Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of  racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear.   The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning.  Planned by whom?  Time may tell.  We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the “capital of the resistance” just after Trump’s inauguration.  We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons.  He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton.  We know he would like to run for president himself.

We know that Obama and his inner circle have set up a war room in his D.C. home to plan and execute resistance to the Trump administration and his legislative agenda.  None of these people care about the American people, or the fact that Trump won the election because millions of people voted for him.  They suggest those deranged persons who gathered in Charlottesville as members of one of several fringe groups, Unite The Right, neo-Nazi or KKK, are Trump’s base — as if there are more than a few hundred or thousand of them throughout the country.  There are not enough of them to affect anything or elect anyone.  Those who are actual members of these small groups are most likely mentally ill to one degree or another. Trump has disavowed them all, over and over and over again.  Liz Crokin, an entertainment reporter and no fan of Trump, wrote in 2016 that she had covered Trump for over a decade and  in all that time, no one had ever suggested he was racist, homophobic, or sympathetic to white supremacists.  That all began after he announced his campaign.  It is as fake a narrative as the “Russia collusion” meme.  The left set out to defame Trump from moment one.  When he won the election, their shock, dismay and intolerance for every opinion that differs from their own shifted into hysterical overdrive.   They mounted their crusade to destroy his presidency on Nov. 9, 2016. 

What if Signer and McAuliffe, in conjunction with Antifa and other Soros-funded groups like Black Lives Matter, planned and orchestrated what happened in Charlottesville and meant for events to unfold roughly as they did?  If they did,  it was icing on their sick, immoral cake.  If this was all part of a plan, one would hope those behind it suffer for their part in and responsibility for the tragic death of a young woman, Heather Heyer.  The “founder” of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler,  was an activist with Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter. 

Jason Kessler at Charlottesville City Hall, August 13, 2017

He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose?  We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks.  That sort of thing was Robert Creamer’s job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters.  Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc.  Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more violent and there are more of them.  Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact?  Even Peter Beinart did in the Atlantic, written before last Saturday.

Since that day, the call to remove the statues on display that honor any members of the Confederacy has become shrill and  frenzied.  Erasing American history benefits no one and only condemns us to repeat past mistakes.  The supremacist groups had a permit; they had applied months earlier.  The Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups did not have a permit.  The local police at some point, on whose order we do not know, turned the pro-statue groups toward the Antifa and BLM groups, many of whom were armed with lethal weapons – soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers.  These are the people who initiated the violence.  How was this not a planned melee?  Pit groups of demented racists  — all of them on both sides are certainly that — against each other and violence is sure to occur.  (Certainly, there were decent people among the protestors and counter-protesters who had no affiliation with the supremacist groups or Antifa or BLM. Heather Heyer was among them.)

Trump spoke out on Saturday and his statement was perfectly fine given the known facts at the time.  But the media reacted as though he had defended the supremacist groups.  He did not; not even close.  It was as though no matter what Trump said, they were going to attack his remarks as being insufficient.  When he reiterated his horror of the brawl the next day and named the groups present,  they again reacted as if he had defended the supremacist groups because he said there was mayhem committed by both sides.  He correctly stated that there was violence perpetrated by members of all the groups present.  The media was apoplectic even though they surely knew what he said was true.  Reporters on the scene saw the police stand down.  Only one of them reported that truth.  One has to wonder if talking points were distributed before the event took place and before Trump said a word about it.

The Democratic Party is no longer liberal, it is leftist.  It is not progressive, it is regressive and repressive.  It seeks to overturn the First Amendment.  It means to indoctrinate, and has, successive generations via public and private education.  It is becoming ever more fascist by the day.  Along with groups like Antifa, BLM, and the host of anti-democratic groups George Soros funds to protest all around the nation, the media and the Democrats in Congress seek to overthrow an elected president in order to impose their vision of some sort of socialist utopia which of course will never exist.  What will result if they get their way is a Venezuela-style two-tiered class system, the ultra rich and the very poor who are kept in their place by economic and social control.  The millions of people who see the left for what it has become see this.  It is why they voted for Trump. 

It is disheartening to see so many American elites, privileged in wealth and position within the media and/or government be so completely of one, unthinking mind.  They all have braces on their brains (Auntie Mame).  So afraid to buck the rigid mindset of their peers, they have become mouthpieces for their own group identity.  Do they believe the nonsense they spew?  Who knows?  Those in Congress, all the Democrats and the anti-Trump Republicans essentially care about one thing and one thing only: getting re-elected.  They cannot afford to offend their donors or the lobbyists whose largesse fills their coffers.  So they trip over each other getting to the nearest camera to align themselves with whatever opinion they think will put them on the right side of the money people.  They are wrong so often.

Finally, Trump’s press conference on Tuesday made the left’s heads explode.  Why?  Because everything he said was absolutely true.  He does not play by their tyrannical PC rules.  He said what was true and that room full of puerile reporters shouting insults at him could not handle the truth.  They want what they want to be true but it just is not.   This entire episode, the behavior of all those protesters in Charlottesville and the bizarre behavior of the media will likely drive future voters to Trump, not away from him.  Millions more than those who voted for him are as likely to be sick to death of the self-righteous preening of the talking heads:  Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Shep Smith, etc.  There must be a contest to see who can appear to be the most egregiously triggered by what Trump did or did not say. 

So were the events of Saturday the result of a despicable plan to further undermine Trump? There was plenty of time and Charlottesville is the “capital of resistance.”   If it was, it was evil and deadly and the people involved need to be prosecuted.  Or is this a wild conspiracy theory?  Perhaps. But the pieces fit.  Will the DOJ and the FBI actually investigate the many mysteries that surround the events of that day?  Not likely.  The left in this country has long been and seems to remain above the law.  But someday, maybe someone will come forward and tell the truth.  What is certain is that the violence could easily have been prevented with the common sense strategies civilized cities put in place.  America deserves much better from its media and its elected officials.  The only person remembering why he is there is Donald Trump. 

Editor’s note: An error on the purpose of McAuliffe’s pardoning of 60,000 felons that ran in an earlier version of the piece has been corrected.

The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of  racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear.   The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning.  Planned by whom?  Time may tell.  We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the “capital of the resistance” just after Trump’s inauguration.  We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons.  He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton.  We know he would like to run for president himself.

We know that Obama and his inner circle have set up a war room in his D.C. home to plan and execute resistance to the Trump administration and his legislative agenda.  None of these people care about the American people, or the fact that Trump won the election because millions of people voted for him.  They suggest those deranged persons who gathered in Charlottesville as members of one of several fringe groups, Unite The Right, neo-Nazi or KKK, are Trump’s base — as if there are more than a few hundred or thousand of them throughout the country.  There are not enough of them to affect anything or elect anyone.  Those who are actual members of these small groups are most likely mentally ill to one degree or another. Trump has disavowed them all, over and over and over again.  Liz Crokin, an entertainment reporter and no fan of Trump, wrote in 2016 that she had covered Trump for over a decade and  in all that time, no one had ever suggested he was racist, homophobic, or sympathetic to white supremacists.  That all began after he announced his campaign.  It is as fake a narrative as the “Russia collusion” meme.  The left set out to defame Trump from moment one.  When he won the election, their shock, dismay and intolerance for every opinion that differs from their own shifted into hysterical overdrive.   They mounted their crusade to destroy his presidency on Nov. 9, 2016. 

What if Signer and McAuliffe, in conjunction with Antifa and other Soros-funded groups like Black Lives Matter, planned and orchestrated what happened in Charlottesville and meant for events to unfold roughly as they did?  If they did,  it was icing on their sick, immoral cake.  If this was all part of a plan, one would hope those behind it suffer for their part in and responsibility for the tragic death of a young woman, Heather Heyer.  The “founder” of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler,  was an activist with Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter. 

Jason Kessler at Charlottesville City Hall, August 13, 2017

He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose?  We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks.  That sort of thing was Robert Creamer’s job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters.  Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc.  Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more violent and there are more of them.  Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact?  Even Peter Beinart did in the Atlantic, written before last Saturday.

Since that day, the call to remove the statues on display that honor any members of the Confederacy has become shrill and  frenzied.  Erasing American history benefits no one and only condemns us to repeat past mistakes.  The supremacist groups had a permit; they had applied months earlier.  The Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups did not have a permit.  The local police at some point, on whose order we do not know, turned the pro-statue groups toward the Antifa and BLM groups, many of whom were armed with lethal weapons – soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers.  These are the people who initiated the violence.  How was this not a planned melee?  Pit groups of demented racists  — all of them on both sides are certainly that — against each other and violence is sure to occur.  (Certainly, there were decent people among the protestors and counter-protesters who had no affiliation with the supremacist groups or Antifa or BLM. Heather Heyer was among them.)

Trump spoke out on Saturday and his statement was perfectly fine given the known facts at the time.  But the media reacted as though he had defended the supremacist groups.  He did not; not even close.  It was as though no matter what Trump said, they were going to attack his remarks as being insufficient.  When he reiterated his horror of the brawl the next day and named the groups present,  they again reacted as if he had defended the supremacist groups because he said there was mayhem committed by both sides.  He correctly stated that there was violence perpetrated by members of all the groups present.  The media was apoplectic even though they surely knew what he said was true.  Reporters on the scene saw the police stand down.  Only one of them reported that truth.  One has to wonder if talking points were distributed before the event took place and before Trump said a word about it.

The Democratic Party is no longer liberal, it is leftist.  It is not progressive, it is regressive and repressive.  It seeks to overturn the First Amendment.  It means to indoctrinate, and has, successive generations via public and private education.  It is becoming ever more fascist by the day.  Along with groups like Antifa, BLM, and the host of anti-democratic groups George Soros funds to protest all around the nation, the media and the Democrats in Congress seek to overthrow an elected president in order to impose their vision of some sort of socialist utopia which of course will never exist.  What will result if they get their way is a Venezuela-style two-tiered class system, the ultra rich and the very poor who are kept in their place by economic and social control.  The millions of people who see the left for what it has become see this.  It is why they voted for Trump. 

It is disheartening to see so many American elites, privileged in wealth and position within the media and/or government be so completely of one, unthinking mind.  They all have braces on their brains (Auntie Mame).  So afraid to buck the rigid mindset of their peers, they have become mouthpieces for their own group identity.  Do they believe the nonsense they spew?  Who knows?  Those in Congress, all the Democrats and the anti-Trump Republicans essentially care about one thing and one thing only: getting re-elected.  They cannot afford to offend their donors or the lobbyists whose largesse fills their coffers.  So they trip over each other getting to the nearest camera to align themselves with whatever opinion they think will put them on the right side of the money people.  They are wrong so often.

Finally, Trump’s press conference on Tuesday made the left’s heads explode.  Why?  Because everything he said was absolutely true.  He does not play by their tyrannical PC rules.  He said what was true and that room full of puerile reporters shouting insults at him could not handle the truth.  They want what they want to be true but it just is not.   This entire episode, the behavior of all those protesters in Charlottesville and the bizarre behavior of the media will likely drive future voters to Trump, not away from him.  Millions more than those who voted for him are as likely to be sick to death of the self-righteous preening of the talking heads:  Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, Don Lemon, Shep Smith, etc.  There must be a contest to see who can appear to be the most egregiously triggered by what Trump did or did not say. 

So were the events of Saturday the result of a despicable plan to further undermine Trump? There was plenty of time and Charlottesville is the “capital of resistance.”   If it was, it was evil and deadly and the people involved need to be prosecuted.  Or is this a wild conspiracy theory?  Perhaps. But the pieces fit.  Will the DOJ and the FBI actually investigate the many mysteries that surround the events of that day?  Not likely.  The left in this country has long been and seems to remain above the law.  But someday, maybe someone will come forward and tell the truth.  What is certain is that the violence could easily have been prevented with the common sense strategies civilized cities put in place.  America deserves much better from its media and its elected officials.  The only person remembering why he is there is Donald Trump. 

Editor’s note: An error on the purpose of McAuliffe’s pardoning of 60,000 felons that ran in an earlier version of the piece has been corrected.

via American Thinker

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California Proposes JAIL TIME For Using Wrong Gender Pronoun For Senior Citizens

We’ve seen it in Canada, and now its dripping into the United States.

Soon, in the liberal Mecca California, jail time will be on the table for those who do not fully capitulate to the Left’s extreme gender ideology. In a proposed bill, it would become illegal to use the “wrong” gender pronouns of transgender senior citizens in long-term care facilities. Additionally, the proposal mandates such facilities to designate their bathrooms and showers by “gender identity,” as opposed to biological sex.

There are no exceptions for religious care facilities.

“It shall be unlawful for a long-term care facility or facility staff to … willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns,” reads SB 219, called “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Resident’s Bill of Rights.”

“It imposes fines and jail time on any long-term care employee who refuses to use transgender pronouns. Fines for repeat offenders could be as high as $1,000 and a jail term of up to a year,” reports CBN News.

The bill is sponsored by Equality California and penned by Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco, notes CBN.

Opponents of the bill (or, people who’ve read the Constitution) are arguing that the compelled speech is an infringement on the First Amendment.

“How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” asks Greg Burt of California Family Council. “Compelled speech is not free speech. Can the government compel a newspaper to use certain pronouns that aren’t even in the dictionary? Of course not, or is that coming next?”

“Those proposing this bill are saying, ‘If you disagree with me about my view of gender, you are discriminating against me,'” he continued. “This is not tolerance. This is not love. This is not mutual respect. True tolerance tolerates people with different views. We need to treat each other with respect, but respect is a two-way street. It is not respectful to threaten people with punishment for having sincerely held beliefs that differ from your own.”

In Canada, such Orwellian measures are already in place. If you refuse to use the pronouns which match a person’s “gender identity,” you could be found guilty of a “hate crime” and face massive fines and possible jail time.

Bill C-16 enshrines “gender expression” and “gender identity” into Canada’s Human Rights Code and Criminal Code.

In New York City, thanks to Comrade de Blasio, citizens are opened up to massive fines if they do not use an individual’s pronouns of choice.

You will be made to care.

via Daily Wire

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Brandon Darby: Antifa Is the Resurgence of Anti-War Movement, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter

Breitbart Texas Editor Brandon Darby provided some vital background on the violent Antifa group during his Thursday appearance on Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

Darby noted that the “moderate left” and its media apparatus generally provides cover for their “extreme crazies.”

“For instance, with MSNBC and Chuck Todd yesterday, when he had a man on who was writing a book about Antifa, and he allowed the man to talk about the importance of fighting racists in the street. He gave him the same credibility that you or I would give the head of the Democratic Party, or the head of the Republican Party if we had them on our show,” Darby said. “He allowed him to express his views in full and even gave him the last word. They rally around their crazies.”

He warned that the left’s current crusade will not end with knocking down some statues.

“This is very simple: These people have a far-left movement, and that far-left movement mobilizes and become something different every time there’s a need for it to happen. The liberals in mainstream media rally around, support, and provide cover for that extreme left movement, however it manifests.”

Darby described the same fringe group reinventing itself as the anti-war movement during the Bush years, Occupy Wall Street for the 2012 election cycle, Black Lives Matter in 2016, and Antifa now.

“It was largely the same people who were doing the same organizing, the same networks,” he said, describing Antifa as “the resurgence of Anti-Racist Action and a bunch of other extreme far-left groups who believe that it’s okay to go and use violence and intimidation to shut down racists.”

“If you look at the history of Anti-Racist Action, if you look at the history of these far-left groups, they routinely call everyone who’s in the GOP a racist,” he added. “They have a history of showing up, and protesting, and fighting against just Republicans in general. So when you have the mainstream media glorifying, deifying, justifying, or asking the question if it’s okay if these people use violence against actual Nazis or actual racists, we need to remember that they consider all of us to be racists, even though we’re not.”

Darby explained that the larger goal of this endlessly mutating movement is to attack the very foundations of American law and culture, most especially the Constitution itself.

“They’re already calling for anything with George Washington to be removed,” he noted. “What comes after that is any document created by these racists, any document these racists had a part in creating. They also need to be removed, because they’re vestiges of racism.”

“You have people who attack the Constitution, people who attack capitalism, people who attack free-market systems, and they keep finding new manners and new ways and new means to attack these things. These people believe that capitalism is a vestige of white supremacy. They believe that. Get into Critical Race Theory. These people believe that capitalism is, in fact, a result of white supremacy,” he warned.

“At some point, somebody is going to have to stand up and say, ‘You know what? You guys are crazy. You’re not going to remove our history. You’re not going to remove historical figures. We’re not going to do this anymore. You can do it now, or you can do it in two years, but ultimately it’s just going to continue to push and push and push, and go further and go further and go further, and it isn’t going to stop. Somebody is going to have to stop it,” he said.

Darby noted that when outlets like Breitbart News stand up to this relentless push from the left, they are attacked with advertiser boycotts.

“These people believe in using force, and intimidation, and economic intimidation to force you to accept and agree with their world-view, and not to say things they don’t like, and not to do things they don’t like. That’s who these people are. And ultimately, there’s going to be a conflict about it,” he predicted.

Darby highlighted the danger of mainstream media outlets giving a “wink-wink, nod-nod to these violent people to take it to the streets.”

“When you do that, it creates an environment for more violence,” he cautioned. “I’m not blaming what happened in Charlottesville on anybody other than the racist who drove his car into a crowd of people, a person I believe to a racist if the reports I read are true, and I believe they are. But I’ll tell you this: we had months and months where Trump rallies and anything that was right-of-center were attacked by leftist thugs who beat the hell out of people and created a violent scenario. When you do that, you create a scenario where more violent people want to show up at protests simply to get in fights, and to have that experience.”

“The far left gets violent, then the far right gets more violent, then the far left ups the ante, and then the far right ups the ante, and we end up with dead people,” he said.

“This is where we have come as a nation, and it’s not Trump’s fault, and it’s not the right’s fault,” Darby said. “What happened is the left lost an election. They thought they had their revolution, and they were going very, very far – whether from opening our borders to a myriad of other issues. They lost an election and they can’t stand it, so now they’re going to take it to the streets. That’s what they’re doing. And then they’re going to say look how violent the country became under Trump, and how racist the country became under Trump.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.

via Breitbart News

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Yale University Censors Historical Artwork Deemed ‘Hostile’

Yale University Censors Historical Artwork Deemed ‘Hostile’

17 Aug, 2017
17 Aug, 2017

Administrators at Yale University have opted to censor a historical piece of art depicting Native Americans and Puritans, according to an article in the institution’s alumni magazine.

A stone carving on Yale University’s campus has been modified this month over concerns that it is a “hostile” piece of art. The carving depicts a moment of struggle between a Puritan and a Native American.

If you were especially observant during your years on campus, you may have noticed a stone carving by the York Street entrance to Sterling Memorial Library that depict a hostile encounter: a Puritan pointing a musket at a Native American (top). When the library decided to reopen the long-disused entrance as the front door of the new Center for Teaching and Learning, says head librarian Susan Gibbons, she and the university’s Committee on Art in Public Spaces decided the carving’s “presence at a major entrance to Sterling was not appropriate.” The Puritan’s musket was covered over with a layer of stone (bottom) that Gibbons says can be removed in the future without damaging the original carving.

The Native American is equipped with a bow and arrow, while the Puritan is equipped with a musket. Since the modification, the carving has been changed to conceal the musket. Despite the change, the Native American’s bow remains.

According to The College Fix, the decision was made by head librarian Susan Gibbons and Yale’s Committee on Art in Public Spaces in an effort to “better represent the diversity of the Yale community through the art and other symbolic representations found around campus.”

The change follows a series of efforts to modify artwork on campus. Last year, dining services worker Corey Menafee kept his job after destroying a stained-glass window at the college that depicted slaves with a broomstick. The destruction of the window led to Yale’s decision to change the name of a residential college that honors a 19th-century alumnus who was a supporter of slavery.


Read More Stories About:

Education, Social Justice, Tech, art, Yale University


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Rebels of Google: Tampons Kept in Men’s Restrooms Because ‘Some Men Menstruate’

Rebels of Google: Tampons Kept in Men’s Restrooms Because ‘Some Men Menstruate’

17 Aug, 2017
17 Aug, 2017

The second part of an exclusive interview with a high ranking former Google engineer who wishes to remain anonymous reveals the Google experience for conservative employees, and a surprising approach to gender in company restrooms.

The former Google engineer (alias “Arthur”), worked at Google for several years in a relatively prominent position within the company. Breitbart News questioned Arthur about the treatment of conservatives at Google and the companies internal culture, described as an “ideological echo-chamber” by recently-fired employee James Damore. Read part one of the interview here.

When asked if he worked alongside many conservatives Arthur stated that there was a surprising number of right-leaning employees at Google, but they were vastly outnumbered by those on the left, “there are quite a few conservatives, although not as many as there are liberals.” said Arthur, “There are five or more groups where various strains of conservatism are acceptable, with libertarianism especially popular. I heard of one group of SREs (System Reliability Engineers) where there was no one who did NOT vote Trump.”

Discussing Breitbart News’ recent coverage of James Damore’s firing Arthur said, “I think the recent Googler threats to Damore that Breitbart has exposed shows you what sort of leftists infest Google. There is a genuine fear of what they can do to your career, and conservative-minded people are very wary of expressing their views.”

Arthur discussed the very real possibility of blacklisting and discrimination for expressing conservative beliefs saying, “Google’s internal jobs board ‘Grow’ is completely unregulated, and when you ‘express interest’ in a job, the hiring manager is under no obligation whatsoever to even look at your resume, let alone interview or hire you. So the threats of “blacklisting” that we saw in the Damore affair are very real.”

Arthur also gave some insight into the distribution of conservatives and liberals at Google.

“Before the election someone ran an informal poll, and I believe the numbers were 81% Clinton, 19% Trump. While that’s obviously lopsided, it still means that about 14,000 Googlers voted Trump (with current headcount of about 72,000).” 14,000 Google employees, while far from a majority, is still quite a large amount of employees at the liberal Silicon Valley company that support President Trump.

One of the most surprising and bizarre pieces of information from Arthur’s interview is that feminine hygiene products are kept in men’s restrooms at Google. Arthur explained, “There are also women’s hygiene products in the men’s rooms, because as we all know, some men menstruate.”

Breitbart editors initially thought this claim was so absurd that we were being trolled with fake news. However, a previous interviewee, Emmett, corroborated the story saying, “It is certainly true that there are tampons and pads in men’s restrooms. To my understanding, there have been complaints that these were tossed away by men using the bathroom when no one was looking”

An image from a 2013 blog confirms that tampons are at least kept in the unisex bathrooms at Google:


Google Bathroom



Arthur mentioned that gender issues surrounding bathrooms were quite common. These issues were seemingly caused by Google’s in office gender quotas, “It occurs to me that another gender-related story is that there are literally hundreds of memes about the difficulty of finding a stall in a men’s room after lunch! This has been going on for years. The gender imbalance runs up against zoning codes that require equal numbers of men’s and women’s restrooms. So they can’t just build more men’s rooms.”

It’s extremely unsurprising that Google sacrifices the comfort of their employees in order to appease PC gender quotas but this information gives us further insight into the firing of James Damore for daring to question the companies workplace culture.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at

via Breitbart News

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Spain Brings 600 Mediterranean Migrants To Europe in 24 Hours in Busiest Day of 2017 So Far

Spain Brings 600 Mediterranean Migrants To Europe in 24 Hours in Busiest Day of 2017 So Far

17 Aug, 2017
17 Aug, 2017

MADRID (AP) – Spain’s maritime rescue service has saved more than 600 migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea from Morocco in the past 24 hours, making it one of its busiest days so far this year.

The service said it rescued 16 migrants early Thursday in the Strait of Gibraltar, a narrow passage that separates Spain from Morocco. On Wednesday, its vessels rescued 601 migrants, including two in a canoe and six in a beach paddle boat.

The service said of the 601, 432 migrants were rescued in the Strait and 169 further east in the Mediterranean. Some 550 of the migrants were from Maghreb countries of northwest Africa and the rest from sub-Saharan African countries.

More than 9,000 migrants have reached Spain by sea so far this year, more than the total for all of 2016.

The International Organization for Migration said one reason for the increase could be that the Mediterranean Sea crossing from Libya to Italy is seen as increasingly dangerous, due to lawlessness in Libya and stepped-up patrols by the Libyan coast guard. More migrants also reach Spain during good summer weather.

Tens of thousands of migrants from Africa attempt the perilous sea crossing to Europe in smugglers’ boats each year, with many drowning along the way.

In Spain’s case, many also try to enter Europe by scaling border fences surrounding Ceuta and Melilla, the country’s two North African enclaves.

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart London, Immigration, Europe Migrant Crisis, Spain


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U.S. Hiding Key Details of Mystery Attacks on American Diplomats in Cuba

U.S. Embassy in Havana

U.S. Embassy in Havana / Getty Images

August 17, 2017 12:25 pm

The number of U.S. government personnel targeted by a mysterious illness in Cuba last year is greater than the Trump administration has publicly acknowledged, according to multiple U.S. officials who told the Washington Free Beacon the Obama administration may have misled Congress about the full scope and nature of the attack.

U.S. officials disclosed earlier this month that six Americans were struck by a mystery illness believed to be caused by a covert sonic device in what many think was a clandestine operation targeting U.S. personnel stationed in the communist country.

The number of Americans impacted is greater than previously disclosed, according to multiple U.S. officials who told the Free Beacon that those suffering from symptoms of sonic damage appears to be more than 10.

“It’s definitely in the double digits,” one source told the Free Beacon.

The mysterious incident has roiled the relationship between the United States and Cuba and has raised more questions than answers in Congress, where lawmakers are finding their inquiries about the situation stymied.

Congress is scheduled to receive a brief on the matter Thursday afternoon and is seeking to have outstanding questions addressed, sources said.

In addition to the greater number of U.S. persons harmed by the sonic device, it is believed that some Americans stationed in Havana began experiencing symptoms months earlier than the State Department has publicly admitted, sources said.

While U.S. officials have publicly claimed the symptoms—which include severe hearing loss—began around December 2016, multiple sources told the Free Beacon some reported illness earlier. This raises new questions about the Obama administration’s handling of the incidents and whether they informed the required members of Congress about it in a timely manner, the sources said.

The symptoms associated with the sonic attack worsen with prolonged exposure, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly when the problems began and how many incidents may have occurred.

U.S. officials further confirmed to the Free Beacon that other Western diplomats suffered similar illnesses, prompting speculation the covert operation was not limited to targeting the United States. This includes Canadian diplomats and potentially others.

Many key lawmakers are concerned that the Obama administration delayed notifying Congress and may have downplayed the impact of the incidents in order to try to protect President Obama’s détente with Cuba.

The executive branch and the intelligence community are required to inform the so-called Gang of Eight—the top Republican and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate and the top Republicans and Democrats on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees—about developments with serious foreign policy or covert ramifications.

It’s unclear why the Trump administration waited until August to publicly acknowledge the illnesses. Key members of Congress were notified earlier this year, the State Department has said.

President Trump and his team spent the first half of the year evaluating Obama’s Cuba policy, and Trump announced revisions to it in mid-June that mostly included tighter travel restrictions, especially to hotels owned by the Cuban military. In May, Trump kicked two Cuban diplomats out of Washington over the incidents.

Key members of Congress and other critics want to know why the two diplomats Trump sent back to Cuba were junior members of the embassy team.

“If you wanted to send a real message you would ding the most senior members of their staff,” a source said.

Lawmakers also want answers to whether the Obama and Trump administrations accurately conveyed the incidents and the risk they posed to U.S. workers assigned to replace sick colleagues as part of their preparation for work in Havana and why the U.S. government never issued a travel warning to the U.S. public in response to the incidents.

One veteran foreign policy adviser who is close to the White House told the Free Beacon that the operation against the United States could have been run by any number of rogue actors operating in Cuba, though it is likely the Cuban government would be aware of such covert action.

“There’s no reason this has to be the Cubans,” the source said. “That place is a playground for some of the worst actors on the planet: Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and so on. U.S. adversaries and enemies have free rein there, which is one of the many reasons it was better to try to isolate Cuba than pretend they could be productively integrated into the international community.”

The Canadian government last week acknowledged that at least one of its diplomats also suffered from similar symptoms and experienced hearing loss, leading to speculation that Russia, instead of Cuba, was responsible for the sonic damage. Cuba doesn’t have an adversarial relationship with Canada but tensions are rising between Ottawa and Moscow over recent Canadian sanctions.

Cuba experts say the Castro government keeps such a close watch on foreigners on the island that it’s highly unlikely that Russians could act without the knowledge and even consent of the Cuban government.

The State Department so far has released only limited information about the incidents, with officials saying their investigation into exactly what took place and why is still ongoing. Last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson described the incidents as “health attacks.”

“We’ve not been able to determine who’s to blame,” he said.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert last week said the United States is still assessing the situation and “can’t blame any one country.”

“We have spoken extensively with the Cubans, as you know. The reason we had [the diplomats] leave is we said this is the agreement that the U.S. has with the Cuban government. They are responsible for the safety and security of our [diplomats]. They are not safe, they are not secure because something happened to them.”

She said the U.S. embassy in Havana, however, is “fully operational, fully staffed” but would not elaborate if all the posts have been filled for those diplomats who left in the wake of the incidents.

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Journalism? CNN Promotes SPLC’s Dangerous and Discredited ‘Hate Map’

In the aftermath of Charlottesville, when the term “hate group” is used, images of the KKK and neo-nazis immediately come to mind.

However, according to CNN, the real hate groups to watch out for are the conservative organizations, specifically Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the Family Research Council (FRC), American Family Association and ACT for America.

CNN copied the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) controversial and dangerous hate map, and posted a list organized by state and alphabetical order. At the top of the list for Arizona are ACT for America and the ADF. Later, at 12:43 pm, CNN took the list down but left the story and the link to SPLC up. Previously, they had a sentence that said, "Scroll down to see the hate groups that operate out of your state." 

CNN essentially reinforced the SPLC’s longstanding attacks against conservative groups. The SPLC hate map actually led to a shooting and an act of domestic terrorism.

The Family Research Council, described by the SPLC as “defaming gays and lesbians,” was attacked by Floyd Lee Corkins on August 15, 2012, who “wanted to kill as many people as possible” because the organization was listed as an anti-LGBTQ hate group on the SPLC map.

CNN reported this in February of 2013.

“Corkins — who had chosen the research council as his target after finding it listed as an anti-gay group on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center — had planned to stride into the building and open fire on the people inside in an effort to kill as many as possible, he told investigators, according to the court documents.”

CBS News described the resolution of the case in 2013: “Corkins pleaded guilty to three charges: interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, assault with intent to kill while armed and act of terrorism while armed, a charge based on the shooting being intended to intimidate anyone who is associated with or supports the Family Research Council and other organizations that oppose gay marriage.”

It’s not just about the SPLC’s campaign against FRC. The ADF has been attacked by the mainstream media networks again and again as an anti-LGBTQ hate group, specifically by ABC News in July. In a statement given to Newsbusters in July, Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel and Director of Communications Kerri Kupec said:

“Alliance Defending Freedom is one of the most respected and successful Supreme Court advocates in the legal profession, having won seven cases at the high court in the last seven years.

Southern Poverty Law Center spends its time and money attacking veterans, nuns, Muslims who oppose terrorism, Catholics, Evangelicals, and anyone else who dares disagree with its far-left ideology.

Meanwhile, ADF works every day to preserve and affirm free speech and the free exercise of religion for people from all walks of life and all backgrounds because we believe freedom is for everyone.”

There is a clear difference between the Alliance Defending Freedom and the American Nazi Party. These two groups should not be side by side on a hate map.

The ADF, founded in 1994, has been advocating for the right to freely practice Christian values in American society. Their website states, “Alliance Defending Freedom defends religious freedom and opposes all attempts to compel people to compromise their beliefs or retreat from civil and political life as the price for following their faith.”

That’s the hate speech aimed directly at the LGBTQ community, if you believe SPLC and CNN.

Even CNN acknowledged that the “hate map” was at the very least, controversial. “Some critics of the SPLC say the group’s activism biases how it categorizes certain groups. But since the FBI doesn’t keep track of domestic hate groups, the SPLC’s tally is the widely accepted one.”

By advocating for the SPLC and re-publishing its “hate group” map, CNN could be accused of encouraging the kind of violence and fear caused by the foiled Corkins attack. The New York Times and The Washington Post accepted a full page ad for the SPLC today.


In addition, ACT for America is also targeted on this list. SPLC calls ACT for America “the largest grassroots anti-Muslim group in America.” Nowhere on ACT for America’s site are Muslims mentioned. The real hate that SPLC feared is the fact that ACT for America calls themselves “the NRA of national security.”

As a thin veneer for balance, the list also includes the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers Groups. However, where these groups have been involved in violent incidents, the ADF, FRC, and ACT for America have not.

And even liberal media have recently attacked the SPLC as too extreme. POLITICO recently asked whether or not the group has pushed it’s civil rights credibility too far. Writer Ben Schreckinger actually called the founder of the SPLC “a little Trumpian,” the ultimate liberal insult. HBO talk show host Bill Maher admitted recently that he would join in a crowd-funded lawsuit against SPLC, according to the Washington Examiner.

CNN also promoted an SPLC map on Wednesday.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Atlanta Monument Meant to Champion Unity Desecrated by Protesters

Atlanta’s Peace Monument was damaged by protesters Sunday night, though it was erected in 1911 to urge reconciliation after the Civil War, not to celebrate the Confederacy.

The sculpture features an angel standing above a Confederate soldier, guiding him to lay down his weapon. Protesters traveled in Atlanta from Woodruff Park to Piedmont Park, where the Peace Monument is located, and some desecrated it, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The scene was only protected by one police officer, who was surrounded by black-clad Antifa protesters shouting "pig."

"I completely understand what happened," Thornton Kennedy, a sixth generation Atlantan who has taken his children to visit the monument many times to explain Atlanta’s history, told the Journal-Constitution. "It’s a statue that, to the observer, looks like a Confederate memorial."

Atlanta author Goldie Taylor tweeted, "The Peace Monument is NOT a Confederate memorial. It was erected to honor those who worked to reunify the country after Reconstruction."

The Journal-Constitution also reported that Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields expressed regret about how her officers dealt with protesters Sunday who defaced the statue.

"I feel like that we should have identified, removed, and arrested a couple of people earlier in the march, absolutely," Shields said in an interview with Channel 2 Action News.

Shields said that by the time it was clear arrests were necessary, "We couldn’t identify them. And that’s not acceptable. We have the intelligence, we have the probable cause, we need to take action."

The post Atlanta Monument Meant to Champion Unity Desecrated by Protesters appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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CNN’s Rye Calls for Washington, Jefferson Monuments to Come Down

As the left mobilizes mobs to tear down confederate statues (and peace monuments) from city-to-city, it was only a matter of time before they would be going after our Founding Fathers. On CNN Thursday morning, liberal analyst Angela Rye argued that our nation’s first president was as detestable as Robert E. Lee because he was a slave owner. “To me, I don’t care if it’s a George Washington statue or Thomas Jefferson, they all need to come down,” she said before ranting about America’s “very violent past.”

In a panel discussion with the Daily Beast’s John Avlon, journalist Farai Chideya and analysts Amanda Carpenter and Angela Rye, host Kate Bolduan asked her guests about Trump’s tweets, which questioned who was “next” on the left’s list of objectionable historical figures. Carpenter lamented that Trump was dividing the country into “choosing sides” over this confederate monument issue, and leaving a political dynamic that left “no room for moderation.”

Bolduan then asked Avlon if the comparison of George Washington to Robert E.Lee was valid.

It’s an idiotic comparison. I think it scratches an itch we have seen throughout a lot of American history,” Avlon began. “It falls apart on the fundamental level that George Washington devoted his life to trying to unite our nation. Confederate generals made a fateful decision to try to tear apart our nation and 6 million people died,” he said, before dismissing that Lee and Washington were on the same plane of moral equivalency.

Bolduan then went slightly off-topic with guest Farai Chideya, asking her about white nationalist’s beliefs that America needed to be taken back to the days of white supremacy, which Chideya dismissed as an inaccurate belief. “When they talk about the original America, it was already multicultural. There were already Latinos. There were already black people. If we are going to relitigate history, let’s start with that,” she said.

Coming back to the monuments debate, Bolduan asked Rye,“Is it about statues and monuments?”

Rye, the former executive director of the Congressional Black Caucus, brought the issue back to racism and America’s “very violent past that that resulted in the death and the raping and the killing of my ancestors,” which she said, was “protected” by George Washington:



RYE: We have to get to the heart of the problem here. The heart of the problem is the way many of us were taught American history. American history is not all glorious. I love John to death, I couldn’t disagree more about George Washington. George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are. Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not. He wasn’t protecting my freedom. I wasn’t someone–my ancestors weren’t deemed human beings to him. To me, I don’t care if it’s a George Washington statue or a Thomas Jefferson statue or a Robert E. Lee statue, they all need to come down. There is a way to recognize–I’m not — I’m not — no, no, no, but I’m not — I’m going to finish my point. I’m going to finish my point. I’m not feeding into white supremacy. I’m calling out white supremacy for what it is. And sometimes, what it is John, are blind spots. Sometimes what it is, is not acknowledging this country was built upon a very violent past that resulted in the death and the raping and the killing of my ancestors. I’m not going to allow us to say it’s okay for Robert E. Lee but not a George Washington. We need to call it what it is.

Rye then warned that we had to keep “teaching” about Washington because we were “very close” to being a nation of slavery again:

RYE: I don’t say they don’t deserve to be taught about, learn about it so we don’t repeat it because we are very close to repeating it right now. I’m not giving deference to George Washington or Robert E. Lee.

AVLON: Look. We have to be real careful here. What we are doing here is polarizing the conversation exactly in the direction that Donald Trump wants. We can obviously, the founding fathers were slave owners. The larger point is the perspective is key in American politics. While George Washington released his slaves upon his death bed, which was definitely too late,cold comfort for everybody and slavery is the original sin in our country that we’ve been dealing with fitfully– we need to confront more correctly. If you all of a sudden buy into the slippery slope argument that Donald Trump is presenting—

RYE: I don’t.

AVLON: That the Founding Fathers were the moral equivalent of confederate generals

RYE: I didn’t.

AVLON: I believe you just did.

RYE: I didn’t. I don’t think you liked what I said but that’s not what I said.

Chideya then tried to make the point that our heroes are “nuanced” and complex, and no one has to have led a perfect life to be considered a figure worthy of respect:

CHIDEYA: Can I throw one more thing in there. In my house, I have a portrait of George Washington and family. In that portrait is a man named William Lee. He is a black man who was — who worked with George Washington. He is depicted in the painting Washington crossing the Delaware. Yet, George Washington, this same man who I believe was a hero, also pursued his runaway slave, Ona. There’s a new book out called "Never Caught." George Washington was a complex man who was a hero, who validated William Lee, who served beside him and yet who pursued a runaway slave across America. I’m someone who can believe in the nuance of heroes. There are no people who are heroic who don’t have lead feet. So, I perhaps triangulating between both of you. I am obsessed with history. Let’s just dig into it. Let’s at least know now our history. I don’t think George Washington is a Robert E. Lee and I don’t think President Trump knows anything about history, he is using it as a blunt instrument for talking points to please white supremacists. That’s what I believe.

Rye is unfortunately not alone. What was once a fringe view is being embraced by the mainstream left, with more renewed calls for the takedown of anything erected to Washington or Jefferson. Celebrities are even equating any figure who owned slaves in our nation’s history to Osama Bin Laden.



via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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