PolitiFact Rushes to Defend Biden (Again) on Rising Insulin Prices

The reputation of PolitiFact as an "independent fact-checker" just doesn’t rest on their factual accuracy. It rests on whether their selection of which facts to check demonstrate an ideological tilt (it does). Conservatives were mocking their tweet from Thursday night: 
Beware of Facebook posts blaming Joe Biden for insulin price hikes. Experts said any recent price changes facing individual patients are likely due to the way insurance works, not the Biden administration. https://t.co/AEfcUDAauw
— PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) February 25, 2021
"Beware of Facebook posts blaming Joe Biden" is what PolitiFact is specializing in right now.
Bill McCarthy was taking exception a Facebook post that claimed "Insulin went from $60 to $500 with the swipe of creepy Joe’s pen…" A Facebook post with 1,100 shares is more dangerous, apparently, than national media outlets that mangle the facts for millions of Americans.
Let’s stipulate that this isn’t a very factual assertion. Last summer, President Trump ordered that insulin prices be reduced in the Medicare program for seniors, but it wasn’t set to be implemented until January 22, and Biden suspended it (temporarily) in his wave of Trump-reversing executive orders.
This is how McCarthy concluded his check: 
A Facebook post claimed insulin prices rose "with the swipe of (Joe Biden’s) pen."
Individuals who take insulin could have seen prices fluctuate for several reasons related to their insurance coverage and the specific medication they use. But those changes can’t be pinned on the Biden administration’s actions, experts said. 
The Biden administration did temporarily freeze a directive related to one federal program, but that would not have affected current insulin prices, because the policy had not yet taken effect.
We rate these Facebook posts False.
In their footnotes, PolitiFact underlined that the fact-checker community as a bloc was rushing to defend Biden: 
Lead Stories, "Fact Check: Biden White House Freeze of Trump Executive Order Did NOT Cause Insulin Prices To Increase," Feb. 13, 2021
AFP Fact Check, "Trump’s insulin order frozen, not scrapped, by Biden," Feb. 3, 2021
USA Today, "Fact check: Biden administration delays implementation of Trump rule on insulin, EpiPens," Feb. 3, 2021
They left out Snopes on January 25, Did Biden Temporarily Freeze Trump Rule Lowering Insulin, EpiPen Prices?
Not to mention their own obsession: 
PolitiFact, "Walker exaggerates effect of Trump drug order, Biden freeze," Feb. 11, 2021
PolitiFact, "Why are insulin prices going up? Chuck Grassley explains it," Feb. 2, 2021
PolitiFact, "ISIS, drug prices and COVID-19 deaths: How a viral post misleads on Biden’s first days in office," Jan. 26, 2021
PolitiFact, "Trump inflates insulin help for seniors," Aug. 3, 2020
Even so, this has not been a TV story. A quick search of transcripts in Nexis for “Biden” and “insulin” since January 20 on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC found no mention of Biden’s freeze on Trump’s insulin price order. There were eight stories with these two words, all of them on the cable channels, and five of the eight were about the prospect of Texans caught without insulin in the winter storm. 
PolitiFact isn’t shy about touting Biden’s "competence" as a True Thing. This item came two days before the Biden-insulin post: 
Compared to: 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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3 Times Biden And Trump Did The Same Thing… And The Media Reaction Was Totally Different

It is a widely understood fact that media coverage of the Trump administration was, to say the least, massively critical. While some of this was justified as a result of objective reporting, a large portion — if not a majority — was the result of hyper-partisanship within the legacy media with the apparent goal of undermining the Republican president in preparation for the 2020 election.

Nothing demonstrates this shameless partisanship more than the legacy media’s reaction to events that are almost entirely identical, with the one difference being the political affiliation of the man in the White House.

Here are three examples of Trump and Biden doing — effectively — the same thing but with vastly different media coverage.


During Trump’s presidency, two missile strikes were approved against Syria. In 2017, Shayrat Airbase was targeted in response to the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack days earlier. In 2018, the United States — alongside the United Kingdom and France — carried out a series of missile strikes against Syrian government sites in response to the Douma chemical attack. 

The New York Times responded to the 2017 strike with “Acting on Instinct, Trump Upends His Own Foreign Policy.” After the 2018 strikes, the Washington Post published a piece titled “The many things Trump didn’t accomplish in the latest Syria strike.” The USA Today went with “Analysis: Trump’s strike on Syria has fire and fury — but not the element of surprise.”

In the first military action taken under President Biden, the United States carried out an air strike against Iran-backed militias in Syria. The strike came after “a civilian contractor was killed in a rocket attack on US targets,” with the Pentagon saying that the strike was launched “at President Biden’s direction.”

The New York Times reported on the strike with a piece titled, “With Strikes in Syria, Biden Confronts Iran’s Militant Network,” adding “Using a carefully calibrated approach, the president hopes to restrain Iran’s regional militia allies without undercutting efforts to reach a new nuclear deal.”

CNN reported “US carries out air strikes in Syria targeting Iranian backed militias.” The Washington Post went with “Biden administration conducts strike on Iranian-linked fighters in Syria,” which included that the Biden administration was “signaling its intent to use targeted military action to push back against violence tied to Tehran.” USA Today had “Biden’s Syria airstrikes first test of role as world’s police.”

Border Control and Illegal Immigration

In the first days of Biden’s presidency, it was announced that his administration would be reopening migrant facilities — specifically for children — at the border between the United States and Mexico.

The Washington Post reported “First migrant facility for children opens under Biden.” Axios went with “Biden administration reopens Trump-era facility for migrant children.” ABC News said “US reopens Texas surge facility to hold immigrant teenagers.”  CNN’s headline read “Biden administration will begin to admit migrants held in tent camp near the US-Mexico border.”

Compare these muted and emotionless headlines to the coverage of the Trump administration’s policy.

CNN reported on the policies, with headlines like “Trump makes political gamble with immigrant lives,” and “Trump whips up immigration storm over children.”

NPR published a piece titled “What We Know: Family Separation And ‘Zero Tolerance’ At The Border.” The San Francisco Chronicle published an opinion piece titled “Trump’s tent city for children is a concentration camp,” and Michelle Goldberg wrote for the New York Times “They Really Don’t Care About Migrant Families.”

COVID Vaccines

After Trump promised that an effective COVID-19 vaccine would be delivered before the end of 2020, the legacy media widely rejected this as fantastical nonsense. CNN questioned the safety of “rushing” the approval of a vaccine, with pieces likePast vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be ‘colossally stupid,’” and “The timetable for a coronavirus vaccine is 18 months. Experts say that’s risky.” They even posted a “fact check” of Trump’s claim that the vaccine was ready in late October.

Once the vaccine was delivered, the legacy media then moved to undermine and criticize its distribution. CNN reported the false claim that “Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start ‘from scratch,’ sources say.” The New York Times published a piece in mid-January titled, “States are scrambling after the Trump administration’s vaccine promise falls apart.” The Washington Post pivoted to preemptively defend Biden, saying “Experts warn of vaccine stumbles ‘out of the gate’ because Trump officials reused to consult with Biden team.”

With Biden now in the White House, the media narrative has continued to move from an offensive effort against Trump to a defensive effort for Biden. The New York Times celebrated Biden’s “accomplishment,” reporting “Biden Expects to Surpass His Goal of 100 Million Shots in 100 Days,” despite this amounting to one million doses per day, a milestone passed multiple times by the Trump administration. After Biden celebrated 50 million vaccine doses being administered, CNN reported “Biden marks 50 million vaccine doses but cautions there’s a ‘long way to go.’” Over 15 million doses were administered by the Trump administration prior to Biden entering office.


Whether it be the coverage of military action in Syria, the language used to describe migrant detention centers, or manipulating mathematics regarding vaccine distribution, one thing is clear. If the only difference between two almost identical events is political party, the legacy media are capable of producing two completely different headlines.

Ian Haworth is an Editor and Writer for The Daily Wire. Follow him on Twitter at @ighaworth.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

via Conservative Review

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Tom Cotton On Why Democrats ‘Hate America’: They Forgot What Reagan Said In His Farewell Address

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said during his CPAC speech on Friday that Democrats have gotten to the point that they “hate America” because they have forgotten how special of a place America is, something that Reagan famously expressed in his farewell address.

Cotton made the remark while he was talking about how CPAC was not held in Washington, D.C. this year because officials have locked down the nation’s capital after Democrats downplayed violent left-wing riots for much of 2020.

“Now, maybe if CPAC had promised to burn down buildings and tear down statues, they would have let us up there,” Cotton said. “But just think about that contrast, that contrast strikes at the heart of our freedom, that your rights may depend on what you say, or what you believe, or the color of your skin. That’s the opposite of freedom, and conservatives everywhere, and really just normal Americans who don’t subscribe to every fad and fashion the far-left, see risk everywhere they turn. Big business may take your job away, big tech may deplatform you, your liberal college may kick you out of school, your liberal governor may shut down your church.”

“And why does the left do that?” Cotton said. “It’s because they failed to heed the warning of Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address. They lost what he called the unambivalent appreciation of America. Now, many on the left have concluded that America is a fundamentally flawed, irredeemable, wicked place. They have a lot of names for it. But whatever banner it flies under, it gets back to that anti-American idea. You can call it ‘wokeness,’ or ‘political correctness,’ ‘cancel culture,’ you can call it ‘critical race theory,’ ‘critical gender theory,’ critical whatever. Some people call it systemic racism. But here’s their point. The key word is not racism, the key word is systemic. It doesn’t matter so much what the system is guilty of only that the system is guilty, and it needs to be burned to the ground. So many liberals think that about America. And how do they plan to do that? They plan to do it by rejecting our beautiful Declaration of Independence, and the central promise of America, that we are all created equal in the eyes of God and we all have equal rights under the law. But too many of them no longer believe that. That’s why there’s no more urgent task today than the defense of America. And a simple, unapologetic patriotism.”

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Hello. Thank you all very much. Thanks for that great Florida welcome. You know, it’s great to be back at CPAC. Although something is a little different this year, you know, for the first time ever CPAC is not in our nation’s capital. That’s because they won’t let us anywhere near the nation’s capitol. Think about it. Even though cases are plummeting and vaccination rates are surging, we are still banned from getting anywhere near our nation’s capital. Now, contrast that with what happened last summer with the BLM protests there, thousands of people in the streets as cases were surging. Did Democratic politicians try to lock that down? No, they went out march with them. Now, maybe if CPAC had promised to burn down buildings and tear down statues, they would have let us up there. But there is nowhere, there’s nowhere, I would rather be than here with my fellow patriots free, than locked down in Washington, DC.

But just think about that contrast, that contrast strikes at the heart of our freedom, that your rights may depend on what you say, or what you believe, or the color of your skin. That’s the opposite of freedom, and conservatives everywhere, and really just normal Americans who don’t subscribe to every fad and fashion the far left, see risk everywhere they turn. Big business may take your job away, big tech may deplatform you, your liberal college may kick you out of school, your liberal governor may shut down your church. And why does the left do that? It’s because they failed to heed the warning of Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address. They lost what he called the unambivalent appreciation of America.

Now, many on the left have concluded that America is a fundamentally flawed, irredeemable, wicked place. They have a lot of names for it. But whatever banner it flies under, it gets back to that anti-American idea. You can call it ‘wokeness,’ or ‘political correctness,’ ‘cancel culture,’ you can call it ‘critical race theory,’ ‘critical gender theory,’ critical whatever. Some people call it systemic racism. But here’s their point. The key word is not racism, the key word is systemic. It doesn’t matter so much what the system is guilty of only that the system is guilty, and it needs to be burned to the ground. So many liberals think that about America. And how do they plan to do that they plan to do that? They plan to do it by rejecting our beautiful Declaration of Independence, and the central promise of America, that we are all created equal in the eyes of God and we all have equal rights under the law. But too many of them no longer believe that. That’s why there’s no more urgent task today than the defense of America. And a simple, unapologetic patriotism.

We face many threats in this country, whether from China or Iran, or Islamic terrorism. But there is no more pernicious threat to America than the rejection of our founding principles, and our heritage and our tradition. And all those on the left who would reject those things I have a message. We will defend America without fear, without reservation, and without apology. After all, we’ve seen what happens when people lose the nerve to defend America. Last summer, chaos and riots engulfed our streets. Police stations were fire bombed. Buildings, businesses were looted. Courthouses were attacked, statues to our heroes were toppled. The police in some cases were overwhelmed and didn’t have the numbers to stop the violence. In other cases liberal politicians refused to allow the police to restore order, you may recall, we were all told these are mostly peaceful protests, peaceful protests as entire city blocks were burned to the ground. Remember the guy on CNN, standing in front of the blazing Inferno? So, mostly peaceful protests down here tonight, Wolf. But the violence continued night after night.

So I wrote an op-ed in The New York Times. It had it had a very simple message, very simple, very common sense message, grounded in American history in law, supported by a majority of Americans arguing very simply, if the police cannot, or especially if they are not allowed to restore order, then it is time to send in the troops. And what happened next? Total meltdown with the little social justice warriors at The New York Times. All these children that have been marinated, in the language of the campus seminar room. They said things like, ‘your words put my life at risk.’ As if typing on their phones sitting on their futons was as dangerous as being a cop trying to stop rioters in the streets. Or, ‘your words are violence.’ No, I’m sorry, kiddo, words or words, violence is what your friends are doing out on the streets of America. And of course, The New York Times editors they caved and rolled over And they apologized. They said my work didn’t meet their standards. That’s one time I actually agree with The New York Times. My work did not meet their standards, it far exceeded their normally lousy standards. You know, some people, some people on the left even called for me to apologize. So let me say again, I will never apologize for defending America.

And, you know, one of the first things I learned in the Army, really one of the first things anyone learns in the Army is the five principles of patrolling. The most important of which is security because if you don’t have security, you don’t have anything. And security is what our brave police officers bring to our communities every single day across America. And that’s why conservatives should never apologize for backing the blue. And whether it’s a child mob and the New York Times, or a social media mob, or an actual mob and our streets, we will never bend the knee to a politically correct mob, ever. Now, The New York Times a laughingstock obviously, but this is no laughing matter. The Democrats expect us all to surrender, to capitulate. They want to control the terms of the debate, they even want to control our language. Have you seen that Joe Biden wants to ban the term ‘illegal aliens’? It’s true. What does he want to replace it with? He wants to replace it with undocumented non citizen. True, I’m not making it up. Why are they undocumented? Because they’re illegal. It’s simple people. And that’s just that’s just the tip of the iceberg and they’re open borders immigration agenda. They want to give amnesty to 15 – 20 million illegal aliens, with no strings attached, with voting rights, presumably in time for what they hope will be Kamala Harris’s re-election campaign. They may have halted deportations for all illegal aliens, murderers, rapists, terrorists, Ms-13 gang members are not being deported. They stopped building a wall on our border, and they put up a wall around your United States Capitol. And right now, right now as we speak, they are literally tracking down illegal aliens in Mexico, who Donald Trump turned away, to invite them to come back. That’s not catch and release. That’s recruit and release. And of course, you can’t fly into America without a negative coronavirus test but you can cross our border without one. Now I’ve got news for the Democrats again, turns out this open borders agenda is not very popular. You can see that in the polls about Joe Biden’s plans. 2020 was one of the best elections we’ve ever had with Hispanic voters in particular, and with immigrant voters in general. Reminds me of a story a friend of mine back home told me. He works with a first generation immigrant named Manuel. Manuel, told him, ‘my wife, and both my boys and I all voted for Donald Trump.’ And my friend said, ‘Oh, you didn’t vote for Donald Trump.’ And Manuel said, ‘No, we voted for Trump.’ And my friend said, ‘Why did you vote for Trump?’ And Manuel pointed at the parking lot. He said, ‘Have you seen my new pickup truck?’ And he said, ‘Did you know that both of my boys have full time jobs now?’ And he said, ‘You know, I’m not offended by what Donald Trump does.’ And like so many Americans across the country, he said, we have Donald Trump to thank for those things. So, is it any wonder that people like him, immigrants who obeyed our laws and came here the right way, who earned their citizenship and earned the right to vote are some of our most patriotic and loyal Americans? People who escaped oppression from countries like Cuba or Venezuela, or China, more than ever, we need that kind of simple, unambivalent, unashamed patriotism, the proud love of a great country because America truly is a great country, it is worth fighting for, it is worth dying for. And it is worth defending our history.

These these radical liberals, they want to erase our history, they want to replace it with their crazy Marxist theories. They may say that it’s about the civil war or racism, don’t believe them. Look at what’s happening in San Francisco. They’re trying to rename schools named after George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, and Dianne Feinstein. People, if Dianne Feinstein is not liberal enough for you, I don’t know what to tell you. But they are more focused on renaming Abraham Lincoln High School than they are opening up so kids can go back and learn there. And remember this to, last summer, as those mobs were rampaging in the streets, they tore down statues of Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant, when they’re tearing down statues of Lincoln and Grant, it’s not about the civil war or racism, it’s because they hate America. They want to erase and rewrite our history. These liberals read 1984 and thought it wasn’t a cautionary tale, but a how-to-manual. These are the same liberals that were burning our flag over and over again, last summer in the streets. And what happened? The media celebrated them, Kamala Harris bailed them out of jail. Well, I think you all know what we should do with rioters in the street, we should lock up every last one of them.

You know, I’ll confess that it makes my blood boil when I see liberals desecrating our flag. When I was in the army, I served at Arlington National Cemetery and we performed funerals for our fallen heroes. I had to present that flag to their widows, the same flag that was burned in our streets last year. The same flag that pampered athletes disrespect by taking a knee during our national anthem. You know, those athletes are about the same age as a lot of those soldiers, a lot of our wounded warriors, though don’t have the ability to take a knee anymore. You would think it was the least those athletes could do to stand up for our flag when our national anthem plays. But if they won’t stand up, and we will stand up for our flag. Let me let me close this with just one final story about the flag. You know, I used to get asked questions a lot I still do about why the flag is backwards on the army uniform, and it goes back to the day of cavalry charges. When our soldiers would charge in the battle, the flag would fly in the wind. And if you’re on the right side of the formation, and the flag is one on the right shoulder, it would appear backwards. So our soldiers wear that flag backwards on their uniform still today to remind everyone that our army always advances it never retreats. And I think that’s a pretty good lesson for us today. When America is under assault, and conservatives are under attack, we will never retreat. We will never surrender and we will always defend and protect the United States of America. Thank you all. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.

via Conservative Review

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Tom Cotton On Why Democrats ‘Hate America’: They Forgot What Reagan Said In His Farewell Address

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said during his CPAC speech on Friday that Democrats have gotten to the point that they “hate America” because they have forgotten how special of a place America is, something that Reagan famously expressed in his farewell address.

Cotton made the remark while he was talking about how CPAC was not held in Washington, D.C. this year because officials have locked down the nation’s capital after Democrats downplayed violent left-wing riots for much of 2020.

“Now, maybe if CPAC had promised to burn down buildings and tear down statues, they would have let us up there,” Cotton said. “But just think about that contrast, that contrast strikes at the heart of our freedom, that your rights may depend on what you say, or what you believe, or the color of your skin. That’s the opposite of freedom, and conservatives everywhere, and really just normal Americans who don’t subscribe to every fad and fashion the far-left, see risk everywhere they turn. Big business may take your job away, big tech may deplatform you, your liberal college may kick you out of school, your liberal governor may shut down your church.”

“And why does the left do that?” Cotton said. “It’s because they failed to heed the warning of Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address. They lost what he called the unambivalent appreciation of America. Now, many on the left have concluded that America is a fundamentally flawed, irredeemable, wicked place. They have a lot of names for it. But whatever banner it flies under, it gets back to that anti-American idea. You can call it ‘wokeness,’ or ‘political correctness,’ ‘cancel culture,’ you can call it ‘critical race theory,’ ‘critical gender theory,’ critical whatever. Some people call it systemic racism. But here’s their point. The key word is not racism, the key word is systemic. It doesn’t matter so much what the system is guilty of only that the system is guilty, and it needs to be burned to the ground. So many liberals think that about America. And how do they plan to do that? They plan to do it by rejecting our beautiful Declaration of Independence, and the central promise of America, that we are all created equal in the eyes of God and we all have equal rights under the law. But too many of them no longer believe that. That’s why there’s no more urgent task today than the defense of America. And a simple, unapologetic patriotism.”

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Hello. Thank you all very much. Thanks for that great Florida welcome. You know, it’s great to be back at CPAC. Although something is a little different this year, you know, for the first time ever CPAC is not in our nation’s capital. That’s because they won’t let us anywhere near the nation’s capitol. Think about it. Even though cases are plummeting and vaccination rates are surging, we are still banned from getting anywhere near our nation’s capital. Now, contrast that with what happened last summer with the BLM protests there, thousands of people in the streets as cases were surging. Did Democratic politicians try to lock that down? No, they went out march with them. Now, maybe if CPAC had promised to burn down buildings and tear down statues, they would have let us up there. But there is nowhere, there’s nowhere, I would rather be than here with my fellow patriots free, than locked down in Washington, DC.

But just think about that contrast, that contrast strikes at the heart of our freedom, that your rights may depend on what you say, or what you believe, or the color of your skin. That’s the opposite of freedom, and conservatives everywhere, and really just normal Americans who don’t subscribe to every fad and fashion the far left, see risk everywhere they turn. Big business may take your job away, big tech may deplatform you, your liberal college may kick you out of school, your liberal governor may shut down your church. And why does the left do that? It’s because they failed to heed the warning of Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address. They lost what he called the unambivalent appreciation of America.

Now, many on the left have concluded that America is a fundamentally flawed, irredeemable, wicked place. They have a lot of names for it. But whatever banner it flies under, it gets back to that anti-American idea. You can call it ‘wokeness,’ or ‘political correctness,’ ‘cancel culture,’ you can call it ‘critical race theory,’ ‘critical gender theory,’ critical whatever. Some people call it systemic racism. But here’s their point. The key word is not racism, the key word is systemic. It doesn’t matter so much what the system is guilty of only that the system is guilty, and it needs to be burned to the ground. So many liberals think that about America. And how do they plan to do that they plan to do that? They plan to do it by rejecting our beautiful Declaration of Independence, and the central promise of America, that we are all created equal in the eyes of God and we all have equal rights under the law. But too many of them no longer believe that. That’s why there’s no more urgent task today than the defense of America. And a simple, unapologetic patriotism.

We face many threats in this country, whether from China or Iran, or Islamic terrorism. But there is no more pernicious threat to America than the rejection of our founding principles, and our heritage and our tradition. And all those on the left who would reject those things I have a message. We will defend America without fear, without reservation, and without apology. After all, we’ve seen what happens when people lose the nerve to defend America. Last summer, chaos and riots engulfed our streets. Police stations were fire bombed. Buildings, businesses were looted. Courthouses were attacked, statues to our heroes were toppled. The police in some cases were overwhelmed and didn’t have the numbers to stop the violence. In other cases liberal politicians refused to allow the police to restore order, you may recall, we were all told these are mostly peaceful protests, peaceful protests as entire city blocks were burned to the ground. Remember the guy on CNN, standing in front of the blazing Inferno? So, mostly peaceful protests down here tonight, Wolf. But the violence continued night after night.

So I wrote an op-ed in The New York Times. It had it had a very simple message, very simple, very common sense message, grounded in American history in law, supported by a majority of Americans arguing very simply, if the police cannot, or especially if they are not allowed to restore order, then it is time to send in the troops. And what happened next? Total meltdown with the little social justice warriors at The New York Times. All these children that have been marinated, in the language of the campus seminar room. They said things like, ‘your words put my life at risk.’ As if typing on their phones sitting on their futons was as dangerous as being a cop trying to stop rioters in the streets. Or, ‘your words are violence.’ No, I’m sorry, kiddo, words or words, violence is what your friends are doing out on the streets of America. And of course, The New York Times editors they caved and rolled over And they apologized. They said my work didn’t meet their standards. That’s one time I actually agree with The New York Times. My work did not meet their standards, it far exceeded their normally lousy standards. You know, some people, some people on the left even called for me to apologize. So let me say again, I will never apologize for defending America.

And, you know, one of the first things I learned in the Army, really one of the first things anyone learns in the Army is the five principles of patrolling. The most important of which is security because if you don’t have security, you don’t have anything. And security is what our brave police officers bring to our communities every single day across America. And that’s why conservatives should never apologize for backing the blue. And whether it’s a child mob and the New York Times, or a social media mob, or an actual mob and our streets, we will never bend the knee to a politically correct mob, ever. Now, The New York Times a laughingstock obviously, but this is no laughing matter. The Democrats expect us all to surrender, to capitulate. They want to control the terms of the debate, they even want to control our language. Have you seen that Joe Biden wants to ban the term ‘illegal aliens’? It’s true. What does he want to replace it with? He wants to replace it with undocumented non citizen. True, I’m not making it up. Why are they undocumented? Because they’re illegal. It’s simple people. And that’s just that’s just the tip of the iceberg and they’re open borders immigration agenda. They want to give amnesty to 15 – 20 million illegal aliens, with no strings attached, with voting rights, presumably in time for what they hope will be Kamala Harris’s re-election campaign. They may have halted deportations for all illegal aliens, murderers, rapists, terrorists, Ms-13 gang members are not being deported. They stopped building a wall on our border, and they put up a wall around your United States Capitol. And right now, right now as we speak, they are literally tracking down illegal aliens in Mexico, who Donald Trump turned away, to invite them to come back. That’s not catch and release. That’s recruit and release. And of course, you can’t fly into America without a negative coronavirus test but you can cross our border without one. Now I’ve got news for the Democrats again, turns out this open borders agenda is not very popular. You can see that in the polls about Joe Biden’s plans. 2020 was one of the best elections we’ve ever had with Hispanic voters in particular, and with immigrant voters in general. Reminds me of a story a friend of mine back home told me. He works with a first generation immigrant named Manuel. Manuel, told him, ‘my wife, and both my boys and I all voted for Donald Trump.’ And my friend said, ‘Oh, you didn’t vote for Donald Trump.’ And Manuel said, ‘No, we voted for Trump.’ And my friend said, ‘Why did you vote for Trump?’ And Manuel pointed at the parking lot. He said, ‘Have you seen my new pickup truck?’ And he said, ‘Did you know that both of my boys have full time jobs now?’ And he said, ‘You know, I’m not offended by what Donald Trump does.’ And like so many Americans across the country, he said, we have Donald Trump to thank for those things. So, is it any wonder that people like him, immigrants who obeyed our laws and came here the right way, who earned their citizenship and earned the right to vote are some of our most patriotic and loyal Americans? People who escaped oppression from countries like Cuba or Venezuela, or China, more than ever, we need that kind of simple, unambivalent, unashamed patriotism, the proud love of a great country because America truly is a great country, it is worth fighting for, it is worth dying for. And it is worth defending our history.

These these radical liberals, they want to erase our history, they want to replace it with their crazy Marxist theories. They may say that it’s about the civil war or racism, don’t believe them. Look at what’s happening in San Francisco. They’re trying to rename schools named after George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, and Dianne Feinstein. People, if Dianne Feinstein is not liberal enough for you, I don’t know what to tell you. But they are more focused on renaming Abraham Lincoln High School than they are opening up so kids can go back and learn there. And remember this to, last summer, as those mobs were rampaging in the streets, they tore down statues of Abraham Lincoln, and Ulysses S. Grant, when they’re tearing down statues of Lincoln and Grant, it’s not about the civil war or racism, it’s because they hate America. They want to erase and rewrite our history. These liberals read 1984 and thought it wasn’t a cautionary tale, but a how-to-manual. These are the same liberals that were burning our flag over and over again, last summer in the streets. And what happened? The media celebrated them, Kamala Harris bailed them out of jail. Well, I think you all know what we should do with rioters in the street, we should lock up every last one of them.

You know, I’ll confess that it makes my blood boil when I see liberals desecrating our flag. When I was in the army, I served at Arlington National Cemetery and we performed funerals for our fallen heroes. I had to present that flag to their widows, the same flag that was burned in our streets last year. The same flag that pampered athletes disrespect by taking a knee during our national anthem. You know, those athletes are about the same age as a lot of those soldiers, a lot of our wounded warriors, though don’t have the ability to take a knee anymore. You would think it was the least those athletes could do to stand up for our flag when our national anthem plays. But if they won’t stand up, and we will stand up for our flag. Let me let me close this with just one final story about the flag. You know, I used to get asked questions a lot I still do about why the flag is backwards on the army uniform, and it goes back to the day of cavalry charges. When our soldiers would charge in the battle, the flag would fly in the wind. And if you’re on the right side of the formation, and the flag is one on the right shoulder, it would appear backwards. So our soldiers wear that flag backwards on their uniform still today to remind everyone that our army always advances it never retreats. And I think that’s a pretty good lesson for us today. When America is under assault, and conservatives are under attack, we will never retreat. We will never surrender and we will always defend and protect the United States of America. Thank you all. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.

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CA School Board Trustee Calls Return to In-Person Learning ‘White Supremacist Ideology,’ ‘Slavery’

Parents in the La Mesa-Spring Valley, California, school district are calling for the resignation of a school board trustee who referred to plans to return to in-person learning as “white supremacist ideology.”

Reopen California Schools tweeted about trustee and board Vice President Chardá Bell-Fontenot (pictured), who said during Tuesday’s virtual board meeting that plans on how and when to bring children back into the classroom for in-person learning “seems like a very white supremacist ideology.”

With parents also watching the meeting, Bell-Fontenot, who apparently was not on-camera, was heard saying, “That seems like a very white supremacist ideology, to force people to comply and conform, just letting you know.”

“Privilege, check it you guys,” she was also heard saying to fellow school board members, one of whom is Hispanic.

When other school board members continued to push for discussion about reopening schools, Bell-Fontenot rejected their views.

“I don’t want to be a part of forcing anyone to do anything they don’t want to do,” she was heard saying. “That’s what slavery is, I’m not gonna be a part of it.”

“You keep throwing out the racism but I’m Hispanic… I don’t understand that part either, I’m confused, that’s it,” said the Hispanic member of the school board.

A report at local ABC 10News said parents Mai Teague and Spring Vick, who were among hundreds of parents watching the meeting, “were shocked at the words being used.”

Bell-Fontenot had a “very condescending tone, just talking down to everyone and resisting what anyone had to say,” Teague said. “All these terms referring to going back to school I don’t see the relevancy at all in it.”

“Someone who has her own personal agenda is not looking out for the best interest of the community and she should not represent the schools at all,” Teague added.

Vick said Bell-Fontenot “should have been a little more professional.”

Both Teague and Vick want their children to be able to return to school.

When parents called for Bell-Fontenot’s resignation, La Mesa-Spring Valley Superintendent David Feliciano released a statement on behalf of the board that read, in part:

While we were also disappointed and offended by trustee Fontenot’s behavior, we were saddened to learn that she has received hateful, racist, and threatening communications as a result. We strongly condemn behavior that is racist, discriminatory or threatens violence of any kind.

However, ABC 10News said it is “unclear” who sent the “communications” referred to by Feliciano.

“Those ABC 10News spoke with say they simply want Bell-Fontenot to resign, and have started a Change.org petition,” the report stated.

The petition states:

Ms. Bell-Fontenot continued by asking that the board not even vote on such matter and as the other members of the board were ill prepared and had no idea what was going on. Bell-Fontenot sternly stated “We don’t have to give anybody any date…we do not have to make a decision today.” Fellow board members shared district survey results which proved to show 70-80% of district parents were in favor of reopening schools. Ms. Bell-Fontenot seemed clueless as to whether or not these were pertinent by saying “Who are the 70-80 percent and where are they? Which school sites? Which language group?”

“Charda Bell-Fontenot is unprofessional and does not represent our kids or community in the light in which either deserve,” the petition adds. “Our kids deserve better. I urge you to sign this petition for her immediate resignation.”

At the time of publication, the petition had over 2,700 signatures.

The La Mesa-Spring Valley board meeting was made public just one week following the resignation of the entire school board of the Oakley Union Elementary School District, also in California, after its members were heard during a virtual board meeting mocking parents in the district who were calling for a return to in-person learning.

The board members were apparently unaware parents were watching the virtual meeting.

The Oakley video shows trustee Kim Beede describing her reaction to one parent, “Bitch, if you’re going to call me out, I’m going to f**k you up!”

Another board member, Lisa Brizendine, was heard saying parents “don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. It’s really unfortunate they want to pick on us because they want their babysitters back.”

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Matt Gaetz Warns of ‘Chi-merica’ Under Big Tech and Big Government

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) warned Americans on Friday of the looming threat Big Tech and Big Government pose though censoring political speech.

“When Big Tech and Big Government team up, America starts to look more like China,” Gaetz said. “And the Chi-merica dream is shamefully a nightmare for our people.”

Gaetz spoke about the growing threat of de-platforming and censoring prominent voices on the right at a speech at CPAC, held in Orlando, Florida.

“If we win the debate but lose the internet, ours will be the last generation of American greatness,” he warned, noting that the increasingly powerful institutions would “squelch even the faintest whispers of dissent.”

He criticized the left and even some Republicans for their wide support of using American blood and treasure to nurture democracy in the Middle East but failing to protect Constitutional rights in the United States.

“The terms of service on Twitter can never be more important than the values that undergird our Constitution,” he said.

He urged conservatives to help create a “culture of free speech” in America to make it more difficult for the powerful in government to use technology to suppress their views.

China, he said, showed the power of the dangers of a “captive capitalism” linked with business and government to enrich the elite.

“There are no checks and balances when they can ctl-alt-delete anyone for any reason,” he said.

He pointed out President Joe Biden’s administration included a revolving door to some of the biggest technology figures to build a “unified system.”

Gaetz warned that even the apps and social media networks popular with Americans are threatening their freedom.

He said Instagram appealed to everyone’s vanity, Twitter to wrath, Uber Eats to gluttony, and Tinder to lust.

“Are these social networks really making us stronger, safer? Or do they further addict us to our vices?” he asked.

Gaetz promoted himself as a proud member of the pro-Trump America first movement that would fight the establishment to save free speech.

“The America First movement will never sell out to foreign interests abroad or special interests here at home, our citizens come first,” he said. “Sorry, not sorry.”

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DHS Prepares Legal Welcome for Flood of Migrant Child Workers

Coyotes will deliver perhaps 13,000 foreign children and job-seeking teenagers to the U.S. border in May, according to a leaked report to Axios.com.

But the leak is intended to be a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies.

President Joe Biden’s officials, she said, are leaking the warnings even as they strip President Donald Trump’s border protection because they want to create “a perpetual crisis that will normalize the flow of large numbers of people.”

“Having a huge number of people who are showing up at the southern border is one of the justifications that they will put forward for letting them in,” she added.

The policy of “extraction migration” from Central America is harming Americans’ communities and migrant-sending countries while also enriching the trafficking networks that deliver the adult and child migrants into the U.S. consumer economy, she said.

Biden’s progressive deputies “are oblivious to the reality that their pet policies are enriching criminal smuggling organizations, dislocating communities in these countries, and putting children at risk,” she said.

Axios.com reported February 26:

A Customs and Border Protection staffer [from the department of Homeland Security, DHS] told top administration officials Thursday the agency is projecting a peak of 13,000 unaccompanied [sic] children crossing the border in May, sources directly familiar with the discussion told Axios.

“CBP chief of staff Lise Clavel provided the border-crossing projection.” Clavel is a former campaign staffer for Beto O’Rourke and Mike Bloomberg, and a former manager at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The predicted 13,000 young migrants are in addition to the large inflows of single adult migrants and the “family unit” migrants.

The 13,000 young migrants are legally described as “Unaccompanied Alien Children,” even though they are accompanied by paid coyotes from their homes to the border, and even though many are older teenagers seeking U.S. jobs.

Biden’s welcome is encouraging coyotes to bring more of the “UACs” to the border. In the first four months of 2020, 12,000 UACs were delivered by coyotes. The first four months of 2021 showed a 64 percent rise to almost 20,000 deliveries.

During the Thursday meeting, officials talked about reopening Trump-era facilities to help process the migrants legally into the United States, said the Axios report.

Biden’s progressive officials are willing to reopen Trump-era facilities — despite TV-magnified theatrical jeers from migration advocates and from right-of-center news outlets — that Biden is reviving Trump’s “kid in cage” policies. But Biden is using the processing facilities to provide the migrants with residency documents, work permits, and legal paperwork so they can win permanent residency to compete for jobs, homes, and resources needed by Americans.

For example, Reuters reported February 25:

On Monday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reopened an emergency shelter in Texas and is also considering reopening a controversial facility in Florida, a sign of the scramble to find housing for the children. Shelter capacity was greatly reduced due to coronavirus social distancing, and existing facilities are close to full.

HHS, which oversees shelters for migrant children, is in the process of switching to a new database that could cut hours or days from the time it takes to perform background checks for sponsors, said a department official who requested anonymity to discuss internal operations.

The report by Axios noted “there was no discussion [at the Thursday meeting] of U.S.-based policies or practices that would work to deter migrants, such as reinstating the use of an emergency public health order to quickly deport migrant kids.”

The projected 13,000 migrants in May are usually described as “kids” by pro-migration media outlets, but most are job-seeking teenagers, said Vaughan:

There a couple of different things we know about this population. One is that they often are the children of adults who are already living in the country illegally who pays a smuggler to bring their kids here, especially when they are old enough to also work.

Most of them are teens, aged 17 or 18, Some are older and are pretending to be 17.

In addition, they are kids who have been sent by their families back in Central America to join family or friends who are already here, to get settled in the hope that the parents and the rest of the family team come join them later, or at least, that this teenager — who’s expected to help support the family — will be able to send back earnings.

“Honestly, I think almost everyone in the system knows that most of the [migrant] teens are coming to work and send money back home,” Maria Woltjen, executive director and founder of the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, told a reporter for ProPublica. “They want to help their parents,” she told ProPublica for a November 2020 article:

Around Urbana-Champaign, the home of the University of Illinois, school district officials say children and adolescents lay shingles, wash dishes and paint off-campus university apartments. In New Bedford, Massachusetts, an indigenous Guatemalan labor leader has heard complaints from adult workers in the fish-packing industry who say they’re losing their jobs to 14-year-olds. In Ohio, teenagers work in dangerous chicken plants.

Though most of the teens interviewed for this story are now 18, they agreed to speak on the condition that they not be fully identified and that their employers not be named because they feared losing their jobs, harming their immigration cases or facing criminal penalties.

Some began to work when they were just 13 or 14, packing the candy you find by the supermarket register, cutting the slabs of raw meat that end up in your freezer and baking, in industrial ovens, the pastries you eat with your coffee. Garcia, who is 18 now, was 15 when he got his first job at an automotive parts factory.

“Teachers will tell you the same thing,” Vaughan said. “Most of the boys show up in October when the landscaping season is over, and they stay in school until about April, and then they drop out again to go back to work in the landscaping companies.”

The UAC pipeline is safe for the teenagers once the coyotes complete the UAC hand-off to Biden’s border agencies. Before the hand-off, the journey can be very deadly.

On January 30, the Los Angeles Times reported the death of roughly 13 teenagers who entered the Hunger Games obstacle course, including 15-year-old Robelson Isidro. Gunmen reportedly killed the victims, and their bodies left in a burned-out pickup truck:

The [Guatemalan] community has a long history of sending migrants to the United States, and he had uncles who lived there. They had indoor kitchens. They didn’t have to cook outside under a tarp.

“He was ashamed,” his mother said in a phone interview. She said he told her: “I’m going to fight to make my dreams come true. I have to get my siblings ahead in life. I’m going to get them out of poverty.”

His uncles [in the United States had] wired him money to make the journey north.

“The administration is trying to justify its lenient border policies as humanitarianism,” said Vaughan. “But they are facilitating a trade of children who are being trafficked here openly  … nothing could be more immoral.”

“The media are bailing them out,” Vaughan added.  “When [White House spokeswoman] Jen Psaki gets flustered about having to defend these policies, commentators will jump in and say, ‘Oh, but you’re reuniting families.’”

“It’s not going to stop the flow; it’s just going to launder it … Every policy they adopt is actually incentivizing more people to come,” Vaughn said.

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democratic, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory — despite the media magnification of many skewed polls and articles that still push the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

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‘I Will Give Them Home Field Advantage—And Dismantle Them’: Critical Race Theory Critic Throws Gauntlet Down To New York Times

On Friday, Christopher Rufo, the director of the Center on Wealth and Poverty at the Discovery Institute, who has been assiduously documenting the implementation of critical race theory (CRT) in public schools and government agencies, challenged “any prominent critical race theorist” to a debate on the floor of The New York Times after an opinion […]

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4 Ways The ‘Equality Act‘ Could Damage Religious Freedom In America

After days of debate, the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act on Thursday in a 224-206 vote.  The Equality Act would insert “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into the Civil Rights Act of 1964, thereby extending the power of the federal government to enforce nondiscrimination laws in cases related to LGBT individuals. The legislation […]

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After Airstrike, Old Biden, Psaki Tweets Emerge, Condemning Trump for Same Thing They Just Did

Old tweets posted by President Joe Biden and White House press secretary Jen Psaki which condemned former President Donald Trump’s use of military airstrikes are under scrutiny after Biden ordered a strike in Syria on Thursday. Biden ordered airstrikes against Iranian proxy fighters in the country Thursday evening. The Pentagon said the strikes were a…

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