78% Of Those Not Planning To Get Vaccinated Unlikely To Change Their Mind: Gallup

78% Of Those Not Planning To Get Vaccinated Unlikely To Change Their Mind: Gallup

By Jeffrey Jones of Gallup

Seventy-six percent of U.S. adults say they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or plan to be, a number that has been stable over the past three months but is higher than in late 2020 and early 2021.

As of the May 18-23 survey, 60% of U.S. adults report they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, 4% have been partially vaccinated, 12% plan to be vaccinated and 24% do not plan to be vaccinated.

Among those not planning to be vaccinated, 78% say they are unlikely to reconsider their plans, including 51% who say they are "not likely at all" to change their mind and get vaccinated. That leaves one in five vaccine-reluctant adults open to reconsidering, with 2% saying they are very likely and 19% saying they are somewhat likely to change their mind and get vaccinated — equivalent to 5% of all U.S. adults.

Last week, the Biden administration announced plans to increase efforts to achieve its goal of having 70% of adults at least partially vaccinated by the Fourth of July holiday. With 64% already vaccinated, that goal seems within reach if half of the 12% planning to get vaccinated follow through, even if none of those not planning to get vaccinated change their mind. The administration’s efforts include outreach to citizens, offers of free childcare, and incentives such as free air travel and free sports tickets.

States are also trying creative approaches to encourage those who are reluctant to get vaccinated, including offering lottery prizes of varying amounts, savings bonds, free amusement park tickets and free hunting and fishing licenses.

The brewer Anheuser-Busch is offering Americans free beer if the nation meets Biden’s goal.

Gallup’s data suggest the ceiling on vaccination could be about 80% of U.S. adults. That would include the 76% who are already vaccinated or plan to be plus the 5% who do not plan to get vaccinated but say they are at least somewhat likely to change their mind.

A steady 53% of U.S. adults say they are worried about people choosing not to get vaccinated, including 25% who are very worried. It is now the public’s greatest worry about the virus by a wide margin, surpassing concerns about lack of social distancing in their area (27%), availability of local hospital resources and supplies (11%), and availability of coronavirus tests in their area (5%),

Reasons for Not Getting Vaccinated Vary

Gallup’s March and April COVID-19 surveys found no dominant reason among vaccine-reluctant individuals for their intention not to get vaccinated. The most common reasons given were wanting to confirm the vaccine was safe (23%) and a belief they would not get seriously ill from the virus (20%). Slightly fewer expressed concerns about the timeline for developing the vaccine (16%) or mistrust of vaccines in general (16%). Ten percent said they already have immunity because they have had COVID-19, while 10% cite allergies or concern about allergies as the reason they do not plan to get vaccinated.

The one in four vaccine-reluctant adults are not distributed equally across major demographic groups:

  • About half of Republicans, 46%, compared with 31% of independents and 6% of Democrats, do not plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Americans without a college degree are much more likely than college graduates to be vaccine-hesitant, 31% to 12%.

  • Vaccine hesitancy is more common among middle-aged Americans (33% of those between the ages of 35 and 54) than among younger (22%) and older Americans (20%).

Bottom Line

Widespread COVID-19 vaccination has undoubtedly been a major reason behind the steep decline in infections and deaths from the disease in the U.S. in recent months. The rate of vaccinations has slowed down considerably in recent weeks, now that most Americans who wanted to get vaccinated have done so. Further increasing the proportion of vaccinated adults in the population will be a challenge, as the remaining vaccine-willing population may be less eager to get their shots. They may also face practical or logistical challenges to getting vaccinated, something vaccine administrators are attempting to overcome by offering walk-in appointments at pharmacies and health centers, on-site vaccination for employees at work sites, travelers at airports, and in churches. Incentives may also encourage those who are less motivated to get the vaccine to do so.

However, these efforts seem unlikely to convince the nearly one in five Americans who do not plan to get vaccinated and say they are unlikely to change their mind. Still, having somewhere between 65% and 80% of the public vaccinated, in addition to the unvaccinated Americans who have had and recovered from COVID-19, may be enough to ensure that Americans can largely return to their pre-pandemic lives without fear of getting sick or contributing to further spread of the disease.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 06/08/2021 – 19:25

via ZeroHedge News

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Mike Rowe Sounds Off On Democrats’ ‘Free College’ Agenda: ‘Profound Unfairness’

Host Mike Rowe this weekend ripped into the Democrats’ push for all young Americans to attend four-year colleges, and their efforts to make such education “free” or funded by taxpayers.

Rowe was responding to a question from a fan who noted of liberal HBO host Bill Maher’s recent anti-college rant that he said mirrored many points Rowe has been arguing for years. During the segment, Maher notably said higher education institutions “have turned into giant luxury daycare centers with overpaid babysitters” and stated that he’s “not f***ing paying” for so-called “free” college.

Here’s the question posed to Rowe from a fan named Tim Boyer:

Mike – Bill Maher’s current rant on higher ed is almost identical to everything you’ve been saying for the last thirteen years through mikeroweWORKS. I mean, like, literally identical. How do you feel? Ripped off? Flattered? Or maybe, a bit disturbed that you and Bill Maher see eye to eye on more than a few issues here of late…

“If I were to learn that Bill Maher used mikeroweWORKS as a resource for the contents of his most recent rant, I’d be nothing but flattered,” Rowe responded. “I built mikeroweWORKS, in part anyway, to be a resource for people who wanted to reconsider the conventional wisdom that college is the best path for the most people. However, everything I believe to be true regarding that issue, I’ve learned from researching the work of others.”

The “Dirty Jobs” host said that he believes that “making taxpayers pay the tuition of those who wish to attend a university” is “profound unfairness,” adding that such a point has been made by others better than he could make it.

“I want people to radically rethink higher education,” Rowe continued. “Toward that end, I’ve always maintained that making a four-year degree ‘less expensive’ is a great symptom, but a lousy goal. The better goal is to make a four-year degree less necessary than it currently is. That’s not an ‘anti-education’ position. It’s a cry for rationality, proportionality, and common sense. The vast, overwhelming majority of jobs that require a diploma from a four-year school, should not. Some should, but most should not. When it comes to learning, we can’t keep presenting the most expensive path – college – as ‘the best path for the most people.’ And we can’t make college cheaper by asking everyone else to pay for it. That’s part of what makes the whole proposition a ‘racket.’”

“Bill Maher seems to agree, so I’m happy to share his video on this page,” he wrote. “Does this mean I agree with everything in the video or everything he says? Of course not. But he’s reaching an audience that I don’t have, with a message that I firmly support. For that reason, I hope his message has a lasting impact, regardless of where it originated.”

Rowe noted that he’s “highlighted several of Bill’s recent rants” on his Facebook page because the liberal host is “speaking what I believe to be the truth to a large audience that probably doesn’t want to hear it.”

“That makes him credible,” he said. “But it’s also true that the most persuasive people don’t care who gets the credit – especially when it comes to changing hearts and minds. And that’s what’s really at stake here.”

Closing the post, Rowe added: “In the attached video, Bill mentions a stat that I had never heard. ‘In 1960,’ he says, ‘15% of college students received an ‘A.’ Today, that number is 45%. That’s not because college graduates are getting smarter…’ I’ll definitely be quoting that one down the road!”

Daily Wire emeritus Ben Shapiro commented on the viral post with his own message, “Spot on from Mike on this. It is indeed a racket,” he wrote. “If we forced colleges who scammed millions of Americans into degrees in Useless Theory Masquerading As Valuable Life Skills to grant refunds… I bet that would end the grift right quick.”

The comment from Shapiro has already racked up more than 30,000 “likes.”

Related: Bill Maher Blasts Biden’s Idea Of Free College: ‘I’m Not F***ing Paying For That’

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

via The Daily Wire

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#RacistHunter trends on Twitter over report Hunter Biden used N-word in multiple texts to lawyer

Hunter Biden is back in the limelight following a report Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s son used the N-word multiple times while texting back and forth with his attorney.

The revelation led the hashtag #RacistHunter to trend on Twitter.

What are the details?

The Daily Mail claimed in an exclusive report to have obtained the text messages between Biden and corporate lawyer George Mesires from Biden’s abandoned laptop. Screenshots purportedly show Biden used the shortened slang version of the racial epithet a number of times during their banter.

According to the Mail, Mesires is white.

Images showed that Biden texted Mesires in December 2018, "’how much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates."

"That made me snarf my coffee," Mesires replied, to which Biden responded, "That’s what im saying ni…," cutting off the text.

In another exchange, Biden asks Mesires, "Where do you find unconditional love then George," and the attorney replies, "God loves you unconditionally. Beau loves you unconditionally. Children are too young to understand what it means. But you will show them. There are ideals of unconditional lovve that serve as proxies. I don’t have many. You. God."

"OMG n***a did you just a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened and my dead brothers (sic) unconditional love is what I should rely on and my kids aren’t children George," Biden replied.

The two went on to apparently joke back and forth, with Biden texting "my penis as of late has been unconditional" and "I only love you because you’re black." He also replied to Mesires, "True dat n***a."

Biden had also reportedly saved a meme on his laptop with the image of a hug between his father and former President Barack Obama, where a fictional script shows Joe Biden telling the former president, "You my n***a, Barack."

As The Daily Mail’s story was reposted countless times on Twitter, #RacistHunter became a trending topic on the platform.

Donald Trump Jr. retweeted the story with the hashtag along with the message, "Hunter Biden used the n-word multiple times in casual conversation, text messages show."

Pro-Trump Republican organizer Scott Presler tweeted, "Joe Biden’s son used the n-word multiple times in text messages with his lawyer. I wonder where he learned that. Like father, like son. To our global community & people of color, we apologize for the first family — a worldwide embarrassment. #RacistHunter."

Joe Biden’s son used the n-word multiple times in text messages with his lawyer. I wonder where he learned that.… https://t.co/0hlkVLBMaJ

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) 1623187683.0

Another user wrote, "#RacistHunter is trending and I’m not surprised, his dad idolized KKK member ‘Robert Byrd’ and even spoke at his funeral. He was a leader of a hate group that loved using the n-word to insult black people."

Multiple users also accused Twitter of suppressing the search results for the hashtag "#RacistHunter," posting apparent screenshots showing there were "no results" for the term.

Others defended Biden.

One person tweeted, "Hunter Biden Is a recovering addict. I am sure he has said things he regrets. He is not President nor does he work for us. He is a private citizen who is being targeted by political operative. sick and sad #RacistHunter is targeting a private citizen @twitter."

But some people used humor to react to the story, with the Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Simonson tweeting, "Hunter Biden will never be editor of teen vogue now."

Hunter biden will never be editor of teen vogue now

— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) 1623189856.0

Anything else?

The New York Post — the publication that first reported on some of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop ahead of the 2021 presidential election and was quickly censored by Twitter — also reported on The Mail’s revelations.

The Post added:

President Biden himself has a long history of using racially charged language. In 2006, he told one voter that "You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent". The following year, he described Obama, then a fellow candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, as "the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean."

Just last year, Biden told "Breakfast Club" radio show host Charlemagne Tha God that "if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."

via Conservative Review

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Judge Reinstates VA Teacher Suspended For Refusing To Affirm Trans Identity For Kids, Calls School Response ‘Vindictive’

A Loudoun County, Virginia, elementary school teacher who was placed on administrative leave in May for refusing to affirm transgender identity in children was reinstated by a judge Tuesday.

Byron “Tanner” Cross, who teaches physical education at Leesburg Elementary School, secured a temporary injunction from Judge James Plowman in his lawsuit against Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), according to an announcement from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which defended him.

“BREAKING: Tanner Cross, a Virginia elementary school teacher and ADF client who was suspended for raising concerns to the board about a proposed gender policy, has won a temporary injunction and the judge has ordered his reinstatement,” ADF tweeted. “A massive victory for freedom of speech.”

Local WTOP reporter Neal Augenstein reported that Plowman found the “school system’s suspension was unconstitutional” and its handling of the situation was “vindictive.” The school argued that it suspended Cross not for his beliefs but because of the “disruption” he allegedly caused, but Plowman said there was “simply an absence of evidence” that any disruption to school operations took place.

Cross retained the legal counsel of ADF after he made national news for his speech to the school board regarding its proposed policies governing the gender identity of students. Citing his Christian faith, Cross asserted that he would not be conforming to any school district policy that demands LCPS staff use preferred pronouns and “allow gender-expansive and transgender students to participate in such activities in a manner consistent with the student’s gender identity.”

“I love all of my students but I will never lie to them regardless of the consequences. I’m a teacher but I serve God first and I will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion, it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God,” Cross said in part.

Related: ‘It’s Demonic’: Concerned Mothers Mourn How Trans Movement Is ‘Devouring’ Sons, Find Solace In Secret Online Group

According to an email obtained by Fox News via the group Parents Against Critical Theory, Cross was placed on leave from Leesburg Elementary School two days after his statement. Shortly thereafter he sued the school district and was represented by ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer.

“Public schools have no business compelling teachers to express ideological beliefs that they don’t hold, nor do they have the right to suspend someone simply for respectfully providing their opinion at a public meeting,” Langhofer said. “The school district favors a certain set of beliefs on a hotly contested issue, and it wants to force Tanner to cry uncle and endorse them as well. That’s neither legal nor constitutional, and neither was the school’s move to place Tanner on leave.”

ADF further explained in a press release:

The bottom line is that the school district can’t use teachers as a mouthpiece to promote a political agenda that violates their beliefs. But that is exactly what it is trying to do. And when Tanner used his constitutional right to speak up against the policy, officials punished him, propping him up as an example and sending the message that teachers must toe the ideological line or face the consequences.

It must stop.

The debate over the school’s policy is about much more than pronouns. It’s about scientific truth. It’s whether the government can force an individual to endorse an ideology that conflicts with his beliefs.

And Tanner’s case is about something even more important: it’s about whether we have the right to voice dissenting opinions to our elected officials at all. Not everyone will agree with Tanner about what the school’s policy should be. But, in a free society, everyone must have the right to make their case to their elected officials about what the policy should be.

There’s a lot at stake.

Related: 60 Minutes Runs Explosive Segment Featuring Young Transgender Individuals Who Decided To Reverse Course

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

via The Daily Wire

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Republicans Win Big in Texas Mayoral Races With Increased Latino Support

Republicans swept Texas’ mayoral elections over the weekend, relying on increased Hispanic support to win in large and mid-sized cities alike.

In Forth Worth, a city of just over 1 million, 37-year-old Republican Mattie Parker cruised to victory against Democrat Deborah Peoples, making her the youngest mayor in the city’s history, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. In McAllen, a border town of approximately 150,000 where 85% of residents are Hispanic, Republican Javier Villalobos became the first GOP mayor elected since 1997, Valley Central News reported.


Republicans were also victorious in Arlington, a suburb of 400,000 just outside Forth Worth. GOP candidate Jim Ross, a former police officer in the city, beat the Democratic candidate after campaigning on an anti-crime platform and earning endorsements from several police groups, according to the Star-Telegram.

In May, Republicans also triumphed in the special election in Texas’ 6th Congressional District, with two GOP candidates advancing to a runoff to succeed the late Rep. Ron Wright and boxing Democrats out of the race completely, the Texas Tribune reported.

Villalobos’ win in the overwhelmingly-Democratic Rio Grande Valley follows President Joe Biden’s 15-point victory in the region in November’s presidential election, down from Hillary Clinton’s 39-point victory in 2016.

“Democrats have a big problem in Texas,” Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Texas, who represents the region, told the Texas Tribune in January. “For the first time in generations, or maybe ever, we lost … South Texas counties with significant Hispanic populations.”

Vela was appointed as the vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee just days earlier as part of the party’s effort to reverse its slide among Hispanic voters. Former President Donald Trump won nearly a third of Latino voters nationwide, up more than four points from 2016, according to exit polls.

Republicans’ victories in Texas came as major Democratic groups released an extensive report warning that the party is at risk of losing the support of voters of color.

“The party is at risk of losing ground with Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters unless it does a better job presenting an economic agenda and countering Republican efforts to spread misinformation and tie all Democratic candidates to the far left,” the report said, acknowledging that Republican criticism of the left’s stance on crime and police was effective. “The opposition latched on to G.O.P. talking points, suggesting our candidates would ‘burn down your house and take away the police.’”

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Burger King mocks Chick-fil-A in tweet announcing pro-LGBTQ campaign for Pride Month — and the backlash is brutal

By the end of June, Chick-fil-A just might be thanking Burger King for mocking the chicken sandwich giant.

What happened?

Burger King in a tweet last Thursday said it’s making a donation to the Human Rights Campaign — a prominent pro-LGBTQ group — for every Ch’King sandwich sold.

Burger King added that the campaign runs through Pride Month and "even on Sundays" — a not-so-subtle rip at Chick-fil-A’s long-standing policy of staying closed that day, which reflects the Christian values of Chick-fil-A’s founding family.

the #ChKing says LGBTQ+ rights! during #pride month (even on Sundays ?) your chicken sandwich craving can do good… https://t.co/GAbV6n9zO1

— Burger King (@BurgerKing) 1622768521.0

Burger King added a tweet saying 40 cents of every Ch’King sold will go the HRC and cap with a maximum donation of $250,000.

"This is a community we love dearly and have proudly supported over the years, so we couldn’t miss an opportunity to take action and help shine a light on the important conversation happening," a Burger King spokesperson said in statement to USA Today.

The paper added that efforts to boycott Chick-fil-A have recently heated up, and it cited a Daily Beast story that identifies Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy as a donor to the National Christian Charitable Foundation, which reportedly is trying to derail the pro-LGBTQ Equality Act.

How did folks react?

A number of Twitter users were more than a little annoyed at Burger King’s announcement — and particularly its mockery of Chick-fil-A:

  • "Since you felt the need to openly show your support to that I’m openly denouncing eating at your chain for the entire month of June!!!" one commenter said. "People don’t have to agree with [the] LGBTQ lifestyle or support it. So keep your chicken sandwich!!! I stand with @ChickfilA."
  • "So, While @BurgerKing is respecting LGBTQ+ rights, they are simultaneously disparaging the holy day of over 2 billion Christians around the world," a user observed. "Bet they wouldn’t do that to other religious groups."
  • ‘1st off, the reason why Chick-fil-A isn’t open on Sundays is because of the Sabbath, and they want employees to spend time with their family. 2nd you wouldn’t have made this tweet if Chick-fil-A was a Muslim establishment. 3rd BK Chicken sandwiches can’t touch Chick-fil-A sandwiches," another commenter declared.
  • "I can’t remember the last time I ate your salty, fatty ‘food,’ but this guarantees I never will again," another user announced.
  • "10 of your crap stores don’t do the sales of ONE Chick-fil-A. Keep up the nonsense," another user said. "How about making decent food and shutting your mouth?"
  • "I [support] the freedom to be who you are sexually, gender, or color, but since you chose to get in the middle of politics you just lost a customer," another commenter told Burger King, before asking, "Have you looked at the [Chick-fil-A] lines at noon vs BK? #wokebroke."
  • ‘I order two Chick-fil-A sandwiches on Saturday. I save one, and then I eat a cold one on Sunday," another user told Burger King. "Still 100x than your garbage."

Others pointed out that Burger King’s campaign is nothing more than a marketing ploy — and that if it really supported the LBGTQ community, it would donate a lot more money.

And who can blame commenters who pointed out some recent Burger King missteps?

Image source: Twitter

Image source: Twitter

Anything else?

In November 2019, Chick-fil-A announced it would no longer donate to the Salvation Army or other groups that some deem "anti-LGBTQ" — and some serious backlash resulted.

A couple of months later Cathy said he regretted "discrediting" faith-based organizations by cutting charitable donations to them.

via Conservative Review

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Whitlock: Faith conquers fear, powers the American dream, and fuels my Blaze Media project

In the absence of religious faith, fear reigns and freedom recedes.

Discerning the origin of the current, fear-based American social climate is not difficult. Don’t blame scientists in China for releasing the angst virus assaulting traditional American liberties.

Blame the tech engineers operating in Silicon Valley laboratories. They invented the social media apps that amplify fear and empower "cancel culture," the nuclear weapons dislodging America from its Judeo-Christian values.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey are Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Douglas S. MacArthur ending America’s 60-year culture war with an unparalleled bombing campaign. What started with President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society initiative is closing with repression of speech, corporate media propaganda, and an evisceration of America’s Judeo-Christian ethos.

Facebook and Twitter finished the mission of turning America secular, godless, and shamelessly immoral. The apps allegedly intended to bring us together have torn us apart. We should not be surprised. The apps urge self-worship, celebrity worship, and consumerism, which lead to hedonism, idolatry, and materialism.

A secular society always produces chaos and division.

Photo courtesy Jason Whitlock

Branded as racists, Uncle Toms, coons, homophobes, transphobes, hypocrites, and misogynists, American Christians fear publicly identifying themselves by their faith. They’ve placed their political identity and racial identity above their religious identity.

They’re conservatives. Or Republicans. Or nationalists, both white and black. Or libertarians. Or liberals. Or social justice activists. Or, worse, Trump supporters and Trump resisters.

They avoid saying the name that made John Brown and Frederick Douglass abolitionists, compelled Thomas Jefferson to write that "all men are created equal," comforted Union soldiers during the Civil War, and inspired Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream. They avoid directly referring to the name that made America great in the first place, the name that forced us to overcome our superficial differences and transform those differences into our greatest strength.


He’s been canceled, crucified by a toxic secular culture that bullies His believers with threats to expose their sins on the Satan-con Valley social media platforms and/or the Satan-con Valley-catering corporate media outlets.

Fear is the enemy of truth, freedom, and the American dream.

I signed a contract to partner with Blaze Media on a digital media project dedicated to pushing back against the corporate-supported, systematic effort to undermine America through racial division and fear. I joined Blaze Media because I wanted to partner with people who wouldn’t look at me funny when I referred to Jesus as part of my journalistic worldview and platform.

I joined Blaze Media because Glenn Beck smiled when I said Jesus is the only solution for what ails America, because Steve Deace wears his faith publicly, and so do Phil Robertson, Allie Beth Stuckey, and others.

I am not a sports journalist-turned-preacher. I’m not a finger-wagging hypocrite looking down on the people who don’t share my beliefs. I’m a sinner. I’m the same guy who wrote hilarious Pussy Galore columns for Fox Sports, the same guy who used to waste his time and money drinking and carousing inside the Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas, Tootsie’s in Miami, Diamond Joe’s in Kansas City, and Magic City in Atlanta.

I’m someone who knows that in order for me to make better decisions — in all aspects of my life — I need Jesus.

I’m someone who recognizes that any success I’ve achieved in a 30-year career is a byproduct of the values my grandmother, a tiny church in Indianapolis, my parents, and my siblings instilled in me as a young boy.

My testimony is amazing. It’s further evidence of the power of faith and the availability of the American dream.

My brand and approach to journalism and broadcasting are fearless. My courage is rooted in faith.

Photo courtesy Jason Whitlock

Fear is destroying America. It locked us in our homes, forced us to cover our faces, and forbade us to worship together for more than a year. It stole freedoms we took for granted. It allowed Colin Kaepernick to polarize our national anthem. It turned rare incidents of deadly police misconduct into a fictional genocidal pandemic. It spawned race hoaxes and a generation of race-baiting grifters. It diminished sports’ ability to unify.

That’s why we are launching the Fearless platform, which will start with my show, "Fearless with Jason Whitlock," and a second podcast showcasing my friendship with my right-hand man, "Uncle Jimmy" (Dodds), and will eventually include a Fearless writing vertical.

We’re going to fight back. We’re going to be the abolitionists of fear. From my new hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, we’re joining hands with Beck, Deace, Robertson, Mark Levin, Steven Crowder, Dave Rubin, Allie Beth Stuckey, and the rest of Blaze Media to stand as an example of what Americans can accomplish when we put our differences aside and work together.

On the surface, Fearless will look a little different from the rest of the Blaze Media family. But our love of country will be just as strong, our appreciation for this nation’s founding documents just as sincere, and our search for liberating truths just as intense.

The 400-year African American journey is this nation’s most compelling and powerful narrative. It’s proof the American dream is real and attainable. That’s why our adversaries abroad and within are perverting, manipulating, and weaponizing the African American narrative. Black Americans’ fight for freedom made the United States live up to the ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence — the equality of man and unalienable rights bestowed by our Creator.

Our relentless pursuit of freedom was the iron that sharpened American iron.

The Chinese Communist Party knows this. The revolutionaries in Satan-con Valley know this. The editors at the New York Times know this. The trained, self-described Marxists who founded Black Lives Matter know this.

In order to destroy America, you must cripple belief in the rags-to-riches American dream and the conviction that America is a force for good. Reshaping the African American narrative into a journey that damns this nation — rather than one that illuminates our unprecedented resolve to do better — hastens our decline.

The black journey fueled American exceptionalism. The elite architects of chaos cleverly and covertly attack this obvious truth.

"Black Twitter" is not an organic construct. It’s a social media algorithm designed to paint any truth-speaking public figure as a racist or a race traitor. The New York Times’ 1619 Project isn’t journalism. It’s the companion of academia’s virus, critical race theory, propaganda designed to foster racial animus and erode black patriotism. Black Lives Matter isn’t concerned with the welfare of black men. It’s a fundraising arm of the Democratic Party and a lobbyist for the LGBTQ agenda.

The racial conflict BLM, Antifa, and social media influencers promote smokescreens a far more insidious plot — the plot to cancel Jesus and impose a cultural Marxism on the United States. Global elites prefer China’s system of authoritarian governance and worker exploitation. Backers of the Great Reset and Build Back Better prefer that America function the way China does. Jesus and communism cannot coexist. Karl Marx, the father of Marxism and the proponent of communism, explained that in his political theory.

The racial smokescreen is working. We’re losing the faux race war and surrendering the freedoms that made America the envy of the world.

We’re losing because we’ve sidelined our best soldier — Jesus. The original combatants of the Civil War drew on Jesus as their primary power source. Have you ever studied the lyrics of the Battle Hymn of the Republic?

Here’s my favorite passage:

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was borne across the sea
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me
As he died to make men holy let us die to make men free
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory hallelujah

Julia Ward Howe, a white abolitionist, wrote those words in 1861. The words spurred men to sacrifice their lives for the freedom of others. Mine eyes have seen the glory of what Americans can accomplish when we come together as one nation under God, when we conquer our fears.

Your sin does not nullify your Christianity. It justifies it. Let go of that fear. Your sins, no matter what they are, do not prohibit you from speaking truth, standing on biblical principles, and being heard.

The enemies of truth, the elites rewriting history and redefining American freedom, are not silent or scared. Their immorality (sin) emboldens them. Our sin silences us. Not any more. Not if I can help it.

The mission statement of the Fearless Project is simple: We’re a digital media platform dedicated to promoting a culture of fearlessness, free speech, truth-seeking, and American patriotism.

We will accomplish our mission by critiquing, lampooning, and probing the events shaping conversations around sports, race, and popular culture.

You will not have to believe what I believe to enjoy and benefit from "Fearless." That’s the gift of a Judeo-Christian culture. It works to ensure that non-believers receive the same opportunity to pursue their dreams as everyone else.

via Conservative Review

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