NRA Chief of Staff: Pro-Athletes and ‘Political Class’ Have Armed Protection; Why Not Our Children?

Hawkins — NRA Chief of Staff: Pro-Athletes and ‘Political Class’ Have Armed Protection; Why Not Our Children?

NRA Chief of Staff Josh Powell pointed out during the February airing of Grant Stinchfield on NRATV that the “political class” and pro-athletes have armed protection; why not our children?

Powell said:

It’s time we get serious. We need to get very serious about how we’re going to protect our kids, the measures that need to be put in place. The awful irony of this is when you look at athletes, celebrities, the political class, all of these people have security, and many of them have armed security. So the question is, at what point are we going to get serious enough about protecting our children and give the protections that all these other groups get?

His point is clear when considering that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had one armed resource officer on duty when the February 14 attack occurred. That means only one good guy with a gun was there to protect a campus of more than 3,000 students.

How many pro-athletic events are protected by only one armed guard? How many gatherings of the political class? How many Golden Globes Award ceremonies?

The answer to all these questions is easy: none.

The NFL and NBA would not dream of holding an event without layers of armed protection around and within the event. The political class would never entertain a gathering en mass without layer upon layer of armed protection, combined with pre-planned, protected means and routes of escape should an attack occur. And Hollywood elites, many of whom spend their off-camera minutes bashing the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense, enjoy gathering for award ceremonies that are protected by good guys with “machine guns,” “high capacity” magazines, armored transport vehicles, bomb-sniffing dogs, and more.

Yet more than 3,000 students and their teachers sat in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School with only one armed resource officer in place.

It is inhuman to demand that educators be sitting ducks?

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

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Sarah Palin on Florida School Shooting: ‘We Need to Discuss the Failure of the FBI,’ Not Second Amendment

Sarah Palin on Florida School Shooting: ‘We Need to Discuss the Failure of the FBI,’ Not Second Amendment

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin offered comments about Wednesday’s mass murder at a Florida high school when she spoke with Breitbart News’s Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight on Friday. “It’s not a Second Amendment gun issue at all,” Palin said, adding, “What needs to be discussed is the failure of the FBI.”

Incompetence at the FBI — not agitation against the Second Amendment — should be a national focus related to the mass shooting in Florida, said Palin.

Adding to that assertion, Palin stated, “What needs to be discussed is the failure of the FBI. This kid who murdered all these innocent people could not have waved more red flags in front of law enforcement’s face – all those things that he did with posts, with his threats. Law enforcement called 39 times in the last number of years at his family’s home. There were so many red flags. I’m embarrassed for the FBI. The rank and file guys and gals, they work so hard. It’s the top brass. It’s a matter of priorities in the FBI, and that’s where I think the discussion needs to go.”

Since 2010, local law enforcement had been called to the family home of shooter Nikolas Cruz, according to CNN:

Broward sheriff’s deputies were called to the Cruz family home 39 times since 2010, according to documents obtained by CNN.

The sheriff’s office received a range of emergency calls that included reports of a mentally ill person, child/elderly abuse, a domestic disturbance and a missing person.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said Friday there were 20 calls for service over the past “few years” pertaining to Nikolas Cruz.

Cruz regularly expressed his interest in violence and mass murder, both online and in person.

One acquaintance who knew Cruz from elementary school spoke with Miami’s CBS affiliate: “He recalled Cruz stealing peoples’ [sic] mail, throwing rocks at cars and tormenting animals. He described one incident in which he said Cruz “cornered a squirrel and was trying to throw rocks at it and kill it.”

Cruz also regularly introduced himself to people as “a school shooter.” His online comments include, “I wanna shoot people with my AR-15” and “Im going to be a professional school shooter.”

Florida Gov. Rick Scott called on FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign for “failure to take action” to prevent Cruz’s mass murder, issuing a statement:

The FBI’s failure to take action against this killer is unacceptable. The FBI has admitted that they were contacted last month by a person who called to inform them of Cruz’s “desire to kill people,” and “the potential of him conducting a school shooting.”

Seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn’t going to cut it. An apology will never bring these 17 Floridians back to life or comfort the families who are in pain. The families will spend a lifetime wondering how this could happen, and an apology will never give them the answers they desperately need.

We constantly promote “see something, say something,” and a courageous person did just that to the FBI. And the FBI failed to act. “See something, say something” is an incredibly important tool and people must have confidence in the follow through from law enforcement. The FBI director needs to resign.

“This is such a failure. There are 17 people dead, and it could have been prevented,” said Mansour.

Breitbart News Tonight airs Monday through Friday on SiriusXM’s Patriot channel 125 from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific).


Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.

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Supreme Court holds private meeting to discuss Trump’s appeal on DACA decision

The U.S. Supreme Court privately discussed on Friday how to handle President Donald Trump’s appeal of a judge’s decision to block his plan to end protections for so-called Dreamers, Yahoo News reported.

A decision on whether the nine justices will take up the case could come as early as Tuesday, the report stated.

The Trump administration is appealing a Jan. 9 ruling by U.S. District Judge William Alsup that stopped the president’s order to end DACA. The program protects young adults who entered the country illegally. It also provides them with permits and other benefits.

Why is this happening?

Lawmakers have been unable to agree on DACA, and their last attempt at legislation on the matter failed in the Senate on Thursday. Former President Barack Obama implemented DACA in 2012.

If the Supreme Court hears the appeal by the Trump administration, a ruling would not likely happen until late June, Yahoo News reported. If they reject the appeal, Alsup’s nation-wide injunction against the president’s plan will stand as other legal challenges to Trump’s action move forward.

What happens in the meantime?

Trump’s order would cause DACA to be phased out March 5. But the injunction, if it remains in place, would allow DACA beneficiaries to reapply for protections, Yahoo News reported.

A second U.S. judge on Tuesday issued a similar injunction that orders the Trump administration to retain DACA.

Democrats and some Republicans have vigorously pushed to protect the Dreamers.

Trump’s move to end DACA led to legal challenges from Democratic state attorneys, and other organizations and individuals, Yahoo News stated. Trump’s administration maintains that Obama overreached his power by bypassing Congress when establishing DACA.

The president has backed legislation to give dreamers citizenship but also cuts back on legal immigration.

DACA allowed about 700,000 young adults receive protections for two years. After that time, they must reapply.

About 1.8 million people are eligible for DACA, according to the report.

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Drive-Thru Worker SACKED After Saying ‘F**K the Police’ to State Trooper

The disrespect directed at America’s law enforcement professionals by fast-food workers is reaching epidemic proportions.

It was just the other day that we reported on how a veteran cop in Florida was refused service by workers at a Palm Bay McDonald’s. The officer took to social media to give his account at how rudely he was treated, and the company responded that such conduct would not be tolerated.

Now comes the story of another verbal assault on a police officer, this time a female Illinois state trooper who when she was going through the Mickey D’s drive-thru window, was serenaded by an employee with the favorite term of the hip-hop generation “Fuck the Police” which is the title of a song by outlaw rappers NWA.

The trooper’s sister also took to social media to post her own account of the encounter with a young member of the Democratic party base. It quickly got the attention of the store’s owner – it was a franchise- who quickly conducted an investigation and fired the person who cursed out the trooper.

Via Decatur, Illinois-based newspaper The Herald and Review “Owner: McDonald’s worker in Normal fired after verbally attacking state trooper”:

A McDonald’s restaurant employee in Normal who apparently used profanity when taking the order of an Illinois State Police officer in the drive-through lane was fired hours after the incident, the franchise owner said Tuesday.

Jack Millan said he became aware of the incident Monday afternoon and he and his son-in-law, co-owner, Mikel Petro, responded immediately.

The incident became a hot topic on social media late Monday after a Pontiac woman posted that her sister, an Illinois state trooper, went to the McDonald’s at 1607 N. Main St. in Normal about 11 a.m. Monday. According to her post, the trooper, in full uniform and driving a squad car, ordered lunch at the drive-through.

“When she went to pay, the female employee said to her, ‘I just have to say this to you. (Expletive) the police!’” the post read. “She just drove to the next window to pick up the food. At this window, the guy was laughing and said, ‘Wow, that’s a female trooper she said that to.’ All the workers inside were laughing. She threw the food away and called corporate.”

Millan said he was out of town Monday but was informed of the incident early in the afternoon. He immediately called Petro, who was already on his way to the restaurant.

“We were absolutely appalled,” Millan said. “Our discussion wasn’t about what to do, but rather about verifying who, and terminating that person immediately.”

Petro contacted the officer and state police to offer regrets and apologies on behalf of the company, Millan said.

“This is not who we are and goes against everything we stand for,” he said.

Following the news that the offending former employee had been made to suffer the consequences, the officer’s sister once again took to Facebook. This time to post her gratitude.

UPDATE: Im happy to say McDonald’s has fired the person who said this to Tracy. I do not know if the others involved have been punished. The public support has been overwhelming and it’s truly amazing to see so much support for law enforcement. I hope this reminds everyone of the abuse (and yes this was abuse) that officers go through on a daily basis. Thank you all. All my friends know my sister is a state trooper. I love her more than words can express. She just called me to tell me what happened to her at mcdonalds at 1607 n main st in normal store #26619 at 11 am today and I am beyond pissed. She ordered her lunch at the drive thru in full uniform and squad car. When she went to pay, the girl said to her ” I just have to say this to u. Fuck the police!” Tracy is much nicer than I am, I would have had plenty of words back, but she just drove to the next window to pick up the food. At this window, the guy was laughing and said wow that’s a female trooper she said that to. All the workers inside were laughing. Tracy threw the food away and called corporate. My response is this. Fuck McDonald’s! You will never get my business again.


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NY Times Skips Facts to Claim New Indictments Make Trump ‘Hoax Claim Harder to Sell’

In the wake of the Friday indictments of Russians by special counsel Robert Mueller, several media outlets have found a highly disingenuous way to continue attacking President Donald Trump as claiming collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign is a “hoax” or “fake news.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteini explicitly stated they presented no evidence of collusion in the indictment, but somehow, he made Trump’s “hoax claim harder to sell.” 

An example of an MSM story ignoring the specifics of Trump’s “hoax” charges appeared in the Friday New York Times in Indictment Makes Trump’s Hoax Claim Harder to Sell:

WASHINGTON — He brushed it off as a hoax. He mused that it might be China, or a guy from New Jersey, or “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds.” He said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had assured him it wasn’t true. And, he added, “I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it.”

Think back, folks. What incident was Trump referring to during the first presidential debate in 2016? It was about who hacked the DNC server. Well, guess what was not mentioned by the New York Times nor pretty much the rest of the MSM that overlooked it? Well, it was that Mueller did NOT charge the Russians with hacking the DNC server which had been presented as perhaps the biggest example of Russian election interference yet no charges made by Mueller on this. Therefore Trump’s hoax charge on this has not been disproven.

President Trump has never stopped belittling the charge that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. But on Friday, with the indictment of 13 Russians for orchestrating a vast, well-funded operation to interfere in the election, those denials collided with a mountain of evidence arrayed by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Just as with the charge of hoax in regards to the hacking source of the DNC server, Trump has been specific in his charges as we shall see. The “mountain of evidence” arrayed by Mueller does not contradict Trump on the hacking source of the DNC server nor on the collusion charge which also did not appear in the indictments. Remember, Rosenstein yesterday specifically stated that there was no evidence that the Russian impacted the election results at all….and the Times couldn’t find that quote anywhere. They just skip that troubling statement entirely in this report. 

By laying out a meticulous case for how Russia tried to tip the electoral scales toward Mr. Trump in 2016, Mr. Mueller has made it much harder for the president to dismiss the investigation as mere politics. He may also have made it harder for Mr. Trump to fire Mr. Mueller himself, since, as some Democratic lawmakers argued, that would look like an attempt to help Russia further undermine American democracy.

Do you see where reporters Mark Landler and Michael D. Shear are going with this fake news story to attempt to discredit Trump? They very conveniently avoid the specifics of Trump’s charges which are available in the news archives that anybody can check for themselves. You have to wonder if Landler and Shear are even aware of the highly publicized perjury by a couple of officials correctly denounced by Trump:

Mr. Trump went so far as to suggest that the heads of the intelligence agencies at the time of the 2016 election — John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director; James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence; and James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director — were less trustworthy than Mr. Putin.

Where could Trump have gotten that crazy notion that Brennan, Clapper, and Comey were less than trustworthy? Maybe it was from reading and watching the many news accounts of Clapper and Brennan lying to Congress and more recent news revelations about Comey exonerating Hillary Clinton months before delivering his report on her.

In May, Mr. Trump told Lester Holt, the NBC News anchor, “This Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won.”

And Mueller’s indictments contradicted this how? Did the indictments make any allegations of collusion between any Americans (including Trump) and the Russians?

Anybody out there can perform a simple task that the fake news New York Times reporters failed to do. Check  for themselves what Trump actually said or tweeted on the subject of the elections during the period when charges of Trump-Russia collusion was at its peak last year from January 1 to September 15. You can narrow the Google search down to that time period but to save you the effort your humble correspondent has already performed that task and you can see the results here using the search terms “Trump Russia elections hoax.”

Check the results and you will see that what Trump claimed as being a hoax or fake news was not disproven by Mueller’s indictments. Be sure to read only what Trump himself said or tweeted, not what someone else claimed Trump said. An example is this June 22 Washington Post story whose headline blared Trump: Russian interference is ‘all a big Dem HOAX!’ Well, when you actually read down to the tweet referenced by the headline, you can see Trump very specifically was referring to to hack of the DNC server:

Keep checking other search results and you will see the same pattern of Trump being specific in his attacks which are upon the charges of Trump-Russia collusion and the idea that the Russians hacked the DNC server. Yet now much of the MSM such as the New York Times is trying to make it seem as if Trump was primarily denying any attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election at all as a pathetic attempt to make it seem that Mueller proved the President wrong.

And finally a reminder that with all the reporting on the Mueller indictments yesterday, the MSM overlooked the “yuuuge” fact that there were no indictments for any Russian hacking of the DNC server. 

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Concerned Dad Gives Parents Unique Tip to Keep Kids Safe During School Shooting

In the face of a tragic mass shooting in a Florida school this week, conservatives and liberals alike have blasted one another on social media about what is the solution to gun violence.

We may disagree with liberals all day long — and we should, they’re wrong — but it’s a conversation that needs to be had. There’s never any harm in examining how we keep our most precious resources safe, even if the left huffs and puffs and threatens to blow the Constitution down.

Facebook user Rickey Red doesn’t have the solution to solve gun violence in a single swoop, but a video he posted this week showing how a commonplace school item can be used for an extra chance at safety has spread like wildfire.

As Red shows in his post that has been shared almost 400,000 times since Valentine’s Day, a backpack could potentially shield a person from oncoming bullets, if loaded with enough textbooks.

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“I’ve been asked more than once to make the following public,” wrote Red in a post showing him firing an AR-style firearm at a silhouette holding a backpack in front of it.

“I did this to educate my children, and I hope it can do the same for yours. These videos are not meant to provide scientific information regarding the use of books as body armor. It is meant to demonstrate the need to use the resources available in order to provide another level of protection.”

I don’t know how many books you carried — or still carry — at school, but I always packed quite a few more than that.

It might seem an odd use of resources, but when it’s what you have handy, I urge you to use it.

Should teachers be able to carry firearms in school?

One important note from this video, especially with people of smaller stature — I’ve been hit by a bullet. It was a ricochet coming in an a much slower speed than when originally fired and it still knocked me on my tail.

If someone small were to be hit by fire in the same circumstances as the target Red shoots at here, they wouldn’t likely stand in the same place. Don’t use this video as a guide for what to do instead of disengage, hide, or get away.

Now, something else you want to keep in mind here — and something we definitely want to make clear for those of you who want to share this article and tag a friend — this is not the end-all, be-all of armored protection.

As Rickey Red pointed out, this is not some substitute for body armor. The left likes to try to pin this idea that conservatives will look for whatever insane alternative they can find to giving up guns before they look up real solutions to gun violence.

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You and I know that’s just not true. It’d be laughable were the subject matter not so serious.

We also know that the real solution to this is an abundance of willing, responsibly-armed citizens willing to look out for their communities in the face of deadly threats.

However, if you or a loved one is in a tight spot, some cover is always better than no cover. Always.

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Goldman Sachs CEO Who Voted Hillary Turns, Says Trump’s Economy Beating What Her’s Would Have Been

In the era of President Donald Trump, it often seems as though there is just no way for Republicans to convert Democrats to their line of thinking, or vice-versa.

The polarity of American politics today is stunning.

However, as the CEO of Goldman Sachs just showed the world, sometimes the facts are so persistent that there’s just no choice but to acknowledge some of the good Trump has already done this country.

In an interview with CNN’s Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans, CEO Lloyd Blankfein expressed just how much credit Trump is due for the excellent state of the American economy. And yes, Blankfein backed former candidate Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency.

“If the president didn’t win, and Hillary Clinton won … I bet you the economy is higher today than it otherwise would be,” Blankfein said in the interview, which aired Wednesday.

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Now, while Blankfein doesn’t seem to have much love for Trump otherwise, he’s willing to give an acknowledgement where it is clearly due, even though he supported the other candidate during one of the most heated election seasons in recent American political history.

“At the time I supported Hillary Clinton. We’re not talking about all things. We’re talking just about the economy,” he said, according to CNN.

Unlike House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Blankfein also noted the importance of the bonuses companies have been giving employees because of Trump’s tax cuts.

“I think a lot of it is symbolic and making a statement,” he stated.

Do you think other major players in America’s economy think similarly?

“We’re dealing in a world of sentiment. Symbolism matters.”

You would think that an entire party dominated by emotion could understand the spirit-lifting effects a bonus can bring.

Speaking of which, here’s a spirit-lifter for you: imagine how ticked Clinton has to be hearing about this interview.

Liberals may not like it, but Trump’s economy is soaring. Even CNN had to acknowledge that unemployment is at a 17-year-low and that small business optimism is soaring.

RELATED: The Left Says Trump Colluded with Russians in 2016 Election, Mueller Indictments Say Otherwise

Best of all — Trump’s only been in office for a little over a year.

By the time we hit re-election season, heck, even by mid-terms, the Trump administration will have a sterling record of economic growth voters can actually look back on to see the facts.

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Sick: Liberals Attack Grieving Dad Once They Found Out Who He Supports

Not long after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, many liberals launched disgusting attacks toward a father whose daughter was killed during the attack. Why?

He was wearing a pro-Trump T-shirt.

On Wednesday, gunman Nikolas Cruz carried at a mass shooting at the Florida high school.

As reported by Conservative Tribune, the clearly mentally disturbed 19-year-old killed 17 people and injured many others.

Following the attack, reporters from across the country flocked to Parkland, Florida, to report on the tragic school shooting.

TRENDING: Parents Enraged as Transgender Aims at Winning 2nd State Title

As noted by The Daily Wire, reporters spoke with many parents who tragically lost a child during the attack.

One of those parents was Andrew Pollack. Seen in a photo below, you can see the sadness on his face, holding up a picture of his daughter. He looks shell-shocked.

Despite his undoubtedly overwhelming grief, Pollack was treated much differently than other parents.

On Thursday, Palm Beach Post reporter Alexandra Seltzer tweeted a picture of Pollack holding up a photo of his daughter — Meadow Pollack — on his cellphone while wearing a “Trump 2020” T-shirt.

Do you think leftists have become more intolerant?

Not long after that, Pollack was subjected to a plethora of unthinkable and vile comments from intolerant leftists who said he deserved to lose his daughter because he supported Trump.

Here are some of the comments on Seltzer’s tweet that were aimed at Pollack:

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This is absolutely sick.

It’s bad enough to see Democrats and Hollywood elites exploiting this tragedy for cheap political points, but now a grieving father is subjected to vile comments because of his political views.

In the immediate aftermath of his daughter being murdered by a psychopath, this father deserves support from everyone. Simply heartbreaking.

It is disgusting and tragic that he’s forced to deal with this immediately after losing his daughter, and attacks like these do not bode well for the divisions in our country.

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As expected, Trump’s visit to a Florida hospital was criticized by the media

Last night I wrote a brief post about President Trump’s visit to a Florida hospital which treated some of the students injured in the Parkland shooting. I said that Trump’s effort wouldn’t satisfy progressives and sure enough the Washington Post published a story last night which reads less like straight news and more like an opinion piece comparing Trump unfavorably to former President Obama:

President Trump, as he often does while responding to natural disasters, mass shootings or unfolding crises, spent much of his time congratulating the responders instead of memorializing the victims of Wednesday’s school shooting during a visit here Friday…

Trump said he saw victims at the hospital — he was not seen doing so — and even described one woman who suffered bullets to her lungs. That anecdote, though, quickly became about the officers, who responded within 20 minutes and saved her life…

He did not give an emotional or rousing commemoration to the victims — like President Barack Obama’s after a mass shooting at a Charleston, S.C., church — nor did he publicly greet any families whose children were killed in the attack. Speaking at a funeral or a large vigil was not on the agenda. There were no calls for American resolve. There were no tears…

His critics and even some allies say he should look at changing laws after this latest mass shooting, and he probably would have been greeted by protesters had he visited a larger and less controlled setting, aides conceded…

The victims and those present at a vigil who called for tougher gun-control laws did not see the president.

All of this was in reaction to Trump’s one-minute long press availability at the end of his 35-minute visit to the hospital. A big focus here is what Trump didn’t do and didn’t say and even the protesters who didn’t show up but might have wanted to. The writer also uses the classic ‘some say…’ formulation to make the pitch for gun control Trump hasn’t promised. The author even makes a point of saying that no one saw Trump meet with the victims as if that might be in doubt. But Trump posted photos on Twitter after the visit, two of which showed him in the room with one of the victims.

Today, a Washington Post editor praised the paper’s “dispatch” on Twitter (h/t the Hill):

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders took issue with that.

Here’s the bottom line. Donald Trump is not Barack Obama. Clearly many people, including some journalists and editors at the Washington Post, are disappointed by that. What they want is a grand, Obama-esque show of emotion, complete with tears. And, if we’re honest, they want that to be followed by a commitment to more gun control. They aren’t getting what they want from Trump because it turns out, he’s not Barack Obama.

There’s no doubt Obama was exceedingly good at capitalizing on tragedy. People naturally tend to rally around the leader when something awful happens and Obama was good at quietly making himself the focus of that attention, not just after shootings but after natural disasters of all kinds. I personally found that a little creepy and emotionally manipulative. I don’t really like the idea of a president who helps collate our emotions except maybe when the nation is at war. Other people feel differently and it’s perfectly fine to complain that Trump’s response is not as emotionally satisfying as Obama’s response to similar events. Even the Post’s journalists are free to feel disappointed about all of this, but they should either save it for the opinion pages or just stop pretending they’re offering straight news stories.

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