BOOM! Ex-RNC Official Shields Demolishes CNN’s Irresponsible Trump Rally Coverage

Fighting a brave battle against CNN’s emotionally hysterical, overwhelmed, and triggered liberals after Tuesday’s Trump rally, CNN political commentator and former RNC official Mike Shields thoroughly lambasted his colleagues losing their minds for spending time “chiming in that we just think the President is insane” and deeming him mentally ill.
Shields faced harsh push back, including some fake news pushed by CNN Tonight host Don Lemon that no one on the air questioned whether President Trump himself was unstable but just his speech and behavior. Good luck trying to wrap your head around that one.

At roughly 12:40 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, Shields calmly began by stating that “a piece of advice I would give everybody” in the media “is the President’s spent a tremendous amount of time tonight criticizing the media” and there’s a reason for that.

“It’s right to hold him accountable, it’s right to fact check him but immediately after that when the conversation shifts into he’s insane and he’s unfit for office and he’s lost his mind and we’re doing psychoanalysis on television of the President, you’re doing the work of — you’re doing his work for him. This is almost what he wants to see happen is that he criticizes the media and the media themselves are unhinged and start calling the President insane. I think that’s a huge mistake,” Shields astutely explained. 

Shields also called out CNN for not labeling the protesters clashing with police as “left-wing” and reemphasized that they’re making the President’s argument that the media are against him when they deem him “insane.”

Lemon seemed totally discombobulated, so Shields kept moving. Here’s a snippet:

And we can argue whether or not that’s appropriate for him to do or not, but that’s a good conversation and veering off into he’s insane sort of ends our credibility to criticize him because people now think just we’re the ones that are sort losing it over his speech and that’s probably what he and his supporters want us to do. 

Never Trump leader Rick Wilson re-upped the discussion from earlier (which my colleague Nick Fondacaro chronicled) that it’s fair to argue Trump is mentally ill and diagnose him as such, but Shields eventually hit back.

Taking note of how Congress should somehow do something to stop the President (read: remove him from office), Shields dropped more truth bombs:

Look, I mean, the other part of this, so where this is sort of leading is and I heard you guys saying this is that, you know, the Congress has to do thing about this. The American people elected the President, okay?. The media didn’t elect him. Commentators didn’t elect him. The Congress didn’t elect him either and so before the Congress is going to do something like this, this is why we’re jumping so ahead in this conversation because you’re so upset about the speech that he gave that I just think it does a disservice to say, you know. Once, again, let’s start talking impeachment. That’s like the protesters outside the arena as opposed to a conversation about should we fact check the President and is he handling the Charlottesville thing properly. How should we handle that topic with dignity if we don’t think he handled it with dignity or as Paul Ryan talked about. 

“My point is that the media does exist to hold elected officials accountable and has to have credibility with the public when they do that and when we go – we lose our own credibility, I’m saying we because I’m on CNN. We lose our credibility when we go far as to immediately say, you know what? Let’s have a ten-minute conversation with multiple people all chiming in that we just think the President is insane. I mean, you do realize how that’s being heard by millions of people,” Shields added with that devastating rhetorical question.

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Despite the earlier segment and Wilson’s own words minutes earlier, Lemon offered this Pants-on-Fire claim:

I think — hang on. Hang on. I will let you get in. I think by saying that something is insanity is not necessarily say that the — what is happening right now is insanity, not saying specifically that the President is insane. I think people are questioning — are questioning his fitness for office and for me to say, for people to say oh, my gosh, this is insane doesn’t mean the person is insane. It just means the situation we’re in is insane or not the norm….if you cannot assess someone’s behavior and figure out whether they’re okay or fit for something, then who are we? What have we become where we have to have this fake objectivity and pretend that thing is not happening.

Lemon showed in the seconds after the Trump rally ended just how unglued he would be tonight, so it came up again when he mocked Shields’s arguments as a big, giant strawman:

When I hear someone yelling on the streets, Mike, for no reason, screaming, howling at the moon and sky, am I supposed to say I’m going to say, well, I’m going to lose my credibility because I don’t assess that person as someone who has something wrong with them or who needs help. We can’t sit here and pretend that that is not happening. That what happened on this stage tonight in Phoenix, Arizona, is normal, is rational, is worthy of the highest office in the land, is worthy of someone who has the nuclear codes for someone to sit there and have these — and present these fake enemies we’re not the enemy of the state or of the people or the President of the United States. 

“This man has a nuclear codes and can blast us to smithereens at any moment if he wants to. So says the former Director of National Intelligence who just appeared on CNN who said now he is worried and scared about this person,” a fearful Lemon concluded.

Shields responded [emphasis mine]:

Yeah, look, I just think there’s a difference between what you just said. First of all, I’m not asking for fake objectivity. I’m asking for a little bit of sort of credibility how we’re talking about these things. Secondly, whether or not he’s worthy to hold office and whether or not he’s fit and insane to hold office, worthy to hold office is a partisan thing that lots of Democrats never thought he was and never will accept he is. He’s not fit for office takes us — veers us into a place where it allows people that want to criticize media, when you want to push back on them and say, you know, the President shouldn’t criticize us and that’s crazy for him to do that, for them – when we say, you know what? He’s actually insane, you’re doing the work of the President and the people that want to criticize the media. That’s my point. I think we can have a conversation about this.

The late-night craziness Shields bought back against were thanks to CNN advertisers Claritin,, Midas, and Whole Food Markets.

Here’s the relevant transcript from August 23’s CNN Tonight with Don Lemon:

CNN Tonight with Don Lemon
August 23, 2017
12:40 a.m. Eastern

MIKE SHIELDS: Don, you know, we have these conversations on your show about media coverage. I think a piece of advice I would give everybody is the President’s spent a tremendous amount of time tonight criticizing the media. And it’s right to push back on that, it’s right to hold him accountable, it’s right to fact check him but immediately after that when the conversation shifts into he’s insane and he’s unfit for office and he’s lost his mind and we’re doing psychoanalysis on television of the President, you’re doing the work of — you’re doing his work for him. This is almost what he wants to see happen is that he criticizes the media and the media themselves are unhinged and start calling the President insane. I think that’s a huge mistake. I think it’s a mistake not to call the protesters left-wing protesters that are in Arizona right now fighting the police, I think that’s a mistake, as well. I think, if you could do those things, not call the President insane and just fact check him and call the protesters out for who you are, you gain the credibility ground that you need to push back on the president when he gives a speech like this. You’re almost doing his work for him when we start calling him insane. So, that’s, you know, the first comment I have to make about that. 

LEMON: You thought his speech was sane? You thought it was a rational speech? 

SHIELDS: I thought it sounded exactly like a speech he gave in the campaign and no one was calling him, let’s have a whole panel discussion about how he insane is he during the campaign and so, you can disagree with what the President’s saying —

LEMON: Should we have been?

SHEILDS: — look, I think that it is correct to criticize the President’s handling of how he’s communicated to the American people about race and about the Charlottesville incident. That’s a legitimate conversation. We should have that and we have been having that. I think that it’s good he’s talking about it. He should keep talking about. I understand the criticism tonight of how he talked about it, although I don think he was trying to point out there are parts of what he said that weren’t covered. And we can argue whether or not that’s appropriate for him to do or not, but that’s a good conversation and veering off into he’s insane sort of ends our credibility to criticize him because people now think just we’re the ones that are sort losing it over his speech and that’s probably what he and his supporters want us to do. 


SHIELDS: Look, I mean, the other part of this, so where this is sort of leading is and I heard you guys saying this is that, you know, the Congress has to do thing about this. The American people elected the President, okay?. The media didn’t elect him. Commentators didn’t elect him. The Congress didn’t elect him either and so before the Congress is going to do something like this, this is why we’re jumping so ahead in this conversation because you’re so upset about the speech that he gave that I just think it does a disservice to say, you know. Once, again, let’s start talking impeachment. That’s like the protesters outside the arena as opposed to a conversation about should we fact check the President and is he handling the Charlottesville thing properly. How should we handle that topic with dignity if we don’t think he handled it with dignity or as Paul Ryan talked about. 

LEMON: So Mike, are you saying there’s never any nothing is out of bound with the President? You know, there was — Richard Nixon was driven from office. He resigned. So the president is always right, is always sane, is always accurate and can do no wrong? Is – that’s what it sounds —

SHIELDS: That’s not what I’m saying at all, don and that’s actually my point. My point is that the media does exist to hold elected officials accountable and has to have credibility with the public when they do that and when we go – we lose our own credibility, I’m saying we because I’m on CNN. We lose our credibility when we go far as to immediately say, you know what? Let’s have a ten-minute conversation with multiple people all chiming in that we just think the President is insane. 

LEMON: I think that —

SHIELDS: I mean, you do realize how that’s being heard by millions of people? They’re going, you know what? The media’s just blasting the President — 

LEMON: I think — hang on. Hang on. I will let you get in. I think by saying that something is insanity is not necessarily say that the — what is happening right now is insanity, not saying specifically that the president is insane. I think people are questioning —

SHIELDS: People were saying he is insane.

LEMON: — are questioning his fitness for office and for me to say, for people to say oh, my gosh, this is insane doesn’t mean the person is insane. It just means the situation we’re in is insane or not the norm. But to question — the former Director of National Intelligence also his members of his own party are questioning his fitness for office. And we are talking about that, and if you cannot assess someone’s behavior and figure out whether they’re okay or fit for something, then who are we? What have we become where we have to have this fake objectivity and pretend that thing is not happening. When I hear someone yelling on the streets, Mike, for no reason, screaming, howling at the moon and sky, am I supposed to say I’m going to say, well, I’m going to lose my credibility because I don’t assess that person as someone who has something wrong with them or who needs help. We can’t sit here and pretend that that is not happening. That what happened on this stage tonight in Phoenix, Arizona, is normal, is rational, is worthy of the highest office in the land, is worthy of someone who has the nuclear codes for someone to sit there and have these — and present these fake enemies we’re not the enemy of the state or of the people or the President of the United States. This man has a nuclear codes and can blast us to smithereens at any moment if he wants to. So says the former Director of National Intelligence who just appeared on CNN who said now he is worried and scared about this person. 

SHIELDS: Yeah, look, I just think there’s a difference between what you just said. First of all, I’m not asking for fake objectivity. I’m asking for a little bit of sort of credibility how we’re talking about these things. Secondly, whether or not he’s worthy to hold office and whether or not he’s fit and insane to hold office, worthy to hold office is a partisan thing that lots of Democrats never thought he was and never will accept he is. He’s not fit for office takes us — veers us into a place where it allows people that want to criticize media, when you want to push back on them and say, you know, the President shouldn’t criticize us and that’s crazy for him to do that, for them – when we say, you know what? He’s actually insane, you’re doing the work of the President and the people that want to criticize the media. That’s my point. I think we can have a conversation about this.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Breaking: Bombshell Doc Clears Trump on Russia… No Wonder Media’s Covering C-ville

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Back when Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer was disclosed earlier this summer, the media figured that it, at long last, had the smoking gun against the Trump administration they were looking for.

Even though a half-dozen or so other smoking guns they’d trotted out had turned out to be broken water pistols at best — remember MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Trump’s “tax return”? —  this time they swore up and down on a stack of “The Audacity of Hope” that this was the Jenga block that would topple the Trump White House.

We’re just a few weeks short of autumn now, and the only collapse we’ve seen is of the Russian narrative. The media has, you may have noticed, moved on to Charlottesville. Now, a bombshell report from a left-leaning veterans intelligence group says that the event that started the ball rolling on Russia — the infamous Guccifer 2.0 leak that was linked to the Russians — was fabricated and that a forensic analysis of the documents proves that “Russian fingerprints” were introduced into them to make it look like the handiwork of Vladimir Putin.

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Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity is probably best known as the group thatfirst reported that Saddam Hussein didn’t have weapons of mass destruction, a feat that got them picked up and lauded by The New York Times back in the days when Howard Dean was considered a viable presidential candidate and “American Idiot” was considered a nuanced political statement.

Now, VIPS isn’t getting picked up much by The New York Times — or many liberal media outlets, save (surprisingly) The Nation. The group’s new report claims it’s much more likely that the DNC leaks came from inside the committee and that it would be almost impossible for the Russians to have pulled it off.

“Forensic studies of ‘Russian hacking’ into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computer,” states the group’s report, released in July but just getting play now.

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“After examining metadata from the ‘Guccifer 2.0’ July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device.”

The report, which was put together with the help of several digital forensics experts, argues that the speeds at which the documents were downloaded were completely incompatible with a hack.

On July 5 of last year, “(i)n the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device,” the report reads.

“That speed is much faster than what is physically possible with a hack,” it notes. To obfuscate their identity during a hack, hackers have to use what’s known as a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. That dramatically slows internet speeds — meaning that it would be almost impossible to get the data onto a storage device that quickly.

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And that’s not all: The Nation (which is, for those unfamiliar with it, one of the most left-leaning publications in the United States) notes that metadata shows that the emails “were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language” — an indication that someone wanted to make it look like a Russian-speaking individual was behind it.

No wonder that the media has been so eager to discard the Russia narrative and go onto Charlottesville, at least when it comes to the president. Not only have all hopes of impeachment faded, but the inciting incident of the Russian narrative — the DNC hack — may not have been the Russians at all. And, if the report is true, it almost certainly clears the president or any of his associates of collusion. After all, if the emails passed directly from a DNC source to WikiLeaks, there isn’t even any Russian middleman to collude with.

We commend The Nation for having covered this. We only hope that other outlets would have the same courage. We don’t necessarily know that this report is true. However, given its provenance, it’s something that needs to be investigated.

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via Conservative Tribune

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POLL: AZ Sen. Jeff Flake Trailing GOP Primary Challenger Kelli Ward By Double Digits

A New poll shows Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is in big trouble, in what might be the toughest political race of his career. AZ Highground reports Flake is trailing Kelli Ward by 14%.

AZ Highground reports:

A statewide Arizona survey of 400 likely Arizona 2018 General Election voters shows Republican incumbent Senator Jeff Flake fourteen points behind his primary Republican opponent Kelli Ward and eight points behind prospective Democratic opponent U.S. Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (D, AZ-9).

Q.        If the primary election for United States Senate were held today, would you vote for [Rotate] Jeff Flake or Kelli Ward?

28.2%  Jeff Flake
42.5%  Kelli Ward
5.1%    Some other candidate
24.2%  Don’t know, Refused

Q.        If the General Election for United States Senate were held today, would you vote for [Rotate] Jeff Flake or Kyrsten Sinema?

32.5%  Jeff Flake
40.5%  Kyrsten Sinema
27.0%  Don’t know, Refused

The Republican Primary Election sample was of 273 high efficacy Republican and PND/Independent voters and has a margin of error of ±5.93%.  The General Election sample of 400 high efficacy general election voters has a margin of error of ±4.88%.

“While Election Day may still be more than a year away, Senator Jeff Flake’s campaign has a lot of work to do to persuade Republican primary voters that his form of principled Republican conservatism can trump the nativist populism that is fueling Republican voters’ antipathy towards Washington insiders.  These same Republicans still give the President a 74% approval rating in Arizona,” said Chuck Coughlin, President & CEO of HighGround Public Affairs, which conducted the poll.

Pollster Nate Silver recently issued a major warning to Flake over his unpopularity.

FiveThirtyEight reports:

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona is unpopular — really unpopular. According to a poll about all 100 senators released Tuesday by Morning Consult, just 37 percent of registered voters in Arizona approve of their junior senator, compared with 45 percent who disapprove. 


The polling firm [Morning Consult] has consistently had Flake’s approval ratings at lower levels than those of many other senators. Other surveys have also generally found Flake to have a relatively low approval rating. Flake even commented on one of the surveys in 2013, saying: “Given the public’s dim view of Congress in general, that probably puts me somewhere just below pond scum.”


Flake struggled at the ballot box in his one Senate race. During his 2012 bid for this open seat, Flake beat Democrat Richard Carmona by just 3 points. His showing was the worst for a Republican Senate candidate in Arizona since 1988.

It certainly doesn’t help that President Trump isn’t a fan of Flake.

“Phoenix crowd last night was amazing – a packed house. I love the Great State of Arizona. Not a fan of Jeff Flake, weak on crime & border!”, Tweeted Trump today.

The post POLL: AZ Sen. Jeff Flake Trailing GOP Primary Challenger Kelli Ward By Double Digits appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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WATCH: Antifa Member Gets Nailed In Nuts By Tear Gas Canister

Things got dicey in Phoenix last night after President Trump’s speech, mainly because the so-called Antifa showed up to protest.

But one guy got more than a kick in the pants. He got hit squarely in the family jewels by a tear gas canister or a “pepper ball” fired by Phoenix police — on live TV.

The protester, wearing a a gas mask, is seen kicking a canister of tear gas back at police. Seconds later something hits him right in the cajones and a cloud of dust rises up. He doubles over in pain, drops to the ground and lies there until a friend comes along and helps him off the street.

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ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’

I thought we had reached peak stupid for the week with ESPN’s decision to pull an Asian sportscaster because his name is Robert Lee, but the ACLU is trying to outdo the network with its reaction to criticism of this tweet:

Notice that this child, who appears to be 3-years-old, is wearing an ACLU onesie with the words “free speech” on them. About half an hour later someone posted this reply:

Note this isn’t just a question it’s an outraged question. A few minutes later the ACLU thanked followers for reminding them “white supremacy is everywhere.”

Those who have suggested that intersectionality operates like a religion with racism standing in for original sin seem to be on to something. How else could a 3-year-old (who may or may not be potty trained yet) be an example of white supremacy? Even the person who complained about the photo doesn’t seem to know. Her only comment is to point out he’s white and holding a flag. Even if you are so far left that you think the flag alone makes this white supremacy, doesn’t the fact that a child is holding it suggest there’s no ill will involved? Apparently not.

There are already over 600 replies to the ACLU’s original tweet and you’ll be shocked to learn many of them are defending the idea that this is indeed an example of white supremacy. I’m not going to post any of them here because most of the people have 48 followers and don’t need the attention. But if you doubt me, just have a look at the replies.

There are also some genuine white supremacists joining in after the fact, which of course leads to more people on the left saying ‘See! It was racist!’ But no, it’s really not. This is just the fringes on each side working each other up. The real question is why the ACLU is joining in the nonsense as if they’ve done something wrong.

Look, I understand people are hypersensitive right now because of what happened in Charlottesville. Someone was murdered by a racist nut. Nazis were marching around with Tiki torches. But the sensitivity has to have some rational limit. Doesn’t it?

The post ACLU: That photo of a flag-waving 3-year-old we just posted shows ‘white supremacy is everywhere’ appeared first on Hot Air.

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Report: Bannon Urged Trump to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem — Was Blocked by Jared Kushner

Report: Bannon Urged Trump to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem — Was Blocked by Jared Kushner

21 Aug, 2017
21 Aug, 2017

TEL AVIV – According to a report in Vanity Fair, while he served as White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon heavily lobbied President Trump to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, but the move was blocked by Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser.

Citing three Bannon allies, the magazine further reported that Bannon boycotted a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, quipping, “I’m not going to breathe the same air as that terrorist.”

The magazine revealed that Bannon pushed a tougher stance against the PA, which pays salaries to terrorists imprisoned in the Jewish state for committing violent acts against Israelis and routinely incites against Israel.

Vanity Fair reported:

Bannon, they say, lobbied Trump aggressively to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but was blocked by Kushner. And, according to three Bannon allies, Bannon pushed a tougher line against the Palestinians than Kushner did. In May, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House, Bannon stayed home. “I’m not going to breathe the same air as that terrorist,” Bannon texted a friend.

Abbas visited the White House and met with Trump last May.

Standing alongside Trump during his White House visit, Abbas attempted to whitewash decades of official PA incitement to violence and anti-Israel indoctrination that continue unabated to this day. “Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace,” Abbas claimed. “And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security.”

Despite the PA’s repeated use of maps that erase Israel and PA propaganda calling for the dismantlement of the Jewish state, Abbas misleadingly claimed at the White House meeting that the “Palestinian people recognize the state of Israel.”

The official media and educational institutions of Abbas’s PA regularly incites against Israel.  The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a terrorist group responsible for scores of suicide bombings and deadly shooting attacks, is closely aligned with Abbas’s Fatah Party and is routinely referred to as Fatah’s so-called military wing.

Abbas has refused to end payments to convicted terrorists, defending the stipends as a “social responsibility” even though the financing is said to encourage attacks against Israel.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump had repeatedly pledged to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. In July, Trump signed a waiver that delayed for six months a U.S. law requiring the embassy to be relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Bannon, meanwhile, submitted his resignation letter to the White House on August 7, and officially departed the administration last Friday. Within hours, he resumed his role as executive chairman of Breitbart News.

Bannon is known for his pro-Israel views. He was the driving force behind the founding of Breitbart Jerusalem, and recruited this reporter to the news agency to defend Israel amid a constant barrage of biased news media reporting.

via Breitbart News

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Pope Francis: Rights of Migrants Trump National Security Concerns

Pope Francis: Rights of Migrants Trump National Security Concerns

21 Aug, 2017
21 Aug, 2017

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to protection trumps national security concerns.

Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 world refugee day, celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic extremist attacks.

In the message, Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”

He demanded a simplified process of granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security.”

Francis has made refugees a priority of his pontificate, making his first trip outside Rome in 2013 to the island of Lampedusa, ground zero in Europe’s migration crisis. He has repeatedly spoken out for migrants’ rights, demanded countries build “bridges not walls,” and personally brought a dozen Syrian refugees back to Rome with him when he visited a Greek refugee camp in 2016.

Ignoring critics who say his calls are unrealistic and naive, Francis insisted in the new message that border guards must be trained to protect migrants and that each new arrival, regardless of legal status, must be guaranteed access to basic services beyond health care.

That extends to guaranteeing access to consulates, the justice system and the ability to open a bank account and survive financially, he said.

Unaccompanied minors, he said, require even greater protection, including guaranteeing them citizenship and access to schooling, as well as foster programs rather than detention centers.

He called for policies that support family reunification, employment opportunities and accelerated citizenship procedures to improve migrants’ abilities to integrate.

His call was immediately rejected by the leader of Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party, which has opposed government proposals to change Italy’s law to accelerate citizenship for children born in Italy to non-Italians.

“If you want to do it in the Vatican, go ahead,” Matteo Salvini wrote on Facebook. “But as a Catholic, I don’t think Italy can welcome and support the whole world.”

via Breitbart News

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EXCLUSIVE – Michael Savage Scolds Trump, Blasts Boston Leftists: ‘Trump Has Buckled to the Mob’

Author and radio host Michael Savage scolded President Trump and left-wing “Antifa” protesters in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Sunday  — accusing President Trump of having “buckled to the mob” in Boston and warning that if Trump keeps kowtowing to Antifa and other leftist groups, “it’s all over.”

Savage was referring to a tweet from Trump sent Saturday, in which the president said he “applauds” the Antifa counter-protesters who showed up in the thousands to protest a free speech march of a few hundred people. The left-wing protesters are reported to have thrown rocks, and Boston police requested they not throw bottles of urine at officers.

Yet Trump took a radically different tone from the one he had taken just days earlier when he had reminded a furious media that the so-called “anti-fascist” protesters were also responsible for violence:

Savage accused Trump of “catering to the left-wing mobs” and connected recent riots in Virginia and Boston to the apparent new tone in the White House, which was seen just a day after White House chief strategist Steve Bannon departed to retake his position as executive chairman of Breitbart News.

“It’s the streets of Boston that caused the events in the White House,” Savage said. “Trump has buckled to the mob. They broke him with mass hysteria about ‘all conservatives, all nationalists, are merged with neo-Nazis.’ So Trump is now catering to the left-wing mobs. He is catering to Antifa.”

Savage, who wrote Trump’s War: His Battle for America warns that Bannon’s departure could be a sign of things to come. Calling Bannon Trumps’ “field marshal,” he warns that Trump could turn moderate and kill his presidency.

“If he starts with that line, it’s all over. If he wants nothing to do with conservatives, it’s over. If Bannon is replaced by [MSNBC commentator] Rachel Maddow, it’s over,” he said:

Trump comes from a liberal background, and he saw which way wind was blowing and see what Eddie and Edith [Savage’s term for the common man and woman] wanted, and he ran with it. Now what? Now he’s hit a stone wall with his progressive friends, and so he’s got to do a 180? How far is he going to turn away from what got him elected? Is he going to become [Mitt] Romney? You know he’s going to move in another direction, but it’s anyone’s guess.

Savage added that he was unsure of the state of any of Trump’s major campaign promises: “Are we going to get a wall? I don’t know. Tax cuts, I don’t know. The day he grants amnesty to ‘dreamers’ will be the end of the presidency; he’ll lose his entire base.”

But with Trump’s future stances unclear, Savage says he is certain of what needs to be done from rank-and-file conservatives — and he says that exposing what is going on on the streets of Charlottesville and Boston is the key:

When I see these mobs in Boston,  these self-righteous Bolsheviks, I see the face of people who think they can do no wrong. So how do we defeat them? We have to name who is behind them, and unless we can uncouple the public image of Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, for example, we’re never going to win the battle. We in American America need to do a little research on our corrupt leaders, and once the middle of the roaders see that corruption, we can get them back on our side.

He said that begins by exposing what the people who support the protesters really want from America:

The enemies in the streets today oppose trade war with Mexico, they oppose tariffs on China, the deportations of even MS-13 gang members, they oppose dismantling socialized medicine, they oppose individual gun ownership, they want to weaken the military further, promote sexual deviancy in schools, to push abortion even further, and they want a war on real religion — Christian or Jewish.

He warned against getting caught in the trap of focusing on the statues of the Confederacy over which so many on the left were protesting.

“In the debates about gay marriage, we were told, ‘What difference does it make to you?’ and it was a good argument,” he said. “Well, what the hell does a Robert E. Lee statue have a to do with a New York liberal’s life? How does it affect their goddamn lives? What does it matter? It doesn’t, at all!”

Instead, he made a comparison of modern day left vs. right to the Civil War, but not in a way many liberals would like:

 A lot of these riots are occurring through distinct planning by the new plantation owners who do not want the cheap slave labor supply cut off. I compare them to the old aristocrats of the South becasue they didn’t want to give up their slave labor, either, and were prepared to go to war over it.

As for the protesters who oppose free speech, Savage had a message for them. “We’ve gone from the Boston Tea Party to the Boston Flee Party. The left-wing mob, caught up in mass hysteria did not defeat Nazism. These self-righteous anti-nationalists defeated free speech itself,” he said. “Let me remind them, the First Amendment was not written to protect polite speech; it was written to defend offensive speech.”

He also tore into their hysteria over free speech while ignoring terror attacks from Islamic jihadists, noting that not one Islamic terror attack has occurred in the U.S. since Trump’s inauguration.

“Islamo-progressive Bolsheviks never once protested, never once said Islam was a threat, never once marched in mass hysteria during all those Obama years of numerous atrocities inflicted upon the U.S.,” he said. Not the massacre of gays in Orlando, the slaughter of fellow workers in Southern California.”

“But now, a few dozen whites stand up in Boston to express their pride in Western civilization, and the mobs of self-righteous Islamo-progressives shut them down. More threatened by speech than by bombs and bullets. Liberalism is a mental disorder,” he added.

Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter:  @AdamShawNY.

via Breitbart News

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15 Moroccan Teens Treated For Rabies After Having Sex With Donkey

Fifteen teenagers in Morocco who sexually assaulted a donkey in the small town of Sidi Kamel have been treated for rabies they contracted from the beast of burden.


The Morocco World News reported that “the sexually frustrated children and teenagers stayed at the Mechraa Belksiri Hospital for one week to receive rabies vaccinations after the animal transmitted the disease to them.”

The incident has put the families of these fifteen young people into distress and horror, reports the daily.

Local authorities have been alerted and search for find anyone else who has “approached” and “admired” the animal closely, in order to limit the risk of rabies spreading among the inhabitants of the region.

The occurrence became the subject of mockery and ridicule among the population of the small town.

However, it has also become a subject of fear and shame for parents who, in the utmost secrecy, hastened to have their children vaccinated in case they had approached the animal.

According to the daily, the number of infections could be much higher, as some families preferred to take their children to hospitals outside the region to avoid humiliation.

The local authorities ordered the owner of the animal to slaughter it to avoid further risk of spreading the disease.

Euro Weekly offered a few more details:

FIFTEEN young people in Morocco have caught rabies after having sex with a donkey infected with the disease.

According to reports the teenagers were taken to hospital to treat symptoms which were later found to be rabies.

When asked if they had been bitten, they confessed that they had engaged in sexual activity with the animal. The Mechra Belqasri, Morocco, residents’ story has since gone viral.

The owner of the donkey, allegedly fed up of being mocked and the talk of the town, put it to sleep.

via Daily Wire

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