Drug Cartels ‘Given Permission’ To Shoot At Border Patrol Agents: Report

According to a news report, members of the brutal Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico have been “given permission” to fire at U.S. Border Patrol agents.

An internal memo was transmitted to federal agents in the El Paso Sector warning the agents of the new danger, NewsNation reported. According to a report broadcast on the outlet, “Mexican cartels have given permission to its members to shoot at U.S. agents at the border.”

The memo revealed that two days prior, shots had been fired at contractors working in the Eagle Pass area of Texas’ Del Rio Sector. The new problem has arisen following the internecine fighting among members of the cartel after cofounder Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán López, the son of imprisoned Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, were arrested by U.S. authorities on July 25.

“They fear no one anymore, especially U.S. law enforcement,” former Homeland Security Investigation agent Victor Avila told NewsNation. “They do have the resources and they do have the capability, and they will use them against us. … The No. 1 reason they fight for these plazas is because these plazas are the corridors to enter the United States, whether California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and that’s the major fight because the Sinaloa cartel has controlled that whole area.”


Former President Donald Trump has his own blunt opinion about the problem at the border, recently saying, “We need a military operation. These people have become military. They’re very rich, have a lot of money. They’re among the richest people, probably in the world.”

“We have long heard from Border Control agents that they face increased risks in their frontline jobs,” Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, stated. “These reports are just further proof that the cartels will stop at nothing to take what they want. Our border patrol agents deserve policies that will make their jobs easier. Unfortunately Biden and Harris have given them the opposite.”

“People live in fear, schools are empty, young people are disappearing, the streets are empty at night,” Miguel Calderón, State Council on Public Safety general coordinator, said. “We have a social emergency on the horizon.”

via The Daily Wire – Breaking News, Videos & Podcasts

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“Energy Transition Failing”: Hedge Funds Mount Climate Short Bets On Green Tech Stocks 

"Energy Transition Failing": Hedge Funds Mount Climate Short Bets On Green Tech Stocks 

A new Bloomberg analysis of 500 hedge funds tracked by Hazeltree, a data compiler in the alternative investment industry, finds an increasing number of Wall Street hedge funds are, on average, net short batteries, solar, electric vehicles, and hydrogen companies compared to those long green companies.

Data also shows that more funds are net long fossil fuels than shorting oil, natural gas, and coal. This comes despite the Western world and China deploying hundreds of billions of dollars in green stimuli packages to support these industries. Yet, considering some green industries are not sustainable in the short run, some speculative green tech firms have already imploded. 

Wall Street quickly realized in 2023 that clean energy and green tech investments wouldn’t deliver the fast returns they had banked on. Many were blinded by government and MSM’s climate crisis propaganda, pouring money into green companies that never had a chance in a high-interest-rate environment. 

The Bloomberg analysis provides a glimpse into misguided investments by much of Wall Street. Now, funds are primarily net short green tech while long fossil fuels. 

Readers were provided numerous notes on the worsening green energy bubble meltdown last year: 

And the continuation into 2024:

In markets, since peaking in 2021, the S&P Global Clean Energy Index has slid 60%, while the S&P Global Oil Index has jumped 70%. 

Impax Asset Management, a clean-energy transition fund that once had $50 billion valuation, has seen its value collapse by over half since 2021. 

Here’s more from Bloomberg:

Beyond the tougher macro-economic backdrop that green investors have had to contend with over the past few years — with higher interest rates upending capital-intensive projects like offshore wind farms, and limiting funding for emerging technologies — there continues to be a hostile political backdrop. Investment managers who remain full-throated in their embrace of green, sustainable or ESG (environmental, social and governance) strategies regularly have to defend themselves against US Republicans enraged by what they see as a "woke," anti-capitalist conspiracy.

Then there’s the other, more consequential political risk. Most of the hedge fund managers Bloomberg interviewed pointed to an increasingly hostile geopolitical environment, with obstacles such as tariff wars leaving them unwilling to invest in classic green bets such as EVs or solar power. In fact, with much of the supply chain for green technology now depending on China, the risk of a full-blown trade war targeting its products has become a direct threat to the financial appeal of clean energy, they said.

"The energy transition is failing, and will fail," Barry Norris, the founder and chief investment officer of UK hedge fund Argonaut Capital Partners LLP, told Bloomberg, adding fossil fuel will remain the top energy source for years to come.

All hope isn’t lost. From the beginning, we’ve told readers that the real green trade lies in nuclear energy: "Buy Uranium: Is This The Beginning Of The Next ESG Craze." 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 10/21/2024 – 08:45

via ZeroHedge News

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.zerohedge.com

Top Three Threats From the Democratic Establishment From An Independent ‘Black Wing’ Perspective

I just posted these concerns in X:

‘My Top Three Big Threats

As a ‘Black wing’, neither mainstream left nor right wings, my top three big threats to oppose are: ‘big war’ in Eastern Europe & Middle East, ‘ ‘big migration’ absorbing our Black nation w/in a nation & a big grab’ (Just made it up lol) of gun rights.’

via Canada Free Press

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://canadafreepress.com

Did Brad Raffensperger Just Telegraph the 2024 Steal in Georgia? He’s Going to Accept UOCAVA Votes for 3 EXTRA DAYS! Are Republicans Paying Attention

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the state will be counting UOCAVA ballots for three days after the election!

Today, we know that in 2020, Joe Biden received all of the military and overseas votes in Fulton County, Georgia.

All 900 ballots counted in Fulton County went for Joe Biden.


We also know today that the election workers who secretly counted ballots in the State Farm Center late at night on election night were counting the overseas or UOCAVA ballots.

ANOTHER FUN FRAUD FACT: All 900 Military Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Went to Sleepy Joe Biden — NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!

In December 2020, Rudy Giuliani and Attorney Jacki Pick told a Georgia Senate committee that 93% of the military ballots in Georgia went for Joe Biden.

Although this was shocking news, we saw similar results in other battleground states.

It was not until much later that we learned that these were not just military votes. The overseas ballots included military and US citizens living abroad. They are listed as UOCAVA voters.

Despite citizens flocking home to America’s shores in 2020 due to fears of COVID-19, non-military UOCAVA voters more than doubled to 573,000 from 2016 numbers of around 228,000. Meanwhile, military overseas voters dropped to 37% of total UOCAVA voters.

Considering, in 2020, just 44,000 votes across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin votes "won" Joe Biden the presidency, it is not surprising Democrats are focusing on UOCAVA votes again this year.

As reported earlier by Patty McMurray,

The DNC’s stated goal of winning the votes of approximately 9 million Americans through its Democrats Abroad website seems impossible, given that according to a recent report by the federal government FVAP website, only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age.

Reuters recently wrote about the DNC’s plan to spend $300,000 to register “9 million” UOCAVA voters leading up to the 2024 election. According to the government website FVAP, there are only 2.8 million eligible UOCAVA voters. Let’s assume that half of those eligible voters would vote Democrat (a generous assumption given the state of the US economy); that’s only 1.4 million eligible voters in the 2024 election. The 1.4 million number doesn’t account for how they would vote or even if they would vote, given that a meager number of eligible overseas voters actually vote.

Curiously, the DNC memo claims that "over 1.6 million Americans from the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin" live overseas, adding that they plan to "fight for every vote."

They share the chart with their UOCAVA population estimates for each battleground state.


The total number of swing state voters in the Democrat chart comes out to 1,625,136 voters.

The US government says there are 2.8 million total overseas eligible US voters.

Democrats want you to believe that over half of those eligible overseas voters have a residence in the crucial swing states!  That is absurd!

The Gateway Pundit has also reported that The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) allows online voter registrations without verification of identity or citizenship status.

US Citizens in the USA who would like to register to vote must share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

UOCAVA voters, however, can bypass the requirement to share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.

The screenshot below shows how the Democrat Party website, much like the federal government’s website, registers UOCAVA voters to vote in US elections and allows the user to bypass the ID portion of the online registration process.


UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting.

Here are a few additional details about UOCAVA voters who register to vote on the FAVP or Federal Voting Assistance Program application (a federal government website) or the Democrat-funded website VoteFromAbroad.org:

– Applicants may choose any state or address they wish to vote in.

No one verifies that these registrants ever lived at the address they list or that they have any connection to that state.

In their memo, Democrats share a chart outlining the number of estimated voters they plan to work to register in each battleground state before the 2024 election.

On Sunday, Georgia’s controversial Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that Georgia will be collecting UOCAVA ballots for three days after the election!

"75% of all the vote totals will be reported no later than 8pm on election night… What we will be waiting for is the overseas ballots that come in no later than Friday,” Raffensperger said during the interview.

Raffesnperger is clearly broadcasting the steal in Georgia!

Are Republicans paying attention yet?

The post Did Brad Raffensperger Just Telegraph the 2024 Steal in Georgia? He’s Going to Accept UOCAVA Votes for 3 EXTRA DAYS! Are Republicans Paying Attention appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Forget the polls — Follow the money

The ever-present, ever-changing election polls reflect what a limited group of people think on a given day. But the billions of dollars wagered on 2024 Presidential election betting proves what a compendium of smart, wealthy people think will happen on Election Day. Polls are opinions. Betting markets are opinions, too, but they are opinions backed up by billions of dollars. The smart money is now backing Trump 60-40. 

Betting on everything from elections to the date of the first measurable snowfall in London has long been legal in the U.K. The internet, combined with the security of blockchain money movements, spread wagering worldwide. Billions have already been bet on this election. Billions more dollars, Euros, yen, and even rubles will be gambled before November 5. Although the odds strongly favored Harris in the weeks after the Biden campaign bit the dust, the ongoing shift in betters’ money-backed best guesses has now moved to Trump 3-2.

According to Forbes, the wagering giant Polymarket recently broke the 60% ceiling. This is the first time Pres. Trump enjoyed such a wide margin since Biden dropped out (or was dropped out, take your pick) from the race. The survey company Election Betting Odds aggregates the betting markets like Real Clear Politics combines pollsters’ predictions. EBO has Trump at 57%. 

The U.S. pollsters do not favor Pres. Trump that highly. Even so, RCP now has Trump up in the critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and New Mexico. These are massive changes from two months ago. RCP is now predicting Trump would win with 312 of the required 270 electoral votes if the election were held today. Simply put, the projected ballots and bucks agree.

The critical information for us is not just the betting percentages. It’s how they are generated. These new numbers all come from people who are sure enough in their expectations to bet millions of dollars on the outcome. These are the “Smart Money People” who back up their feelings with hard cash.

You may remember J. Edgar Hoover’s adage, “Follow the money, and you follow the course of the crime.” In this election, it’s “Follow the bucks, and you will predict the ballots.”

Image: Pexels/Jonathan Borba

via American Thinker Blog

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Blaze News original: Biden-Harris deep state censorship scandal EXPOSED: Here’s who’s fighting back

Under the leadership of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the U.S. State Department has become fixated on controlling speech under the pretense of guarding against so-called "disinformation."

Fortunately, some of the apparent targets of the agency — reporters Gabe Kaminsky of the Washington Examiner and Matt Taibbi of the "Twitter Files," as well as some Republican lawmakers — have chosen to fight back, calling out the State Department for trying to censor Americans and right-leaning media outlets exercising their First Amendment rights in ways the government doesn’t like.

Blaze News caught up with Kaminsky and others wrangled into this ongoing fight for free speech to learn what they have endured in the past and what they hope to accomplish going forward.

Background: The ‘disinformation’ boogeyman

These days, it seems that all high-profile Democrats and their allies in the media are obsessed with this trend.

In connection with FEMA funding and the hurricanes that recently battered the Southeastern United States, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed in early October that "there’s a lot of mis- and disinformation being pushed out there" by former President Donald Trump.

‘Our First Amendment stands as a major block.’

CNN anchor Dana Bash dutifully followed Harris’ lead and bragged in an X post that she had asked Harris "about dangerous misinformation coming in part from Donald Trump."

Back in 2022, Harris’ running mate, vice presidential nominee Tim Walz (D), bizarrely asserted that "there’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, especially around our democracy."

Speaking at a World Economic Forum event in September, former Secretary of State John Kerry lamented that "if people go to only one source and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just hammer it out of existence."

Even with deadly forces of nature flooding a major swath of the U.S., tens of thousands of rapists and murderers from foreign countries stealing into the country, painfully high prices at the pump and in grocery stores, and the ever-present threat of nuclear war, the Democrats have apparently settled on "disinformation" as the most pressing problem facing America today.

The State Department never responded to the series of questions Blaze News submitted about the topic, so it remains unclear how the department defines "disinformation" or how it determines which information is branded "disinformation" and which is considered plain old information.

Despite this lack of clarity, back in 2016, under the Obama administration, the State Department created a subdivision entitled the General Engagement Center, which has as its mission "to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations."

In short, the GEC was mainly established to root out "disinformation" propagandized by other countries in order to guard Americans against pernicious foreign influence.

Within just a few years, however, the GEC appears to have devolved into little more than a federal panopticon seeking out Americans and American media outlets that hold disfavored views and then censoring them by allegedly funding disinformation-related organizations, both foreign and domestic.

The Twitter and Kaminsky files

In January 2023, independent journalist Matt Taibbi famously initiated what became known as the "Twitter Files," a series of exposés revealing alleged ties between the social media platform now called X and various federal agencies.

The first installment of the Twitter Files focused mainly on 2020 — while Trump was still in office — and the increasing number of requests from federal agents and lawmakers to silence accounts over alleged disinformation about COVID-19. According to Taibbi’s report, the State Department’s General Engagement Center was among the first to flag supposedly "Russia-linked accounts" that promulgated COVID-related messages in various languages to spread disinformation to "a global audience."

By 2021, Joe Biden had been sworn into office, and the GEC then allegedly expanded its efforts to root out disinformation.

To that end, the GEC apparently partnered with the Global Disinformation Index, a London-based organization that ranks various media outlets based on the risk they pose of purveying disinformation. Because GDI is located overseas, the GEC could theoretically send money its way without running afoul of the GEC mission to address only "foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts."

And since the GDI included many American outlets on its Dynamic Exclusion List, the GEC appears to have indirectly funded attacks on American media. Blaze Media was among the top 10 media outlets the GDI described as the "riskiest" for disseminating disinformation, as were the Daily Wire, the Federalist, RealClearPolitics, One America News, and the New York Post.

According to reports from Gabe Kaminsky of the Washington Examiner, between October 2021 and March 2022, the GEC gave the GDI a grant of $100,000.

The National Endowment for Democracy, a nonprofit heavily funded by the State Department, apparently gave the GDI an additional grant of more than $750,000, bringing the total given to the GDI by organizations within the State Department’s purview to over $850,000.

Neither of those grants has been renewed, the New York Post reported.

‘The State Department had numerous opportunities to respond to my reporting on it funding the Global Disinformation Index, but they declined to answer basic questions.’

Rather than engage in introspection after that information became public and assess whether the State Department had gone too far in seeking to silence free speech and the free press, in March 2023, the department apparently compiled a press guide so that agents could defend it against the reports from Taibbi, Kaminsky, and others.

The New York Post eventually got hold of the press guide and published screenshots of it in a damning report last month. All of the screenshots of the State Department’s press guide shared by the Post except one is marked "U.S. Department of State" and "not for public release."

According to one screenshot, which appears to be a script for agents to follow in the event they are asked about the relationship between the GEC and the GDI, agents are encouraged to say that the GEC did not invest in the GDI "to blacklist conservative media outlets" but rather to analyze "disinformation efforts in East Asia and Europe."

"The GEC presented GDI with a scope of work to apply its disinformation risk measurement across a set of foreign countries and languages in East Asia and Europe," the script suggests that agents say, according to the screenshot. "GDI was able to expand its disinformation risk measurement across six new languages — Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian and Ukrainian — enabling a more precise focus on [People’s Republic of China] and Russian disinformation activities."

"The GEC’s work with GDI was limited to counter-disinformation efforts in East Asia and Europe," another screenshot reiterates.

Should a State Department agent be asked whether the GDI ever created "a blacklist of American sites," the script suggests referring the inquirer "to GDI for questions on their activities."

Other screenshots of the press guide indicate that the State Department wanted to go on the offense, seemingly attacking the reporters who covered the relationship between the GEC and the GDI rather than defend the actions of the agency.

In a section entitled "Background for Briefer’s Eyes Only," the press guide accuses Taibbi of misrepresenting the facts regarding federal influence over Twitter and Elon Musk of amplifying Taibbi’s misrepresentations by retweeting his first Twitter Files thread.

"Elon Musk’s retweet of Taibbi’s thread insinuates that the [United States government], and the GEC in particular, pressured Twitter to close U.S. accounts of which the USG disapproved," one screenshot says. "The evidence offered for this claim is often missing, inferred, or presented out of context."

The text in the screenshot never explains in what way Taibbi failed to support his claims or offered evidence "out of context."

The State Department press guide also takes aim at Kaminsky, implying that he failed in his journalistic responsibilities by not asking for an interview with State Department officials, even as it admits that Kaminsky "sent questions repeatedly" to the State Department press office, the screenshot shows. The guide even acknowledges that the press office "responded to his requests."

Kaminsky, who reportedly sent the State Department press office nearly a dozen requests for comment between January and February 2023, gave the Post a different version of events. "The State Department had numerous opportunities to respond to my reporting on it funding the Global Disinformation Index, but they declined to answer basic questions," he said.

In a summary page of the press guide, the State Department reiterates the mission of the GEC, that it is geared toward combatting "foreign attempts to spread disinformation and propaganda globally" and that it "does not fund programs in the United States."

Another page of the guide insists that "the GEC does not and has never attempted to moderate content on social media," a screenshot reveals.

In a statement to Blaze News, Kaminsky called that assertion "false."

"That claim is untrue alone based on the GEC’s involvement in the lead-up to the 2020 election with the Election Integrity Partnership, a collaboration between colleges, think tanks, social media platforms, and the U.S. government to thwart alleged falsehoods online," he said.

"It makes sense that the State Department — or any other agency — would craft public or non-public press guidance to determine how to respond to reporting that scrutinizes its activities and unearths wrongdoing," he continued.

"Investigative reporting by Taibbi, myself, and other journalists demonstrated that the GEC has been closely linked to efforts by activists to suppress domestic content on social media and also funded entities such as the Global Disinformation Index that aim to thwart U.S.-based voices that the British group disagrees with."

Matthew Peterson, editor in chief of Blaze News, one of the outlets disparaged by the GDI, is likewise incensed that the federal government has seemingly taken aim at its own law-abiding citizens:

The federal government now routinely uses our tax dollars to shape and censor political speech in America. In this case, we see the State Department engaged in an active war against journalists like Matt Taibbi and Gabe Kaminsky and elected officials like Jim Banks who dared to expose their unconstitutional activity. If America is to retain a republican form of government, federal officials cannot be allowed to attack and smear anyone who attempts to discover the truth about what they are up to.

The State Department, the Global Disinformation Index, the National Endowment for Democracy, and Taibbi did not respond to a request for comment.

‘A sloppy and hypocritical lie’: Lawmakers become involved

In addition to Taibbi and Kaminsky, the State Department press guidance obtained by the Post also refers to members of Congress, including Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.).

Murphy, who has described himself as "one of the bipartisan creators" of the Global Engagement Center, appears to have been included in the press guidance because he issued his own tweet thread in February 2023, claiming that the accusations against the GEC in Taibbi’s Twitter Files thread were "MADE UP OUT OF THIN AIR."

According to Murphy, the GEC never "improperly labeled" Twitter accounts as agents of "Russian propaganda."

"All the GEC did was was to note that bots and social media accounts that had previously been proven to be linked to foreign governments were now in the business of spreading anti-U.S. COVID misinformation. That’s it," he wrote.

‘The Putin regime and the Biden-Harris administration both hate free speech, and that’s why they targeted me.’

The reasons for including Rep. Banks in the State Department press guidance are less clear, especially since the key reference to him in the document appears to be a misquotation of a statement Banks gave to Kaminsky.

For an article published February 9, 2023, Banks told the Washington Examiner: "House Republicans will be hauling these bad actors before Congress, and I absolutely support legislation to ban federal funding of anti-free-speech groups."

However, the quotation attributed to Banks that appears in the State Department press guidance, according to a screenshot shared by the Post, looks markedly different: "The Republicans of the House of Representatives will bring these bad actors to justice to Congress, and I absolutely support the legislation banning federal funding for the fight against freedom of speech."

In a letter dated September 16, 2024, and addressed to Secretary of State Blinken, Banks indicated that the cause for the discrepancy is that the State Department cited "RIA FAN (Russia)" as the source for Banks’ statement, not Kaminsky or the Washington Examiner.

The ultimate effect of the GEC’s "intentional misquotation," Banks argued in the letter, was to give "the impression that [he] had been speaking with a Russian propaganda outlet."

"The State Department, in defense of its domestic so-called ‘disinformation’ operation, purposefully spread disinformation about a U.S. lawmaker," the letter continued. "This is a sloppy and hypocritical lie and it is typical of the Biden-Harris State Department’s repeated attacks on the First Amendment and Americans’ free speech rights."

Kaminsky is likewise troubled by the apparent misquotation of Banks, telling Blaze News that it raises "concerns about speech suppression."

"The State Department’s decision to cite the Russian misquotation, which did not circulate among U.S.-based readers, was an apparent effort to unfairly link Banks to a foreign adversary. Some would call that disinformation. Ironic, no?"

In a statement to Blaze News, Rep. Banks called out Russia and the Biden-Harris administration as enemies of free speech.

"Russia sanctioned me for being an enemy of Vladimir Putin, and now the Biden State Department is falsely smearing me as a Russian propaganda booster," he said. "The Putin regime and the Biden-Harris administration both hate free speech, and that’s why they targeted me."

About a week after Banks issued the letter to Blinken, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wrote a letter of his own, claiming the GEC was beyond hope and demanding its outright dissolution.

"By smearing anyone who disagrees with it as a Russian stooge, this network conflates U.S. citizens with a U.S. adversary, as State Department talking points did to my colleague Representative Jim Banks and the award-winning journalists Gabe Kaminsky and Matt Taibbi in a scheming sleight of hand that ruled out of bounds political opinions and fact-based reporting it opposed but cannot refute," Issa said.

"Mr. Secretary: It is time for this failed entity to be held accountable. It is time to bring an end to the Global Engagement Center," his letter closed.

In a statement to Blaze News, Issa said:

The First Amendment rights of the American people are threatened not only by malign actors in the EU, U.K., or Brazil — but by our own State Department and specifically the Global Engagement Center. There truly is a Censorship Industrial Complex at home and abroad, and our opposition to it must be no less comprehensive. Congress can’t look away from this continuing scandal that grows worse with every revelation. We need to be committed and creative if we’re going to win the fight for free speech and a future without the GEC is a step in that right direction.

Issa may soon get his wish. A State Department appropriations bill that has already passed the House and that will soon be under consideration in the Senate seeks to strike funding for the GEC based on its alleged ties to American censorship.

Refusing to be silenced

Ever since Taibbi, Kaminsky, and others exposed the apparent attempts at the Global Engagement Center to censor Americans in defiance of the First Amendment, elected Republicans and some watchdog groups have taken action against it.

‘One of the most egregious government operations to censor the American press in the history of the nation.’

Back in December, Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined the Daily Wire and the Federalist in filing a lawsuit against the State Department for allegedly "actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable" by sending taxpayer dollars to help fund the Global Disinformation Index and a similar group called NewsGuard.

The lawsuit further alleged that the GEC implemented "one of the most egregious government operations to censor the American press in the history of the nation."

In response to a request for comment, a spokesperson from NewsGuard told the Post that the lawsuit “inaccurately portrays” NewsGuard’s relationship with the State Department.

"NewsGuard does not offer any technology that censors or blocks any content, or that blocks ads on content,” the spokesperson continued. "Instead, we provide information — our assessments of sites — so that our clients can decide for themselves where to place their ads or which content to amplify, and each client decides for themselves how to use that data."

Following the bombshell report from the New York Post that made public the State Department’s press guidance, a group identified as the Functional Government Initiative filed Freedom of Information Act requests in the hopes of uncovering further details about the agency’s alleged attempts to malign Kaminsky, Taibbi, Banks, and others in defense of the GEC.

In its requests, the Functional Government Initiative also asked for certain communications involving Blinken and other top State Department officials dating all the way back to January 2023. The aim, FGI spokesperson Pete McGinnis told the Examiner, was to see "who was involved in the blacklisting efforts" and "just how high up the chain this memo was guiding their media strategy."

"The reporting on the Biden-Harris administration’s censorship clearly struck a nerve at the State Department."

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via Conservative Review

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WaPo’s Favorite Environmental Group Uses ‘Political’ Research To Link Climate Change to Natural Disasters. It’s Also Bankrolled by WaPo Owner Jeff Bezos.

World Weather Attribution was founded in 2014 to produce research linking extreme weather events to climate change. That research is then funneled to mainstream media outlets, giving them what the group calls the "larger global warming context" as they cover natural disasters.

The group found a friend in Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who in 2022 announced a $10 million grant to WWA and two other organizations to "scale effective communication on the links between climate change and extreme weather." The Bezos Earth Fund said the money would provide the WWA an outlet to "reach the most important audience segments via trusted messengers."

The post WaPo’s Favorite Environmental Group Uses ‘Political’ Research To Link Climate Change to Natural Disasters. It’s Also Bankrolled by WaPo Owner Jeff Bezos. appeared first on .

via Conservative Review

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