Arizona court rules on cities destroying confiscated guns

The NRA Institute for Legislative Action picked up a potentially important court ruling coming out of Arizona this week which has mostly flown under the media radar. Under debate is a policy in Tuscon (along with other cities and counties) which mandates the routine destruction of guns which are confiscated from criminals or surrendered during “no questions asked” gun turn-in events. Since guns are items of value, the question is raised as to whether or not they can simply destroy and dispose of them rather than offering them for legal sale to subsidize taxpayer contributions to the city’s coffers. The political appeal of destroying guns for the left is obvious, but the courts have put the breaks on the practice.

On Thursday, the Arizona Supreme Court unanimously held that the state was within its authority to prohibit cities and counties from routinely destroying firearms obtained through forfeiture or as unclaimed property. State law holds that political subdivisions must instead (subject to certain exceptions) recirculate the firearms through legitimate channels of commerce, just as they do with other types of valuable property. The case represents the latest battle in an effort dating back nearly two decades to prevent anti-gun localities from undermining the pro-gun policies of the state legislature.

While the case – State v. City of Tucson – rests on complicated issues of Arizona constitutional, statutory, and common law, it illustrates challenges facing gun owners nationwide and the importance of sustained advocacy in ensuring Second Amendment rights.

As I already mentioned, any opportunity to very publicly destroy guns is considered a PR victory for Democrats. Never mind the often documented fact that these gun “turn in” opportunities rarely turn up anything other than broken junk for the most part. You can also ignore for the moment the reality that most criminals wouldn’t be caught dead showing up someplace that’s crawling with cops and surrendering a weapon they actually used in the commission of crimes.

But if there are some usable guns somehow turned it, what is the proper method for their legal processing? That was the issue here more than any Second Amendment question. Confiscated materials generally go in one of two directions. If they include dangerous substances such as illegal drugs, you clearly don’t want them back out on the street, so they are destroyed. If, however, the police wind up confiscating items of value which are not to be returned (e.g. cars from drug dealers) they tend to be sold in order to provide additional revenue, frequently going to law enforcement needs.

So how did guns wind up in the former category rather than the latter? At a state level Arizona is fairly solidly pro-Second Amendment, but they have their own cities and towns with majority liberal support like most places. That seems to be the case here, but the state supreme court has now brought them back inline. Well done.

The post Arizona court rules on cities destroying confiscated guns appeared first on Hot Air.

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WaPo – Bannon’s Next Move: A Return to Breitbart News, with More Reach Than Ever

WaPo – Bannon’s Next Move: A Return to Breitbart News, with More Reach Than Ever

19 Aug, 2017
19 Aug, 2017

From Matea Gold and Paul Farhi writing at the Washington Post:

The end of Stephen K. Bannon’s stormy White House tenure frees the investment banker turned populist messenger to expand his reach as a potent force in the media landscape, giving him an elevated platform for the nationalist movement he has long championed.

Bannon will do so in conjunction with the wealthy Mercer family, conservative mega-donors who served as his patrons in an array of enterprises before he joined the Trump campaign.

The former chief strategist for President Trump is returning as executive chairman of Mercer-backed Breitbart News, the pugilistic conservative website he helped guide before joining Trump’s campaign last August, Breitbart announced.

Read the rest of the story at the Washington Post.

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Big Government, Big Journalism, Breitbart News, Stephen K. Bannon


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WATCH: EU Propaganda Video Says Europe ‘Needs’ Migrants Released on Day of Terror Attacks

WATCH: EU Propaganda Video Says Europe ‘Needs’ Migrants Released on Day of Terror Attacks

19 Aug, 2017
19 Aug, 2017

The European Parliament has produced a slick propaganda video claiming Europe “need[s] people to come here… to maintain the level of our welfare systems”.

The video, put out on Twitter, features liberal and socialist members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who concede migrants often come from a “totally different culture”, but say it is the European people’s “responsibility” to “foster an atmosphere of integration”.

EuroparlTV released the short film on the 17th of August, just hours before terrorists of North African Muslim background murdered 14 people in Spain in an Islamist attack claimed by Islamic State.

In contrast to the migrant terrorists Europe experienced Thursday, the migrants depicted in the video seem happy to have come to the continent. They study, play in sports teams, and work in car factories and as a photographer.

“The refugees that arrived here in Germany have to adapt. They come from a totally different culture, and they don’t know how things are here,” says Maryam Salehi of Cologne, Germany.

Ms. Salehi claims that migrants are discriminated against in the job market, and seems to criticize Germans for expecting them to become economically active.

Sylvie Guillaume, a socialist and French MEP for the South-East of France, says: “At the moment when many EU member states are turning away from the European motto of ‘unity in diversity’, it’s important to remember the European values of hospitality and solitary.

“A major effort needs to be made for integration policies that will benefit not only refugees, but the host countries as well.”

Cecilia Wikström, a liberal MEP from Sweden, adds: “They are here to give their contribution to growth and prosperity for Europe, and that’s why it’s so essentially important that we open up every possibility for them to integrate into our societies

“We can never, on the European level, legislate integration because it falls under the scope of subsidiarity, the national competencies.

“But we can foster an atmosphere of integration, and that is your responsibility and mine. We have to share that.”

via Breitbart News

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Carlson: Bannon One of Few in Trump WH Who ‘Wouldn’t Feel at Home’ Working for Hillary Clinton

Carlson: Bannon One of Few in Trump WH Who ‘Wouldn’t Feel at Home’ Working for Hillary Clinton

18 Aug, 2017
18 Aug, 2017

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson reacted to Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon’s departure from the White House earlier in the day.

Carlson said while the West Wing may be a “more placid place” now, there were questions about the politics of those by which President Donald Trump is surrounded in Bannon’s absence.

“The White House will be a much more placid place now that he’s gone,” Carlson said. “The question is will it be a better place? Let’s put it this way — Bannon was one of the relatively few senior staff in the White House who wouldn’t feel at home in a Hillary Clinton administration. Indeed, he was one of the rare Republicans there and the only, or one of the very few, populist conservatives. That’s strange since populist conservatism is the platform his boss ran on.”

Carlson told his viewers Bannon was one of those in the Trump administration that remembered why Trump was elected last November.

“Say what you will about Steve Bannon,” he added. “And you can say a lot, but he never forgot why Trump got elected in the first place and in a democracy that is not a small thing. Bannon kept a white board in his office of campaign promises. It’s probably already been taken down by now.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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Breitbart TV, Hillary Clinton, Fox News Channel, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight


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School Wants to Award Scholarship to Alt-Left Thug Who Toppled Durham Confederate Statue

School Wants to Award Scholarship to Alt-Left Thug Who Toppled Durham Confederate Statue

On Monday alt-Left thugs toppled an historic Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina.

The criminal mob, led by Takiyah Thompson, tied a strap around the statue and tore it down.

on Tuesday Takiya (or Takiyah) Thompson was arrested as she left the communications building at North Carolina Central University.

Now the university wants to give the alt-left thug a scholarship for her criminal actions.

These are the immoral, intolerant goons teaching your children.

The Daily Caller reported:

The student charged with pushing down the Confederate statue in Durham, North Carolina on Monday may be rewarded with a scholarship for her actions from North Carolina Central University.

The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on Wednesday that proposals are being made at the college to award Takiyah Thompson, who has been charged with two felonies—participation in a riot and inciting others to riot—for her actions.

News that Thompson was involved in the demonstration was reportedly met with widespread support from campus faculty and students in her Introduction to Political Science class.

“I saw the demonstration and the toppling of the monument. I think it’s a healthy thing for students to have a voice and to be leaders in activism,” said Jim C. Harper II, chair of the history department. “We’re going to do everything we can to support Ms. Thompson.”

Her professor, Allan Cooper, said that the entire class applauded when he revealed to them that Thompson was the person charged with toppling the statue. Following the news, Cooper sent an email to the chair to propose giving Thompson a scholarship.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Duke University Surrenders to Terrorists, Removes Robert E. Lee Statue

The unfolding war on statues is unlike anything that has ever been seen in this once-great country.

Hordes of crazed leftists have been using bullying, guerilla tactics, economic terrorism, and most of all the threat of violence to force the removal of any and all Confederate monuments in America.

Local and state governments and universities haven’t even bothered to put up a fight against the demands of those who are behaving like Nazis and fascists who will never be satisfied until they have enforced a Khmer Rouge “Year Zero” form of governance on U.S. soil.

The latest to surrender? Duke University, famous for the Blue Devils college basketball team and a bogus story of campus rape published by the leftist rag Rolling Stone.

The university quickly moved to appease the fanatics and took down the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Saturday morning.

The Hill is reporting “Duke University takes down statue of Lee”:

Duke University has removed a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee from its campus amid an intensifying national debate over Confederate statues and monuments.

The university said it took the statue down from its perch in Duke Chapel early Saturday morning, three days after it had been damaged by vandalism.

In an email to students, faculty, staff and alumni Saturday morning, University President Vincent Price said he chose to have the statue removed to protect the chapel and its parishioners, and to “express the deep and abiding values of our university.”

The Lee statue will be preserved to allow students to “study Duke’s complex past and take part in a more inclusive future,” he said.

“Wednesday night’s act of vandalism made clear that the turmoil and turbulence of recent months do not stop at Duke’s gates,” Price said in the statement. “We have a responsibility to come together as a community to determine how we can respond to this unrest in a way that demonstrates our firm commitment to justice, not discrimination; to civil protest, not violence; to authentic dialogue, not rhetoric; and to empathy, not hatred.”

Lofty language from Mr. Price but he is caving to the haters to whom the last thing that they will ever accept is “authentic” dialogue and the Confederate statues are only the beginning.

Yet another coward who is unfit to head the institution that signs his paychecks and has tarnished Duke’s good name for surrendering to those using terrorist tactics.


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Actor James Woods absolutely crushes Chelsea Clinton with one tweet about her ‘lucifer’ dad

Actor James Woods delivered a blistering response to Chelsea Clinton on social media Friday after the younger Clinton waded into the confederate monument controversy with a tweet about “lucifer” and churches.

Clinton invoked controversy on Thursday when she likened confederate statues to the celebration of “lucifer.” Churches, Clinton noted, don’t celebrate “lucifer” despite the figure being a part of the Christian tradition. Clinton was making the point that just because the confederacy is part of America’s tradition, that doesn’t mean it should be glorified with monuments.

What she said

“The story of Lucifer-who rebelled against God-is part of many Christians’ traditions. I’ve never been in a church with a Lucifer statue,” Clinton wrote.

The ensuing backlash

Like with many of her tweets, Clinton received a brutal response.

“But you left church when you were 6 because you supported abortion, remember?” wrote one person.

“Excellent point, Chelsea: really a fine point. No, no statues of Lucifer. No statues of Judas either,” said another.

While one person noted that Clinton is wrong: “Wait most of the cathedrals in New York have at least one depiction of Lucifer. Just saying your brilliant though.”

Woods with the knockout punch

Actor James Woods, known for being one of the few outspoken conservatives in Hollywood with unshakable values, added his own brutal response Friday evening.

“Check out the #rapist statue of your Dad. Trust me, he was Lucifer to the women he abused,” Woods wrote.

Woods was referring to the allegations waged against former President Bill Clinton, who has been accused of sexual misconduct, including rape, by a number of different women. There is a statue of Clinton in South Dakota that one of Clinton’s rape accusers, Juanita Broaddrick, said recently she would like to destroy.

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Media Shames South Park for Ignoring Trump Jokes

South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone won’t tar Trump in the show’s upcoming season. That made the media very, very angry.

Cartman, Kyle and Kenny, meet Jimmy Fallon.

The Tonight Show host once treated Donald Trump like a guest on his late night program. Because … that’s what the reality show host was.

That sent reporters into a tizzy. How dare you normalize Trump, they cried. For weeks the press pounded Fallon for not just that indecency but for the dearth of Trump jokes in his monologues.

Which is precisely what you see on the majority of late night comedy shows.

Now, the press is training its guns on Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The duo behind Comedy Central’s long-running South Park incorporated plenty of Trump material in their most recent season.  




That’s partly why they decided to try something different for season 21, coming next month.

Everyone else is unleashing Trump jokes, Parker and Stone argued. And the President himself is often so over the top it makes satire knottier. So the next batch of South Park episodes will mostly avoid Trump-related humor.

You might as well whisper, “release the hounds” to the press.

The Daily Beast attacked first, questioning Parker and Stone for not joining the Trump lynch mob.

Co-creator Trey Parker says he doesn’t want ‘South Park’ to become CNN. But what is the show’s responsibility in the age of Trump?

Sounds like there’s only one “right” answer to that question. Keeping hitting Trump harder. Yet the writer bemoaned the show might hit skewer different subjects.

Yet just as they used 2004’s Team America: World Police to skewer Hollywood liberals like Sean Penn and Matt Damon, it’s easier to imagine them going after the Women’s March and Trump’s CNN critics than it is to see them targeting the president directly.

Rats! The show might hit targets 99 percent of modern comics ignore. That cannot stand.

The AV Club, an aggressively liberal outlet, hits harder. The site attacks South Park as the source for modern-day trolls. Then it bares its teeth against the Trump-free “South Park” episodes to come.

All of which makes Parker and Stone’s recent declaration to lay off Trump in the coming 21st season a real disappointment at best, cowardice at worst. The duo is, of course, under no obligation to tackle politics—or anything else they don’t want to, for that matter. They’re also right that mocking Trump is both redundant and “boring,” and also that everyone does it. For two dyed-in-the-wool contrarians, Trump comedy feels every bit as bland, lifeless, and sitcom-safe as an episode of, say, Veronica’s Closet. Furthermore, Parker’s complaints of the show just “becoming CNN now” and not wanting to spend every week endlessly restacking the sloppy Jenga pile of Trump-related outrage is completely understandable. Believe me, I get it.

That said: Man, what a cop out.

It’s the classic, “Yeah, but still…” defense. It fails every time. became the most recent media outlet to shame South Park into repeating the same Trump lines heard across the TV landscape. The headline kicks off the tone: “20 years later, does America still need South Park?”

…its perceived role as satirical arbiter of modern morality feels increasingly hollow — as though America doesn’t need South Park as it once did, or at least not in the way its creators are talking about tackling the 21st season. Like seemingly everything else these days, it’s because of President Trump….

To now ignore or significantly reduce the emphasis on Trump after a strong initial focus on him seems like an abdication of the responsibility the show has earned for itself as comedic chronicler of pop culture.

So there you have it. One comedy show … one! … decides there’s nothing more to mock about President Trump and the knives come out.

Let’s not kid ourselves. These think pieces wouldn’t exist were it not for the creators’ decision to pull back on Trump material. Here’s betting we haven’t seen the last chin stroke column saying the show’s time has come.

It’s likely something these reporters have wanted to write for some time. The show regularly mocks the Left and the Right. The former is simply not acceptable any more. Comedy must hit one side, lest it reveal the hypocrisies of the modern liberal.

Weaponizing humor is the default position of the Left. How dare South Park think otherwise? It’s why major outlets churn story after story out of Stephen Colbert monologues and John Oliver sermons bashing Trump.

Why, it’s almost like there’s an entrenched liberal media bias that won’t even let an elite show spare us from more Trump gags.

[Cross-posted from Hollywood in Toto.] 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Charlie Daniels Compares Those Taking Down Statues to ISIS

Country music legend and all-around patriotic American Charlie Daniels isn’t known as a man who shrinks from saying that which is true despite how much that people will hate it.

During this hideous week of media-generated fear and loathing, anyone who dares to defend our national history by suggesting that tearing down Confederate monuments and statues is wrong risks being labeled as a Nazi, getting fired from their jobs or worse.

But in times of extreme intolerance and wall-to-wall propaganda that plays right into the hands of a rising tide of totalitarianism, the true mettle of a man is tested and those who ignore the herd mentality are as rare as they are courageous.

That would be Daniels, who has made it very clear that those who are ripping down statues are no better than any of history’s worst monsters and in this case, he nailed it dead on by pointing out that the war on statues is like something that ISIS would do.

Via Fox News “Charlie Daniels compares taking down Confederate statues to ISIS: ‘Where does it stop?’”:

Charlie Daniels compared removing Confederate statues in America to ISIS destroying historical sites in Iraq and Syria.

“That’s what ISIS is doing over in places,” Daniels told Newsmax TV. “There were pieces of history that they didn’t like, they were taking them down.”

The 80-year-old added, “Where does it stop? Is it going to be Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson or are we headed into Jefferson, Washington, who were both slave owners? How deep into history are we going to go?”

Daniels said it’s important to accept that there are “people who were part of our history who were not very savory characters.”

The “Devil Went Down to Georgia” singer’s suggestion if you don’t like the statues?

“If you don’t like it, don’t look at it,” he suggested.

That would seem to be good advice as well as the customary practice in regards to statues that in some cases, have stood for over a century without being torn down to erase a piece of history that a minority of extremists find offensive.

If the statues were so horrible, why didn’t Obama call for them to be torn down? It never seemed to be an issue before this summer.

And he is also correct that it won’t stop with the Confederate statues. Already there are calls to tear down statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson and once these men and the Founding Fathers are deemed to be racists and slaveowners, the U.S. Constitution itself can be targeted as well.

What is needed are more voices like Daniels making the necessary comparison, if enough speak up then perhaps the media will dial down their hate-mongering commentary and fake news and the fever will break although it’s probably too far gone for that to happen at this point.


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Counter protesters descend on Boston, violence ensues

Things are heating up in Boston, Massachusetts, on Saturday morning as counter protesters take to the streets to articulate their disdain for the “Free Speech Rally” that was scheduled weeks ago, the Associated Press reported.

Protesters chanted anti-Nazi slogans and waved signs condemning white supremacy.

In preparation for the rally, Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said Friday that 500 officers — some in uniform, others undercover — would be on the ground to keep violence from breaking out.

The “Free Speech Rally” organizers have made it very clear that they are not tied to the Charlottesville protests that took place last weekend.

“Though we naturally respect their right to speak and assemble, we also will exercise our right to choose who we will associate with. We will not allow our platform to be hijacked by the KKK. If I see anyone bring out a swastika or throw a Hitler salute, I will immediately denounce them,” organizer John Medlar told the Boston Herald.

InfoWars’ reporter Joe Biggs, one of the rally’s featured speakers, has posted updates to Twitter with what he is seeing on the ground.

Video footage from Fox News shows a counter protester dragging a woman by an American flag.


Police estimate around 15,000 counter protesters are in Boston today, ABC News reported.

A video of an anti-Nazi chant appeared on Twitter.

Editor’s Note: This video contains strong language.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated as new information is available. 

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