US intel finds Saudi crown prince approved murder of Jamal Khashoggi; Biden giving prince a pass

A U.S. intelligence report released Friday determined that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman signed off on the operation that led to the killing and dismemberment of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

In response, the Biden administration has issued sanctions on several individuals linked to the murder, but the prince himself will be spared any punishment over fears that holding him accountable might threaten the relationship between the two allied nations.

What are the details?

The Washington Post reported that the intelligence document states, in part:

"We assess that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman approved an operation in Istanbul, Turkey to capture or kill [Khashoggi]. Since 2017, the Crown Prince has had absolute control of the Kingdom’s security and intelligence organizations, making it highly unlikely that Saudi officials would have carried out an operation of this nature without the Crown Prince’s authorization."

Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement reacting to the report and vowing "accountability for the murder" of Khashoggi. In the press release, Blinken announced a new "Khashoggi Ban," which allows the State Department to impose visa restrictions against individuals believed to be involved in the type of "extraterritorial counter-dissident activities" such as what happened to The Post columnist.

Blinken noted that 76 Saudi nationals have already been hit with visa restrictions under the new ban, but the secretary of state made no mention of Mohammed, who is often referred to in the U.S. as MBS for short.

A journalist for The Post reported later that "When asked why the Biden administration didn’t sanction MBS for Khashoggi’s murder, Blinken says what we’ve done "is not to rupture the [Saudi] relationship but to recalibrate it."

Senior Biden administration officials told The New York Times that the president "has decided that the price of directly penalizing" Mohammed "is too high." The newspaper noted that during the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden had referred to Saudi Arabia as a "pariah" state with "no redeeming social value."

The intelligence report reaffirmed long-held suspicions from earlier assessments that Mohammed was linked to Khashoggi’s death. Following the Virginia-based columnist’s murder, President Donald Trump was criticized for not holding the crown prince responsible.

After learning that the Biden administration had taken the same stance regarding Mohammed as the Trump administration did, CNN’s Jake Tapper blasted the current president for refusing to take action "even though MBS is the man the Biden administration says ordered this murder."

"Is the only difference between Trump bragging about saving MBS’ ass, and Biden acting as if he has no choice but t…

— The Lead CNN (@The Lead CNN)1614375806.0

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Donald Trump Jr.: ‘Lincoln Project Liz’ Cheney the Leader of Failed ‘America Last’ Movement

Donald Trump Jr. singled out Republican Conference chair Liz Cheney on Friday for a “failed movement,” by repeatedly criticizing her father and the policies her family supports.

“‘Lincoln Project Liz,’ as I like to call her, is the leader of that failed movement, and if we want to go back to losing…” Trump Jr. said. “If we want to go back to an America last policy, we should be following that.”

Trump Jr. spoke at CPAC on Friday in Orlando, Florida, ripping the Cheney dynasty with several politically themed jokes.

Noting that President Joe Biden was again bombing the Middle East, Trump Jr. added, “Speaking of bombing the Middle East, have you seen Liz Cheney’s poll numbers?”

“Liz Cheney and her politics are only slightly less popular than her father is at a quail hunt,” he continued, referring to when her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, accidentally shot a hunting partner in the face with a shotgun in 2006.

“Her family has a long history of friendly fire,” he quipped, alluding to Cheney’s most recent comments about how Trump should not play a role in the political future of the Republican party.

Under Cheney’s leadership, Trump Jr. warned, Republicans would return to the era of the Republicans who repeatedly sold out the American people and caved on their principles.

“They’ve caved to every special interest, they’ve caved to corporate America, they’ve caved and bowed to the radical left that hates their guts, hates their values, and hates their freedoms,” he said.

He said that Cheney and Biden probably both agreed with the recent bombing attacks in Syria.

“If it’s one thing she and Joe Biden definitely want to do, it’s bomb the Middle East,” he said. “Everything else is a disaster.”

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Ron DeSantis: U.S. Must Reject Amnesty, Weakness on China, Endless Wars

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) says the United States must reject amnesty for illegal aliens, weakness on China, and the foreign adventurism that has governed the Washington, D.C., beltway for decades.

During his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), DeSantis said, “We cannot, we will not go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear,” before denouncing the policy initiatives of the political establishments.

“We reject open borders and instead support American sovereignty and the American worker,” DeSantis said. “Building a movement on the foundation of amnesty and cheap foreign labor is like building a house on a field of quicksand.”

“We reject weakness in the face of the threat posed by China, including their actions in international trade,” DeSantis continued. “We reject military adventurism and instead support a strong defense solely for the purpose of protecting our nation and its people.”

DeSantis’s statements are pointed as House and Senate Democrats lobby elected Republicans to back an amnesty plan that would flood the U.S. labor market with millions of legalized illegal aliens, increase legal immigration levels, and make it easier for multinational corporations to outsource American jobs to imported foreign visa workers.

Biden also revoked an executive order from March 2020 that helped reduce immigration to the U.S. to protect the nation’s labor market from foreign competition while more than 17 million Americans remain jobless.

Increasing overall immigration levels and amnesty has been a longtime priority of the big business lobby, Wall Street, Big Tech, and other corporate interests. A flooded labor market helps reduce U.S. wages, allowing businesses to cut labor costs, increase profit margins, and tip the scales of the economy to their demands.

Mass immigration policies, surveys have repeatedly found, are opposed by the majority of likely voters. Rasmussen Reports this week found that 73 percent want less legal immigration, more than six-in-ten oppose chain migration, about 64 percent oppose businesses importing foreign workers rather than recruiting Americans, and 63 percent support slowing down or fully cutting U.S. population growth driven by immigration.

Likewise, reports on Friday suggest that the Biden administration is likely to keep American troops in Afghanistan despite a troop withdrawal plan that former President Trump negotiated to bring military forces home. A Pew Research Survey from 2019 found that among veterans and registered voters, about 58 to 64 percent said the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were not worth fighting.

On China, economic nationalists have urged U.S. leaders to impose across-the-board tariffs on foreign imports — especially in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus crisis — to reshore manufacturing jobs.

Research by the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) has found that reshoring all pharmaceutical production to the U.S. would create more than 800,000 American jobs. Likewise, reshoring all medical supplies to the U.S. has the potential to create more than 300,000 American jobs.

Likewise, a permanent 25 percent tariff on all Chinese imports would bring a million jobs back to the U.S. by 2025, CPA economists have found.

Americans are hugely supportive of economic nationalist policies. A May 2020 survey, asking specific policy questions, found that 66 percent of voters support more tariffs on foreign imports, 94 percent said they support country-of-origin labeling on U.S. products, and 88 percent support requiring medical supplies be made in the U.S.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

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Exclusive — Ben Carson: ‘Child Abuse’ to Prey on Children’s Curiosity with Transgender Ideology

Dr. Ben Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, described the pushing of left-wing transgender ideology upon children as “child abuse” on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Democrats and the broader left regularly frame human sexual dimorphism as an arbitrary social construct.

Marlow recalled Thursday’s confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, a man who describes himself as a woman.

“We’re being told it’s scientific to allow children to change their genders, either with treatments or with surgeries,” Marlow said. “This is not science. It’s so far beyond it, but give me your sense of someone who’s lived his life as a scientific person.”

Carson replied, “Well, I think they have completely neglected biology. Biology tells us that there are males and there are females, and there’s a reason for that, and we also know that the human brain is an incredibly complex organ and it’s not fully developed until your mid- to late-twenties.”

“So why would you be asking a pre-adolescent about these complex issues?” Carson asked. “Why would we even be complicating their lives? Children are curious by nature, and of course they’re going to ask questions and explore things. That doesn’t mean that they want to change their sex. And to confuse them in that way, I think, is child abuse. It certainly has nothing to do with science. These radical things are actually going to ruin people’s lives long term.”


On Thursday, Levine refused to reject “transgender” medical treatment for children when invited to do so by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Such medical practices include drugs that obstruct puberty and sexual development and surgical mutilation of genitals.

Marlow asked about left-wing political censorship related to the left’s rejection of human biology.

“It seems like this is one [issue] where people are just not being vocal enough,” Marlow remarked, “and if you are vocal, your book gets cancelled, you get thrown off of social media, you can’t say a man is a man or a woman is a woman, or else you’re risking cancellation What are we going wrong here in terms of our activism?”

Carson highlighted the value of courage. He replied, “Well, you know, it’s in our national anthem and the last line of the first stanza. It says, ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’ You cannot be the land of the free if you’re not the home of the brave. You’ve got to be willing to stand up.”

He went on, “Maybe there are some consequences, so what? There were consequences for our Founders, but if they weren’t willing to accept those consequences, we would still be under British rule. So stop being chickens, and get out there and fight for what we believe in. If we just allow them to have a platform and to dictate everything without resistance, then they win.”

“If they win, not only does the country lose, but the world loses,” Carson concluded, “because people forget what the world was like before the United States was on the stage — a bunch of despotic leaders who just trampled on anybody that they could. It will go right back to that, I guarantee you.”

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BOOM! President Trump Endorses Max Miller Over #NeverTrump Turncoat Anthony Gonzalez Who Voted for Impeachment

President Donald Trump published an endorsement today for Max Miller for Congress.

** You can donate to Max Miller for Congress here.

Miller is running against Never-Trump douche Anthony Gonzalez who voted for impeachment in January.
It’s time for Gonzalez to find new work.

Gonzalez was one of 10 RINOs who voted to impeach President Trump in January.

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“God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress” – Top Democrat Nadler Derides God (VIDEO)

On Thursday Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) spoke on the House Floor about God’s will and a nation in rebellion against God.

Greg Steube repeated himself, “I’m going to repeat that line again. Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against him and will inevitably bear the consequences. And I think we are seeing the consequences of rejecting God in our country today. And this bill speaks directly against what is laid out in scripture…”

That’s when Democrat leader Jerry Nadler jumped in, “Mr. Steube when any religious tradition ascribes as God’s will has no concern of this Congress.”

This was quite stunning – even for a top Democrat.

Congressman Jerry Nadler: “God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress”

Life News reported:

During the debate yesterday over the Equality Act, a measure that would create a right to kill babies in abortions and force Americans to fund abortions, Republicans accused Democrats of ignoring Biblical values. And a surprising comment from pro-abortion Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler confirmed that to be true.

Part of the debate over the pro-abortion measure revolved around sex and gender issues and Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) upset Democrats when he confirmed God makes boys and girls unique.

“When men or women claim to be able to choose their own sexual identity, they are making a statement that God did not know what he was doing when he created them,” the congressman said.

“The gender confusion that exists in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design. Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God that nation is in rebellion against him and will inevitably bear the consequences,” the congressman said. “We are seeing the consequences of rejecting God here in our country today.”

That promoted a rather shocking comment from Nadler.

“What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,” he admitted.

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Judge Rules Arizona’s Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots To Senate

Judge Rules Arizona’s Maricopa County Must Turn Over 2.1 Million November Election Ballots To Senate

Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A judge on Friday ruled that Maricopa County must provide some 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the Arizona state Senate and allow access to its election equipment to conduct an audit.

Poll workers count ballots inside the Maricopa County Election Department in Phoenix, Ariz., on Nov. 5, 2020. (Olivier Touron/AFP via Getty Images)

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by Arizona’s state Senate are valid and should be enforced, and he disputed arguments from Maricopa County officials saying the subpoenas are unlawful. The county previously stated that multiple audits have been sufficient and said ballots should be sealed.

The Court finds that the subpoenas are legal and enforceable,” Thomason wrote (pdf) in his ruling. “There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections.

He argued that the “Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters,” adding that senators can “subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures.”

The move was hailed by Republican legislators in Arizona.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, told news outlets after the judge’s ruling that their move was “never about overturning the election, it was about the integrity of the Arizona election system.”

“This was always about voter integrity and the integrity of the voting system itself,” Fann added.

State Sen. Warren Petersen, a Republican, confirmed that the Senate will go through with a “forensic audit” of Maricopa’s Nov. 3 election results. Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, saw more than 2.1 million people vote during the last election.

But Bill Gates, the vice-chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, wrote Friday that the county has “nothing to hide,” adding that officials have “conducted three fully transparent audits, including two forensic audits by independent, qualified and outside Vote System Testing Laboratories.”

“I trust the Senate will be completely transparent with the public as Maricopa County has been,” he added. “From the beginning, the County sought clarification from the court. The court has ruled. I look forward to working with the Senate to provide them the information they are requesting.”

The subpoenas were issued following allegations of voter fraud and irregularities made by former President Donald Trump and surrogates including Rudy Giuliani.

A dispute over the election began when former Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth held a hearing to question county officials about the election. Farnsworth and Fann then issued several subpoenas, which prompted Maricopa County to issue a lawsuit. The subpoenas were re-issued in January.

It’s not clear if the Maricopa Board of Supervisors will appeal Thomason’s decision. The Epoch Times has reached out to the county for comment.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/26/2021 – 19:40

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Romanian Churches File Reply to SCOTUS

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Liberty Counsel filed the reply to the petition for cert asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case of Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church and Logos Baptist Ministries in their federal lawsuit against Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker for his unconstitutional executive orders discriminating against churches.

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Oklahoma Lawmakers Stand Up to Biden, Move to Create Process to Reject Executive Orders

The Oklahoma House of Representatives on Thursday approved legislation that would limit the power of President Joe Biden’s executive orders in the state. HB 1236 would allow the state Legislature to review each executive order to determine whether the Oklahoma attorney general should decide if it is constitutional. If the attorney general decides not to…

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The ‘Equality Act’ Is The Greatest Threat To Religious Freedom In Our Lifetime. We Must Stand Against It.

Religious liberty in America, slowly eroding for years, now faces its greatest threat in a generation. The so-called ‘Equality Act’ threatens the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion on a scale we haven’t seen in decades. It forces churches, synagogues, mosques — and other religious organizations like Christian colleges and universities — to recognize “gender […]

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