‘Talent On Loan From God’: What People Still Don’t Understand About Rush Limbaugh

For some reason, when I heard of the passing of the 70-year-old Rush Limbaugh from lung cancer, oddly enough, a scene from the TV series Mad Men came to mind. Don Draper, the mysterious and dapper ad man, explains to enthralled Kodak executives that the most important idea in advertising is new. “It creates an itch,” he explains. “You simply put your product in there as a sort of calamine lotion.” I think such a concept is at the heart of why “El Rushbo” as he was affectionately known by his loyal legions of over 20 million daily listeners, (and “Satan” by the Left in whose boot he was a burr for 37 years) was so successful. He was the first of what would be a media counter-revolution. A conservative backlash to what many across “fly-over country” saw as an ever steeper and more pervasive leftward tilt to the media and news sources they’d once trusted.

In 1984, when Limbaugh truly launched his career as the country’s premier political talk radio host at Sacramento-based KFBK, the media landscape was a barren place wherein alternative viewpoints had few if any outlets. In my hometown of Chicago, for example, if you wanted news you had a very limited, and ideologically monolithic, choice of media outlets. Your national news was confined to ABC (Peter Jennings), NBC (Tom Brokaw), CBS (Dan Rather), a few local stations like WGN and WTTW, PBS, some obscure UHF outlets, and in Chicago, two newspapers. The internet didn’t really exist. FM radio was mostly music, AM very hard to even tune into. And that was it.

Yet, those tens of millions of Americans who leaned right of center had no voice. No place to go where their views could be championed. There was nobody on the air of any import they could listen to and nod while mumbling “damned right.” Rush Limbaugh changed all that. He sensed there was an itch for alternative viewpoints beyond the liberal dogma seeping its way into our schools, universities, pop culture, politics, and ultimately supposedly “straight news” organizations. And he was unafraid to speak them aloud. After all, he reasoned, he was only repeating on an open forum what millions of Americans unsettled by the shift of their country into self-loathing, lawlessness, political opportunism, social permissiveness and corrosive morality, and general leftism among the institutions of power, were saying every night at the kitchen table.

Once he moved to New York with its vast audience, and especially after the FCC repealed its Fairness Doctrine in 1987, Limbaugh’s career skyrocketed and he soon stood at the top of a growing pile of conservative talk-show hosts — Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Howie Carr, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, et. al. — who rightfully look to him as the godfather of their uber-successful genre of infotainment.

At the ABC Radio Network he honed his style until be became the most recognized voice of the right in the nation. And he never wavered in his core message which could basically be summed up in a belief that the United States is a force for good, warts and all, and that the Left are out to destroy it. Every day, then, his radio broadcast was a three-hour long gladiator-like battle with the forces of evil, also known to his ocean of daily listeners as, well, “Democrats”.

But such a binary view of the issues and the players that shaped politics on the good and the bad side of the divide was fine with his legion of self-proclaimed “ditto-heads”. After years of being ridiculed, maligned, looked down upon, forgotten, and dismissed as knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing rubes, either through being labeled “clingers” or “deplorables” (let alone racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe Nazis from Hell…or Missouri, like Limbaugh himself) by the elites in the media with the right credentials and right viewpoints, they were happy to follow a man who gave as good as he got. And the simple fact is the more the Left tried to demonize and marginalize Limbaugh, sifting through decades of transcripts for that one “gotcha!” career-ending gaffe, the stronger and more influential he became. They may as well have tried to put out a fire with kerosene.  And it drove them mad.

One can already imagine the tsunami of vitriol and grave-dancing overwhelming the Twittersphere at this moment. But somehow I think Limbaugh would be happy to have their vile celebrations as his epitaph. After all, as a man in his line of work understood better than most, often it is more revealing to judge a man by his enemies than his friends

The numbers Limbaugh put up are testament to that void in broadcasting that The Rush Limbaugh Show targeted and filled. In 2008, he inked a contract extension with syndicator Premiere Radio Networks worth $400 million. His model of being a conservative yin to the liberal yang upset the balance of media power in this nation — meaning it moved to restore balance by offering an alternative narrative to those proffered by a once-unopposed media class — and his impact, almost three decades later, has been profound. Because of Limbaugh more than any other media personality, conservatives dominate the airwaves, despite Leftist attempts to emulate his model, but with an opposite message. His ascendancy went hand-in-hand with the rise of the Fox Broadcasting Company  (1986) which Rupert Murdoch founded to directly compete with the big three networks where they lived…on Television. No doubt the success of The Rush Limbaugh Show had a profound influence on the astute Murdoch, as Limbaugh paved the way and exposed the multi-billion dollar market just waiting to be cultivated.

I could give a blow-by-blow account of Limbaugh’s extraordinary life from his 1951 birth in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, his many awards, wealth, marriages, books and the rest right up to his crowning moment when he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 2020, while already battling cancer, but there is plenty of that out there.

What matters most about Limbaugh, one must think, is how different the country he leaves behind is as compared to the one in which he launched his broadcast revolution in 1984. Today we are more polarized as a nation than at any time since 1860…in many ways even more so. The question is, how much did Limbaugh contribute to it, and how much did he merely expose? That depends on who you ask. The left-wing Huffington Post, for example, reports his death this way: “Rush Limbaugh, Bigoted King Of Talk Radio, Dies At 70.” I think right there is the answer. Only in a nation already infected with such strains of hatred and vindictiveness could a Limbaugh have thrived. As with the president who awarded him his medal, Limbaugh was not a divider. Rather he exposed the divide that already existed. One cannot be so successful at selling calamine lotion for the soul to those not furiously itching for an alternative viewpoint, their viewpoint, to have a voice, a champion.

And as much as the Left hates Limbaugh, as much they will no doubt rejoice at his passing (in the name of “tolerance”, of course) they made him. He was their Frankenstein. And now they get to live with his legacy…which gives “El Rushbo” fans the last laugh, even as they mourn his passing. “Talent on loan from God” as he would mischievously say, has been returned to its rightful owner. But his impact cannot be refunded. Love him or hate him, we are living in a new hyper-political age that Rush Limbaugh, and those who symbiotically loved to loathe him, has created.

Brad Schaeffer is a commodities trader and writer whose articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, National Review, Celeb Magazine, Zerohedge, Frumforum, and other news outlets.  He is the author of the acclaimed World War II novel Of Another Time And Place

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire. 

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

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Kroger Closes More Grocery Stores Over “Hazard Pay” Laws

Kroger Closes More Grocery Stores Over "Hazard Pay" Laws

The nation’s second-largest grocery chain has announced the closure of two stores in Seattle, after the city passed a $4-an-hour hazard pay mandate for grocery workers, according to the Washington Post.

Food 4 Less workers this month protest the decision by parent company Kroger to close some of its locations after Long Beach, Calif., passed an emergency ordinance for temporary hazard pay. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

"Unfortunately, Seattle City Council didn’t consider that grocery stores — even in a pandemic — operate on razor-thin profit margins in a very competitive landscape," the company said in a statement. "When you factor in the increased costs of operating during covid-19, coupled with consistent financial losses at these two locations, and this new extra pay mandate, it becomes impossible to operate a financially sustainable business."

The hazard pay mandates were instituted because grocery employees were deemed "front line workers" due to their interaction with the public during the pandemic.

Hazard pay and other pandemic-related bonuses became popular among corporate grocery and retail giants, amid wider public attention on the plight of essential workers during the early spread of the coronavirus last year. Companies including Kroger, Target, Walmart, Amazon, Rite Aid and Albertsons instituted the policy.

But many companies like Kroger ended hazard pay as the country reopened, declining to reinstate the practice, despite record caseloads around the country. Kroger replaced it with a $400 bonus. –Washington Post

The move comes two weeks after Kroger announced the closure of stores in Long Beach, California over similar hazard pay legislation, blaming local officials after they passed a law mandating that grocery stores with at least 300 workers nationwide or 15 employees within Long Beach to pay an additional $4 an hour for a 120-day period.

Kroger’s decision was denounced by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.

"Kroger has literally made billions in pandemic profits off the sacrifices of grocery workers in Seattle and across the country," union president Marc Perrone said in a statement. "Kroger’s action today not only threatens these workers, but it also threatens the local food supply. Instead of doing what is right, protecting the community and providing the hazard pay for these essential grocery workers, Kroger is once again trying to intimidate local and national elected leaders."

Seattle officials, meanwhile, called Kroger’s move an attempt to "bully" the city’s elected leaders, who apparently didn’t think their actions would have consequences.

"Kroger has posted record earnings during this pandemic," said Council President M. Lorena González in a statement. "The city’s front line grocery workers, meanwhile, are exposed to covid-19 every day and many are still living paycheck to paycheck."

Kroger posted an operating profit of $792 million in Q3 2020, up 300% from the same quarter a year prior – so perhaps they’re drawing a line in the sand before cities across the country institute similar "hazard pay" mandates.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 02/17/2021 – 18:05

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Resident Idiot of US House Spouts Off: AOC Slams Texas for Power Outages Due to Frozen Wind Turbines

A winter storm caused mass chaos in Texas this week. Power outages were initiated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas early on Monday morning. This means hundreds of thousands of Texans are without electricity for short periods of time. Temperatures fell into the teens near Dallas and 20s around Houston. Hundreds of thousands of Texas residents are still without power.

According to reports nearly half of the wind energy is down in West Texas after the turbines froze.

But that didn’t stop the resident idiot of the US House of Representatives from spouting off.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Texas for the power outages saying the outages, “Are quite literally what happens when you *don’t* pursue a Green New Deal.”

You have to be a certain kind of stupid to spout off something that dumb.

The Daily Wire reported:

On Wednesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took a swipe at Texas political leaders, propounding that the suffering Texans are experiencing because of the freezing cold and concomitant power outages could have been addressed by her “Green New Deal.”

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “The infrastructure failures in Texas are quite literally what happens when you *don’t* pursue a Green New Deal. Weak on sweeping next-gen public infrastructure investments, little focus on equity so communities are left behind, climate deniers in leadership so they don’t long prep for disaster. We need to help people *now.* Long-term we must realize these are the consequences of inaction.”

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NYT Covertly Edits Report on Capitol Officer’s Death as Narrative Gets Busted

Something just isn’t right. The incursion into the Capitol on Jan. 6 was an ugly incident, but one of the most gutwrenching stories to come out of it was the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. Early reports stated the 42-year-old cop may have succumbed to injuries he received when a rioter bashed him…

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First Amendment Group Fries Florida University in Lawsuit Over ‘Vague’ Bias Response Policy

The University of Central Florida is under fire this week for a series of behavioral policies and response measures that conservative interests argue are “chilling student speech.” In a fiery public statement released Tuesday, Speech First, a nonprofit focused on college students’ free speech rights, announced it had filed suit against the Orlando university on…

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REVEALED: Far-left rioter paid thousands by CNN and NBC for Jan. 6 footage

Far-left rioter John Sullivan received $35,000 each from CNN and NBC for the Jan. 6 footage he recorded of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt’s shooting death inside the Capitol building.

According to records filed in federal court, the Black Lives Matter militant, who is facing criminal charges by federal authorities for his alleged involvement in the Capitol Hill riot, was awarded $70,000 total from the two left-wing media outlets.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper featured Sullivan on his show in the wake of the riot to present his account as the self-professed heroic reporter who both witnessed and captured the female Air Force veteran’s death.

In addition to the invoices filed by Sullivan’s lawyers from the major broadcasters for rights to air his footage, the defendant also received $5,000 from Left/Right Productions and $2,500 from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the Daily Caller reported.

Sullivan’s legal counsel disclosed the payments as part of the 26-year-old Utah native’s argument that he was present at the time to "document and report" the event for journalistic purposes, not to incite or engage in violence.

"Defendant is legitimately self-employed as a documentarian and it is oppressive to require that he not be allowed to continue his primary area of employment for an extended period of time," attorney Steven Kiersh wrote in another court filing, which argued for Sullivan’s continued usage of Facebook and Twitter.

The federal magistrate judge overseeing Sullivan’s case ruled on Tuesday that he can continue to use the digital networks, but that he must cut ties with the group he founded that the Justice Department claims promotes and glorifies violent protests, Politico reported.

Sullivan is accused of knowingly entering a restricted building or grounds without authority, civil disorder, and violent entry or disorderly conduct. He was later hit with an additional charge: obstruction of congressional efforts to count and certify President Joe Biden’s election victory over former President Donald Trump.

The founder of Utah-based extremist group Insurgence USA maintains that he embedded himself among the pro-Trump mob to record the January breach of the Capitol building. But an FBI special agent noted via sworn affidavit that Sullivan even admitted that he has no press credentials. The investigation failed to yield "any connection between Sullivan and any journalistic organizations."

There are recorded examples of Sullivan agitating the crowd. When individuals climbed the wall to reach the plaza just outside the Capitol building’s entrance, Sullivan can be heard shouting on-camera: "You guys are f—ing savage. Let’s go!"

"We did this together. F— yeah! We are all a part of this history," Sullivan stated in video evidence cited by the prosecutors. "Let’s burn this shit down."

At the afternoon hearing related to the defendant’s release conditions, Judge Robin Meriweather split the difference between prosecutors seeking to eliminate Sullivan’s social media presence and the defense lawyer who positioned the restrictions an "oppressive, overbroad" assault on his client’s constitutional rights.

"I am rejecting the broader prohibition on Twitter and Facebook and encrypted social media platforms," Meriweather said, also ordering that Sullivan be taken off of 24-hour location monitoring via GPS.

However, Sullivan will have his internet use monitored by probation officials. He’s still under home detention awaiting possible trial.

After Sullivan was charged, he was released from jail on house arrest under specific conditions despite objections. The prosecution warned during the previous virtual hearing that Sullivan "thrives on chaos," stating that he "uses messaging apps to set up meetings and set up riots."

Federal prosecutor Bryan Reeves pointed at Sullivan’s protest-drawn provocateur persona. "He will pose as different members of organizations, even those that have disavowed him" just to stir trouble, he alleged. Sullivan also had plans to return to Washington for Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, Reeves emphasized.

Sullivan was arrested and charged earlier in July 2020 during an Antifa-Black Lives Matter riot where drivers in Provo were threatened and one was shot.

It was also revealed that the Sullivan was once an Olympic speed skating prospect promoted by Uber. While training, he worked various odd jobs until he began his new stint as an Uber driver. The ride-hailing company featured Sullivan in an article, entitled "Meet John: An Aspiring Speed Skater," linking Sullivan’s self-started GoFundMe page. The campaign raised over $2,500 at the time to fund his journey to Pyeongchang. The since-deleted advertisement described his now-ditched Olympic gold medal dreams.

In January 2018, Sullivan competed in the men’s 500 meter event during the Long Track Speed Skating Olympic Trials at the Pettit National Ice Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Insurgence USA even uploaded footage of the race to YouTube.

His checkered past has burgeoned questions about the self-styled social justice activist’s true motives. Even figures on the political left have questioned Sullivan’s post-siege behavior and condemned his successful attempts to insert himself in the protest community. BLM’s Utah chapter leader Lex Scott insisted to Fox News that the organization does "not want to be associated" with Sullivan.

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Kroger to Close Two More Stores After Seattle City Council Mandates “Hazard Pay” for Grocery Workers

Supermarket retailer Kroger announced it will close two of its QFC grocery stores in Seattle because of the City Council’s new “Hazard Pay” law requiring an extra $4 per hour for workers.

The mandate, dubbed “Hazard Pay,” was designed to compensate grocery store workers for working in “dangerous” conditions due to the Covid pandemic – but it backfired.

QFC said its Seattle employees already make an average of $20 per hour – not including healthcare and retirement benefits.

The two grocery stores located on 15th Avenue and 35th Avenue in the Wedgewood neighborhood will close in 60 days.

“When you factor in the increased costs of operating during COVID-19, coupled with consistent financial losses at these two locations, and this new extra pay mandate, it becomes impossible to operate a financially sustainable business,” QFC said in a statement.

Earlier this month Kroger was forced to close two of its stores in Long Beach, California after the city council passed a mandate requiring companies with more than 300 employees to pay workers an extra $4 per hour.

Ralphs and Food 4 Less, owned by the parent company Kroger will be closing on April 17 due to the oppressive ordinance.

“As a result of the City of Long Beach’s decision to pass an ordinance mandating Extra Pay for grocery workers, we have made the difficult decision to permanently close long-struggling store locations in Long Beach,” said a company spokesperson. “This misguided action by the Long Beach City Council oversteps the traditional bargaining process and applies to some, but not all, grocery workers in the city.”

Kroger said it invested more than $1.3 billion since March to implement Covid safety measures and compensate employees.

This is just a taste of what’s to come with Joe Biden’s federal minimum wage increase to $15 per hour.

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DeSantis: Rush Limbaugh Is the ‘GOAT — of Radio, of Conservative Media and of Inspiring a Loyal Army of American Patriots’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) released a statement following the news of the passing of conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh, identifying him as the “greatest of all time” and someone who will never be replaced.

“Casey and I are truly saddened to learn of the passing of fellow Floridian and our friend, Rush Limbaugh,” he said in a statement, adding, “Through hard work, the will to succeed and, yes, talent on loan from God, Rush became the most dominant radio personality in American history.”

Limbaugh, DeSantis said, had an innate ability to connect with listeners “across the fruited plain — the hard-working, God-fearing and patriotic Americans who were and are the subject of derision and ridicule by the legacy media.”

“Rush busted through a media landscape in which a handful of media outlets served up pre-cooked, liberal narratives,” DeSantis observed, lauding Limbaugh for paving the way for the “proliferation of conservative media.”

“Rush was no flash in the pan — he was the dominant force in radio for decades,” DeSantis said, identifying him as the “GOAT — of radio, of conservative media and of inspiring a loyal army of American patriots.”

“We don’t know who will succeed Rush as America’s anchorman, but we do know that nobody will ever replace him,” DeSantis added:

Casey and I are saddened to learn of the passing of fellow Floridian and our friend, Rush Limbaugh. My statement:

Posted by Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Limbaugh’s wife Kathryn announced her husband’s passing at the beginning of his radio program Wednesday.

“It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer,” Katheryn announced as tributes poured in from notable political figures — from Mark Levin to former President Donald Trump.

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House Subcommittee Debates Bill on Reparations for Black Americans

Members of a House subcommittee debated legislation on Wednesday that would establish a federal commission to explore reparations for black Americans.

While the topic had been discussed in a 2019 hearing, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties returned to the subject and held a virtual hearing on Wednesday to discuss a bill first introduced in 1989 by the late Rep. John Conyers (D-MI).

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) reintroduced the measure, H.R. 40, in January of this year. The bill has 162 cosponsors, all of whom are Democrats.

“We believe in determination, and we believe in overcoming the many bad balls that we have been thrown; we’ve caught them, and we’ve kept on going. That is not the point of H.R. 40,” Jackson Lee noted in her opening statement. “Now more than ever, the facts and circumstances facing our nation demonstrate the importance of H.R. 40 and the necessity of placing our nation on the path to reparative justice.”

Hilary O. Shelton, head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) Washington, DC, office, insisted during his testimony that racial “disparities” are “still very much with us.”

“The issue of slavery is one that did not end with a stroke of Abraham Lincoln’s pen and the Emancipation Proclamation,” Shelton said. “As a matter of fact, many of the residuals of the transatlantic slave trade sadly, as we look at the disparities in data, are still very much with us.”

While Democrats favor the resolution, Republicans on the subcommittee pushed back on the need for reparations. Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), a black conservative and former NFL star, voiced his concern over reparations, pointing to the success of black Americans in recent history.

“The reality is that black American history is not one of a hapless, hopeless race oppressed by a more powerful white race,” Owens said. “It’s the history of millions of middle and wealthy class black Americans throughout the early 20th century, achieving the American dream.”

Radio star Larry Elder and NFL great Herschel Walker, two conservative black Americans, gave testimony echoing Owens’s remarks.

“‘You give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime,’” Walker said. “Reparations are only feeding someone for a day.” Walker also insisted that racism is “better today than yesterday.”

House Judiciary / YouTube

“My religion teaches togetherness. Reparations teaches separation,” Walker added in his testimony. “Slavery ended over 130 years ago. How can a father ask his son to do prison time for a crime he committed?”

Last October, Walker appeared on Fox News Channel where he pushed back against California legislation that would consider reparations for black people because of slavery, insisting that those who push the legislation are “just pandering for a vote.”

“I’m upset about it because all they are doing is pandering for a vote,” Walker said at the time. “Because let me tell you, why are you paying African-Americans off instead of empowering African-Americans?”

“Despite all of the problems that have been brought up in this committee about racism, about slavery, about Jim Crow, black people have overcome to the point now where only 20 percent of black people are below the federally defined level of poverty. Still too high, but in 1940 that number was 87 percent, and 20 years later that number had been reduced to 47 percent,” Elder said in his testimony.

House Judiciary / YouTube

“Despite all of this racism, all of this prejudice, black people still overcame,” Elder continued. “I also find it ironic we’re having this hearing 13 years after we elected, then reelected the first black president of the United States.”

Under questioning from Owens, Elder noted that “good economic policies work” regardless of race.

House Judiciary / YouTube

“Equal rights and equal results are two very different things,” Elder said. “I think that’s what we’re getting confused about here. Everybody’s entitled to equal rights, but nobody’s entitled to equal results.”

Follow Kyle on Twitter @RealKyleMorris and Facebook.

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