The ‘crumbs’ pile up: Feds rake in record tax haul

The stock market has been heaving out of fear of higher deficits as a result of the vast tax cut law signed by President Trump and of course the left is angry about tax cuts just on principle, and both have forecast lower federal revenues as a result of the change. But, well, now we have headlines like these:

Feds Make History With Record Taxes in First Month of Tax Cuts


Monday’s Tax Receipts Would Pay For Entire Border Wall

It goes to show that in the first readings in the contest of whether tax cuts mean more federal revenue or more federal deficits, those who say the latter, are losing, squarely. According to IJR:

The Treasury brought in approximately $361 billion in total tax revenue for the month of January and managed to only spend roughly $311.8 billion. This means it ran a surplus of over $49.2 billion.

Turns out tax cuts bring more money to the federal government, not less, going completely against the conventional wisdom about tax cuts creating deficits. And to follow on from that, if we have a responsible government, it means we can close the deficit in spending, and can retire more of the national debt from the enhanced revenues – and pay for social services for the truly needy. That’s a beautiful thing.

It also goes to show that a whole lot of ‘crumbs’ are piling up, as Nancy Pelosi sniffed, about the cuts.

Let’s look at some of those ‘crumbs’ as they now stand: We have workers left and right taking home bonuses. We have businesses once again forming, which is something that extends the tax base. We have consumers spending, which fills state and city coffers some more. We have individual jobs forming at companies of all sorts, which lards up the federal and state coffers even more. We have more people entering the workforce, with some dumping welfare and SSI, to get into the arena again, also contributing to the tax base.

Don Trump, Jr., on his Twitter account, sums it up best:



Here’s the best thing: The crumbs aren’t done piling up. The knock-on effects from the long-overdue tax cut are only just beginning.




The stock market has been heaving out of fear of higher deficits as a result of the vast tax cut law signed by President Trump and of course the left is angry about tax cuts just on principle, and both have forecast lower federal revenues as a result of the change. But, well, now we have headlines like these:

Feds Make History With Record Taxes in First Month of Tax Cuts


Monday’s Tax Receipts Would Pay For Entire Border Wall

It goes to show that in the first readings in the contest of whether tax cuts mean more federal revenue or more federal deficits, those who say the latter, are losing, squarely. According to IJR:

The Treasury brought in approximately $361 billion in total tax revenue for the month of January and managed to only spend roughly $311.8 billion. This means it ran a surplus of over $49.2 billion.

Turns out tax cuts bring more money to the federal government, not less, going completely against the conventional wisdom about tax cuts creating deficits. And to follow on from that, if we have a responsible government, it means we can close the deficit in spending, and can retire more of the national debt from the enhanced revenues – and pay for social services for the truly needy. That’s a beautiful thing.

It also goes to show that a whole lot of ‘crumbs’ are piling up, as Nancy Pelosi sniffed, about the cuts.

Let’s look at some of those ‘crumbs’ as they now stand: We have workers left and right taking home bonuses. We have businesses once again forming, which is something that extends the tax base. We have consumers spending, which fills state and city coffers some more. We have individual jobs forming at companies of all sorts, which lards up the federal and state coffers even more. We have more people entering the workforce, with some dumping welfare and SSI, to get into the arena again, also contributing to the tax base.

Don Trump, Jr., on his Twitter account, sums it up best:



Here’s the best thing: The crumbs aren’t done piling up. The knock-on effects from the long-overdue tax cut are only just beginning.




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Nolte — Hate Fatigue: CNN Viewership Collapses 30%

Nolte — Hate Fatigue: CNN Viewership Collapses 30%

Massive layoffs, a cancerous fake news crisis, and the humiliating (and expensive) implosion of its digital platform, appear to be the least of CNN’s problems. Because on top of all that, when compared to last year, the far-left cable channel has lost -30 percent of its primetime viewers and -23 percent of its total day viewers.

The viewership problems for the anti-Trump outlet are breathtaking, especially when compared to its competition. Throughout the week of February 5, CNN could only scrape together an average 674,000 total day viewers. During the all-important primetime hours, CNN averaged only 888,000 viewers.

Those numbers not only put CNN in last place behind MSNBC and Fox News, it puts the 24/7 Trump-hating channel in last place by a country mile.

In total day, the openly left-wing MSNBC averaged 972,000 viewers (compared to CNN’s paltry 674,000). Fox News, however, nearly beat both CNN and MSNBC combined with 1.529 million average viewers.

During primetime, MSNBC smoked CNN by nearly a million viewers — 1.747 million (compared to CNN’s 888,000). Fox beat both MSNBC and CNN combined with a whopping 2.605 million.

While the pro-North Korea CNN lost nearly a third of its primetime viewers, MSNBC actually gained in total day (+26 percent) and primetime (+22 percent).

While retaining its King of the Hill status by a wide margin, Fox’s audience dip was only about half that of CNN’s.

No one can argue that the news cycle is not every bit as intense in February of 2018 as it was in February of 2017. No one can argue that the population has declined.

So why is CNN imploding while its competition continues to thrive?

It probably comes down to a combination of fake news and hate fatigue.

To begin with, MSNBC does not lie to its viewers. It advertises itself as an openly left-wing network, while CNN — which is even further to the left than MSNBC — continues its ridiculous pose as objective and unbiased.

Worse still, CNN cannot seem to stop lying to its viewers. CNN chief Jeff Zucker has created a veritable Fake News Factory over there, a wildly hypocritical one that has undermined all of its reporting and moral authority. If you are going to pose as a news outlet, your reporting must have credibility. Nobody believes anything CNN reports, nor should they.

Lastly, CNN’s 24/7 contribution to the Climate of Hate in this country is not only dangerous, it is simply exhausting. No matter what time of day you turn the failing channel on, it is TRUMP IS HITLER and REPULICANS ARE RACIST and WORSE THAN WATERGATE and I’M OUTRAGED and I’M STILL OUTRAGED and CHRISTIANITY IS BIGOTRY AND HATE and GIMME YOUR GUNS and MOCK US AND WE WILL DESTROY YOU and GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT and TRUMP IS CRAZY and and LET’S WHIP UP SOME VIOLENCE and, finally, LET ME LECTURE YOU ON DECENCY EVEN THOUGH I MYSELF AM A SERIAL LIAR.

Even if you agree with CNN’s monstrous worldview and appalling politics, the hate machine’s shrill and sanctimonious  presentation is so hysterical, so neurotic, so smug and one-note, it is just not attractive to watch.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Adam Baldwin to Gun-Grabbing Celebs: Time to Arm School Staff with Guns

Adam Baldwin to Gun-Grabbing Celebs: Time to Arm School Staff with Guns

Hours after the horrendous toll of the Florida school shooting on Wednesday became apparent, Hollywood veteran actor Adam Baldwin reacted to gun-grabbing celebrities by calling for school staff members to be armed with guns.

And this call is more than reasonable when one considers that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had two armed resource officers assigned to it, yet a killer was still able to infiltrate campus and harm innocents. Armed teachers and staff might have been able to take out the killer once he got on campus, thereby saving every life or at least saving some.

Baldwin tweeted:

Baldwin makes the point about men with guns stopping the attack because men with guns apprehended the attacker. But the critical point is that a school staff ought not be required to be sitting ducks.

Looked at another way, students ought not be required to be sitting ducks because of asinine policies that keep school staff members from being armed for self-defense.

Baldwin’s suggestion is very important for another reason, he understands that armed resource officers and armed staff are crucial to school safety.

Again, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High had resource officers but lacked the armed staff. Therefore, when the killer made it past the outside parameter there was no one on the inside who could stop him. Anyone who thinks of copy-catting the Florida attack should not only have to fear the presence of officers but should also have to frustrate themselves to near paralysis in worrying about which teachers and staff can (and will) shoot back.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at

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Report: FBI Warned About Potential School Shooter Named Nikolas Cruz in September

Report: FBI Warned About Potential School Shooter Named Nikolas Cruz in September

The FBI was notified in September after a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment about wanting to be a “professional school shooter,” reports the far-left BuzzFeed News.

A YouTuber named Ben Bennight emailed the FBI tip-line after he noticed a comment left by a “Nikolas Cruz” on one of his videos. The comment read, “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.”

Bennight lives in Mississippi and says he was “immediately” contacted by the local FBI office. He met with agents the following day. “That was the last I heard from them,” he told BuzzFeed.

In the wake of the arrest of 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz for the murders of 17 people in Wednesday’s school shooting in Parkland, FL, Bennight was again contacted by the FBI.

According to BuzzFeed, Special Agent Ryan Furr left the following voice mail: “I think we spoke with you in the past about a complaint that you made about someone making a comment on your YouTube channel. I just wanted to follow up with you on that and ask you a question with something that’s come up, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a ring.”

Bennight says he was again visited by the FBI agents Wednesday and asked if he knew Cruz. When he told the agents he did not, they left.

As of this writing, there is no confirmation that the Nikolas Cruz who left that YouTube comment is the same Nikolas Cruz arrested for Wednesday’s shooting massacre.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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BRAVE NEW WORLD: #MeToo Has Made Dating Weirder Than Ever

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Washington Post has a hilarious — and terrifying — expose about the lives of dating men in the post-#MeToo world.

The piece’s title says nearly everything you need to know: “It’s tough for me to know where the line is: The #MeToo era is making dating more confusing.” The piece itself fails to disappoint. It seems that, in this increasingly woke world, men who want to share physical affection with a woman are finding it difficult to navigate intimate situations without the help of an entire team of attorneys.

It is, of course, taking all the magic out of love, which sort of explains why young people are actually having less sex than ever, and why Wednesday night’s festivities might be . . . unsatisfactory . . . for dating couples.

According to one guy interviewed, affirmative consent for every touch and tactic is now absolutely mandatory, and men fear not getting it to the degree that each movement is accompanied by a near-legal interaction.

Over the summer, Geoffrey Knight is in bed with a woman he is dating. He puts his hand on her breast, and she swats it away. “You need to ask before you touch me,” he recalls her saying. Knight apologizes, saying he had assumed it was okay because they had just had sex.

Generally speaking, that’s above and beyond even the legal definition of affirmative consent, but Knight implied later that, had he not apologized and agreed to be more careful, he could have gotten slapped with an allegation. It made him so fearful, he told WaPo, that he started trying to get verbal consent for every maneuver, even before they happened (which presented its own set of problems).

Flash-forward a few months, and Knight, a 25-year-old Washingtonian, is sleeping with someone new. He is asking “Can I touch you here?” “Can I do this?” every step of the way, and his partner wants to know what is with all the questions. She prefers a more proactive approach.

Since Mr. Knight is obviously attracted to the sort of woman with Planned Parenthood posters and Women’s Studies textbooks lining the walls of her apartment, he decided to go even further, taking a “two month discussion class on how to reject toxic masculinity” and washing and wearing his “Consent is Sexy” tee shirt when he would try to pick up women in social situations.

He now, he says, gives women his number instead of asking for theirs.

A pick-up artist quoted by WaPo suggests that men are having a more difficult time sleeping with women because “Now it’s not just a fear of rejection but a fear of being harassing,” but that might not be it.

The result of Mr. Knight’s game is both sad and creepy. It’s sad because it’s clear these guys don’t know where the line is drawn, like the pick-up artist admits, and because the line is so arbitrary, it can vary from woman to woman, leaving men in the dark about how much consent is enough consent to avoid being accused later on.

It’s creepy because these guys have begun to master a system of presenting their “wokeness” for mating the way fish blow up their faces or birds scream at each other. The “Consent is Sexy” tee shirt has become the mating call of the wild North American male feminist.

That leads to another set of problems: when do feminists realize they’re being picked up, and start demanding written consent, or stop dating altogether. Eventually, they’ll just be interested in other women because the system isn’t nearly as fraught with bizarre behavior.

So, happy Valentine’s Day, Daily Wire readers. Whether you have a significant other or not, at least, tonight, you can be glad you’re better off than a handful of woke bros.

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Check Out These Feminist Valentine’s Day Greetings

Roses are red. Violets are blue. Dear feminists, what’s wrong with you?

Yes, even feminists celebrate Valentine’s Day, and should you be that careless with your relations to the opposite sex that you roll the dice with a pussy hat-wearing women’s marcher on this day of courtly love, then expect to receive one of the following greeting cards from her.

You’ve been warned!

1.) The “Fair Pay” Valentine:

2.) An Invitation To Smash The Patriarchy:

3.) My Valentine, My Choice:

4.) A Civics Lesson:

5.) A Spice Girls #MeToo:

6.) How To Sweep Her Off Her Feet:

7.) Show Me The Money, Jerry:

8.) A Call To Revolution:

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Trump Backs Grassley Immigration Bill

President Donald Trump on Wednesday officially backed an immigration reform proposal put forward by a number of Senate immigration hawks, including Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), which is designed to mirror the immigration priorities the White House issued last month.

The bill from Grassley and his colleagues, the Secure and Succeed Act of 2018, was announced late Sunday. The bill largely implements the White House’s four-pillar immigration proposal: A path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants, including the 800,000 beneficiaries of DACA; $25 billion for border security, including a wall; an end to the diversity visa lottery; and a phasing out of extended-family chain migration.

"I am asking all senators, in both parties, to support the Grassley bill and to oppose any legislation that fails to fulfill these four pillars – that includes opposing any short-term ‘Band-Aid’ approach," Trump said. "The overwhelming majority of American voters support a plan that fulfills the Framework’s four pillars, which move us towards the safe, modern, and lawful immigration system our people deserve."

Trump’s claim that a majority of American voters support his plan is supported by a recent Harvard-Harris poll, which found that majorities of voters support its composite four pillars, 65 percent to 35 percent, including 68 percent of Hispanics, 64 percent of Democrats, and 63 percent of liberals.

Trump also cheered legislation introduced by Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.) and Michael McCaul (R., Texas) in the House that would similarly implement the White House’s plan.

"At the same time, I remain encouraged by developments in the House toward advancing legislation from Chairmen Goodlatte and McCaul that also enshrines our four pillars," Trump said.

Trump is not the first high-profile Republican to back the SSA — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), after remaining mum on which of the several proposals currently floated in the Senate he preferred, publicly backed the proposal on Monday.

"The Secure and Succeed Act is our best chance of producing a solution that can actually resolve the immigration issue. We need a bill that can pass the #Senate and pass the House and earn @POTUS’ signature," McConnell tweeted.

The SSA’s current sponsors are exclusively Republicans, and bipartisan alternatives have not earned the same support. Trump slammed a proposal from Sens. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Chris Coons (D., Del.) that would exchange amnesty for more illegal immigrants than the SSA’s 1.8 million for increased border security, but would not include a wall nor end the diversity visa lottery and chain migration. A press release from the Department of Homeland Security attacked the McCain-Coons bill Wednesday, calling it a "mass legalization" bill and insisting that it fails to secure the border and "surges chain migration."

Still, it remains unclear what, if any, immigration proposal could actually pass the Senate floor, or make it through the House and to the President’s desk for signature. A bipartisan working group, led by Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine), claimed Wednesday to have produced a "two-pillar" solution which would, like the McCain-Coons bill, trade amnesty for enhanced border security. But Trump’s statement of opposition to any "Band-Aid" approach suggests that, even if that bill can make it through Congress, it may be subject to a presidential veto.

The post Trump Backs Grassley Immigration Bill appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Job Cuts Coming to CNN as Network Brand Turns Into Toxic Sludge

Despite the total commitment by network officials and employees to tie their entire brand to taking down President Trump, CNN’s risky strategy is beginning to look like a big loser.

Not only did a recent poll identify CNN as having the most toxic and polarizing name in the “news” business but now according to reports, the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” is going into layoff mode.

In a coming move to slice costs, CNN will be dumping a least fifty employees after failing to meet revenue projections. Gee, I wonder why.

The news comes via a Vanity Fair report that cites “people familiar with the matter” in a delightful and ironic twist of the knife into the network that routinely uses anonymous sources to push fake news.

Via The Hill “CNN set for layoffs: report”:

CNN, which just one year ago was touting an ambitious digital strategy, is planning to lay off as many as 50 people, Vanity Fair reported on Monday.

The layoffs are expected to come this week and will hit CNN staff around the world who work on digital businesses such as CNN Money, video, product, tech and social publishing, the magazine reported. The exact number of layoffs is still not clear.

According to Vanity Fair’s reporting, CNN will curtail some high-profile digital initiatives such as their virtual reality and Snapchat production efforts. The team that produces digital extensions for some of the network’s documentary-style shows is reportedly going to be reorganized.

Vanity Fair fleshes out some of the additional details:

But despite the so-called Trump Bump, CNN appears to be re-thinking at least some elements of its digital strategy. I’ve learned that CNN, a key property in AT&T’s planned takeover of CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, is targeting big savings on the digital side, with as many as 50 jobs around the globe scheduled to be eliminated this week, according to people familiar with the matter, who noted the exact number could still be in flux. The cuts will affect employees who work in premium businesses including CNN Money, video, product, tech and social publishing, these people said. Several high profile digital initiatives are being scaled back, including CNN’s virtual reality productions and its efforts on Snapchat, where CNN recently nixed a live daily webcast after just four months.


The looming cuts may not be altogether Earth-shattering for an institution with thousands of employees around the world and $1 billion in annual profits. But one imagines they will at least further rattle nerves within a company already beset by a fair amount of uncertainty, which largely centers around how long Zucker will remain after AT&T’s $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner, assuming the Department of Justice doesn’t succeed in its efforts to scuttle the deal. A trial to adjudicate that matter is set to kick off on March 19 in Washington, D.C.

The truth? You can just never watch this one too many times!



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RNC Trolls Dem Candidates with Crumb Cakes for Valentine’s Day

Republicans across the country used Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to taunt Democrats up for election in 2018 with crumb cakes and break-up letters.

The crumb cakes, a reference to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s continued description of bonuses and tax cuts as "crumbs," were delivered by Republican National Committee staffers in Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and Indiana—all states expected to Senate battleground states this year.

In Nevada, two boxes filled with crumb cakes were delivered to the office of Rep. Jacky Rosen (D.), who is running for Senate. The boxes were also filled with letters containing messages such as, "We’re done. It’s not us—it’s you."

Republicans also delivered crumb cakes were also delivered in Virginia to Sen. Tim Kaine (D.), in Florida to Sen. Bill Nelson (D.), and in
Indiana to Sen. Joe Donnelly (D.).

"Since Democrats from all over have compared bonuses and raises from companies across the Commonwealth to crumbs, we’d like to set the
record straight," said John Whitbeck, the Republican Party of Virginia’s chairman. "Hopefully the crumb cake we’re sending him today will help them realize the difference between crumbs and the real, tangible benefits of tax cuts for Virginia workers."

The crumb cakes delivered to Donnelly’s office were accompanied by a Valentine’s Day card and a list of companies that have given workers raises or bonuses in reaction to the Republican tax reform legislation.

Only Nelson’s office rejected the Valentine’s Day gift basket, citing ethics laws against receiving gifts. The Republican Party of Florida says the cakes cost less than $50, and therefore were not in violation of any ethics rules.

"The bigger patchecks and bonuses hard working Floridians are seeing because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are not ‘crumbs’ as you and your liberal buddies such as Nancy Pelosi assert," wrote a note attached to the rejected cake. "Please accept this crumb cake made by a Florida company whose employees benefitted from tax cuts to remind you hat real crumbs look like."

The post RNC Trolls Dem Candidates with Crumb Cakes for Valentine’s Day appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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It Begins: CNN Analyst Demands ‘Discussion About Guns’ With Scant Details on FL Shooting

<p>Here we go again, America. Another act of evil committed at a school and another case of liberals immediately demanding discussions of gun control. Moments into CNN’s live coverage, former Obama administration official and national security analyst Juliette Kayyem and host Brooke Baldwin demanded a “discussion about guns” despite having minimal details about what transpired.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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