Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial

Democrats Caught Using Fake ‘Evidence’ At Impeachment Trial

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Democrats were caught Wednesday using fake evidence during their impeachment clown show, and were forced to withdraw it, proving that they don’t care about the truth, and only about trying to punish President Trump.

Impeachment managers led by Rep. Raskin charged that following the Capitol storming on January 6, Trump called Senator Mike Lee by accident when he really meant to speak to Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville.

Impeachment manager David Cicilline said “He dialed Senator Lee by accident, and Senator Lee describes it that he had just ended a prayer in the Senate chamber.”

Cicilline then charged that Trump asked Tuberville to “make further objections” to Biden’s election vote count, while Senator Lee “stood by.”

It soon emerged that then entire claim was bullshit, when Senator Lee confirmed it never happened.

“Statements attributed to me moments ago by the impeachment managers, statements relating to the contents of the conversations between phone calls involving Trump and Senator Tuberville, were not made by me, were not accurate,” Senator Lee said.

As Lee shouted at him, Raskin admitted that the claim was fake and agreed to withdraw it.

Earlier in the hearing, Rep. Eric Swalwell used a photoshopped tweet in an attempt to add extra weight to a post Trump re-tweeted about supporters ‘fighting’ for the country.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/12/2021 – 08:31

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BREAKING: Gina Carano To Produce And Star In Upcoming Film For The Daily Wire

Actress Gina Carano is partnering with The Daily Wire to produce and star in an upcoming film exclusively for Daily Wire members. Carano and The Daily Wire announced the new partnership on Friday, two days after the actress was ousted from her role in the Disney Star Wars spinoff show “The Mandalorian.” Disney cut the […]

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Rioters tried to break down the door to a police association in Portland in broad daylight

More protest violence was reported in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday when rioters attempted to break down the door to a police association in broad daylight.

Portland police tweeted about the incident from their social media account.

"A protest has developed near North Lombard Street and North Campbell Avenue, where participants have tried to break down the door the Portland Police Association," they tweeted.

A protest has developed near North Lombard Street and North Campbell Avenue, where participants have tried to break…

— Portland Police (@Portland Police)1612995317.0

"To those participating in the protest, this direction is being given over loudspeaker: stay on the sidewalk, do not try to break into the building or violate any other laws. If you do you’re subject to arrest and/or use of force including less lethal weapons," they said in a second tweet.

Hours later, the police tweeted that the rioters had dispersed, but had vandalized the building.

"[N]o arrests were made, no force was used, and no one was injured," they added. "About 15 officers, 3 sergeants, and 1 lieutenant were pulled from patrol duties to respond to the event."

An account of an independent journalist posted a photograph of a large "Black Lives Matter" banner being held in front of the building during the protest.

Current noise disruption for PPB’s bargaining negotiation at Portland Police Association, the Portland police union…

— Alissa Azar (@Alissa Azar)1612991961.0

They also played loud music from a speaker to disrupt a meeting inside the building, and tried to bar the door from the outside.

A donut for the police before the group dispersed. I guess nothing I tried to post uploaded earlier
— Alissa Azar (@R3volutionDaddy) February 11, 2021

Portland has seen many incidents of destructive protests and rioting from people supporting the Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements. They have caused millions of dollars in damage, according to local news media.

This is hardly the first time the Portland Police Association has been targeted by anti-police rioters. In July rioters attacked the association, broke the windows, vandalized the building and started a small fire inside.

Here’s more about the July attack on the police association:

Portland Police Association building damaged during night 52 of

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Rickards: The Only Way Out Of The Death Trap

Rickards: The Only Way Out Of The Death Trap

Authored by James Rickards via The Daily Reckoning,

I’ve said the U.S. is caught in a debt death trap.

Monetary policy won’t get us out because the velocity of money, the rate at which money changes hands, is dropping.

Printing more money alone will not change that.

Fiscal policy won’t work either because of high debt ratios. At current debt-to-GDP ratios, each additional dollar spent yields less than a dollar of growth. But because it must be borrowed, it does add a dollar to the debt. Debt becomes an actual drag on growth.

The ratio gets higher, and the situation grows more desperate. The economy barely grows at all while the debt mounts. You basically become Japan.

The national debt is $27.8 trillion. A $27.8 trillion debt would not be an issue if we had a $50 trillion economy.

But we don’t have a $50 trillion economy. We have about a $21 trillion economy, which means our debt is bigger than our economy.

The debt-to-GDP ratio is about 130%. Before the pandemic, it was about 105% (the policy response to the pandemic caused the spike).

Already in the Danger Zone

But even a ratio of 105% is in the danger zone.

Economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart carried out a long historical survey going back 800 years, looking at individual countries, or empires in some cases, that have gone broke or defaulted on their debt.

They put the danger zone at a debt-to-GDP ratio of 90%. Once it reaches 90%, debt becomes a drag on growth.

Meanwhile, we’re looking at deficits of $1 trillion or more, long after the pandemic subsides.

In basic terms, the United States is going broke. We’re heading for a sovereign debt crisis.

I don’t say that for effect. I’m not looking to scare people or to make a splash. That’s just an honest assessment based on the numbers.

Tax cuts won’t bring us out of it, neither can structural changes to the economy. Both would help if done properly, but the problem is simply far too large.

So, an economic time bomb is ticking. Velocity is dropping. Debt is growing while growth is slowing. The explosion will come in the form of asset bubbles bursting and stocks crashing.

There’s no way out of the debt death trap. Or is there?

There is actually a way out. It’s the only solution left, really. And that’s inflation.

Deadbeats Love Inflation

Deflation increases the real value of debt. With deflation, the value of money increases, making it more burdensome to pay off debt. This is why debtors hate deflation.

And guess who is the world’s largest debtor nation? That’s right, the U.S.

On the other hand, inflation decreases the real value of debt. It’s easier to pay down debt because you’re paying back debt with dollars that are less valuable than when you originally borrowed them.

But the Fed has failed to produce inflation for over a decade now, despite all the trillions of dollars it’s fabricated.

Then how can the government and the Fed produce inflation now?

The solution is to increase the price of gold in order to change inflationary expectations. That will increase money velocity and get the growth engine running again. The Fed could actually cause inflation in about 15 minutes if it used this method.

FDR did this to perfection in 1933, and his actions began to dig us out of the Great Depression. Jerome Powell, Biden and his Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen could do it again if they wanted to (assuming they know how, which is probably too much to assume).

But how could they increase the gold price to increase money velocity and change inflation expectations?

Inflation in 15 Minutes

I’ve written about it before, but it bears revisiting, especially since there are newer readers who may be unfamiliar with it. Here’s how they can do it:

The Fed can call a board meeting, vote on a new policy, walk outside and announce to the world that effective immediately, the price of gold is $5,000 per ounce.

They could make that new price stick by using the Treasury’s gold in Fort Knox and the major U.S. bank gold dealers to conduct “open market operations” in gold.

The Fed will be a buyer if the price hits $4,950 per ounce or less and a seller if the price hits $5,050 per ounce or higher. They will print money when they buy and reduce the money supply when they sell via the banks.

The Fed would target the gold price rather than interest rates.

The point is to cause a generalized increase in the price level. A rise in the price of gold from $1,900 per ounce to $5,000 per ounce is a massive devaluation of the dollar when measured in the quantity of gold that one dollar can buy.

There it is — massive inflation in 15 minutes: the time it takes to vote on the new policy.

It’s Happened Before

The first time this happened was in 1933 when President Franklin Roosevelt ordered an increase in the gold price from $20.67 per ounce to $35.00 per ounce, nearly a 75% rise in the dollar price of gold.

He did this to break the deflation of the Great Depression, and it succeeded. The economy grew strongly from 1934-36.

The second time was in the 1970s when Nixon ended the conversion of dollars into gold by U.S. trading partners. Nixon did not want inflation, but he got it.

Gold went from $35 per ounce to $800 per ounce in less than nine years, a 2,200% increase. U.S. dollar inflation was over 50% from 1977-1981. The value of the dollar was cut in half in those five years.

History shows that raising the dollar price of gold is the quickest way to cause general inflation. If the markets don’t do it, the government can. It works every time.

Would the government and the Fed consider the gold trick I just described? They may have no choice ultimately.

‘What Can I Do?’

The real message is that the solutions to current debt levels are inflationary. That means revaluing the dollar either through a higher gold price or marking the gold to market and giving the government money.

There are a lot of moving parts here, but they all point in one direction, which is higher inflation.

It’s the only way to keep America from going broke and falling into a sovereign debt crisis.

Unfortunately, it will also slash the value of the dollar. Your savings could quickly evaporate, and your standard of living will suffer.

That’s why I recommend you put around 10% — but no more than 20% — of your investable assets into physical gold.

I also recommend select gold stocks, which can massively leverage the spot price of gold to produce enormous returns.

That will give you the protection you need to safeguard your wealth and grow it.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 02/11/2021 – 19:50

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Twitter Locks the Accounts of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas

Social media platform Twitter has locked the accounts of both Project Veritas and James O’Keefe following a recent report relating to Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen. The platform claims the report violates its policy on “posting private information,” and as a result, both O’Keefe’s personal account and the official account of Project Veritas have been locked, preventing them from posting.

Twitter has locked the accounts of Project Veritas and the group’s founder James O’Keefe. The account limiting comes shortly after Project Veritas published an exposé on Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen. The video of Rosen is available on the Project Veritas website.

A tweet from Breaking911 shows the messages that Project Veritas and O’Keefe received when they attempted to access their accounts.

Twitter alleges that Project Veritas and O’Keefe violated the site’s rules relating to the posting of private information. As evidence of this, Twitter quotes tweets relating to Project Veritas’ latest video on Rosen.

Veritas’ latest report relates to Rosen’s comments that Facebook “freezes” comments in places that the site’s algorithm believes “may be” hate speech.

Rosen stated in leaked audio: “We have a system that is able to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence…these are all things we’ve built over the past three-four years as part of our investments into the integrity space our efforts to protect the election.”

Breitbart News has reached out to Twitter for more information on its decision to lock O’Keefe and Project Veritas out of the platform but has yet to receive a reply.

Read Project Veritas’ full report on Guy Rosen at their website here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address

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Joe Biden Calls Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping

President Joe Biden called the Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping Wednesday, on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, according to the White House.

Presidential staff provided a readout of the call, asserting Biden expressed “fundamental concern” about China’s “coercive and unfair economic practices” and also spoke about the governments’ crackdown in Taiwan and human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

President Xi pushed back on Biden’s rhetoric, according to China’s state-run propaganda outlet the Global Times, reminding him the United States should “respect” China’s actions in domestic affairs.

Biden also spoke about his priorities with Xi, according to the White House, on “countering the COVID-19 pandemic, and the shared challenges of global health security, climate change, and preventing weapons proliferation.”

The White House said Biden remained committed to working with China as long as it served American interests.

“President Biden committed to pursuing practical, results-oriented engagements when it advances the interests of the American people and those of our allies,” the readout concluded.

The Global Times noted Biden also “conveyed festive greetings to the Chinese people and wished the Chinese people a happy and prosperous New Year.”

Biden and Xi have a longstanding relationship that began during former President Barack Obama’s administration when Biden was the vice president.

“I know him pretty well,” Biden said in an interview with CBS on Sunday. “He’s very bright and he’s very tough and – I don’t mean it as a criticism it’s just a reality – he doesn’t have a democratic…bone in his body.”

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Expert: Gas Prices Have Surged Since Election, Here’s How Much Americans Could Pay Under Biden

Energy industry executives are sounding the alarm on President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies and warning that they will force Americans to pay higher prices for gas and other utilities. Steven Kopits is a longtime oil industry executive who’s currently the managing director of Princeton Energy Advisors. He’s horrified that since Election Day, gas prices have…

The post Expert: Gas Prices Have Surged Since Election, Here’s How Much Americans Could Pay Under Biden appeared first on The Western Journal.

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WATCH: DeSantis Warns Biden Administration After Report Says They Might Target Florida: ‘We Will Respond Very Swiftly’

Speaking in Port Charlotte, Florida, on Thursday, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis reacted harshly to speculation that the Biden administration might institute travel restrictions on the state.

McClatchy reported on Thursday, “The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.”

DeSantis fired: “I think it would be unconstitutional, it would be unwise, and it would be unjust,” adding that “restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous, but very damaging farce.”

He continued: “We will not back down, and if anyone tries to harm Floridians or target us, we will respond very swiftly.”

“People have asked me about, there was some type of report about potential travel restrictions on Americans and on Floridians, and I think it’s an absurd report that they would be doing that; I think it would be unconstitutional, it would be unwise, and it would be unjust,” DeSantis began. “If you think about it, restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous, but very damaging farce. So we will oppose it 100%; it would not be based in science; it would purely be a political attack against the people of Florida.”

He continued:

It’s unclear why they would even try talking about that; just look at the COVID situation in the state of Florida — so since December, the last couple months, Florida’s cases per capita compared to the rest of the country: 28th. 27 other states higher per capita cases, and for the entire pandemic, it’s a similar story. Hospitalizations per capita over this time period, Florida ranks 30th. 29 other states have higher per capita hospitalizations.

Fatalities per capita for this same period, Florida ranks 42nd. 41 states have higher per capita fatalities. So, since December 1, well over half the country has seen much worse COVID results than here in Florida.

But all you have to do, too, is just look at some of the trends. ED visits for COVID-like illness [is] down 60% in Florida over the last 30 days. That’s the number one indicator for COVID spread. Hospitalized patients are down about 35% in Florida statewide over the last three weeks. And don’t forget, over the winter, Florida peaked at much less level than we did over the summer months. And we were way less per capita than a lot of lockdown states that are always cited as being “the right way to do it.”

Meanwhile, we’ve vaccinated the most people of any state in the age bracket where most of the fatalities occur: age 65 and plus. We have now, reporting about 1.6 million seniors that have received a shot; that’s about 35% of our gigantic senior population, which is almost 4.5 million. We are number one for shots for seniors; we’ve done 75% of all shots administered in Florida have gone to senior citizens, and the percentages of seniors that have been vaccinated is one of the highest in the country and it continues to grow every day.

And so any attempt to restrict or lock down Florida by the federal government would be an attack on our state done purely for political purposes.

Now, we’ve had to stand by Floridians over these many, many months, even in difficult circumstances, even when it was not easy to do. We’ve saved their jobs time and time again. We’ve preserved small businesses time and time again, and we’ve preserved the right of parents to send their children to school in person. You look around the country, a lot of kids haven’t been in school since March of 2020. It’s an absolute disgrace. We led very early on that, and we’re much better for it.

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

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