Howard University Professor: School Choice Is Racism. No, It Isn’t. It’s A Serious Solution To Racial Inequality.

On Friday, Natalie Hopkinson of Howard Uniersity wrote a piece for Huffington Post suggesting that school choice was – you guessed it – racist. Why, pray tell, is it racist to remove your children from failing public schools and attempt to place them in schools where they are likely to receive a better education? Because the real reason you want your kids out of those schools is to avoid black and brown people. Or something.

Now, Hopkinson acknowledges that her own daughter is applying to various private schools right now, and admits, “We have done all of this so we can avoid our struggling neighborhood school.” That’s good for Hopkinson. But it’s bad for everyone else.

According to Hopkinson:

Radical self-interest and self-preservation is the rotten, racist core of the whole ideology of school choice. There is no “we” in this: The entire point is to give individual kids an advantage. In putting his daughter above everyone else, Wilson used the school choice system precisely as it’s designed to operate. This vision must change, both from the top down and from the bottom up. Families and taxpayers have swallowed the line that a privatized school “marketplace” will deliver on its promise of upward mobility for all. It is a cynical game that has done nothing to build up communities like mine, despite all promises to the contrary.

But, of course, there is no “we” to educating my child. My job is not to sacrifice my child’s future for your child. My job is to ensure that my child has the best possible future, and it’s your job to ensure the same for your child. I’m more than happy to help provide opportunities for your children similar to those mine will receive – it’s why I give charity and raise money for private schools and support school vouchers. But I’m sure as hell not going to put my daughter and son in garbage public schools out of some misguided sense of Marxist fairness. That would make me a rotten parent.

But Hopkinson thinks I’m a rotten person if I pursue my child’s interests. Why? Because historically, rich people had private tutors:

There was a time when education was not a public matter at all. In the early 19th century, wealthy families ― the DeVoses of the day ― hired their own tutors. Churches set up some private schools. Philanthropists like Sears executive Julian Rosenwald sponsored schools for some black children. The rest of America’s poor children, of all races, mostly worked to support their families and did not go to school.

Now, it never occurs to Hopkinson that perhaps school choice would allow more people to experience the same sort of schooling upper-crust people do. When I went to private school, my parents received financial aid scholarships; we weren’t as well off as many of the other kids with whom I attended. And my parents weren’t the only ones. The vast majority of private schools strive to ensure that middle class and poor students can attend alongside rich ones.

But Hopkinson still sees school choice through the prism of race:

It was in the 1950s, when civil rights reformers used the legal system to attack the system of apartheid, that the notion of “choice” first came to public attention. White parents demanded the right to “choose” not to send their kids to school with black children. They set up private academies, and in some cases shut down entire public school districts. Here in Washington, D.C., white families fled en masse, pretty much overnight, from the city’s public school system, in pursuit of the best “choices” for their children.

There’s certainly truth to this. But it’s also somewhat more complex. The legacy of slavery and Jim Crow meant that black students were disadvantaged for decades, in awful and evil fashion – and it also meant that re-integration of schools (not de-segregation — forced integration, as in school busing) came along with serious challenges, both in terms of curriculum and in terms of social engagement. That wasn’t the fault of black kids, of course. But it’s unfair to say that every white parent pulled their kids out of school because of fear of black skin. And it’s certainly unfair to say that parents are putting their kids in private school because of racism half a century after the end of segregation. In any case, the solution to the problem isn’t governmental compulsion, but more choice for black kids as well as white kids.

The question is how to achieve that goal. And Hopkinson offers no answers, other than to shut down options for parents. She rightly points out that DC schools underperform. That’s also true of the public schools where I went, in Los Angeles Unified School District. But the solution is for parents to be able to opt out of those schools, not to force parents to subsidize those schools with the educational future of their children. She wants less transparency, less openness, and fewer options for children of all races:

Instead of harnessing our energy into building up community institutions for the next generation of kids, we’re all splintered off and chasing opportunities everywhere except in our backyards….Parents and policymakers need to overcome the collective amnesia that has taken root in our society about the long, sordid story of school choice. So many of the choices that we make, personally and collectively, are about running away from this history. At some point, instead of fleeing and hunting for the next shiny scheme, we have to stay and conquer the inequities and disadvantages that have continued to accumulate in this country.

Those inequities and disadvantages will not disappear unless choice is restricted. People will simply move from districts with bad schools to districts with good schools – and those people will be those who can afford to do so. Unless Hopkinson is proposing a government crackdown on the ability to attend schools of our choice, where we can live, and how much we can spend on our children’s education, she’s offering no solution. And she’s ignoring the biggest problem of all: school failures today are less about spending shortages than about parents who can’t or won’t do the work necessary to ensure the best educational path forward for their children. Hopkinson’s child will do fine, because her parents spend inordinate amounts of time and money to ensure she does. The same doesn’t hold true for every parent. The least we can do is give parents the option to do the right thing by putting more money back in their pocket and opening more options to them, rather than jailing them in failing schools defined by location rather than quality.

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Teen Gun Protest Funded, Promoted by Dozens of Left-Wingers, Including George Soros-Backed 

Teen Gun Protest Funded, Promoted by Dozens of Left-Wingers, Including George Soros-Backed 

It did not take long after a former student at a Florida high school with a history of mental health issues gunned down 17 people last month for the left in the United States to use the tragedy to advance its anti-Trump, anti-America, anti-gun agenda.

The same progressive organizations that launched the Women’s March to protest the election of President Donald Trump planned, promoted and scripted the National School Walkout on Wednesday where middle and high school students were asked to walk out of school for 17 minutes to “honor” the 17 victims.

In some places across the country, including Washington D.C., that walkout turned into marches and protests to demand “gun control” and to demonize support for the Second Amendment, including blaming the National Rifle Association for “gun violence” in schools.

On the Women’s March website the “partners” for the March are listed, including the two “premier” sponsors, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the National Resources Defense Council — two organizations that paradoxically kill unborn babies while protecting the planet.

Some of the other “partners” are Services Employees International Union, AFL-CIO, GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders, ACLU, Occupy Wall Street, Pussy Hat Project, United We Dream, (funded by George Soros) Center for American Progress, CODEPINK, Communist Party USA, Emily’s List, Human Rights Campaign, and the National Abortion Federation.

You can read the entire list here.

The Women’s March website links to the Women’s March Youth Empower webpage and its “Enough” anti-gun protest, including a “toolkit” to teach children the left-wing talking points these groups endorse.

Here are a few examples from the toolkit section for the National School Walkout:

  • “It often helps to have parental support when it comes to student participation in the walkout. Your parents and guardians can put pressure on your school to support your action.”
  • “Walkout on March 14th at 10 a.m. across all time zones for 17 minutes to honor the 17 lives killed at Parkland, FL shooting on Valentine’s Day. Stop whatever you’re doing and simply walk out — into the hallway, out of your school building, whatever feels right to you.”
  • Suggested chants: “No More Silence, End Gun Violence,” “Guns in schools? We say NO, NRA has got to go,” “Enough is Enough.”

The toolkit also has a list of demands, including, “We demand that Congress enact an immediate resolution declaring gun violence a public health crisis and dedicating federal funding to research solutions and implement violence intervention programs. We demand Congress recognize all forms of gun violence, including violence committed by police.”

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‘Will & Grace’ MAGA Cake Episode: Mike Pence Is Gay, Conservatives Are Nazis

‘Will & Grace’ MAGA Cake Episode: Mike Pence Is Gay, Conservatives Are Nazis

Thursday’s episode of Will & Grace saw a local baker refuse to bake a “Make America Great Again” cake, crack jokes about Vice President Mike Pence’s sexuality, and cast conservatives as Hitler-loving Nazis.

The ripped from the headlines episode, title, “The Beefcake and the Cake Beef,” sees conservative caricature  Karen Walker (Megan Mullally) ask a local baker, Amy, to make a cake that Karen wants to bring to a birthday party she’s throwing for President Donald Trump. When the baker her problems with her personal life, Karen quips, “Okay, honey, honey. People like me don’t care about the problems of the white working class. That was just to win the election.”

Amy refuses to make the cake, two which and Karen replies, “You’re refusing to make a cake because you don’t like what it says?” The plot here is a rift on Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case, in which a Christian baker declined to bake a cake for a gay wedding on religious grounds.

Enter Grace (Debra Messing), who was ready to leave work and “rip someone a new donut hole” to defend Karen because she thought the fuss was over “a gay wedding cake.”

“She’s on her own,” Grace says of Karan after her co-worker Tony (Anthony Ramos) explains to her that Karen wanted a “Make America Great Again” cake.

After her worldview is challenged by Tony, Grace helps convince the baker to make the MAGA birthday cake. Amy agrees to make it with an “extra touch.”

That “extra touch” was to add an “I” and a “Y,” which spells “I’m a Gay” instead of MAGA.

“That says ‘I’m a gay.’ How dare you come out on my cake?” Karen said.

“Okay, so you added an “I” and a “Y. Very clever. But this isn’t for the vice president,” Grace said, an obvious slur against Mike Pence.

A fight ensues and ends with Grace face-planting the cake. When she returns to the bakery to pick up a new cake, a customer walks in and notices that the swastika on his cake is “a little off-center.”

The man turns to Grace and says, “Oh, is this for the birthday party? I’ll see you there.” referring to Karen’s birthday party for President Trump.

“Why are the hot ones always gay or Nazis?” Grace says, in one last dig on conservatives.

After an 11-year hiatus, the highly-anticipated TV return of Will & Grace last September was slammed by several fans of the NBC sitcom as being “too political.”

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White Canadians Apologize for Having ‘Unfairly Benefited’ from Skin Color

White Canadians Apologize for Having ‘Unfairly Benefited’ from Skin Color

School administrators in British Columbia are trying to fight racism by posting a series of white-shaming posters on school walls, in an effort to educate students on the evils of “white privilege.”

The posters, based on a similar billboard campaign mounted last summer in Saskatoon, bear messages encouraging students to “confront racism” and to not “be blind to the invisible system I am a part of.”

Caucasian people, the campaign suggests, even if not racists themselves, still benefit from “white privilege,” and thus apparently need to atone for the inherent injustice of race.

“I have unfairly benefited from the colour of my skin,” declares Superintendent of Schools Teresa Downs in one poster. “White privilege is not acceptable.”

Rather than play down the importance of race in favor of common humanity, Ms. Downs and her comrades-in-arms believe it is critical for students and citizens to become not less but more race-conscious. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of “a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” is apparently not shared by the good folks of School District 74.

Not by the academic authorities, anyway.

School officials reportedly made the mistake of initiating the poster campaign without informing students’ parents, which has provoked backlash among families who don’t believe it is a sin to be born white.

One parent of mixed-race children, Kansas Field Allen, took issue with the poster crusade and posted photos of the posters on social media, which generated a flurry of comments, mostly critical of the “white privilege” campaign.

Some complained of the “blatant indoctrination” of students, while others expressed their consternation over an unwillingness to focus on common humanity rather than racial divides. “Shouldn’t we work on being inclusive rather than exclusive?” a typical comment read.

“I’d say 95 per cent of the people are in favour of having the posters taken down, and that’s from all races,” Field Allen said.

In January, the posters were hung in every school in the district in January, reportedly with the agreement of school principals.

“We do understand that this is a discussion about race and privilege, and it can make some people uncomfortable,” Downs said.

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But Why Was Hillary in India, CBS? Net Notices Fall, But Not Her Bashing of Americans

This week, Hillary Clinton went on a bitter rant about why she lost the 2016 election, blaming “backward”- looking Americans who don’t like “black people getting rights.” It was another cringe-inducing example of the Democrat finding fault in everyone else. But, as Tim Graham noted on Thursday, most journalistic outlets have ignored the story. (Perhaps to save Clinton from the embarrassment.) 

The comments were made in India and CBS This Morning on Friday finally got around to noticing the trip… but not the insults. Co-host Norah O’Donnell relayed an injury suffered by the 2016 candidate: “Hillary Clinton reportedly fractured her wrist in India It happened after she apparently slipped in the bathtub of her hotel. She was taken to a hospital where a CT scan and x-ray reportedly revealed a minor fracture.” 



Then, she explained more mishaps from the 70-year-old: “Yesterday, she wore a scarf around her right around and hand as she toured on monuments. On Monday, Clinton slipped twice while walking down the steps of a historic palace.” The CBS crew awkwardly watched the video of Clinton almost falling down the stairs. After some silence, co-host John Dickerson murmured, “Tricky.” 

Why was Clinton in India? Did she say anything interesting? In fact, she said this

I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward…. And his whole campaign — ‘Make America Great Again’ — was looking backward. You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights; you don’t like women, you know, getting jobs; you don’t want to, you know, see that Indian American succeeding more than you are — you know, whatever your problem is, I’m gonna solve it.

Yet, as Graham noted, here was the non-coverage of Clinton insulting large swathes of the country: 

ABC: Zero. (Unless….you count The View!)

CBS: Zero.

NBC: Zero. 

PBS NewsHour: Zero.

NPR: Zero. 

MSNBC prime time: Zero. 

The New York Times: Zero.

The Los Angeles Times:  Zero.

USA Today: Zero. 

A transcript of the news brief is below: 

CBS This Morning 
7:51:57 to 7:51:26 

NORAH O’DONNELL: People says Hillary Clinton reportedly fractured her wrist in India It happened after she apparently slipped in the bathtub of her hotel. She was taken to a hospital where a CT scan and x-ray reportedly revealed a minor fracture. Yesterday, she wore a scarf around her right around and hand as she toured on monuments. On Monday Clinton slipped twice while walking down the steps of a historic palace. A spokesperson for Clinton did know immediately respond to People’s request for comment.  

[CBS TM crew watch Clinton slip down stairs.]


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OUTRAGEOUS: Teacher Placed On Leave For Questioning Gun Control Walkout [Video]

A history teacher at a California high school who dared to question her school’s participating in the hyper-political pro-gun control National School Walkout has been placed on leave.

Julianne Benzel said she opened up a discussion in her classroom about the politics of the protest and was subsequently told to stay home on Wednesday because administration disagreed with her views.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” Benzel told CBS13.

The Rocklin High School teacher highlighted the obvious doubled standard from the administration concerning the walkout. Benzel explained that if the school supports a walkout for gun control, they must support walkouts for nearly all other issues, too.

“If you’re going to allow students to walk up and get out of class without penalty then you have to allow any group of students that wants to protest,” she said.

Illustrating the doubled standard, Benzel sids she told the class, “And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time—a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?”

(Narrator: Not a shot)

Additionally, Benzel maintains that she never discouraged any students from participating in the walkout.

The history teacher says she hasn’t received any backlash from students or parents and was not even talked to about the lecture from administration; she was simply informed via a letter from human resources that she was placed on paid administrative leave.

“I didn’t get any backlash from my students. All my students totally understood that there could not be a double standard,” she said.

One student who agrees with Mrs. Benzel chose not to participate in the walkout.

“I feel like if we were to go to school and say something like I want to walk out maybe for abortion rights, then you know they probably wouldn’t let us because that’s more of a conservative push. But someone wants to say let’s walk out for gun control then the school’s going to go with it because it’s more of a popular view,” Nick Wade told CBS13.

In a statement, a spokeswoman for the district claimed parents and students complained about Benzel.

“A Rocklin High School teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave due to several complaints from parents and students involving the teacher’s communications regarding today’s student-led civic engagement activities,” the statement read.

According to CBS13, “Benzel says she has retained legal counsel and plans to sit down with school administrators, Thursday morning.”


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Democrat Wants To Let Democrats Vote In Republican Primaries

The problem is, nobody outside of liberal strongholds (shitholes) will vote for democratic candidates. They’ve locked up the illegal alien votes, tried to block voter ID laws, and sued to get gerrymandered districts to favor democrats, but it’s still not enough. One former democratic Congressman has a unique solution to the left’s election woes: let democrats vote in Republican primaries. Making this even more pathetic, this is a liberal “solution” to destroying the NRA and eventually our gun rights.

Patrick Murphy used to be a Republican but says he got fed up with the Tea Party Movement so he became a democrat and ran for the US House in Florida. After two terms he denied to take on Marco Rubio for a US Senate seat and got his ass kicked, so now he just writes nonsense for The Hill, like this piece in which he wants democrats to be able to vote in Republican primaries to help defeat the NRA:

The National Rifle Association’s influence is widely blamed for preventing common-sense gun control measures from moving forward, and if we want to change that, then the American public needs to demand open primaries. Yes, open primaries will begin to mitigate the NRA’s influence because the group’s power is driven by who shows up to vote.

While adults at large may generally support gun control, it sadly does not rank as the top issue for all but a handful of partisans —  on both sides. But the side backed by the NRA has has spent tens of millions in races across the country and it is as energized as can be. And as such, NRA members do show up to vote and wield extreme influence in closed Republican primaries.

So when firearm issues make the news — such as after a shooting, when the imagined threat of gun confiscation makes the rounds on conspiracy-minded social media sites – these voters double-down to ensure their candidates succeed in the next election. Thus in primaries across Florida, politicians must pander to the gun extremists or risk being tossed out of office.

What I’m getting out of this is that Murphy has a problem with two facts: Most people don’t give enough of a shit about gun control to vote in primary elections and people who support the 2nd Amendment do care enough about the issue to vote. He also has a serious issue with people from a certain political party being able to choose who will represent that party in an election.

This is a really dumb idea but if it were implemented it would backfire spectacularly on democrats. If primaries were open, Republicans would vote for the silliest possible democrat to ensure the candidate would lose the general election. I’m being hypothetical here because in reality all democrats are joke candidates who tend not to win most places in the country. I’m just pointing out how open primaries would get trolled by the other side.

Let’s assume open primaries is phase one of the democrats’ plan to return to power and that phase two involves not letting Republicans vote at all. What better way to win elections if the opposition couldn’t put up a candidate or vote in the general election? I still feel like democrats would find a way to lose under this system because they have no message and are really bad at running campaigns. Hillary Clinton is all the proof you need on that.

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NEW=> Leading GOP Senators Demand ANOTHER Special Counsel To Investigate FBI & DOJ Over Steele Dossier Handling

NEW=> Leading GOP Senators Demand ANOTHER Special Counsel To Investigate FBI & DOJ Over Steele Dossier Handling

Leading Republican Senators are demanding a special counsel investigate the FBI and Justice Department’s handling of the Steele dossier. 

Washington Times reports:

Sens. Charles E. Grassley and Lindsey Graham, the top Republicans who’ve been pursuing the issue, said an inspector general’s investigation is already underway, but it’s constrained by law and it will take someone with special counsel powers to get to the bottom of what happened.

“Thus, we believe that a special counsel is needed to work with the Inspector General to independently gather the facts and make prosecutorial decisions, if any are merited,” said Mr. Grassley and Mr. Graham, who were joined in their request by Sens. John Cornyn and Thom Tillis.

In a

letter released

on February 5th,

Grassley and Graham

 outed the FBI for attempting to suppress revelations inside the dossier.

Other potential conflicts of interest became apparent when senators Grassley and Graham asked the FBI for permission to release the Steele criminal referral last month. Grassley says the FBI stonewalled — then claimed that unclassified information was actually classified and said it could not be released. Unlike the House of Representatives, which has processes allowing members to release formerly classified material without FBI approval, the Senate requires the FBI’s permission. That’s why the documents released today still contain significant blacked out or redacted portions. The FBI’s explanation for that is also partly redacted. FBI Assistant Director for Congressional Affairs Gregory Bower stated “the FBI cannot and will not weaken its commitment to protecting [redacted]. Public reporting about [redacted] does not affect the FBI’s policy with respect to classification [redacted] nor does it diminish our obligations [redacted].”

Steele has admitted part of “his final December memo,” was unvetted.

“Such intelligence was not actively sought; it was merely received,” Steele told a D.C. court.

According to a recent WSJ report, the Obama Justice Department relied on information obtained by Steele, to spy on Trump campaign aide, Carter Page, during the final days of the 2016 presidential election.

Steele infamously compiled the discredited dossier detailing alleged sex acts performed by then-businessman Donald Trump inside a swanky Moscow hotel suite in 2013.

A new report confirms former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed President Barack Obama on the “golden showers” allegations laid out in the Steele dossier.

This week, Fox News contributor Sara Carter revealed that Clapper allegedly leaked key information to CNN stemming from classified briefings to both President Obama and President-Elect Trump about the Steele dossier.


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Congressman Leads Fight Against Child Sex Robots: ‘A Gateway Drug’ For Pedophiles

Anybody who believes the government should not outlaw the trade of child sexbots, which is surely coming to a future near you, has lost their minds.

Not only will child sexbots allow pedophiles with severely depraved minds to simulate their warped fantasy onto a lifelike humanoid that closely resembles a child, it could become a “gateway drug” that encourages pedophiles to enact their fantasy in real life. The bottom line: pedophilia is a depravity. Should someone have pedophilic tendencies, they need immediate psychiatric treatment before they ever harm an innocent child. Anything, be it child pornography (real or simulated) or a sexbot that encourages the thought should be met with the full penalty of the law.

One professor in Belgium does not believe that, though. In fact, Professor Marc Behrendt of ULB University makes the odious claim that child sexbots will help curtail pedophilia.

“It might seem immoral, preposterous and creepy… [but] how do we as a society protect children from sexual predators?” Behrendt asked. “Should we incite pedophiles to unlearn and suppress sexual urges as it has [been] until now with limited success? Or should we, in addition to other therapies, try to divert to CSBs and not real children?”

Thankfully, Republican Dan Donovan of Staten Island has elected to lead the charge against that lunacy. Though currently in its infancy, the child sexbot trade has been gaining steam in recent years, with more and more perverts buying the merchandise from overseas markets. Congressman Dan Donovan, a former prosecutor, says laws must be made against child sexbots before a wave sweeps the U.S.

“When I saw articles on the issues of child sex dolls abroad, I knew I had to act immediately to stop the proliferation of them within the United States,” Donovan said in an email to The Weekly Standard:

To make their possession and import illegal, Donovan has proposed the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act.

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials informed Donovan recently that they’d discovered a child sex doll during a crime bust,” reports the Weekly Standard. “Which suggests that more will be en route..”

The United Kingdom currently bans the sale and possession of child sex dolls under a similar law to the CREEPER Act. In the United States, “thirty-one cosponsors (and counting) have signed on to the CREEPER Act and a petition in support of the bill bears 163,000 signatures from members of the public.”

A recent academic study of the subject, “Child Sex Dolls and Robots: More Than Just an Uncanny Valley” by Drs. Marie-Helen Maras and Lauren Shapiro, makes the case that child sexbots reinforce pedophile behavior.”

“A known creator of such dolls is Shin Takagi, a self-proclaimed pedophile, who founded a company that sells them (Trottla) in Japan, supposedly as an ‘alternative’ to actual offending,” the authos noted. “Even if real children are not involved in the production of child sex dolls and child sex robots they could be harmed thereafter by users of these objects.”​

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US Hits Russia With Sanctions Over Cyber Attacks

The White House on Thursday announced new economic sanctions against Russian officials and oligarchs for their role in alleged cyber attacks.

SecurityWatchRussian state-sponsored hackers not only sought to meddle in 2016’s presidential election. They also tried to breach US industries, including the energy grid, in attacks that continue to this day, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement.

The administration “is confronting and countering malign Russian cyber activity, including their attempted interference in U.S. elections, destructive cyber-attacks, and intrusions targeting critical infrastructure,” Mnuchin said.

According to a US technical advisory, the hacking attempts date back to at least since March 2016, and successfully infiltrated energy sector networks from small commercial facilities via spearphishing emails, which installed malware on victims’ computers. Hackers also targeted the nuclear, water, aviation, and critical manufacturing industries, according to the advisory, which gives a detailed rundown on the attacker’s tactics and tools.

Their goal: to conduct reconnaissance and collect information about the industrial control systems. Last September, the security firm Symantec detailed one of the attacks.

Last month, the US Justice Department indicted 13 Russia nationals and three Russian companies for exploiting social media in 2016 in a covert campaign to influence US voters. Thursday’s sanctions punishes the same individuals and groups named in that indictment, including Yevgeniy V. Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch who reportedly has close ties to country’s president Vladimir Putin.

Thursday’s sanctions also punish six individuals and two Russian spy agencies, the Federal Security Service and Main Intelligence Directorate, for allegedly sponsoring the cyber attacks.

The Russian government is reportedly preparing to retaliate. “We have already started working on our reciprocal measures,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, according to the Russian news agency TASS.

The sanctions also punish Russia for its suspected involvement in the NotPetya ransomware outbreak, which infected computers across the world last year and resulted in billions in economic damage.

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