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Conservatives welcome. Libs & RINOs go away. It's all of you destroying the society and conservatives must no longer appease you!
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Forty-five Republican senators voted in favor of a motion introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Tuesday to dismiss the impeachment article against former President Donald Trump as unconstitutional. WATCH: Senate rejects Sen. Paul’s motion to declare fmr. Pres. Trump’s impeachment trial unconstitutional, in 55-45 vote. The 5 Republicans senators who voted with Democrats to […]
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M*A*S*H was an American television comedy that ran from 1972 through 1983. Set in the Korean War, it followed the exploits of a U.S. Army field surgical hospital (the “4077th”) as they dealt with the hardships of war, the bureaucratic inefficiencies that hindered their medical efforts, and the many characters and personalities they encountered along the way. Although the series had a constant subtle undertone of anti-Americanism and took veiled jabs at the military establishment and conservative thought, the series itself was well acted and entertaining, as borne out by its remarkable eleven-year run.
For the first three seasons, the 4077th was commanded by the character Lt. Colonel Henry Blake. Blake was a kindly, bumbling sort, who never quite knew what he was doing and was blissfully unaware of the shenanigans continually being pulled off by the mischievous doctors and staff under his supervision. One particularly funny character was the company clerk, Corporal Walter “Radar” O’Reilly. It was O’Reilly’s task to get Col. Blake to sign the authorization orders and requisitions.
On many occasions, O’Reilly would put multiple requests on Blake’s desk and wait impatiently for them to be signed. The hapless, oft-confused Blake would say, “Radar, what the heck am I signing?”
The clever O’Reilly would reply, “Oh, don’t worry, sir. You want this.” ”Okay, Radar. If you say so.”
Joe Biden is this country’s Lt. Colonel Henry Blake.
To begin his largely symbolic, retribution-based term of office, “President” Biden issued 17 executive orders on his first day. There can’t be any real doubt in peoples’ minds that Biden didn’t write or conceive any of these. The 17 E.O.s presented to him in a painfully choreographed, ostentatiously grandiose fashion on his opening day in office were quite obviously prepared by his Progressive-minded operatives well in advance, his group of unelected, unaccountable sycophants who will control the puppet strings for as long as Biden is able to sit upright and remain awake behind the desk. Biden dutifully and unthinkingly signed each one, as his minions of O’Reillys looked on, satisfied with knowing they had put one over on the big guy, much as the 4077th’s clerk consistently hoodwinked the oblivious Col. Blake.
Looking at the list of orders, one is struck by their uniformity, their sameness: every one of them is a pander to a voting bloc, a cave to a Progressive constituency for the sake of political correctness or to further the appearance of compassion or a supposed enlightened understanding of humanity.
Missing from all of them is any concrete action that makes America safer or more prosperous or enhances our national security or improves our position of energy independence or creates jobs or reduces the tax burden on the average wage-earner or moves to strengthen our fundamental constitutional rights of free speech, self-protection, and the right to peacefully assemble. Not a single executive order redounds to the concrete benefit of the country as a whole. Instead, all of them amount to nothing more than political sleight-of-hand, smoke and mirrors, activity and movement without meaning.
To look at just one example, the executive order to revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline is especially risible. The pipeline is there to carry Canadian crude oil through the Western mountain states down to refineries in the Gulf, off Texas. Currently, Canadian oil comes into America by tanker truck. This method is costly and inefficient. Trucks emit copious amounts of carbon pollution from their engines. They have limited load-carrying capacity. They are subject to crashes, causing bodily harm and spilling their contents all over the countryside. The pipeline corrects all of these shortfalls. Construction and maintenance would’ve created 42,000 good jobs, which Biden eliminated with a pen stroke, obviously gambling that he’ll pick up more green votes than he’ll lose union construction votes.
Ignorant green-minded Progressives think stopping Keystone means we won’t import oil from Canada, so we’d be forced to replace the oil with a so-called “renewable” energy that is more to their liking. That’s wrong. The oil comes in from Canada anyway, pipeline or no pipeline, just slower, less efficient, more polluting, and more dangerously. Stopping Keystone is the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction policy: it’s all for show, to impress the uneducated, unknowing, emotionally dominated throngs. The details — the truth — are too far beneath the surface for the typical ADD Progressive, dominated as he always is by misplaced, distorted emotion.
If a reporter, knowledgeable about details such as these, were to ask Biden at a press conference how he’d respond as to why the present-day use of oil tanker trucks is preferable in his view to the Keystone Pipeline, does anyone think Biden could articulate a convincing, coherent argument? Does anyone think Biden has command of the intricacies and minute details of the subject? Obviously not.
Keystone is just one example. That these executive orders were drafted and signed strictly out of spite, for the sheer unhinged joy of publicly reversing some of President Trump’s policies instead of being thoughtfully formulated for the betterment of the entire country, should give any intelligent, loyal American serious pause.
This type of vindictive, retaliatory governance will dominate the new administration’s actions. These 17 Day One executive orders have set their standard. This is how it will be throughout his entire presidency. Even if the embarrassingly diminished Biden is forced off of the top spot, a Harris tenure would very likely be even more vengeful and unforgiving of political opponents. Hold on to your hats.
Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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Increasing the gasoline tax is one option that could be coming America’s way, President Joe Biden’s nominee for transportation secretary told a Senate panel on Thursday. Former South Bend (Indiana) Mayor Pete Buttigieg was asked by Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida during his confirmation hearing about hiking the tax. “I think all options need…
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Amid President Joe Biden’s wholesale efforts to use executive authority to wipe away the impacts of former President Donald Trump came one swipe of the pen that impacts China’s ability to gain a foothold in America’s power grid. A Biden executive order issued on the day he took the oath of office included, without comment,…
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In remarks from Anthony Fauci released by the White House this week, the controversial figure told the World Health Organization’s executive board that Biden will soon revoke the Mexico City Policy “as part of his broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”
The policy was first enacted by the Reagan administration and has been overturned by Democratic presidents, and reinstated by Republican presidents, ever since. When Trump took office, he reinstated the ban on funding foreign abortionists in his first few days.
Biden’s Democrat peers are also pushing for a reversal of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for most abortions.
According to the new White House press secretary, Biden claims to be “a devout Catholic, and somebody who attends church regularly.”
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(Guest post by Ezequiel Doiny)
On July 14 , 2015 Daniel Greenfield wrote in Frontpage Magazine that Obama signed the nuclear deal with Iran to cripple American power in the Middle East “…Obama did not go into this to stop Iran from going nuclear. He did it to turn Iran into the axis of the Middle East…supporting Iran is his way of blocking the power of his successors in the White House to pursue a more pro-American foreign policy.
Obama made this deal to cripple American power in the Middle East.
Iran was allowed to keep its nuclear facilities, its reactors, including the hidden underground fortified Fordow facility which Obama had repeatedly stated was, “inconsistent with a peaceful program.”
The deal gave Iran a “peaceful” nuclear program with an equally peaceful ballistic missile program. It put into place a complicated inspection regime that could be blocked by Iran and its backers. It turned Iran into the new North Korea and the new Saddam Hussein, lavishing money on it while running future administrations through a cat and mouse game of proving violations by the terrorist regime.
And Obama made sure the Iran deal was written to make the proof as hard to obtain as possible.
The Iran deal allowed Iran to fund terrorism in Israel, America and around the world.
Obama claimed to “have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons” by allowing Iran to keep enhancing its nuclear program and rewarding it with ballistic missiles for its “peaceful” intentions. He claimed to have negotiated “from a position of strength and principle” when in fact he surrendered to the Iranians on position after position. Tehran negotiated from strength and principle. Obama sold out America…
Obama and Kerry did not make the deal as representatives of the United States, but as representatives of a toxic ideology that viewed America as the cause of all that was wrong in the world. This is not an agreement that strengthens America and kept us safe, but an agreement that weakened the US and endangered the country negotiated by men who believed that a strong Iran is better than a strong America.
On July 23,2020 Jan Jekielek reported in the Epoch Times an interview with John Salomon and Seamus Bruner in which he explained how Obama’s Uranium One deal with Russia undermined America “Mr. Solomon: Doug Campbell, to everyone who knew him in his Florida life, was a globetrotting businessman. What they didn’t know was that he was a CIA-FBI asset for more than 30 years—an operative. When he would go on his business trips selling agricultural products in the 80s and 90s, he was helping the CIA figure out what countries in the world were paying bribes and violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and things like that. He would inform the CIA, who were the most corrupt regimes, whether it was in Africa, Latin America, or Europe, and he built a lot of cases for the CIA, for the intelligence community.
Somewhere in the 2006-2007 timeframe, he’s handed off for a period of time from the CIA to the FBI. Again, everybody who knew him at church just thought he was just an everyday businessman, globetrotting, selling wheat and other things, but he really was what we know as a confidential human source, an informer, an operative, whatever you want [to call it], different words for different people. He was working under the control of the FBI.
In 2006-2007, they gave him a mission: we want you to get inside Vladimir Putin’s nuclear empire. He said, “I sell agricultural products.” [They responded], “You have to get in the nuclear empire.” Through his really garrulous, friendly, loving way, he won the graces of a guy that was in the trucking side of uranium business in America who had close ties with the Russians, and he worked his way into the good graces of the top American figures for a company known as Rosatom. Rosatom is the Russian state-controlled nuclear empire of Vladimir Putin.
He gets in and very early on, he finds out if you’re going to be a consultant for the Russians, you have to pay kickbacks. “They’re asking me to kickback money,” so he goes back to the FBI and says, “They want kickbacks.” [The FBI tells him,] “Go ahead. You’re authorized to make them.” There’s an amazing anecdote in the book where the first time he’s about to deliver $50,000 in cash in a briefcase to the Russian head of Rosatom in the United States, he can’t sleep the night before. They have a pen camera in there, and they’re going to record this transaction for the FBI, and he thinks he’s going to get caught and killed. He can’t sleep and his hands are sweaty. I remember him telling the story. Well, he delivers the money; they take it gladly; and now he’s on the inside, and for three or four years, he’s informing the FBI.
At the same time, the Obama administration was doing these deals and is going to give billions of dollars of American utility contracts to Russia. The American government arranged it. They allow them to buy uranium under the ground—a transaction that’s known as Uranium One.
Believe it or not, that was not the most valuable thing that Vladimir Putin got out. He wanted those billions of dollars of nuclear fuel contracts because then American utilities would be reliant on Russian fuel for years to come and he knew, the documents show, if he got that deal in place, Americans would not mine their own uranium. All of America’s uranium mines have shut down. We couldn’t produce uranium tomorrow if Vladimir Putin shut us off.
And so Doug Campbell gets into all of this. He’s reporting this in real-time to the FBI, and the FBI is telling him, “Your information has made it to President Obama’s desk. It has made it to the desk of Robert Mueller.” He’s sitting there and all of a sudden, after delivering oodles of evidence, he comes out and finds out that they just approved the Uranium One deal. The Obama administration just gave them 20 percent of America’s [uranium] after he just told them that this is their strategy of global domination. They’re paying kickbacks. He asked the agent, “Why did they let this happen?” The agent said, “You have to ask your politics about politics.” And he [Campbell] became very demoralized.
Uranium One and the nuclear deal with Iran were signed to cripple American power and that is the same reason why Biden is now signing the Paris Climate Accord. On January 21, 2021 the Epoch Times reported “Rejoining the Paris climate agreement as it stands now will have devastating economic consequences for the United States, with little actual environmental benefit, according to experts.”
President Joe Biden on Jan. 20 signed an executive order to rejoin the global pact, one of his first major moves as president…
the agreement was flawed economically and environmentally from the get-go, according to Nicolas Loris, deputy director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.
“It will be very costly for Americans families and business because 80 percent of our energy needs are met though carbon-emitting conventional fuels,” Loris told The Epoch Times. “Regulating them and subsidizing alternatives is going to harm American families and taxpayers.
“Because there is really no teeth to the Paris climate accord, developing countries are getting a free pass in terms of their emissions,” he said. “It’s likely that the Paris climate accord is not going to reach its intended goal.”
…A 2016 Heritage Foundation report authored by Loris and other experts explores the consequences the United States would face if part of the Paris Agreement. The report, titled “Consequences of Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits,” analyzed the costs of the economic fallout as well as the impact it would have on reducing carbon emissions globally.
Businesses are going to pass on these costs to the consumer, according to Loris.
We estimate that over a 15-year period, you’re talking about an aggregate loss of $20,000 per family of four,” he said. “If the cost of energy is increased, Americans not only have to pay more for electricity and at the pump, but they will also have to pay more for groceries, going out to eat, or buying clothes, as it all takes energy to make.”
…Anthony Watts, senior research fellow of environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, said according to their analysis, the agreement would cost the United States “about 2.7 million jobs by 2025 due to scaling back parts of industries. Now that would have been about 440,000 manufacturing jobs that we would have lost.”
The United States formally left the Paris accord in November 2020, though President Donald Trump had talked about leaving as early as 2017. Trump criticized the deal for negatively impacting the U.S. economy, while noting that some other countries wouldn’t be held to the same standards.
“Under the agreement China will be able to increase these emissions by a staggering number of years—13,” Trump said. “They can do whatever they want for 13 years. Not us. … There are many other examples.”
The Paris climate accord will cripple the American economy and that is exactly what the globalists want, they want to weaken the American economy because a weaker America has less international influence.
The globalists want to end the centrality of the United States financial system in the global economy, they want a less mighty American economy, with a weaker economy America will be less capable of influencing others through sanctions.
Ezequiel Doiny is author of “Obama’s assault on Jerusalem’s Western Wall”
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Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo caught heat on Tuesday for claiming that multiculturalism is “not who America is.” Various liberals and Democrats, whether out of ignorance or pure dishonesty, lambasted Pompeo’s comments, suggesting any denial of multiculturalism is an inherently racist rejection of racial and/or ethnic diversity. That is not the case. In fact, Pompeo…
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Supermodel Emily Ratajkowski took to Twitter on Jan. 7 to denounce Big Tech in light of recent social media censorship against President Donald Trump. The left-wing celebrity took special care to call out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, expressing fear that successful efforts to silence Trump would enable the social media giant to blacklist just about…
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When Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem refused to follow the lemming-like herd of governors imposing drastic lockdowns and issuing mask mandates, she was reviled for her failure of leadership. Guess who is laughing now? On Friday, Noem trumpeted the fact that unemployment in her state is now lower than it was before the coronavirus…
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