After NK’s Humiliating Retreat, US Is Adding Insult to Injury Right on Border

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The United States and South Korea plan to perform a series of joint exercises in the last days of August designed to simulate warfare with North Korea, and this despite an actual war with the rogue regime having just been averted after North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un backed down from a threat to launch missiles at a U.S. territory.

Though these Aug. 21-31 exercises had been scheduled far in advance of the recent confrontation with the rogue regime, which it was recently learned might now possess the capability to strike the U.S. homeland with nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, the fact that both nations intend to continue with them has many worried about how exactly Kim might react.

It was only days ago that the unhinged despot backed down from a serious threat to launch missiles toward the U.S. territory of Guam, earning himself some unexpected praise from U.S. President Donald Trump, who had previously threatened to bring “fire and fury” upon North Korea if Kim moved forward with the attack plan.

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As the U.S. president and no doubt everybody else on Earth realized, had Kim gone through with his planned attacked, all hell would have broken loose.

The concern now is that the war game exercises, slated to be performed in South Korea, could very well once again trigger Kim’s unbridled anger.

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“The drill will definitely provoke Pyongyang more, and Pyongyang is expected to make a more radical response,” an editorial in China’s Global Times newspaper, an army of the Communist Party’s People’s Daily, warned Monday. “If South Korea really wants no war on the Korean Peninsula, it should try to stop this military exercise.”

It’s an indisputable fact that North Korea has a tendency to overreact during U.S. and South Korean war exercises. As McClatchy reported: “In 2014, the North fired off scud missiles during the March exercises held by the U.S.-South Korean command, called Foal Eagle.”

The same thing happened the year after. Now just imagine the Hermit Kingdom responding this year by firing nuclear missiles instead.

China and Russia have reportedly been encouraging U.S. officials to suspend the games and other training exercises as part of a tentative agreement in which Kim would agree to suspend his frequent tests of missiles and nuclear weapons.

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However, as noted by Bruce Bennett, a senior defense researcher at RAND, such a deal would allow North Korea to continue with its own training exercises.

“It is hard to imagine why the United States would accept that, because of the vulnerability it would create,” he told McClatchy.

As of Saturday, it didn’t appear either the U.S. or South Korea intended to back down from their plans.

H/T Fox News

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TNT Analyst Goes Off, Drops C-Ville Bombshell That Leaves Libs Furious


TNT Analyst Goes Off, Drops C-Ville Bombshell That Leaves Libs Furious

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In a bombshell interview with WRBC-TV in his home state of Alabama, Charles Barkley — the outspoken former NBA star and current TNT analyst — said that he believed worrying about Confederate statues in the wake of the Charlottesville, Virginia, attack was “wasted energy.”

In the interview, he said that the African-American community needed to focus on economic opportunity, crime and education instead of tearing down monuments.

“I’m not going to waste my time worrying about these Confederate statues,” said Barkley, who is known for speaking his mind on cultural and political subjects far removed from the basketball court. “You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to keep doing great things. I’m going to keep trying to make a difference, No. 1 in the black community because I’m black. But I’m also going to try to do good things in the world.

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“I’m not going to waste my time screaming at a neo-Nazi who’s going to hate me no matter what. And I’m not going to waste my time worrying about these statues. I’ve always ignored them.”

Barkley, who was born in Alabama and went to school at Auburn, said he’s hardly given the statues a thought — even though, as Newsmax points out, he once considered running for the governor’s seat in his home state.

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“I’m 54 years old. I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life,” Barkley said. “If you ask most black people, they haven’t thought a day in their lives about those stupid statues.”

“What we as black people need to do is: we have to worry about getting our education,” he added. “We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find ways to have more economic opportunity. Those things are important and significant.”

Barkley is pretty lucky he doesn’t work for ESPN, which is known to frown upon anything that the network suzerains deem insufficiently SJW-ish. He’s known to speak his mind, and speak his mind he certainly did.

Few media figures have gone rogue off of the narrative that the only way to atone for Charlottesville is to tear down every statue that we can take a bungee cord to. Barkley decided to question that belief — and likely made a lot of liberals furious in the process.

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‘Ideological Warfare’ Is The Secret To Bringing Down North Korea

In 2010, at a small event in Washington, DC, a man who many Americans have never heard of told us how to defeat North Korea without war. Hwang Jang-yop – creator of North Korea’s so-called “Juche” (“self-reliance”) state ideology, former chief of North Korea’s Parliament and mentor to Kim Jong Il before defecting to the West in 1997 – told an audience at the Center for Strategic International Studies:

The solution is ideological warfare. We need to focus on the people of North Korea and alert them to the human rights abuses that are taking place.

It may seem strange that North Korean citizens have to be alerted to human rights abuses. One would assume they know they live in hell. But the power of ideological brainwashing must not be underestimated.

There is hope.

Brainwashing can be undone when faced with enough truth.

In 2006, CNN aired a remarkable documentary called “Undercover in the Secret State.” In it, they interviewed a former North Korean soldier identified only as “Mr. Park”:

I was a very faithful soldier, but after I was discharged, I saw people starving to death. There were so many people dying, that authorities were scared that people might revolt. So they publicly executed many innocent people as a warning. I went to watch whenever there was a public execution. I found it heartbreaking. This is how I came to have second thoughts about Kim Jong Il’s regime.

“Mr. Park,” struggled to figure out a way how to resist the Kim regime. He discovered that the truth was his weapon:

One day I met with somebody who runs this anti-government underground organization called Freedom Youth League. One of their strategies was to distribute imported videotapes, these were ordinary movies that showed North Koreans how prosperous people in the outside world are, and hopefully make them question whether their leadership is telling them the truth.

CNN spoke to one woman who decided to flee North Korea after watching smuggled South Korean soap operas. She said watching those films really opened her eyes. “We thought there were many beggars in the outside world. But in reality, we are the beggars.”

With our help, these efforts could be expanded massively.

Also, we must make sure that no North Korean distortion of history goes unanswered. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., observed how powerful historical truth can be during the dying days of the Soviet Union:

For the first time ever, Russian historians became free to write honest history — to describe the purges and the gulags, to demythologize Stalin and even Lenin, to reassess Bukharin and even Trotsky, to condemn the Soviet-Nazi pact of 1939, to pronounce Stalin’s U.S.S.R. a totalitarian state, even to doubt the sacred Revolution itself. “A new future requires a new past,'”said Eric Foner of Columbia after four months as a lecturer at Moscow State University. “To legitimize these far- reaching changes, the press and public officials now paint the history of the Soviet era in the blackest hues.” As party-line history was an instrument of dictatorship, historical debate is an instrument of democracy.

We have had the ammunition for historical debate at our fingertips for more than 20 years. In July, 1994, the Los Angeles Times reported that “Seoul’s Foreign Ministry released documents that Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin had given President Kim Young Sam during a visit to Moscow in June. They showed that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung approved Kim Il Sung’s attack on South Korea in June, 1950.”

As the struggle against Soviet totalitarianism had scholar Robert Conquest (The Great Terror, 1968) and witness Alexander Solzhenitsyn (The Gulag Archipelago, 1973), the struggle against the tyranny of the Kims has scholar Victor Cha (The Impossible State, 2012) and witness Shin Dong-Hyuk (Escape from Camp 14, biography written by Blaine Harden, 2012). Give copies to dissidents who will secretly circulate them within North Korea, like dissidents did in the Soviet Union.

We also have direct testimony of North Korea’s crimes against the civilians of other nations. It comes from Kim Hyun-Hee, a former North Korean agent who in 1987 used a time bomb to blow up a civilian airplane, killing all 115 on board. After her capture, she was forced to face the families of those she murdered and at the same time received word that her relatives in the North were being punished for her “betrayal” (similar to Stalin, the North equates capture with betrayal). The combination of these events lead her to switch sides, convert to Christianity and write a memoir.

I have a copy of the book, titled The Tears of My Soul (1993), and I encourage anyone interested in this rare book to read the outstanding 2-part review by blogger “AngrySoba”. ( )

Hyun-Hee recounts her meeting with the Director of Foreign Intelligence:

“Comrades,” he said. “I will start with the conclusion first. Your mission will be to destroy a South Korean airplane.” He paused, allowing the words to sink in. I felt butterflies in my stomach and stared at him. “The order, you may be interested to know, was written by Our Dear Leader himself, Kim Jung Il. Handwritten, that is…This whole mission is in fact Our Dear Leader’s own idea…Our entire national destiny will depend on it.”

The Director continues:

“So – you must destroy a South Korean plane. That country, as you know, has been in considerable turmoil recently. The political climate is more volatile now than at any time since the War of Liberation. Their constitution is being revised, and there are elections to be held toward the end of this year. By destroying this plane we intend to increase this sense of chaos and ultimately to prevent the [1988] Olympic Games from taking place in Seoul. Other nations will not want to risk their athletes, for fear that either their planes will be destroyed or that once in Seoul their athletes will not be safe from terrorist attacks.

“But that is just the beginning. If we succeed in preventing the Games from taking place, and if we succeed in worsening the political turmoil, there may be the chance that our two Koreas could then be reunited. And that, as you know, is the great goal of our generation. If you comrades succeed in this mission, you will be nothing less than national heroes.”

This directly implicates the Kim family in an act of terrorism.

Kim Hyun-Hee had undergone training in how to imitate a Japanese woman. Hyun-Hee recalls a woman called Eun Hae, who was her Japanese language teacher at the secluded Keumsung Military College. Hyun-Hee learned Eun Hae was actually a Japanese citizen from Tokyo, and on day, “when playing with her children at the beach, she was abducted by North Korean agents” and taken to Keumsung to do the regime’s bidding. “Because Eun Hae was so miserable, she would frequently get drunk” – she longed to return to her children. Hyun-Hee recalled:

Though I sympathized with her situation, I thought the sacrifice of one Japanese woman to the cause of Korean unification was justified, especially considering that Japan had occupied and raped Korea for forty years. Now, looking back, I am ashamed of myself. This incident is a prime example of the unconscionable barbarity of the North Korean government and its agents.

Keumsung Military College, where Eun Hae [who’s real name, we now know, is Yaeko Taguchi] was confined, was located in an area that has only a few small villages. Hyun-Hee wrote:

Eun Hae insisted, on Sunday evening, that we visit the village, because she had never seen ordinary North Koreans before. We found a decrepit cluster of houses and filthy children running around the streets, some naked. I was ashamed at this and tried to pull Eun Hae away. But she stared at the children with tears in her eyes… “So this is your brave new world, Ok Hwa,” she said with unmitigated scorn. “I pity you”.

There is a poet, Jang Jin-sung, who was once Kim Jung Il’s personal propaganda poet. He now lives in South Korea, a defector. He wrote a poem about an incident he witnessed involving such a starving child:

Exhausted, in the midst of the market she stood
“For 100 won, my daughter I sell”
Heavy medallion of sorrow
A cardboard around her neck she had hung
Next to her young daughter
Exhausted, in the midst of the market she stood

A deaf-mute the mother
She gazed down at the ground, just ignoring
The curses the people all threw
As they glared
At the mother who sold
Her motherhood, her own flesh and blood

Her tears dried up
Though her daughter, upon learning
Her mother would perish of a deadly disease
Had buried her face in the mother’s long skirt
And bellowed, and cried
But the mother stood still
And her lips only quivered

Unable she was to give thanks to the soldier
Who slipped a hundred won into her hand
As he uttered
“It is your motherhood,
And not the daughter I’m buying”
She took the money, and ran

A mother she was,
And the 100 won she had taken
She spent on a loaf of wheat bread
Toward her daughter she ran
As fast as she could
And pressed the bread on the child’s lips
“Forgive me, my child”
In the midst of the market she stood
And she wailed.

This message should be broadcast to the members of the North Korean military – that their children are suffering because of the regime they defend. Life in a free and united Korea will be better for their children, and it is the right thing to do if they truly love them. This message has the benefit of being completely true.

Jang Jin-sung also wrote this:

Tiny it is,

But the speckle of hope


Darkness supreme

Through the power of life

Firefly of my soul

The glimmer is a firefly.

With our help, and with the help of the Author of Liberty – whom the Communists reject – the good people of Korea may be able to triumph over the Kim regime, simply with the power of truth and the message of freedom.

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Feds Probe UAW Spending On Purses, Shotgun

Look for the union label. Via Detroit News: Federal agents probing a $4.5 million corruption scandal are investigating questionable spending by more leaders of the United Auto Workers, including pricey designer purses and a $2,180 shotgun bought with union training center funds, The Detroit News has learned. The investigation has entangled current and former top […]

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Non-citizens are gaining voting rights and some folks couldn’t be happier

Joshua A. Douglas at the Washington Post has some great news for people who think that pesky questions about things like your citizenship status shouldn’t be an impediment to voting. Help is on the way! After burning through a paragraph or two talking about how there’s no need for a voter fraud commission because, well… that’s just silly, he gets down to the uplifting stories of communities who have decided to allow legal non-citizens to vote.

In November, San Francisco voters approved Proposition N, which grants the right to vote in school board elections to noncitizen parents and guardians living in the city. The noncitizen voters must be at least 18 years old and cannot be in prison or on parole for a felony conviction. The law goes into effect for the November 2018 school board election.

The theory behind expanded voting rights for noncitizens is to enfranchise people who have a direct stake in school policies. As San Francisco Assemblyman David Chiu (D) — himself the son of immigrants — explained: “One out of three kids in the San Francisco unified school system has a parent who is an immigrant, who is disenfranchised and doesn’t have a voice. We’ve had legal immigrants who’ve had children go through the entire K-12 system without having a say.”

The fact that this is coming out of San Francisco will come as absolutely no surprise to regular readers. They seem to be holding a contest these days to figure out who can come up with the next, most outrageous proposal to thumb their nose at immigration law, even if this doesn’t fit neatly into that basket. It’s important to note that the San Francisco plan, at least nor now, it talking about non-citizens who are the country legally. (e.g. green card holders.)

And it’s also important to point out that they’re only talking about municipal elections, not congressional races or votes for the presidency. When it comes to things like school board elections (which are actually very important) it’s really up to the community rather than the federal government. It sounds like a terrible precedent to set to me, but I don’t live there. Voting – at any level – is one of those precious privileges which should inspire you to work hard and obtain your citizenship.

But before we write off this idea as completely harmless, other locations have already enacted or are preparing to enact measures which would absolutely allow illegal aliens to vote. One of those is a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. (Fox News)

A D.C. suburb in Maryland is considering a plan that would give undocumented immigrants the right to vote, making their city the largest in the Old Line State to do so.

The city, which is home of the University of Maryland’s main campus and nearly 30,000 residents, is weighing approval of the new measure to let noncitizens cast ballots for mayor and City Council, The Baltimore Sun reported Sunday.

Supporters of the measure say that local elections focus on issues like trash collection, and other municipal services and they are issues that affect residents of the city, regardless of their citizenship status.

The proposal in Maryland deliberately avoids making any reference to the legal status of the immigrant and that’s by their own admission. One prominent supporter and former City Council member said, “We very intentionally made it so that we did not have questions about citizenship status. It undermines the premise of noncitizen voting to try to draw a distinction.”

No, what it undermines is the rule of law because there’s a massive distinction between people in the country legally using green cards or visas and those who are illegal aliens. And allowing the latter group to vote devalues the entire system. But hey, Maryland… you do you, as the kids say. I suppose as long as you’re making headlines with your efforts to #RESIST then all’s well that ends well.

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CNN Glorifies ANTIFA ‘Peace Through Violence’ in Outrageous Article

The fanaticism of the left has now gotten to the point where the media just can’t fail to cover the masked, violent thugs of ANTIFA anymore.

The more that people are informed about his collection of vile, depraved, anti-American fascists who conduct themselves in the exact same manner that the Nazi Sturmabteilung once did, the harder it becomes for the media and Democrats to ignore them.

But by acknowledging them, the corrupt establishment propaganda organs only show how much a part of the problem that they themselves are by actually justifying the violence and thuggery.

Is it really a shock that that is exactly what CNN is doing?

I excerpt the following from the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” article “Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement: Activists seek peace through violence”:

Many of those arrested identified themselves as part of the Antifa movement. Its name derives from “anti-fascist,” and it has come to represent what experts who track these organizations call the “hard left” — an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.

Antifa activists, who operate without any centralized leadership, told CNN that their goal is peace and inclusivity. They often denounce capitalism and government. Since Trump entered the world stage, they’ve condemned his push to tighten immigration rules and what some view as his tendency toward racism.

While Antifa members don’t fit a single category, they say many are millennials and many live on society’s fringes: undocumented immigrants, transgender people, low-wage workers, those who don’t conform to the traditional 9-to-5.

And their methods are often violent. Antifa leaders admit they’re willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism — as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.


When the son of Sen. Tim Kaine, the 2016 Democratic nominee for vice president, was arrested in Minnesota in March after protesting at a pro-Trump rally, he was dressed in black bloc alongside a group of Antifa supporters. He faces misdemeanor charges and has not yet entered a plea but will be in court next month. A Kaine spokesperson said he was peacefully protesting, and wasn’t disruptive.


In New York’s Union Square on May Day, a masked member of the Antifa group Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council told CNN why he wore black bloc and waved a black flag.

“We cover our face because the Nazis will try to find out who we are. And that is a very bad thing because they harass people,” he said. “We’re trying to stop them from organizing. … When they organize, they kill people, they hurt people, they fight people. And we’re the ones who are fighting back.”

It’s a position taken by many Antifa activists: “This is self-defense.”

Antifa activists often don’t hesitate to destroy property, which many see as the incarnation of unfair wealth distribution.

“Violence against windows — there’s no such thing as violence against windows,” a masked Antifa member in Union Square told CNN. “Windows don’t have — they’re not persons. And even when they are persons, the people we fight back against, they are evil. They are the living embodiment, they are the second coming of Hitler.”

You can read the rest of this garbage HERE if you choose.

The article is offensive to the extreme as one of America’s most well-known media corporations has sought to tell the human side of the story of the few ANTIFA freaks that they could get to go on record in a warm and fuzzy way.

Not only does CNN fail to condemn them but it also makes excuses for their wearing of masks as they beat people, attack animals and engage in property destruction.

Just when you thought that this vile propaganda network couldn’t get any worse, it comes out with a piece that encourages domestic terrorists.

Not only is CNN apologizing for ANTIFA but is also on the side of the crowds of leftists invading Boston today, a force that from the pictures looks like it will be overwhelming for the police if one of CNN’s pet ANTIFA members is able to instigate mass violence.

Every Tweet, every word uttered by a CNN talking head and every story is spun in such a way that it continues to reinforce the deranged notion that President Trump is the second coming of Hitler.

It’s a nice little racket that CNN has going. They help to incite violence and then cashes in off the ratings atter it happens, a truly sick and immoral excuse for a news network is what it is.

CNN may or may not be ISIS but they are doing their best imitation of Joseph Goebbels.


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‘It Was Great!’ — Donald Trump Thanks Steve Bannon for His Service

‘It Was Great!’ — Donald Trump Thanks Steve Bannon for His Service

19 Aug, 2017
19 Aug, 2017

President Donald Trump thanked his former White House strategist Steve Bannon for his service after he left the administration on Friday.

“I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday morning. “He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton – it was great! Thanks S.”

The president remained silent about Bannon on Friday as news of his resignation from the White House broke in the media.

Bannon resigned from the White House and returned to Breitbart News as the company executive chairman on Friday evening with mixed feelings about the future of the Trump agenda.

“The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over,” Bannon told the Weekly Standard. “We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over.”

He admitted that his frustration with the Republican establishment was part of the reasons he left the White House.

“The Republican establishment has no interest in Trump’s success on this,” he said. “They’re not populists, they’re not nationalists, they had no interest in his program. Zero.”

Bannon ridiculed the “half-hearted attempt” at replacing Obamacare and found the malaise on infrastructure discouraging. He predicted that the tax cuts would be the “standard Republican version.”

In the same interview, Bannon signaled his excitement to return to Breitbart News and fuel the populist-nationalist movement forward.

“I feel jacked up,” he says. “Now I’m free. I’ve got my hands back on my weapons. Someone said, ‘it’s Bannon the Barbarian.’ I am definitely going to crush the opposition.”

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Rush Limbaugh issues dire warning that US is on its way to another Civil War. This is who he blames.

Conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh on Friday warned that the United States is well on its way to a second Civil War, and he places direct blame on

“America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.”

Limbaugh told his listeners that he believed left-wing hedge fund billionaire George Soros and other “international financiers” are continuously working toward the “objective” of taking America “down as a superpower,” in order to “erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.”

During the Friday segment, Limbaugh noted the importance of fighting for U.S. history, and called on American citizens to rally and defend historical symbols and monuments.

Directly referring to the removal of controversial, Confederate monuments in the U.S., Limbaugh addressed U.S. citizens.

“Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us … you have to begin knowing our history,” Limbaugh said.

He continued, “If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.”

Limbaugh concluded the segment by accusing “left-wing” protesters — to include Antifa activists — of having an agenda to “distort, erase, and impugn [America’s] history.”

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Raheem Kassam: ‘Now Steve Bannon Knows Who The Enemies of the American People Are’

Raheem Kassam: ‘Now Steve Bannon Knows Who The Enemies of the American People Are’


19 Aug, 2017
19 Aug, 2017

Steve Bannon, the outgoing White House chief strategist now “knows who the enemies of the American people are” after seven months working within the government, Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam has said.

Speaking in a discussion on Fox News with anchor Martha MacCallum on the departure of Mr Bannon from the White House, Mr Kassam said the move didn’t mean there had been a falling out between the President and the returning Breitbart boss.

Kassam told Fox host Sandra Smith that “This isn’t about Bannon versus Trump, the two are on the same page. This is about the people who Steve sees as trying to stop the Trump agenda”.

Identifying those who Kassam said were trying to stand in the way of President Trump delivering his promises and agenda, he said: “these are people who have historically been RINOs or Democrats. And that’s the White House right now”.

Steve Bannon returned to Breitbart Friday almost exactly a year to the day after he joined the Trump team in 2016. On the key lessons learned during this time away and how this would have changed him since leaving Breitbart, Kassam said: “So what is Steve going to do, having had this experience in there?

“Well, now he knows who the enemies of the American people are”.


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Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Breitbart London, Breitbart TV, FOX NEWS, President Donald J. Trump, raheem kassam, Steve Bannon, White House


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