Mitch McConnell Takes Another Veiled Shot at POTUS TRUMP Over Fake News

Which side are you on, Mitch? Don’t answer that. We, the people, already know you don’t stand with President Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took yet another veiled shot at President Trump. This time, McConnell took issue with the term “fake news,” used frequently by the President and his ardently supportive base. 

POLITICO reports:

Trump has consistently hammered media organizations for their critical coverage of both his candidacy and his presidency, accusing them of putting out “fake news” — an accusation that has become a rallying cry for his supporters. His latest salvo came Monday morning when he retweeted a message about “fake news” attacks against him, writing, “Thank you, the very dishonest Fake News Media is out of control!”

But when asked on Monday about where he gets his news, McConnell — who has been the target of Trump’s ire in recent weeks — said he has no trouble finding reliable sources.

“What I do every morning — there a couple of services I look at that gives me a synopsis of articles,” McConnell said. “It is my view that most news is not fake. But I do try to look at a variety of sources.”

Recently, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a group of voters at a Kentucky Rotary Club gathering that President Trump’s “excessive expectations” are harming Congress’ ability to salvage its awful reputation and get things done. McConnell vented about the President’s political inexperience, complaining Trump’s focus on short timelines don’t reflect what Congress can actually accomplish.

ABC News reports:

Speaking at a Rotary Club gathering in Kentucky on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vented about how President Donald Trump’s lack of political experience has led to him setting “excessive expectations” for legislative priorities.

McConnell, R-Ky., told the group in Florence that he found it “extremely irritating” that Congress has earned the reputation of not accomplishing anything.

“Part of the reason I think that the storyline is that we haven’t done much is because, in part, the president and others have set these early timelines about things need to be done by a certain point,” said McConnell, a Republican and the state’s senior senator.

Trump, a political newcomer, as McConnell noted, has a habit of declaring progress on major priorities that do not necessarily reflect the reality of lawmaking.

For example, as the House was in the midst of negotiations about its Obamacare replacement bill in February, Trump announced that Congress was in the “final stages” of its bill and said it would be ready for “submitting” in March. While the House bill was unveiled in March, that chamber didn’t vote on it until May, and health care votes continued until the end of July.

That sort of disconnect has led to Trump’s expressing disappointment when bills — chief among them health care reform — fail to end up on his desk, even though, as with health care, the political reality indicated all along how difficult it was going to be to pass legislation.

“Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before. And I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process,” McConnell told the group. “So part of the reason I think people feel we’re underperforming is because too many artificial deadlines — unrelated to the reality of the complexity of legislating — may not have been fully understood.”

Things are much worse McConnell undercutting the President – he flat out rejects his agneda as the best set of policies to adance the United States, according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Gohmert went on with Varney and Co. to discuss the Trump agenda following Steve Bannon’s absence in the White House.

Gohmert told the FBN audience that Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are “slow-walking” President Trump’s agenda that they don’t like.

Rep. Gohmert: If you look back before the election Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell were totally opposed to the things that got Donald Trump elected. And I told the president back in June, you are being slow-walked. We are being slow-walked. This is exactly what happened in 2005. Dennis Hastert and Bill Frisk, you know they were kind of OK with reforming Social Security but they really didn’t want the heavy lift. They slow-walked everything… I’m telling you that is exactly the way some of our leadership is thinking again. We’re going to eke by.

Via Varney and Co.:


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Police Believe Spain Terrorist Used EU Open Borders to Escape

Police Believe Spain Terrorist Used EU Open Borders to Escape

21 Aug, 2017
21 Aug, 2017

The suspected terrorist driver in the Barcelona van attack is thought to have used Europe’s open borders to leave Spain and go on the run.

Spanish police believe Younes Abouyaaqoub, the only fugitive still at large after the attack, has slipped across the border into France unnoticed.

The Moroccan national, 22, is suspected of mowing down pedestrians on Barcelona’s Las Ramblas promenade, killing 13 and injuring 120.

Joaquim Forn, head of home affairs in Catalonia’s regional government, told a radio station “everything indicates” Mr. Abouyaaqoub was behind the wheel during the attack.

Police are also investigating claims he later killed a Spanish male while hijacking his car for use in the getaway, but they have not confirmed a link.

AP Photo

In this watermarked frame grab from CCTV released by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, a suspect. believed to be Younes Abouyaaqoub is is captured by a security camera walking through La Boqueria market seconds after a van crashed into pedestrians in Barcelona / EL Pais, via AP

Pau Perez Villan, 35, was found dead from a stab wound in his white Ford Focus. The car had been driven through a police checkpoint on the outskirts of the city. Police fired ten times at the vehicle but the driver got away on foot.

The 12-member terror cell thought responsible for Thursday’s attack has now been broken up. A number were shot dead by police as they launched a second attack in the town of Cambrils, and two are thought to have died during an explosion at a suspected bomb factory in the town.

“With open borders in the EU the terrorist could by now be almost anywhere. Remember the Berlin killer was found in Italy”, commented former UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

Mr. Farage was referring to Anis Amri, a Tunisian failed asylum seeker who was inspired by Islamic State to attack a Christmas market in the German capital in December 2016. He fled to Italy, where he was shot dead by police.

Mr. Abouyaaqoub’s credit card was used to rent the vans that the Barcelona terrorists were planning to pack with explosives and use in the attacks.

Spanish newspaper El Pais has now published CCTV footage of the suspected terrorists withdrawing money in the days before the terror attacks.

Two other vans were discovered in Vic, about 44 miles north of Barcelona and in Ripoll, where most of the terrorist cell lived. Police also discovered a motorbike belonging to Abouyaaqoub in the town.

via Breitbart News

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Imam Who Radicalized Barcelona Terrorists Gets Nasty Surprise


Imam Who Radicalized Barcelona Terrorists Gets Nasty Surprise

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The imam who was believed to be responsible for radicalizing jihadists in Barcelona got a career-ending surprise from the jihadists that he trained, and we can’t say that we’re disappointed.

Deutsche Welle reported that Abdelbaki Es Satty was missing and presumed dead after an explosion Wednesday night. Two people died in the blast that occurred in Alcanar, about two hours south of Barcelona, as the terror cell attempted to make a bomb in an apartment they used as a base, according to Deutsche Welle. Police suspect the cleric might have been one of the fatalities.

“They were preparing one or several attacks in Barcelona, and an explosion in Alcanar stopped this as they no longer had the material they needed to commit attacks of an even bigger scope,” police spokesman Josep Lluis Trapero said Friday, The Local reported.

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Satty’s roommate told Agence France-Presse that the last time he saw the cleric was Tuesday, when he said he was that he was going to see his wife in Morocco, reported Deutsche Welle.

The Local reported that the cleric had a bigger plan in mind for the Barcelona attack. He wanted to “inflict as much carnage as possible by driving vans packed with explosives into three of the city’s busiest tourist areas,” according to The Local.

The newspaper said police believed one of the targets was Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia (Church of the Holy Family), which is reportedly one of the most visited sites in Spain. Another target was Las Ramblas, a street mall popular with tourists.

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At Conservative Tribune, we’re not ones to celebrate death, but it seems rather fitting to see that this imam found himself on a career-ending fast track to Allah. Now he cannot radicalize more jihadists, which is good for the rest of us.

H/T The Daily Caller

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Obama Was Most Racist President in 50 Years — But #FakeNews Wants You to Believe It’s Trump

Obama Was Most Racist President in 50 Years — But #FakeNews Wants You to Believe It’s Trump

Guest post by Joe Hoft

In the 1960’s when the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing, Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) repeatedly referred blacks in America with the ‘N’ word.


LBJ was a racist and tapes of his discussions while President prove it.

The White House didn’t house an individual as racist as LBJ in nearly 50 years until President Barack Obama was elected into the Office in 2008. Obama and Democrats lost white working class voters across the US throughout his Presidency. His anti-white

Barack Obama’s attacks against white America and white privilege and his railing against white working class Americans cost Democrats the election.

It is difficult for some to contemplate that a black man could be racist, let alone the first black President, but indeed he was.

Obama defended the violent and murderous Black Lives Matters racist group and invited their leaders into the White House.  This racist group was the cause of several police deaths, lootings and businesses being burned to the ground.

Before Obama ever took a step into the White House it was clear that he was racist, by the church he attended and his own book that he published.

From his audio-book dreams of my father, Barack Obama was moved to tears when he heard his racist anti-American pastor blame whitey for all of the world’s pain and ills.  In fact, he was so moved by this filth that he included the story in his book Dreams of My Father.

Here Barack Obama lashes out at the white man’s greed:
(34 seconds)

Audio was taken from a Hugh Hewitt Show.
In Obama’s own words:

“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”

“White folk’s greed runs a world in need”… This is hope?

Throughout his Presidency Obama launched disturbing racist attacks against White Americans. Only a racist would identify people by color in the manner that Obama did throughout his Presidency. America thought that it was beyond racism and the color of an individual’s skin when it voted in its first black president. Ironically, Obama and the Democrat Party tore into America and never let up with his gibberish about the victimhood of race. This man with a Harvard education was lecturing middle America about privilege.

Meanwhile before he became President, Donald Trump posed for a photograph with Joe DiMaggio, Victor Borge, Anita Bryant, Muhammad Ali, and Rosa Parks after receiving the Ellis Island Medal of Honor October 27, 1986 in New York City.  This award was given to those who help the less fortunate –

The Ellis Island Medals of Honor embody the spirit of America in their salute to tolerance, brotherhood, diversity and patriotism. Honorees may be native-born or naturalized, but most importantly, they are individuals who have made it their mission to share their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity with those less fortunate.  In addition to hosting their annual gala, NECO remains dedicated to, and has raised significant funds for, the maintenance and restoration of Ellis Island.

The Main Stream Media would have you believe that one of our President’s is racist.  With one President helping the unfortunate while the other was bashing whitey, it’s easy to see which one is the racist.


via The Gateway Pundit

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Money-Gruber: Obamacare’s sneering architect caught with his hand in the till

Remember Jonathan Gruber?  The loathsome, contemptuous architect of Obamacare has been caught out by Vermont’s attorney general for corruption in a fraudulent billing scheme.  According to the Daily Caller, Gruber sent out double-invoices and invoices for work that was never done in a disgusting scheme to foist single-payer insurance onto Vermont a couple years earlier.  The program was so bad that its left-wing governor scrapped it as something that would never work. The Daily Caller writes:

Donovan, the attorney general and still another Democrat, said his office determined that Gruber did, in fact, violate the Vermont Civil False Claims Act, according to the Herald.

Specifically, investigators concluded that Gruber sent two invoices – and possibly more – falsely charging the state and its taxpayers for work which was never actually completed by Gruber or any of his underlings.

It sounds a lot like the man who succeeded in foisting Obamacare on all of us, given the sneaky, slipshod tactics he bragged about to get it done:

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” he said during one health care conference.

In at least the Vermont case, we learn that foisting bad insurance onto the public is also a scheme to get rich and profiteer in corruption.  In the Obamacare case, we learn that foisting bad insurance is a bid to shovel something rotten down the public’s throat to ensure the left’s political power.  In neither case is the Gruber offering anything the public would want.  That’s the world of Jonathan Gruber: slipshod products and something sweet on the side for himself.

The big question here is why he got such a slap on the wrist:

Donovan, the attorney general and still another Democrat, said his office determined that Gruber did, in fact, violate the Vermont Civil False Claims Act, according to the Herald.

Why the kid gloves treatment for a person with this record?

Democrats will protect Democrats, it seems – and this is why a money-grubbing little fraud like Gruber can carry on for as long as he has.

Remember Jonathan Gruber?  The loathsome, contemptuous architect of Obamacare has been caught out by Vermont’s attorney general for corruption in a fraudulent billing scheme.  According to the Daily Caller, Gruber sent out double-invoices and invoices for work that was never done in a disgusting scheme to foist single-payer insurance onto Vermont a couple years earlier.  The program was so bad that its left-wing governor scrapped it as something that would never work. The Daily Caller writes:

Donovan, the attorney general and still another Democrat, said his office determined that Gruber did, in fact, violate the Vermont Civil False Claims Act, according to the Herald.

Specifically, investigators concluded that Gruber sent two invoices – and possibly more – falsely charging the state and its taxpayers for work which was never actually completed by Gruber or any of his underlings.

It sounds a lot like the man who succeeded in foisting Obamacare on all of us, given the sneaky, slipshod tactics he bragged about to get it done:

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” he said during one health care conference.

In at least the Vermont case, we learn that foisting bad insurance onto the public is also a scheme to get rich and profiteer in corruption.  In the Obamacare case, we learn that foisting bad insurance is a bid to shovel something rotten down the public’s throat to ensure the left’s political power.  In neither case is the Gruber offering anything the public would want.  That’s the world of Jonathan Gruber: slipshod products and something sweet on the side for himself.

The big question here is why he got such a slap on the wrist:

Donovan, the attorney general and still another Democrat, said his office determined that Gruber did, in fact, violate the Vermont Civil False Claims Act, according to the Herald.

Why the kid gloves treatment for a person with this record?

Democrats will protect Democrats, it seems – and this is why a money-grubbing little fraud like Gruber can carry on for as long as he has.

via American Thinker Blog

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NYC subway tiles look like Confederate flags, complainers say. So officials are taking action.

New York City’s Mass Transit Authority says it will “modify” tiles in a Manhattan subway station after complaints that the tiles resemble Confederate flags, WNYW-TV reported.

The tiles aren’t a new addition to the Times Square subway — they’ve been in place for almost 100 years, the station said.

Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot
Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot

The scuttlebutt apparently is that the architects installed the tiles — with a blue “X” and red background — to pay homage to New York Times publisher Adolph S. Ochs’ southern heritage, the station said.

But the MTA maintained that the tiles actually reflect Times Square’s nickname, WNYW said.

“These are not Confederate flags,” the MTA told the station in a statement, “it is a design based on geometric forms that represent the ‘Crossroads of the World’ and to avoid absolutely any confusion we will modify them to make that absolutely crystal clear.”

The subway station sits below the former New York Times building, WNYW said, and Times Square didn’t exist during the Civil War.

In related news, residents of an East Village neighborhood in New York City are outraged that a fifth-floor apartment is displaying Confederate flags in a window — which actually elicited a protest in front of the building.

The station said the flags weren’t really noticed until days after the deadly Charlottesville demonstrations two weekends ago.

Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot
Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot

“I’m pissed,” one woman told WNYW. “I’m born and raised here. I’ve lived here for 21 years. We don’t see these things out here.”

Another woman added to the station: “It’s weird because it’s happening here. In a neighborhood with Latinos, blacks, Asians, Haitians.”

In adjacent windows are Israeli flags and what appears to be an older version of the U.S. flag. It isn’t clear if the windows all belong to the same apartment.

Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot
Image source: WNYW-TV video screenshot

But police — who had squad cars parked in the street below the apartment in case things got messy — told WNYW they can’t do anything because hanging a Confederate flag is simply exercising free speech.

In addition, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants Confederate names removed from two streets at an Army base in Brooklyn. The streets in question at Fort Hamilton are named after Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, both of whom served there decades before the Civil War.

The Common Denominator

And what do these separate issues have in common?

It appears they were so important to so many folks in New York City (and beyond) for so long that they’ve finally been brought into the light within the last week or so.

One wonders that if leftists are suddenly seeing Confederate flags on subway wall tiles and in fifth-floor apartment windows, where will they see them next? And who will suffer the consequences of what could turn into “Confederate flags under every rock and behind every door” hysteria?

And more than that, when will those in charge put a foot down in the face of minutia outrage and declare that enough is enough?

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WINNING! Federal Judge Orders IRS to Reveal Names of People Who Targeted Tea Party Groups

WINNING! Federal Judge Orders IRS to Reveal Names of People Who Targeted Tea Party Groups

A federal judge has ordered the IRS to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups. 

Via Fox News:

Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also said the IRS must provide information about which groups were targeted and why, along with a strategy to make sure such targeting doesn’t happen again.

The IRS is involved in multiple lawsuits with conservative groups related to the Tea Party targeting scandal; this particular case involves True the Vote.

“We’re thrilled the judge has taken this step and it feels good to have it recognized that they need to be held to account,” True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht told Fox News on Monday. “What happened to me was very personal—my name was thrown around the IRS, and the names of the people involved need to be known. What they did was criminal.”

Lois Lerner headed the IRS at the time and actually admitted to targeting conservative groups seeking nonprofit status, “That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. … The IRS would like to apologize for that.”

Director of Investigations and Research at conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell told Fox News, “This was creepy, chilling stuff. Judge Walton has accomplished more with one ruling than all of the rest of the federal government–all three branches, over the last six years.”

Chris Farrell added: “The IRS is one of the most feared government agencies, and they’ve gotten a pass, in part. Walton is looking for real accountability and that’s so important.”

via The Gateway Pundit

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Antifa Radicals Declare “Full-On War”…

CNN unavailable for comment. Via NTK: Speaking to The New York Times, Antifa extremists made their intention to expand violence plain and clear. Their statements indicate that a spiraling cycle of violence between the far-left and the far-right will continue well into the future. One of the Antifa activists who battled white nationalists in Berkeley, […]

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Trump is the real Antifa

The Democrat Party Goon Squad chalked up another win last week when they got into a rumble with a fringe group of white racists who were protesting the removal of a statue of a famous Democrat from a park in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Nazi/KKK racists hadn’t received this much attention since their march in Skokie, Illinois in 1978. Their last member of Congress, former KKK official and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd, died in 2010, and their most famous living member, David Duke, hadn’t generated much news of late, so they probably missed the notoriety. Thus, they assembled in Charlottesville on the evening of August 11 and marched to save the statue of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. They carried tiki torches and chanted “One people, one nation, end immigration” and “White lives matter” and other vile mottos, but they broke no laws.

Laws were broken the next day, however, when the Democrat Goon Squad showed up and a melee ensued. Both sides wielded fists and bats and, in a pattern that has become familiar, the police stood down. By the end of the day, one young woman had been killed by a motorist, two officers who had been monitoring the events died in a helicopter crash, and 35 people were being treated for injuries.

A single voice of sanity commented on the events. On Saturday evening President Donald Trump decried the hatred and violence on both sides.

Then the country went nuts. Journalists and politicians expressed outrage that he hadn’t called out the Nazis and the Klan by name, and that he had blamed both sides. They demanded retractions and apologies and a few called on Trump to resign. One Democratic Missouri state senator hoped for his assassination.

But Trump was right. There were two sides in Charlottesville. One side was a fringe group whose views haven’t been taken seriously for at least 50 years and who don’t have sufficient members to elect a dogcatcher.

The other side were the “aggressively aggrieved left.” They’ve been around for decades and, like many shady movements, they frequently change their name.

In 2011, they called themselves “the 99%” when they occupied and trashed Zuccotti Park near Wall Street.

In 2013 they marched as “Black Lives Matter” and called for murder: “Whaddah we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!” and “Pigs in a blanket. Fry ‘em like bacon.” (The neo-Nazi chants in Charlottesville sound almost conciliatory in comparison.) A rash of cop-killings followed and many were directly linked to the cause of Black Lives Matter, whose leaders were invited to Obama’s White House.

Today they call themselves the “Antifa (for anti-fascist) Movement,” an irony that probably escapes them. Their tactics of knocking heads, lighting fires, and breaking windows are exactly those of the Nazis and Fascists in the 1930s. They call this violence “by any means necessary” and claim justification in order to prevent “hatred” — i.e. anything that offends Democrats’ sensibilities, like speeches by Ann Coulter or Milo Yiannopoulos, and statues of a long-dead Democrats everywhere.

The real — and the only anti-fascist if recent rhetoric is a guide — is our President. Only he acknowledged the hatred on both sides of the Charlottesville riot. And only he had the courage to identify one of those sides as the “alt-left.”

Statues will continue to come down, the left will continue to be aggressively aggrieved, and their henchmen will continue to commit mayhem. But so long as President Trump continues to speak the truth about them, Democrats will continue to lose elections. 

The Democrat Party Goon Squad chalked up another win last week when they got into a rumble with a fringe group of white racists who were protesting the removal of a statue of a famous Democrat from a park in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Nazi/KKK racists hadn’t received this much attention since their march in Skokie, Illinois in 1978. Their last member of Congress, former KKK official and Democratic Senator Robert Byrd, died in 2010, and their most famous living member, David Duke, hadn’t generated much news of late, so they probably missed the notoriety. Thus, they assembled in Charlottesville on the evening of August 11 and marched to save the statue of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. They carried tiki torches and chanted “One people, one nation, end immigration” and “White lives matter” and other vile mottos, but they broke no laws.

Laws were broken the next day, however, when the Democrat Goon Squad showed up and a melee ensued. Both sides wielded fists and bats and, in a pattern that has become familiar, the police stood down. By the end of the day, one young woman had been killed by a motorist, two officers who had been monitoring the events died in a helicopter crash, and 35 people were being treated for injuries.

A single voice of sanity commented on the events. On Saturday evening President Donald Trump decried the hatred and violence on both sides.

Then the country went nuts. Journalists and politicians expressed outrage that he hadn’t called out the Nazis and the Klan by name, and that he had blamed both sides. They demanded retractions and apologies and a few called on Trump to resign. One Democratic Missouri state senator hoped for his assassination.

But Trump was right. There were two sides in Charlottesville. One side was a fringe group whose views haven’t been taken seriously for at least 50 years and who don’t have sufficient members to elect a dogcatcher.

The other side were the “aggressively aggrieved left.” They’ve been around for decades and, like many shady movements, they frequently change their name.

In 2011, they called themselves “the 99%” when they occupied and trashed Zuccotti Park near Wall Street.

In 2013 they marched as “Black Lives Matter” and called for murder: “Whaddah we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!” and “Pigs in a blanket. Fry ‘em like bacon.” (The neo-Nazi chants in Charlottesville sound almost conciliatory in comparison.) A rash of cop-killings followed and many were directly linked to the cause of Black Lives Matter, whose leaders were invited to Obama’s White House.

Today they call themselves the “Antifa (for anti-fascist) Movement,” an irony that probably escapes them. Their tactics of knocking heads, lighting fires, and breaking windows are exactly those of the Nazis and Fascists in the 1930s. They call this violence “by any means necessary” and claim justification in order to prevent “hatred” — i.e. anything that offends Democrats’ sensibilities, like speeches by Ann Coulter or Milo Yiannopoulos, and statues of a long-dead Democrats everywhere.

The real — and the only anti-fascist if recent rhetoric is a guide — is our President. Only he acknowledged the hatred on both sides of the Charlottesville riot. And only he had the courage to identify one of those sides as the “alt-left.”

Statues will continue to come down, the left will continue to be aggressively aggrieved, and their henchmen will continue to commit mayhem. But so long as President Trump continues to speak the truth about them, Democrats will continue to lose elections. 

via American Thinker Blog

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Trump’s Unintended Consequences: The Republican Party Reveals Itself

The Republican Party once was the party of conservatives.  It still is the only place any conservative can be elected in today’s political world.  So far.  Unfortunately, the party of Reagan has disappeared.  Trump did not make them disappear, but his improbable run, and win, has revealed who the party really is.

And it ain’t pretty.

It’s been apparent for a while that they are the stupid party.  But I never thought they were this stupid.

It’s been apparent for a long time they had Stockholm Syndrome.  Captured by the left, they have been cowed into being spineless mushes afraid to be called names.  But I never thought it was this bad.

It’s been apparent for a while this is a party interested in taking a back seat, as long as they get money, perks, and some kind of fame.  But I never thought it was this corrupt.

Something has gone very wrong since Trump ascended.  And it’s not him. He’s virtually the only one trying to do the right things.  At this point, it’s clear we have a combination of sick factions in the GOP, and none of them give a damn about the party’s voters, none of them give a damn about the principles they claim to have stood for in the past years, and none of them have a clue about what they are doing.

What has this party done since Trump saved their bacon, keeping them in the majority, saving them from becoming a worthless second fiddle to a corrupt Hillary?  Nothing.  Just nothing.  And now worse than nothing.  I am not the first to say this, but let’s be clear, the GOP has become a party of spineless wimps and frauds.  They have betrayed half of America, betrayed the base that once supported them so well, and also betrayed their country.

They have been watching fecklessly as the left is destroying the agenda they were sent to put into place.  They have been sitting on their hands while the left has been destroying their own party’s president, not only doing nothing, but often actively helping the left in their attempts to take him down.

They allowed this nonsense of Russia!Russia!Russia! to fester, knowing it was nonsense (and yes, it’s provable that they all knew).   None of them stepped up to the plate to tell the left, the media, the public and the world that it was an asinine construct that had no evidence and simply wasn’t true.

Instead of actively coming against this pack of lies, they sat on their hands and let the dumbest narrative ever pressed into American politics fester into something almost half of the country psychotically believes.  They also sat on their hands as the left attacked Trump, his cabinet, and his family about anything and everything.  They watched like sheep as the agenda we voted has been neutered, all the while they, the GOP, were doing nothing, nothing at all.

It’s been a deadly mix of laziness, Stockholm Syndrome, and spineless, unprincipled crap.  Add to that a few more ingredients:  money grubbing from donors (who did not want what their voters wanted), along with the simple faithless actions of a lot of them.  They were hoping against hope that their friends the #NeverTrumps would finally prevail and be able to say they told us so.  Add the renewed iciness of their own base toward their party, and………

You have mixed a toxic drink that could virtually leave the GOP in shambles.

No, most of them don’t know it, they are simply too stupid, spineless, dishonest and money grubbing to understand just how awful they look to their own voters.  They lost the election of 2006 and 2008 for similar reasons, the base simply checked out and stayed home.  Even back then, the bad GOP wasn’t this bad.

At this point, there are only a few ways this can go.  The voters that got excited about Trump and his America First agenda might stay home.  They might try to get rid of party leaders (liars all), taking many of them out through primaries and other party arrangements.  One more possibility:  you could have a wave of resolved anger sweep through the center right voting base.  If it comes to that, the cold civil war could become pretty dang hot.  Whichever way it goes, the GOP will never be the same.

You think I’m advocating violence?   Not at all.  Sorry Charlie, that’s what the Neville Chamberlain Republicans did by signing a peace treaty with the left.  Peace in their time.  Oops, that didn’t end peacefully the first time? 

Good grief, the GOP has sat on its hands as the Republic we once knew has descended into mob rule; the things we believed in have been mocked, derided, and called every name in the book.  They virtually looked the other way as one of their own congressmen got shot.   They have given us the equivalent of Jeb Bush for legislators.   The majorities that we voted in are a bunch of mealy mouthed, clueless fools who spent all their money as did Jeb to get three delegates. 

GOP:  You promised us an immediate repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and after nine months of absurdities, you not only failed, but you did nothing to discipline those who made it fail.  Paul Ryan is still speaker, McConnell majority leader, the senators who prevented this promise from being enacted were turncoats and received no consequences from their leadership.

Other than ratify some good judges, nothing else has been done by Congress.

The GOP watched the left, through their toady media shills, and their fractured foolishness, take down everything we voted for.

Now the GOP is clucking about a ginned-up narrative concerning Charlottesville. They’re now blaming Trump for telling the truth:  that the violence of the Antifa, and the leftist groups is just as bad as the Nazi skin heads, and just as unforgiveable.   They’re kowtowing like cowards to things that never happened and to made up narratives.  They’re running away because they can’t stand to be called racist.  They’re watching as history is being rewritten, and they’re allowing their base to be tarred as racists, bigots, and Nazis.  Trust me, that will not go well.

 It’s never been this bad, because the GOP has never been this bad.  And we now know because Trump inadvertently shined the light of truth on who they really are.  The election of Trump revealed the party of frauds.   It was never his intention, but that’s what has happened.  They have been undressed before the whole world.  They have no clothes.

 What is a nation who has been lied to by both parties supposed to do?  What is the base of the GOP going to do?

 I don’t know, but I do know I’ve never seen the center right base so disgusted and angry at its own.  GOP:  Trust me, the base hasn’t left Trump, but it has left you.  It’s not official yet, but the avalanche is about to begin.  The anger is going to boil over.   Upon you.    GOP: you’re not going to like it, but you have no one to blame but yourselves.

 To the very small list of conservatives that fought the good fight:  I apologize.  But to the rest:  You have become like the salt in the parable.  Good for nothing.             

I think that the Sermon on the Mount applies to the vast majority of Republican Party officialdom right now.

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?  It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

The Republican Party once was the party of conservatives.  It still is the only place any conservative can be elected in today’s political world.  So far.  Unfortunately, the party of Reagan has disappeared.  Trump did not make them disappear, but his improbable run, and win, has revealed who the party really is.

And it ain’t pretty.

It’s been apparent for a while that they are the stupid party.  But I never thought they were this stupid.

It’s been apparent for a long time they had Stockholm Syndrome.  Captured by the left, they have been cowed into being spineless mushes afraid to be called names.  But I never thought it was this bad.

It’s been apparent for a while this is a party interested in taking a back seat, as long as they get money, perks, and some kind of fame.  But I never thought it was this corrupt.

Something has gone very wrong since Trump ascended.  And it’s not him. He’s virtually the only one trying to do the right things.  At this point, it’s clear we have a combination of sick factions in the GOP, and none of them give a damn about the party’s voters, none of them give a damn about the principles they claim to have stood for in the past years, and none of them have a clue about what they are doing.

What has this party done since Trump saved their bacon, keeping them in the majority, saving them from becoming a worthless second fiddle to a corrupt Hillary?  Nothing.  Just nothing.  And now worse than nothing.  I am not the first to say this, but let’s be clear, the GOP has become a party of spineless wimps and frauds.  They have betrayed half of America, betrayed the base that once supported them so well, and also betrayed their country.

They have been watching fecklessly as the left is destroying the agenda they were sent to put into place.  They have been sitting on their hands while the left has been destroying their own party’s president, not only doing nothing, but often actively helping the left in their attempts to take him down.

They allowed this nonsense of Russia!Russia!Russia! to fester, knowing it was nonsense (and yes, it’s provable that they all knew).   None of them stepped up to the plate to tell the left, the media, the public and the world that it was an asinine construct that had no evidence and simply wasn’t true.

Instead of actively coming against this pack of lies, they sat on their hands and let the dumbest narrative ever pressed into American politics fester into something almost half of the country psychotically believes.  They also sat on their hands as the left attacked Trump, his cabinet, and his family about anything and everything.  They watched like sheep as the agenda we voted has been neutered, all the while they, the GOP, were doing nothing, nothing at all.

It’s been a deadly mix of laziness, Stockholm Syndrome, and spineless, unprincipled crap.  Add to that a few more ingredients:  money grubbing from donors (who did not want what their voters wanted), along with the simple faithless actions of a lot of them.  They were hoping against hope that their friends the #NeverTrumps would finally prevail and be able to say they told us so.  Add the renewed iciness of their own base toward their party, and………

You have mixed a toxic drink that could virtually leave the GOP in shambles.

No, most of them don’t know it, they are simply too stupid, spineless, dishonest and money grubbing to understand just how awful they look to their own voters.  They lost the election of 2006 and 2008 for similar reasons, the base simply checked out and stayed home.  Even back then, the bad GOP wasn’t this bad.

At this point, there are only a few ways this can go.  The voters that got excited about Trump and his America First agenda might stay home.  They might try to get rid of party leaders (liars all), taking many of them out through primaries and other party arrangements.  One more possibility:  you could have a wave of resolved anger sweep through the center right voting base.  If it comes to that, the cold civil war could become pretty dang hot.  Whichever way it goes, the GOP will never be the same.

You think I’m advocating violence?   Not at all.  Sorry Charlie, that’s what the Neville Chamberlain Republicans did by signing a peace treaty with the left.  Peace in their time.  Oops, that didn’t end peacefully the first time? 

Good grief, the GOP has sat on its hands as the Republic we once knew has descended into mob rule; the things we believed in have been mocked, derided, and called every name in the book.  They virtually looked the other way as one of their own congressmen got shot.   They have given us the equivalent of Jeb Bush for legislators.   The majorities that we voted in are a bunch of mealy mouthed, clueless fools who spent all their money as did Jeb to get three delegates. 

GOP:  You promised us an immediate repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and after nine months of absurdities, you not only failed, but you did nothing to discipline those who made it fail.  Paul Ryan is still speaker, McConnell majority leader, the senators who prevented this promise from being enacted were turncoats and received no consequences from their leadership.

Other than ratify some good judges, nothing else has been done by Congress.

The GOP watched the left, through their toady media shills, and their fractured foolishness, take down everything we voted for.

Now the GOP is clucking about a ginned-up narrative concerning Charlottesville. They’re now blaming Trump for telling the truth:  that the violence of the Antifa, and the leftist groups is just as bad as the Nazi skin heads, and just as unforgiveable.   They’re kowtowing like cowards to things that never happened and to made up narratives.  They’re running away because they can’t stand to be called racist.  They’re watching as history is being rewritten, and they’re allowing their base to be tarred as racists, bigots, and Nazis.  Trust me, that will not go well.

 It’s never been this bad, because the GOP has never been this bad.  And we now know because Trump inadvertently shined the light of truth on who they really are.  The election of Trump revealed the party of frauds.   It was never his intention, but that’s what has happened.  They have been undressed before the whole world.  They have no clothes.

 What is a nation who has been lied to by both parties supposed to do?  What is the base of the GOP going to do?

 I don’t know, but I do know I’ve never seen the center right base so disgusted and angry at its own.  GOP:  Trust me, the base hasn’t left Trump, but it has left you.  It’s not official yet, but the avalanche is about to begin.  The anger is going to boil over.   Upon you.    GOP: you’re not going to like it, but you have no one to blame but yourselves.

 To the very small list of conservatives that fought the good fight:  I apologize.  But to the rest:  You have become like the salt in the parable.  Good for nothing.             

via American Thinker

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