in the awful position of having to shower with biological males.
  2. Trans-promoters aren’t content with having men invade the domain of women’s sports and shelters.
  3. "Transgender" ideology is indeed a pseudo-science, compelling people to reject basic biological facts.
  4. Promoters of "transgenderism" do indeed exhibit traits of a religious cult in their mind-numbing, science-denying conformity. The censoring and suspending of Laurie Higgins rather proves the point, doesn’t it?

Gagnon said Facebook claimed his criticisms violated the social media giant’s "Community Standards on violence and incitement," the outlet reported.

What did Gagnon have to say?

"There was absolutely no incitement to violence on our part. We abhor violence done to any person," Gagnon told PJ Media on Tuesday. "This is just a thinly veiled and pathetic excuse for censorship of any critical views toward trans-tyranny over our consciences, religion, and reason."

He also noted that "only one point of view is being allowed. [Former President Donald] Trump was not the great danger to the Republic. Left-wing canceling is," the outlet added.

Facebook, however, told Gagnon it has such "standards" in place "to prevent and disrupt offline harm," PJ Media reported, adding that Facebook didn’t respond to the outlet’s request for comment.

Another professor steps in

Robert P. George, McCormick professor of jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University, spoke out on Facebook against the platform’s attack on Gagnon, the outlet said.

"Censorship on Facebook and some other social media has now gone way beyond the bounds of the reasonable, and is grossly violating representations about free speech made by CEOs and other officers of the major platforms," George wrote, according to PJ Media, calling Gagnon’s suspension "an egregious case."

"We need robust free speech in what functions today as the public square. We need dialogue and debate. People need to be able to criticize and forcefully challenge idea — including ideas that are dominant in elite sectors of the culture and among people in the tech industry," George said, the outlet reported. "What we do NOT need is the silencing of dissent. That is never a good idea. Once it starts and becomes normalized … things do not end well."

George concluded, according to PJ Media: "If anyone from FB is reading this comment, please, I beg you, reconsider the path down which you are going. It is not a good one. It is a healthy spirit of civil libertarianism we need; not dogmatism and the enforcement of groupthink."

Anything else?

Gagnon had more to say Thursday:

On the bright side, he also noted Thursday that Higgins’ ban had been lifted:

(H/T: The Christian Post)

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WATCH: Dr. Fauci Announces Biden Admin Will Be Sending Your Tax Dollars Overseas To Fund Abortion (VIDEO)

Dr. Fauci has announced that the Biden Administration will being ending the Trump Administration’s Mexico City Policy agreement.

The Mexico City Policy agreement puts a gag rule on using federal funding to pay for abortions in foreign countries.

March for Life President Jeanne F. Mancini tweeted out her opposition and disgust regarding the move.

As many of you all know, the Biden administration wants nothing to do with “unity.” They want to divide the country even further and continue to push their radical left-wing agenda.

Former President Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow had a segment on his podcast discussing this issue

Click the video below to watch and leave a comment to let us know what you think!

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The Next Hunter? Kamala Harris’s Stepdaughter Cashes in on Biden Presidency

Hunter Biden’s gravy train may be stalled on the tracks until federal authorities conclude their investigation into his finances, but that doesn’t mean other Biden-Harris family members can’t cash in on their proximity to power.

The post The Next Hunter? Kamala Harris’s Stepdaughter Cashes in on Biden Presidency appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Mike Lee, Chip Roy push censure of AOC after she wildly accused Ted Cruz of attempting to have her ‘murdered’

Two Republican lawmakers, Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) and Rep. Chip Roy (Texas), sent letters to colleagues Thursday urging them to censure Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (New York) after she launched wild accusations against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), alleging he attempted to have her murdered.

What’s the background?

The accusation in question occurred Thursday after Cruz responded to a tweet by Ocasio-Cortez calling for an investigation into stock-trading app Robinhood, saying he "fully" agreed with the prospect. Robinhood this week temporarily suspended the ability to purchase certain volatile stocks, including GameStop and AMC Entertainment Holdings, after online investors rallied to buy up shares in the companies in order to "squeeze" Wall Street hedge fund managers.

In response to Cruz, Ocasio-Cortez wrote: "I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out. Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren’t trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign."

What are the details?

In Lee’s letter, obtained by the Federalist, the Utah congressman writes: "It has come to my attention that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sent out a tweet a few hours ago in which she accused one of our colleagues — twice — of attempted murder. I believe that, as a conference, we should immediately and publicly call on her to retract her statement and apologize. If she refuses to do so — and perhaps even if she doesn’t — I think she should be admonished or censured by the House."

In a separate letter, Roy demanded that Ocasio-Cortez "immediately apologize and retract her comments."

"If Representative Ocasio-Cortez does not apologize immediately, we will be forced to find alternative means to condemn this regrettable statement," Roy added. "It is my sincere hope that we all stop this heightened rhetoric and move forward to actually do the work the American people sent us here to do."

What else?

In her tweet, Ocasio-Cortez was referring to Cruz’s decision to object to the certification of President Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory on Jan. 6, an action she considers to have directly incited a pro-Trump mob to storm the U.S. Capitol while Congress was present in the chambers.

Following the riot, the New York Democrat demanded that Cruz, along with several other Republican lawmakers, resign from Congress.

During a virtual town hall last week, she characterized the actions of election objectors as "a dereliction of duty and a betrayal of our country."

"And that is why I have demanded the resignations of Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, [and] Republican Minority Leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy, along with many others," she continued. "Because this is not just about political opinion or partisanship. This was about the abandonment of our sworn oath."

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