Twitter ‘Whistleblower’ Leaks Shocking Video of CEO Telling Staff Actions Will Be ‘Much Bigger’ Than Trump Ban

A video released Thursday evening by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe shows a man reported to be Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey talking about how banning President Donald Trump from the platform and vowing that Twitter will continue to engage in large-scale censorship of its users. The video shared by O’Keefe showed Dorsey, whose identity was…

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Rush to judgment on Trump? Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot

When the Capitol riots happened on Jan. 6, the blame of President Trump was all over. 

Supposedly, he was the instigator. Supposedly, he’d egged the rioters on. The tape of his urging his supporters to stay strong and fight was Exhibit A in the press, and with no skepticism whatsoever, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared Trump guilty and rushed a crazily hasty second impeachment just days before Trump’s exit. She declared it was all about holding Trump “accountable” and she added, that her explicit aim at the uselessly late date was to prevent him from ever running from public office again.

Never mind what the voters might want. In more ways than one, in Pelosi’s addled mind, their votes don’t count.

The press also rushed to judgment, even the Wall Street Journal’s editorial writers, claiming that Trump’s political capital and credibility was now gone and he’d never run for president again.

But as news of the arrests comes out, showing who these branded Trump so-called supporters are, the conventional argument is starting to splinter apart.

The arrests made in the riots case are starting to show the kind of people who like to riot, which is to say extreme leftists.

Start with this freak, as reported by Fox News:

A left-wing activist who told Fox News last week that he’d followed a pro-Trump mob into the Capitol in order to “document” the siege is now the subject of a criminal complaint in connection with his alleged participation, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

John Sullivan can allegedly be heard egging on protesters in video he provided to the FBI, according to a federal criminal complaint. He has also shared the video to his YouTube and Twitter accounts under the pseudonym Jayden X.

He was charged Thursday in federal court in Washington after being arrested by the FBI. He remains in custody in Toeele County, in his home state of Utah, on a U.S. Marshals Service hold request.

The Epoch Times reports that he was a Black Lives Matter activist. Andy Ngo notes that he’s been busted for BLM riot activity, too. GatewayPundit reported that he was caught on video bragging about posing as a Trump supporter.

He had a pal, too, from CNN. According to this report from TrendingPolitics:

On Thursday night, damning new footage showed CNN’s Jade Sacker inside of the Capitol with John Sullivan, the BLM member who was charged by federal prosecutors for inciting chaos on January 6th.

Sacker co-conspired with the liberal activist in order to cause chaos and make Trump supporters look bad.

The shocking video shows her and Sullivan celebrating and shouting “We did it!” when they got the footage they were looking for. When she asked Sullivan if he was filming, he said was going to delete it. He never did.

Trending Politics ran a tweet of the actual video, and described this:

As you can see, Sacker and Sullivan are overjoyed with the fact that they got footage of Trump supporters “rioting”.

“Is this not gonna be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?!” Sullivan asks her.

Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

“To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system,” he tweeted.

Here’s another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother’s house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky’s arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.

Even the press is starting to notice that the pieces aren’t fitting together. Rather than a picture of all wicked and crazed Trump supporters, charging the Capitol, leftist news outfit Bloomberg reported that its survey of various parties involved, including those who died or were arrested, didn’t paint the desired picture. Conclusion?

Many of those shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all. 

Bloomberg’s survey of the players showed that only the people who died of medical emergencies seemed to be fully normal Republican voters — the rest didn’t vote at all, voted sporadically, voted Libertarian, Independent or Democrat, and in general were fringe players. Bloomberg, missing that obvious conclusion, seemed to consider these mostly arrested characters “Trump’s people” and Trump’s “base,” in a bid to still pin the riots on Trump. But how anyone who votes Democrat or doesn’t vote at all could be a part of Trump’s rise and the huge crowds he draws was never actually explained. Trump supporters … vote for Trump. This isn’t rocket science.

More and more, it looks like Trump was framed. This, in addition to transcripts not bearing out the claims that Trump called for an attack on the Capitol, as well as the inconvenient timeline — the FBI put out warnings of plans for disturbances days earlier, and the attack on the Capitol began before President Trump finished speaking and probably uttered the words the Democrats literally impeached him on.  

It was a rush to judgment, a failure to look at facts. It happened in the aftermath of the event, and it turns out Trump had little or nothing to do with it. Even House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy blamed Trump for the riots. But he, too,disgracefully rushed to judgment, so we await his apology, please.

The rush to judgment, incidentally, didn’t affect just President Trump, who got a second impeachment from it. There were many rushes to judgment in this leftist hysteria.

Here’s a blameless man named David Quintavalle, a retired Chicago firefighter, who was falsely accused of being the person who hurled the fire extinguisher that killed police officer Brian Sicknick, who by the way, really was a Trump supporter.

According to The Patch of Chicago:

The retired Chicago firefighter from Mount Greenwood — whom social media trolls called a “terrorist” and accused of fatally wielding a fire extinguisher that killed a cop as a mob of Trump-supporting insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 — was grocery shopping and celebrating his wife’s birthday in Chicago, Patch has learned.

Twitter exploded with unsubstantiated claims Tuesday that Quintavalle — who retired from the fire department in 2016 after 32 years — was the bearded “#extinguisherman” in a surveillance video wearing a “CFD” stocking cap wanted for questioning and “soon to be arrested” by the FBI regarding the fatal beating of U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick.

Quintavalle had all his receipts and proofs. But this is how the left’s rush to judgment went for him:

By Tuesday night, Quintavalle began getting angry calls from people saying he’s a “f—— murderer” who belongs in jail. TV news reporters had staked out his house. Chicago police dispatched a patrol car to keep watch overnight, as well, his lawyer said.

Some folks got ridiculed for tweeting that Quintavalle wasn’t “the guy” and his facial features don’t match those of the man wanted for questioning by the FBI. One post claimed that tweets disputing Quintavalle’s involvement in the U.S. Capitol insurrection were pushed by trolling Twitter “bots with practically no followers coming out of the woodwork.”

This is a hell of a sorry picture.

The facts will continue to roll out and the picture that emerges will likely start to show that these rioters were hardly “Trump’s people” as a rule, or people who were egged on by Trump. They were, in general, leftists, political fringers and people who like to go to riots. There remains to be news of whether and how this fiasco was plotted out but expect news of that to roll out. 

That leaves Congress and all the jerks who voted for impeachment of President Trump looking like boobs and losers. They’ve hitched their star to this leftist impeachment obsession, and now have seen it falling flat. Now they are about to sully and overshadow Joe Biden’s first days in office with increasingly discredited charges against President Trump and rest assured, the voters will notice just how bad it is. This rush to judgment will trash their own legacies for history.

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

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Prime Minister of Poland Vows to Stop Big Tech Censoring ‘Those Who Think Differently’

Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki has vowed to “defend freedom of speech on the internet” and insisted “the owners of social media networks cannot operate above the law” after U.S. President Donald Trump and Parler were purged.

“I was born and raised among people for whom freedom was the most precious of values… because we know what it is like when someone tries to limit it,” said the 52-year-old conservative who was born in the same year that the Soviet communists and puppet regimes in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland itself invaded the wayward satellite state of Czechoslovakia to crush the Prague Spring.

“For close to 50 years we lived in a country in which censorship was practised, in which Big Brother told us how we are meant to live and what we are meant to feel, and what we are not allowed to think, say or write,” wrote Morawiecki on his Facebook page, going on to praise the internet as “the most democratic medium in history, a forum on which everyone can have a voice”.

Nevertheless, he warned, the internet’s lack of regulation has, paradoxically, had “negative consequences” for freedom over time: “It became dominated by huge, international corporations, wealthier and more powerful than many nations.”

“These corporations treat our online activity merely as a source of revenue and a tool to increase their global domination. They have also introduced their own standards of political correctness, and they fight those who oppose them,” wrote Morawiecki.

“We are now increasingly faced with practices we believed were left in the past. The censoring of free speech, once the domain of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, is now back, but in a new form, run by corporations, who silence those who think differently,” he lamented.

The Polish leader insisted that there can be “No tolerance for state censorship, such as the one Poland faced under communism, or the private type, which we are seeing today.”

“Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of democracy — that is why we must defend it. It is not up to algorithms or the owners of huge corporations to decide what opinions are correct and which aren’t.”

The Polish prime minister promised that his government would “do everything to define the frame of operations of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other similar platforms” with respect to free speech.

“In Poland we will regulate with appropriate national regulation. We will also suggest similar laws be passed in all of the EU,” he added.

“Social media platforms have to serve us, and not the interests of their powerful owners. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech. Poland will defend that right.”

Ministers in Morawiecki’s government have previously explained that the regulations will take the form of an ‘Act for the Freedom to Express One’s Views and Obtain and Disseminate Information on the Internet’, giving social media users a statutory right to appeal bans and content removal to tech giants — with the possibility of further, all-digital, and anonymised appeals to a new Court for the Protection of Freedom of Speech.

The court will be able to order social media platforms to restore banned users or their posts if their words were lawful under the Polish constitution, with multi-million dollar fines for firms which refuse its rulings or fail to address them in a timely fashion.

“The Constitution… guarantees full freedom of expression… Therefore, any manifestations of limiting it must meet with the reaction of the state to enable protection against interference with this freedom,” explained deputy justice minister Sebastian Kaleta.

“The Left tries to define any fundamental criticism of its views or ideology as ‘hate speech’, and then expects such content to be censored or even punished… This law is a response to what they are trying to impose on us as legal norms, that is, forcing us to censor with political correctness and refrain from expressing one’s opinion,” Kaleta added.

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Democratic city councilman arrested, charged with eight counts of election fraud

A city councilman in Amite, Louisiana, was arrested and charged with eight counts of election fraud last week.

What are the details?

Emanuel Zanders III is accused of illegally registering nearly two dozen people to vote in his district amid his re-election in November, WAFB-TV reported.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced the charges on Jan. 6.

Landry said Zanders allegedly urged 22 people to list vacant lots as their home addresses so he could increase the number of people eligible to vote for him, the station reported.

Zanders "purposefully manipulated citizens into illegally changing their voter registrations," Landry said, according to WAFB.

The station said Zanders won re-election to his third term on the council by just 19 votes. He received 206 votes while his runoff opponent, Claire Bell, received 187 votes.

Landry said his office and Ardoin’s office began investigating the case in October 2020 after getting a tip from the Tangipahoa Parish Registrar of Voters, WAFB reported.

The 52-year-old Democrat was booked into the Tangipahoa Parish Prison on Jan. 5 and has since bonded out, the Advocate reported, citing booking records. The paper added that Zanders could not be reached for comment.

What did state officials have to say?

"Anything other than a one-for-one vote distorts our election process," Landry said. "Those who wish to distort an election in this matter are breaking the law and betraying their fellow citizens. It is even more disheartening when the perpetrator is an elected official."

Ardoin added that "election integrity matters," and Zanders’ arrest "should serve as a stark warning to those looking to violate our election laws."

Anything else?

A Texas woman was arrested on felony charges of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday.

And Paxton said the suspect got caught on a Project Veritas video in the midst of "shocking and blatantly illegal action."

"Many continue to claim that there’s no such thing as election fraud," the attorney general added. "We’ve always known that such a claim is false and misleading, and today we have additional hard evidence."

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Mother Accused Of Child Abuse For Letting Her Child Determine Their Own Gender…

That’s because it is in fact, child abuse…

Via NY Post:

A mother’s “theyby” love is getting some serious hate.

Kyl Myers, Ph.D., the genderqueer parent of a 4-year-old, is being accused of “child abuse” for allowing her toddler to decide their own gender.

“I’ve received hundreds of messages and comments on Instagram and e-mails from people I don’t know, telling me my child should be taken away from me,” Myers writes in lifestyle outlet MamaMia of her and husband Brent’s choice to pursue “gender-creative parenting.”

“For us, this means we didn’t assign a binary girl-or-boy gender to our child, Zoomer, at birth,” the sociologist writes of her “theyby,” a genderless term for baby.

“We don’t disclose Zoomer’s genitals to people who don’t need to know.”

Keep reading…

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BREAKING: Project Veritas: Twitter Insider Records CEO Jack Dorsey Talking Trump and Laying Out Roadmap For Future Political Censorship

A whistleblower inside Twitter recorded CEO Jack Dorsey and sent Project Veritas the recording.

Jack Dorsey recently banned President Trump from the social media platform for ‘inciting violence.’

Project Veritas released video of Jack Dorsey laying out the roadmap for future political censorship — censoring Trump was just the beginning.

“We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go on beyond the inauguration,” Dorsey said in a video recorded January 8.

Dorsey: “So, the focus is certainly on this account [@realDonaldTrump] and how it ties to real world violence. But also, we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don’t believe this is going away anytime soon.”

Dorsey: “You know, the U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day.”


Jack Dorsey has repeatedly lied to lawmakers about targeting conservatives for censorship.

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“The Oligarchs [Are] Taking Control of Our Country.” – Rudy Giuliani on the Capital ‘Frame Up’ Last Week and Big Tech Censorship

Rudy Giuliani released a video yesterday where he discussed the set up at the Capitol last week and Big Tech censorship which is occurring against Trump supporters in the US today.

President Trump Attorney and former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, released another ‘Common Sense’ video yesterday.  In the video the Mayor discussed last week’s events at the Capitol which ended up being nothing but a set up.

MUST SEE footage angle of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt. Items of interest as follows:

Around 8:20 minute marker – video of Antifa agent explaining what gear and how to dress for the event

Around 15 minute marker – Footage with clear commands being shouted on how to breach and scale the building wall

Around 24:40 minute marker – Footage inside the building including police directing them and commands continue to instruct on next moves

Around the 27:30 minute marker – new angle clearly showing the shooter’s gun not aiming at Antifa agents but waiting to ultimately shoot a Trump supporter who turned out to be Ashli Babbitt.

Then at the 34:30 minute marker Rudy shares:

Something very serious has gone wrong with us.  Much more serious than we realize.  The erosion of our rights.  The attack on our rights.  The oligarchs taking control of our country.  Is very, very dangerous.  And the way in which they change reality, turn it around completely.  Take a situation that was orchestrated by rioters and attribute it to decent people who have a difference of opinion to prevailing wisdom that must prevail otherwise your rights are taken away.  There’s a difference of opinion and a strong one.  The difference of opinion is supported by many facts, many details, videos, scientific analysis, 1,000 affidavits.  It’s not just a whim or a guess or a thought.  Much of it is provable fact.  If we can’t discuss that in this country.  If we can’t discuss that without people being threatened by jail, without people losing their jobs, without people losing their ability to go about their lives normally, then this country has changed in a way that we have got to change back to what it used to be.  A country in which we can freely express our opinions.”

The entire video is a MUST SEE but has commercials, thus the approximate starting points for the meat of the video posted above.

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