Recorded machete attacks in the UK have shot up by nearly five times in just three years, with the majority in the capital, London.
The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly, sword-like weapons means there is an average of 15 a day in the UK, or one every 90 minutes.
Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests by the Daily Mail show that police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes in the last two months of 2017.
London saw the bulk, with 425 of the attacks. There were 99 in Greater Manchester, 77 in the West Midlands, and 29 each in Merseyside and West Yorkshire.
Just three years earlier, the deadly blades were used in 100 crimes a month over the same period.
As violent crime surges across the country, and even faster in London, the long blades, designed for chopping undergrowth, appear to be a weapon of choice for criminals in the UK, which is governed by strict gun-control laws.
Khan’s London: Lead Surgeon Says Hospital Like Afghan War Zone, Two More Killed Overnight
In January, Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures showed that in the year to September 2017 the police recorded 37,443 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument.
This represents a sharp rise of 21 per cent increase on the previous year, and the highest number of blade attacks since records began seven years ago.
The rise in knife crime was larger in London, jumping by 38 per cent, and gang-related acid attacks are also on the rise.
Across the UK, violent crime overall surged by 20 per cent, robbery was up by 29 per cent, and sex offences surged by 23 per cent.
Since 2011, the number of offences involving a knife or a sharp instrument had been falling, but began rising in the past three years, the ONS explained.
London under the leadership of Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan has experienced more than 50 murders so far this year – surpassing the number recorded in New York City over the same period for the first time.
Sadiq’s London: Knife Crime, Gun Crime, Theft, Burglary, Rape, Homicide all MASSIVELY Up
Chick-fil-A’s gradual move into the Big Apple over the last few years got a great big thumbs down in a New Yorker article — titled “Chick-fil-A’s creepy infiltration of New York City” — which called out the fast-food chain’s “pervasive Christian traditionalism” among other critiques.
The author of the piece, Dan Piepenbring, described being “alone on the rooftop of the largest Chick-fil-A in the world” on Fulton Street in Manhattan, noting it opened last month and is the company’s fourth operation so far in the city.
He admitted, too, that “New York has taken to Chick-fil-A” and that the chain intends to open “as many as a dozen more storefronts in the city.”
“And yet the brand’s arrival here feels like an infiltration, in no small part because of its pervasive Christian traditionalism,” he continued. “Its headquarters, in Atlanta, is adorned with Bible verses and a statue of Jesus washing a disciple’s feet. Its stores close on Sundays. Its C.E.O., Dan Cathy, has been accused of bigotry for using the company’s charitable wing to fun anti-gay causes, including groups that oppose same-sex marriage.”
Piepenbring noted that when the first Chick-fil-A opened in New York three years ago “a throng of protesters appeared. When a location opened in a Queens mall, in 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a boycott. No such controversy greeted the opening of this newest outpost. Chick-fil-A’s success here is a marketing coup. Its expansion raises questions about what we expect from our fast food, and to what extent a corporation can join a community.”
The author added that Chick-fil-A’s “emphasis on community … suggests an ulterior motive. The restaurant’s corporate purpose still begins with the words ‘to glorify God,’ and that proselytism thrums below the surface of the Fulton Street restaurant, which has the ersatz homespun ambiance of a megachurch.”
Misspellings — and many moos
Piepenbring also appeared to have little patience for the company’s mispelled mantra — “EAT MOR CHIKIN” — or its emphasis on cows.
Image source: YouTube screenshot
“Employees dance around in Cow suits. The company’s advertising manager doubles as its ‘Cow czar.’ The Cows have their own calendar. (This year’s theme is ‘Steers of Yesteryear.’),” he added. “They’ve been inducted into the Madison Avenue Walk of Fame, and their Facebook following is approaching seven figures. Stan Richards, who heads the ad agency that created the Cows, the Richards Group, likened them to ‘a guerrilla insurgency’ in his book, ‘The Peaceable Kingdom’: ‘One consumer wrote to tell us the campaign was so effective that every time he sees a field of cows he thinks of chicken. We co-opted an entire species.’”
More from the New Yorker piece:
It’s worth asking why Americans fell in love with an ad in which one farm animal begs us to kill another in its place. Most restaurants take pains to distance themselves from the brutalities of the slaughterhouse; Chick-fil-A invites us to go along with the Cows’ Schadenfreude. In the portraits at the Fulton Street restaurant, the Cows visit various New York landmarks. They’re in Central Park, where “EAT MOR CHIKIN” has been mowed into the lawn. They’re glimpsing the Manhattan Bridge from Dumbo, where they’ve modified a stop sign: “stop eatin burgrz.” They’re on the subway, where the advertisements . . . you get the picture. The joke is that the Cows are out of place in New York — a winking acknowledgment that Chick-fil-A, too, does not quite belong here.
“Its arrival in the city augurs worse than a load of manure on the F train,” Piepenbring added, noting also that “there’s something especially distasteful about Chick-fil-A, which has sought to portray itself as better than other fast food: cleaner, gentler, and more ethical, with its poultry slightly healthier than the mystery meat of burgers.”
He concluded, urging New Yorkers to say “NO MOR” to Chick-fil-A.
This writer’s perspective
While Chick-fil-A has been hammered by many on the left for its founder’s views on traditional marriage, the company just keeps growing and spreading. Even Piepenbring noted that he “could see that the line to get inside” the new Fulton Street restaurant “stretched almost to the end of the block.”
The same scene greeted a first-time diner at NYC’s first Chick-fil-A:
Image source: YouTube screenshot
Who knew there were that many conservative New Yorkers to save Chick-fil-A’s skin?
And while we’re at it, let’s not forget Chick-fil-A never seems to cease doing good for somebody, somewhere:
And as you can see from a news report following de Blasio’s call for a Chick-fil-A boycott a couple of years back, customers didn’t seem terribly interested:
BREAKING: Congress Drafts Articles Of Impeachment For Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein
by Joshua Caplan April 13, 2018
Fox News reporter Chad Pergram tweeted Friday that Congress has drafted articles of impeachment for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“Fox has learned that articles of impeachment have been drafted for Rosenstein..though not filed. It is not clear which lawmaker drafted the articles…or if they would go anywhere in cmte or on the flr,” tweeted Pergram.
Fox has learned that articles of impeachment have been drafted for Rosenstein..though not filed. It is not clear which lawmaker drafted the articles…or if they would go anywhere in cmte or on the flr
n those conversations, he has repeated the phrase, “Here I stand,” a reference to Martin Luther’s famous quote, “Here I stand, I can do no other.” Coincidentally, former FBI Director James Comey, whom Rosenstein fired, repeated the same phrase to President George W. Bush in a conversation that has been widely reported and that Comey describes in his forthcoming book.
One source who spoke to Rosenstein said he seemed fully aware he may soon lose his job and was at peace with the possibility, confident he had done his job with integrity.
Rosenstein has said in recent private conversations that history will prove he did the right thing by firing Comey in May 2017, claiming that the American people do not have all the facts about what led to his decision to write the memo that led to Comey’s dismissal, the sources said.
One source toldThe Wall Street Journal that Rosenstein’s firing is “a matter of when, not if.”
The report comes after Trump and Rosenstein met for what the White House described as ‘routine Department business.’
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein seen on video leaving the White House this afternoon. He met with Pres. Trump “regarding routine Department business,” White House says.
This week, Trump hammered Rosenstein for extending the FISA warrant on Carter Page.
“Much of the bad blood with Russia is caused by the Fake & Corrupt Russia Investigation, headed up by the all Democrat loyalists, or people that worked for Obama. Mueller is most conflicted of all (except Rosenstein who signed FISA & Comey letter). No Collusion, so they go crazy!” Trump tweeted.
Much of the bad blood with Russia is caused by the Fake & Corrupt Russia Investigation, headed up by the all Democrat loyalists, or people that worked for Obama. Mueller is most conflicted of all (except Rosenstein who signed FISA & Comey letter). No Collusion, so they go crazy!
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Joy Behar is at it again and one wonders why the producers of “The View” continue to allow this loose cannon on deck to continue to run amok.
It was only last month when the foghorn-voiced Behar who had accused Christians and Vice President Mike Pence’s religious beliefs to be the product of “mental illness” was forced to apologize after much embarrassment to ABC which signs her paychecks.
You would think that she could have kept the demons that have taken up residence inside her head at bay for at least a small period of time to let things blow over but when it comes to the demented whack jobs on the left, this is just not something that is possible.
It is pathological now and freaks like Behar can no more help themselves than pedophiles or serial killers can.
On Thursday, she trashed President Trump and showered praise on Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin as being preferable to the legitimately elected leader of the free world.
On Thursday, Joy Behar of “The View,” who is simply unable to avoid letting the most vile things come out of her mouth, likened President Trump to the murderous trio of Kim Jong Un, Vladmir Putin and Bashar Assad. One choice comment from Behar: “Do you think Kim Jong Un is less moral than Trump?”
The segment of the show began with Whoopi Goldberg mocking Trump for criticizing Barack Obama telegraphing what he would do on foreign policy, then playing clips of Trump saying he liked the element of surprise, then segueing to Trump’s tweet saying Russia had better watch out in Syria for a possible missile strike in Syria.
Host Sara Haines said, “I kind of remember the good old days when he was friends with dictators. Now that he’s threatening them, I don’t know which one’s scarier.”
At that point, Behar chimed in: “We’ve gotten to the point in this world now where we have to rely on the sanity of Kim Jong Un and Putin over the president of the United States. That’s where we’re at, because one of the guys over there said, ‘We do not do diplomacy by tweet.’ (to the audience) Thank you. Thank you.”
Don’t forget the lovefest that the leftist media bestowed on the North Korean dictatorship and especially Kim Jong-un’s sinister sister during the Winter Olympics in February:
I just loved the whole F-Trump opening to the Olympics last night. From all Koreans coming in together under one blue flag of peace, to Pence & “mother” forced to sit in front of Kim’s sister, to the popular Korean singers joining together to sing John Lennon’s “Imagine” – BOOM!
BOOM! Nunes, Gowdy & Goodlatte Demand Rosenstein Turn Over Comey Memos BY MONDAY
by Joshua Caplan April 13, 2018
On Friday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA.), House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) demanded Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein turn over copies of fired FBI Director James Comey’s memos about his conservations with President Donald Trump — by Monday.
JUST IN: Three House GOP chairmen — Goodlatte, Gowdy and Nunes — demand Comey’s memos, which triggered the special counsel probe, from Rosenstein.
As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, the FBI is keeping the memos tightly guarded.
FBI will not allow Congressional investigators to review “unclassified” Comey documents without supervision.
Byron York: the public needs to know. There is too much secrecy out. I was writing today about the Comey memos. The fired FBI director is planning his big book selling extravaganza to start this weekend. And these memos that Comey wrote are being treated like the highest state secrets inside the Justice Department. Members of the Oversight Committees have asked to see them. They’ve only been allowed to be seen by one or two people. There’s an FBI minder in the room all the time, no copies are allowed, no note taking is allowed. Most of these things are NOT EVEN CLASSIFIED!
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On Friday, Fox News reported that articles of impeachment have been drafted for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, although they have not yet been officially filed.
Fox News’ congressional reporter Chad Pergram reported that the articles of impeachment have been drafted although it is not clear which lawmaker drafted the articles and it’s not clear if they will go to a committee or to the floor.
If you are one of those people who believes the purpose of school is to educate children rather than indoctrinate them in the ways of liberalism, you probably went to one of those “stupid” schools that actually teaches. A school board in Maine just passed a gun control resolution because…I have no idea why. Seriously, for what reason would a school board pass a gun control resolution? It’s not even related to the debate around arming and training teachers, it’s just a typical liberal gun-grabbing/rights-stomping anti-2nd Amendment rant.
A resolution asking elected official at all levels to enact “common sense gun measures and other laws”…was adopted unanimously by the Mount Desert Island Regional School System (MDIRSS) board Monday night.
It urges passage of gun control measures including “universal background checks; increased regulation of gun ownership for those with criminal records, domestic violence, drug and alcohol convictions, and mental illness; increased research on the effects of gun violence on our society; and increased regulation of the civilian use of lethal, semi-automatic weapons and related devices that are weapons of choice in mass shootings.”
“It’s an opportunity to show our kids and the staff who work in our buildings that we really care, we really take them seriously, and we’re willing to take a stand on really hard issues,” said resolution sponsor Caroline Pryor.
No, it shows that the school board wastes its time pushing a liberal unconstitutional agenda.
And about that, the school board thinks they have their bases covered:
As part of the resolution, the school board affirmed the following: “We believe in and support the U.S. Constitution and all of its amendments, including the Second Amendment’s rights for sportswomen and men, hunters and others to own and use appropriate firearms.”
Let’s dissect the logic here, shall we? Saying you support the 2nd Amendment rights of only hunters and sportsman means you don’t support those rights for others. If you don’t support gun ownership rights for everyone, you don’t support the 2nd Amendment.
Also, since the the 2nd Amendment doesn’t say anything about gun ownership being limited to hunting and sporting purposes, claiming it does shows a complete lack of support for it. Plus, these nimrods want to put massive restrictions on gun ownership and ban weapons, which are 2 telltale signs that they may not be the biggest 2nd Amendment supporters on the block.
But let’s hear from an actual gun owner. Surely he would be against this resolution, right?
Board member Scott Grierson, a longtime gun owner who spoke in favor of the resolution at the school board’s March meeting, reiterated his support Monday.
Observing that he might be more comfortable with guns than many other members of the school board, Grierson said, “As someone probably from the other side of the spectrum, I applaud this resolution. Amen, I’m all for it.
He voted for a gun control resolution. I can assure him he’s on the same side of the spectrum as the non-gun owning liberals.
Now check out this weird little section:
“I don’t think this is about being anti gun or pro gun. This is trying to find some reasonableness, and I think this is a reasonable approach,” said Grierson.
Board member John Bench agreed that the resolution is reasonable.
As you can see, the consensus is that gun control is reasonable. It’s like these people have been brainwashed and programmed to repeat the same words. “Yes, we all agree on the reasonableness of the reasoning behind this reasonable reason.”
Let’s keep in mind that these people are members of a school board, responsible for the education of children, and they have changed the meaning of “unreasonable” to “reasonable.” Is it reasonable to restrict a Constitutionally protected civil right? Is it reasonable to strip a person of their ability to defend themselves? No, these things a are not reasonable.
On Friday, the Department of Justice’s inspector general released its report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe which accuses him of repeatedly misleading investigators. The New York Times reports:
On Friday, The New Yorker honed in on a serious threat to the lives of all New Yorkers: the arrival of Chick-Fil-A in their homey little corner of the universe. In a 1400-word diatribe titled “Chick-Fil-A’s Creepy Infiltration of New York City,” one Dan Piepenring wrote that New Yorkers should not accept the intrusion of a popular restaurant serving chicken because the owner happens to be a religious Christian. “The air smelled fried,” Piepenring wrote, ominously.
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