‘Mommy, I won’
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Conservatives welcome. Libs & RINOs go away. It's all of you destroying the society and conservatives must no longer appease you!
‘Mommy, I won’
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Podcast superstar Joe Rogan believes Hollywood’s left-wing bent has a lot to do with “hungry actors” who parrot radical talking points to land jobs, surmising that most of them are just “nonsense people” who have not “thought these things through” and concluding it is “fucking horseshit.”
Speaking on the June 17 episode of the podcast Breaking Points, Rogan explained why he believes Hollywood is so ideologically left-wing.
“It all comes down to young, hungry actors saying whatever they believe casting directors are going to want to hear to land the job,” Rogan said, adding that these individuals often hear what others are saying and parrot those talking points to secure jobs in the industry.
“You see people bend to whichever way the wind is blowing. It’s like, ‘What do I have to say?’ And you see the disingenuousness,” he said, surmising that most celebrities do not actually hold opinions. Rather, they have what he described as a “conglomeration of opinions that they’ve adopted because they think it will be beneficial for their career.”
“I would go on these auditions and I would see these poor fuckers that were lost in this world of being chosen for things. And that’s what shapes the entire mindset of that part of the country,” Rogan continued. “The entire mindset of that part of the country is doing things that you think other people will like. They are insecure people that go to a place where they’re going to get rejected a lot. It’s the worst thing ever for their mental health.”
Rogan continued, explaining that it is possible for there to be such an ideological divide in Hollywood because the country is “basically divided 50/50.”
“So is it that you’re telling me that everyone who is creative [is left-wing]? Is it everyone who is expressive? Is it everyone who is theatrical? Is that possible? It’s not possible,” he said. “Because it’s not really opinions. They’re willing to not have any opinions on anything else other than feeding narcissism, feeding this career that seems insurmountable and impossible to achieve.”
He continued:
You can feel the angst pulsating off their bodies. And you run into that more often than you don’t. Because most people are bitter, and most people are weirded out, and they adopt these liberal sensibilities and ideologies and they don’t necessarily do it because they thought these things through. I mean occasionally you’ve got your Mark Ruffalo type characters who are really all in, but most of them are not. Most of them are just nonsense people and those nonsense people will just get on stage and they’ll say at the Academy Awards or the Grammys,’This is what we have to do. We have to make sure that we support this, and that.’
“It’s fucking horseshit,” Rogan added.
Rogan has continued to speak out strongly against cultural norms, highlighting the phenomenon of people flooding to Florida and Texas amid the oppressive lockdowns in blue states.
“[Cities] can be irreversibly fucked, like I think some of our cities are right now. I think there’s some there’s some sections in LA, I don’t know how the fuck they’re gonna bounce back. You drive down the street and you see everything boarded up. You go, ‘How does this come back? How long does it take?” Rogan’s said during an appearance with Dave Chappelle in episode 1647 of the Joe Rogan Experience.
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Here’s a question: If election audits are unfounded and based on “debunked conspiracy theories,” as so many on the left claim, what’s to be afraid of?
Plenty, if you ask the left.
During a major speech June 11 on the Department of Justice’s role in elections, Attorney General Merrick Garland slammed “abnormal post-election audit methodologies that may put the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine public confidence in our democracy.”
The targets were clear: the 2020 election audit currently going on in Maricopa County, Arizona, and counties and states that might want to emulate it.
Ironically, nothing “put[s] the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine[s] public confidence in our democracy” quite like the federal government telling jurisdictions they can’t audit election results.
Well, Garland and the Democrats likely have a new target: Cheboygan County, Michigan, wants to audit its election results to determine how accurate they are.
To make things doubly annoying for the Democrats, Dominion Voting Systems is part of the controversy yet again.
According to a Tuesday report from The Hill, the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners voted 4-3 to send a letter to the Michigan elections director formally requesting an audit.
In the letter, signed by the board’s chairman, John Wallace, the county said, “As commissioners, we have heard from many of our constituents expressing concerns/questions related to the November 3, 2020 election. We believe we have a responsibility to address these concerns/questions.”
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The letter, dated Tuesday, asked the state for permission to discover whether “the actual vote tally for the presidential election within Cheboygan County was accurately reported to the state election officials.”
“We are mindful of the legal requirement … to obtain your approval, as the representative of the Secretary of State, to conduct an election audit,” it said. “Therefore, please accept this letter as the formal request of the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners to conduct an audit of the November 3, 2020 election held within Cheboygan County, under the terms and conditions specified in this letter.”
Some of those “terms and conditions” won’t go over well with the MSNBC crowd, particularly since it’s more bad news for Dominion Voting Systems.
The audit would seek to determine “[w]hether the actual vote tally for the presidential election within Cheboygan County was accurately reported by the county’s Dominion vote tabulator and Election System and Software machine. We believe the best evidence of this accuracy is to conduct a hand recount of the Cheboygan County presidential election ballots and to compare the results of that hand recount to the electronic vote results that were reported.”
“The requested probe also seeks whether ‘the county’s Dominion vote tabulator and/or Election System and Software machine was actually in communication with any unauthorized computer and whether there is any evidence that any unauthorized computer actually manipulated the actual presidential election vote tally within Cheboygan County,’” The Hill reported.
The decision on the recount ultimately rests with Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat. According to The Associated Press, Benson’s spokeswoman said she’d review and respond to the letter, although Benson has previously asserted that more than 250 audits showed the results were “fair, secure and accurate, and that the results reflect the will of Michigan voters.” In other words, holdeth not your breath.
It’s interesting, however, to see the anaphylactic reaction anyone has to these audits.
Cheboygan County went heavily for Donald Trump, with 64 percent voting for the incumbent. Furthermore, Joe Biden carried Michigan by 2.8 percentage points. The results of a Cheboygan County recount wouldn’t change anything. It would either buttress faith in a system Benson claimed is “fair, secure and accurate” or it would reveal flaws in that system.
Both of those are results anyone should welcome — and it’s not just Cheboygan County that’s looking into making sure people have confidence in the system.
The Hill reported on Monday that Pennsylvania state Sen. David Argall, a Republican who heads the committee in charge of overseeing elections, said he supports a Maricopa-style audit.
“It’s a very careful recount, forensic audit, so yeah, I don’t see the danger in it,” Argall said. “I just think that it would not be a bad idea at all to proceed with an audit similar to what they’re doing in Arizona.”
Fine, but here’s the first paragraph of Reid Wilson’s piece for The Hill: “A top Pennsylvania Republican says he supports an audit of the state’s presidential election results similar to a review being conducted in Arizona, raising the potential for other states to spend taxpayer money investigating former President Trump’s false claims of improprieties and fraud.”
First, it’s interesting to see journalists suddenly opposed to using taxpayer dollars for election audits. Now try $2.3 trillion infrastructure bills.
Second, this isn’t about “investigating former President Trump’s false claims of improprieties and fraud,” as Wilson put it. And to be fair, this is just a representative sample of what the media and the Democrats are saying. They fail to realize people have lost trust in the electoral system — and the Reid Wilsons of the world aren’t going to re-establish it with ledes about “false claims” of election fraud.
This is why we need audits. These aren’t unsupervised attempts to overturn election results. Done right, audits should simply reaffirm the status quo if nothing’s amiss.
So one asks again: What are Democrats afraid of?
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Senate Republicans sent Democrats’ attempt to rewrite the rules of the nation’s elections to the dusty halls of procedural limbo Tuesday.
Senate Democrats hoping to open debate on the so-called For the People Act needed 60 votes to overcome the GOP’s use of the filibuster.
Instead, they fell 10 short with the evenly divided chamber going 50-50 on the debate.
Vice President Kamala Harris, who shows up to preside when her tie-breaking vote can help Democrats ram through legislation, was in attendance but could do nothing to stop the bill’s defeat.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, who in the course of the day’s flow of vitriol called former President Donald Trump “a petulant child,” said that defying the Democrats was “a partisan blockade of a pressing issue here in the United States Senate. An issue no less fundamental than the right to vote,” according to an official transcript.
“Because of one man’s lie, Republicans are now doing the dastardly act of taking away voting from millions of Americans … making it much harder for them to vote, and many, many, many will not,” Schumer said, referring to Trump’s allegations that the November presidential election was stolen from him.
However, Senate Republicans made it clear that their opposition to the bill was not rooted in their defense of Trump but in revulsion to the stench of the bill.
“This is an extraordinarily cynical bill, in my opinion, even by Washington standards. It’s very ruthless, even by Washington standards,” Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana said Tuesday on Fox News.
“Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi and Senator Schumer call it, I think, the ‘For The People Act,’ but I think it would be more aptly described as the Screw the People Act. It will make it much easier to cheat in an election,” he said.
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Kennedy said the proposal “almost guarantees that we’ll never have another Election Day. We’ll have election months. And I think that was the genesis of a lot of concern by many people in the last election.”
The power grab nature of the proposal also revolted Republicans, he said.
The Democratic Party’s plan “achieves its purpose by taking elections, which are governed by the people through their state legislatures right now, and gives that authority to the federal government,” he said.
“Now, why anybody would take something that’s working and give it to the federal government is beyond me. The federal bureaucracy can’t even stop scam calls or spam calls. But nonetheless, if you turn our voting procedure over to the federal government, I guarantee you the first thing they are going to do is get rid of voter ID. And I think most Americans believe that you should have to prove who you say you are when you go to vote,” Kennedy said.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has said that bill contained a “rotten core: an assault on the fundamental idea that states, not the federal government, should decide how to run their own elections.”
In his Tuesday floor remarks before the vote, McConnell lambasted “Democrats’ transparently partisan plan to tilt every election in America permanently in their favor. By now, the rotten inner workings of this power grab have been thoroughly exposed to the light.”
“It’s a recipe for undermining confidence in our elections. For remaking our entire system of government to suit the preferences of one far end of the political spectrum,” he said.
McConnell closed by chiding Democrats that using a partisan power grab as a vehicle to change the Senate rules by eliminating the filibuster would be a mistake.
“And by the way, no matter what far-left activists are telling our colleagues, this most sensitive subject would not be the best place to trash the Senate’s rules to ram something through,” the minority leader said. “In fact, these issues would be the worst possible place to push through a power grab at any cost.
“The Senate is no obstacle to voting laws done the right way. I’ve helped write legislation regarding our democracy that has soared through this chamber on huge bipartisan margins. The Senate is only an obstacle when the policy is flawed and the process is rotten.”
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed three civics education bills Tuesday, including HB 5, which requires high school students to learn about “communism and totalitarianism,” ideologies that “conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States.”
“It’s crucial to ensure that we teach our students how to be responsible citizens,” DeSantis said during a press conference at a Fort Myers middle school, reported News4Jax. “They need to have a good working knowledge of American history, American government and the principles that underline our Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
“I’m proud to sign three bills today that prioritize civics education in our schools,” DeSantis said in a press statement, adding:
The sad reality is that only two in five Americans can correctly name the three branches of government, and more than a third of Americans cannot name any of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. It is abundantly clear that we need to do a much better job of educating our students in civics to prepare them for the rest of their lives.
HB 5 also provides a library of “Portraits in Patriotism” based on the lives of individuals who have represented civic-minded qualities, including some who have moved to this country after suffering persecution in nations such as Cuba and Venezuela.
“We have a number of people in Florida, particularly southern Florida, who’ve escaped totalitarian regimes, who’ve escaped communist dictatorships to be able to come to America,” DeSantis said, reported the Daily Caller.
He added he wants all students “to understand the difference, why would somebody flee across shark-infested waters, say leaving from Cuba to come to southern Florida.”
“Why would somebody leave a place like Vietnam?” he asked. “Why would people leave these countries and risk their life to be able to come here. It’s important students understand that.”
The governor also signed into law SB 1108, which requires state college and university students to take both a civic literacy course and assessment as a requirement for graduation.
HB 233 will require state colleges and universities to hold annual assessments of the “viewpoint diversity and intellectual freedom at their institutions,” the governor’s office said. The goal of this new law is to ensure Florida’s college and university students experience diverse ideas and opinions, including those with which they may disagree.
“It used to be thought that a university campus was a place you’d be exposed to a lot of different ideas,” DeSantis said. “Unfortunately, now, the norm is really that these are more intellectually oppressive environments. You have orthodoxies that are promoted, and other viewpoints are shunned or even suppressed. We don’t want that in Florida.”
“You need to have a true contest of ideas,” the governor asserted. “Students should not be shielded from ideas and we want robust First Amendment speech on our college and university campuses.”
DeSantis and his administration recently moved to ban the teaching of the tenets of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project from Florida schools.
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed three bills into law Tuesday that target education and require the teaching of the "evils of communism" and more.
Earlier this month, DeSantis officially banned the teaching of critical race theory from all public schools across the state.
In signing the bills, DeSantis — an outspoken conservative — said, "The sad reality is that only two in five Americans can correctly name the three branches of government, and more than a third of Americans cannot name any of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. It is abundantly clear that we need to do a much better job of educating our students in civics to prepare them for the rest of their lives."
"The bill," he continued, "also expands our previous efforts in civics to add a requirement for the high school government class that students receive instruction on the evils of communism and totalitarian ideologies. We have a number of people in Florida, particularly southern Florida, who’ve escaped totalitarian regimes, who’ve escaped communist dictatorships to be able to come to America."
The Florida Republican also added that it’s imperative for the state’s children to understand why someone would take dangerous steps to flee their communist home country for America.
"We want all students to understand the difference. Why would somebody flee across shark-infested waters, say, leaving from Cuba to come to southern Florida?" he said. "Why would somebody leave a place like Vietnam? Why would people leave these countries and risk their lives to be able to come here? It’s important that students understand that. Now as part of this bill, Florida will create a ‘Portraits in Patriotism’ library so students can learn about real patriots who came to this country after seeing the horrors of these communist regimes."
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announces he is signing a bill requiring high school students to learn about the "evils o… https://t.co/thGwDmFGBN
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) 1624399597.0
The bills include House Bill 5: Civic Education Curriculum, requiring the Florida Department of Education to create an "integrated K-12 civic education curriculum that includes an understanding of citizens’ shared rights and responsibilities under the Constitution and Bill of Rights."
The bill particularly targets high school civics curricula, requiring comparative discussions of "political ideologies that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States, such as communism and totalitarianism."
Senate Bill 1108: Education states that all public tertiary education institutions require students to take a civic literacy course and subsequent examination as a graduation requirement.
"The bill further requires high school students to take a civic literacy assessment that has no high stakes consequences," the bill notes.
House Bill 233: Postsecondary Education requires that all state colleges and universities "conduct annual assessments of the viewpoint diversity and intellectual freedom at their institutions to ensure that Florida’s postsecondary students will be shown diverse ideas and opinions, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable."
(H/T: The Daily Wire)
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Wheeler said, "The goal of these two changes is to make our safety safer and more equitable." Wheeler added that the changes are also being made because "…our staffing on the streets is inadequate."
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Football legend Brett Favre blasted the Olympics for allowing biologically male transgender athletes to compete in women’s sports.
Favre made the comments in relation to the announcement earlier this week of former men’s weightlifter Laurel Hubbard being permitted to compete in the upcoming Olympic Games against biologically female competitors. Hubbard’s representation of New Zealand makes the weightlifter the first openly transgender athlete at the Games.
“It’s a man competing as a woman,” Favre said on his podcast, Fox News reported. He added: “That’s unfair.”
“If I was a true female — I can’t believe I’m saying that — and I was competing in weightlifting and lost to this person, I would be beside myself,” said Favre.
“It’s not fair for a man, even if this person wants to be a woman or feels compelled — if you want to become the opposite sex, that’s fine. I got no problem with it. But you can’t compete against — males cannot compete against females,” he said.
Favre also commented on transgender BMX Freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe, who made recent news for remarks the athlete made last year about hoping to burn the American flag on the Olympics podium. As noted by Fox, Wolfe has qualified as an alternate for the upcoming Games.
Wolfe shouldn’t be allowed to compete, Favre contended.
“I wouldn’t have her participate in my Olympics; go participate for somebody else. To say that is such a slap in our country’s face. I can’t believe this person can be allowed to participate for our country,” he said.
Favre is certainly not the only athlete to speak out in protection of girls and women’s sports. As highlighted by The Daily Wire, Olympic medalist Sharron Davies criticized the Olympics for separating sport by so-called gender identity, rather than sex.
“We have men & women’s separate competition [for] a BIG reason, biology in sport matters,” Davies posted via Twitter. “Separate categories give females equal opportunities of sporting success.”
The swimmer added that “the average age of a female Olympic weightlifter is 23,” while “Laurel Hubbard is 43. 30% unfair advantage! Sex not gender [for] sport.”
Back in 2019, Davies sounded off on her goal to help protect women’s sports, tweeting, “I have nothing against anyone who wishes [to] be transgender. However, I believe there is a fundamental difference between the binary sex [you are] born with & the gender [you] may identify as. To protect women’s sport those with a male sex advantage should not be able [to] compete in women’s sport.”
“Please please take a look & tell me how this is not going to negatively effect (sic) women’s sport?” Davies wrote in another post, captioning a meme that highlights recent transgender athletes cleaning up against biological girls and women in their respective sports.
Please please take a look & tell me how this is not going to negatively effect women’s sport?! @iocmedia #transgender pic.twitter.com/fC1Fap8Hlv
— Sharron Davies MBE (@sharrond62) March 4, 2019
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Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley railed against the NFL’s new and very rigid COVID-19 protocols for training camp and the preseason. Beasley proclaimed that he is prepared to walk away from the NFL, "My values are more important to me than a dollar."
The NFL and NFL Players Association agreed upon new COVID-19 protocols, which are far more critical of unvaccinated players than those who are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated players will face daily COVID-19 tests, must wear a mask in the team facility and during travel, and are barred from leaving the hotel to eat at a restaurant. First violations of the NFL’s COVID-19 protocols can result in a $50,000 fine.
Some NFL players voiced their displeasure with the new restrictions as well as the NFLPA. One of the more outspoken players against the strict rules is Beasley, who on Thursday called the restrictions "crazy" and said the NFLPA is a "joke."
There was swift backlash to Beasley’s opinions on the NFL’s COVID-19 rules, to which he responded to his critics with an even more powerful stance against the new restrictions.
Beasley began his response captioned by declaring, "Hi, I’m Cole Beasley, and I’m not vaccinated!"
"I will be outside doing what I do. I’ll be out in the public. If (you’re) scared of me, then steer clear, or get vaccinated. Point. Blank. Period," he tweeted on Friday. "I may die of COVID, but I’d rather die actually living."
"I have family members whose days are numbered," Beasley said in response to the NFL’s rules that prohibit players from having more than 15 people at their home," Beasley added. "If they want to come and see me and stay at my house then they are coming regardless of protocol."
Beasley, who has two years and roughly $11.9 million remaining on his contract with the Bills, seemed to hint that he is willing to quit or be fired from the NFL over his COVID-19 vaccine stance.
"I don’t play for the money anymore. Fine me if you want," Beasley stated. "My way of living and my values are more important to me than a dollar."
"I’ll play for free this year to live life the way I’ve lived it from Day 1," Beasley said. "If I’m forced into retirement, so be it. I’ve enjoyed the times I’ve had … So either way, it’s a win-win."
"I’m not going to take meds for a leg that isn’t broken," he wrote on Twitter. "I’d rather take my chances with COVID and build up my immunity that way … That is my choice based on my experiences and what I think is best."
"I love my teammates and enjoy playing ball because all the outside BS goes out the window in these moments," Beasley continued. "I just want to win the Super Bowl and enjoy these relationships that will be created along the way."
"Thank you for everyone who has been supportive throughout this process," the wideout said.
Beasley said, "a lot of other NFL players" agree with his position on coronavirus vaccinations, but "aren’t in the right place in their careers to be so outspoken."
"I’m hoping I’m doing my part to represent you guys well," the second-team All-Pro wide receiver concluded.
Public Service Announcement https://t.co/XjQicdvnKm
— Cole Beasley (@Bease11) 1624044800.0
Fellow Bills receiver Isaiah McKenzie reacted to Beasley’s impassioned message, "I see you out there fighting brotha love it."
A @Bease11 I see you out there fighting brotha love it ?✊?
— Isaiah McKenzie (@_IsaiahMcKenzie) 1624040307.0
In May, Beasley emphasized, "I don’t have a problem with anybody getting the vaccine. That is your choice. My problem is everyone is ridiculing and bullying people … into getting one or thinking the same way about it. It’s becoming that way with any issue. This is not OK."
Last month, In May, Bills general manager Brandon Beane answered a hypothetical question about unvaccinated players, which he revealed that he would be inclined to cut an unvaccinated player if it helped the franchise reach an NFL threshold to relax COVID-19 restrictions. However, the NFL reportedly informed Beane that the team could not release a player solely due to his vaccination status.
In 2020, Beasley caught 82 receptions for 967 yards, both career highs.
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Scientists Admit Lab-Leak Hypothesis Was Valid Last Year – But Kept Quiet Because Of Trump
Last month, a group of 18 scientists published a letter calling for a deeper investigation into the origins of COVID-19 which would give serious consideration to the lab-leak hypothesis – which posits that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Now, several of those scientists, including MIT and Harvard geneticist Alina Chan, admit that scientists avoided the lab-leak hypothesis because they didn’t want to be associated with then-President Trump, according to NBC News.
Chan said there had been trepidation among some scientists about publicly discussing the lab leak hypothesis for fear that their words could be misconstrued or used to support racist rhetoric about how the coronavirus emerged. Trump fueled accusations that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a research lab in the city where the first Covid-19 cases were reported, was connected to the outbreak, and on numerous occasions he called the pathogen the "Wuhan virus" or "kung flu."
The shift reflects how some scientists who previously avoided the topic or were quick to dismiss it are grappling with enduring uncertainties about the virus’s origin, free from the politicization that clouded such discussions during the Trump administration.
So while America was told to follow the science, scientists chose to play politics.
"At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump and to become a tool for racists, so people didn’t want to publicly call for an investigation into lab origins," said Chan.
Those who have ‘come around’ in recent months are also pointing to China’s lack of transparency.
There are three primary theories circulating, according to the report:
"If we had a pandemic that was sourced near to a BSL-4 lab in the U.S., the first thing you would be asking is if they were working with that pathogen in that lab," said Andrew Reed, an expert on evolutionary genetics of infectious diseases and a professor of biology at Penn State – who cautioned that while the lab leak is plausible, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the most probable explanation (it is).
As the Daily Wire notes, "David Asher, who led the Trump administration’s investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, said in an interview last month that he had biostatisticians from the U.S. government calculate that the odds of the coronavirus evolving from nature and they estimated that it was about 1-in-13 billion."
If only ‘the science’ had been more interested in facts than politics, we’d be further down the road of accountability:
Right now: Jon Stewart on the Covid Lab Leak “theory” is solid laughs pic.twitter.com/WlRX35p9WK
— siskin.eth (@mns) June 15, 2021
Tyler Durden
Thu, 06/17/2021 – 17:19
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