Emails: Trump Campaign Aide Repeatedly Attempted to Set Up Russia Meetings

A young aide on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign attempted several times to set up a meeting between Trump and "Russian leadership," including President Vladimir Putin, according to internal campaign emails.

Three days after George Papadopoulos was named one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers in March 2016, he sent an email to seven other campaign officials with the subject line, "Meeting with Russian Leadership – Including Putin," the Washington Post reports.

The emails, which were read to the Post, were among more than 20,000 pages of documents that were transferred from the Trump campaign to congressional committees this month.

Papadopoulos was a volunteer for the campaign and had very little foreign policy experience. He had been in the Model U.N. program in college, from which he graduated in 2009.

Senior Trump campaign officials were uncomfortable with Papadopoulos’ March email, which offered to set up "a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump."

Sam Clovis, a campaign co-chairman, said that he wanted NATO allies to be consulted with first, while another Trump adviser, retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, said that such contacts could pose multiple legal issues, for potentially violating the Logan Act and American sanctions against Russia. Then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort was also against having Trump meet with Russian officials.

But Papadopoulos’ Russian contacts were enthusiastic about a potential meeting between Trump and Putin, according to the Post. Despite reservations from top campaign officials, Papadopoulos, a self-described energy consultant, sent at least six requests between March and September for Trump, as he turned from primary candidate to party nominee, or for members of his team to meet with Russian officials.

A spokesman for Manafort, Jason Maloni, said in a statement that these campaign emails provide "concrete evidence that the Russia collusion narrative is fake news," citing Manafort’s efforts to stop Trump-Russia meetings.

"Mr. Manafort’s swift action reflects the attitude of the campaign — any invitation by Russia, directly or indirectly, would be rejected outright," Maloni said.

The post Emails: Trump Campaign Aide Repeatedly Attempted to Set Up Russia Meetings appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

via Washington Free Beacon

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Discord Shuts Down Server

Discord Shuts Down Server

The move has drawn criticism from some users who believe the company should “let every1 have their own opinion even if its dumbaf.”

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Discord Alt-Right

Supporters of the alternative right are no longer welcome on the gaming app Discord.

In a Monday Twitter post, Discord announced it has shut down the server along with “a number of accounts associated with the events in Charlottesville.”

“Discord’s mission is to bring people together around gaming,” the Discord team wrote in a note posted on the microblogging service. “We’re about positivity and inclusivity. Not hate. Not violence.”

The team went on to say that they will “continue to take action against white supremacy, nazi ideology, and all forms of hate.” The move has drawn criticism from some users who believe the company should “let every1 have their own opinion even if its dumbaf.”

“Discord does not read people’s private conversations and censorship is a slippery slope,” the team said in response to that criticism. “We will take action when people violate our guidelines/ToS, and actively endorse violence against others.”

Another person argued that Discord should now “shut down far leftists, atifa, and black live matters servers” as well. In response, the team reiterated that it will “take action against any servers that are found to be violating our Guidelines and ToS, esp for inciting violence against people.”

The move comes after GoDaddy and Google this week both cut off access to white nationalist website The Daily Stormer, which has a history of posting racist and anti-Semitic content. Meanwhile, WordPress shut down the website of Vanguard America, one of the organizers of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally over the weekend.

Back in February, Reddit banned two alt-right discussion forums for violating its terms of service.

via Breaking News

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Skokie and Charlottesville: Compare and Contrast Nazi marches

Forty years ago, a Supreme Court decision won by the ACLU to permit a peaceful Nazi rally was celebrated as a triumph of free speech, even sparking two movies and stage production. What was different in Charlottesville? The desire of the left to inflict violence and obstruct free speech.

via American Thinker Blog

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Google Wars: You’re Next

To nice, nerdy James Damore’s surprise, Google does not want to engage in a discussion of how their hiring discrimination against white and Asian males can be justified.  Google’s corporate culture has been exposed as an Orwellian pig farm, where social justice warriors (SJWs) send daily missives on the correct way to think.  Those who express contrary opinions are bullied, sent to HR for reprogramming, fired and – not punished enough – put on Silicon Valley blacklists to ruin their careers.

Several managers have openly admitted to keeping blacklists of the employees in question, and preventing them from seeking work at other companies. There have been numerous cases in which social justice activists coordinated attempts to sabotage other employees’ performance reviews for expressing a different opinion. These have been raised to the Senior VP level, with no action taken whatsoever.

This would just one more sorry tale of progressive bullying, but for one thing.  This is the company that runs the largest search engine in the world.  Political bullying is supported and instigated by top management.  Groupthink is official HR policy.  These SJW Marxists are not content with a reign of terror within the company.  They are after your free speech on the internet.

Our Brave New World is in Silicon Valley, and is coming to you right now, with growing internet censorship of conservative viewpoints. 

Allum Bokhari has a series of must-read Breitbart Rebels of Google interviews with whistleblowers who have had enough:

AB:  Many people now fear that Google, Facebook, and other companies are moving to control and censor their content. Are these fears justified?

Hal: That is absolutely what Google is trying to do. The pro-censorship voices are very loud, and they have the management’s ear. The anti-censorship people are afraid of retaliation, and people are afraid to openly support them because everyone in their management chain is constantly signaling their allegiance to far-left ideology.

Google employees in the advertising department are trying to stop ads that support conservative websites.  They are fiddling with search engines “to demote results” to web content that is anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, or non-PC.

Think about Google blocking internet content that is anti-Communist. The progressive left is a euphemism for old left Marxists.  They are the ideological and often literal grandchildren of Stalinists. (As are Obama, Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod and Obama’s head of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, all red diaper babies).  No wonder tyrannical behavior comes to naturally to them.

Damore is not alone.  He is only the first casualty of Google’s war on free thought to make headlines.  The company immersion in leftist politics and punishment of rebels reached critical proportions in Obama’s second term.  Google is facing trial in November for an earlier complaint to the National Labor Relations Board.

(F)or interfering with employees’ legal right to discuss “workplace diversity and social justice initiatives.” The complaint alleges that Senior Vice President Urs Holzle and numerous managers in his organization actively stoked up witch hunts in 2015 and 2016 intended to muzzle low-level employees who raised concerns about the company’s practices.

Senior V.P. Urs Holzele is a prominent computer scientist and Google’s eighth hire, a power within the company.

Management is 100% behind hard-left employees mixing politics and politically correct crusades into the daily workflow and weekly digital “meetings.” Any dissent can lead to “humiliating forms of ‘training’ that resemble Maoist struggle sessions.”

The campus fascists are now in charge of the largest internet search engine on earth.  Google even has the same denial of due process for allegations of sexual harassment that grew out of the Obama’s DOJ weaponizing rape accusations on campus.

There have been a number of massive witch hunts where hundreds of SJWs mobilize across the corporate intranet to punish somebody who defied the Narrative. The first one I remember is when Kelly Ellis made unfounded allegations of sexual harassment against her former manager, and Google terminated the manager in response to the internal SJW outrage. This was similar in intensity to the current witch hunt. Anyone who sympathized with the manager’s plight or asked for any sort of due process was “counseled” by HR and told that they were creating a hostile workplace for women and minorities by sticking up for a harasser.

The influence of Marxist group Black Lives Matter now reigns at Google. 

According to Gordon, things took a turn for the worse when the Black Lives Matter ideology started to spread through the corporate culture.

“One thing that’s unusual about Google is that it is fine to harshly and even unprofessionally criticize managers and other teams. Before we became politicized, this seemed liberating. Then, when Black Lives Matter hysteria hit its peak, sometime in 2015, it became taboo to criticize identity politics, and later on, it became very dangerous to criticize any member of a minority group at all (even if the criticism had nothing to do with their identity).”

Wonder why the decent people at Google don’t speak up?  A group of them tried.  Thjey started a mailing list called freespeech – were accused by a female SJW of hate speech, and lost their jobs.

Google is run like a religious cult. Conform and carry out the rituals, and you’ll be rewarded and praised; ask any uncomfortable questions or offend the wrong people, and the threats and public shaming will be swift and ruthless. The religion in this case is a kind of intersectional feminism, its central tenets are Diversity and Inclusion, its demonic enemy is Bias, and its purifying rituals include humiliating forms of “training” that resemble Maoist struggle sessions.”

Google is the red line where our natural and Constitutional rights to freedom of thought and speech are defended.  Americans are sick of discrimination in the name of equality.  We want straight forward equality before the law – the same laws, the same rules, the same opportunities for everyone. 

Some of this can be done by directives from DOJ that our anti-discrimination laws apply equally to everyone.  Congress needs to protect us with new laws that ban race and gender based quotas, period. 

Employees need protection from being fired for political reasons.

As for Google, abusing their power to censor conservatives on the internet cannot be allowed.  Their monopoly is dangerous to our civil rights.  We need a Trump intervention.

Kurt Schlicter has a few useful things to say on this topic.  

It’s not hard to imagine that they’ll soon try and silence the rest of us. One way is by weaponizing the information they maintain on all of us from search histories, purchases, and even email, information that gives leftist hacks incredible leverage to intimidate and extort opponents. “Gee, Mr. Conservative, it’d sure be a pity if the world found out about your browser history ….”

Another Schlicter proposal is an “Algorithm Transparency Act” to ban internet companies from

…willful manipulation of the algorithms that determine what can and cannot be said and read… And “transparency” means allowing an army of Davids to dig through Facebook and Google’s code, finding out why things the tech leftists don’t want you to know are getting buried, and then feeding that info to trial lawyers.

Google’s Maoist company culture threatens us all.  We need new laws for this new age to protect freedom of speech and assembly in the digital realm.

To nice, nerdy James Damore’s surprise, Google does not want to engage in a discussion of how their hiring discrimination against white and Asian males can be justified.  Google’s corporate culture has been exposed as an Orwellian pig farm, where social justice warriors (SJWs) send daily missives on the correct way to think.  Those who express contrary opinions are bullied, sent to HR for reprogramming, fired and – not punished enough – put on Silicon Valley blacklists to ruin their careers.

Several managers have openly admitted to keeping blacklists of the employees in question, and preventing them from seeking work at other companies. There have been numerous cases in which social justice activists coordinated attempts to sabotage other employees’ performance reviews for expressing a different opinion. These have been raised to the Senior VP level, with no action taken whatsoever.

This would just one more sorry tale of progressive bullying, but for one thing.  This is the company that runs the largest search engine in the world.  Political bullying is supported and instigated by top management.  Groupthink is official HR policy.  These SJW Marxists are not content with a reign of terror within the company.  They are after your free speech on the internet.

Our Brave New World is in Silicon Valley, and is coming to you right now, with growing internet censorship of conservative viewpoints. 

Allum Bokhari has a series of must-read Breitbart Rebels of Google interviews with whistleblowers who have had enough:

AB:  Many people now fear that Google, Facebook, and other companies are moving to control and censor their content. Are these fears justified?

Hal: That is absolutely what Google is trying to do. The pro-censorship voices are very loud, and they have the management’s ear. The anti-censorship people are afraid of retaliation, and people are afraid to openly support them because everyone in their management chain is constantly signaling their allegiance to far-left ideology.

Google employees in the advertising department are trying to stop ads that support conservative websites.  They are fiddling with search engines “to demote results” to web content that is anti-Communist, anti-Islamist, or non-PC.

Think about Google blocking internet content that is anti-Communist. The progressive left is a euphemism for old left Marxists.  They are the ideological and often literal grandchildren of Stalinists. (As are Obama, Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod and Obama’s head of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, all red diaper babies).  No wonder tyrannical behavior comes to naturally to them.

Damore is not alone.  He is only the first casualty of Google’s war on free thought to make headlines.  The company immersion in leftist politics and punishment of rebels reached critical proportions in Obama’s second term.  Google is facing trial in November for an earlier complaint to the National Labor Relations Board.

(F)or interfering with employees’ legal right to discuss “workplace diversity and social justice initiatives.” The complaint alleges that Senior Vice President Urs Holzle and numerous managers in his organization actively stoked up witch hunts in 2015 and 2016 intended to muzzle low-level employees who raised concerns about the company’s practices.

Senior V.P. Urs Holzele is a prominent computer scientist and Google’s eighth hire, a power within the company.

Management is 100% behind hard-left employees mixing politics and politically correct crusades into the daily workflow and weekly digital “meetings.” Any dissent can lead to “humiliating forms of ‘training’ that resemble Maoist struggle sessions.”

The campus fascists are now in charge of the largest internet search engine on earth.  Google even has the same denial of due process for allegations of sexual harassment that grew out of the Obama’s DOJ weaponizing rape accusations on campus.

There have been a number of massive witch hunts where hundreds of SJWs mobilize across the corporate intranet to punish somebody who defied the Narrative. The first one I remember is when Kelly Ellis made unfounded allegations of sexual harassment against her former manager, and Google terminated the manager in response to the internal SJW outrage. This was similar in intensity to the current witch hunt. Anyone who sympathized with the manager’s plight or asked for any sort of due process was “counseled” by HR and told that they were creating a hostile workplace for women and minorities by sticking up for a harasser.

The influence of Marxist group Black Lives Matter now reigns at Google. 

According to Gordon, things took a turn for the worse when the Black Lives Matter ideology started to spread through the corporate culture.

“One thing that’s unusual about Google is that it is fine to harshly and even unprofessionally criticize managers and other teams. Before we became politicized, this seemed liberating. Then, when Black Lives Matter hysteria hit its peak, sometime in 2015, it became taboo to criticize identity politics, and later on, it became very dangerous to criticize any member of a minority group at all (even if the criticism had nothing to do with their identity).”

Wonder why the decent people at Google don’t speak up?  A group of them tried.  Thjey started a mailing list called freespeech – were accused by a female SJW of hate speech, and lost their jobs.

Google is run like a religious cult. Conform and carry out the rituals, and you’ll be rewarded and praised; ask any uncomfortable questions or offend the wrong people, and the threats and public shaming will be swift and ruthless. The religion in this case is a kind of intersectional feminism, its central tenets are Diversity and Inclusion, its demonic enemy is Bias, and its purifying rituals include humiliating forms of “training” that resemble Maoist struggle sessions.”

Google is the red line where our natural and Constitutional rights to freedom of thought and speech are defended.  Americans are sick of discrimination in the name of equality.  We want straight forward equality before the law – the same laws, the same rules, the same opportunities for everyone. 

Some of this can be done by directives from DOJ that our anti-discrimination laws apply equally to everyone.  Congress needs to protect us with new laws that ban race and gender based quotas, period. 

Employees need protection from being fired for political reasons.

As for Google, abusing their power to censor conservatives on the internet cannot be allowed.  Their monopoly is dangerous to our civil rights.  We need a Trump intervention.

Kurt Schlicter has a few useful things to say on this topic.  

It’s not hard to imagine that they’ll soon try and silence the rest of us. One way is by weaponizing the information they maintain on all of us from search histories, purchases, and even email, information that gives leftist hacks incredible leverage to intimidate and extort opponents. “Gee, Mr. Conservative, it’d sure be a pity if the world found out about your browser history ….”

Another Schlicter proposal is an “Algorithm Transparency Act” to ban internet companies from

…willful manipulation of the algorithms that determine what can and cannot be said and read… And “transparency” means allowing an army of Davids to dig through Facebook and Google’s code, finding out why things the tech leftists don’t want you to know are getting buried, and then feeding that info to trial lawyers.

Google’s Maoist company culture threatens us all.  We need new laws for this new age to protect freedom of speech and assembly in the digital realm.

via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website:

Mueller Raids Manafort’s Home – Because He Has Nothing

When Robert Mueller took the gig with the Department of Justice to lead the silent coup against the Trump administration, things looked great. 100% or close to it of the media was reporting different levels and incidents of “Russian collusion.”

Attorney general Jeff Sessions, a close Trump confidant, had recused himself. The deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, quickly buckled under media pressure to name a special counsel where no crime had been found and only an FBI counterintelligence investigation was taking place. No criminal investigation of the President, said the FBI director. Mueller had the chance to overturn an epic election mistake by uninformed American deplorables and be the darling of the swamp for a generation. How could he say no?

That was then, this is now.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men have not found Russian collusion with Trump. Even Mueller likely knows it, because he is now investigating everything but Russian collusion. You do not expand an investigation’s scope because you have found a deep vein of criminality tied to prima facie Russian collusion — if you did, you would be going deep into that vein.

Every week, more evidence comes out that the Democratic party computers were not hacked — something vital to the concept of the Russians stealing those emails and giving to them to WikiLeaks. The fundamental requirement that the Russians stole Democratic emails might have been overturned if the FBI looked at the servers — which they chose not to do. Who among us would be able to tell the FBI that we do not choose to give them our servers for an investigation? Which is what the DNC did, asserting that their own forensic group would make a finding.

Then the mysterious Seth Rich events play out. Seldom has the character so close to the event in question been so protected by family, media, police, and the FBI from showing possible ties to the critical initiating event.

Who was Seth Rich? He was the young man who appears to have downloaded the Democratic party emails and given them to WikiLeaks. When he was murdered, the police avoided any deep, comprehensive investigation.

A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, Seymour Hersh, commented in a recorded interview about clear evidence he saw from the FBI that Seth Rich was indeed the person who downloaded the emails — not the Ruskies.

Rich’s family threatened to sue anyone who even hints that they are going to get to the bottom of what happened.

Sean Hannity and Fox get shut down through threats of lawsuits and the organized Left’s movement to intimidate Hannity sponsors. Hannity has gone silent on any comments regarding Seth Rich. Why?

Then, on a quiet morning, a progressive magazine publishes a story that appears to tie it all together. The Nation delivers a very comprehensive, well-researched, and certainly nonpartisan study noting that top computer security people from previous administrations, all beyond reproach, used computer forensics to determine that the Democratic party computers were not hacked — someone downloaded the emails to a thumb drive. Someone inside — not likely a Russian.

They discover email metadata regarding the quantity and speed of the sinister download. Conclusion: no server in the country and certainly none outside the country could have downloaded so much information so fast. It is a physical impossibility. However, any thumb drive would meet this speed/data download requirement. And thumb drives require fingers — and thus an insider did it.

These forensic experts have shown, using physics, not opinions, that the Democratic party was not hacked; that someone inside downloaded the files and thus there was no Russian interference in this matter.

Scores of threads have been appearing that converge the stories that the Democratic party emails were downloaded by an insider (not Russians) and that Seth Rich was probably the insider. These threads are getting thicker by the day.

So back to our friend Bob Mueller.

The “Russians stole the emails” narrative is coming apart, removing any underlying support for collusion. Most dangerously, the foundation of the story — a hack of the Democratic party computers — is not going to hold up, because, as The Nation notes, physics do not lie. Oops, no initiating event.

What’s an inside-the-Beltway swamp creature to do in this situation?

Trump isn’t likely to fire him — which would have been a very good way out — a martyr for truth when there was no crime. The promise of becoming the modern-day Archibald Cox, a dazzling ornament at any cocktail party and a prize on any law firm masthead, is sliding out of reach.

The swamp creatures have faced this problem before and they found a clever solution. They went after Dick Cheney but, nothing there. So they created a crime with his chief of staff — Scooter Libby. They got Scooter on a made-up crime when they knew who actually did the deed — and never went there. “There” was the Colin Powell pal Richard Armitage, another swamp dweller.

So where to look for a crime? Where to find a technical violation? Where to find that piece of paperwork that was not properly filed?

Let’s dig into the 30-year portfolio of the man who represented the worst of the worst — Ferdinand Marcos, Jonas Savimbi, and Viktor Yanukovych, the deposed president of Ukraine.

That’s Paul Manafort, but unfortunately for Mueller, he is cooperating openly with the Congressional Russia investigation.

The swamp is not going to let witness cooperation become an obstacle.

Raid his house, knock on his bedroom door on a sleepy morning, scare the heck out of him and his family, and show him the swamp means business. The drama alone makes the story interesting.

So if Mueller cannot get Trump, and if there was probably never a crime because some internal Democratic operative — likely Seth Rich — just downloaded the files, well, there’s the Scooter Libby fallback.

If Mueller had anything, his team would perform the honorable leftist action and properly leak it to the Washington Post and New York Times. Instead, he raids the home of a cooperating witness with the full force and intimidation value of the United States Government.

This is what Mueller does when he has nothing better to leak and nowhere else to go.

When Robert Mueller took the gig with the Department of Justice to lead the silent coup against the Trump administration, things looked great. 100% or close to it of the media was reporting different levels and incidents of “Russian collusion.”

Attorney general Jeff Sessions, a close Trump confidant, had recused himself. The deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, quickly buckled under media pressure to name a special counsel where no crime had been found and only an FBI counterintelligence investigation was taking place. No criminal investigation of the President, said the FBI director. Mueller had the chance to overturn an epic election mistake by uninformed American deplorables and be the darling of the swamp for a generation. How could he say no?

That was then, this is now.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men have not found Russian collusion with Trump. Even Mueller likely knows it, because he is now investigating everything but Russian collusion. You do not expand an investigation’s scope because you have found a deep vein of criminality tied to prima facie Russian collusion — if you did, you would be going deep into that vein.

Every week, more evidence comes out that the Democratic party computers were not hacked — something vital to the concept of the Russians stealing those emails and giving to them to WikiLeaks. The fundamental requirement that the Russians stole Democratic emails might have been overturned if the FBI looked at the servers — which they chose not to do. Who among us would be able to tell the FBI that we do not choose to give them our servers for an investigation? Which is what the DNC did, asserting that their own forensic group would make a finding.

Then the mysterious Seth Rich events play out. Seldom has the character so close to the event in question been so protected by family, media, police, and the FBI from showing possible ties to the critical initiating event.

Who was Seth Rich? He was the young man who appears to have downloaded the Democratic party emails and given them to WikiLeaks. When he was murdered, the police avoided any deep, comprehensive investigation.

A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, Seymour Hersh, commented in a recorded interview about clear evidence he saw from the FBI that Seth Rich was indeed the person who downloaded the emails — not the Ruskies.

Rich’s family threatened to sue anyone who even hints that they are going to get to the bottom of what happened.

Sean Hannity and Fox get shut down through threats of lawsuits and the organized Left’s movement to intimidate Hannity sponsors. Hannity has gone silent on any comments regarding Seth Rich. Why?

Then, on a quiet morning, a progressive magazine publishes a story that appears to tie it all together. The Nation delivers a very comprehensive, well-researched, and certainly nonpartisan study noting that top computer security people from previous administrations, all beyond reproach, used computer forensics to determine that the Democratic party computers were not hacked — someone downloaded the emails to a thumb drive. Someone inside — not likely a Russian.

They discover email metadata regarding the quantity and speed of the sinister download. Conclusion: no server in the country and certainly none outside the country could have downloaded so much information so fast. It is a physical impossibility. However, any thumb drive would meet this speed/data download requirement. And thumb drives require fingers — and thus an insider did it.

These forensic experts have shown, using physics, not opinions, that the Democratic party was not hacked; that someone inside downloaded the files and thus there was no Russian interference in this matter.

Scores of threads have been appearing that converge the stories that the Democratic party emails were downloaded by an insider (not Russians) and that Seth Rich was probably the insider. These threads are getting thicker by the day.

So back to our friend Bob Mueller.

The “Russians stole the emails” narrative is coming apart, removing any underlying support for collusion. Most dangerously, the foundation of the story — a hack of the Democratic party computers — is not going to hold up, because, as The Nation notes, physics do not lie. Oops, no initiating event.

What’s an inside-the-Beltway swamp creature to do in this situation?

Trump isn’t likely to fire him — which would have been a very good way out — a martyr for truth when there was no crime. The promise of becoming the modern-day Archibald Cox, a dazzling ornament at any cocktail party and a prize on any law firm masthead, is sliding out of reach.

The swamp creatures have faced this problem before and they found a clever solution. They went after Dick Cheney but, nothing there. So they created a crime with his chief of staff — Scooter Libby. They got Scooter on a made-up crime when they knew who actually did the deed — and never went there. “There” was the Colin Powell pal Richard Armitage, another swamp dweller.

So where to look for a crime? Where to find a technical violation? Where to find that piece of paperwork that was not properly filed?

Let’s dig into the 30-year portfolio of the man who represented the worst of the worst — Ferdinand Marcos, Jonas Savimbi, and Viktor Yanukovych, the deposed president of Ukraine.

That’s Paul Manafort, but unfortunately for Mueller, he is cooperating openly with the Congressional Russia investigation.

The swamp is not going to let witness cooperation become an obstacle.

Raid his house, knock on his bedroom door on a sleepy morning, scare the heck out of him and his family, and show him the swamp means business. The drama alone makes the story interesting.

So if Mueller cannot get Trump, and if there was probably never a crime because some internal Democratic operative — likely Seth Rich — just downloaded the files, well, there’s the Scooter Libby fallback.

If Mueller had anything, his team would perform the honorable leftist action and properly leak it to the Washington Post and New York Times. Instead, he raids the home of a cooperating witness with the full force and intimidation value of the United States Government.

This is what Mueller does when he has nothing better to leak and nowhere else to go.

via American Thinker

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The Truth About Robert E. Lee That Liberals Hope You Never Hear


The Truth About Robert E. Lee That Liberals Hope You Never Hear

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The removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee was the flashpoint that brought white supremacists to Charlottesville, Virginia, and reignited a national debate over Confederate monuments. But what do most Americans know about the Confederate general?

Not enough, says George Rasley, editor of Conservative HQ — especially racists want to use Lee as a symbol of white supremacy and liberals want to see him erased from American history. In a Conservative HQ n op-ed titled “Misusing Robert E. Lee,” Rasley argues that both sides in the debate over Lee’s legacy miss that he opposed slavery and helped end the Civil War before it turned into a bloody guerrilla war.

Knowing Lee’s place in history is important, particularly as the left seeks to use him as a symbol of division. Progressives know that Lee has many defenders — and they also know that conservatives who stand up for Lee’s memory can be falsely painted as apologists for slavery and the old order of the Confederacy.

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Yet, few involved in the debate actually know Lee’s complicated history.

Offered a position as the commander of the Union forces, Rasley points out, “Lee refused the command on the grounds that he was a Virginian and owed his first allegiance to the state he believed was a sovereign entity with the right to stay in or leave the Union as it saw fit. He would, he said, not make war on the Union, but he would defend the state of his birth.”

However, when Virginia seceded, the general felt his sympathies residing with his home state. “I shall never bear arms against the Union, but it may be necessary for me to carry a musket in the defense of my native state, Virginia, in which case I shall not prove recreant to my duty,” he said.

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As for his feelings on slavery, Rasley notes that “(w)hile Lee espused the paternalistic attitudes many Nineteenth Century Americans felt toward Africans, it certainly wasn’t because he believed slavery was just.” In fact, what Lee said about slavery may surprise a number of people who aren’t familiar with Lee’s views on the matter… [CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE]

via Conservative Tribune

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Mother of Charlottesville Victim Silences Trump-Hating Media With 1 Message

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Ever since President Donald Trump first made his statement condemning the Charlottesville terror attack, the media has been pouncing on it. To hear most reporters and pundits, it was almost as if the statement were the real tragedy, as opposed to the death of Heather Heyer and the destruction that violent thugs wrought on the city of Charlottesville, Virginia.

Heyer’s mother, however, has a different story to tell. In a statement released to the media, she thanked the president for his stand against hatred and bigotry.

“Thank you, President Trump, for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred,” Susan Bro, Heyer’s mother, said.

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“My condolences, also, to the grieving families of the two state troopers and quick recovering for those injured.”

Bro’s statement came after the president’s remarks Monday in which he further condemned the violence and hatred on display in Virginia this weekend.

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“Racism is evil,” Trump said. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

“Two days ago, a young American woman, Heather Heyer, was tragically killed. Her death fills us with grief, and we send her family our thoughts, our prayers, and our love,” he continued. “We also mourn the two Virginia state troopers who died in service to their community, their commonwealth, and their country. Troopers Jay Cullen and Burke Bates exemplify the very best of America, and our hearts go out to their families, their friends, and every member of American law enforcement.

“These three fallen Americans embody the goodness and decency of our nation. In times such as these, America has always shown its true character: responding to hate with love, division with unity, and violence with an unwavering resolve for justice.”

Yet, this is exactly what the media efused to report on, instead sticking with the insane narrative that the president was indifferent to the pain and suffering of the victims of Saturday’s violence — if not stoking the insane conspiracy theory that he was somehow in league with the rabble marching in Virginia.

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Regardless of whether you feel the president went far enough with his first statement, it’s somewhat fatuous to say that this was deliberate. There’s no evidence, except of the most base and conspiratorial sort, to suggest that his original failure to mention white supremacists wasn’t a mistake. Now, even the victim’s mother has thanked the president for his statement. Talk about a narrative-changer.

H/T The Gateway Pundit

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via Conservative Tribune

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ESPN’s Kornheiser: Why Play the National Anthem at Sporting Events?

ESPN’s Kornheiser: Why Play the National Anthem at Sporting Events?

14 Aug, 2017
14 Aug, 2017

Monday while reacting to NFL players Michael Bennett and Marshawn Lynch sitting for the national anthem before preseason games last week, ESPN “Pardon the Interruption” co-host Tony Kornheiser questioned the purpose of even playing the “The Star Spangled Banner” at professional sporting events.

“If you don’t want to stand for the anthem, you don’t have to,” Kornheiser said. “A lot of times I say it in half jest, but I’m getting to the point where it’s not even half jest anymore. I don’t even know why they play the anthem. I mean, play the Beach Boys. I like the Beach Boys.”

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Breitbart Sports, Breitbart TV, Colin Kaepernick, ESPN, Marshawn Lynch, Michael Bennett, National Anthem, Pardon the Interruption, Tony Kornheiser


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Reporters Horrified After President Shares Meme of ‘Trump Train’ Hitting CNN

Reporters Horrified After President Shares Meme of ‘Trump Train’ Hitting CNN

15 Aug, 2017
15 Aug, 2017

President Donald Trump retweeted a meme shared by one of his supporters Tuesday morning, showing a cartoon “Trump Train” running into a person with CNN’s logo for a head.

“Fake news can’t stop the Trump Train,” the text of the cartoon meme read.

Trump’s decision to share the image triggered outrage from reporters, who compared it to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville.

The president’s Twitter account undid the retweet later in the morning.

The meme is taken from a Gary Varvel cartoon of Democrats unsuccessfully trying to stop the “Trump Train.”

via Breitbart News

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