Gov. DeSantis: Florida Will Have Offered Vaccines to Every Nursing Home Resident by February 1

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced late Monday that the Sunshine State will have offered vaccines to every long term care facility resident and staff member by February 1.

“I’m pleased to announce that by February 1, the COVID-19 vaccine will have been offered to every resident and staff member of Florida’s nearly 700 nursing homes and over 3,000 ALFs,” DeSantis announced Monday.

“This was an important mission,” DeSantis said during an earlier Monday stop at the River Garden Hebrew House for the Aged in Jacksonville, Florida, explaining that the age and underlying health status of those in long term care facilities make residents more vulnerable to severe outcomes from the virus.

The announcement comes as DeSantis continues to prioritize vaccinating seniors — a move which drew ire from outlets such as CNN as the vaccine rollout began:

In an announcement last week, the Republican governor explained that Florida is putting seniors first, leading the nation in vaccinating those 65 and older. Nearly 70 percent of the state’s total vaccinations are going toward senior citizens, as DeSantis noted in a January 22 update. To date, Florida has vaccinated over one million seniors, DeSantis noted in a tweet Tuesday.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) January 25 data, Florida has distributed 2,908,275 vaccinations and has administered 1,544,794 doses.

DeSantis released a sharp statement on Tuesday following remarks from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who seemed to suggest that Florida was greatly underutilizing the vaccines it has received as the overall rollout continues.

“I will note – cause we’re data first, facts first here – that they’ve only distributed about 50 percent of the vaccines that they have been given in Florida,” the maskless press secretary stated.

“So, clearly, they have a good deal of the vaccine, that supply will need to continue to increase as they are able to effectively reach people across the state,” she added.

DeSantis explained that the state is “among the top ten most populous states for vaccine doses per capita,” administering 300,000 first doses per week.

“But we are not going to divert second doses away from our seniors. If the implication is that we should be giving those second doses away to other people, that is not the way the FDA has prescribed the series,” DeSantis added.

“If we are given additional first does, we are ready to double our output. The possibilities are endless here in Florida, but it is contingent on us getting additional supply from the federal government,” he continued.

“We are committed to ensuring our seniors are the priority and get their second dose, and if the White House is suggesting that we shouldn’t be doing that, I don’t think that’s a good suggestion,” he added.

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Ron DeSantis Blasts Biden White House for Suggesting that Florida Is Underutilizing Vaccines

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) released a pointed statement Tuesday after White House press secretary Jen Psaki appeared to suggest Florida is underutilizing the vaccines it has received, describing the insinuation as “totally disingenuous.”

“I will note — cause we’re data first, facts first here — that they’ve only distributed about 50 percent of the vaccines that they have been given in Florida,” a maskless Psaki stated during Monday’s press briefing.

“So, clearly, they have a good deal of the vaccine, that supply will need to continue to increase as they are able to effectively reach people across the state,” she continued.

DeSantis took issue with the Psaki’s insinuation that Florida is simply sitting on viable vaccines, noting that many of the vaccines are second doses for seniors, whom DeSantis has continued to prioritize in the state’s rollout.  Florida has already vaccinated over one million seniors alone.

“The insinuation that Florida is underutilizing vaccines is totally disingenuous. Florida is number one in the country among the top ten most populous states for vaccine doses per capita,” the Republican governor said in a statement, noting the Sunshine State is averaging over 300,000 first doses per week.

“But we are not going to divert second doses away from our seniors. If the implication is that we should be giving those second doses away to other people, that is not the way the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] has prescribed the series,” DeSantis continued:

We are also number one in the nation by far for vaccinations of seniors, as Florida has vaccinated more than 1 million seniors 65 and older to date. If we are given additional first does, we are ready to double our output. The possibilities are endless here in Florida, but it is contingent on us getting additional supply from the federal government.

DeSantis reemphasized that Florida is committed to prioritizing seniors, ensuring that they receive both the first and second dose of the vaccine.

“If the White House is suggesting that we shouldn’t be doing that, I don’t think that’s a good suggestion,” he added:

Florida has distributed 2,908,275 vaccinations and has administered 1,544,794 doses, or 7,193 per 100,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) January 25 data. Of those, 156,298 have received two or more doses of the vaccine.

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Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to Make All Federal Vehicles Electric

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday to phase out the federal government’s use of vehicles that run on gas and replace them with ones that run on electricity.

The process is part of Biden’s “Made in America” executive order, which the president claims will create one million additional jobs in the auto industry in America.

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

But replacing an entire federal fleet of hundreds of thousands of vehicles could be a massive undertaking. TechCrunch reported that, in 2019, the federal fleet comprised of more than 645,000 vehicles, including more than 412,000 trucks and 224,000 passenger cars.

That does not even begin to include the hundreds of thousands of U.S. Post Office vehicles powered by gas, the Verge reported.

Many existing federal vehicles on the road are tied to leases, which could halt the process of transferring them to electric.

There is also the issue of making sure electric vehicles have enough charging stations to provide them with enough power to function.

Automakers likely to supply the country with these electric vehicles include Ford and General Motors, companies that have both said they would commit to spending billions on electric vehicles.

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WATCH: Rand Paul Highlights Democrat ‘Incitement’ in Speech Against Impeachment Trial

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) delivered a strident address on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday afternoon in which he cited examples of Democrats encouraging violence and aggressive behavior against Trump supporters and Republicans.

Paul highlighted the Democrats’ hypocrisy as he spoke against the impending impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, which is scheduled to begin Tuesday afternoon, though substantive proceedings will be delayed until February 8.

Paul’s remarks, in full, are as follows.


This impeachment is nothing more than a partisan exercise designed to further divide the country.

Democrats claim to want to unify the country, but impeaching a former president, a private citizen, is the antithesis of unity.

Democrats brazenly appointing a pro-impeachment Democrat [Senate President Pro Tem Patrick Leahy] to preside over the trial is not fair or impartial, and hardly encourages any kind of unity in our country.

No, “unity” is the opposite of this travesty we are about to witness.

If we are about to try to impeach a president, where is the Chief Justice? If the accused is no longer president, where is the constitutional power to impeach him? Private citizens don’t get impeached. Impeachment is for removal from office. And the accused here has already left office.

Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation’s history. Instead of doing the nation’s work, with their new majorities in the House, the Senate, and the executive branch, Democrats are wasting the nation’s time on a partisan vendetta against a man no longer in office.

It’s almost as if they have no ability to exist except in opposition to Donald Trump. Without him as their bogeyman, they might to legislate, and to actually convince Americans that their policies are the right ones.

Democrats are about to do something no self-respecting Senator has stooped to: Democrats are insisting the election is actually not over, and so they insist on regurgitating the bitterness of the election.

This acrimony they are about to unleash has never before been tried. Why? Because calmer heads have typically prevailed in our history, and allowed public opinion to cast blame where blame is deserved.

This sham of an impeachment will ostensibly ask whether the president incited the reprehensible behavior and violence of January 6 when he said, “I know everyone here will soon march to the Capitol to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

“Peacefully and patriotically.” Hardly words of violence.

[Interjection: Not at all.]

But what of Democrat words? What of Democrat incitement to violence?

No Democrat will honestly ask whether [Senator] Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve Scalise and volunteer coach. The shooter nearly pulled off a massacre — I was there — because he fervently believed the false and inflammatory rhetoric spewed by Bernie and other Democrats, such as, “The Republican health care plan for the uninsured is that you die.”

As this avowed Bernie supporter shot Steve Scalise, nearly killing him, and shot one of our coaches and two or three of our staff, he screamed, “This is for health care.” Ask me, or anyone, if that’s incitement.

No Democrat will ask if [Senator] Cory Booker incited violence when he called for his supporters to get — get “up in their face” of congresspeople — a very visual, and specific incitement. No Democrat will ask whether [Representative] Maxine Waters incited violence when she told her supporters, and I quote, that “If you see a member of the Trump administration at a restaurant, at a department store, at a gas station, or any place, you create a crowd, and you push back on them.” Is that not incitement?

My wife and I were pushed and surrounded and screamed at by this same type of mob that Maxine likes to inspire. It’s terrifying to have a swarm of people threatening to kill you, cursing at you and literally holding you hostage until police come to your rescue. That night we were assaulted by the crowd, I wasn’t sure if we would survive even with the police protection. But no Democrat suggested impeaching Maxine for her violent rhetoric.

In fact, Republicans, to our credit, have never once thought it legitimate to formally censor or impeach these Democrats. No Republican has sought to use the government to hold these Democrats responsible for Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence that has consumed our cities all summer,  resulting in over a billion dollars of destruction, looting, and property damage. Not one Republican said, “Oh, let’s impeach the Democrats who are inciting this.” Because it would be ridiculous.

Many on the Democrat side of the aisle cheered them on. [Then-Senator] Kamala Harris famously offered to pay the bill for those who were arrested. I wonder if she’ll be brought up on charges of inciting violence for that now that she’s Vice President.

Should Kamala Harris be impeached for offering to pay for violent people to get out of jail who have been burning our cities down? No! And no Republican has offered that, because we’re not going down the road the Democrats have decided, this low road of impeaching people for political speech.

Should Republicans impeach the Democrat mayor of Seattle who incited and condoned violence by calling the armed takeover of part of her city a “summer of love”? Any Republicans try to impeach her?

On June 8, the New York Post, citing U.S. Justice Department statistics, reported that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured during the Antifa/Black Lives Matter riots. There were at least 19 murders, including 77-year-old retired police officer David Dorn. Yet Democrats insist on applying a test of incitement to a Republican that they refuse to apply to themselves.

I want the Democrats to raise their hands if they have ever given a speech that says “Take back,” “Fight for your country.” Who hasn’t used the words “fight” figuratively, and are we going to put every politician in jail, or are we going to impeach every politician who has used the words “fight” figuratively in a speech?

Shame. Shame on these angry, unhinged partisans who are putting forth this sham impeachment, deranged by their hatred of the former president. Shame on those who seek blame and revenge, and who choose to pervert a constitutional process while doing so.

I want this body on record, every last person here: Is this how you think politics should be?

Look, we have now got crazy partisans on the other side of the aisle trying to censor and remove two of the Republican Senators for their political position. Now, look, I disagreed. I don’t think Congress should overturn the Electoral College. But impeaching or censoring or expelling a member of Congress you disagree with? Is the truth so narrow that only you know the truth?

We now have the media on their side, saying there is only one set of facts, one set of truths, and you can only interpret it this way. Now we have seven Senators on the other side trying to expel, censor, or impugn two Senators on this side. And I defend them, not because I defend their position — I disagreed with their position — but you can’t impeach, or expel people you disagree with.

What’s this coming to?

In a few minutes, I will insist on a vote to affirm that this proceeding we are about to enter is unconstitutional; that impeachment of a private citizen is illegal, and essentially a bill of attainder; and that no sense of fairness or due process would allow the judge in the proceeding to be a partisan Democrat already on favor of the impeachment.

A sham, this is, a travesty. A dark blot on the history of our country. I urge my colleagues to reconsider this kangaroo court and move forward to debate the great issues of our day.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is How Not to Be a Sh!thole Country: Lessons from South Africa. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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Gretchen Whitmer Repeatedly Refuses to Answer Questions About Abruptly Resigned Health Director

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) repeatedly refused to discuss details Monday about what led to the “abrupt” resignation of a top health adviser.

Whitmer dodged three separate questions posed virtually from reporters about the departure of Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Director Robert Gordon.

The governor was asked for “specifics,” and whether she asked for Gordon’s resignation, NBC 25 reported.

While appearing to read from notes, Whitmer said, “I want to begin by thanking Robert Gordon and (new) Director (Elizabeth) Hertel did as well. To lead this department in unimaginable circumstances, it has been grueling.”

She continued, “He worked hard to protect our public health,” before attempting to pivot to talk about Hertel.

But another reporter brought it back to the sudden resignation.

“Can you describe the relationship you had with Robert Gordon?” he said.

“I don’t think I have anything to add with regard to my comments about, you know, the former director. I shared with you that I wish him well. I’m grateful for his leadership and we’ve got a wonderful new director at the department,” Whitmer responded.

When a third reporter apologized for asking about Gordon again, Whitmer seemed to scoff beneath her mask.

“Did you ask for Director Gordon’s resignation and was this expected at all?”

“I’ve answered that question, I think the only thing I would say is, you know, it’s been a grueling couple of years and changes in administrations happen,” she said.

“I wish Robert Gordon the very best. I truly do and I am incredibly grateful for the hard work and the way that he showed up every single day over these last two years,” Whitmer continued.

“It has been a long, impossible to imagine experience and I’m grateful that we had his leadership for two years and I’m wishing him every best of luck as he moves forward,” she said.

Gordon, who began issuing coronavirus-related mandates when Whitmer’s executive orders were ruled unconstitutional, quit on Friday via a post on Twitter:

“Today, I am resigning from the Whitmer Administration,” Gordon wrote Friday afternoon.

“It’s been an honor to serve alongside wonderful colleagues,” he continued, without thanking or acknowledging the governor.

“I look forward to the next chapter.”

WDIV said Gordon “abruptly” left.

Whitmer acknowledged Gordon’s departure in the final sentence of a press release announcing his replacement.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays — download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Parler.

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#TEXIT: Texas Rep. Introduces Bill That Would Let Residents Vote on Seceding From the US

Texas State Representative Kyle Biedermann introduced a bill on Tuesday that would allow Texans to vote on seceding from the United States.

House Bill 1359, otherwise known as the Texas Independence Referendum Act, would let residents vote on if the Texas Legislature should create a joint interim committee to create a plan for independence for the state.

In a press release provided to The Gateway Pundit, the Texas Nationalist Movement explained that “the bill would give Texans an opportunity to head to the polls in November of 2021 and start the process of reasserting our status as an independent nation. If the people vote in favor, the bill provides for the establishment of a committee to begin working on a transitional plan which would address all of the issues related to decoupling from the federal government.”

Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller added that, “this bill is simply to put the question to the people of Texas. Even if legislators don’t personally support TEXIT, at a minimum, they should support your right to publicly debate and vote on the issue. Your representatives either believe that you are smart and responsible enough to make this decision, or they believe that they know what’s best for you regardless of what you think. There is no middle ground.

“The people of Texas are sick and tired of living under 180,000 pages of federal laws administered by 2.5 million unelected bureaucrats,” said Miller. “At the end of the day, the best people to govern Texas are Texans, and this vote will give us that chance.”

Representative Biedermann said that the national government is failing Texans and they should be allowed to vote on leaving the union.

“This Act simply lets Texans vote through a referendum. This decision is too big to be monopolized solely by the power brokers in our Capitol. We need to let Texans’ voices be heard! Voters of all political persuasions in Texas can agree on one thing, Washington D.C. is and has been broken,” Biedermann said in a statement. “Our national government continuously fails our working families, seniors, taxpayers, veterans, and small business owners. For decades, our federal government has eroded the promise of America and our individual liberties. It is now time that the People of Texas are allowed the right to decide their own future. This is not a left or right political issue. This is simply about allowing Texans the right to vote.”

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Twitter Announces Birdwatch, A ‘Community-Based’ Tool To Fight ‘Misinformation.’ What Could Go Wrong?

On January 25th, Keith Coleman — Twitter’s Vice President of Product — announced that the social media giant would be launching a “community-based approach to misinformation.” Dubbed “Birdwatch,” the product will pilot in the United States, and will allow “people to identify information in Tweets they believe is misleading and write notes that provide informative […]

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‘They’re Wasting Our Time’: Rand Paul Shreds ‘Unconstitutional’ Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of ‘Democrat Incitement’

‘They’re Wasting Our Time’: Rand Paul Shreds ‘Unconstitutional’ Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of ‘Democrat Incitement’

Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul shredded Congressional Democrats over the second impeachment of former President Trump, arguing in a floor speech in a procedural motion to ‘table or kill’ the proceedings that "Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which has never been seen in our nation’s history," adding "It’s almost as if they have no ability to exist except in opposition to Donald Trump"

Paul then argued that Democrats are guilty of the exact ‘incitement’ they’ve accused Trump of – suggesting that "No Democrat will honestly ask whether Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve Scalise," and "No Democrat will ask whether Maxine Waters incited violence when she literally told her supporters" to confront Trump officials in public."


Ultimately, 45 GOP Senators voted to kill the impeachment – meaning they agree that it’s unconstitutional, while five GOP Senators voted to table it and proceed with the impeachment; Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey.

It would require another 12 GOP Senators to convict and impeach Trump – now a private citizen.

Earlier in the week, Paul wrote that the impeachment trial was a "farce and should be dismissed before it is even allowed to begin," adding that the Senate doesn’t have the authority to hold an impeachment trial for a former president.

"It shows they don’t have the votes and we’re basically wasting our time," said Paul, who believes the Senate roll call would show that over a third of the chamber thinks the proceeding is unconstitutional.

Republican senators have criticized the president for his actions on Jan. 6, but many have signaled opposition to voting to convict the president. At least 30 Senate Republicans have said they are opposed to or leaning against convicting Mr. Trump, according to a Wall Street Journal survey of senators and their public comments, leaving few open to potentially casting a guilty vote.

I doubt there are seven, quite honestly. I’m certain there aren’t 17, at least not today,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R., N.D.). He cited concerns over the legality of trying a former president, as well as whether Mr. Trump’s actions, while wrong, constituted incitement. –WSJ

Democrats, meanwhile, say the trial is warranted and that Congressional Republicans are focusing on the constitutional question to avoid having to weigh the impeachment on its merits – much like most of the judges who tossed out election challenges based on technical factors.

"They don’t want to be held accountable on that vote, so they’re going to try to make it another argument that [it’s] all about the Constitution," said Democratic Senator Dick Durbin.

This will be the first ever impeachment trial for a former president. It’s scheduled to begin in earnest the week of Feb. 8, approximately one month after the US Capitol riot which left five people dead and temporarily disrupted the counting of the electoral votes.

Watch Paul’s entire speech below:

Tyler Durden
Tue, 01/26/2021 – 16:45

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