Way Past Time to Let Congress Enjoy Obamacare

Every presidential administration reaches a pivot point. Many observers thought Trump’s came when Anthony Scaramucci walked in the White House door. Others thought it came 10 days later when Scaramucci walked out the door.

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Dem Rep: Element on the Left Wants to ‘Leave Blue-Collar Swaths Behind’

Democratic Rep. Brendan Boyle (Penn.) on Monday criticized those on the left who believe Democrats should focus solely on minority and educated white voters during an appearance on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe."

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens introduced the topic, saying the Democratic Party does not stand for anything except "hating Trump," and for expressing contempt for ordinary Americans. Stephens referred to the race in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, where Democrat Jon Ossoff lost to Republican Karen Handel. Ossoff lost despite a significant financial advantage, and Stephens said the race was indicative of Democrats’ image problem with the white working class.

"To average Americans, Democrats stand for the party of contempt. They stand for the party of contempt for ordinary Americans, for their struggles, also, for sort of traditional values," Stephens said.

"Until there is a genuine outreach to a sort of white working-class group of American voters, that’s going to be the indelible image of Democrats: a party of Harvard professors, Elizabeth Warrens, who are just hopelessly out of touch," Stephens added.

Boyle granted that writing off white working-class voters is the preference for some on the left, and expressed complete disagreement with it.

"Let me take the last thing you said because there is an element within the movement left that believes that we should just be the party of well-educated whites and racial minorities, and leave blue-collar swaths behind," Boyle said. "I fully, 100 percent reject that view."

He went on to name locations Barack Obama won that fit the demographics some on the left want to ignore.

"I think if you look at Scranton, Luzerne County, Erie in Pennsylvania, places in Michigan and Wisconsin, these are places we would be foolish to write off because Barack Obama carried them twice," Boyle added. "They went for John Kerry, they went for Al Gore."

Boyle described that attitude as both wrong and politically foolish.

"Anyone who says that we should kind of turn the page and reject those voters — first of all, I think it’s wrong to begin with, and second, not in our political interest," Boyle said.

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Petition to Classify Antifa as a Terrorist Org Goes to Next Level


Petition to Classify Antifa as a Terrorist Org Goes to Next Level

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A petition to classify the alt-left hate group “antifa” as a terrorist organization is gaining momentum.

The petition explained that terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,” adding that the group had earned the title due to its “violent actions in multiple cities and their influence in the killings of multiple police officers throughout the United States.”

The petition went up on Thursday and started steamrolling almost immediately. It easily gained more than the 100,000 signatures necessary to warrant action from the White House and, by Monday afternoon, the petition had amassed almost 170,000.

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This kind of declaration needs to happen.

Antifa has been known to attend conservative events and demonstrations with the intention to incite violence.

They were a major part of the Aug. 12 violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, that resulted in one woman’s death.

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In addition, on Saturday, demonstrators at a “free speech” rally in Boston were outnumbered by thousands of unruly and even violent counter-protesters who included antifa thugs.

The Daily Caller reported that the group claimed that one of its goals was to make America ungovernable for President Donald Trump, and it would appear that it’s doing its level best to do just that. However, it is also doing much more.

The group encourages hate against conservatives. An antifa website called “It’s Going Down” encourages violence against Trump supporters.

This is no joke. This group wants to destroy our country as well as terrorize a certain segment of the population.

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This group needs to be identified as what it is — a terrorist organization.

H/T Breitbart

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Baltimore’s Christopher Columbus monument vandalized (for socialism)

This morning someone posted a video showing a man with a sledgehammer vandalizing a monument to Christopher Columbus in Baltimore as he rants about “genocidal terrorists like Christopher Columbus and George Washington.” The Baltimore Brew reports the 225-year-old monument to Columbus is the oldest one still standing in the United States.

The two-minute video also features a monologue that lists capitalism among Columbus’ worst sins. “Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European capitalism into the Western Hemisphere,” the narrator says. He continues, “Columbus initiated a centuries-old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capitalist exploitation of labor in the Americas.”

“The culture of white supremacy preceded the United States. It’s at the foundation of U.S. culture, business, bureaucracies, and psychology. Observe how vehemently Republican and Democratic misleaders defend genocidal terrorists like Christopher Columbus and George Washington.”

Christopher Columbus has become an increasingly polarizing figure over the last two decades. Those who think his history deserves more criticism and less celebration have the right to make that case. In the past few years, a growing number of cities have renamed Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day so it’s not as if there has been no movement on this issue.

Just yesterday a handful of people in Columbus, Ohio gathered to demand the removal of a Columbus statue at city hall. That’s how this ought to work. You get like-minded people together and make your case to your elected representatives. Smashing things with a sledgehammer in the middle of the night is not what democracy looks like.

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Anti-Israel Leaders Hosted at State Dept. Seeking to Drive Wedge in U.S.-Israel Alliance

The State Department’s recent hosting of an American Muslim organization known for its anti-Israel stance and support of boycotts of the Jewish state has sparked concern from those close to the Trump administration that these advocacy groups are seeking to drive a wedge into the United States’ relationship with Israel, which has hit speed bumps since Rex Tillerson assumed control of America’s chief diplomatic agency, according to multiple sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

The State Department hosted this month leaders from the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, which represents a number of organizations including American Muslims for Palestine, or AMP, an organization that promotes "extreme anti-Israel views" and "anti-Zionist" propaganda, according to the Anti-Defamation League, which tracks anti-Israel hate groups.

Representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Islamic Circle of North America, and Muslim Ummah of North America also attended the meeting.

AMP, which partnered with the terror group Hamas’s main U.S. propaganda arm until it was shuttered in 2004, and the other groups met with several State Department officials to discuss the ongoing violence on Israel’s holy Temple Mount area, which has been the site of several riots and attacks on Israelis.

The groups were there to promote anti-Israel propaganda blaming Israel for the recent violence that began after Palestinian terrorists killed two Israeli security official stationed at the site, which is home to the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosques.

The meeting has prompted concern among pro-Israel leaders close to the Trump administration, who say the summit is part of larger effort by anti-Israel organizations to drive a wedge between the Trump administration and Israel at a critical juncture.

The Free Beacon first reported last month that the State Department under Secretary Rex Tillerson has been in "open war" with the White House over a range of key issues, including Israel.

Multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon confirmed these fears, pointing to a recent State Department-authored report that blamed Israel for terror attacks and roiled congressional leaders who accused Tillerson’s State Department of promoting anti-Israel propaganda.

The recent resignation of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who was viewed as one of the administration’s most pro-Israel voices, has further stoked these fears among pro-Israel leaders.

Multiple pro-Israel insiders who spoke to the Free Beacon expressed concerns about the State Department’s willingness to host an openly anti-Israel group during a time when tensions in the Middle East are running high.

Israeli officials are said to be concerned about the Trump administration’s stance on a range of issues, including its policy in Syria and other terror hotspots.

"Everyone knows this is the group funneling money from the Middle East to finance the [Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment] movement," said one prominent pro-Israel official who would only speak on background so as not to spark further tension with the White House. "They’re being investigated by the FBI and the state of Illinois for potential illicit financing activity. I really want to believe in Secretary Tillerson but between his reluctance to confront Iran and now this, it’s hard to justify his continuation as secretary of state."

A State Department official confirmed the meeting took place, but would not specify who the American Muslim leaders met with and what exactly was discussed.

"The Department regularly hosts groups representing different constituencies in America to explain USG policy and hear their perspective," the official told the Free Beacon. "The group was interested in U.S. policy on Jerusalem given events on the Temple Mount/Haram al Sharif last month, and met a cross-section of working level officials from different offices in the Department."

Asked if administration officials were aware of the group’s anti-Israel views and ties to Hamas, the official said that State Department views Hamas as a terror organization and opposes boycotts of the Jewish state.

Noah Pollak, a political consultant who works with a range of pro-Israel organizations, criticized the State Department for hosting what he described as extremists who reject Israel’s right to exist and openly endorse terrorist groups.

"AMP is a front for jihadists, and doesn’t try very hard to hide it. Some of its founders were involved with the Holy Land Foundation, a Hamas fundraising front that was the biggest terror finance case in U.S. history," Pollak said. "Its founder called for an ‘intifada’ here in America. Maybe next time there’s a flare-up of Palestinian violence the State Department can cut out the middle man and just meet directly with Hamas."

Other pro-Israel insiders expressed concern over the meeting, but cautioned against putting too much stock in efforts by these Muslim American groups to drive a wedge into the U.S.-Israel relationship.

"Presidential administrations are going to meet with constituents," said the source, a senior official at a large pro-Israel group. "That’s what they do. The question is if they believe what they hear, let alone act on it."

"Judging by the public descriptions of the meeting, no one at the White House was buying whatever AMP was selling," the source said. "That’s what we’d expect from the Trump administration, which has people who understand the value of the pro-Israel relationship like Victoria Coates in key positions to guide policy."

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Jesse Jackson Wants To Eat The Constitution And Shit It Out His Black Ass

Speaking Sunday at the Islamic Center of Southern California, Rev. Jesse Jackson called for the electoral college to be abolished and all Confederate monuments/flags to be removed from public spaces, according to the Los Angeles Times:

“Today we are looking at a structural problem,” Jackson said. “These monuments must go.

Calling for the audience to repeat, he said, “Say the monuments and the flags and the electoral college must go.”

But why stop there, Jesse? Why not go ahead and eliminate the Bill of Rights, retire the U.S. Constitution and do away with the rule of law?

And while you’re at it, why not move the seat of power from the White House to the so-called Islamic Center of Southern California?

I mean, it’d only be fitting …

It pains me that I need to explain this again, but here goes:

The Founding Fathers purposefully designed the Electoral College to ensure every state maintains a voice in the political process.

As a reminder, a majority of Americans in 32 of 50 states voted for President-elect Donald Trump over Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Had the winner of the election been determined by the popular vote, the will of these 32 majorities would have been discounted in favor of the will of the millions of leftist lunatics who reside in California and New York.

Would that be fair? I think not.

But does Jesse or any other leftist care? Naw. They only care about what’s good for the Democrat Party, no matter how bad it happens to be for the country as a whole.

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Ousted Google Engineer Claims Company Sent ‘Microaggression’ Memos Every Week

Recently fired Google engineer James Damore told Reason Magazine that the internet company sent regular “microaggression” memos to employees, citing examples of non-compliant behavior in the workplace.

Until a few weeks ago, James Damore was a Google software engineer, but he made a critical error, according to the company, when he authored a ‘diversity’ memo criticizing the internet company’s hiring policies with regard to gender, suggesting that they celebrate the biological differences between men and women, and insinuating that the company had fallen victim to a censorious culture of political correctness.

He was fired the day after the memo went public. Google claims they let him go because of a violation of internal company policy.

Damore recently did an in-depth interview about his ordeal with Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro.

In a one-on-one with Reason columnist Cathy Young, Damore said that Google would regularly call out its own employees for minor incidents that the company claimed were harming the tender sensibilities of its workforce, like using politically incorrect pronouns or “offensive” photos of physically attractive women.

Young asks, “You also mentioned the policing of “microaggressions.” In the published responses to your memo in internal Google discussions, someone mentioned people being shamed for using the phrase “guys” for a mixed group. Was there a lot of that going on?”

“Yes, ‘microaggressions’ are being taught and compared to actual violence,” Damore responded. “There’s also a weekly email that goes out to about 20,000 Googlers where people submit examples of these.”

When asked if the alleged perpetrators are ever identified, Damore replied, “Sometimes they are, and other times it’s obvious to whoever reads it.”

It is incredible that the company would attempt to put pressure on these politically incorrect offenders, shaming them into making complete changes to their behavior. What is even more astonishing is the type of infractions that would earn the ire of the Google managers, forcing them to issue the corrective memos.

Damore recalls a single instance, “One was complaining about someone suggesting to use a picture of an attractive person on an ad to increase the number of clicks. Which is apparently a case of ‘lookism.’”

“Lookism,” if you’re wondering, is a new buzzword coined by social justice warriors to identify “discrimination” based on objective physical attractiveness. It refers to preferring people who look pretty over people who are less attractive. Not only is calling a choice of photo a “microaggression” censorship, but it flies in the face of basic marketing: humans prefer to look at photos of other pretty humans.

Young then asked Damore, “Were the diversity initiatives already in place when you joined, or did they begin (or intensify) sometime after?”

He emphasized, “I think they intensified.”

If Damore’s allegations are true, it means Google, a public company, intentionally embarrasses and harasses its own employees with emails in the name of political correctness. It’s no surprise, then, that conservative content creators are suspicious that Google may be censoring them through their search engine, social media platforms, and of course, on YouTube.

When a company publicly shames their own employees in the name of political correctness, they are promoting a culture of intimidation and censorship, and that will no doubt leak into how it enforces its policies against its users.

via Daily Wire

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Historically black newspaper from Ben Carson’s hometown: He’s just a ‘House Negro’

Liberals show you who they really are when they think the environment will permit it. The Michigan Chronicle is a historically black Detroit-based newspaper that has not always been down-the-line pro-Democrat. But I guess there are certain things you have to believe if you’re going to qualify as authentically black these days, and one the most accomplished black men ever to grow up in the city of Detroit appears to no longer qualify:

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Poll: Kentucky Thinks that Mitch McConnell SUCKS

Despite it being too late to do anything about it, Kentucky has had it with GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The turtle-faced master of the Senate was reelected in 2014 so no matter how much that Bluegrass State residents may dislike him, they are stuck with him.

But they definitely aren’t liking him now, especially after the failure to repeal Obamacare, a broken promise that at least partially led to his reelection.

His approval rating is plummeting though which should send a message to Senate Republicans that they had better start looking for a new leader if they want to beat back the Democrats who are looking to take back control of the upper chamber next November.

Fortunately for good ole Mitch, he isn’t on the ballot because a new poll shows that his approval rating has cratered at 18 percent.

Via The Hill “Poll: McConnell’s approval in Kentucky at 18 percent”:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has an 18 percent job approval rating in Kentucky, according to a new survey.

A Public Policy Polling survey found just 18 percent of respondents approve of the job McConnell is doing, compared with 74 percent who disapprove.

If McConnell were up for reelection today, 37 percent of respondents said they would vote for the Kentucky Republican. Another 44 percent would instead choose a Democratic opponent, according to the survey.

An additional 19 percent said they were unsure.

McConnell’s seat will be on the ballot next in 2020.

Earlier this month, President Trump took aim at McConnell after the Kentucky Republican vented about the president’s “excessive expectations” for his agenda.

Trump questioned why McConnell had not yet been able to pass a new healthcare plan and Trump’s top spokeswoman said there is “some frustration” with the Senate leader.

The double-whammy of his inability to get anything done as well as his burgeoning feud with President Trump are leading McConnell to take even more cheap shots at the POTUS.

Like defending the fake news media.

Look for the relationship between Trump and McConnell to continue to disintegrate once Congress returns from their latest extended break and the tortoise all but hands the reigns over to John McCain who may be an asshole but he is much more of a leader than McConnell could ever hope to be.

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Watch: Maxine Waters Loses It… Calls Black Cabinet Member White Nationalist


Watch: Maxine Waters Loses It… Calls Black Cabinet Member White Nationalist

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From the day he was sworn into office, liberals have been attempting to paint President Donald Trump, and anyone who works with him, as a wild racist who wants to bring this country back to the 1800s.

One of the chief criers of racism has been California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Waters has called for Trump’s impeachment more times than we can count, but now she really has proven that she has lost her grip on reality.

During a recent appearance before the  Los Angeles Community Review Board, Waters seemed to imply that Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson was a “white-wing” racist.

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Seriously. Waters claimed that the only black cabinet member is a white racist. She really has lost her marbles.

“While the president was defending the white-wing (sic) nationalists and the KKK and all of those alt-right groups that were basically out there in Virginia literally beating and marching and ranting about Jews and black people, etc., etc.,” Waters stated.

“But this is what this Cabinet looks like, whether we talk about (Secretary of the Treasury Steven) Mnuchin or Ben Carson,” she said as the audience cheered.

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The statement was simply bewildering, as was the audience reaction, but Waters wasn’t finished yet.

“He’s got to come before my committee. If you think ‘reclaiming my time’ that I did with Mnuchin, you wait till Ben Carson comes,” she said, implying that she is getting ready to attack Carson at the earliest chance she gets.

Tragically, Waters‘ comments aren’t too far out of line with how many liberals treat minority Republicans. If you are black, Latino, gay, etc., and identify as a Republican, liberals will mercilessly attack you. It’s truly quite sad.

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Thankfully, not too many people take Waters’ ramblings seriously, but her comments were still entirely inappropriate.

She owes Carson an apology — but we won’t hold our breath for one.

H/T The American Mirror

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