Conservative street artist Sabo has been permanently suspended from Twitter.
Sabo, who ran the @UnsavoryAgents account, was banned from the platform on Friday.
“Was not told why or for how long. I just saw I no longer have my 32,000 followers and I’m no longer following anybody,” claimed Sabo in an email to Breitbart Tech. “They want nothing less than to completely destroy us on the Right.”
Sabo has frequently criticized the power that large tech companies and social networks, and this month the street artist plastered New York City with posters targeting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He also mocked Zuckerberg’s potential political aspirations last year.
Last year, Sabo also posted anti-Google advertisements outside of the company’s offices in Los Angeles.
Social justice warrior ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick may have just blown his best shot at landing a pro football job.
The polarizing athlete has been working out as he tries to launch a comeback and reportedly was being brought in by the Seattle Seahawks for a workout to be Russell Wilson’s backup.
The Seahawks are a team that is so liberal that Rolling Stone magazine called them the “social justice warriors of the NFL” and would have been a perfect spot for Kaepernick to land.
Only one minor concession on his part was needed and he could start drawing a paycheck again.
All he had to do was agree to stop kneeling during the national anthem.
It was a no brainer but to a man without a functional brain it was too much and after reportedly refusing, the team called off the meeting.
After arranging for Colin Kaepernick to work out for the Seahawks this week, Seattle postponed the trip when the quarterback declined to stop kneeling during the national anthem next season, league sources tell ESPN.
After arranging for Colin Kaepernick to work out for the Seattle Seahawks this week, team officials postponed the trip when the quarterback declined to say he would stop kneeling during the national anthem next season, a league source told ESPN on Thursday.
Seattle still is considering bringing in Kaepernick for a tryout, and no decisions are final, a source said.
The Seahawks had contacted Kaepernick about two weeks ago to arrange a visit to the team’s headquarters, but after tentative arrangements were made and travel was planned, the trip was unexpectedly scuttled over the Seahawks’ last-minute stipulation regarding Kaepernick’s anthem stance, a source told ESPN.
The source said the Seahawks wanted to know that Kaepernick wouldn’t kneel this season, and he was unwilling to give that assurance to them.
So there you have it. Being a “race messiah” SJW without a real job is Kaepernick’s own personal choice. He was all but handed an offer of gainful employment on a silver platter and he chose not to agree to one simple request from his prospective employer.
There is no blackballing, collusion or racism involved, it’s only the guy’s own stubbornness and stupidity.
In slamming the door on this clown, Seattle went out and signed the immortal Stephen Morris who has never appeared in an NFL game but will stand for the anthem.
After canceling a workout with Colin Kaepernick, the Seahawks have signed a quarterback who has never appeared in an NFL game
Matthew Schoenecker — a freshman at Markesan High School in Wisconsin — was more than happy to show WISN-TV his collection of witty T-shirts depicting guns and other weapons.
One spells the word “Love” using a handgun, grenade, knives and a rifle. Another declares “Celebrate Diversity” underneath an image of 12 different firearms. And then there’s the one that announces, “2nd Amendment: America’s Original Homeland Security.”
Image source: YouTube screenshot
“I enjoy shooting, and I enjoy the Second Amendment, like the right to keep and bear arms,” Matthew told the station.
Image source: YouTube screenshot
But according to Matthew, his principal doesn’t much enjoy his T-shirts — and banned him from wearing them to school, WISN reported.
In fact, the station said Matthew and his parents were told before spring break that he could no longer come to school wearing the T-shirts. But when Matthew went to school last Friday wearing the “Love” T-shirt, he got in trouble, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
Image source: YouTube screenshot
“It was his choice whether he wears it or not,” Matthew’s father, Brian Schoenecker, told the station. “He decided, ‘I’m gonna wear this. It’s my right.’”
Image source: YouTube screenshot
Schoenecker said he was “a little upset” upon learning that his son was being disciplined and went there with Matthew’s mother, Pam Schoenecker, to “see what’s going on,” WISN reported.
What happened to Matthew?
Matthew’s parents found him in a small room known as “the cubicle” because he refused to cover his gun T-shirt, WISN said. He received no instruction while in the cubicle, the Journal Sentinel reported, adding that the principal sent Matthew there.
Image source: YouTube screenshot
Regarding her son’s T-shirts, Pam Schoenecker told WISN “there’s nothing in there saying he’s promoting violence whatsoever, which is what the principal said was the issue, that he was promoting violence at school.”
How is Matthew fighting back?
Matthew filed a federal lawsuit against the principal, the station reported, adding that gun rights group Wisconsin Carry is funding it.
“I didn’t think it would get this big, this bad,” Matthew told WISN.
What does the suit say?
The suit was filed Monday in Milwaukee and names principal John Koopman as the sole defendant, the Journal Sentinel reported, adding the suit claims Koopman violated Matthew’s freedom of expression and that his T-shirts depict guns and other weapons in “a non-violent, non-threatening manner.”
John Monroe — a Georgia-based attorney who’s successfully represented many Wisconsin gun owners — is representing Matthew, the paper added.
What does Wisconsin Carry have to say?
Nik Clark, Wisconsin Carry president, told the Journal Sentinel that Matthew’s parents are members of his group and that they said teachers were harassing Matthew about his T-shirts after the Parkland, Florida, shooting even though he’d been wearing them all year without an issue.
Image source: YouTube screenshot
Clark added to the paper that he doesn’t believe the case needs to drag on long and that the Markesan community supports gun rights. The suit, he said, seeks only a court order allowing Matthew to wear his T-shirts and costs for bringing the lawsuit, the Journal Sentinel reported.
There are no explicit school rules against T-shirts featuring guns, the paper added, but Koopman told Matthew’s parents at a meeting last month that he has discretion to restrict clothing at school he deems inappropriate.
Both WISN and the Journal Sentinel said the Markesan School District didn’t respond to their requests for comment.
The Seattle Seahawks reportedly postponed Colin Kaepernick’s trip to a pre-season camp with the team after the embattled quarterback told the team he would not stop his national anthem kneeling protests.
The team is thinking about allowing Kaepernick to try out for a spot on the team but they have not made any decisions, a source told ESPN.
Kaepernick, a former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, was contacted by the Seahawks around two weeks ago to make a trip to the team’s center and practice. A source told ESPN the trip was put off after the Seahawks argued about Kaepernick’s anthem protest.
It’s unclear what day the quarterback was supposed to practice with the team.
The team reportedly asked Kaepernick if he would continue his protest if he was signed to the NFL again and he was “unwilling to give that assurance to them.”
Not to mention it wasn’t his decision to make not to prosecute Hillary, he wasn’t the prosecutor and Lynch, whose decision it was, was never recused. So it was her decision or her deputy’s to make.
Lanny Davis, a longtime Clinton family ally, revealed he was interviewed by the Justice Department inspector general for its investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton emails probe.
Moreover, Davis, who served as a special counsel to former President Bill Clinton, predicts Inspector General Michael Horowitz will come down “very hard” on Comey in its final assessment.
During an interview with Bill O’Reilly on the former Fox News host’s website, Davis explained why he thought Comey should have been fired by former President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
“I was interviewed by the inspector general. I only told one reporter that and it was never written,” he said. “So this is my first to say that I was interviewed after my making a phone call researching my book that I considered James Comey to have acted unethically and that he should have been fired by Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch because he violated Justice Department policies by holding a press conference and expressing his opinion publicly on the evidence.”
The usual insults and not listening to an opposing view.
Former NFL star and conservative commentator Burgess Owens was heckled and shouted down by students for allegedly speaking “against” his “own people” at a lecture last month.
Owens routinely speaks on leadership, especially within the black community, and the opportunities America can provide for young black men, touching on similar topics during his speech at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, where he was hosted by Young Americans for Freedom.
While he was able to deliver his prepared remarks without incident, the audience repeatedly interrupted and insulted Owens during the question-and-answer portion of the talk, so much so that the moderator eventually had to shut it down.
In one case, after questioning Owens on his views of police brutality and the school-to-prison pipeline, both of which are issues Owens deals with in his work with the One Heart Project, the audience member proceeded to ask him “what was your name again?”
“Burgess Owens,” he replied, to which the student commented that she “thought it was Tom,” in reference to Uncle Tom, before storming out of the auditorium while Owens quipped that “there goes our biggest problem.”
“The minute you start calling names, you’ve already stopped the debate,” he continued. “You’re not looking for answers. You’re looking for ways of insulting, and that’s not how Americans do it.”
The next questioner proceeded to aggressively rip the microphone from the moderator’s hands, shouting at him while he attempted to hold on to it.
“I had the mic. You took the mic away from me. I’m talking. I’m asking a question,” the student complained as other demonstrators loudly backed him up.
He then proceeded to condemn Student Affairs for going “two-for-two” on bringing “xenophobic” people to campus who apparently speak against their own beliefs, saying that in addition to Owens, a Muslim woman came to campus and spoke “against her Islamic beliefs.”
When the moderator attempted to interrupt the student’s rant, the audience began shouting him down, with one woman screaming “let him finish!”
Owens attempted to address the audience member, but was repeatedly interrupted as the student protested that the mic was taken away from him.
High-tech traffic cameras in Australia are being used to covertly issue tickets to drivers using their cellphones while driving, according to News Corp Australia.
Why is this happening?
Using mobile devices while driving is unlawful in Australia, and distracted drivers are a leading cause of fatal crashes in the country, according to the report.
The technology, touted as a “world first,” detected 272 offenders during a five-hour test on just one lane of the Eastern Freeway in Melbourne, Victoria, last year, the Herald Sun reported.
The report goes on to explain that drivers were dinged even if they touched their phone while it rested in a holder.
“The trial revealed that 7.1 percent of the drivers observed infringed phone use laws. And 65.8 percent of those offenses related to motorists actively using their phone by holding it or touching it in a cradle,” according to the report.
A New South Wales Police spokesman told that officers currently “use a variety of methods to detect drivers using their phones while driving”.
“Line-of-site, by trained officers is the primary method of detection, however, long-ranged cameras have been used with success, and helmet cameras in motorcycle police continue to be used,” the spokesman told the outlet.
But the traditional methods could soon be replaced by stationary cameras that automatically issue “infringement notices” to drivers, the report stated.
NSW Police Highway Patrol boss, Assistant Commissioner Mick Corboy, told the media that it’s part of “emerging technologies” that law enforcement leaders have at their disposal.
“So the way we are going to defeat this is by video evidence, by photographic evidence and we are looking at everything possible around the world at the moment and we think we’ll get something in place fairly quickly,” Corboy said.
His comments were made in response to NSW Minister for Roads Melinda Pavey, who this week called for “practical, technology-based solutions to address the problem” of mobile phone use in cars, according to the news report.
“Developing this technology would be a world-first and is one of the priorities of our Road Safety Plan 2021 that we announced,” Pavey said.
The so-called Road Safety Plan 2021 outlines how to implement legislative changes that allow cameras to enforce mobile phone use offenses.
What are the punishments?
People caught using their cellphones while driving face heavy fines. Drivers in North South Wales caught using a mobile phone can be fined $330. In the Australian Capital Territory, fines are as high as $528.
Drivers are encouraged to pull over to the side of the road — in a place where it’s legal to stop — to make or receive phone calls.
“There is no requirement to turn off the engine,” a police spokesman told “Although the rule that relates to mobile telephones does not say that the vehicle must be in an area where it is legal to park, other Australian Road Rules apply. To put that into context, it is not legal to park at a set of traffic lights, therefore it is unlawful to use a hand-held phone while stationary at those lights.”
NSW Police last year issued fines to 42,000 drivers caught using their mobile phones, reported. Nationwide, 1,300 lives were lost on roads in Australia, a figure that represents an increase of nearly 8 percent on the previous year (1,205).
President Donald Trump is reportedly prepared to pardon former Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, ABC News reported.
Libby will be the second person granted a pardon by Trump.
What’s the story?
In 2007, a jury convicted Libby for obstruction and lying to FBI agents during an investigation into the leaking of the identity of former CIA agent Valerie Plame.
Libby had also publicly denied being the source of information, but several people testified that they received Plame’s information from him.
The leak occurred in 2003 after Plame’s husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, began criticizing the George W. Bush administration.
“My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in both the White House and the State Department,” Plame told Congress in 2007, NBC News reported at the time.
Syndicated columnist Robert Novak revealed Plame’s identity in a column, which she said destroyed her career.
“I felt like I had been hit in the gut, it was over in an instant, I immediately thought of my family’s safety,” Plame said.
Cheney called on then-President George W. Bush to pardon Libby.
Bush refused to grant Libby’s pardon, but he did commute his 30-month prison sentence, stating at the time that it was “excessive.”
Libby’s conviction, a $250,000 fine, and probation terms remained in place.
Since his conviction, the 67-year-old has regained his voting rights, and his law license has been restored, according to USA Today.
Many conservatives, including Joe diGenova, a close adviser to Trump, have urged the president to pardon Libby.
What else?
Last year, Trump pardoned former Arizona Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio after he was convicted for criminal contempt of court for refusing to comply with orders to stop arresting illegal immigrants.
In scathing remarks made after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Marsha Blackburn said that Zuckerberg’s remarks constituted a de facto admission that Facebook censors content from conservative sources.
Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, made the remarks on the Breitbart News Tonight radio program on Thursday. Saying that the House “did a little bit of a deeper dive on the issues of privacy and censorship than our colleagues over in the Senate,” she said what they found indicated that regulation may be necessary.
When asked about a decline in traffic for conservative news outlets touched off by algorithm changes at Facebook, Blackburn noted that “at one point, (Zuckerberg) made a comment that Facebook is more like a government than a traditional company.
“So I took that quote from him as meaning that he sees himself as more than a normal company,” Blackburn said. “So let’s start with that premise. I asked him if he was subjectively manipulating his algorithms in order to prioritize content or to censor free speech, and he wanted to push the question off: ‘Well, you know, we have to manipulate our algorithms for things like terrorism.’
“And I cut him off, and I said, ‘I got to tell you. Diamond and Silk is not terrorism. That is not terrorism,’” Blackburn said, referring to the viral Trump supporters whose content’s reach was limited because, according to the company, they “came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”
Blackburn said that the Facebook CEO “made the point that I was wanting to make — that they are subjective in how they manipulate these algorithms.
“Then he referenced that they have 15 to 20 thousand content managers who look at content, and he admitted that Silicon Valley is a liberal place and people bring their bias to work with them even though he said he does not want them to exercise that bias in their jobs. We all know that they do.”
Do you think Facebook is biased against conservatives?
Blackburn noted that they were a bit more than just a neutral platform for discussion.
“I just found it interesting that he tried to always say, ‘We’re just here to connect people,’” Blackburn said.
“Well, they do a lot more than connect people, but he got off into some of the other businesses that they do. The broadband expansion that they’re doing. They’re even trying to do a plane that will be used as a connector, if you will, for people. There are so many other areas they are working in, so it is simplistic to say they are simply a platform for people to connect because they are an enormous advertising company.”
Blackburn also called for regulation in the area of privacy.
“This is why we need to have protections for users who are using this site — because it (has) a tremendous amount of power, and it is why there needs to be statutes that will guard the privacy and (enact) laws so that you retain the right to protect your virtual you, you and your presence online, because they make a boatload of money selling the information about you to people that you do not know.”
However, she noted that Facebook’s invitation for Congress to regulate them may not be as innocent as one might think.
“I will caution one thing,” Blackburn said in closing. “Sometimes, when a company becomes very large, they will say they would like to have federal regulation. They do that because federal regulation is expensive and costly, and new-start competitors can’t compete with that. So you eliminate competition.
“This is why we need a very simple privacy standard and one set of rules and one regulator, and that’s it.”