Franklin Graham: ‘Politicians Should Stop Saying Islam Is a Religion of Peace’

Franklin Graham: ‘Politicians Should Stop Saying Islam Is a Religion of Peace’

20 Aug, 2017
20 Aug, 2017

Celebrated evangelical preacher Franklin Graham has urged politicians and other world leaders to stop insisting that Islam is a religion of peace, when the exact opposite is true.

In the wake of this week’s deadly attacks by jihadists in Barcelona, Rev. Graham—the son of Billy Graham—tweeted that politicians should stop saying “Islam is a religion of peace”:

In other words, the religious ideology behind Islam itself, rather that the extremism of a given group such as the Islamic State, is often what leads to the violence and terrorism carried out against infidels by Muslims.

In his politically incorrect text, Graham wrote that “we are making a mistake by allowing the operation and spread of the dark and dangerous teachings of Islam.”

“From Bangladesh to Los Angeles, Salafis spread their violent beliefs shielded by the constitutional guarantees of free speech and religious liberty,” Graham writes, citing an article written by former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright.

The radical beliefs described “aren’t limited to only the Salafis sect,” Graham adds. “While there are millions of Muslims who don’t agree with or participate in the violence of Islam, they can’t leave the religion because their families would be obligated to kill them.”

“Islam reigns in lives through fear and intimidation. I pray that Muslims everywhere will come to know Jesus Christ, the Son of God who loves them and can truly set them free. The Word of God tells us, ‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed,’” he wrote.

In 2007, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, then the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, asserted that Muslims and Christians “do not believe in the same God,” underscoring the differences in doctrine concerning who God is.

Last year, a Jesuit priest urged the western world to open its eyes to the reality of Muslim violence as intrinsic to the nature of Islam itself, rather than its abuse.

Known as an “old-school Jesuit,” Father James V. Schall taught Political Philosophy in the Department of Government at Georgetown University. In his 2016 essay, “Realism and Islam,” Schall insisted that the Muslim religion must be evaluated on its own terms rather than through the lens of the Judeo-Christian West.

Islam’s consistent advocacy of violence, which has been practiced “from its seventh century beginning,” has a purpose, Schall proposes. “This purpose is, ultimately, religious and pious.”

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via Breitbart News

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Clinton Paid Aide Huma Abedin Nearly $65K from Campaign Funds Since Defeat

Huma Abedin with Hillary Clinton / Getty Images


August 19, 2017 5:00 am

Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has paid Huma Abedin nearly $65,000 from her campaign funds since her November election defeat, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Records show Abedin, Clinton’s longtime friend and aide who served as the vice chair of the campaign, has been paid $64,415.10 in salary from Hillary for America, Clinton’s campaign committee, since mid-November.

From mid-November to the end of March, Abedin was paid $52,180.65 from Hillary for America. From the beginning of April until the end of June, Abedin was given another $12,234.45 from Clinton’s campaign committee.

Abedin is not the only individual who is still receiving payments from Clinton’s campaign.

Nick Merrill, Hillary’s former press secretary, was still receiving checks from the campaign as of late June, the end point for the latest available figures.

Robert Russo, who was the director of correspondence and briefing for the campaign, now carries the same job title in the Office of Hillary Clinton and is still being compensated from Clinton’s campaign committee, as are a number of other staffers.

Clinton has also sent $800,000 from her campaign funds to Onward Together, a “resistance” group that she launched earlier this year, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

Clinton’s political action group will fund a number of other “resistance” groups that have impressed her since the conclusion of the election. Clinton is working with former aides and donors on the project.

“From the Women’s March to airports across the country where communities are welcoming immigrants and refugees to town hall meetings in every community, Americans are speaking out like never before,” Clinton wrote in an email to supporters in May. “I believe more fiercely than ever that citizen engagement at every level is central to a strong and vibrant democracy.”

“In some cases, we’ll provide direct funding to these organizations. For others, we’ll help amplify their work and do what we can to help them continue to grow their audiences and expand their reach.”

Clinton’s campaign reported sending the $800,000 check to Onward Together on May 1.

Clinton, who publicly announced the launch of the group on May 15, had already financed Swing Left, Run for Something, and Emerge America, all liberal activist groups, at the time of the announcement.

Emailed requests for comment to the Clinton campaign bounced back as undeliverable.

via Washington Free Beacon

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EU Leaders Guilty of Criminal Negligence

What Europe’s leaders have forced on their people is nothing less than criminal negligence. What is missing in European society that they feel a need to expose their citizens to extreme foreign cultures?

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Sharpton targets the Jefferson Memorial

Racial arsonist Al Sharpton is demanding the federal government shut down the historic Jefferson Memorial in the nation’s capital because the long-dead president honored by the monument owned slaves.

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6 cops shot in 2 states; one dead

It was a bad day for American law enforcement yesterday. Six policemen in 2 states were shot – 4 in Florida and two in Pennsylvania – with the shootings of two policemen in Kissimmee, Florida being described by authorities as an “ambush.”

Officer Matthew Baxter and Sgt. Sam Howard were responding to a suspicious activity call Friday night in Kissimmee. Withing minutes both were shot – Baxter died of his wounds and Howard is in “grave, critical condition.”


Police arrested three people following the shooting, and are searching for a fourth person.

“At this time, we have a strong suspect in custody that we are interviewing,” O’Dell said.

Following the news of the shooting, President Donald Trump tweeted his condolences.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the @KissimmeePolice and their loved ones. We are with you!” the President said.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott described Baxter as a husband, a father and a hero.

“Heartbroken to hear loss of @kissimmeepolice officer Matthew Baxter. Praying for a quick recovery for officer in critical condition,” Scott.

For the record, this is the MO of previous police ambushes. The suspect or suspect is reported as a “suspicious person” and when the police arrive to investigate, they’re gunned down.

Although 3 suspects are in custody, authorities have yet to identify the race of the killers. Somehow, you have to believe that if they were white supremacists, it would be all over the national news.

Elsewhere, 2 police officers were shot in Jacksonville, FL confronting a suicidal man. Two other officers were shot in Fayette County, Pennslvania.

NBC News:

In Jacksonville, police officers were responding to a call about an attempted suicide at a house. Gunfire was heard from outside the property as officers arrived, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Director of Patrol and Enforcement Mike Bruno told NBC News.

Before officers even entered the house, the suspect began shooting at them through the doorway and there was an exchange of gunfire in which two officers were struck, one of them in the stomach, Bruno said.

The suspect is dead and it’s not yet known if body cameras were worn or activated.

In Pennsylvania, two troopers were shot and a suspect killed after an incident near a store on West Church Street, Fairchance, Fayette County, Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Melinda Bondarenka said in a statement.

One of the troopers was life-flighted from the scene to a hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia and the other was taken to a hospital via ambulance, NBC station WPXI reported.

Both were stable and alert, Bondarenka said. 

The probable ambush of cops in Kissimmee reminds us that hate is not confined to one race, or one ideology and that police are the ones on the front lines actually doing battle with the haters. Almost lost in the narrative about the violence in Charlottesville is that two police officers lost their lives when their helicopter crashed. They have become an afterthought to the main stage drama of racists, Nazis, and antifa warring in the streets of an American city.

Between the violent haters and us stands the “Thin Blue Line” of dedicated men and women in law enforcement. Theirs is a thankless, dangerous job made more so by those who wish to kill them to make a political statement. It doesn’t matter what color the police officers are – both Kissimmee officers were black. They were targets of violent extremists who wish to make their jobs impossible to carry out.

No doubt, there are many police officers and sheriff’s deputies going to work today wondering if they will be next. 

It was a bad day for American law enforcement yesterday. Six policemen in 2 states were shot – 4 in Florida and two in Pennsylvania – with the shootings of two policemen in Kissimmee, Florida being described by authorities as an “ambush.”

Officer Matthew Baxter and Sgt. Sam Howard were responding to a suspicious activity call Friday night in Kissimmee. Withing minutes both were shot – Baxter died of his wounds and Howard is in “grave, critical condition.”


Police arrested three people following the shooting, and are searching for a fourth person.

“At this time, we have a strong suspect in custody that we are interviewing,” O’Dell said.

Following the news of the shooting, President Donald Trump tweeted his condolences.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the @KissimmeePolice and their loved ones. We are with you!” the President said.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott described Baxter as a husband, a father and a hero.

“Heartbroken to hear loss of @kissimmeepolice officer Matthew Baxter. Praying for a quick recovery for officer in critical condition,” Scott.

For the record, this is the MO of previous police ambushes. The suspect or suspect is reported as a “suspicious person” and when the police arrive to investigate, they’re gunned down.

Although 3 suspects are in custody, authorities have yet to identify the race of the killers. Somehow, you have to believe that if they were white supremacists, it would be all over the national news.

Elsewhere, 2 police officers were shot in Jacksonville, FL confronting a suicidal man. Two other officers were shot in Fayette County, Pennslvania.

NBC News:

In Jacksonville, police officers were responding to a call about an attempted suicide at a house. Gunfire was heard from outside the property as officers arrived, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Director of Patrol and Enforcement Mike Bruno told NBC News.

Before officers even entered the house, the suspect began shooting at them through the doorway and there was an exchange of gunfire in which two officers were struck, one of them in the stomach, Bruno said.

The suspect is dead and it’s not yet known if body cameras were worn or activated.

In Pennsylvania, two troopers were shot and a suspect killed after an incident near a store on West Church Street, Fairchance, Fayette County, Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Melinda Bondarenka said in a statement.

One of the troopers was life-flighted from the scene to a hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia and the other was taken to a hospital via ambulance, NBC station WPXI reported.

Both were stable and alert, Bondarenka said. 

The probable ambush of cops in Kissimmee reminds us that hate is not confined to one race, or one ideology and that police are the ones on the front lines actually doing battle with the haters. Almost lost in the narrative about the violence in Charlottesville is that two police officers lost their lives when their helicopter crashed. They have become an afterthought to the main stage drama of racists, Nazis, and antifa warring in the streets of an American city.

Between the violent haters and us stands the “Thin Blue Line” of dedicated men and women in law enforcement. Theirs is a thankless, dangerous job made more so by those who wish to kill them to make a political statement. It doesn’t matter what color the police officers are – both Kissimmee officers were black. They were targets of violent extremists who wish to make their jobs impossible to carry out.

No doubt, there are many police officers and sheriff’s deputies going to work today wondering if they will be next. 

via American Thinker Blog

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Black Civil Rights Leader Drops Truth Bomb on Confed Statues… Race-Baiters Horrified

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As Atlanta’s first African-American mayor and a major player in the civil rights movement, you may expect Andrew Young to be in favor of tearing Confederate memorials down. However, in a statement that must have horrified race-baiters from coast to coast, Young said that his city had better things to do that worry about taking down statues.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Young made the remarks at a news conference earlier this week in which he endorsed Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell to be the next mayor..

The news conference came amid nationwide calls from liberal figures to tear down Confederate statues and memorials, including one from Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams to remove a carving of three Confederate war figures — Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis — on Georgia’s Stone Mountain.

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“We must never celebrate those who defended slavery and tried to destroy the union,” Abrams wrote on Twitter, saying that the monument “remains a blight on our state and should be removed.”

Young, a Democrat who was mayor of Atlanta from 1982 to 1990 and also served as a congressman and our ambassador to the United Nations under the Carter administration, disagreed.

“I think it’s too costly to refight the Civil War,” Young said. “We have paid too great a price in trying to bring people together.”

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“I’ve always been interested more in substance over symbols,” Young said, adding that similar arguments could be made about the American flag.

“If the truth be known, we’ve had as much agony but also glory under the United States flag,” he said. “That flew over segregated America, it flew over slavery.”

Naturally, liberals were horrified.

That’s missing the point.

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Young’s argument that there are few historical symbols in this world that are of unalloyed historical good seems to have escaped the left, which is now moving from Confederate memorials to statues of men like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Heck, they’ve already been going after Old Glory for quite some time now.

However, for those of us not in thrall to the far left, Young’s words should have resonance.

This is a man who has seen division unlike any most of us have ever experienced. He’s seen our nation’s history, including some of its darkest chapters — and he thinks that this needs to be preserved. There are far bigger issues in this country than tearing down statues. Statue removal will not solve the problems of the African-American community. As much as it these memorials may be a convenient scapegoat for leaders, erasing our history will do nothing to ameliorate race relations or provide opportunities for minorities.

It’s time for us to admit that.

H/T PJ Media 

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“Get lost, Merkel!” – German Chancellor Booed And Heckled On Campaign Trail (VIDEO)

Campaigning in the eastern state of Saxony ahead of next month’s federal elections, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was booed, heckled and shouted at, Thursday, by protestors angry at her open borders migrant policy and its transformative effects on Germany.


Image result for merkel protest annaberg


Taking to the stage in the town square of Annaberg-Buchholz, Merkel was forced to acknowledge the protest, such was the volume of ”get lost” and ”Merkel must go” chants emanating from the crowd.

‘’Some want to get things done and others just scream’’, the Chancellor commented, speaking alongside local representatives of her CDU (Christian Democratic Union) party during what was her first campaign event in the former East Germany.


Image result for merkel protest annaberg


Merkel is held responsible by many Germans for her September 2015 decision to open the country’s borders to hundreds of thousands of unvetted Middle Eastern migrants, a move which was particularly unpopular in the formerly communist east where resistance to multiculturalism remains strongest.

It is in Saxony, bordering the Czech Republic, where Merkel’s immigration policy has encountered its greatest resistance. The state was the birthplace of the PEGIDA protest movement (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West), and is where the populist Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland) party has recorded its highest scores, winning 24.4% of the vote in 2016.

Whilst hundreds of residents of the small town had turned out to hear the Chancellor speak, the ‘’Merkel muss weg’’ (‘’Merkel must go’’) protestors succeeded in making their demonstration, rather than Merkel’s speech, the main theme of the event’s news coverage.

Having presided over an economic recovery in Germany, and dominating the political stage abroad, Merkel will go down in history for her decision to show Germany’s “friendly, beautiful face” to the world by welcoming hundreds of thousands of migrants, a decision which spurred millions more to leave the Middle East and Africa bound for Europe.

Less well known are the numbers that arrived in the decade prior to her controversial decision. From 2005-2015, immigration figures were already showing that Merkel had overseen a staggering eight million immigrant arrivals into Germany, half of which came from other EU states, the other half arriving from beyond Europe.

Despite the hostile reception in Annaberg – which saw Merkel leave the event to calls of ‘’traitor’’ – and similar protests at numerous rallies this week, opinion polls consistently put the CDU on course to comfortably win the German federal elections on September 24th.






Photo Credits: MDR, dpa, Sebastian Kahnert.

The post “Get lost, Merkel!” – German Chancellor Booed And Heckled On Campaign Trail (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Here’s How Dems’ Favorite President Treated Minorities

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In 1997, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington was dedicated. Located on the banks of the lower Potomac River in the vicinity of the Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument, the FDR Memorial was hardly controversial — especially not to the left, who regard FDR as a paragon of the virtues they hold dear.

At the dedication, then-President Clinton lionized Roosevelt and his legacy: “This memorial will be the embodiment of FDR’s faith, for it will ensure that all future generations will know,” Clinton said. “It will ensure that they will all see the happy warrior, keeping America’s rendezvous with destiny. As we stand at the dawn of a bright new century, this memorial will encourage us, reminding us that whenever America acts with certainty of purpose and FDR’s famous flexibility of mind, we have always been more than equal to whatever challenges we face.”

Since the heinous events of Charlottesville, Virginia, the American left has been seized with a paroxysm of statue-leveling and memorial-closing. The focus has moved from traditional liberal targets like Robert E. Lee and Confederate soldier memorials to other figures from American history — like Washington and Jefferson.

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Nobody has, as of yet, called for FDR’s memorial to be shut down. On one hand, this is hardly surprising; he is, after all, the left’s favorite president. However, it becomes remarkably inconsistent when you examine why protesters say they want to do away with sundry other vestiges of American history they’ve been busy objecting to. In every case, the reason given is that the views and/or actions on race and minorities represented by the person or persons being represented are incompatible with our modern republic.

So, what did Franklin Delano Roosevelt do for minorities in America? Let’s take a look:

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Oh, yes, that.

During the course of World War II, almost 120,000 Japanese-Americans were kept in internment camps on orders of the Roosevelt administration. As U.S. News and World Report notes, no person of Japanese descent was ever charged with sabotage during the war — but never mind that. Not only did his administration execute the internment plans, Roosevelt signed the executive order that made it happen.

Few, if any, would question the fact that the internment is a stain on Roosevelt’s legacy. Yet, was he alone in believing that the internment was uncalled for? Hardly. In fact, many Americans at the time felt it was a military necessity.

“I am for immediate removal of every Japanese on the West Coast to a point deep in the interior,” popular newspaper columnist Henry McLemore wrote in 1942. “I don’t mean a nice part of the interior either. Herd ’em up, pack ’em off, and give ’em the inside room in the badlands.”

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Roosevelt’s decision, in hindsight, was an exceedingly poor one. However, it was hardly his view alone. It also doesn’t erase the fact that he looms large over our country’s history — a complex history which has its peaks and nadirs. Japanese internment certainly falls into the latter category, but that doesn’t erase Roosevelt’s other accomplishments.

For their part, the left knows this; few if any of them are ignorant of Roosevelt’s Japanese internment policies, and most of them continue to sing his praises. Yet, when it comes to Robert E. Lee or Thomas Jefferson, that sense of nuance conveniently disappears.

If the left wants to be truly consistent, let’s see them bring their bungee cords and cardstock placards to the banks of the lower Potomac and start demanding that the FDR monument be shut down. If they refuse to, then let’s call their campaign of history-erasure what it is: Scapegoating.

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree.

via Conservative Tribune

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