Uranium One Informant Attorney: Clintons Can Attack All They Want, But My Client Has the Truth

Uranium One Informant Attorney: Clintons Can Attack All They Want, But My Client Has the Truth

During a Thursday appearance on “America’s Newsroom,” Victoria Toensing, attorney for FBI informant Douglas Campbell, fired back at Hillary Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill for saying her client was participating in a “charade” by informing the FBI that Russia paid a lobbying group $3 million to “provide in-kind support for the Clintons’ Global Initiative.”

Toensing argued that $3 million is “a lot of money for a year of lobbying” and defended her client’s credibility.

“[Campbell] came out because he thought he was dying from cancer and he wanted his story to be told,” Toensing explained. “They can go attack all they want to. He’s got the truth, he’s got briefings, the FBI has all kinds of videotapes.”

Toensing added that the Russians thought they had “died and gone to heaven” when Clinton became secretary of state in 2009 and said that is when they began planning out the Uranium One purchase.

The 2010 controversial deal transferred 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia via the sale of the Uranium One company, a Canadian mining company, just as nine foreign investors in the deal gave $145 million to the Clinton charity. Given the stake in the U.S. uranium reserves, the deal required approval U.S. government.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

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Chuck Schumer 2014: You know what we should have? A military parade

A nifty catch by the Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra. Do we know for a fact that Schumer is against Trump’s new proposal for a military parade? He has to be, right? If it ends up happening, opinions on the right will be mixed but opinions on the left will not. Your membership card in the #Resistance will require you to hate the idea. A lot.

Which means Schumer’s going to have to figure out some way to explain this:

How many times has this guy tripped over his own feet — or his own party’s feet — in trying to build an anti-Trump message over the past 12 months? Last January, when he was whining about Trump’s cabinet appointees, he was stuck grappling with the painful fact that it was Harry Reid, not Mitch McConnell, who chose to nuke the filibuster for presidential nominees in 2013. Last month he got blown up by an old clip of him congratulating his party for having never done something as foolish as shutting down the government over an unrelated pet issue like immigration. Which, errrrrr, is exactly what Democrats did in their brief shutdown standoff with Trump. Now this.

Worth noting, though: The parade Schumer wanted in 2014 was a ticker-tape procession up Broadway in NYC, not a presidential review of armored troops in D.C., and he wanted it to mark a specific occasion rather than as a show of “strength.” Schumer’s parade wouldn’t have involved jets or tanks, I don’t think; it would have been a march by veterans of the war on terror, to thank them for their service. (The clip says, quaintly, that the parade would have been timed to coincide with the end of combat operations in Afghanistan. In reality operations in Afghanistan will never end.) But Trump’s parade *could* be similar depending upon what he and the military ultimately settle on. A Veterans Day or Memorial Day march of servicemen minus the armor and explosives for the public to say thanks would be enjoyable. Would Trump agree to that or does he want the full Independence Day nukes-on-parade saber-rattle? A military parade and a Trump parade featuring the military are different things.

Here’s a veteran who’s not crazy about the idea:

If his name sounds familiar, there’s a reason. That’s the same Rob O’Neill who’s on Fox News regularly. The one who put a bullet in Osama Bin Laden’s brain as a member of SEAL Team Six.

Another veteran, former Army Ranger Andrew Exum, isn’t crazy about the parade either:

As a young lieutenant in the U.S. Army, I marvelled at the amount of time our units could spend rehearsing for changes of commands and other events. This was time we could have better spent training our bodies in the gym, rehearsing battle drills, or almost anything else that could have contributed to our combat effectiveness…

Americans don’t have a problem of appreciating the military too little. Americans have a problem venerating the military too much. I spoke to a retired allied naval officer recently who confessed to me that he could not understand why, after 17 years of inconclusive war in Afghanistan, the U.S. military remains on such a high pedestal in the United States. It’s a good question.

There’s an easy answer to that question, I think. Americans are rightly ashamed of themselves for how they treated Vietnam veterans and are trying to atone by overcorrecting with younger generations of troops. They’re also rightly awed by the sacrifices the military has made in Iraq and Afghanistan, particularly when so little has been asked of civilians during the war on terror. That’s part of the impetus for Schumer’s parade idea to honor post-9/11 veterans. They’re widely praised in American culture but also largely taken for granted. And there’s clearly never going to be a “victory” in Iraq or Afghanistan that’s so clear-cut it would trigger popular demand for a celebration honoring the victors. If that’s where Trump’s impulse for a parade is coming from, genuine gratitude for bravery in a thankless task, it’s worth considering. If instead it’s just a campaign commercial with the military expressing Trump’s “strength,” forget it.

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Fake News Flashback: CNN Declared Trump ‘Bonkers’ for Saying Clinton, Dems Behind Dossier

Writing for the far-left CNN back in October, Chris Cillizza declared President Donald Trump “bonkers” and “crazy” for suggesting what turned out to be 100 percent true: that the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and Russia, were all behind what is known as the “Russian dossier.”

“[I]t is deeply irresponsible for a president of the United States to even flirt with this sort of conspiracy talk,” the overwrought Cillizza wrote, adding, “[T]he idea that the Russians, the Democrats and the FBI co-funded a dossier designed to discredit Trump’s 2016 campaign is totally bonkers.”

What set Cillizza off on his fake news spree was an October 19, 2017, Trump tweet that said, “Workers of firm [Fusion GPS] involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?”

In the months since that tweet, everything Trump suggested has been proven correct.

Thanks to congressional investigators (and no thanks to a media that has worked overtime to stop these facts from coming out), we now know that 1) some of the most salacious and discredited details in the dossier came from Russian operatives. 2) Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid millions of dollars for the phony dossier. 3) the FBI also funded the dossier by hiring its author, former-British spy Christopher Steele, who was determined to see Trump defeated in the presidential election.

Moreover, even disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey has declared the dossier “salacious and unverified.” Unless you want to count mundane details that do not matter, in the months since October, despite billions of corporate media dollars being spent to verify the dossier, still nothing is verified in what we now know is a political document paid for by Democrats to spy on their political opponent, which, to their disgrace, the FBI did.

Trump’s tweet was dead on accurate — every single point in it, every word. And yet, here is CNN’s left-wing Cillizza smearing Trump as “crazy” and bonkers,” even though CNN had no way of knowing if his tweet was or was not accurate [emphasis added]:

The bigger issue — at least to me — is that Trump is suggesting that the dossier itself was funded by some combination of a foreign power, the opposition political party and a federal law enforcement agency.

It’s easy to roll your eyes at the very suggestion and dismiss that idea as just Trump being Trump. “You guys always take him literally,” Trump’s supporters will say. “You shouldn’t.

But here’s the thing: President Trump is, um, the President. Which means he is held to the same standard every past president is held to. And by that standard, this tweet is crazy.

The point here is that it is deeply irresponsible for a president of the United States to even flirt with this sort of conspiracy talk. You can love Donald Trump and still believe that the idea that the Russians, the Democrats and the FBI co-funded a dossier designed to discredit Trump’s 2016 campaign is totally bonkers.

Without knowing the facts, CNN declaring Trump “crazy” and “bonkers” is, of course, more evidence of the Climate of Hate the last-place cable channel has been building around Trump for almost two years.

The failing network has been working overtime to plant the idea that Trump is a unique danger to America, or as CNN anti-Trump commentator Jake Tapper regularly puts it, Trump is “un-American,” “unpatriotic,” “unmoored,” and “unhinged.”

Despite the Daily Caller calling Cillizza and CNN out for this false reporting, nothing has been updated, corrected, or retracted.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Drag Queens to Teach Children at Swedish Library, ‘It is Important to Break Societal Norms’

Drag Queens to Teach Children at Swedish Library, ‘It is Important to Break Societal Norms’

Cross-dressers ‘Lady Busty’ and ‘Miss Shameless’ are to teach children in Malmö the importance of equality and not to fear immigrants at events starting later this month.

From February 17th, Malmö City Library will begin holding Drag Queen Story Hours at which men dressed as women will read fairy tales encouraging children to experiment with gender, local media reports.

“As an LGBT-certified library, we want to work actively with these issues,” said communications officer Johan Björkwall. “So when we were approached about [Drag Queen Story Hour] we said yes.”

Stefan Anderson and his husband Mats, veteran ‘drag queens’ who both work with young people, first held a storytelling session for children as their alter egos Lady Busty and Miss Shameless at last year’s Malmö Pride, taking inspiration from a similar project in San Francisco.

“Drag queens are mostly only seen on television and at nightclubs and pride parades, so it’s not often that they are close to children,” lamented Stefan, asserting that Drag Queen Story Hour will be “very useful for the children”.

Through storytelling, children will learn that it’s “important to break taboos and social norms”, Anderson said, adding: “We want to show that it’s fun not to have any limitations.”

The pair will also use “playfulness” in the sessions to stress the message everyone is equal, and teach children not to fear that immigrants might be dangerous.

“Everyone is different. We come from different places, different cultures, we are different and we behave differently from each other. What’s important is not to be afraid of the unknown,” Stefan told Malmö24.se.

Though usually a pioneer in forwarding “progressive” programmes and policies aimed towards creating a gender-neutral future, on issues of promoting LGBT lifestyles to children, Sweden has lagged behind Britain since the UK government launched a war on “hate”.

Breitbart London previously reported that Drag Queen Story Time events are being rolled out across nursery schools, with cross-dressing men brought in as “queer role models”, supposedly in order to stop two and three-year-olds committing “hate crime” later in life.

And government-backed guidance issued in December demanded primary schools stock books and learning resources which “celebrate” transgender people in order to “fight prejudice”, and to ensure school uniform lists are gender neutral and “avoid stereotypes” so as not to upset “non-binary” people who believe themselves to be neither male nor female.

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Police Officer Working to Deport Illegals Threatened at Home by Muslim Extremists

Police Officer Working to Deport Illegals Threatened at Home by Muslim Extremists

A pair of Islamic extremists confronted a police officer in the German region of North Rhine-Westphalia in front of his apartment to intimidate him because he is involved in deportations.

The unnamed officer is said to be a member of the Federal German police force which is responsible for border security in the country. The two men, described as belonging to the radical Islamic scene, threatened the officer who was forced to flee to his home where his dog confronted the men, barked and caused them to flee, Focus reports.

While the incident occurred on January 26th, the information was only recently released to the public. Officials say the two men approached in a Mercedes-Benz S-class vehicle, were wearing long beards and traditional conservative Islamic clothing.

Two days before the threats, the officer had been involved with the deportation of 19 failed Afghan asylum seekers who were returned to Kabul.

The report is the first instance known of Islamic radicals attempting to threaten and harass police officers involved in the deportation process but not the first time Islamic radicals have clashed with German police.

Last year in Hamburg, two officers were attacked by Muslims who had been praying in the street. The officers attempted to perform a routine identification check on the groups of five men but were set upon by them. The Muslims later alleged that they had been “provoked” by the officers.

Some have also expressed fears of Islamic radicals within the police force itself. In Berlin, a leaked recording from the Berlin police academy revealed a teacher expressing the opinion that Muslims were an “enemy” in the ranks. The instructor warned that the Muslim officers would become “second-class police officers who will only be corrupt.”

 Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson(at)breitbart.com 

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Christian Faith a Central Pillar for Many Philadelphia Eagles Players

Christian Faith a Central Pillar for Many Philadelphia Eagles Players

With great fanfare, the Philadelphia Eagles fought their way to a Super Bowl win, but with less fanfare, many of the team’s players quietly made their journey with a Bible in hand.

While sports fans know all the stats about the Eagles as the team surged forward to win the NFL’s big game, fewer know that many members of the team feel that their faith in Christ is the one reason for their success. It turns out that the Eagles are one of the more religious teams in the NFL.

One of the first major hints of the team’s evangelism came when winning quarterback Nick Foles thanked God for his success on Super Bowl night. Foles takes his religion seriously and has even said that he wants to minister to young people once his football career is over.

But Foles is hardly alone. A large number of Eagles players have been unafraid to publicly declare their faith in God, according to FaithIt.com.

Last year, for instance, the religious site reported that wide receiver Marcus Johnson very publicly got baptized into the Christian faith with his fellow teammates in attendance around a hotel pool.

Along with MVP quarterback Foles, another player who has been very proud of his faith is fellow quarterback Carlos Wentz, who vowed to play for an “audience of one” through the playoffs.

According to reports, the players’ Christian faith became “the locker room’s binding force” as the team played its way to the Super Bowl.

The Eagles even posted a video to speak to the players’ faith featuring interviews with Carson Wentz, Torrey Smith, Chris Maragos, and others:

“I went to church often growing up, but it wasn’t until I was in my last year of college where I realized I was kind of living off of everyone else’s salvation,” Smith explained in the video. “I wasn’t really finding out things on my own. I wasn’t diving into the Word or exploring that the way I was exploring everything else around me. That’s when I kind of realized I was living the wrong way.”

Maragos also noted how his coming to Jesus saved his life.

In all, religion has been a very important part of the Eagles’ success as it has brought the players closer together as a team and as individuals.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

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Crooked Cop Comey Gets Blasted After Bragging About His New Book and ‘Joining the Discussion About Ethical Leadership’

Crooked Cop Comey Gets Blasted After Bragging About His New Book and ‘Joining the Discussion About Ethical Leadership’

Crooked cop Comey should have taken Sean Hannity’s advice last week when he told the fired FBI Director, “You have the right to remain silent”. 

Comey keeps arrogantly tweeting which isn’t helping his case.

After the FISA memo was released Comey tweeted “that’s it?” while simultaneously attacking the memo as dishonest and destructive.

On Tuesday, Comey tweeted about looking forward to joining the discussion about ethical leadership.

Comey is the last person to know about ethical leadership.

Crooked Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before interviewing her and 17 witnesses in her criminal email investigation, handed immunity out like candy, gave classified memos to a friend to leak to the press and misled the FISA court.


Comey tweeted Tuesday morning about putting the finishing touches on his new book titled, ‘A Higher Loyalty – Truth, Lies and Leadership’. (It must be fiction).

Comey: “I’ve heard people have missed my photo tweets. ? I took this yesterday during a long, peaceful walk by the Potomac on a break from putting finishing touches on my book. I’m looking forward to its release and joining the discussion about ethical leadership.”

Comey got savaged by patriotic Americans.


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Donald Trump Asks Whether Democrats Are ‘Treasonous’ For Sitting Stone-Faced At SOTU, Everyone Panics

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump, speaking to a crowd in Ohio, asked whether his supporters believed that Democrats, who sat stone-faced during Trump’s State of the Union last week, could be considered “un-American,” and suggested that “somebody” has told him the opposition party’s behavior might even be “treasonous.”

“They would rather see Trump do badly, OK, than our country do well…it’s very selfish…even on positive news, really positive news like that, they were like death and Un-American. Un-American. Somebody said ‘treasonous,’” Trump riffed.

“I mean, yeah, I guess, why not?” he continued. “Can we call that treason? Why not. I mean, they certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much. But you look at that and it’s really very, very sad.”

The short answer to his question is “no, we cannot call that treason.” The implication got a few laughs, and it’s clear from context that Trump was joking – trying to get a rise out of an audience that he knew would agree with the sentiment, if not fully support calling the Democratic Party treasonous. It’s a concerning statement, and a dark turn of events; although the President has criticized his opponents before, the concept of charging them with “treason,” even if he’d never follow through with it, has meaning.

But as with many of Trump’s embarrassing off-the-cuff, out-of-thin-air outbursts, the response was as dramatic as Trump’s initial language. Panicked progressives and angry Democrats took to social media to decry the President’s tyrannical tendencies, take him to task for the sin of using a harsh word to describe their behavior, and jockey for position as the most outraged among the outraged.

In one particularly egregious case, Sen. Tammy Duckworth lashed out, reiterating an earlier insult for the President, “Cadet Bone Spurs.”

There’s no way a man who has rarely lived up to the threats he makes in public speeches is even considering charging members of Congress with treason for simply sitting on their hands during a speech to a Joint Session. And he was wrong for making the statement. But is he really alone in the insult?

National Review’s Dan McLaughlin, who also took the President to task for his language, points out that over the last decade, many people have been using the word “treason” to describe behavior they don’t like, but which does not even border on the criminal – and some of the President’s harshet critics are guilty of it themselves.

McLaughlin quotes economist Paul Krugman calling “climate denial a form of treason,” former Vice President Joe Biden accusing Republicans of acting like terrorists over a bill to raise the debt limit. On the subject of the same bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer accused his opposition of rooting for the American economy to fail. President Obama’s senior adviser David Plouffe said Republicans were “committing economic treason” by forcing a partial government shutdown. Before Trump took office, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest even coyly suggested the Department of Justice should be consulted in regards to possible treason charges leveled against Trump’s team.

None of these examples makes Trump’s question any less egregious, but it does put the ensuing outrage into perspective: it’s not an insult, it’s a vicious cycle.

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How Democrats Went From Being Border Hawks to Amnesty Doves

Over the years, Democrats have gone from a party of border hawks to a party of amnesty doves.

During his 1995 State of the Union, President Bill Clinton warned about the problems illegal immigration caused for the country. Clinton touted steps his administration was taking to identify and deport illegal immigrants. He also spoke of how his administration would follow some of the proposals from former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, chairwoman of the 1995 Commission on Immigration Reform.

In 2006, then-Senator Barack Obama voted for a border wall along with then-Senator Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.).

A Washington Free Beacon SUPERcut compiled video of current Democratic senators shows their evolution from border hawks to amnesty doves. Red-state Democrats like Sens. Joe Donnelly (D., Ind.), John Tester (D., Mont.) and Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) voted in the past against the Dream Act, legislation that would have legalized "Dreamers" who entered the country illegally with their parents when they were minors. Now, the senators are in favor of legalizing the Dreamers.

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D., Calif.) appeared to be a border hawk during the early 1990s. She derided people who were here illegally and were on Medicaid, and she argued the United States could no longer be the welfare system for Mexico.

"The day when America could be the welfare system for Mexico is gone," Feinstein said. "The people who should be here are those who come legally at this time."

In 2010, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) appeared to brag on "Fox News Sunday" that she voted against immigration reform.

Democrats today have identified immigration stances they previously espoused to now be part of a "campaign to make America white again."

Congress has until Feb. 8 to pass a long-term budget that includes immigration reform of some degree or risk another government shutdown. The government shut down for three days after congress was unable to pass a short term continuing resolution (CR) because it didn’t include a fix for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) recipients.

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Harping Hillary Still Whining That Sexism and Misogyny Cost Her The Election

Hillary Clinton continues to refuse to accept the very simple concept that elections have a winner and a loser and that while it sucks to be the latter, that is just the way that things go.

Haggard Hillary sobered up for long enough to appear at Georgetown University for what was ostensibly a panel discussion on women and human rights but it didn’t talk long for Mrs. Clinton to hijack the forum to once again make everything about her.

The seriously troubled, embittered former Democrat nominee carped that misogyny and sexism were two of the main reasons why she lost the election. Apparently, the Russian collusion hoax is no longer useful and James Comey has become a beloved hero of the #theResistance so we are back to square one.

Playing the vagina card.

Via Grabien “Hillary, Asked About Women’s Rights, Goes on Rant Blaming Sexists for Her 2016 Loss; ‘Refusal to Accept the Equality of Women’:

‘I think misogyny and sexism was part of that campaign’

Hillary Clinton is leaving no grudge unvoiced.

The former First Lady and secretary of state appeared Monday at a Georgetown University awards ceremony named in her honor, which are given to “individuals advancing women’s role in creating a more peaceful and secure world.”

Clinton used the ceremony as an opportunity to once again blame sexism in America for her 2016 loss to President Trump.

At the end of the ceremony, Clinton was asked if she had any parting thoughts about “this backlash against women’s rights.”

Clinton began by talking about how technology, globalization, and artificial intelligence is creating a sense of insecurity and anxiety, but then pivoted to her book and the 2016 race.

“Any of you who have read my book about what happened know that I think misogyny and sexism was part of that campaign,” Clinton said. “It was one of the contributing factors and some of it was old-fashioned sexism and a refusal to accept the equality of women and some of it as an outgrowth of all this anxiety and security that is playing on people and leaving them a scapegoat.”

“We’ve got to leave that here at home and that comes through the ballot box in an election year 2018 in the United States,” she continued. “There’s a lot that can be done to say wait a minute, we are not going backwards when it comes to race and religion and sex and and all the rest of it. We are going to keep forward moving because we want an inclusive tolerant society and that includes everybody. Not just some of us, but all of us.”

“Certainly, voting remains the principal way that every individual can express an opinion and anyone who chooses not to vote basically sees that opinion to others who perhaps don’t hold your values,” she added. “There’s a lot of work to be done, but I ended being very confident enough to mistake because we are not going back and women’s voices are not shutting up.”

Clinton said that in order to end sexism, “everyone has to purge themselves of prejudicial thoughts.”

“Being born into a minority is hard,” she said. [Video] “It’s hard everywhere and if you find yourself in a role where you can speak out and speak up and not go along with either remaining silent or even chiming in about derogatory remarks, about women and girls, and also minorities, but the focus on women and girls, you know be that person, be that man, who you know, doesn’t let it go on, who stands up for speaks out and use your voting power as a citizen in a democracy to also register your feelings about these issues.”

Holy crap, get over it already! You lost!

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