Democrats are so scared one of their all-time favorite boogeymen, former President Donald Trump, will run and humiliate them again they are considering banishing him from electoral politics forever through an obscure constitutional provision created in the aftermath of the Civil War to deal with Confederate leaders and soldiers.
Disqualifying opposing candidates, in case you forgot, is part of the old Barack Obama playbook from his Illinois Senate days, and, call me crazy, but Donald Trump is no Jefferson Davis.
Imagine if General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Virginia (assuming Americans still know who Robert E. Lee is) marched into Washington DC. without a single shot being fired, he conquered the Capitol and installed Jefferson Davis as President.
Although nobody died, and no buildings were destroyed, could anyone argue against the reality that the United States was in the middle of a civil war? But the fake propaganda media is doing exactly that today. They continue to pretend that the United States had just completed a legitimate democratic election process when what happened was the overthrow of the Presidency.
The Democrats’ preoccupation with putting a wooden stake through the heart of Donald Trump serves two purposes. The first and most obvious is that they wish to ensure that Trump will never be able to hold public office ever again, while the second is a warning to others that should anyone in future times attempt to disrupt the homeostasis of the swamp, this is the sort of fate that awaits them.
While Donald Trump may not have been as slick as Barack Obama, he was certainly as honest, or dishonest, pick your poison. The difference is that only conservatives called Obama out for his lies, while Trump’s prevarications resulted in accusatory headlines, even when he was telling the truth.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy, who proudly serves Florida’s Seventh District, introduces a bill called the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021(SCIA) to “disqualify participants in Capitol attack or members of QANON from holding security clearances”—a direct quote from her congressional website.
Bill to Prevent Capitol Protesters from Holding Security Clearance/Murphy Webpage
Murphy, a former national security specialist who held high-security clearance at the Department of Defense (DoD), seems to make no bones about whom she targets with this bill.
She states in her press release that “people who participated in the assault on the Capitol” or who are QANON followers should be denied security access because, “It is highly unlikely that such an individual will be found by investigators to have shown the conduct, character, and loyalty to the United States that is a prerequisite to holding a national security position and viewing classified information.”
The bill also expands the universe of targeted individuals to anyone who attended a “similar Stop the Steal activity.” Had she not included Stop the Steal protests, one might assume that she means only the much smaller group of people who actually damaged property on Jan.6, not the 100’s of thousands of people who stood peacefully and, in some cases, prayerfully, outside of the Capitol with their American flags.
Protester/Topeka/Capitol Meemaw
Those who apply for security clearance must reasonably accept that invasive questions will be posed on their Standard Form 86 application. Such questions are necessary to guard against nefarious actors in our government who might subvert their office to carry out disruptive activity against the country.
The application covers a multitude of activities, including foreign activity, employment history, arrest history, and mental health. However, this Bill proposes the addition of a question to Section 29, “The Association Record,” part of the application. In the current form, an applicant is asked 5 questions pertaining to his or her association with terrorist organizations, organizations dedicated to the violent overthrow of governments, “or an organization that advocates the use of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution.” In all cases, the five questions in this section request specific dates and activities, as shown in the first screenshot below.
Security Clearance Questions/Section 29
Murphy’s bill, however, adds a question to the Section 29 (Association Record) part of the application. Her bill would “direct the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to add another question to Section 29 that asks applicants whether they have ever been a member of, associated with, or knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement—like QAnon—that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.”
The bill would also require that the applicant be asked whether he or she attended the Jan. 6 event or any similar event, like Stop the Steal. And, stated directly on her website, “Even if it does not constitute a criminal offense, attendance at an event designed to overturn the results of a presidential election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power raises serious questions about an applicant’s suitability for a security clearance.” It should be noted nowhere in the press release or bill is it mentioned that BLM/Antifa protestors would be asked those kinds of questions. In fact, Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.
"Black Lives Matter movement nominated for Nobel peace prize"
On Jan. 22, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that President Joe Biden asked the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to complete a full threat assessment of the risk of domestic terrorism following the Capitol riot by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The assessment will draw on governmental and non-governmental organizations and enlist the FBI and other intelligence agencies’ full investigatory powers. This will be the first step in a process that will employ “fact-based analysis” that will shape policy for the administration.
This bill and its accompanying intelligence investigation seem to target a large swath of the American electorate, with the potential to equate innocent people with domestic terrorists. Ayn Rand was prescient when she said,
“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.” – Ayn Rand
An Army chaplain is under investigation after he reportedly said that transgender soldiers are "mentally unfit" and "unqualified to serve" in the U.S. military.
On Monday, President Joe Biden issued an executive order reversing former President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the military.
What are the details?
According to a Friday report from the Daily Mail, Army chaplain Maj. Andrew Calvert is facing an investigation after he made the remarks on an article that appeared on his Facebook feed. He reportedly made the remarks the same day Biden overturned Trump’s previous ban.
"How is rejecting reality (biology) not evidence that a person is mentally unfit (ill), and thus making that person unqualified to serve?" he wrote, as reported by the Daily Mail. "There is little difference in this than over those who believe and argue for a ‘flat earth,’ despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The motivation is different, but the argument is the same."
The outlet reported that Calvert’s Facebook page has "now seemingly been disabled" and revealed that the Security Force Assistant Command says it has launched an investigation into Calvert’s remarks.
A portion of the statement on the investigation states, "Always remember to ‘Think, Type, Post’ when it comes to engaging in conversation on social media platforms. We are soldiers 24/7 and that means always treating people with dignity and respect. We are aware of the recent comments posted to the Army Times Facebook in regard to the ban being removed on transgender service members. This incident is under investigation."
The statement continued, "The Security Force Assistant Command Enterprise fully supports the Commander in Chief, Secretary of Defense, and all DoD policies. The United States Army has a strict standard against any form of discrimination based on gender identity."
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a statement on Friday addressing the mob of Democrats and liberal reporter henchmen that are trying to “take her out” with a massive smear campaign.
The statement comes shortly after Marxist Democrat lawmaker Cori Bush tried to claim that Greene had harassed her in the halls — which Greene promptly shut down with a video of the incident.
Rep. @CoriBush is the leader of the St. Louis Black Lives Matter terrorist mob who trespassed into a gated neighborhood to threaten the lives of the McCloskey’s.
In a statement published on social media and sent out to members of the media by her press team, Greene wrote that “since launching your smear campaign attacks on me, nearly 60,000 America First Patriots from all 50 states have reached out with messages of support and have poured over $1.6 million in small donations into my campaign account.”
“Every attack. Every lie. Every smear strengthens my base of support at home and across the country because people know the truth and are fed up with the lies. While big PACs and powerful corporations refuse to donate to Republicans and cave to the vicious cancel culture mob, the people have my back. The same 75 million people who voted for President Trump. Voters who will be vital to Republicans taking back the House in 2022,” the statement continued.
“Contributions of $.50 or a $100 are significant statements of support, but the heartfelt prayers and encouraging messages telling me to keep standing strong against the mob are what’s most significant to me. For me, it’s people over politicians. It’s people over big money PACs. It’s people over powerful elite corporations and the Silicon Valley Cartel who are trying to cancel all of us. I will never back down. I will never give up. Because I am one of you. And I will always represent you,” Greene continued. “I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you. I take them for our America First movement so that we can save our country and stop socialism. I knew this day would come, it was only a question of when.”
Greene warned that if Republicans cower to the mob, and let the Democrats and the Fake News media take her out, they’re opening the door to come after every single Republican until there’s none left. “But what’s worse is Republicans would be opening the door to let the vicious cancel culture mob take out every one of you,” she stated.
“President Trump taught us how to defend America First values. That’s why Democrats have the smallest majority in the House since WWII. I will lead the charge to be a voice for the Silent Majority. I’ll always have your back, because I know you have mine. Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. More MAGA reinforcements are on the way. Let’s win BIG for Republicans in 2022! Save America. Stop Socialism. Defeat the Democrats! Let’s make America great again!”
The administration of President Joe Biden is set to administer the coronavirus vaccine to terrorist suspects at Guantánamo Bay as early as “next week,” according to multiple reports, while Americans wait for their chance to obtain the vaccine.
“The Pentagon will offer coronavirus vaccinations to inmates at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba by as soon as next week,”Fox News reported on Thursday, citing defense officials privy to the matter.
“The 40 prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay military prison will be offered vaccines ‘on a voluntary basis’ because consent is required to administer a treatment that has yet to receive full FDA approval,” it added.
Separately, the New York Times reported that federal prosecutor Clayton Trivett Jr., wrote to the defense lawyers of inmates held at the US military base — including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has boasted of masterminding the 9/11 attacks that killed roughly 3,000 Americans in 2001 — that “an official in the Pentagon has just signed a memo approving the delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine to the detainee population in Guantánamo.”
The Times report added: “Medical workers at the US naval base began vaccinating the 6,000 residents on Jan. 8, including the 1,500 troops assigned to the detention operation. But the Trump administration had declined to say whether prisoners would be vaccinated.”
Vccinations of Guantanamo Bay prisoners could begin “next week” according to reports, just days after the new Democrat president warned that it will take “months” for majority of Americans to be inoculated for coronavirus even after the administration of former President Donald Trump already left the new administration with at least two working and FDA-approved vaccines.
“The brutal truth is, it’s going to take months before we can get the majority of Americans vaccinated – months,” Biden said Tuesday. “In the next few months, masks, not vaccines, are the best defense against COVID-19. Experts say that wearing masks from now just until April would save 50,000 lives that otherwise would pass away if we don’t wear these masks,” he added.
Biden said, however, that “most American adults will have access to a vaccine by the end of the summer.”
To date, the US government has administered more than 26 million doses, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — to be credited mostly to the previous administration as Biden only took over last January 20.
Earlier this week, the Democratic president said the federal government will put in order for another 200 million doses of the approved vaccines to inoculate around 300 million Americans “by the early fall” according to Biden.
Upon entering office, Biden committed that his administration will administer 100 million vaccine doses of the COVID-19 shots within his first 100 days in office.
Meanwhile, aside from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the list of the other 39 suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay who will be getting the vaccine ahead of most Americans can be accessed here.
The 33-year-old son of a billionaire Democratic donor with alleged Russian mob ties got the coronavirus vaccine in Wisconsin despite the state only allowing residents over the age of 65 to get the shot.