Mueller Is Losing Flynn, so He Indicts Russians

“[There is] no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election.”  –Rod Rosenstein

June 23, 2013.  President Obama announces the appointment of James Comey to succeed Robert Mueller as head of the FBI.

There are some easily seen exigencies in the Mueller indictments of 13 Russians late Friday afternoon.

Why release the indictments on a Friday afternoon?  Friday is the traditional day in politics to announce something you want people to pay little attention to and quickly forget.  This is doubly true when it is a holiday weekend.  Monday is Presidents’ Day.

Friday afternoon at the beginning of a three-day weekend is probably one of the worst times to release something big, something that could shake to its core the very foundation of the Trump administration, because most Americans will pay little attention to this beyond reading the headlines – at least until Tuesday, when they return to work.

The timing was deliberately chosen to ensure that most Americans would be greatly aware of the fact that Mueller had made indictments in “Russiagate,” and that these indictments were of Russians, no less, and that there were many, thirteen in all.  Wow, that’s almost a dozen.

According to plan, Mueller is counting on most Americans having little information beyond that.  By Tuesday, I’m sure Mueller hopes many will have lost interest in the content of said indictments because in this world of instant everything, the extent of the allegations will be old news, and many will have already formed their ultimate opinion and thus won’t care about the nitty-gritty.

Why indict Russians, whom you can never bring to justice because there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia?

The crimes alleged and the people indicted are immaterial to it all.  In fact, it’s better for Mueller that none of those charged will ever see a day in court.  Fake identities on Facebook and Twitter and organizing rallies (mostly for Trump but also for Hillary) are not Earth-shattering crimes, and fake Facebook and Twitter accounts are not exactly rare.

It’s not as if Russia hasn’t always meddled in our elections.  Didn’t Barack Obama try to meddle in Israel’s election a few years ago?  Maybe Mueller should indict him – or maybe the Israelis should.

Oh, and let’s not forget: they also spent $100,000 on political advertising on Facebook and Twitter.  Please, give me a break – a hundred grand?  The coffee budget for the Clinton campaign was probably a lot more than that.  Are we supposed to believe that a hundred grand tipped a multibillion-dollar election?

Maybe Mueller should have indicted every American who has ever used a fake identity on Facebook and Twitter for political purposes.  Maybe Mueller should mobilize the Army and arrest everyone wearing a mask to hide his identity at an Antifa rally, done for political purposes and to raise money anonymously.

Why now, why this, and why them?

Mueller needed Russians.  The MSM will salivate in onanistic glee, while your basic low-information citizen will hear the word “Russian” and assume that it proves Trump guilty.  After all, it’s been in the news for some time that this investigation is about Trump’s collusion with the Russians to steal the election.

Most importantly, he needed as many indictments of Russians as he could get, and he needed them now for two reasons.  Reason one is that the indictments will give the media a basis to argue that the investigation is not the “witch hunt” it has increasingly been looking like, and reason two is that he is about to lose his prize: Flynn’s guilty plea.

Michael Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser for a hot minute, copped a plea for lying to the FBI.  Judge Rudolf Contreras of the FISC (the court that accepted from the Obama administration the Steele dossier as evidence supporting the issuance of a FISA warrant to spy on members of the Trump campaign) accepted Flynn’s guilty plea.  Six days later, Contreras was recused from the case.

The new judge is Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.  His first order directed Mueller to release to Flynn’s lawyers any exculpatory evidence in Mueller’s possession.  He also ordered that “if the government has identified any information which is favorable to the defendant but which the government believes not to be material, the government shall submit such information to the Court for in camera review.”

In other words, any evidence Mueller feels is not material or contains classified information and therefore should not be released, must be provided to Judge Sullivan for him to make the determination as to what can and cannot be released – no hiding behind the magic of withholding evidence or prosecutor-determined redaction.

Andrew McCarthy, the former assistant United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, who is famous for trying the “Blind Sheik,” Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, in the first World Trade Center bombing, noted, “Sullivan’s order supersedes the plea agreement and imposes on the special counsel the obligation to reveal any and all evidence suggesting that Flynn is innocent of the charge to which he has admitted guilt.”

You see, Judge Sullivan was the judge in the Ted Stevens case.  Do you remember him?  He was the 85-year-old Republican senator from Alaska whose conviction for corruption was set aside by Judge Sullivan because the prosecution withheld exculpatory information.  The prosecutors falsely charged and convicted a sitting U.S. senator who they knew was innocent.  It is believed that because of Stevens’s October conviction, he lost his November re-election bid to Democratic challenger Mark Begich.

Judge Sullivan angrily stated at the time when he set aside the conviction a month later that “[i]n nearly 25 years on the bench, I’ve never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct that I’ve seen in this case.”

Judge Sullivan also appointed an independent counsel to investigate misconduct by the government prosecutors.

Judge Sullivan is a man of honor.  Many once thought Mueller was as well.  Sullivan is not about to let prosecutors railroad another defendant in his court by withholding evidence.

Mueller’s no dope; he knows that his Flynn guilty plea is going to fly away.  After all, who would know better that if he can’t withhold or redact, he has no case?

He is also aware that without Flynn’s guilty plea and without these new indictments seeming to be more than they are but also bounteous in nature, his entire investigation will fold like the house of cards it is.  Lies and innuendo can get you only so far.

There you have it: meaningless indictments, for mostly meaningless and insignificant crimes to shore up a meaningless investigation about to take a big hit when Flynn’s prior guilty plea becomes meaningless.

With former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea likely to be set aside, the indictments announced yesterday by Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein, in tenor, scope, and timing, are a desperate attempt by Mueller to save his crumbling collusion investigation from complete failure.

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge.”

“[There is] no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election.”  –Rod Rosenstein

June 23, 2013.  President Obama announces the appointment of James Comey to succeed Robert Mueller as head of the FBI.

There are some easily seen exigencies in the Mueller indictments of 13 Russians late Friday afternoon.

Why release the indictments on a Friday afternoon?  Friday is the traditional day in politics to announce something you want people to pay little attention to and quickly forget.  This is doubly true when it is a holiday weekend.  Monday is Presidents’ Day.

Friday afternoon at the beginning of a three-day weekend is probably one of the worst times to release something big, something that could shake to its core the very foundation of the Trump administration, because most Americans will pay little attention to this beyond reading the headlines – at least until Tuesday, when they return to work.

The timing was deliberately chosen to ensure that most Americans would be greatly aware of the fact that Mueller had made indictments in “Russiagate,” and that these indictments were of Russians, no less, and that there were many, thirteen in all.  Wow, that’s almost a dozen.

According to plan, Mueller is counting on most Americans having little information beyond that.  By Tuesday, I’m sure Mueller hopes many will have lost interest in the content of said indictments because in this world of instant everything, the extent of the allegations will be old news, and many will have already formed their ultimate opinion and thus won’t care about the nitty-gritty.

Why indict Russians, whom you can never bring to justice because there is no extradition treaty between the United States and Russia?

The crimes alleged and the people indicted are immaterial to it all.  In fact, it’s better for Mueller that none of those charged will ever see a day in court.  Fake identities on Facebook and Twitter and organizing rallies (mostly for Trump but also for Hillary) are not Earth-shattering crimes, and fake Facebook and Twitter accounts are not exactly rare.

It’s not as if Russia hasn’t always meddled in our elections.  Didn’t Barack Obama try to meddle in Israel’s election a few years ago?  Maybe Mueller should indict him – or maybe the Israelis should.

Oh, and let’s not forget: they also spent $100,000 on political advertising on Facebook and Twitter.  Please, give me a break – a hundred grand?  The coffee budget for the Clinton campaign was probably a lot more than that.  Are we supposed to believe that a hundred grand tipped a multibillion-dollar election?

Maybe Mueller should have indicted every American who has ever used a fake identity on Facebook and Twitter for political purposes.  Maybe Mueller should mobilize the Army and arrest everyone wearing a mask to hide his identity at an Antifa rally, done for political purposes and to raise money anonymously.

Why now, why this, and why them?

Mueller needed Russians.  The MSM will salivate in onanistic glee, while your basic low-information citizen will hear the word “Russian” and assume that it proves Trump guilty.  After all, it’s been in the news for some time that this investigation is about Trump’s collusion with the Russians to steal the election.

Most importantly, he needed as many indictments of Russians as he could get, and he needed them now for two reasons.  Reason one is that the indictments will give the media a basis to argue that the investigation is not the “witch hunt” it has increasingly been looking like, and reason two is that he is about to lose his prize: Flynn’s guilty plea.

Michael Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser for a hot minute, copped a plea for lying to the FBI.  Judge Rudolf Contreras of the FISC (the court that accepted from the Obama administration the Steele dossier as evidence supporting the issuance of a FISA warrant to spy on members of the Trump campaign) accepted Flynn’s guilty plea.  Six days later, Contreras was recused from the case.

The new judge is Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.  His first order directed Mueller to release to Flynn’s lawyers any exculpatory evidence in Mueller’s possession.  He also ordered that “if the government has identified any information which is favorable to the defendant but which the government believes not to be material, the government shall submit such information to the Court for in camera review.”

In other words, any evidence Mueller feels is not material or contains classified information and therefore should not be released, must be provided to Judge Sullivan for him to make the determination as to what can and cannot be released – no hiding behind the magic of withholding evidence or prosecutor-determined redaction.

Andrew McCarthy, the former assistant United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, who is famous for trying the “Blind Sheik,” Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, in the first World Trade Center bombing, noted, “Sullivan’s order supersedes the plea agreement and imposes on the special counsel the obligation to reveal any and all evidence suggesting that Flynn is innocent of the charge to which he has admitted guilt.”

You see, Judge Sullivan was the judge in the Ted Stevens case.  Do you remember him?  He was the 85-year-old Republican senator from Alaska whose conviction for corruption was set aside by Judge Sullivan because the prosecution withheld exculpatory information.  The prosecutors falsely charged and convicted a sitting U.S. senator who they knew was innocent.  It is believed that because of Stevens’s October conviction, he lost his November re-election bid to Democratic challenger Mark Begich.

Judge Sullivan angrily stated at the time when he set aside the conviction a month later that “[i]n nearly 25 years on the bench, I’ve never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct that I’ve seen in this case.”

Judge Sullivan also appointed an independent counsel to investigate misconduct by the government prosecutors.

Judge Sullivan is a man of honor.  Many once thought Mueller was as well.  Sullivan is not about to let prosecutors railroad another defendant in his court by withholding evidence.

Mueller’s no dope; he knows that his Flynn guilty plea is going to fly away.  After all, who would know better that if he can’t withhold or redact, he has no case?

He is also aware that without Flynn’s guilty plea and without these new indictments seeming to be more than they are but also bounteous in nature, his entire investigation will fold like the house of cards it is.  Lies and innuendo can get you only so far.

There you have it: meaningless indictments, for mostly meaningless and insignificant crimes to shore up a meaningless investigation about to take a big hit when Flynn’s prior guilty plea becomes meaningless.

via American Thinker

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Teacher pens FB post about Florida school shooting. It’s gone mega-viral for all the right reasons.

Kelly Guthrie Raley was named “Teacher of the Year” at her Florida school, Eustis Middle School, for the 2017-2018 school year last month, according to Fox News. But now she’s being recognized for her cultural commentary following the tragic Florida school shooting.

In a Facebook post that’s gone mega-viral, Ms. Raley analyzes American culture at-large and how it contributed to Wednesday’s shootings and other previous mass shootings.

What did she say?

Raley did not hold anything back. She wrote:

Until we, as a country, are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care for the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parental support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at school (oh no! Not MY KID. What did YOU do to cause my kid to react that way?), lack of moral values, and yes, I’ll say it-violent video games that take away all sensitivity to ANY compassion for others’ lives, as well as reality TV that makes it commonplace for people to constantly scream up in each others’ faces and not value any other person but themselves, we will have a gun problem in school. Our kids don’t understand the permanency of death anymore!!!

The middle school teacher then told parents they need to “STEP UP,” explaining that much of the cultural problem begins at home.

“My parents NEVER supported any bad behavior from me. I was terrified of doing something bad at school, as I would have not had a life until I corrected the problem and straightened my a** out. My parents invaded my life,” Raley wrote.

“They knew where I was ALL the time. They made me have a curfew. They made me wake them up when I got home. They made me respect their rules. They had full control of their house, and at any time could and would go through every inch of my bedroom, backpack, pockets, anything!” she explained.

“Parents: it’s time to STEP UP! Be the parent that actually gives a crap! Be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. STOP being their friend,” Raley charged.

Raley wanted to emphasize that her post had nothing to do with the conversation about guns or gun control. She wrote:

This post wasn’t about gun control. This was me, loving the crap out of people and wanting the best for them. This was about my school babies and knowing that God created each one for greatness, and just wanting them to reach their futures. It’s about 20 years ago this year I started my teaching career. Violence was not this bad 20 years ago. Lack of compassion wasn’t this bad 20 years ago. And God knows 20 years ago that I wasn’t afraid daily to call a parent because I KNEW that 9 out of 10 would cuss me out, tell me to go to Hell, call the news on me, call the school board on me, or post all over FaceBook about me because I called to let them know what their child chose to do at school…because they are a NORMAL kid!!!!!

The post, published Thursday morning, has received more than 700,000 reactions and nearly 600,000 shares.

Read the full post below:

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DEBUNKED: Mainstream media claims Florida shooter ‘trained by the NRA.’ But here’s the truth.

Multiple mainstream media outlets have propagated a claim over the last 24 hours that the Florida school shooter was “trained by the NRA.”

However, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

What are they saying?

The New York Daily News, a notoriously liberal newspaper, pushed the claim on its front cover on Saturday. “Trained By The NRA: School shooter excelled in marksmanship program sponsored by gun group,” the cover said.

Meanwhile, progressive outlet Think Progress further claimed: “The NRA donated $10,000 to help train the Parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle.”

At face value, the outlets appear to position the National Rifle Association as culpable in the horrific shooting. But in reality, the NRA had nothing to do with the shooting or the shooter.

What’s the truth?

What the stories don’t mention is that NRA monies helped fund a program for the JROTC program the shooter was a member of when he attended high school. The NRA gave the school’s JROTC program more than $10,000 in non-cash assistance to help build its air-rifle team.

The Associated Press explains:

Records show that the Stoneman Douglas JROTC program received $10,827 in non-cash assistance from the NRA’s fundraising and charitable arm in 2016, when Cruz was on the squad

What the NRA did not do — in any way, shape or form — is help “train” the shooter.

The NRA provides millions of dollars, via its Friends of the NRA program, to youth programs nationwide each year to build enthusiasm for shooting sports.

To that end, the air-rifles that JROTC shooting teams use are incomparable to AR-15s. They are lightweight and shoot small pellets propelled by compressed air in a controlled environment, mostly in small indoor ranges. JROTC shooting programs, and the air-rifles they use, do not “train” a person to use an AR-15, which fires a 5.56mm bullet at extremely high velocity.

What story did the outlets fail to tell?

Those of the school’s quick-thinking JROTC cadets who helped save dozens of students.

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CNN Says Cruz Dodged Interview, Then He Posts Damning Picture that Shuts Them Up

America’s premier “fake news” network, CNN, has again demonstrated why it deserves all the ridicule it regularly receives from President Donald Trump.

A day after suspect Nikolas Cruz allegedly killed 17 people during a mass shooting Wednesday at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, CNN host Chris Cuomo falsely accused three top Republicans of being too “afraid” to appear on the network to talk about what happened.

According to The Hill, during Thursday’s edition of “New Day,” he specifically targeted Florida. Gov Rick Scott, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

“None would come on this morning. They’re all on Fox, the mothership, because they don’t want to be asked about this,” he said.

CNN’s senior media correspondent, Brian Stelter, doubled down on this erroneous assertion shortly thereafter with the following tweet:

TRENDING: Parents Enraged as Transgender Aims at Winning 2nd State Title

But both Stelter and Cuomo weren’t just lying — they were covering up the actual truth, as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz himself explained in a reply posted Friday.

“I spoke to CNN for 15 mins yesterday about proactive solutions to prevent gun violence (like passing the Grassley-Cruz bill — which Dems filibustered — that would add $300 million for school safety) yet CNN has aired NONE of it,” the senator revealed.

To top it off, he even provided visual proof of this interview:

Cruz further noted that last year he participated in three CNN-hosted debates against socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“Gosh, I seem to recall doing not 1, not 2, but THREE town hall debates w/ @BernieSanders on @CNN Each 90 min long. You can accuse me of many things, but being afraid of CNN is not one of them,” he wrote.

So in summary, not only did CNN falsely Cruz of being too afraid to appear on the network to discuss the mass shooting, but then after the senator did in fact speak with its contributors about what happened Wednesday, CNN chose to pretend like the interview never even happened.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why CNN is “very fake news.” It’s likely also why CNN’s ratings have fell so low as of late that dozens are soon expected to be laid off, as noted earlier in the week by Deadline magazine.

Let me be clear: It’s one thing to make a mistake once in a blue moon; it’s another altogether to continually push false narratives and, worse, make no attempts to correct the record, let alone apologize, after being caught red-headed.

This is CNN, and unlike with milk, regular doses of CNN does not do the body — or the mind, for that matter — any good.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what CNN’s track record for constant fake news.

What do you think about CNN smearing Cruz? Scroll down to comment below!

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Laura Ingraham: Time for Mueller to Interview Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and Maybe Even Barack Obama

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham gave her take on the indictments handed down by special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe regarding interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Ingraham told viewers the indictments illustrated how Russia was still a threat to the United States despite then-President Barack Obama’s dismissal during the 2012 presidential election. She also said Mueller should interview 2016 Democratic Party presidential nominee  Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State John Kerry, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes and former President Barack Obama as part of his investigation.

INGRAHAM: We finally have indictments in the Mueller investigation related to meddling in the 2016 election and the only ones being charged are Russians. A federal grand jury has now indicted 13 Russian individuals and companies for interfering in the 2016 election.

They are charged with a bunch of things like creating fake ads, staging pro and anti-Trump campaign events and also setting up bogus-run organizations, but they’re not accused of rigging the election for Trump, but instead of waging information warfare to sow discord in the political system.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments and added this important caveat.


ROD ROSENSTEIN, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL: There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charge conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.


INGRAHAM: Did you hear that? No American knowingly took part in the meddling and the plot had no effect on the outcome of the election. The facts, as we know them right now, support the president’s argument, an argument we have been making on this show for months, that there was no Russian collusion.

Trump took a bit of a victory lap, tweeting today, “Russia started their anti-U.S. campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for president. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong. No collusion.”

Well, it certainly looks that way, but we don’t know for sure what else Mueller may have up his sleeve. Though, I’ll tell you who this totally vindicates. Conservatives and Republicans who have been warning people for years about how devious the Russians can be in this situation.

Remember, when President Obama sarcastically mocked Mitt Romney’s Russia warning back in 2012 during the presidential debate.


FORMER PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: When you’re asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al Qaeda, you said Russia. In the 1980s or now, calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the cold war has been over for 20 years.


INGRAHAM: Now, Obama was so convinced of that, his DOJ and FBI did next to nothing about the Russian skulduggery. I love that word. His State Department actually approved the visas for the Russian operatives that were indicted by Mueller today.

His FBI began spying on Trump Campaign Advisor Carter Page with a FISA warrant in the fall of 2016. Now details in today’s indictment do point to vindication for the Trump team. This is Jonathan Turley from tonight’s “Special Report.”


JONATHAN TURLEY: This makes more sense than the narratives that everyone has been throwing around in conspiracies. This began in 2014, began before the presidential election. The Russians were taking targets of opportunity and shooting at everybody in the election but certainly working more against Hillary Clinton. But what it does show is that they did a really quite impressive job in finding this cyber trail to these individuals.


INGRAHAM: I’ll say. And the indictment describes rallies that took place after the election, both in support of and against Trump, and by the way, some of them happened on the same day, all allegedly promoted by these Russian accounts.

You see this ad? Well, according to “Buzzfeed,” this anti-Trump rallies staged just four days after the election was promoted by something called “Black Matters U.S.,” a social media campaign thought to be organized by Russians.

So, why would Trump collude with Russians to stage anti-Trump rallies? Does that make any sense? Here’s the bottom line. The Trump campaign did not know about Russian interference in the election. But the Obama administration certainly did and may have in fact enabled it.

Given that we already know Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC paid for that fake Russian dossier, it’s time for the special counsel to interview Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and maybe even Barack Obama. I say it’s high time that we determine who really colluded with the Russians.

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Lee Smith: Everything Media Accuse Trump of Doing with Russia, Obama Actually Did

“Everything they’re accusing Trump of … Obama had done,” said Lee Smith of “Trump-Russia collusion” narratives pushed by Democrats and their news media allies.

Smith, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, joined SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight for a Thursday interview with Breitbart News’s Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak to discuss his latest article, “The Media Stopped Reporting the Russia Collusion Story Because They Helped Create It.”

Smith highlighted the Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum, the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, and the New Yorker’s David Remnick as hypocritical news media figures in their criticisms of the Trump administration’s supposed appeasement of Russia and Vladimir Putin after ignoring actual appeasement of Russia and Vladimir Putin across eight years of the Obama administration.

On March 26, 2012, then-President Barack Obama told then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” in shaping U.S. foreign policy toward Russia after that year’s presidential election:

“Big-name” and “respected’  journalists like Applebaum, Goldberg, and Remnick “enlisted their bylines in a political campaign on behalf of the Democratic candidate for president,” wrote Smith. In so doing, the trio of left-wing Democrat news media figures “rehearsed the talking points [Christopher Steele] later documented.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s ostensible investigation into the “Russian government’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election” is predicated on lies within the “Christopher Steele dossier,” said Smith: “The Mueller investigation is premised on the Steele dossier. It’s premised on nonsense.”

Steele’s allegations – paid for by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee – were central to the procurement of surveillance warrants via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for Trump campaign operatives Carter Page and George Papadopoulos (FISC) at the request of Justice Department and FBI officials during the Obama administration.

“It’s insane. … She’s describing some scenario that’s out of a B movie about all these conspiracies taking place,” said Smith of Applebaum’s 2016 warning that Russia would determine the outcome of the year’s presidential election. 

In her September 8, 2016, article entitled “How Russia could spark a U.S. electoral disaster,” Applebaum warned that “Russian hackers will seek to break into the U.S. voting system [and] attempt to throw the election.” She further claimed the Russian state “might try to get Trump elected,” or even Clinton.” Alternatively — and this would, of course, be even more devastating — [Russia] might try to rig the election for Clinton, perhaps leaving a trail of evidence designed to connect the rigging operation to Clinton’s campaign.”

At the time, Pollak described Applebaum’s warning as a “bizarre conspiracy theory.”

Applebaum is regularly featured across television news media outlets as a non-ideological and non-partisan expert of international affairs, with a focus on Europe and Russia.

Left-wing and Democrat-aligned news media outlets succeeded in their desire to prompt a federal investigation of Donald Trump and his presidential campaign to diffuse the public’s attention toward the ostensible investigation of Hillary Clinton’s felonious mishandling of classified information and evasion of record-keeping laws, said Smith.

“Journalists were participating in a political campaign,” said Smith. “Hillary had an investigation, so the idea was, ‘Well, let’s stick Trump with an investigation, too.’ And that’s what they got. They got an investigation of the Trump campaign, which was insane enough.”

The fraudulent investigation of the Trump campaign then morphed into an attempt to nullify the outcome of 2016’s presidential election, said Smith.

“After the election, it turned into something even worse,” said Smith. “It turned into an attack, not just on the president. … The purpose was to delegitimize the political choice that American voters made in electing the person that they wanted to be president. It’s an absolutely obscene campaign that the press waged. First, it was against Trump. Then, it was against the American public.”

Steele had utilized an “echo chamber” strategy among left-wing and partisan news media allies to push the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative upon the American electorate, wrote Smith: “Much of the Russiagate campaign was conducted in this circular manner. Steele and Simpson built an echo chamber with their opposition research, parts of the law enforcement and intelligence communities, and the press all reinforcing one another.”

The news media are broadly avoiding the “falling apart” of Mueller’s ostensible investigation given their central role in its genesis, said Smith.

“Everything they’re accusing Trump of leaning toward, the Obama administration has done,” said Smith. “In Ukraine, in Syria. Whether or not you agree with Obama’s policy — I did not — but whether or not you agree with it, the fact is this is what the Obama administration did. All of a sudden, for the same people, like David Remnick, like Jeffrey Goldberg, who were speaking with President Obama extensively [and] repeatedly, for them to somehow ignore that this is what Obama had done and that suddenly, Trump was this insane outlier, that this had never happened before, that, in itself, was a huge tell.”

Breitbart News Tonight airs Monday through Friday on SiriusXM’s Patriot channel 125 from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific).


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HERO: Meet The Football Coach Killed Acting As Human Shield During FL High School Shooting

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School football coach, Aaron Feis, died a hero.

Amid a flurry of bullets fired from suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz’s AR-15 rifle, the 37-year-old sprang into action, diving in front of students to shield them. At least 17 people are dead and at least 14 others hurt in what is the third deadliest shooting in modern American history. 

“It is with Great sadness that our Football Family has learned about the death of Aaron Feis. He was our Assistant Football Coach and security guard. He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories,” tweeted the school’s football Twitter account.

One student told of Feis’ heroism to Fox News.

“He sprinted with everything he had towards it to make sure everybody was safe, and I heard that he got in front of a couple people and shielded them, and he actually took the bullets for them,” said the student.

Ashley Speziale, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School graduate, told the Daily Beast that Feis “was always there,” for her.

Ashley Speziale was not surprised by the accounts of Feis’ heroism.

The 22-year-old met Feis her freshman year, when her affable older sister was a senior. Speziale says the coach, who always donned sunglasses and rarely removed them even indoors, took Speziale under his wing.

“Even if I wanted so much as a place to sit, his office was always open,” Speziale told The Daily Beast. “He’d sit with me. He’d talk to me. He’d let me be in silence.

“He was friendly with everybody, but he also knew when not to be friendly and when he needed to be the authority figure.” […]

“He was always there, no matter what. It was like no time went on at all,” Speziale told The Daily Beast. “It was warming to know that he knew my sister and stepdad just as well as I did. He was able to let those memories live on as well.


The post HERO: Meet The Football Coach Killed Acting As Human Shield During FL High School Shooting appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Fed-Up Don Jr Crushes Gay Olympian for Attacking Christian Mike Pence

Not long after openly gay United States figure skater Adam Rippon insulted Vice President Mike Pence for his Christian faith, a fed-up Donald Trump Jr. took to social media to absolutely crush Rippon and his criticisms.

As reported by the Daily Caller, Rippon was quoted in The Hill as saying he didn’t want the Winter Olympics in South Korea to be “about Mike Pence.”

Oddly enough, though, every time the bronze medalist got in front of a camera, all he wanted to do was make political statements criticizing Pence for his Christian views and alleged objections to homosexuality.

Trump Jr. fired off a tweet in response to The Hill article featuring Rippon’s quotes — and mocking the skater for saying “the Olympics are about Olympic competition,” not any political figures.

“Really? Then Perhaps you shouldn’t have spent the past few weeks talking about him. I haven’t heard him mention you once???” Trump Jr. tweeted Tuesday.

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Pence has not commented publicly on Rippon’s remarks.

In an interview published Feb. 7 with USA Today Sports, Rippon was asked about Pence being at the Olympics and how he felt about that.

Do you agree with Trump Jr.’s defense of Pence’s Christian faith?

“You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy?” Rippon said.

The USA Today article also noted that Rippon refused a meeting with Pence after the vice president reached out and offered to have a sit down with the figure skater.

“I don’t want my Olympic experience being about Mike Pence,” Rippon said.

He added: “I have no problem about what I’ve said because I stand by it, but I think right now the Olympics are about Olympic competition.”

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The vice president, besides being more mature than the 28-year-old Rippon, has more class, too. He even sent the athlete a tweet after the USA Today article appeared, saying he supported him and wished the entire United States Olympics team luck in the Games.

Guess what? No response from Rippon.

As Trump Jr. pointed out, Rippon has been telling anyone who will listed to him that he doesn’t want the Olympic Games to be about Pence, yet he can’t seem to stop talking about all the vice president.

Rippon says he doesn’t want to any controversy with Pence, then he rejects a meeting with the vice president who likely just wanted to tell him face-to-face he supported him.

He claims he doesn’t want to make the Olympics political, then tells the Daily Mail that he would reject an invitation to the White House if one were to be offered.

Americans like patriots representing them at the Olympics. RIppon is apparently nothing more than a liberal hypocrite. Trump Jr. had every right to rip him apart.

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SHOCK CLAIM: U.N. Aid Workers Have Committed ‘60,000 Rapes’ In The Last Decade

In a shocking report out this week, a former U.N. official accuses the agency of harboring hundreds, if not thousands, of criminals in its foreign service, and claims that U.N. aid workers have committed more than 60,000 rapes and sexual assaults over the course of the last decade.

The Times of London reports that Andrew MacLeod, the former “chief of operations at the U.N.’s Emergency Co-ordination Centre” told U.N. officials last month that “he estimated that 60,000 rapes had been carried out by UN staff in the past decade, with 3,300 paedophiles working in the organisation and its agencies.”

MacLeod also told officials that he believed sexual predators specifically applied for foreign aid jobs so that they could get closer to vulnerable populations, including helpless women and children living in abject poverty.

“There are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with paedophile tendencies, but if you wear a Unicef T-shirt nobody will ask what you’re up to,” MacLeod told the Sun newspaper. “You have the impunity to do whatever you want. It is endemic across the aid industry across the world. The system is at fault, and should have stopped this years ago.”

MacLeod’s report does come with caveats: his number is estimated based on extrapolating information contained in a U.N. Secretary General’s report issued last year, which said there had been 103 allegations of sexual abuse made against members of the U.N.’s peacekeeping and foreign aid teams in one segment of Africa in 2016, and half of those allegations had multiple victims.

Assuming only one in 10 cases gets reported, and that the teams in Africa are generally representative of U.N. foreign aid teams overall, MacLeod suggested that tens of thousands of cases could occur every year.

Regardless of whether the 60,000 number is correct, the allegations that the U.N. could be harboring sexual predators in its midst is shocking, and echoes allegations made against other massive foreign aid agencies, like Oxfam. That group, which also has aid workers all over the world, is now accused of covering up hundreds of reports of abuse.

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Ohio parents may lose custody of their daughter for not letting her become a boy

A juvenile court judge in Ohio will decide Friday whether Ohio parents will lose legal custody of their daughter because they are preventing her from receiving transgender hormone therapy, according to CNN.

How did the case start?

A 17-year-old girl in Ohio, who identifies as a male, was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, depression and anxiety disorder in 2016.

She complained to a crisis center in November 2016 that she didn’t feel safe in her home because her father told her to commit suicide because she was “going to hell anyway.”

She also complained that her parents pulled her out of mental health counseling and put her in Christian therapy where she was forced to sit in a room and listen to Bible readings for hours at a time.

She wants to receive hormone therapy to begin transitioning to a boy, but her parents are forbidding it.

Hamilton County Job and Family Services took legal custody of the girl, and placed her in her grandparents’ home temporarily.

The girl’s court-appointed guardian is seeking full legal custody for the grandparents, who support her desire to receive gender transition treatments.

What the teen’s supporters say

The girl’s medical team believes that the lack of support from her parents is contributing to her suicidal feelings.

Even being called by her given name has allegedly caused her trauma, to the point where she is no longer interested in college because the mail she gets from schools has her birth name, according to Thomas Mellott, her attorney.

The girl’s legal team cites experts who say delaying the hormone therapy for her transition is dangerous.

“If your child had asthma and was turning blue, you wouldn’t deny them their albuterol inhaler or say ‘let’s wait,’” said Michelle Forcier, a pediatrician who works with transgender patients as young as 4. “If this were cancer or diabetes, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, but people get funny when it comes to medical care when gender is involved, and that’s harmful.”

Mellott also cited the parents’ religious objection to the transition treatment as a reason they should lose custody.

What did those against the transition say?

The parents say their objection to their daughter’s transition comes from “collecting thousands of hours of research” and doing their due diligence by contacting medical professionals, as well as their religious beliefs.

While they are fighting to maintain legal custody of their child, they would allow her to live with her grandparents even if they win.

Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, told The Christian Post that the comparison of gender dysphoria to diseases such as cancer is dangerous.

“A child suffering from gender dysphoria has a fixed belief contrary to physical reality,” Cretella said. “This is a delusion. A delusion is not any person’s ‘authentic self.’”

Peter Sprigg, senior research fellow at the Family Research Council, told The Christian Post that the girl’s depression and anxiety make this a bad time for a life-altering decision like a gender transition.

“The threat of suicide by the child should be taken as evidence of a major mental health crisis requiring psychological intervention, and as a warning against making other major life changes at this time, not in favor of it,” Sprigg said in an email.

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